The Weather
Partly cloudy today, warmer;
tomorrow generally fair, and
3k igtau
Not So
A move
toward Peace?.
Big Fireworks1
I~ageant Endsi
Wail 11 Duce
Special Train Rushes Nazi,
Chief Through Brenner
Pass Toward Germany
Italians Mobilized
In Farewell Move
FLORENCE, Italy, May 9.-(P)-
Adolph ditle tonight headed across
the Alps toward Germany, ending a
dramatic rsix-ay visit with his close
collaborator, 'Benito gussolinm.
The German Fuehrer's train pulled
out of Florence just at midnight (6
p.m. E.S.T.) to start for jrenner Pass,
the Alpine gateway to Italy, he
pledged his nation forever would con-
sider ,inviolate.
Mussolini told Hitler goodbye with
a surprise spectacle which rivalled all
the other grandiose events of his stay
in Italy.
As the Fascist and Nazi dictators
reached the railway station a barrage
of fireworks burst from the station
roof illuminating the sky for miles
Uniformed Children Sing
A chorus of 10,000 children, uni-
formed, and lined Tp row on row
against the nearby fountains, sang a
farewell to Hitler. Colored floodlights-
played on the square, bands played
and thousands of troops formed a
final honor guard for the departing
Hitler wore an expression of boyish
pleasure and bewilderment when the
fireworks shot up and the singing
It was Mussolini's final gesture be-
fore bidding him goodbye. Then Hit-
ler stepped aboard his 'special train
and headed for home.
The program in Florence in his
honor-was a crowded one. The last
event was a special opera perform-
ance at which he arrived a half ,an
hour late and left after the first act.
Civil Mobliation Ordered
The first civil moilization in Italy
since the Ethiopian war of 1935-36
was decreed in the city so all Flor-
entines could welcome the Nazi leader.
Premier Mussolini, who was at the
station in Rome when King Vittorio
Emanuele and Hitler exchanged fare-
wells, had dashed to Florence to re-
ceive the Fuehrer on his arrival.
Together they drove through his-
toric streets, lined with cheering Ital-
ians, to see the city's prized art.
Florence gave Hitler the warmest
reception since his arrival in Italy
and provided decorations which ri-
valled those of Rome and Naples in
beauty and originality.
The famous red fleur-de-lis emblem
of the city glistened in the sun be-
side Fascist and Nazi banners.
Senate Probes
Housing Profit
Open Hearing Scheduled
In an attempt to get to the bottom
of charges that excessive profits are
being made on rooming house invest-
ments, the Housing Committee of the
Student Senate will hold its second
open hearing at 7:30 p.m. today in the
The results of a Daily survey which
found profits averaging 10 per cent
upon the investment will be presented,
as well as evidence by a number of
Representatives of the Department
of Public Health, which has conduct-
ed a sweeping survey of the facilities
in women's sororities and League
houses'at the instigation of office of
the Dean of Women will testify on
sanitation at the hearing. In addi-
tion, Miriam Hall, Grad., will give
evidence upon the possibilities of
Federal aid in building dormitories.
At the committee's first hearing
the problems of cooperatives were
aired and evidence on sanitation in
men's rooming houses was read into
the record.
Aline MacMahon Likes Movies,
But The Stage Still Comes First
Star Of Drama Season'sd
Opening Play began Her
Career While In College
While making movies is interesting
work, it does not equal acting on the
.stage, in the estimation of AlineMac-
Mahon, who arrived here yesterday
for the Dramatic Season's "Ghost of
Yankee Doodle."
And Miss MacMahon ought to
know what she is talking about for
she has been in tlhe movies for six
years and" acted on the stage even
before she went to Barnard College,
where she starred with "Wigs and
Cues," the school's play .production
Miss MacMahon has appeared in
numerous moving pictures, including:
"One Way Passage," "Silver Dollar,"
"Five Star Final" with Edward G.
Robinson, "The World Changes," with
Paul Muni, and "Ali, Wilderness" with
Lionel Brrmoe
She has been rehearsing "The
Ghost of Yankee Doodle," in which
she is scheduled to appear next week
at the Lydia Mendelssohn, for pro-,
duction in New York and rehearsed
with the cast which will appear here
for one week before she arrived here
Miss MacMahon told of her pecul-
iarly delayed meeting with Miss Helen
Arthur, executive director of the Dra-
matic Season, and Miss Agnes Mor-
gan, director of "Yankee Doodle."
