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May 13, 1938 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1938-05-13

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The Weather
Fair and warmer today; to-
morrow warmer, with showers.


Bk iga


The Kid -
In Testreet..
And His Gods....






Forces Defeat
House Attacks
On Relief Bill
Repulse\ GOP's Attempts
To Return Aid Problem
To States,_106 To 39
Denoeratic Revolt
is AlsoSuppressed
strong alignment of House Democrats
repeatedly defeated efforts to write
restrictive amendments into the Ad-
ministration's $3,000,000,000 relief
and public works bill today.
Successively it repulsed Republi-
can attempts to turn the relief prob-
lem back to the states and to reduce
proposed expenditures, while Demo-
cratic moves to limit the discharge of
WPA workers and to reimburse farm-
ers for penalty taxes paid under the
old tobacco control act were rejected
on points of order.
Predict Approval Of Bill
With each such decision, the House
edged so much nearer a final vote on
the measure. Administration . lead-
ers predicted the bill would be ap-
proved by\a wide margin.
Setting;" aside $1,250,000,000 for
work relief, $965,000,000 for public
works and smaller sums for other
activities, the bill is a key item in
President Roosevelt's program of $4,-
500,000,000 in loans and expenditures.
Bi-Partisan Board's Proposed
The first major proposal of the Re-
publican opponents was an amend-
ment to hand the relief problem over
to the states. Representative Bacon
(Rep., N.Y.) proposed that bi-parti-
san boards be established in each
state, and that the states be required
to contribute one-fourth of all relief
"By this plan we believe we will go
a long way toward eliminating politics
in relief and relief in politics," Bacon
said, asserting too hat "more relief
money would reach the people in ac-
tual need."
Gives Festival
Spalding AndVan Deursen
Offer Third Program;
Martini ToSing Tonight
Albert Spalding, world-renowned
violinist, will present the third May
Festival concert at 2:30 p.m. today.
Hardin Van Deursen, baritone, will
be heard on the same program.
Juva Higbee, director of music in
the Ann Arbor high schools, will pre-
sent her Young People's Festival
Chorus of 400 voices in the world pre-
miere of Dorothy James' "Paul Bun-
The Philadelphia Orchestra will be
conducted by Eugene Ormandy and
Juya Higbee. At 8:30 p.m. today the
Orchestra will again be presented,
with Mr. Ormandy conducting.
Nino Martini will be heard at to-
night's concert. The famous singer
of stage, screen and radio will in-
clude in his program "Racconto di
Rodolfo," from "La Boheme," by

Puccini and "Je Crois Entendre En-
core," from "L'Elisir d'Amore," by
Ai Mistry Policy
Upheld In Commons
LONDON, May 12.-(P)-The Brit-
ish Government won a House of Com-
mons vote of confidence in its Air
Ministry today after pledging to triple
the output of warplanes by March,
Opposition members had demand-
ed an investigation of the reasom
why Britain's aircraft production was
lagging behind Germany's, and the
issue came to a head in a Liberal
Party move to reduce appropriations
for the Air Ministry.
The attempt was defeated, 299 tc
Pledges Britain would have in the
neighborhood of 3,500 first line air-
craft by March, 1940, were given by

