The Weather
Mostly cloudy, possibly snow
in south portion today; tomor-
row cloudy, rain or snow.
A& 410
fag A6F
Anthony Eden's
Wolverine Cagers
Ruthven Calls Specialized
Education Undemocratic
Asserts Broader Cultural Curriculum More Desirable
Than Pre-Professional Specialization; Declares
Michigan Reaches 'HappyMdu'Bter w
Chamberlain Seeks Treaty
With Ttaly;leport French
Cabinet Split Over Crisis
In Fast Play, 58-29
6,400 Field House Fans
Watch Revitalized Team
Employs Fast Offensive
Townsend I)azz es
Crowd With Scoring
Michigan's long-dormant cage at-
tack flared into a relentless basket
barrage last night as the incompar-
able Townsend and Co: swept Wis-
consin's Badgers into a 58-29 defeat
before'6,400 enthusiastic Field House
Coach Cappy Cappon, still discon-
solate over his lost title prospect,
succinctly described the brilliant
Wolverine performance. "The dam
broke," Cappon explained wearily as
he remembered the miserable Iowa
and Minnesota fiascos, which re-
moved his quintet from champion-
ship considerations.
Crowd In Frenzy
And the crowd, which would have
willingly chucked a dried mackerel
at the Wolverines in those two de-
feats, was in an occasional state of
frenzy as Capt. Jake unloosed the
full fury of his passing and pivoting.
It was the same kind of marvelous
exbibition which inspired Eastern
writers to eulogize him early in the
season, to which local fans had be-
come accustomed until the recent
Wolverine recession.
Dorsey Band
Brings Swing
To FieldHouse
Tommy Dorsey swings into Ann Ar-
bor today to .jam Yost Field House
with a roster of popular tunes, includ-
ing eight of the current campus fa-
vorites, selected in a recent poll. The
concert will begin at 8:30 p.m.
The opening piece will be "Swing'
That Music," followed by "Dipsy
Doodle." Next will come "Three Moods
in Swing,' 'a medley made up of "Dark
Eyes," "Satan Takes a Holiday" and,
"Symphony in Riffs."
Trombone Man
A musical biography e n t i t l e d
"Trombone Man" will be next, fol-
lowed by the trio, "In the Still of the
Night," "You're a Sweetheart" and
"Once In a While." After these the
band will render "Marie," the cam-
pus favorite.
Next will come a collection titled
"The Evolution of Swing." In the first
movement, called "From Then Till
Now," will be "Memphis Blues," as
played in 1909; "Tiger Rag" as played
by the original Dixieland Jazz Band;
excerpts from Paul Whiteman's ar-
rangements of "Japanese Sandman"
and "Song of India."
'Who' And 'Star Dust'
T specnd movem-ent of "'The Ev-
A narrow pre-professional programj
in literary colleges can prevent Amer-
ican colleges and universities from
functioning as institutions for the
preservation of democracy, President
Ruthven said in an interview with the
Daily yesterday.
The President pointed out that
democratic institutions can only be
preserved by emphasizing cultural ed-
acation in the literary colleges and
riving undergraduate students a broad
variety of subjects from which to
"By giving students a broad general
education," Dr. Ruthven said, "they
are being taught to think for them-
selves, and that should be the func-
tion of the literary college of today.
This end is being accomplished
through a cultural curriculum."
"But," he went on to say, "educa-
tors have gone too far in the pre-pro-
essional program by requiring too
many pre-requisites for technical and
professional schools."
He pointed out that students trained
in such specialized fields are mere
practitioners when they graduate
from the professional school, not cit-
izens as they should be.
When questioned concerning the
degree concentration program at
Michigan, President Ruthven said!
that it more or less reaches a happy
medium between too much specializa-
tion and a meaningless floundering
about in many fields.
