THE MICHIGAN DAILY PHE MICHIGAN DAILY ,1 IE Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. PUblished every morning ,except onday during the University year and Summer Session, Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail -matter. Subscriptions during regular school ear by carrier, $4.00; . by mail, $4.50. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1937-38 REPRESENTED POR NATIONAL AVERTstNG BY National Adverising Service, Inc. Cllg Psdlises Rprsetativ 420 MADISON Ave 'NEWYORKN. Y. CHICAGO eBOSTON + LOS ANGELES SAN FRANCISCO Board of Editors MANAGING EDITOR .............JOSEPH S. MATTES ASSOCIATE EDITOR ............TUURE TENANDER ASSOCIATE EDITOR...........IRVING SILVERMAN ASSOCIATE EDITOR.........WILLIAM C. SPALLER ASSOCIATE EDITOR ...........ROBERT P. WEEKS WOMEN'S EDITOR ...............HELEN DOUGLAS SPORTS 'EDITOR . ...... . ...... ...IRVIN LISAGOR Business Department BUSINESS MANAGER...........ERNEST A. JONES CREDIT .MANAGER.................DOISE ADVERTISING MANAGER ....NORMAN B. STEINBERG WOMEN'S BUSINESS ,MANAGER........BETTY DAVY WOMEN'S SERVICE MANAGER . .MARGARET ERRIES NIGHT EDITOR: JOSEPH GIES I .It is important for society to avoid the neglect of adults, but positively dangerous for it to thwart the ambition of youth to reform the world. Only the schools which act on this belief are educational institu- tions in the best meaning of the term. - Alexander G. Ruthven The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of the Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Not So Funny ... A FEW WEEKS AGO a March of Timenewsreel exposing the tech- nique of propaganda and falsehood employed "Inside Nazi Germany" was shown throughout ' America. One scene showed a German family sitting around a radio over which a National So- cialist announcer was reading world news colored to contrast Germany's internal situation favor- ably with that of other nations. One of several announcements concerning the United States flashed on the screen in translation, was "65,- 000 people starving to death in Cleveland . .." Audiences all over America laughted immoderate- ly. A United Press dispatch from Cleveland May 7 runs as follows: "Seventy-five thousand relief ' clients faced extreme need today in the latest fund crisis in this city of a million. "They looked to city council, meeting Monday, to take action as social workers estimated a $50,- 000 emergency fund would be exhausted, with only one-fifth of all relief families having bne-' fited. "Mayor Harold H. Burton met with his cabinet to discuss recommendations of a committee of nine citizens that the city care for its relief clientsn until the state can act. "Gov. Martin Davey, at Columbus, has called a special legislative session for May 16 to deal with relief problems of larger Ohio cities. "Eight hundred city relief workers continued payless at their posts voluntarily, pending action by either city or the state. The last regular two-week food orders were mailed April 15." Joseph Gies. k. A Move Toward Peace?.. . HE PREDICTION of experts on in- ternational affairs that the new An- glo-Italian agreement meant that "a long step had been taken toward blocking another Euro- pean war, laying the foundation for drawing Britain, Germany, Italy and France into a Four- Power Peace Pact," does not impress the every day observer. Although it was no less an authority than the United States State Department that originated this statement and although popular sentiment in both Britain and Italy seems to support the agreement, it is difficult for the man in the street to see any more than a temporary gesture of friendship in the treaty. Analysis of the facts of the treaty seems to justify this impression. In the first place the apparent ultimate aim of the understanding- that of uniting Europe under a four power agree- ment-is a practical impossibility considering" the widely divergent interests of the nations concerned. Then, too, nothing of substantial significance seems to have been reached in the treaty. The two most important points on which agreement was made were dealt with characteristic diplo- matic intangibility and inconclusiveness. The all-important question of domination of the ency of Europe to divide itself into two hostile camps, democratic and fascistic. The tangible and practical points of agreement of the entente were on matters of mingr im- portance, speaking from the standpoint of the international set-up. Italy promised to respect Anglo-Egyptian interests in Ethiopian Lake Tana, source of the Nile, in return for British respect of Italian treaty rights in Palestine. Finally both nations