Rackham School Visit Reveals
Palace For Graduates' Studies

Dean C. S. Yoakum Shows
Building To Small Unit,
Of Graduate Students
The University can now lay claim to
one of the most beautiful buildings int
the world. The Horace Rackham l
School for Graduate Studies was op-t
ened unofficially yesterday to a small t
group of graduate students by Dean
Clarence S. Yoakum. . '
The entrance hall is painted an;
Egyptian rose with lights faintly re-
sembling the Roman fasces. Great
doors, sound proofed with leather, are:
the most striking features of the
hall. These lead into the auditorium
with a seating capacity of 1,200. The
seats are finished with a dull goldt
upholstery according to Robert Du-
Bey, student publicity director. There P
is a small stage for speaking. The
latest motion picture equipment is1
furnished with finely spun screen andt
the amplifiers are built into the
pillars. The auditorium is carpeted
with a thick blue rug, having a flowerF
Directly above the auditorium is fhe
research lecture room. Designed for
the use ofresearch s cieties, the ros-
trum is equipped with compressed air,
gas and electricity.
The two lounges, one for men and
one for women, are impressively large.
They have heavily upholstered chairs.
divans and tables. The men's lounge
has far more study tables than the
women's but less easy chairs. Al-
thoutgh they have not been delivered
yet, pianos have been ordered. Each
lounge is equipped with a fire-
place for the winter months.
Hughes Shift
I Legal View
Hit By Wallace1
Supreme Court Decision
Is Criticized In Letter
As Unfair To Farmers
WASHINGTON, May 12.-P)-Sec-
retary of Agriculture Wallace made
public tonight an unprecedented let-
ter to Chief Justice Charles Evans
Hughes telling him, in effect, that he
had switched his position on an im-
portant point of legal procedure.
Earlier in the day, Hughes had
made a speech in which, besides crit-
icizing unnamed judges as unquali-
fied, he called on administrative agen-
cies of the Government to display ju-
dicial "impartiality and indepen-
dence." Although he did not mention
Wallace's department, his listeners
were reminded of a Supreme Court
decision April 25 invalidating a Wal-
lace order reducing rates charged by
Commission men in the Kansas City
livestock market.
The order was invalidated on the
ground the Commission men were
not given opportunity to rebut find-
ings of fact made by an examiner
of the Agriculture department.
Wallace, in addition to declaring
this was a reversal of a position taken
two years ago, sent a letter to Se-
ators saying the effect of the Supreme
Court decision was to give "the Kan-
sas City Comission men and their at-
torney $700,000 of impounded money
which rightfully belongs to the farm-
Wallace said that in the case in
question the findings were not thrown
open to rebuttal, but he contended
that heinherited the case from the
' oover Administration, and that 20
months ago he established the prac-
tice of permitting such rebuttals

Doctor H. W. Wade, Medical Di-
rector of the American Leprosy Foun-
dation, will lecture at 1:30 p.m. today
in West Amphitheatre of the West
Medical Building on "Leprosy, A
World Problem."

On the sides of the research lec-
ture room are four exhibition halls
with built-in lighting.
There are two handsomely finished
onference rooms. One of these has7
an attractive clock built into the
wall. Clocks are scattered all over
the building. The conference tables
have not yet arrived but are so large
that they shal have to be put in
through the window.
On the third floor is a small ball-
room which leads out to the terrace.,
This room is sufficiently large to take
care of all graduate dances for there
are only 1,682 graduates excludingv
those in the law, medical, pharma-t
ceutical and business administrationI
schools. Although the room is rathere
narrow and long, the doors may open
to the terrace and dancing can bet
carried on easily. The floor is of a
perpetually smooth composition. Near-I
by is a rather large kitchen with a
tremendous refrigerator and an au-r
tomatic dishwasher.
The graduate study hall is one oft
the most handsome rooms. It is larget
and long with the 32 seals of the
schools in the American Associations
of Colleges around the room justt
below the ceiling. In the periodicalr
(Continued on Page 2)
Meader To End
45 Years here-;
]Dinner Planned
Career Will Be Concludedc
After Summer Session;
To Be Honored May 19t
Forty-five years of service to ther
University will come to an end when
Prof. Clarence L. Meader of the gen-
eral linguistics department retires atE
the close of the Summer Session.
A dinner in honor of Professor
Meader will be given at 8 p.m. Thurs-
day, May 19 at the Michigan-Union,c
reservations for which may be made
by addressing the committee, 1007c
E. Huron St.
Professor Meader studied at the
University and in Greece, Italy and'
Germany, receiving his doctorate here1
in 1899. He taught Latin, philology1
and later took over the work in gen-
eral linguistics, combining t with
philology. During his service here he
initiated the following courses: Ro-
man law, Russian,. hermeneutics,
which deals with the relationship of
language to the other sciences and
arts, experimental phonetics in con-I
junction with Prof. John F. Shepard
of the psychology department and
psychology of language in conjunction
with Prof. Walter B. Pillsbury of the;
psychology department.
At present he is working with Prof.
John H. Muyskens and other mem-
bers of the linguistics department on
a handbook of bio-linguistics in which
the processes of normal language and
defective speech will be interpreted
on the basis of biology
Prof. Nordmeyer
To Talk At Wayne
The art of translation will be dis-
cussed in German by Prof. Henry W.
Nordmeyer, chairman of the German
department, at 4:15 today at a meet-
ing of the Deutscher Verein of Wayne
University in Detroit.
Professor Nordmeyer will read a
portion of his translation of Omar
Khayyam into German and will give
the particular problems which face
the translator.
The purpose of the speech is to fur-
ther neighborly relations between the
German departments of the Univer-
sity and Wayne University, according

to Professor Nordmeyer. Prof. Har-
old A. Basilius, chairman of the Ger-
man department of Wayne University,
spoke here April 28.

