T HE :M ICHG-A N--DA IL Y THVRsDAY, '1 THE MICHIGAN DAILY "1 r( rl Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student ePublications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the ssoated Pres The Associated Press isaelusively entitled to the use for republicationrof all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited In this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. 'Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second -class mal matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4 00; by mail, $4.50. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1937-38 REPRESENTEDF OR NATIONAL ADVERTISING BY NationailAdvertisingService, Inc. CIeee ?hisers Reresentative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK, N. Y. C41cAo . 0BSTONV LOS ANGELES .SAM FRANCISCO Board of Editors MANAGING EDITOR............JOSEPH S. MATTES ASSOCIATE EDITOR .. ......TUURE TENANDER ASSOCIATE EDITOR...........IRVING SILVERMAN ASAOCAE EDITOR.........WILLIAM C. SPALLER ASSOIATE EDITOR......ROBERT P. WEEK:S WOMEN'S EDITOR .................HELEN DOUGLAS SPORTS EDITOR ....................IRVIN LISAGOR Business Department BUSINESS MANAGER.........ERNEST A. JONES OREDIT MANAGER.................DON WILSUER ADVERTISING MANAGER ... NORMAN B. STEINBERG WOMEN'S BUSINESS MANAgER.....EBETTY DAVY WOMEN'S. SERVICE MANAGER ..MAGARET TERRIES NIGHT EDITOR: IRVING SILVERMAN It is important for society to avoid the neglect of adults, but positively dangerous for it to thwart the ambition of youth to reform the world. Only the schools which act on this belief are educationalinstitu- ions i h'bs meaning of .the term.. I--Alexander G. Ruthven The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of the Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only Czechoslovakia ni The Balance .. UIET HANGS over Europe today as the continent relaxes after the hectic events of past weeks and the exhausted chancel- leries sink back to take inventory. As the cannonade ceases in Rome, and the Pope returns, now that Hitler has left, it seems clear that the visit of the Fuehrer to Italy has established definitely what seemed a possibility after the conclusion of the Anglo-Italian accords of April 16-that Italy has regained the middle position between London and Berlinand now can play one off against the other to her own ad- vantage. When the Nazi coup swallowed Austria, the' Italians began wondering how long it would be before the pressure of 75,000,000 Germans beyond the Brenner Pass became unbearable, Italy, after this move, was demonstrated to be the "weak sister" in the Rome-Berlin axis. Italy then was completely dependent upon Germany. But the rapid conclusion of an agreement with England and negotiations with France for a sim- ilar pact have given Il Duce sufficient bargain- ing power with Hitler to put the Fuehrer on the defensive. This bargaining power makes understandable German concessions to Italy, concessions which immediately after the Austrian coup Hitler was in a position to withhold. And so in Rome a few days ago Hitler renounced any design on the quarter of a million German-speaking peo- ples in the Italian Tyrol. He promised, it is reported, that the Italian port of Trieste would not lose all its traffic as a result of the absorption of Austria by Germany and the rerouting of Austrian trade through German ports. He rec- ognized Italy's political and economic interest in Central Europe. It is reported that Hitler sought and received assurances that Italy would not interfere with German action in Czechoslovakia. But this is hardly a concession on the Italian part, for with Germany at the strategic Brenner Pass, there is little Italy could do in any case. Thus the emphasis is once again thrown back to the piecemeal state of the Czechs. And as the Sudeten Germans under Konrad Henlein con- tinue to agitate thesituation would seem to be approaching the point where the Czech state would become another Spain and end up by parti- tion among Germany, Hungary and Poland. But the Italian shift to a center position be- tween London and Berlin puts off the day of this partition at least. Now Hitler can no longer hope for Italian aid in this enterprise-the best he can envisage is a benevolent neutrality. There are other hopeful signs for the War- created Czech state, despite the refusal of Great Britain to make a definite promise of assistance in the event of a German attack. First, it seems fairly definite in}regard to the German minority that the Czechoslovakian goverpment will make every' concession compatible with its democratic constitution. In addition, hopes are high in Prague for the success of the new Czecho-Ger- man negotiations for a. commercial, treaty which may very well prevent German economic pres- sure from