"It is natural," he declared, "that
students should pursue more deeply
the study of things they enjoy, and
the Michigan system permits that
Continued on Page 6)
Jake spored 17 points, and with' lution of Swing"ill be "Toda ;'
his amazing intuitive passes, set up eS Oing tisbgrowilb
many easy shots for his moving Numbers." Opening this group will be
teammates. Time and again he"Wo"llowedtby "StarDst." Two
elicited "ahs" of admiration with a impressIn,,sthenla dleiger-
sharp flip from nowhere. And wheni becke 'In a Mist," and "Candlelight"
he lacked receivers, he pivoted on a "Three Scotch Songs in Swingtime,"
dime and parted the hoops himself. the next number, will be composed of
Michigan Attack Changed "Comn' Thro' the Rye," "Annie
The Michigan attack underwent a Laurie" and "Loch Lomond."
remarkable change last night. Where- Several vocal numbers will follow.
as in their last five encounters, their Jack Leonard will sing "If It's the
offense frequently became stagnant Last Thing I Do"; Edythe Wright will
as opposing defenses dropped back to render "The Clambake Seven," "The
choke Jake's pivoting game, last Lady Is a Tramp" and "The Pagan
night there was a fluidity around the Love Song" and Tommy and the boys
charity circle. Herm Fishman, in will do a number called "Posin'." ,
one of his finest floor displays,
sneaked around and between Badger J
guards, E d d i e Thomas floated Irad '"'nc1)
through several times and Leo Beebe f e Counil
found a pass greeting him as he e
wheeled by on a couple of occasions. Bac Printers
And when their shots were awry,
eihe Jkeorbi JmRae were avaiPr ssaSble
for tip-i. Jim caged four In Press Strike
buckets, all of them tipped in after
a rebound.
Fishman got hotter than an acety- Council To Send Statement
lene torch during the evening. The Of Conditions To State
rotund Wolverine guard sank 13 .
points on a wide assortment of shots, Officials And Governor
ranging from one hand push-ins from!
the center to those left-handed As the third day of the Interna-
"dogs." And his harum-scarum ap-'I tional Typographical Union's strike
proach kept the Badger defense suf- against the Ann Arbor Press began
ficiently scattered to permit Jake a with neither party willing to capitu-
fair leeway in his playmaking. late ,the newest feature of the local
Some explanation for the Varsity walkout was the wholehearted, sup-
(Continued on Page 3) ourt given to the printers by the Ann
-Axir Trades and Labor Council.
In a statement which is to be sent
Congres Plans to various State officials, including
A ~g rsGovernor Murphy and President
D istrict M ixers Ruthven, the Council pointed out that
hours of labor, wages, health and san-
tary conditions at the Ann Arbor
For .ThisW ee Press were such as to bring discredit
to Ann Arbor.
Yesterday, Arthur J. Wiltse and
Independent Men To MeetI Horace G. Pettyman, owners of the
Tomorrow, rThursday;company, conferred fruitlessly with
, Emil Kuehar, president of 'the ITTU
All Districts IncludedlI m al, and Harold HoTameyer, secre-
Lary. It was reported that calling of
District mixers for the purpose of a new conference depends on Mr.
bringing together all non-affiliated Wiltse.
men and acquainting them with the The complete statement of the
organization, personnel and program Trades Council follows:
of Congress. independent ien's r- "Whereas, the strike of members
ganization, will be held at 7:30 p.m. of the Ann Arbor Typographical
tomorrow and Thursday in the Union. Union at the Ann Arbor Press has
Mixers fer the first five districts occasioned a careful investigation and
will be held tomorrow as follows: Dis- analysis by the Ann Arbor Labor
trict 1, Room 316; District 2, Room Movement, represented by the Ann
318-20; District 3, Room 319-21: Dis- (Continued on Page 6)
Michigan Daily
Calls Tryouts
For Thursday
To Hold General Meeting
For Editorial Staff First;
Then Sports, Women
The first meeting for second-semes-
ter freshmen and sophomores inter-
ested in becoming members of The
Michigan Daily editorial staffs will
be held at 4:30 p.m. Thursday in the
Student Publications Building, May -
nard Street.
A general meeting for all editorial
Staff tryouts will be held first and ar-
rangements wil lthen be made for sep-
arate meetings for the editorial staff
proper, the sports staff and the wom-
en's staff tryouts will be held first
znd arrangements will then be made
"or separate meetings for the editorial
staff proper, the sports staff and the
women 's staff tryouts.
Until staff appointments are made
in May, tryouts will become acquaint-
ed with Daily organization and style
by working once each week on the
night desk and by writing stories from
eats which will be assigned later.
