THE MICHIGAN DAILY _ i _ _ _ MICHIGAN DAILY v . . a JA.- dited and managed by students of the University of higan under the authority of the Board in Cgntrol of dent Publications. 'ublished every morning except Monday during the versity year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press the Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the for republication of all news dispatches credited to r not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All ts of republication of all other matters herein also rved. atered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as nd class -mail .matter. , Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, 0; by mail, $4.50. mber, Associated Collegiate Press, 1937-38 REPRUSENTS POR NATIONAL. ADVERTISING BY, NationalAdvertisingService, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK, N. Y CHICAGO - BOSTON -LoS ANGES - SAN FNA CISCO Board of Editors NAGING EDITOR...........JOSEPH S. MATTES 30CIATE EDITOR.TUURE TENANDER 3OCIATE EDITOR ...........IRVING SILVERMANt 30CIATE EDITOR.........WILLIAM C. SPALLER 3OCIATE EDITOR........ROBERT P. WEEKS MEN'S EDITOR...............HELEN DOUGLAS )RTS EDITOR..................IRVIN LSAGOR Business Department' SINESS MANAGER.ER NEST A. JONES EDIT MANAGER...........DON WILSHER VERTISING MANAGER ....NORMAN B. STEINBERG MEN'S BUSINESS MANAGER .......BETTY DAVE MEN'S SERVICE MANAGER . .MARGARET FERRIES NIGHT EDITOR: JOSEPH N. FREEDMAN It is important for society to avoid the neglect of adults, but positively dangerous, for it to thwart the ambition of youth to reform the world. Only the schools which act on this belief are educational institu- tions in the best meaning of the term. - Alexander G. Ruthven The editorials published in The Michigan ., Daily are written by members of the Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. other art Bill 0 , T THE PRESENT TIME there is cir- ,A, culating in Michigan a proposed con- .tutional amendment dealing with the method selecting state supreme court justices. Al- ough as yet the amendment has received little tblicity, it is of great potential importance com- g as it does in a time when there is strong pop- ar interest in both judicial and administrative form. The proposed amendment would completely olish popular election of supreme court justices. is an attempt, in the opinion of its sponsors, "completely divorce the selection of supreme urt justices from partisan politics." Specifically it provides for nomination of the dges by a specially selected board and actual >pointment by the governor from the list of )minations. The Judiciary Commission is to be mposed of nine men chosen for three years follows: one justice of the supreme court select- by the judges of that court, one circuit judge acted by the circuit judges of the state, one pro- te judge elected by the probate judges, three wyers selected by the commissioners of the ichigan bar and three non-lawyers selected by .e governor. Upon superficial examination this proposal ap- ars to be a good one. It frees the supreme urt from political selection and consequent po- ical pressure on the bench. It also provides r appointment of justices which students of vernment have long advocated as the surest eans of intelligent selection. Upon close analysis, however, many flaws ap- ar. In the first place It is readily seen that .e plan applies only to the supreme court and t the whole judicial system as it logically ould. It is not the supreme court personnel at needs to be shaken up as much as that of e lower tribunals. We have been relatively ccessful in choosing supreme court justices cause more attention is paid to them due to e importance of their position, but in the case the lower courts, judges have been incom- tently selected. Therefore actually little would accomplished by this measure. Secondly the fact that there are two bodies in- lved in the selection of judges creates division responsibility in appointment. It is an axiom good government that if appointments are to percede elections they should be made by one sponsible authority thus allowing some pop- ar check on the.appointing authority. If re- onsibility is diffused as in this case the ame or credit for bad or good appointees rest no one because of the opportunity of each dy to pass the buck to the other. Thirdly under the recommended plan for the .diciary Commission the bench and the bar uld have practically indisputed control of nom- ations to the governor since six of nine mem- rs are judges and lawyers. Considering the owing feeling among informed persons that mplete ,control over the