THE MICHIGAN DAILY THE MICHIGAN DAILY Ij_ ?7 Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatche credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also yeserved. e tered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter.,s Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1937.38 REPRESENTED POR NATIONAL ADVERTISING OY NationalAdvertisingService Inc. CelIose Publishers Reresentative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK. N. Y. CHicAGO BOSTO ' -LO ANGELS - SAN FRANcIsco Board of Editors MANAGING EDITOR...........JOSEPH S. MATTES ASSOCIATE EDITOR... ......TUURE TENANDER ASSOCIATE EDITOR............IRVING SILVERMAN ASSOCIATE EDITOR.........WILLIAM C. SPALLER ASSOCIATE EDITOR..........ROBERT P. WEEKS WOMEN'S EDITOR ... .........ELEN DOUGLAS SPORTS EDITOR. ...... .....IRVIN LISAGOR Busness Department USINESS MANAGER.. .....ERNEST A. JONES CREDIT MANAGER.........DN WILSHER ADVERTISING MANAGER....NORMAN B.STEINBERG WOMEN'S BUSINESS MANAGER.........BETTY DAVY WOMEN'S SERVICE MANAGER ..MARGARET FERRIES NIGHT EDITOR: WILLIAM J. ELVIN It is important for society to avoid the neglect of adults, but positively dangerous for it to thwart the ambition of youth to reform the world. Only the schools which act on this belief are educational institu- tions in the best meaning of the term. - Alexander G. Ruthven The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of the Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Comes The Revolution, Baby... A FEW WEEKS AGO the Blond Bri- gade for the Prevention of War was in the process of being formed in the East. The organization's scheme for the stamping out of' war is simple. Du'ing the incipient stages of the next war, brigades and battalions of beautiful and bewitching blondes will stand up in the front line trenches and defy the enemy to mow them down. Now it stands to reason, 'according to the or- ganization's leaders, that a man would be a fool and a beast if h were to, shoot down a beautiful maid. This in short, is the modus operandi of the Blond Brigade. But it is not their method' that is the im- portant thing. The movement shows the grow- ing consciousness of woman, and beautiful woman at that, of the horrors of war. The women realize that in the long run, if war is to continue in its present path of slaughter and destruction, that women will be shot down, ex- terminted just as surely and as inevitably as though they were facing the rifles of the enemy in the front line. It has been a ]ong recognized fact that while the men bear the physical brunt of war, war leaves an indelible scar on the female of the species and that the horribleness of the rent" is reflected mentally in the offspring of those affected. Coupled with this is the fact that some forms of patriotism of our more militant brothers are merely attempts to show the girl friend the extent of their bravery. It must necessarily follow that since women are those most affected by war and since they are a cause for much of our man power, that they can be a primary factor in war's prevention. The silliness of the approach of the Blond: Brigade for the Prevention of War does not overshadow the nobility and desirability of its purpose. Rather the silliness gives them much needed publicity and may force onto other women the realization that they hold the bal- ance Which, by concerted and organized action, may eventually right what they rightly call "Man's idiotic world." Milton Fineberg. As-Others SeeIt Big Year For The Middlewest The Middle West now has good reason to puff out its collective chest and lay claim to the literary supremacy once the traditional property of the East. As everyone knows, the tide of native inspiration has long been flowing in this direction, and the cause for jubilation at this par- ticular time lies in the geographical distribution of the latest Pulitzer Prize awards. Of the 10 awards to individuals, eight go to native sons of the great central area. No fewer than three hail from Illinois. Vaughn Shoe- maker of Chicago is the prize cartoonist. W. W. Waymack of Des Moines, who wins the editorial- The Editor Gets Told... Hooray For Charley! To the Editor: There comes the psychological moment in every soldier's (and politician's) life, when he must lay down his arms and wave the flag, not of bur- render, but of truce. I believe that time has come. The Student Senate Political Investigat- ing Committee has handed in a condemnation of politics, and that should swiftly finish