Upon announcement of appoint-
cuents, tryouts retained for their soph-
omore year will become reporters of
news from University departments,
divisions of the Ann Arbor govern-
nent, extra-curricular campus or-
;anizations and other regular sources
>f news. They will continue to work
)n the night desk once each week.
Reporters retained until May of
heir sophomore year will be eligible
or a night editorship. As night ed-
tor, they will be in full charge of the
gaper one night each week. Night
kditors are paid $15 each month.
From among the night editors the
Board in Control of Student Publica-
'ions selects senior editors the fol-
lowing May. Positions available in
he senior year are the managing ed-
.torship and two associate editorships,
he first paying $45 per month and
he latter two, $40. Other seniors kept
in the stall are paid from $20 tip.
'YCL Hears Plan
To Prevent War
Popular Front, Collective
Security Advocated
Four factors that differentiate the
present international crisis from that
of 1914 and that necessitate the
establishment of Popular Front gov-
ernments throughout the world in
order to stop the advance of fascism
by a policy of collective security were
listed by Phillip Cummins, '39, last
night before 50 persons at a meeting
of the Young Communist League in
the Unitarian Church. The fac-
tors are:
(1.) Existence of the Soviet Union
as a powerful force working toward
Sliht Increase
Over Last Year
In Enrollment
10,477 Student Register;-
College Of Architecture
Has 17 Per Cent Gain
University enrollment for the sec-
ond semester up to noon last Satur-
day, showed a 4.4 per cent increase
over last year, according to figures
released yesterday by Miss Marian
Williams, registrar's office statisti-
The total enrollment was 10,477 as
compared with 10,035 for the second
semester of 1936-37. There are 7,-
451 men and 3,026 women enrolled,
proportionately the same as last year.
The Graduate School, the College
of Engineering, and the College of
Literature, Science and the Arts still
remain the largest schools on cam-
pus. The latter has a total enroll-
ment of 4433, a net loss of .6 per
cent over last year. The Graduate
School has 1,865 students enrolled, a
rain of 15.8 per cent, while the Col-
lege of Engineering has an enroll-
ment of 1,771, a gain of 14 per cent.
Four of the engineering students are
women, the same number as last year
at this time.
The biggest gain in enrollment was
made by the College of Architecture
with an enrollment 17 per cent
greater than last year. The School1
of Pharmacy showed the greatest loss,
with a decrease of 18.4 per cent.
WA, Size more
Forestry Stor y
In New Technic
Closer cooperation between forest-
ers and engineers will put an end
:.a the mounting conservational po'
lems, William Roy Sizemore, '39 F&C,
.,ontends in the current issue of the
Michigan Technic, which goes on sale
tomorrow. Among these problems he
lists soil erosion, flood control, deple-
tion of mineral resource:;, road-build-
ing aund strea pollution.
I As an instance of the engineer-for-
cster co ilict, he cites the failure
of engineers to encourage the use of
wood substitutes for diminishing oil
I and criticizes foresters who fail to
recognize the superiority of oil, slow-
ing progress in wood utilization.
In his "Prefabrication-Some Eco-
nomic and Social Aspects," Justus N.
Baird, '38E, points to a growing opin-
ion among prefabricators that homes,
instead of being built for 100 years
should be planned for a life of 15
years and replaced at that time.
Other articles in the issue include a
discussion by J. Ralph Davis, vice-
president of the Vanadium Corp. of
America on "What I Want in the
Young Engineer," an article on "Bro-
mine from Sea Water," by L. C. Stew-
Paris Deeply Concerned
Over London's Leave
Of Old Democratic Bloc
Hope For New Pact
With Great Britain
PARIS, Feb. 21.-(P)-Talk of a
oossible cabinet shake-up circulated
freely tonight as France consulted
'er European friends on changes in
iiplomacy forced by the resignation
)f Britain's Foreign Secretary, An-
thony Eden.
Foreign Minister Yvon Delbos,
whose policy was tied closely to that
-f Eden, was considered in danger of
being forced out unless French diplo-
macy is readjusted quickly.
Members of the Chamber of Depu-
ties said Premier Camille Chautemps
already had talked with a number of
ministers about enlarging the Cabinet
to include more conservatives. The
whole question will be placed before
the Cabinet tomorrow, deputies said.