judicial structure of e legal profession means a hindering of demo- atic processes and the feeling that the best ;alists do not always make the best judges, power places dictatorial appointive power in the hands of the Judiciary Commission. Finally the fact that the proposal is a con- stitutional amendment rather than a statute makes it imperative that whatever is selected for judicial reform is a thorough-going and good plan. We should not adopt it because it is a "step in the right direction." Too often "steps in the right direction" become so thoroughly em- bedded or "frozen" in the constitution that the real thorough-going reform is nevet adopted. The public is too easily convinced that some- thing substantial has been accomplished when quasi-reforms are adopted. Political inertia then makes real reform impossible. There can never be a substitute for real justice. Therefore rather than accept the present half-way proposal it is better to wait for a thoroughly good plan. Richard C. Kellogg. Victuals. , . T HAS NOW COME to the point where the War Department must send out to local papers enticing stories con- cerning the good eats in the army camps in order to get young people to enlist for the Citizens Military Training Camp. The news release sent to the Daily is prefaced by these remarks: "This story is furnished you free. Please use it as we are experiencing dif- ficulty in securing the quota allotted your county." The release continues stating that a certain of- ficer "announced yesterday that 'eats' at the Citizens' Military Training Camp at Camp Custer where boys from county willbe sent, will be bigger and better than ever. Thanks to the thoughtfulness of Congress, the amount of money appropriated for those camps has been increased to cover the increased cost of foodstuffs." Orders are to "fill them up and keep them full," according to the commanding officer of the camp. A typical Sunday menu is given with mouth wa- tering tenderness. It includes everything from chicken and giblet gravy to ice cream and even has such incidentals as orangeade and bread and butter. Then, lest the thought of food bring to mind pertain unpleasant duties connected with its preparation, Kitchen Police is explained as a former bugaboo now "shorn of its disagreeable features" by means of electric "spud" and onion peelers and other machinery. In fact, under this eloquent description K.P. comes even tohave "instructional value" and be "a lark." And in closing, "A few more boys from county . . . will be accepted. Then in the en- closed bulletin we find that one boy out of Washtenaw County's allotment of 27 has ap- plied and been accepted. Does that mean that there is only one "patriotic" youth in this en- tire county who wants to go on such a "lark" and get a little "instruction" in how to blow, or be blown, to bits in our next war. Unbeliev- able! Malcolm Long. TheEditor Gets Told Likes Editorial To the Editor: In my opinion the editorial in the issue of the Daily of Tuesday morning, May 3, is the best editorial which has ever appeared in the Daily. It is not the subject matter of the editorial which gives it this high standing but the quality of the presentation. All the important elements of the subject were quite fully stated. There was no appearance of emotion or propaganda. The writer had an opinion of his own which he stated very simply. I presume it is not possible to have the quality of this editorial as the standard for all editorials and news reports. If it could be, the University of Michigan would have a newspaper which would be known around the world. I wish you every success in your enterprise. -Prof. John S. Worley. High Pressure Salesmen 'o the Editor: In addition to the unfortunate tactics of writ- ing to fond mothers in order to sell subscriptions to the 'Ensian, that publication certainly needs an overhauling in another direction, that of continually cluttering up the diagonal from one year's end to the other with ballyhooing sales- men. One overlooks such selling in other items since they come so seldom; and Galen's fund and the Fresh Air Camp activities are affairs to which most of us rather look forward with good will, I am sure. The Engineer's loud-speaker is a thing upon which the campus looks with ironic amuse- ment. But, it is always open season for the 'Ensian, and one never knows when he is going to be importuned with the wearisome clatter that the price is going up to five-fifty almost any moment! The average student can overcome his ire at seeing the squirrel-chasing dog (whose owner is probably sadistically amused) and at the habit