promised to furnish each other with reg- ular information on their military forces. Though these provisions undoubtedly will calm some Anglo-British fears, little is done to ease interna- tional tension. One is inclined to say that a genuine under- standing between two nations of such opposing interests and representative of the two forces of disagreement in Europe today would mean a millenium as far as world peace is concerned. It is inconceivable, however, that the major dif- ferences in Europe could be settled so simply and easily. Thus the mild skepticism on the part of John Q. Publicas to the accomplishments of this Anglo-Italian accord are apparently more than justified. Richard C. Kellogg. SynCOpation By TOM McCANN Returning from our rather extended stay away from the editorial page of the Daily, it was with no small amount of satisfaction that we learned of the "hot" record concert which 'is to be given by Phil Diamond of the German depart- ment at 7:30 p.m. today in the League as part of the drive for the aid of Jewish refugees being conducted by Hillel Foundation. Mr. Diamond, as we have told you over and over again until we're sick and tired of the whole thing, has one of the most complete li- braries of the "hot" classics we have ever known. Many of Mr. Diamond's collection are within the now-extinct group, while still many others of his early jazz specimens will draw rather handsome prices, judging by the bids made by the Hot Record Exchange Society in New York. We could think of no better qualified person to conduct such a venture than Mr: Diamond. A musician himself and having known and played with many of the artists he will illustrate, it is our belief, that everyone the least bit aroused by this matter of swing should attend the goings on at the League tonight. And to those others of you, who perhaps have been a little more for- tunate in acquainting yourselves with the works of some of the early jazz artists, it will be inter- esting to hear an excellent number of recordings, which may never be heard again. We are referr- ing to some of the now practically extinct works of Bix Beiderbecke, Red Nichols (especially his "Slightly Off Center"), Bessie Smith, Joe Venuti, Miff Mole and countless others. A small head tax of ten ce~ts per head (or Gabelle as they say in France) will be levied. But tonight this department predicts an overflow crowd of Michigan cats and others who would like to find out what makes cats cats at the Michigan League. THE FOR UM Beginning Courses To the Editor: In the recent remarks on "cleaning up" the educational system, there was little mention of specific courses or possible modes of improve- ment. Suggestions of such a sort ought to be profitable both to the student and professor. Regarding the beginning physics cqurse-it is a prerequisite for a number of professional schools and also recommended for majors in the depart- ments of psychology, and philosophy and mathe- matics. In fact, it is an essential for any sort of liberal arts education. Naturally such necessity draws a variegated group of people and the result is, the congrega- tion that gathers Monday and Friday at 10 a.m. is composed of everyone from the earnest youth who won the high school medal for nobility in physics comprehension to the neoteric young lady, who has never even heard of a fuse, much less, of "Einstein's photo-electric equation." For the high school' protege, Physics 35, 36, is con- siderably black, but he manages to pull through with little of his former glory tainted. And all the better for wear. But where is the brave female? Still floundering around in condensers, rheostats, generators, and the like-maybe really wanting to know what is happening to her, but simply too overwhelmed. There must be other beginning courses that present the same sort of confusion. I should like to suggest three possible plans for remedying the nerve-racking situation. 1. That there be a beginning course designed for those who have never tackled the subject be- fore-with simpler and amply illustrated texts. 2. That those who have not ever had ac- quaintance with the subject, receive more credit and attend more recitation classes. 