Several members of Miss Arthur's
Neighborhood Theatre in New York
saw Miss MacMahon playing in a
Barnard production and told Miss
Arthur about it. Miss Arthur wrote
her a.letter asking her to come to
see her.
However, the letter fell down the
(Continued on rage 6 _
Ruthven Gives
His Support To
Camp Tag Day
Terms Enterprise One Of
'Genuine Social Import';
Drive Will BeMay 13
Giving support to student and cam-
pus groups which are organizing and
-backing the Fresh Air Camp Tag Day
on May 13, President Ruthven yester-
day expressed his interest -in tie
Camp and in the Tag Day project.
"The annual campaign on behalf
of the camp operated by the students
and the staff of the University of
Michigan,"' Dr. Ruthven stated, "'fur-
nishes an opportunity to contribute
to a project which has become close
to the hearts of the University com-
munity. The good which has been
accomplished through many years
of successful operation is difflult to
estimate, and those who contribute
to the support of the camp may be
assured that they are taking part
in an enterprise of genuine social im-
Cites Opportunities
Through its long association with
the University, he said, the Camp
has offorded students opportunities
for actual participation and coopera-
tion in a humanitarian project and
has been built up as an eapression of
student interest in contributing to
social needs.
Commenting upon the history of
the camp at Michigan, Dr. Ruthven
expressed approval of they change
from a voluntary student activity to
the plan adopted for this year of giv-
ing credit to counselors for summer
work in the School of Education and
the department of sociology. Found-
ed on the campus in 1919, the prop-
erty and affairs of the camp have
been administered since 1924 under
the Student Christian Association, the
functions of which are now cared for
by the Student Religious Association.
Service Lauded
"During 14 years of association,"
Dr. Ruthven said, "University men
from several fields of interest have
given faithfully their service to this
common project. University men have
served ever since the organization
of the camp as counselors, while
through the annual spring tag days,,
the faculty and student body as a
whole have participated in the work
of the carpp, raising a large share of
the funds for its support. This is one
of the first, and still one of the
very few, institutions of its kind sup-
ported by a University community."
On Tuesday the Student Senate
voted to "give wholehearted support
to the Tag Day," while the League
has made it an official women's proj-
NLRB Rules
Out Testimony.
In Press Case:
Examiner Reverses Order;
Plant Owner Threatens
'I'll Never Give In'
Details of a conference held in
April between the Ann Arbor Press
and striking Local No. 154 of the
Typographical Union went before the
National Labor Relations Board in
Washington yesterday, but testimony
on a similar meeting which took place
last Thursday was ruled out by Trial
Examiner Frank Bloom, according to
a special dispatch from the Associat-
ed Press to the Daily.
Reversing an'earlier decision to ad-
mit testimony on the conference held
in Washington, Bloom said he had
misunderstood the date of the dis-
puted hearing.
Arthur J. Wiltse, manager and co-
partner in the local printing plant,
said yesterday that if the Board's
decision is adverse to his interests,
"this. case may be in the courts for
a year or for 10 years- I'll never give
in." Wiltse said he expected to take
the stand today..
Louis Falstreaux, local ITU strike
chairman, testified that he was called
in April to discuss the dispute with
Wiltse and George Meader, Ann Arbor
Press attorney. Falstreaux said that
the management offered to put some
of the strikers back to work, but,
insisted on keeping certain men hired
when the strike began (Feb. 18), and
offered to allow the ITU to bargain
for its members only.
Carnegie Head
To Speak Here
Senate Votes
Record Sum
To Farners
Grant Of $1,104,00,000
Returned To House For
ApprovalOf Changes
Highways To Share
In Appropriations
took the Senate less than three hours
today to discuss and approve the ex-
penditure of $1,104,000,000 in federal
funds for farm and highway pro-
The agricultural Appropriation Bill
which would provide this record sum
for use in the fiscal year beginniing
July 1, then was sent back to the
House for consideration of some $50,-
000,000 the Senate added to it.
Senator Russell (Dem., Ga.), who
steered the appropriation through the
Senaste, said differences with the
House probably would be adjusted by
a Joint Conference Committee.
Criticism of the size of the measure
came from Senator Vandenberg (Rep.,
Mich.), who said Government out-
lays for the farmer had increased
"six times in the last decade and
I am not sure that the' farmer is any
better off."
"The bill carries more money than
ever approved by the Senate but
we .must remember the government
is doing a lot more things for agri-
culture all the time," Senator Russell
commented after the measure won
approval without a record vote.