bringing Czechosldvakia to her knees. And finally, events of the last few days in Ber- lin noint in the direction of German inability a shock over the lamentable performance of his army of occupation in Austria when the road between Linz and Vienna was blocked by derelict heavy tanks and only light armored cars were able to reach Vienna by road." There is reason to believe, Gedye says, that Hitler is beginning to appreciate "the meaning of the great lack of senior officers, the shortage of gasoline and food reserves and other sinews of war, the constructional faults of German tanks and the lack of experience and tradition in the tank arm by reason of Germany's having been for seventeen years barred from possession of tanks as well as planes." It seems reasonable that a period of compara- tive quiet will follow now on the European scene. How long this peaceful period lasts, depends largely upon how long it takes Germany to di- gest the Austrian "neal" and consolidate her economic position. S. R. Kleiman. International Incident WITHIN THE TWELVE MILE limit of these United States there has de- veloped a startling international incident, name- ly the declared war against the bill of rights in the constitution by the Mayor of Jersey City and his police force. It is a clear alignment of Jersey City against the United States of America. After barring from the shores of his grimy domain several American labor organizers, Der Fuehrer Hague put his machine to work putting behind iron bars a certain Jeff Burkitt who dared to speak out against Hague's unprincipled transgression of the ordinary decencies of Amer- ican political life. Then there was similar ac- lion initiated against a courageous young man by the name of John R. Longo who also dared to voice his opinions of Hague's crooked political regime. At present the courts in New Jersey are proceeding to deal out a not too pleasant jail term for this brave fellow. Last Saturday night two progressive Congress- men were prevented from speaking against Hagues high pressure skullduggery, by what has adequately been shown to have been an incited throng of Jersey City police, citizens and Hague Professional Rowdies. In order to avert violence Congressman O'Connell and Bernard stayed away..But they have proceeded to ease I AM THE LAW HAGUE out of his cushioned seat of powerj It, will not be an easy task, fo Hague is undoubt- edly not anxious to part with a lucrative stamp- ing ground. He will fight by fair and foul means, probably resulting in violence-unless the whole nation balks his plans. It is therefore wise to force his resignation from the Democratic National Committee, dis- crediting him in the eyes of his voters. It is equally important to knock the props out from under I.A.T.L. Hague by a thorough investigation of his wholly un-American activities in violation of the letter and spirit of the Bill of Rights. The victory of the United States will be a noble one against the combined idea of Italy, Germany and Jersey City. Tuure Tenander. Syncopatioun By TOM McCANN Slightly disillusioned perhaps were a part of the crowd of some 200 swing enthusiasts Tuesday night in the ballroom of the Michigan League. Disillusioned, we say, not in the excellent pro- gram of jazz classics presented by Phil Diamond, but rather in its appreciation of the abilities of present day "hot" men. The idea that Louis Armstrong among others was the greatest trum- pet player in the world was completelydestroyed by the examples of Red Nichols and the late Bix Beiderbecke. And, among still others, the no- tion as to Stuff Smith's hot fiddle became merely a faulty conclusion drawn from several rather naive and illogical philosophical concepts when Joe Venuti's "Wild Dog" and "Four String Joe" were resurrected. Equally disheartened were the Tommy Dorsey and Russ Morgan fans when they heard Miff Mole, the trombone star of several of Red Nichols' bands and his own Little Molers. Then, if there were an doubts left the bass sax- ophone of Adrian Rollini, Frankie Trumbauer's alto and Eddie Lang's guitar helped to destroy once and for all the illusion that there still were any present day peers of the men whose record-j ings were presented. Beginning his program in a rather formal manner by showing the comparative merits of the bands in a chronological order, Mr. Diamond rapidly turned to a display of individual talents. And this in turn finally settled down to a pop- ularity contest between the two brass stars, Red Nichols and Bix Beiderbecke, with the results being rather evenly divided, judging from the applause Red's recording of "Ida" received and that which followed Bix's rendition on "Singin' The Blues." Bix, with his power of attack, and Nichols, with his incomparable "hot-sweet" style of cornet playing were