3. That the recitation classes for beginners and those who have had some instruction, be separate so that the former could ask elemental questions without holding back the others. -Anonymous... In Defense Of Journalism There seems to be on the Michigan University campus as elsewhere, much discussion on the value of journalistic training for a career of news- paper work. There is the erudite opinion of such minds as Clarence Cook Little's that journalism is a pseudo-science deserving of no place in a college curriculum. There also is the opinion of Malcolm Bingay and other practical journal- ists, who denounce the whole scheme of jour- Heywood Broun Raymond Clapper reports that Yale men are beginning to move into key positions in the New Deal. In certain posts they have even supplanted Harvard incumbents. But that is not nearly as discouraging as it might seem on the surface. Only the bigoted maintain that no good thing can come out of New Haven, and an infusion of "Boola" boys into executive positions may merely mean a broaden- ..;';i .. ing of the base. There is such a thing as / having too intellectualized a grouppof advisers, and if Yale and Harvard are to cooperate now the admixture of bulldog brawn and Harvard intelli- gence may constitute just the proper elements to bring about a popular front. As a matter of fact, Yale men often did ex- tremely well {during the great war while serving under Harvard officers. Cambridge, as in the past, should furnish the tacticians, but New Haven may well contribute the hewers of woo and drawers of water. Harvard Can Tell Them If there is a difficult task to be accomplished, some one of the Harvard coterie in Washington can figure out the way in which it should be done and then press a button for a Yale man and tell him to go out and do it. I have no desire to asperse-the higher education and the institution in which it has been carried to the topmost peaks, but in the lower altitudes the hands from the Bingo farm often muddle through by sheer tenacity. And right now I think that the quarterback in the White House may be glad to have the services of men of sinew. He needs line-smashers, and while Harvard un- doubtedly excels in trick plays and passes, the fel- low who can lower a bullet head and plow throigh for a necessary two yards may be indispensable. It wouldn't even be a good idea to take on a Princeton man just to establish the democratic principle. One naturally would be plenty, and, there might be some difficulty in making the se- lection, since everybody seems to have his pet Princeton man. The outer aspects of New Deal executive of- fices will change enormously through the new influx. This has been very largely a cigaret ad- ministration. Big black cigars went out pretty much with Harding. General Johnson was the last of the Roosevelt key men who enveloped himself in smoke and flames while carrying on a conference. But now we are going to get the old chummy pipe. The outer offices in State, War and Navy departments will increasingly become fragrant. Many a Washington correspondent will be com- pelled to dictate his stuff because of being maimed through the unaccustomed bone-breaking hand- shake. And in those paneled rooms where once the newsgatherers said, "Good morning, Mr. Third Assistant Secretary," the newer form will be, "How are you, pal," or, "What's the-low- down this morning, spike?" * * * * The Dread Of A Burnt Child One timid soul among the capital's reporters says that he was frightened by Gargantua the Great in the circus and that he dreads to set foot in the Department of Interior now that he has heard the bars are down and Yale men have been admitted as jobholders. He is trying to induce Frank Buck and six men with rifles to accompany him on his first inspection tour. Nor has he been altogether assured by his colleagues, who inform him that, of course, all the wearers of the "Y" will be inclosed in air-conditioned glass cages. But true friends of the New Deal are enthusias- tic about the innovation of bringing in represen- tatives of Yale's varsity material. They argue that anybody who got a living wage while he was playing tackle is likely to remain an ardent dis- ciple of increased purchasing power. Beyond that it is their contention that, since so many rocks have been thrown at New Deal measures it may be very stimulating to gather in new allies who can respond with cocoanuts. the University of Missouri, which has the dis- tinction of being one of the oldest and best in the United States; may I say that the degree conferred (B.J.) far from being'a Big Joke, as one academic professor termed it, is recognized by the American Association of University Women as ranking with an A.B., and admitting the holder to full membership in the Association. The requirements of this School of Journalism stress the importance of a liberal education, even of specialization in a particular field. A wide knowledge of Economics, of Political Science, of Literature, of the Arts, of History in its dynamic sense, of all that makes the educated man, is not only