Meanwhile, Delbos kept in contact
with both Czechoslovakia and Russia.
He had a long talk with Jacob Surits,
Soviet Ambassador, and was said to be!
in close touch with Praha.
United States Ambassador William I
C. Bullitt visited the Foreign Office
this afternoon, but both the American'
embassy and French officials said he
went only to find out what was hap-
pening and to say "goodbye" since'
he is leaving Thursday for a holiday
in the United States.
Sources close to the Foreign Office
said the government's chief concern
was over Britain's "abandonment" of
central Europe. Officials left little
doubt that nothing would be done by
Prance on European problems until
it was settled what London's new for-
eigni policy would be.
The main hope at the Quai D'Or-
say was that the British Government
would find Anglo-Italian conciliation
impossible without virtual capitula-
tion to the Rome-Berlin combine and
would learn how much Britain needs
French support.
The Foreign Office, it was learned,
suggested Britain join Paris in a sec-
ond warning to Reichsfuehrer Hitler
that the two nations were concerned
about Nazi plans in Austria and show
that they still were backing Czecho-
slovakia, but no reply was received
from London.
Forum Series
On Specialized
Fields Planned
Literary College Sponsors
Talks To Help Students
In Choosing Profession
A series of talks and discussions on
the various professions will again be
given this year, under the direction
of the College of Literature, Sci-
ence, and the Arts.
The purpose of the series will be
to aid the students in determining
their choice of profession, and to ac-
quaint them with the preparation
necessary for admission into the va-
rious professional schools of the]
University. The services of heads of
several departments and colleges
have been secured for the talks. Dean
H. M. Bates, of the Law School will
inaugurate the series at 4:15 pm.,
March 3.
Throughout the rest of the semes-
ter the talks will continue, featur-
ing the fields of dentistry, pharmacy,
library science, medicine, business
administration, music, engineering,
education, nursing, forestry, archi-
tecture and graduate studies. The
dates for the individual forums -will
be posted in the Daily Official Bulle-
Quick Picks Thirty
Beauties For Gar g
Calls Jokes 'Funny'
Thirty beautiful women grace two
full pages of the Gargoyle which goes
on sale Wednesday. How they at-
tained their present position of pro-I
minence, no one but Editor George
Quick, '38, can tell, but another article
in the Gar exnuains how the less for-
Political Front At
A Glance
LONDON-Prime Minister Ne-
ville Chamberlain beat Anthony
Eden to the punch and launched
a new foreign policy of concilia-
tion with Italy before the former
foreign minister "got to" the House
of Commons. Laborites will de-
mand a vote of censure of Cham-
PARIS---The position of For-
eign Minister Yvon Delbos, bound
closely to Eden diplomatically, was
jeopardized as talk persisted of a
French cabinet shakeup following
the British crisis.
BERLIN-Foreign diplomats and
Nazi leaders agree Chancellor
Adolf Hitler will press for settle- +
ment of Czechoslovakian question
as soon as Nazi influence is con-
solidated in Austria.
VIENNA-The government puts
ban on political meetings and dem-
onstrations for a month as Nazi
and Socialist temper rises.
MOSCOW-Soviet sees greater
danger of war as result of Eden
BUCHAREST-Pro-Nazi party
leader agrees to dissolve party after
King Carol projects new constitu-
tion granting crown extension of
powers .
WARSAW - Polish National
party leader demands colonies for
Crisler Name~s '
Earl Martineau
Backfield Boss
Earl T. Martineau, present assistant
football coach at Princeton, will join
Michigan's staff as backfield coach,,
it was announced yesterday bysHead
Coach Herbert O. (Fritz) Crisler.
Martineau's appointment, which
has the approval of the Board in Con-
trol of Athletics, is the first step in
Crisler's reorganization program. It
was intimated here that additional
The status of Elton E. (Tad)
Weiman, who until yesterday was
prominently mentioned for the
line coach position at his old Al-
ma Mater, Michigan, was cleared
today when Weiman accepted the
head coach position at Princeton
announcements of other staff changes
will be forthcoming later in the week.
Martineau succeeds Walter J. We-
ber, backfield coach under Harry G.