easily the most promi- nent representatives in the evening's presenta- tion. All kinds of questions were fired at Mr. Dia- mond, and some were of a rather historical im- portance, especially one about "when did vo- calists come in?" But then there were others of a more argumentative nature, and in each case Mr. Diamond settled any pending disputes with evidence, the tone of which should have spelled the end of any differences of opinion. M SIC Heywood Broun Of course, it wouldn't be feasible or consti- tutional or popular, but I wish there was a law providing that nobody could carry an American flag without a permit. And before an applicant received permission he should be required to showa'rudimentary knowledge of what the flag symbolizes. No man has a right to go. around flaunting the flag unless he has comprehension of the general purpose and spirit of the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence In the hands or hoodlums ' . the flag can be a dangerous weapon. It stands for too much to be sullied by the plug-uglies and morons. Hague has no more right to distribute the star-spangled banner to his dupes and henchmen than he has to supply them With machineguns. It goes deeper. than mere irony that thugs with flags should assemble to throttle the most essential of democratic rights. The mob which was regimented into Journal Square in Jersey City constituted the most dan- gerous Nazi demonstration which this nation has yet known. I think there is small doubt that there would have been bloodshed if Representa- tive O'Connell and Barnard had attempted to hold their meeting. Naturally, the office holders were out and their friends and their friends' friends. What Have They To Say? But Hague was able to lay his powder trai into more remote places. Just what have the various clerics whoqindorsed his plan to say for themselves? And what excuse can be made for the labor fakers who ordered their members to support the Mafia? It is not true that one who wears a Legion cap has the special privilege of taking the law into his own hands. Men who fought for their country should be the last to take up arms against it. A good deal of discussion has gathered around the phrase "To make the world safe for de- mocracy." And, even so, it is a better slogan than "To make Liberty impossible in the United States." Fortunately, Hague can hardly afford to win another such victory. Members of the system which made him and preserved him are begin- ning to feel that perhaps he has gone just a shade too far. At the eleventh hour some of his most reactiona'ry commentators are beginning to shake a warning finger at the boss and say,. "Have a Heart, Frankie." A light should always h left in the window for the wayfarer, but some o0 the very people who now condemn the excesses of Hague laid the psychological groundwork for his campaign against "the Communistic." Dragon's Teeth Yield No Lilacs You can't sow dragon's teeth and then com- plain because you get no lilacs. And what has happened, in one society can happen in five or ten and in time sweep across a nation. It has probably been a mistake for foes of Fascism to concentrate so much attention on the person- ality of Hague himself. Lincoln Steffens, after a long life of crusading, decided that he had wasted time in going after individual bosses. This was just hydra hunting. He felt before he died that salvation could be found only in getting down to the roots of the man in power and discovering the soil and source which made him possible. Who pulls the strings to make Hague strut? Why do Church dignitaries sit on the platform behind him when he speaks? And will associa- tions of industrial leaders ever declare against him at their conventions? MUSIC By WILLIAM J. LICHTENWANGER Fourth Concert Symphony No. 5 in E flat-Sibelius. Like Brahms, who was decades in living down his ill-bestown reputation for being "cerebral" and "abstruse," Sibelius has been the victim of hastily-formed a n d undiscerning judgements. As a symphonist he has been called "dour," "bleak," "an- gular," "austere" "harsh," and other like terms. Certainly no one would claim for Sibelius' greater works such endearing qualities as sensuous charm or classical beauty; they are, in fact, pervadingly sombre and imbued with the harshness and sternness of the North. Sibelius himself has said "It is true I am a dreamer and a poet of nature. I love the mysterious sounds of the fields and forests, water and mountains. The voices of Nature are the voices of God, and if an artist can give a mere echo of them in his crea- tions he is fully rewarded for all his efforts." Yet, as Lawrence Gilman remarks, "there are dreamers and dreamers, poets and poets. It is sufficiently ob- vious that Sibelius is no poet of the sentimental tradition, no