encouraged but demanded of a graduate of this school. The ideals of Walter Williams, who died re- cently, are well known in the world of newspaper men and women. Self-taught, he had the re- spect of both practical newspaper writers and the academic mind; he was elevated to the posi- tion of University President without a college degree. His "Journalist's Creed" is read and practiced by hundreds of his pupils all over the world. I would recommend it to the Daily. As regards the local situation, I cannot but deplore the attitude which denies to the depart- ment here, a laboratory for students of jour- nalism. Courses in daily reporting, and the meet- By WILLIAM J. LICHTENWANGER Second Concert Entr'acte from "Khowantchina - - Moussorgsky. At first glance, no greater contrast to the subtly-woven, pastel-hued tex- ture of Debussy's music, as exempli- fied in the Afternoon of a Faun found on the first program, could be seen than in the rude vehemence of Moussorgsky's musical speech. The latter was one of those artists whose creative style is so extreme and un- equivocal in its pursuance of a single ideal that it is usually described, justly or not, in one or two over- burdened adjectives; in Moussorg- sky's case the ideal was realism and the adjectives are "crude" and "un- disciplined." Untutored in (and dis- regardful of) the finer technique of composition he undeniably was, and his music reflects the brusque naivete of his artistic approach. Moussorgsky was the composer of the Russian masses just as Wagner was (at least in his own mind) of the German peo- ple, but there is as much difference between the music of the two men as there was between the newly-librated Russian peasant of the 'sixties and the comfortably bourgeoise Bavarian of the same period.' Yet with all his crudities of technique and uneven- nesses in creative power, Moussorg- sky's music has a virility, .a directness of approach, a sincere touch of reality which have insured its continued ex- istence, and which, incidentally, greatly influenced the composer of the Afternoon of a Faun-not towards stylistic imitation, but towards the development of his pwn creative in- dividuality-in another of those fre- quent and curious affinities between the French and Russian minds, seem- ingly so unlike. * * * Boris Godounov, upon which rests much of Moussorgsky's fame, was the composer's only completed operatic work, but in the 10 years between its presentation and his unfortunate. drug-hastened death, he completed the first version of a second national music drama, Khowantschina, the finishing touches to which were add- ed by Rimsky-Korsakow. The action of Khowantchina takes place in the time of Peter the Great, when all Russia was torn internally by the struggle between the Old and the New. Chief among the opponents of Pet- er's Westernization policy was the Khowansky family; Khowantchina, therefore, means the "machinations of the Khowansky." The Entr'acte occurs at the begin- ning of the second scene of the fourth and last act, accompanying the de- parture of the hero, Prince Galitisin, to the Siberian exile to which he has been doomed by old Prince Khowan- sky. To the tolling of bells and the accompaniment of a dolorous, per- sistent figure in the basses, the strings sing a mournful song that completes as desolate and lonely a picture as is found in operatic literature. * * * The Bells-Rachmaninoff. This sentiment of pathos or melancholy so well exemplified in the Khowantchina Entr'acte is undoubtedly the fore- most characteristic of Russian music, which in general is distinguished by a greater homogeneity of style and spirit than the music of any of the other majo musical nationalities. Yet that this national style is capable of a great deal of variety due to differences in temperament and artistic approach among various composers is illustrated by a comparison of the three works on this all-Russian program. Mous- sorgsky and Rachmaninoff, for in- stance, both evidence a typical Rus- sian fatalism, but while Moussorg- sky's feeling is founded on a creed of rugged realism,dRachmaninoff's is that of a polished romanticist. Lawrence Gilman has called Rach- maninoff the "last of the romanti- cists," and certainly the Byronic na- ture of the composer is nowhere more clearly expressed than in his music to The Bells. The music is pervaded by a feeling of sombreness and melan- choly which, though concealed at times by a desperate gayety or a de- ceiving tenderness, at the end rises to a mournful, even horrible despair; "there is neither rest nor respite, save the quiet of the tomb." Yet this spirit, not so different from that