of quite a few thoughtless students sauntering in fours on the diagonal at its busiest periods, but this cancerous agitation to which the 'En- sian is constantly subjecting us all, goes beyond endurance. Can't we get some action on it? -Frank HammIl, '39. Bureau Of Redheads We are fascinated by Senator Ellender's charge that one bureau of the government (he can't re- MUSIC By WILLIAM J. LICHTENWANGER First May Festival Concert Fantasia in C major-Handel. Although it is upon Bach that most of the transcribers for modern grand orchestra have showered their at- tention, the Leipzig Cantor's illustrious twin, Handel, has not been entirely without his sym- phonic evangelists. This Fantasia which Lucien Cailliet, bass clarinetist in the Philadelphia Or- chestra and successor to Leopold Stokowski as the Orchestra's unofficial arranger, has scored for a full symphonic group is a movement from the third of Handel's Pieces pour le Clavecin, --the same collection of harpsichord works which contains, in the Fifth Suite, the set of variations known popularly/ as "The Harmonious Black- smith." "Vater unser in Himmelreich"-Bach-Kodaly. Turning from Handel to Bach we have another transcription, this time an arrangement of a chorale tune that has changed hands so many times that its originator's name is unknown. This melody was first pubished in 1539 as a setting for Luther's versification of the Lord's Prayer, and was later used many times over by Bach in his church cantatas, the St. John Passion, lesser vocal pieces, and four organ works. From Bach's numerous settings an arrangement of the tune for cello and piano was made by the Hungarian composer, Zolton Kodaly, from which the present version for string orchestra has been transcribed by Arcady Dubensky, a Russian violinist in the Philadelphia Orchestra. In 1782 the twenty-six year old Mozart paused for a week or two in the midst of writing his opera II Seraglio, and of making ardent love to Con- stance Weber, to dash off the thirty-fifth of his forty-one symphonies. The love making and the symphony were both finished about the same time. On August 4 Constanze became Frau Mo- zart and on August 6 the manuscript of the symphony was sent from Vienna to Salzburg, where it graced some festal occasion at the house of one Siegmund Haffner, a wealthy burgomaster for whom Mozart had already composed the "Haffner" Serenade, and from whom the Sym- phony takes its familiar title. At first the music of this D major Symphony was arranged in the form of a serenade or suite, with an introductory march and extra minuet, but these movements were soon dropped and flutes and clarinets added to the original wind contingent to form a full-bodied example of classical symphonic orchestration. "The First Allegro," said Mozart, "must go in a fiery man- ner," and to make its effect more impelling he fashioned the entire movement out of one vig- orous theme. The second movement is a win- some song of the simplest form, accompanied and varied with dainty rococo patterns. The Menuetto is undistinguished save for a grace- ful air in the Trio that recalls ant aria from an earlier Mozart opera, while the Finale, which the composer remarked "should be played as fast as possible," bustles brightly in a manner very much like that of the Figaro Overture. It Seems To Me By HEYWOOD BROUN France had u a aingle Marie An- toinette, while we have enough to constitute an entire Chamber of Com- merce. Our own collection of "Let- em-eat-cakes" never seem to knowo what is going on in the world out-1 side. To be sure, the leading indus-g trialists are familiar enough with the indices of business, but they pay scant attention to economic andf political tides,s At least, this seems to be true ofb the men who are articulate at meet-e ings. Possibly there is more wisdomr among those who remain silent, but1 I wonder why they do not speak up. It is well within the right of any man to think that the policies of the present administration, or any other, are all wrong and to put that thoughts into the most vigorous language at1 his command. But I remain con-t stantly amazed at the amount ofp purely wishful thinking which is en-r gaged in by gentlemen who profess1 to be realistic and hard-headed. I A very considerable number ofl financial captains insist upon pro-l ceeding on the premise that there1 was no national election in 1936. Or,1 at the very least, they seem to con-.. tend that it was all a dream and that the popular mandate for progressive policies can be shaken off by pinching themselves or, better yet, their em-, ployes. Of course, the kings of