Few changes were made in the
measure as previously approved by,
the Senate Appropriations Committee.
The bill included $6,500,000 for the
Farm Credit Administration, inde-
pendent agency which makes loans
to farmers, and all the other funds
are to be expended by agencies under
the jurisdiction of Secretary Wallace.
The biggest item was $500,000,000
for benefit payments to farmers who
comply with the new crop control pro-
gram. This was $15,000,000 more than
approved by the House.
Ford Blocks
T6 Lift Case
Court Amends Previous
Rule; Case Records To
Be Included In Suit
Company's Counsel
Hails 'Ford Victory'
COVINGTON, Ky., May 9.-(P)--
The Ford Motor Co. blocked today
efforts of the National Labor Rela-
tions Board to withdraw from court
the record of its case against the
hfirm and question arose immediately
whether it also had halted the NLRB's
promised vacating of an order charg-
ing Wagner Act violations.
Amending its ruling of last Friday
-permitting the board to withdraw
the documents-the Sixth U.S. Cir-
cuit Court of Appeals directed that
the papers be made a part of the
Ford Company's suit to set aside
the contested order of last Dec. 22.
Several motions incident to the suit
are before the tribunal.
Attorney Is Jubilant
Ford chief counsel Frederick H.
Wood, of New York, described the
court's ruling as a "victory for Ford,"
and declared its effect would be to
prevent the NLRB from rescinding
the order which directed reinstate-
ment of 29 workers in the Michigan
plant, who were discharged for as-
serted union activity.
The next step, he said, would be
up to the Board. Previously he had
said in court however, that "if the
board tried to deprive the court of
jurisdiction by setting aside its order,
it would be in contempt of court."
Philip G. Phillips, Ninth Regional
Director for the NLRB, cited com-
ment by Judge C. C. Simons during,
the hearing that if the Board's order
were vacated, all questions (raised by
Ford) would be "academic," and de-
clared the board could rescind the
order, thus "eliminating certain is-
sues as to validity of the board's pro-
cedure." -
Board Acts In Chicago
Developments here shared the spot-
light with-others in Chicago and Phil-
In Chicago, the Labor Board moved
to set aside its precedent-setting de-
cision against the Inland-Steel Cor-
poration-first employer directed to
sign a contract covering any collec-
tive bargaining agreement reached
with labor.
The Board announced that next
Thursday it would serve formal. no-
tice upon Inland attorneys that "un-
less sufficient cause to the contrary
is shown," it would "vacate and set
aside its findings and order for the
purpose of further proceedings be-
fore the board."
Organizations that have not re-
ceived the Mroney for the construc-
tion of their Michigras booths may
do so by presenting their receipts
at Dean Rea's office between 1:30
and 4:30 p.m. Wednesday, it was an-
nounced yesterday. This is the last
time it will be possible to receive re-
imbursement for the expenditures
Sings Tomorrow
Negro Singer
To Open 45th
Sell-Out Likely For Music
Series Opening In Hill
fAuditorium Tomorrow
The 45th annual May Festival, out-
standing musical program, will open
here tomorrow night and continue
through Saturday with six concerts.
Dr. Charles A. Sink, president of the
University Musical Society, said yes-
terday that some tickets still re-
mained, but he predicted that every
program would be a sell-out by con-
cert time.
Marian Anderson, Negro contralto
will open the Festival at 8:30 p.m. to -
morrow in Hill Auditorium when she
will give a concert, accompanied by
the Philadelphia Orchestra, which
will be conducted by Eugene Ormandy
and Prof. Earl V. Moore.
Fourteen soloists,. seven of them
from the Metropolitan Opera Com-
pany, are scheduled to appear here
before the last concert ends Satur-
day night.
At 8:30 p.m. Thursday Artur Ru-
binstein, pianist, will play; at 2:30
p.m. Friday Albert Spalding will give
a violin recital; at 8:30 p.m. Friday
Nino Martini will appear, and at
2:30 p.m. Saturday Marjorie Lawrence
will present a concert.
"Carmen," in concert form, will be
presented at 8:30 p.m. Saturday. The
participants include Bruna Castagna,
Hilda Burke, Agnes Davis, Richard
Bonelli, Chase Baromeo, Arthur
Hackett and Giovanni Martinelli.
National Prize To
Sigma Rho Tau
University of'Michigan delegates to
the national convention of Sigma
Rho Tau, engineering honor society,
von the inter-chapter trophy for out-
standing work and first and second
place in each of the three major con-
tests held last Saturday in Detroit.