Eighth Annual]
Summer Camp I
Drive Is Today]
150 Student Volunteers
Will Solicit Donations
To Send Boys To Camp
$2,000~ Is Goal Set l
For 1938_Tag Day
More than 150 student volunteers
will take over the campus and city0
today to solicit contributions to theC
University Fresh Air Camp in theI
eighth annual spring Tag Day.
The money which is raised will got
toward this summer's operating bud-v
get for the Camp at Patterson Lake.
Proceeds from Tag Days have givena
300 boys from Ann Arbor, Detroit andg
nearby cities the opportunity to at-v
tend the Camp for a month which
they otherwise would not be able"
to do.
This year's Tag Day goal has been
set at $2,000. Volunteers will be sta-
tioned from :45 a.m. to 4 p m. aty
various places on the campus andv
downtown, Charles McLean, Grad.,f
general chairman, announced. C. C.t
Bradner, WWJ news commentatorr
will discuss the Fresh Air Camp ate
his usual broadcast at 12:30 p.m.
Women Buying Separate Tags t
Contrary to usual practice, thef
women's dormitories are not get-a
ing blocks of tags this year, but havec
decided to have each girl buy herc
own on the campus.a
Campus organizations which haves
aided in this year's Tag Day includef
the Union, League, Interfraternity
Council, Student Senate, Assembly
and Congress. President Ruthven has
given his support to the enterprise.
Other organizations contributing are
Ann Arbor High School, Mack, Jones
and Tappan grade schools, Health
Service, League Houses and Univer-
sity faculty members.E
Contributions from Ann Arbor mer-
chants have been received from Weber
Steeb Co., Robert L. Gach Co., Handi-
craft Furniture Co., Ulrich's Book
Store, Muehlig & Lanphear Hard-
ware, Fischer Hardware, Athens Press,
Ann Arbor News, Davis & Ohlinger
Printers, Miller Ice Cream Co., Clover
Leaf Dairy, Mayer-Schairer Co.,
Goodrich Silvertown Stores, Dhu Var-
ren Dairy, Gillespie Sign Co, Mich-
igan Theatre, Wuerth Theatre, Sla-
ter's Book Store and Liberty Cafe.j
Committee Members Listed 1
Roberta Chissus, '39, is co-chairman
of Tag Day with McLean, and Ro-
berta Moore, '40, and Betty Myers
are in charge of the tags. Betty
Shaffer, '39, and John McConachie,
'40, are in charge of fraternities and
sororities. Volunteer chairman are
Frederick Olds, '38, and Marian Bax-
ter, '39; assistants are Harriet Pome-
roy, '39, Frances Sutherland, '39, and
'Betty Spangler, '39.
Members of the publicity commit-
tee which is headed by Robert Mit-
chell, '39, and Dorothea Staebler,
'39, are Katherine Burns, '39Ed., Dor-
othy Munro, '41, Gwengolyn Dunlop,
'40, Suzanne Potter, '40, Lois Verner,.
'40, Marguerite McQuillan, '39A, Mar-
ian Ferguson, '40, and Maya Gruhzit,
'41. Other members of the publicity
committee are Warrinton Willis, '39,
Ganson Taggart, '40E, and Richard
Varnum, '40E.
Members of the merchants' coin-
Continued ou age
School Board Hears
Teacher Tenure Plea

After hearing an analysis of the
measure by Superintendent of Schools
Otto W. Haisley, the board of educa-
tion deferred permission for a local
referendum on the state teacher ten-
ure law at its last meeting.
The board was urged to permit a
vote on the legislation as part of
the annual school meeting in Sep-
Representatives of teacher and civic
:rganizations declared that experi-
ence has shown that standards of
teaching improved when freedom and
security were guaranteed. They
claimed that weaknesses in the pres-I
ent law could be removed by amend-
ment if local communities insisted.