them. It is a good think. Certainly a workable system, whereby class officers and dance chairmen are chosen through merit, is a desirable course. There is not one member of my fraternity and its af- filiates who could have it otherwise. But-and this is what I have taken the butt of much campus "ribbing" for-I have stood in the way of reform for the sole purpose of reforming the reformers. If, in this process, I have created a furor, it was because I found it necessary to attract attention to a very important movement in campus politics. Attention has been focused on that movement and we are now ready to help it along. I say this is a truce and not surrender, for though we surrender (we have always been sur- rendered, for that matter) to the idea of reform in politics, we do not intend to surrender to a system with greater evils, and by greater evils I nean a hierarchy (sic) of politically minded men on campus who may be hiding behind the skirts of "POLITICAL REFORM" as a means to their own political dominance on campus. This must not be! If it is to be reform, it must be honest reform and political or personal ambi- tions must be subordinate to the good of politics in general. This is all we ask of the several reform leaders who are being personalities with the background of political reform, rather than political reform with themselves in the back- ground as it should be. Of the group who have been behind me, I as that they follow the leadership of Colvin Gibson, '40, Theta Chi, a truly brilliant student, who knows the ins and outs of politics as few people do on this campus. He believes in reform, and you will follow his leadership to see that hon- est reform is carried out. As for me, I reluctantly leave this school and the political picture and I want to sincerely thank you who have been loyal to me for your faith in me, and my wish is that you give Colvin this same support. It is needed even more today than it has ever been in the past., To those whom I have fought, I say it has been a grand fight, and I know, out of common de- cency for that which you say you stand for- political reform-that it will be honest political reform. It must be that. I ask my followers to see to it that everyone-every single member of the Class of '40 gets a square deal. You must stand united as a group to see that thing which we have fought for-HONEST-reform in politics -carried through. -Charley Frost. Repercussions As many of its patrons probably observed, most of the prizes given out at the Michigras were made in Japan. The social consciousness which impels our fraternities and sororities to work for a women's swimming pool apparently seems to them perfectly consistent with scabbing on the boycott of a nation now attempting the murder and robbery of the Chinese people. R. S. Warshow. Martin Greenber. Edith Folkoff. Leo Kirschbaum. Morris Greenhut. born in Glasgow, who wins his second prize as a Washington correspondent. That leaves only two outsiders: John P. Mar- quand, winner of the novel prize, sole upholder this year of the New England tradition, and Marya Zaturenska, winner of the poetry prize, of Bronxville, N. Y., via Moscow. The cultured Middle West, proudly displaying 80 per cent of the annual laurels, leaves the un- couth East gaping open-mouthed, and probably hoping for a renaissance. -St. Louis Post-Dispatch. The School of forestry at the University of Georgia is cooperating with the Federal Surplus Commodities corporation in finding new uses for cotton. Jfeeinr loMe Heywood Broun Every now and then somebody says that if President Roosevelt don't mend his ways he will "lose his place in history." To me that hardly seems likely. In the first place, the chronicle which he is making still has plainly marked at the end of the present installment "To be con- tinued." Fate alone knows how many more chapters are to come. I still cling to my impres- sion that the final definitive biography of Mr. Roosevelt will be in three volumes. There are those who insist that the power and prestige of the Chief Executive al- ready are ended and that the commentators of the future will have little to record after the spring of 1938. They could be right. It is the privilege of any men to make whatever bets he pleases in the winter book of posterity. But there is such a thing as form in history as well as in horse racing, and Franklin Delano Roosevelt seems to be an assidiolus student of past performances. He has studied the charts more closely than most