In the Hall of Fame contest, first
place was taken by George Weisner,
and second by Charles Forbes, while
James Brodkorp and Harry Fischer
won first and second respectively in
the project speaking contest. Bruno
Rocca and Henry Billings won first
and second in the Raconteur contest.
Leaders Point
Toward Early
To Seek Special Resolution
To Hurry Wage-Hour Act
For Speedy House Vote
Consult Roosevelt
On Pump-Priming
WASHINGTON, May 9.-(P)--Con-
gressional leaders cautiously talked of
an early-June adjournment today and
hopefully pointed their arrangements
to that end.
One principal factor of uncertainty
was offered by the Wage-Hour Bill
and to hurry that much-disputed
measure along, the leadership evolved
a program under which, if Rules Com-
mittee Republicans agree, the meas-
ure may be expedited by a week or
ten days.
Meanwhile the Senate, with, a min-
imum of debate, finally approved a
conference report on the compromise,
$5,000,000,000 Tax Bill, which re-
moves all but a remnant of the con-
troversial tax on undistributed cor-
porate profits. . Approval by , the
House, expected tomorrow or Wed-
nesday, will send the measure to the
White House.
The House schedule called also for
the beginning of debate on the Pres-
ident's $4,500,000,000 program for
combatting the depression with $4,-
500,000,000 out of Federal loans and
expenditures. The leadership looked
for passage by the 'end of the week.
After a fortnight of hearings the
Appropriations Committee introduced
the bill just. before adjournment to-
day. It proposed appropriations and
authorizations totaling $3,054,425,000.
The remainder of the $4,500,000,000
was previously cove'ed in authoriza-
tions for loans by the RVC, and ap-
propriations for road building and
the Civilian Conservation Corps.
The new bill contains $2,519,425,000
in actual appropriations. An author-'
ization of $500,000,000 for -public
works loans and $35,000,000 for the
.onstruction of federal buildings. The
outright appropriations include $1,-
250,000,000 for work relief and $965,-
000,000 for public works. Among
other items are '$175,000,000 for the
farm security administration and
$75,000,000 for the national youth ad-
ministration. s
Thinking in terms of adjournment,
the Democratic high command of
both the House and the Senate
talked the situation over with Pres-
ident Roosevelt, and a second White
House conference saw members of,
the appropriations committee and
those concerned with the. adminis-
tration of the spending-lending cam-
paign discussing that question with
the Chief Executive.
Lantern Night
Honors Group
Dr. Walter A. Jessup, former pres-
ident of the Iowa State University
and now president of the Carnegie
Foundation for the Advancement of
Teaching, will be the speaker at the
special teaching convocation tomor-
row at 4:15 p.m. in the Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre.
President Alexander G. Ruthven of
the University will preside at the
convocation which is held to honor
students receiving teacher's certifi-
cates at the end of this year.
Dr. Jessup, whose topic will be a
recent Carnegie report reviewed at
the Spring Parley, has been a mem-
ber of numerous survey committees
centering the attention of educators
on important school issues.
"Cats' To Hold.
League Swing
.Concert Today
Trucking, shagging, and Suzy-Q-
ing, and other exhibitions of emotion,
will be definitely prohibited for the
cats who turn out to be "sent" at the
jam session at 7:30 p.m. today in the
Main Ballroom of the League, when
Philip Diamond of the German de-
partment presents his long-awaited
collection of phonographic killer-
The 10 cent adrmission charged will
be donated to the fund drive now be-
ing conducted by the Hillel Founda-
tion for the aid of victims of religious
persecution in Europe.
Aesthetically inclined swing fiends
will have to limit signs of their ap-
preciation to whistling, cheering and
applauding wildly between numbers,
when Bix Beiderbicke, Miff Mole, Joe
Venuti, and Red Nichols, fathers of
real jam swing, are played. Mr.
Diamond will thenrcontrast to this
hotter music the more sophisticated
type of syncopation often known as
swingphony, as immortalized by the
most popular bands of today.
Between 30 and 50 records twill be
played, according to Mr. Diamond,
who is a former swing pianist and
will offer comment between the group
selections on the band personnels and
arrangements. The groupings will be
arranged by orchestra.
- Campus cats have long tried to
persuade him to give a concert of his
noted collection which contains rec-
ords that they probably could not
hear anywhere else. The opportunity
to benefit the drive and at the same
give all the students interested in his
collection a chance to hear it, finally
won him over. "It should be a lot
of fun," Mr. Diamond said.