Kipke. Weber also worked with the
freshmen in recent years and may re-
ceive an assignment with the first-
year men.
Following a spectacular athletic ca-
reer in high school, Martineau dis-
tinuished himself in the Marine Corps
with five citations for gallantry, in-
cluding Croix de Guerre.
His Program 'Scrapped'
Prime Minister Clarifies
British Foreign Stand
Over TheEnglish Bolt
Eden Makes Plea
Before Parliament
LONDON, Feb. 21.- (RP) -Prime
Minister Neville Chamberlain told
Parliament in polite but biting words
today he had scrapped Anthony
Eden and all he stood for as foreign
secretary for an immediate settle-
ment with Fascist Italy and Nazi
He explained Eden's course would
have led to war.
In diplomatic phrases that did not
hide the bitterness of their break,
Eden and Chamberlain took their
quarrel to the House of Commons.
Just Two Gentlemen
They were two gentlemen debat-
ers in the world's oldest club. Cham-
berlain apparently has won, al-
though the formal vote will not come
until tomorrow.
But Eden, out as Foreign Secre-
tary, was fighting bitterly to sway
Parliament against any deals with
dictators under force of threats.
And Chamberlain, in power and
acting as his own Foreign Minister,
was striving equally dramatically, in
his own methodical way, to hold
Britain to , a peace-at-any-price
course of conciliating Italy and Ger-
Eden's resignation, putting the
long-bottled up quarrel before a
shocked Bitish public, apparently
has failed in its purpose of changing
the course of the Empire.
Rights Back Chamberlain
The dominant Conservative major-
ity in Parliament rushed to Chamber-
lain's support on the policy of bring-
ing ;Europe's. great democracies-=
Britain and France-to terms with
Europe's great dictatorships-Italy
and Germany.
Even Eden's desperate fight against
him Chamberlain made the sounding
board for an announcement that
meant the abandonment of all the
things for which Eden had stood dur-
ing his two years and two months in
Birtain, Chamberlain told the jeer-
ing and cheering house, would start
negotiations with Italy "immediate-
ly" and in Rome.
Debaters Face
On Ludlow Bill
Varsity Takes Affirmative
On War Referendum;
To Be Non-Decision
Illinois will debate Michigan to-
morrow on the advisibility of adopt-
ing the recently proposed Ludlow
amendment seeking a referendum on
war. The debate will begin at 7:30
p.m. in the north lounge of the
Michigan will take the affirmative
side of the proposition, "Resolved,
That the Proposed Ludlow Amend-
ment to the Federal Constitution
Shoud be Adopted," and Illinois will
uphold the negative. It wil be a
non-decision contest.
The first speaker for the affirma-
tive will be Sidney Davidson, '40, of
Flint. He debated on the team that
reached the state semi-finals in 1936
high school competition.
Jack Shuler, '40, of Pontiac will be
the second Michigan speaker. He
debated against Ohio State Univer-
sity last fall.
Norman Hannah, '41, will be the
first speaker for Illinois. He has had
much experience in high school de-
The second speaker for the out-of-
town group will be John Bryan, '40.
He attended Rutgers University as a
freshman, and there debated on the
freshman team.
University Record
Makes Its Debut
The first issue of the University
Record, established by the University
Council for the faculty, was issued
trict 4, Room 323-25, District 5, Room
Thursday the following mixers are
scheduled: District 6, Room 316; Dis-
trict 7, Room 318-20; District 8, Room
319-21; District 9, Room 323-25; Dis-
trict 10, Room 302.
The campus has been divided by
Congress into these 10 districts each
containing approximately 400 inde-
pendent undergraduates. Every dis-
trict will have its own internal or-
ganization, with the president repre-
senting his respective district on the
District Council. A district commit-
tee chairman, elected by the 10 dis-
P Ia- dc'I orum At
Uion Wednesday
Pre-medical students and others in-
terested in medicine are invited to
attend the Union Coffee Hour at 4:30
c.m. Wednesday in the small ballroom
at which Dean A. C. Furstenberg of
the Medical School will talk on "The
Medical Profession Today."
An informal discussion on the topic
of the day will follow the talk and
Dean Furstenberg will answer ques-