of his predecessors. It is my notion that as a close student of Amer- ican history he has had a concern with what will be said about him when he is done. Indeed, I think he had the research scholars of twenty years or fifty years hence in mind when he pre- pared for publication "The Public Papers and Addresses of Franklin D. Roosevelt." It was as if he sent emissaries ahead of him across Jordan. Both Wheat And Chaff To be sure, the estimate to be made by the scholars of the future concerning Roosevelt will be based upon a vast amount of source material. Naturally there will be a careful survey of the journalistic judgments written in Mr. Roose- velt's own time. But even the most earnest searcher after facts will not find it physically possible to read all the editorials in the Chicago Tribune or digest the entire bulk of Dorothy Thompson's columnar output and radio broad- casts. Although they spoke to smaller audiences there were famous journalists in the days of Lincoln, and by the time Woodrow Wilson came to office syndication was well established. And yet the reader will not find that press comment figures very largely in any biography of either man. Most of it is buried at the back of the book or ii footnotes at the bottom of the page. It is entirely possible that as yet the his- torians have erred in not making a more search- ipg study of the files. You can find old news- papers on pantry shelves and in the public li- braries. But on the whole it is ' virtue rather than a fault that a newspaper piece is written for Monday afternoon or Tuesday morning and not for all time. And if it isn't a virtue"it is at least a necessity. And so a vast amount of con- temporary criticism will be less than the dust in fifty years. Dorothy Thompson may be a footnote, and in 2038 it is at least possible that there will not even be a living soul who ever heard of Walter Lippmann. MUSIC By WILLIAM J. LICHTENWANGER T hird Concent Overture to "The Bartered Bride" Smetana. More than a few composers have written music which they boldly designated by the title of "Comedy Overture," but none of their- works can surpass, in the portrayal of over- whelming good spirits coupled with delicious melody and exhilarating rhythms, that jolliest of all over- tures, the "Bartered Bride" of Sime- tana. The opera's central theme of procuring a bride by barter is in- triguing enough in itself, and seems to have inspired the composer to his best efforts. It was due to the immediate' success of this work at its initial pre- sentation in 1866 that Smetana was made conductor of the Opera in Prague - an appointment which. someone has said, gave him "great honor, small wages, some enviers and many enemies., The Sorcerer's Apprentice-Dukas. The tale of a magician's apprentice who, his master being gone, uses that worthy's cabalistic formula to com- mand a staff to carry water for him and then does not know the words necessary to revoke the command, with the result that he is rescued from a watery excess of his own desires only by the return of the master, goes back as far as the dialogues of Lucian, in whose "The Lie-Fancier" the story is found in an ancient Egyptian setting. The modern version, by which Paul Dukas was inspired to compose his orchestral scherzo on the subject, is found in Goethe's poem of "The Ma- gician's Apprentice." It was by reason of this work that Dukas came into international popu- larity in 1897, and although at his death two years ago he had a long list of published compositions to his credit, it is probably by this work alone that he will be remembered. The reasons for its popularity are not hard to discern. Besides being one of the finest examples of the more realistic type of program music,' "L'Apprentice Sorcier" comprises a combination of all the elements ofj pure music-melody, harmony, rhy- thm, instrumental color-in a novel yet skillful manner that is immediate- ly appealing. The work can be played so that its spirit seems one of mere fantasy and mischievious good hu- mor, or its lines can be drawn heavier and that same spirit infused with a hint of sardonic glee or cosmic irony' It can be listened to as a musical translation of Goethe's ballad, or it can be thoroughly enjoyed as a purely musical exposition of roguishness or grim humor like the scherzos of Beethoven. Paul Bunyan-Dorothy James. In the southern mountains it is John Henry; in the Mississippi Valley, Casey Jones; in the lumber districts of northern Michigan and Wisconsin, Paul