commerce read the newspapers, but they turn instinctively to the editorial pages and the columns of comment, where they are very likely to find solace for their misconceptions. Indeed, these thinkers live by being taken in by each other's wishful thoughts. A evealing Experiment A friend of mine recently made the experiment of taking 10 representa- tive papers and having everything inked out except such items as re- flected opinion. For one month he proceeded to shelter himself from all factual reporting. And this, of course, did not bar him from getting certain pieces in the body of some of the papers which were presented as news. My friend kept to this strict diet for a whqle month. He found it arduous, for he is a Giant fan and wanted to know how Terry's men were doing. But the baseball scores were treated without bias in all the papers on his list, and so he remained in the dark. The morning his ordeal ended the experimenter went upon a spree among the headlines and the recital of happenings. He tells' me that he felt exactly like a man from Mars or poor old Rip Van Winkle. In al- most all fields of national endeavor he found himself completely out of touch with current events. Indeed it was worse than that. My inquiring friend says. that for one month he had been living in topsy- turvy land. For instance, on the morning when he climbed down from the columns and the Olympian edi- torial attitude he found that Senator Pepper had won the Democratic pri- mary in Florida with a vote that ex- ceeded that of all his opponents put together. And imagine my friend's surprise to learn that the successful candidate had captured Southern State on a platform of strong support for the New Deal, including the Wage and Hours bill. Garner At The Helm! During his stay in the Editorial Kingdom of Wishful Thinking the exile had been informed over and over again that the people of the United States were passionately opposed to the New Deal and all its works, past and present. He got the impression that the Ship of State was being steered by a sagacious idol of the masses, John Nance Garner. Indeed,, one or two editorials intimated that in response to popular clamor it might be not only excellent but feasible to impeach Mr. Roosevelt. He gathered from the political commentators that even the progressive support of the President had evaporated and that men and women were dancing in the streets and crying out, "We want Phil La Follette!" My friend says that he still feels shaky and that it will take at least a couple of weeks to get back to nor- malcy. But he is still at heart a re- search man. For one full month he purposes to read the news and leave out all the editorials and columns. And I suggest this very regime to the Chamber of Commerce as a good cure for flatulence. Mayor Hague bars Speakers Of ILD From Jersey City (Continued from Page 1) ped from the billboard. The caption had been: "This is Norman Thomas pledging allegiance to Russia." A new sign proclaimed: "Labor and the AFL will never join hands with' the CIO and Communists." As occasional disturbances occur- (Continued from Page 2) of the series will be on Tuesday, May 10, at 3 o'clock, in Room 3011 An- gell Hall. Religious Lecture: "Religion Re- forms the Economic System" is the subject of the last series of lectures by Kenneth Morgan in which he will discuss the religious cooperative movement in India. Tuesday, May 10th. 7:30 p.m., Lane Hall Library, Events Today International Council Panel: The subject of the Panel sponsored by the International Council for Sunday af- ternoon, at 4:30, in Room 116 of the Michigan Union, is "Towards Unity." Those participating on the Panel will be William Quo Wu, China; Herman Krotor, Germany; Mauro Asprin, Philippine Islands; and Charles Braidwood, United States. The pub- lic is cordially invited to attend the Panel. The usual Sunday evening buffet supper will follow the discus- sion. Phi Eta Sigma will hold a dinner meeting and election of officers at the Union on Sunday, May 8, at 6:3Q p.m. Shingles will be presented to those who have not received them. "The Federal Art Project," an il- lustrated lecture by Mrs. Increase Robinson, director of the Illinois project, will be presented by the Ann Arbor Art Association at 3:10 p.m. Sunday, ay 8 in the West Gallery of Alumni Memorial Hall. . Admission free to students and members, a small fee to others. Coming Events German Table for Faculty Mem- bers: The regular luncheon meeting will be held Monday at 12:.0 p.m. in the Founders' Room of the Michigan Union. All faculty members interest- ed in speaking German are cordially invited. There will be an informal 10-minute talk by Professor Kasimil Fajans on "Einiges au dem Grenzge- beit der Physik and Chemie."