New Union Officers
Take Posts Today
Paul Brickley, '39, and Donald Bel-
den, '39E, will be installed as presi-
dent and secretary of the Union re-
spectively at 6:15 p.m. today when the
annual Installation Banquet is held in
the Union.
Theo will succed John Thom. '38
Attorney Blames Business Ills
On Wagner Act's 'Unfairness'
Institute Of Far Eastern Studies
To Offer Extensive Curriculum
Contending that industry is justi-
fied in attributing business paralysis
to the unfairness of the Wagner Act.
Albert E. Meeder, Detroit attorney
told the second annual Teachers'
C' nnfereneP on Industrial Relations
a . .r - "r ri i rr! .r iii i
Sunday that amendments are neces-
Two Plays To Be Given sary if the automobile industry is to
ySocieda~d Hispanica continue paying high wages to its
Two one act plays, "Better Late ' Meder's talk was part of a heated
Than Never" and "The Soul Reader," discussion on the Labor Relations
by Romero de Terreros will be pre- Act which closed the three day meet-
sented by the members of La Sociedad ing.
The Wagner Act must be amended
to compel the unions to permit the
working man to produce a reasonable
amount without continued interrup-
tions, Meder said. Interference with
production must be closely scrutinized
and union representatives or members
guilty of impeding production should
be subject to discharge, he continued.
Union coercion, approved under the
National Labor Board's administra-
tion of the law must be checked, Med-
er declared, urging that the Wagner
Act be amended to provide that labor
officers be American citizens, that
. inchPmAxip reennnshlPto the
The most extensive and intensive
program of studies of the Far East
ever offered by an American uni-
versity will be given by the Institute
of Far Eastern Studies as a part of
the 1938 Summer Session of the Uni-.
versity of Michigan.
Among the unprecedented educa-
tional opportunities offered by the
Institute, according to the catalogue,
are both introductory and advanced
courses in Japanese, Chinese and
Russian languages, and concentration
in Far Eastern history, geography, po-
litical science, anthropology and so-
Although conducted under the aus-
pices of the University, the Institute
is assisted by the American Council of
Learned Societies and the Institute
of Pacific Relations.
During the regular academic year
the members of the Institute who are
on the faculty here cooperate with
those teaching subjects concerning
the Near East in administering the
degree program in Orientation Civili-
zations, which provides for the su-
pervision of undergraduates' studies
and the direction of a selected group
of+ varltaI e students.
tin of the University of Washington;j
Prof. Jesse F. Steiner of the Univer-
sity of Washington; and Ch'un Yen
of Yale University.
In addition the Institute has made
arrangements for the following lec-
turers, each of whom will speak sev-
eral times here: Dr. Hu Shih, of Pe-
king University; Dr. Amry Vanden-
bosch, of the University of Kentucky;
Dr. Shio Sakanishi, of the Library of
Congress; Prof. George B. Cressey of
Syracuse University; and Younghill
Kang, of New York University.
The Institute was begun last year in
recognition of a "growing public and
academic interest in Eastern Asia,"
according to Prof. Robert B. Hall, of
the geography department, director
of the Institute and chairman of the
Oriental Civilization degree program
"It is the natural outgrowth of a
long-continued association between
the University and the peoples and
government of the Far East," Profes-
sor Hall said. "This association was
begun with the appointment of Pres-
ident Angell as envoy extraordinary
to the Chinese Empire, and has since
hben maintained by various members
All Women On Campus
Will Take Part
Lantern Night Sing, an all-campus'
women's event, willbe held Mon-
day, May 23, according to Norma
Curtis, '39, general chairman.
All sororities, dormitories and in-
dependent zones have been invited to,
participate in the first women's sing
to be held on the campus, which is to
be held in conjunction with Lantern
Night, traditional event honoring
senior women.
The line of march will form in
front of the General Library at 7:30
p.m. and will follow the University
Band to Palmer Field. The seniors,
who will wear their caps and gowns
and carry lanterns, will be escorted in
the line of march by underclassmen.
The sing will be held on Palmer Field
immediately after the march.
The central committee for Lantern
Night consists of Miss Curtis, Mary
Alice MacKenzie, '39, in charge of the
line of march; Virginia Mulholland,
'39, chairman of the patrons commit-
tee, Mary May Scoville, '4OEd, in
charge of lanterns, Beth O'Roke, '40A,
chairman of the committee in charge
of singing, and Jean McKay, '40,
publicity chairman.