voluptuous- ly enchanted dreamer ... Sibelius, in his truly typical works is equally re- mote from the emotional exuberance of the romantics, the iridescent subt- leties of the impressionists, and the linear abstractions of the ultra-mod- ernists. The emotion of Sibelius is the emotion of those grave and medi- tative and withdrawn spirits who can- not easily yield themselves to all that their imaginations reveal to them of the poignancy of existence . . . His music is full of feeling, full of a poetry that has been generated by moods and. intuitions darkly and sombrely passionate-the emotions of a poet who feels the mystery and ter- ror and inexplicable cruelty of exis- tence too piercingly to sing of it with uncontracted throat." ** * The Fifth Symphony of this rugged poet is in the key of E flat, and not alone by its tonality does it recall the Eroica of Sibelius' symphonic ances- tor, Beethoven; its unconventional mode of expression, the unadorned forcefullness with which its ideas, dis- tinctive and arresting in themselves, are presented, give the work an epic, heroic quality at once more subjec- tive and more difficult of comprehen- sion than, for instance, that of the Second Symphony, played here earlier this year by the Boston Symphony. The work is in four movements, al- though the first two are unseparated by a pause and are based on a com- munity of thematic material; the distinction is necessary because of an abrupt change from the gloomy, impassioned mood of the first part to a fiery, Beethovenish scherzo that cul- minates in a tremendous climax. The Andante is a sort of -Theme and Va- riations evolved out of one typical Si- belius theme. The finale develops through long Sibelius crescendo, with a thematic reminiscence of the old ballad, "Oh, Dry Those Tears," final- ly seeking resolution in enigmatical chords hurled forth with the full might of the orchestra. Moto Perpetuo-Paganini. The first of the great virtuosi, the inspiration of the Lisztian school of the "tech- nique magnificent," the man without whose influence Wagner and Richard Strauss and their modern disciples of the virtuoso orchestra would never have dared make such demands ' n instrumental techniques. Paganini was the violinist extraordinary of his day, performing such incredible tours de force that he was required to produce a birth certificate to prove that he was not the child of the Evil One. His famous "Perpetual Motion," by which he is best known to the av- erage concert goer today, was once the finale of a sonata for violin and orchestra now long assigned to obli- vion. Its torrential, never-slacken- ing melody is heard. frequently with piano accompAniment, and has been many times transcribed for orchestra -the Ormandy version being the third to be heard in Ann Arbor in the space of three years. Sill Eulenspiegel-Richard Strauss. "This piece is like an hour of new music at the madhouse-clarinets de- scribe distracted trajectories, trum- pets are always muted, horns foresee a latent sneeze and hurry to say po- litely, "God bless you!" the bigs drum makes the boom-boom that italicizes the clown's kick and gesture. You burst with laughter or howl in agony, and you are surprised to find thing1s in their usual place, for if the double basses blew through their bows, if the trombones rubbed their tubes withtan imaginary bow, and if the conductor were found seated on a cellist's knee, all this would not surprise you. But in spite of this the piece is full of genius in certain ways, especially in the prodigious surety of the instru- mentation, and the mad spirit that sweeps one along from beginning to end." Such is Claude Debussy's idea of Strauss' Till Eulenspiegel's Merry Pranks Set in the Old Time Roguish Manner-in Rondo Form-for Full THURSDAY, MAY 12, 1938 VOL. XLVIII. No. 159 Modification of Rules Governing Participation in Public Activities. Ef- fective September, 1938. Participation in Public Activities: Participation in a public activity is defined as service of any kind on a committee or a publication, in a public perf'jrmance ora rehearsal, or in holding office or being a candidate for office in a class or other student organization. This list is not intended to be exhaustive, but merely is indica- tive of the character and scope of the activities included. II. Certificate of Eligibility. At the be- ginning of each semester and summer session every student shall be con- clusively presumed to be ineligible for any public activity until his eligibility is affirmatively established (a) by, obtaining from the Chairman of the Committee on Student Affairs, in the Office of the Dean of Students, a writ- ten Certificate of Eligibility.' Partici- pation before the opening of the first semester must be approved as at any other time. Before