evinced by much of Moussorgsky's art, is embodied in music of great technical suavity and subtlety of con- ception. The literary inspiration and foun- dation for Rachmaninoff's music is, of course, to be found in the poem of the same name by Edgar Allen Poe- although, since Poe's poem was trans- lated rather freely into Russian for the composer's purpose (and thence retranslated into the English in which we are to hear it), the music is not strictly a setting of Poe. In reality it is a symphony for chorus and solo- ists in addition to a very large or- chestra, with four movements, cor- responding, in their tonal delineation of moods and pictures, to the four parts of Poe's poem-the "joyous sil- ver sleigh-bells," the "mellow wed- ding-bells," the "loud alarum-bells," and the "mournful iron bells" that proclaim the sorrow and solemnity of the grave. With a marvelous subt- (Continued from Page 2) May Festival concerts is as follows: First Concert: Wednesday evening, 8:30. Marian Anderson, Contralto; The Philadelphia Orchestra; Eugene Ormandy, Conductor. Second Concert: Thursday evening, 8:30. All-Russian Program. First part, "The Bells" by Rachmaninoff. Agnes Davis, Soprano; Arthur Hack- ett, Tenor; Chase Baromeo, Bass; Palmer Christian, Organist; The Choral Union; the Philadelphia Or- chestra; Earl V. Moore, Conductor. Second part, Artur Rubensten, Pi- anist, The Philadelphia Orchestra; Eugene Ormandy, Conductor. Third Concert: Friday afternoon, 2:30. Albert Spalding, Violinist; Har- din Van Deursen, Baritone; The Chil- dren's Festival Chorus; The Phila- delphia Orchestra, Juva Higbee and Eugene Ormandy,'Conductors. Fourth Concert, Friday evening, 8:30. Nino Martini, Tenor; The Philadelphia Orchestra; Eugene Or- mandy, Conductor. Fifth Concert: Saturday afternoon, 2:30. All Wagner Program. Marjorie Lawrence, Soprano; The Philadelphia Orchestra; Eugene Ormandy, Con- ductor. Sixth Concert: Saturday evening, 8:30. Bizet's "Carmen." Hilda Burke, Agnes Davis, Sopranos; Bruna Cas- tagna, Contralto; Giovanni Mar- tinelli. Arthur Hackett, and Maurice Gerow, Tenors; Richard Bonelli and Hardin Van Deursen, Baritones; Chase Baromeo, Bass; Choral Union; The Philadelphia Orchestra; Earl V. Moore, Conductor. Concerts will begin on time. Hold- ers of season tickets are requested to detach before leaving home, and pre- sent for admission, only the coupons for the respective concerts. Those leaving the Auditorium during in- termission are required to present their ticket stubsrbefore re-admission . Doors will be closed during numbers. Parking regulations under the di- rection of the Police Department and the Buidings and Grounds Depart- ment will be in operation during the Festival. The University Musical So- ciety will greatly appreciate the sym- pathetic cooperation of all in atten- dance, to the endthat confusion, in- terruptions, etc., may be reduced to a minimum. Charles A. Sink, President. Exhibitions Exhibition: Photographs of "India, her Architecture andSculpture" un- der the auspices of the Institute of Fine Arts, May 2 through May 14 in the exhibition room of the School of Architecture. Daily (except Sunday)' from 9 to 5. An Exhibition of Paintings, water colors and drawings by Peter Hurd, Saul Schary and Carl Sprinchorn is presented by the Ann Arbor Art As-' sociation in the small galleries of1 Alumni Memorial Hall from May 2 through May 15. Open daily, includ- ing Sundays, from 2 to 5 p.m., admis- sion free to students and members.3 Leture Music Lecture: Mr. Lee Lockhart, former Supervisor of Instrumental Music, Pittsburgh, Pa., will lecture in Lane Hall Auditorium at 4 p.m. Tues- day, May 10. Subject, "New Pro-1 cedures in Instrumental and Piano Class Teaching." Evnts Today Convocation, School of Education:1 The third Convocation of undergrad- uate and graduate students who are candidates for the Teacher's Certifi- cate will be held in the Lydia Mendel- ssohn Theatre on Tuesday afternoon, May 10, at 4:15 o'clock. This Convo- cation is sponsored by the School of Education, and members of other faculties, students, and the general public are cordially invited. Faculty members, and students who are can- didates for the Teacher's Certificate are requested to wear academic cos- tume. President Ruthven will preside at the Convocation and Dr. Walter A. Jessup, President of the Carnegie minor-Tschaikowsky. In point of place the least of the three Russians to be represented on this program, :historically speaking Tschaikowsky is the first-in spite of the fact that his birth occurred in 1840, five years later than that of Moussorgsky. Although his musical training and artistic