Bunyan. Like all legeidary heroes, this tall woodsman who r'brushes his teeth with a cross-cut saw'' and "combs his beard with a pine tree" is a giant of physical strength and endurance and a wizard at his craft. The tales of his prowess are as varied as they are hyperbolic; their suspicious similarity in theme to the stories of other heroes, past and present, does not in the least de- tract from their awesome effect. Although these Paul Bunyan ballads have been narrated countless times in the past to the persuasive flow of melody, it has remained for Miss Dor- othy James, of the Department of Theory at Ypsilanti Normal College, to endow them with the dignity and added effectiveness of an organically conceived musical setting. Miss James' work, to be presented here for the first time, is all the more welcome because it fills one of the direst needs of musical literature-the need for compositions planned especially for children's voices, with adequate con- sideration for both their technical limitations and their unique tonal possibilities, but which are of higher musical interest and artistic merit than the usual run of third-rate chil- dren's cantatas. Like Miss James' first children's cantata, The Jumblies, first performed at the1935 May Pes- tival, Paul Buhyan is technically well suited to its purpose and at the same time is deserving of genuine artistic consideration as a contemporary American -work. Owing to the more robust nature of the subject matter, and perhaps also to some creative development in the composer, the music of Paul Bunyan is more vig- orous and less delicately shaded than that of The Jumblies, while retaining the same general characteristics of modern "vitalized impressionism' which marked the earlier work. Concerto for Violin in D major, Op. 77-Brahms. Evidently the business of writing a violin concerto was one t be taken more as a duty than as a pleasure to be indulged in freely to the great composers of the last century; Beethoven, Mendlessohn, Schumann Brahms, Tschaikowsky, Sibelius, each wrote one-but only one. Brahms, it is true, commenced work on a second concerto soon after the first was com- pleted, in 1879, but never finished it -perhaps because of the equivocal re- ception given his first venture. The first performances of the D (Continued from Page 2) ties in exception of Rules V, VI, VII, VIII will be granted by the Commit- tee on Student Affairs only upon the positive recommendation of the Dean of the School or College to which the student belongs. XI. Candidates for the Teacher's Certifi- cate: All candidates for the Teacher's1 Certificate (except graduate students who are candidates for advanced de- grees) are required to pass a Com- prehensive Examination in Education after they have completed, or prac- tically completed, the required Edu- cation courses. The examination this spring will be held only on Saturday, May 21, from 2 to 5 o'clock in the Auditorium of the University High School. Bluebooks will be necessary. Printed information regarding the examination can be secured in the School of Education office.1 Aeronautical and Mechanical En- gineers: One of the large air transportE companies wishes to select five men to train as pilots. Those selected must be able to qualify physically and bear a relatively moderate financial burden for the first nine months. Details of the opportunity may be ob- tained at the Office of the Depart- ment of Aeronautical Engineering.t Choral Union Ushers: Report at Hill Auditorium by 7:15 p.m. tonight1 for first May Festival Concert. Michigras: Final payment of all3 booth accounts will be made by the Booth Committee in the Dean of' Students Office, Room 2, University Hall, Wednesday afternoon, May 11,1 from 1:30 to 4:30. This will be the final opportunity to present for pay- ment all accounts incurred by the sponsors of Michigras booths.E Three keys were found in the Yost Field House and may be obtained by their owners at Room 2, University Hall. See Mrs. Griffin. W. B. Rea. Academic Notices History 12: Because Room 215 will be painted on Wednesday and Thurs- day of this week, the following, changes in rooms will be necessary: Sec. 2, Wed., at 9 (Pierce) will meet in Room 18 A.H. Sec. 6, Th., at 10 (Reichenbach) will meet in Room 6, A.H. Sec. 7, Th., at 11 (Reichenbach) will meet in Room 18 A.H.. Sec. 8, Th., at 2 (Reichenbach) will meet in Room 6 A.H. Sec. 1'6, Th., at 9 (Stanton) will meet in Room 1209 A.H. , History 144: Because Room 215 will be