permitting any students. to participate in a public activity (see definition of Participation above), the, chairman or manager of such activity shall (a) require each appli- cant to present a certificate of eligibil- ity, (b) sign his initials on the back of such certificate and (c) file with the Chairman of the Committee on Student Affairs the names of all those who have presented certificates of eligibility and a signed statement to exclude all others from participation. Certificates of Eligibility for the first semester shall be effective until March 1. III. . Probation and Warning. Students on probation or the warned list are' forbidden to participate in any public activity. IV. Eligibility, First Year. No freshman in his first semester of residence may be granted a Certificate of Eligibility.7 A freshman, during his second se- mester of residence, may be granted a1 Certificate of Eligibility provided he has complete 15 hours or more of work with (1) at least one mark of A or B and with no mark of less than C, or (2) at least 2/ times as many honor points as hours and with no mark of E. (A-4 points, B-3, C-2, D-1, E-0). Any student in his first semester of residence holding rank above that of freshman may be granted a Certifi- cate of Eligibility if he was admitted to the University in good standing. V. Eligibility, General. In order to re- ceive a Certificate of Eligibility a stu- dent must have earned at least 127 hours of academic credit in the pre- ceding semester, or six hours of aca- demic credit in the preceding summer session, with an average of at least! C, and have at least a C average for his entire academic career. Unreported grades and grades of X and I are to be interpreted as E un- til removed in accordance with1 University regulations. Students otherwise eligible, who in the preceding semester or summer session received lessdthan a C aver- age, but with no grade of E, or grade interpreted asnF gin the preceding paragraph, may appeal to the Com- mittee on Student Affairs for special permission. % VI. Special Students. Special students are prohibited from participating in' any public activity except by special permission of the Committee on Stu- dent Affairs. VIIL Extramural Activities. Students who are ineligible to participate in public activities within the University are prohibited from taking part in othe activities of a similar nature, except by special permission of the Commit- tee on Student Affairs. VIII. Physical Disability. Students ex- cused from gymnasium work on ac- count of physical incapacity are for- bidden to take part in any public activity, except by special permission of the Committee on Student Affairs. In order to obtain such permission, a student may in any case be required to present a wrtten recommendation from the University Health Service. IX. General. Whenever in the opinion of the Committee on Student Affairs, or in the opinion of "the Dean of the school or college in which the student is enrolled, participation in a public activity may be detrimental to his college work, the committee may de- cline to grant a student the privilege of participation in such activity. X. Special Permission. The special per- mission to participate in public activi- ties in exception of Rules V, VI, VII, VIII will be granted by the Commit- tee on Student Affairs only upon the positive recommendation of the Dean of the School or College to which the student belongs. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIP Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the Universtty. Copy received at the ofice of the Assistant to the President until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday. prehensive Examination in Education after they have completed, or prac- tically completed, the required Edu- cation courses. The examination this spring will be held only on Saturday, May 21, from 2 to 5 o'clock in the Auditorium of the University High School. Bluebooks will be necessary. Printed information regarding the examination can be secured in the School of Education office. Aeronautical and Mechanical En- gineers: One of the large air transport companies wishes to select five men to train as pilots. Those selected must be able to qualify physically and bear a relatively moderate financial burden for the first nine months. Details of the opportunity may be ob- tained at the Office of the Depart- ment of Aeronautical Engineering. Attention Seniors, The Burr, Pat- terson & Auld Company, 603 Church St., will continue to accept orders for Commehcement Announcements un- til 4:00 p.m. on Saturday, May 14, following which time there will be no further opportunity to purchase these commencement booklets and folds. All Girls who had applications on file at theGirls' Cooperative House, for last semester and wish them re- newed, please call the applications chairman before Sunday, May 15. Academic Noties History 12: Because Room 215 will be painted on Thursday of this week the following changes in rooms will be necessary: Sec. 6, Th., at 10 (Reichenbach) will meet in Room 6, A.H. Sec. 7, Th., at 11 (Reichenbach) will meet in Room 18 A.H. Sec. 8, Th., at 2 (Reichenbach) will meet in Room 6 A.H. Sec. 16, Th., at 9 (Stanton) will meet in Rbom 1209 A.H. English 31, Section 4, will meet in Room 2225 A.H. on Friday and Mon- day, May 13 and 16, instead of in the regular class room. A. L. Hawkins. Sociology 51, Section. 