-, Physics Colloquium: Dr. Julius Hal- pern will speak on The Scattering of Slow Neutrons by Liquid Hydroger at the Physics Colloquium on Mon- day, May 9 at 4:15 p.m. in Room 2041 East Physics Building. Sociedad Hispanic. Very importan final meeting of the year. Memben are urged to be present to participate an election of officers .for the comin year. Two one-act plays "Mas ValE Tarde Que Nunca," and "El Lecto: de Almas" will be presented in Span ish. The meeting will take place in the Glee Club room, Michigan Union Tuesday evening, 7:30 p.m. Botanical Journal Club: Tuesday 7:30 p.m. Room 1139 N.S. Report by Helen V. Smith, Paleo-ecology an climatology, the Upper Cedarvill flora of Northwestern Nevada an adjacent California. LaMotte studies of the Uinta Basin, Utah Graham. John Yasaitis, Phytogeographi Lowell Bailey, Root studies. Nedrow Pavlychenko. Betty Robertson, Pioneers of th Frontier. A review. Weiser. Chairman-Dr. E. U. Clover. Metallurgical Engineers. There wil be a Metallurgical Group Meeting o Tuesday, May 10, at 7:15 p.m. ii Room 4215 of the East Engineerin Building. Mr. Frederick A. Melmotl Vice President of the Detroit Stee Casting Company, will be the speake and his subject will be "Productioi of Steel Castings." Quadrangle, Wednesday, May 11 1938. "The Present European Situa tion," Wheeler and Boerner. Due payable at banquet May 25, 1938. The Graduate Student Council wi meet in the Michigan Union at p.m. on Tuesday, May 10. All mem bers are urged to be present. Graduate Luncheon, Wednesda3 May 11, 12 nnon, Russian Tea Roorr Michigan League. Cafeteria servic( Prof. Raleigh Schorling of the Ed ucation Department, will speak in formally on "Imepending change from the viewpoint of a student o recent European Developments." Michigan Dames Installation Ban quet in the Grand Rapids Room o the League, 6:30 p.m., Tuesday. Reser vations may be made with Mrs. Do Kimmel. College of Architecture: A film sponsored by the Federal Housing Ad ministration, showing recent housin projects, will be shown in the groun+ floor lecture room, Architectura ' Building, on Monday, May 9, at 4:1 p.m. Those interested are cordiall; invited. Acolytes: On Monday evening, Ma: 9, at 7:45 Rev. J. J. Wellmuth wil Churches * * * not present immediate steps will be taken to disband the club. United Peace Committee: There will be an important meeting at 7:30 p.m. Monday, May 9 in Lane Hall. Elec- tions to the Executive Committee will be held. Women Students: Individual skill test in swimning may be taken at the Union Pool any Tuesday or Thurs- day evening. Report to the life guard on duty any time between 7:30 and 9:00. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin Is constructive notice to all. members of the Universty Copy received at the office of the assistant to the President uatu 3.30; 1 .00 am. on Saturday, / * "Allluia"-Mozart. Although not quite as well known as Handel's famous chorus, this paean of rejoicing, based entirely upon the one word "Alleluia," is perhaps the most popular of Mozart's shorter vocal pieces-especially since its spectacular rendition by Deanna Durbin in 100 Men and a Girl. It was written nine years before the Haffner Symphony, as the final movement of a motet entitled "Exsultate jubi- late." Aria "0 don fatale" from Don Carlos,-Verdi. Probably no composer was traveled so widely, creatively speaking, than Giuseppe Verdi; the scenes of his some thirty operas range from colonial New England to ancient E'gypt, -from nineteenth century Paris to fifth century Italy, from medieval England to Moorish Spain. It is in the latter country, but during the time of the Inquisition, that the scene of Don Carlos is laid. Somewhat as in Aida, a jealous princess has be- trayed her unresponsive lover,and in this fourth- act aria she sorrowfully repents her treachery and viws with Heaven's help to atone for it. * * * * The Afternoon of a Faun-Debussy. For De- bussy, music was not an art of logic, proportions, or architectural designs; it was an expression- spontaneous and undisciplined-of incoherent and intensely subjective impressions. In the Prelude to the Afternoon of a Faun, his first representative work and the cornerstone of the whole Impressionism movement in music, De- bussy was not concerned with the logical and formal development of ideas, as have been most instrumental composers during the last two cen- turies. Neither did he intend to paint a program- matic musical parallel to the cryptic poem of