painted on Wednesday and Thurs- day of this week, the following changes in rooms will be necessary Sec. 3. Wed., at 10, will meet in Room 16 A.H. Sec. 4, Wed., at 11, will meet in Room 1020 A.H. ' . Landscape Design 10. Make up midsemester exam, Thursday, May 12, 3 p.m., 401 S.W. Late notebooks and outlines must also be turned in before that time. Political Science2, Sec. 8, will meet in Room 221Angell Hall on Wednes- day, May 11, instead of Rom 225 Angell Hall. Sociology 116, Wednesday, May 11, will meet in Room 16, Angell Hall, at 2 o'clock. Sociology 51, Section 8, Thursday, May 12, will meet in Room 1209, An- gell Hall, at 9 o'clock. Sociology 153, Thursday, May 12, will meet in Room 18, Angell Hall at 2 o'clock. Directed Teaching, Qualifying Ex- amination: All students expecting to do directed teaching next 'semester are required to pass a qualifying ex- amination in the subject which they expect to teach. This examination will be held on Saturday, May 21, at 1 p.m. Students will meet in the audi- torium of the University High School. The examination will consume about four hours' time; promptness is there- fore essential. Senior Honors in English: Oral ex- aminations are set for the afternoon of June 4. Anyone having a conflict should report at once to Professor Weaver. Reading Examinations in French Candidates for the degree of Ph.D in the departments listed below who wish to satisfy the requirement of a readingknowledge during the curren academic year, 1937-38, are informed that examinations will be offered in Room 108, Romance Languages Bldg t from 2 to 5, on Saturday afternoons Oct. 30, Jan. 22, May 21, and Aug. 13 It will be necessary to register at th t office of the Department of Romanc Languages (112R.L.) at least one week in advance. Lists of bqoks recom mended by the various department Publication In theulletin is constructive notice tdall members of the University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday. found helpful, may be obtained at the office of the Department, and fur- ther inquiries may be addressed to Mr. L. F. Dow (100 R.L., Saturdays at 10 and by appointment). ,This announcement applies only to candidates in the following depart- ments: Ancient and Modern Lan- guages and Literatures, History, Ec- onomics. Sociology, Political Science, Philosophy, Eduation, Speech, Jour- nalism. Concerts The May Festival: The schedule of May Festival concerts is as follows: First Concert: Wednesday evening, 8:30. Marian Anderson, Contralto; The Philadelphia Orchestra; Eugene Ormandy, Conductor. Second Concert: Thursday evening, 8:30. All-Russian Program. First part, "The Bells" by Rachmaninoff. Agnes Davis, Soprano; Arthur,Hack- ett, Tenor; Chase Baromeo, Bass; Palmer Christian, Organist; The Choral Union; the Philadelphia Or- chestra; Earl V. Moore, Conductor. Second part. Artur Rubensten, Pi- anist; The Philadelphia Orchestra; Eugene Ormandy, Conductor. Third Concert: Friday afternoon, 2:30. Albert Spalding, Violinist; Har- din Van Deursen, Baritone; The Chil- dren's Festival Chorus; The Phila- delphia Orchestra, Juva Higbee and Eugene Ormandy, Conductors. Fourth Concert: Friday evening, 8:30. Nrio Martini, Tenor; The Philadelphia Orchestra; Eugene Or- mandy, Conductor. Fifth Concert: Saturday afternoon, 2:30. All Wagner Program. Marjorie Lawrence,, Soprano; The Philadelphia Orchestra; Eugene Ormandy, Con- ductor. Sixth Concert: Saturday evening, 8:30. Bizet's "Carmen." Hilda Burke, Agnes Davis, Sopranos; Bruna Cas- tagna, Contralto; Giovanni Mar- tinelli, Arthur Hackett, and Maurice Gerow, Tenors; Richard Bonelli and Hardin Van Deursen, Baritones; Chase Baromeo, Bass; Choral Union; The Philadelphia Orchestra; Earl V. Moore, Conductor. Concerts will begin on time. Hold- ers of season tickets are requested to detach before leaving home, and pre- sent for admission, only the coupons for the respective concerts. Those leaving the Auditorium during in- termission are required to present their ticket stubs before re-admission. Doors will be closed during number. Parking regulations under the di- rection of the Police Department and the Buidings and Grounds Depart- ment will be in operation during the Festival. The University Musical So- ciety will greatly appreciate the sym- pathetic cooperation of all in atten- dance, to the end that confusion, in- terruptions, etc., may be reduced to a minimum. Charles A. Sink, President. Exhibitions Exhibition: Photographs of "India, her Architecture and Sculpture" un- der