de- velopment were not very different from those of most of the other Rus- sian composers of his time-involving a tardy development from musical amateurism to professionalism - Tschaikowsky never was materially affected by the intense nationalistic devotion which so swayed most of his fellow composers, and consequently his music is more eclectic and nearer to that of Western Europe than that of any other Russian of the last cen- tury. Also, it is nearer to the music of the earlier part of the century, the music of the German romanticists, both because of its eclectic nature and because of its highly emotional basis - 4 - - - . %-. /a a ~ - -'J - Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the Universtty. Copy received at the office of the Absistant to the President until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday. Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, will give the address. Botanical Journal Club: Tuesday, 7:30 p.m. Room 1139 N.S. Reports by Helen V. Smith, Paleo-ecologyand climatology, the Upper Cedarville flora of Northwestern. Nevada and adjacent California. LaMotte John Yasaitis, Phytogeographic studies of the Uinta Basin, Utah. Graham. Lowell Bailey, Root studies. Nedrow, Pa3vlychenko. Betty Robertson, Pioneers of the Frontier. A review. Weiser. Chairman-Dr. E. U. Clover. Psychological Journal Club: Meet- 'ng today at 7:30 in 3126 Natural Science Building. Prof. B. D. Thuma will speak on "Some Problems in Ex- perimental Aesthetics." Chemical and Metallurgical Engin- ering Seminar for Graduate Students will meet today at 4 o'clock in Room 3201 E. Engineering Bldg. Mr. Nor man C. Fraser will be the speaker on "Notes on British Process Plant De- sign." The Graduate Student Council will xneet in the Michigan Union at 8 p.m. on Tuesday, May 10. All mem- bers are urged to be present. Metallurgical Engineers. There will be a Metallurgical Group Meeting on Tuesday, May 10, at 7:15 p.m. in Room 4215 of the East Engineering Building. Mr. Frederick A. Melmoth, Vice President of the Detroit Steel Casting Company, will be the speaker arid his subject will be "Production of Steel Castings." Orientation Advisers: There will be an important meeting of .all men or- ientation advisers in Room 321 of the Union at 4:15 o'clock, this afternoon. As this is the only meeting this year, the attendance of all advisers is necessary. All Eligible Freshmen Womenin terested in taking part in the enter- tainment for the Frosh Project are asked to attend a meeting at 8 p.m. Tuesday in the League. Eligibility slips must be presented. Anyone in- terested in participating in the show but unable to attend may call Ruth Davis at 2-2591. Archery Club, Women Students: The Archery Club will meet today at 4:30 at the Women's Athletic Building. Sociedad Hispanica Very important final meeting of the year. Members are urged to be present to participate an election of officers for the coming year. Two one-act plays "Mas Vale Tarde Que Nunca," and "El Lector de Almas" will be presented in Span- ish. The meeting will take place in the Glee Club room, Michigan Union, Tuesday evening, 7:30 p.m. Pi Lambda Theta will have a meet- ing Tuesday, May 10. at 7:30 ,p.m. in the University Elementary Library. Miss Gertrude will lead a group dis- cussion on "Problems of First Year Teachers." The meeting is open to all interested. Members of Pi Lambda Theta. Keys have arrived for new members. You can get them at the meeting Tuesday, May 10 at 7:30 p.m. in the University Elementary Library.. Women Students: Individual skill test in swimming may be taken at the Union Pool any Tuesday or Thurs- day evening. Report to the life guard on duty any time between 7:30 and 9:00. Senior Engineers: Class dinner to- night at the Union at 6:15 p.m. Dean Emeritus Mortimer E. Cooley will be the principal speaker. Alevander Ziwet Lectures in Mathe- matics: The final lecture of this series will be given on Tuesday at 3 o'clock, in Room 3011 Angell Hall. Union Sophomore and tryouts: You are invited the Installation Banquet, April 10 at 6:15 p.m. Freshman to attend Tuesday, Michigan Dames Installation Ban- quet in the Grand Rapids Room of the League, 6:30 p.m., Tuesday. Reser- vations may be made with Mrs. Don Kimmel. Christian Science Organization: 8:15 p.m. League Chapel Students, alumni and faculty are invited to at- tend the services. Coming Events Graduate Luncheon, Wednesday, May 11, 12 noon, Russian Tea Room, Michigan League. Cafeteria service. Prof. Raleigh Schorling of the Ed- ucation Department, will speak in- formally on "Impending changes from the viewpoint of a student of recent European Developments."