No Wage Cuts,
Lewis Declares
'Practice Right To Work,'
Employers Are Told;
High Pay__Seen Need
Economists Rapped
In CIO Head's Talk
(,)-John L. Lewis, leader of the
CIO, pounded his fist before the
Amalgamated Clothing Workers to-
day and declared that organized la-
bor would stand for no reductions in
Placing the nation's unemployed
at 13,000,000, Lewis called upon em-
ployers to "practice the right to
work." He declared the unemployed
"not for long this time" would be
"willing to watch their children die."
Sees Stronger Organization
"Instead of letting wages be re-
duced," he thundered, "we shall force
wages higher and higher until the
workers of this country can buy the
food, the clothing and the other
things that are produced by the very
machinery that has forced men out
of work."
Lewis asserted wide-spread union-
ization of workers was the only thing
that prevented the present recession
from becoming "a wild panic," and
announcd that on the first day this
country showed signs of economic re-
covery his group would "spring into
action with an organization drive
such as this country never saw be-
Hits Economic Theorists
"We struck three years ago," he
said, "because we knew we had to
strike when jobs were not at such
high premium. We had only 1,-
000,000 workers to back us then, but
next time we will have 4,000,000 work-
ers back of us, and by the time the
next depression rolls around the
working people will do something
about it."
Lewis scowled at economists who
contend the best depression remedy
is lower wages and lower prices. He.
said that if wage reductions, "shrink-
ing purchasing power and con§e-
quent lowering of the living stan-
dards of c9nsumers" make for ec-
onomic appeasement, then the Chi-
nese people, who have "an average
income of $30 a year" would be "the
happiest and most prosperous people
on earth--which they are not."
Technic ,Wins

Hartwell Is Named
Head Of Congress;
May Is Secretary

Congress President

Baseball Team.
Battles O. S.U.
Here At 4. P.M.
Fishman Named To Pitch
Series Opener Opposing
DegenhardOr Kilmer
Back to the Big Ten baseball wars
goes Michigan's nine this afternoon
with Ohio State holding sway in the
enemy camp and Ferry Field the.
scene of battle.
Hostilities begin at 4 p.m. with
southpaw Heim Fishman manning
Michigan's pitching guns, opposed by
either Johnny Dagenhard or Mark
Kilmer of the Buckeyes.
It's bound to be a rough and tough
affair all the way. The Buckeyes are
a powerful outfit, especially around
the pitcher's mound, and the Wol-
verines have shown signs of shaking
their cloak of mediocrity. If both
teams live up to expectations, a close
battle is sure to result.,
Thus far, State has won four and
lost two Big Ten games. They split
with Northwestern and Indiana and
won a pair of shut-out victories fronm
Both Dangenhard and Kilmer are
senior right-handers. The former won
four and lost two in the Conference
last season and showed ,an earned
run average of 1.57. Two .of his vic-
tories were at the expense of Michi-
(Continued on Page 3)

Westbrook, Woog, Tracy,
Wetter, Hoover Chosen
For Posts On Committee
Installation Banquet
To Be Held May 19
Robert Hartwell, 39=, was ppoint-
ed president of Congress, indepen-
dent men's organization, for next
year by the judiciary committee with
Robert May, '39E, Marvin Reider,
'39 and Edward Page, '39E, as ex-
ecutive secretary, treasurer, and re-
'cording secretary, respectively, it was
announced last night by Irving Sil-
verman, '38, retiring president.
Phil Westbrook, '40, was appointed
chairman of the activities committee;
David Woog, '40, editor of the Con-
gress Bulletin; Jack Hoover, '40,
chairman of the sports committee;
Edward Wetter, '39, chairman of the
social committee and Douglas Tracy,
'40E, chairman of the student welfare
committee. All nine men appointed
will serve on the Executive Council
of Congress, in addition to two rep-
resentatives of the District Council to
be elected in the fall.
The ~appointed officers will be in-
stalled at a banquet to be held Thurs-
day, May 19 at the Union at which
several faculty members and students
will speak. Tickets are now on sale
and may be secured at the Union
desk or from Congress' officers, it
was explained. This will be the first
installation banquet held by Con-
gress, which was first organized last
'The judiciary committee which
made. the selections is composed of
Dean Joseph A. Bursley, Prof. Ben-
net A. Weaver of the English depart-
ment, and Silverman and Robert
Kleiner, '38, the outgoing officers of
the Executive Council.
Congress is governed by the Execu-
tive Council, which is appointed and
the District Council, to which the
members are elected each' fall from
the 10 zones into which the under-
graduate independent men on cam-
pus have been divided. The District
Council members are the presidents of
the various zones, it was explained,
from which the two members are se-
lected to sit on the Executive Coun-