Stehpen Mallarme which inspired him, but rather to arouse in the listener through musical means the same vague but poignant feelings that are stimulated by a reading of the poem. As if by magic, one is caught in the fragile daydream of the pagan faun. His drowsiness, the incoherence of his thoughts, his vague but ardently amorous desires, the strange, languorous delight of a dream in the afternoon sun-all are sensed as we are suspended in an unsubstantial web of fancy, spun out. of a tenuous fabric of orchestral sound. * * * * Interlude and Dance from La Vida Breve- de Falla. Modern Spain's foremost composer, at present said to be in the unsympathetic hands of the Rebels, was only in his twenties when his two act La Vida Breve won him first prize in a competition for a representative Spanish opera. Disiciples Guild (Church of Christ) 10:45 a.m.-Morning Worship, Rev. Fred Cowin, Minister. 5:30 p.m.-Social Hour and Tea. 6:30 p.m.-Dr. Blakeman, Counse- lor in Religious Education for the University, will speak on "Current Trends in Religion." A forum will follow the address. First Church of Christ, Scientist. 409 S. Division St. Sunday morning service at 10:30. Subject, "Adam and Fallen Man." Golden Text: Isaiah 59:20. Sunday School 11:45 after the morning service. First Congregational Church, cor- ner of State and William. 10:30 a.m. Service of worship. Dr Leonard A. Parr will speak on "Life's Nameless Ministries." The choir will sing "The Beatitudes" by Hiles, and Mr. Donn Chown will sing his own composition "Come to Me." Music appropriate to Mother's Day will be played by the organist in selections' from a van Eiken "Sonata." 4:30 p.m. The Student Fellowship will hold its first outdoor gathering, Meeting at Pilgrim Hall at 4:30, the group will leave for the Island for games and a weenie roast. 5 p.m. The Arisbon League will have an outdoor meeting. Members will meet at Pilgrim Hall at 5 p.m. with their luncheon and roller skates. In case of rain, the meeting will be held at 6 p.m. in Pilgrim Hall. Hillel Foundation: Program -for to- day: 10:30-Council Meeting. 3:30-Avukah Meeting. 6:00-Cost supper-social--dancing 8:00-Student Symposium. Subject -"The Cause of Anti-Semitism." Speakers: Miriam Szold '40, Leon- ard Rosenman, '39, Fred Brandeis, Grad. t s First Methodist Church. Mornirg Worship at 10:40 o'clock. Dr. Bra- shares will preach on "Beginning at Home." Stalker Hall. 9:45 a. m.-Student Class. 6:00 p.m. Wesleyan Guild Meeting. This will be our Installa- tion of Officers for the coming year. Dr. Brashares will be the speaker. Fellowship Hour and supper following s the meeting. From 5:30 to 6:00 we 3 are invited by the Presbyterian Guild e to their new building for Open House. d First Presbyterian Church, 1432 Washtenaw Avenue. 9:30 a.m., Parent's Day in the Church School. c 10:45 a.m., "A Mother, Cum Laude" is the subject' of Dr. W. P. Lemon's sermon at the Morning Worship Serv- 3 ice. The student choir directed by Miss Claire Coci and the junior choir under the leadership of Mrs. Fred Morns will take part in the service. 1 The musical numbers will include: 1 Organ Prelude, "Elevation" by Mar- cel Dupre; Anthem, "Praise Ye the g Lord" by Cesar Franck; Solo, "Panis Angelicus" by Cesar Franck, George I Cox; Postlude, Taccata" by Widor. r 4:15 p.m., Vesper Service and Or- 7 gan Dedication. Dr. Joseph A. Vance of Detroit, former Chairman of the University of Michigan Presbyterian Corporation, will preach on the topic - "The Conquering Church." The stu- s dent choir and the junior choir will participate in the service. The mu- sical program will include the follow- 1 ing numbers: Organ Prelude, "Ich 3 steb'mit einem Fuss im Grabe" by - Bach; Anthem, "Sanctus" by Gounod, Arthur Hackett, Soloist; Anthem, "Benedictus" by Gounod; Organ Post- lude, "Thou art the Rock" by Mulet. 6:30 p.m. Westminster Guild Re- ception for Ann Arbor student Guilds, St. Andrew's Episcopal Church. s Services of worship Sunday are: 8:00 f a.m. Holy Communion; 9:30 a.m. Church School, 11:00 a.m. Kinder- garten, 11:00 a.m. Morning Prayer - and Sermon by The Right Reverend f John N. McCornick, D.D., Bishop of - Western Michigan. 1 Trinity Lutheran Church Services. 'The Morning Service will be held in a Trinity Lutheran Church at 10:30 - with sermon by the pastor Henry 0. g Yoder on "There is a Way of Peace." d The Lutheran Student Club will l meet as usual in Zion Lutheran Par- 5 ish Hall at 5:30. y Unitarian Church, State and Huron Streets. 11:00 a.m. The second of a series of Forums on the general topic y of "World Clinic" will be held. Jose 1 M. Albaladejo and Professor Roy