the auspices of the Institute of Fine Arts, May 2 through May 14 in the exhibition room of the School of Architecture. Daily (except Sunday) from 9 to 5. An Exhibition of Paintings, water colors and drawings by Peter Hurd, Saul Schary and Carl Sprinchorn is presented by the Ann Arbor Art As- sociation in the small galleries of Alumni Memorial Hall from May 2 through May 15. Open daily, includ- ing Sundays, from 2 to 5 p.m., admis- sion free to students and members. Events Today Assembly of all students in the Den- tal School at 4:15 today in the Upper Amphitheatre. Mr. Melvin R. Alair of Detroit will speak on the subject, "Man's Destiny." Physical Chemistry Seminar will meet in Room 122 Chemistry Building at 4:15 p.m. today. Mr. David Stewart will speak on "Newer investigations of the properties of atomic nuclei." University Girls' Glee Club: There will be a special rehearsal today at 5 p.m. at the League. Everyone should make a special effort to be present. t Graduate Luncheon today at 12 r noon, Russian Tea Room, Michigan League. Cafeteria service. Prof. Ra- leigh Schorling of the Educatiorj Department, will speak informally on . "Impending changes from the view- point of a student of recent European a Developments." t Phi Sigma Meeting: Today in Room d2116 N.S. 21The meeting will be held at '7:30 p.m. because of the May Festival, Please be prompt. Reports on re- search by Mr. Roy M. Chatters, Bot- e any, and Mr. Karl F. Lagler, Zoology. e Short and important business meet- ing. 's Michigan Sailing Club: There will In The Heat Of Battle If Franklin Delano Roosevelt has been assailed beyond truth and reason by the most bitter of his foes, and, I suppose, overpraised by his friends. The fates are ironists who dote on prac- tical jokes, and it may be that they will take a mean advantage of some overdogmatic oppo- nent or fulsome supporter and lug the poor fellow along to vicarious immortality by hitching his forgotten name and lack of fame to an asterisk in the body of the text. One of my fantastic nightmares, which gives me the creeps, is the fear that some savant of the future might stumble, quite by accident, upon a ringing sentence of my own in which at the moment I took great pride. And there in small type for the exhaustive reader it might run-"If Franklin Delano Roosevelt is nominated he will be the corkscrew candidate of a crooked convention." With it will be the explanation, "This was written by a scurrilous scribbler named Howard Brown in 1932, and it is offered as an example of the venom with which the petty reactionaries of the day attacked Roosevelt." And so I offer in evidence to the same research man of the future, hoping that by some blessed miracle he may stumble twice, ART EXHIBITION By JEAN PAUL SLUSSER The three-man painting show now current in Alumni Memorial Hall brings to a close on a note of gentle lyricism the rather diversified sea- son of the Ann Arbor Art Association. If the work displayed here is not what is conventionally known as "important," it is none the less fraught with interest and charm, and forms an appro- priate event for the May Festival period. Variety is the keynote of the occasion, and is evident in subject-matter, mediums and methods of han- dling. One is tempted by the diversity of ap- proach manifest in the three groups to make comparisons, and try to decide which typical attitude of the artist towards his material is most rewarding. Peter Hurd is the most illustrational painter of the three, but seems to be the least successful where he attempts the most. In his large full color compositions he misses the plastic approach In similar fashion Saul Schary appears to bet- ter advantage in his drawings and water colors, both of which are at once rich and fastidious, than he does in his oils which are lush and tend to be overly heightened in color. The re- straint imposed upon an apparently warm tem- perament by the limitations of black-and-white and of the water color medium results in a greater effect of style than in the freer medium of oil. All of his work is characterized by fluent and im- peccable craftsmanship. Carl Sprinchorn achieves a better balanced ex- pression than the other two, largely perhaps be- cause he keeps his distance with his material, and conceives it always in terms of design, no matter how strong the emotional mood may be out of which his creative impulse comes. He has, too, an unerring sense of his medium, and each expression he achieves is conditioned by the