National Award

Magazine Is Named
In The Country



CAMBRIDGE, Mass., May 12.-
(Special To The Daily)-The Tech
Engineering News cup for the "finest
undergraduate scientific and en-
gineering publication of 1938" was
presented tonight to the Michigan
Technic. The trophy was accepted
by Sydney Steinborn, '38E, retiring
editor-in-chief of the Technic.
The presentation took place at the
annual Gridiron Banquet at the
Massachusetts Institute of Technol-
ogy. The principal speaker of the'
evening was Mr. Walter Harrington,
advertising manager of the New York
The judges were Donald G. Fink,
managing editor of Electronics maga-
zine; Beverly Dudley of McGraw-
Hill Publications; S. Paul Johnston,
editor of Aviation magazine; and
Vinton Ulrich, associate editor of
Radio Craft.

Ann Arbor Weather Is Too Much
So Ben Franklin Leaves Campus

1 1
J aps Threaten
Suchow Front
Nippon Troops, Big Guns
Surround 'Lifeline'
SHANGHAI, May 13.-(Friday)-
(P)-Japanese armies closed in today
in a gigantic pincer movement that
directly threatened Suchow, goal of
their campaign, and China's hold on
the vital Central Front.
Dozens of Japanese columns, sup-
ported by tanks, warplanes and big
guns, hammered the Chinese defen-
ders north and south of the Lunghai
Railroad, east-west "lifeline" that
crosses the important north-south
Peining-Hankow railroad at Suchow.

Rebel Bombers
Take, 69 Lives
Insurgents Attack Valencia
And Barcelona
BARCELONA, May 12.--(1)Five
tri-motored Insurgent warplanes
bombed the busy section of this Span-
ish Government capital today, killing
47 persons and wounding between 70
and 80.
The planes, of German Junkers
type, roared twice over Barcelona in
the bright afternoon sunshine.
(Insurgent bombs also killed 22 and
injured 80 in an attack on Valencia,
Spanish Government port south of
Among the wounded was a British
seaman named Tregear, of the steam-
er Tyneside. He was struck in the
chest by flying metal but was not be-
lieved to be seriously injured.
Discover German Arms
On Brazilian Putschists
RIO DE JANEIRO, Brazil, May 12.
--W)-Police disclosed tonight that
part of the arms found in raids on
homes of fascist leaders of yester-
day's abortive revolt were of German

Press Hearing
Deny Charges
Jurisdiction Is Contested;
High Board Will Receive
Trial Examiner's Report
WASHINGTON, May 12.-(Special
to the Daily from the Associated
Press)-Ann Arbor Press attorneys
today brought. to a close two weeks
of hearings before an examiner for
the National Labor Relations Board
on charges of unfair labor practices.
They denied that the labor relations
board had Jurisdiction in the case
and contended that it should be
handled only in the state courts.
Counsel reviewed the testimony of
striking members of Ann Arbor Local
No. 154 of the International Typo-
graphical Union, who charged the
printing plant with violating the
Wagner Act.
Arthur J. Wiltse, co-partner and
manager of the plant, submitted to
Trial Examiner Frank Bloom, in a
closing statement a list of questions
about steps to be taken in future
labor relations, depending on the
board's ruling. He made no request
for replies pending the decision of
'the case
The voluminous testimony of cus-'
tomers and employees of the Press
will now be studied by the Trial Ex-
aminer, who will submit a report to
the national board. The company
will have the right to file exceptions
to findings of the examiner and is
authorized to request oral arguments
to the exceptions before the board
in Washington prior to the final de-

Benjamin Franklin once stood on
the Michigan campus, but he could
not withstand the ravages of drink
and temperature and belatedly cele-
brated his 25th birthday by losing an
According to W. R. Melton, '13, the
Class of 1870 desired to leave an im-
.Y.vacc..a ma mnra n fh Tnivhrgity.

trick in moulding it by using pewter.,
The statue inspired Michigan men
and women for 25 years until it in-
curred the wrath of a beer-guzzling
freshman. He wandered aimlessly
about the campus one evening clutch-
ing a beer bottle in his hand. Suddenly
a menacing shape loomed before him.
In self-defense he swung the bottle.
A hrittle renort followed his sortie.

Staff Beaten To A Pulp,
Garg Turns To Terror
The pulpishing business comes to
college this morning as Gargoyle's
"Amazing, Sexy, Mystery, Sweet-
heart, Detective, Terror Stories" goes
nn sale.

Urge Students To Return
All Daily Questionnaire

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