8, Thursday, May 12, will meet in Room 1209, An- gell Hall, at 9 o'clock. Sociology 153, Thursday, May 12, will meet in Room 18, Angell Hall at 2 o'clock. To Graduate Students in Education: The preliminary doctoral exanina- tions for graduate students in Edu- cation will be held on May 26, 27 and 28. Those desiring to take these ex- aminations should leave their name in Room 4002 University High School before May 15." Directed Teaching, Qualifying Ex- amination: All students expecting to do directed teaching next semester are required to pass a qualifying ex- amination in the subject which they expect to teach.. This examination will be held on Saturday, May 21, at 1 p.m. Students will meet in the . audi- torium of the University High School. The examination will consume about four hours' time; promptness is there- fore essential. Concerts The May Festival: The sphedule of May Festival concerts is as follows: First Concert: Wednesday evening, 8:30. Marian Anderson, Contralto; The Philadelphia Orchestra; Eugene Ormandy, Conductor. Second Concert: Thursday evening, 8:30. All-Russian Program. First part, "The Bells" by Rachmaninoff. Agnes Davis, Soprano; Arthur Hack- ett, Tenor; Chase Baromeo, Bass; Palmer Christian, Organist;. The Choral Union; the Philadelphia Or- chestra; Earl V. Moore, Conductor. Second part, Artur Rubensten, Pi- anist; The Philadelphia Orchestra; Eugene Ormandy, Conductor. Third Concert: Friday afternoon, 2:30. Albert Spalding, Violinist; Har- din Van Deursen, Baritone; The Chil- dren's Festival Chorus; The Phila- delphia Orchestra, Juva Higbee and Eugene Ormandy, Conductors. Fourth Concert: Friday evening, 8:30, Nino Martini, Tenor; The Philadelphia Orchestra; Eugene Or- mandy, Conductor. Fifth Concert: Saturday afternoon, 2:30. All Wagner Program. Marjorie Lawrence, Soprano; The Philadelphia Orchestra; Eugene Ormandy, Con- ductor. Sixth Concert: Saturday evening, 8:30. Bizet's "Carmen." Hilda Burke, Agnes Davis, SopranosX Bruna Cas- tagna, Contralto; Giovanni Mar- tinelli, Arthur Hackett, and'Maurice Gerow, Tenors; Richard Bonelli'and Hardin Van Deursen, Baritones; Chase Baromeo, Bass; Choral Union; The Philadelphia Orchestra; Earl V. Moore, Conductor. Concerts will begin on time. Hold- ers of season tickets are requested to detach before leaving home. and Pire- Most most pertinent of all is the question as to just how, long the President of the United States is going to refrain from declaring for freedom and against the bully who holds a high post in the Democratic organization. Under such leadership it would be possible to rouse free men and women all over America. And the shout could be loud enough to pierce the hide of Hague. America must speak out and speak out soon. The nation should say, "You, Frank Hague, lurld- ing over there, take your hands off our flag." 1° zart's D major "Haffner" Symphony, Miss An- derson was heard in the familiar Mozart "Alle- luia," "0 Don Falale" from Verdi's Don ,Carlos, and three impressive Negro .spirituals. Debussy provided the climax of. the evening with his sumptuous .Afternoon of a Faunt, de Falla's In- terlude and Dance from La Vida Breve, con- cluded the scheduled program,., and as encores there were three Johann Strauss favorites- Die Fledermaus Overture, the Musical Joke, and Pizzicato Polka. The magnificent artistry and noble personality with which Miss Anderson made such a profound impression in her appearance here last year were again in evidence ,and in many ways the richness and flexibility of her voice were equally impressive. Vocally, it was not one of the artist's bestnights, and it is the more a tribute to her interpretative musicianship that she was able to thrill with a voice which, over its tremendous range, was at times uneven in quality and un- faithful in pitch. The Mozart "Alleluia," while a typical light-voice, coloratura part and a trifle over-burdened by Miss Anderson's heavy con- tralto, was executed with an easy fluency indica- tive of the artist's versatility, and the poignant- ly moving Verdi aria gave full reign to her dra- matic feeling. But her finest work was done in the spirituals, which, strikingly harmonized and