T.Al a MIC, !"7!AN . DAIL Y SUN'DAY, FB 2,1938 iriiliwid Christians Hold Dy Of Prave r', Lutheran Student Chor us To OfferSongs The "Day of Prayer," being ob- 4crved at 5 P.m. today in the Con- gregatlonal' Church, is being spon- sored by the World Christian Asso- c~iation to promote a feeling of uinity ,among Christian Students throug~h- out the world. 'The, service, which will be used v;wherevei" the day of prayer is ob- served, is a modification of one pre- 1pa're', by Dr. Reinhold von Thadden, a .Verman- churchman who has been imprisoned because of his opposition to -the _ rligious policies. of the Nazi Government. Sponsored by the Inter- Guild 'Councl of the Student Religious As- sociation, the Ann Arbor service wil include "'Tis the Holy E~vening, H1our,' by Beethoven, and 'God So Loved' the World," by Stainer, suns, ~by the.Lutheran Student Choir, under" the direction of Clifford Ber'g. Girl Forester Is Serious M organi Urges4 UnityOf Faithsl Student Religious Director SpeaksTo Hillel An experimental method in reli- gion to achieve better understand- ing among the students of the va- rious faiths, was advocated by Ken-1 neth Morgan, director of the Student Religious Association, Friday night at, the wveekl~y services of the H1illel Foundation. "We, Catholics, Protestants, Jewsj and Orientals, should," he said, "in- telligently use the best traditions of' our respective beliefs and arrive at some common ground of keen appre- ciation and consideration for each other. "We should face the problems of the world shoulder to shoulder," he added, "as religious men and wotnen, recognizing how much we have in common." ( ueatioiial. Can ' s # Offered th is Spring Owing to demand, a special section of course B190 in the Education School, "Camping as an Education Agency," will be given this semnes- ter by Dr. Ross L. Alien, assistant executive director of the American, Camping Association.I The course is a regular summer JVPA II eti 1Recuperate~s Air Travel Movie To Be Sbhowna Here' An educational movie on the corn- forts and safety of Air line travel will be shown at 8 p.m. Tuesday in) the Union under the auspices of the Ann Arbor Aviation Club. The picture, filmed by. United Air Lines, shows their new Douglas DC3 I Air Liners in flighit. Maintenance shops, radio equipment and the prep- aration for air trips are also demon-I strated. Mr. Dan O'Leary, a represen- tative of the company,- will comment on the film and answer questionsj arising from it. DAINTY PATTERNSQ Ilk in FINE LINENS' r' Embroidercd Pillowcases, I r New patterns in grashes, i by the yard. jv Pi(INIIED TEA. OWELS - 1 GULSIT TOWELS GAGE LINEN SHOP a ~ 10 NCKEAAADE EVENING RADIO PROGRAMS .__ E . . Read and Use The Michigan Daily Classified Ards. ,: DBULLETIN ' soon" (Continued from Page 4) fres have been arranged and Prof. 'Arthur L. Cross will give his popular tally on "Michigan Worthies." New! :students particularly are invited to l this fine social gathering and will greatly; enjoy Professor ;):oss's fas-I cnating story of the men who have trade the University of Michigan famous. Sfirst Methodist Church: Mor)nin f worship at 10:45 .o'clock. Dr. C. W. ~Braares will preach on "People of P~ower." The meeting will be held in the.Michigan Theatre. Stalker Mal:' Class for students at, ~ ~5 am.led by Prof. Carroth ers. Thje subject for discussion this week is:."choosin~g Companions." Wesleyan Guild meeting at '6Gp.m.: We will have three discussion groups.1 1. "Peace"' led iby Mr. Kenneth Mor- kan; -2. "Adventures in .Religion,", ledl by Dr, Thrashares; 3. "Christian So-t dial Action" led 'by Kenneth Leisen- iig, Grd Fellowship hour anid sup- Pei" following the discussions. All Methodi~st students and their friends are cordially invited to the class and F'irst Pi esbytvrian Church : 1432 Washi t N .v Ave. 10:45 a~,t ,The Atobiography of Gow" Is. the subject of Dr. W. P.f Lemion's sermon at the Morning Wor- Shl1p 'Service., The student choir di- rccted by .Prof. E. W. Doty and the children', choir under the leader- ship 'of Mrs: -Fred Morris will take diart in tileservice, The musical num- bcrs 'will include: Organ Prelude, "0 L.ord Our God" by Karg-Elert; An- them, "Lord Thou Hast Been our No sissy is Gene Hopkins, only gi among 438 University of Wash- ington forestry students. Declining to chrange her course, Miss Hopkns said, "I -really want to learn for- estry." Dwelling Place" by Rogers; solo, ""the Lord is My Shrepherd" by Dvorak. 45:30 p.m., The Westminster, stu- session course, buit will be given from denit group, supper and meeting. Ibis-2 t 4 p.m. on Wednesdays with two hours credit, this spring. It deals cussion groups on Principles of Chris-! with the growing importance being tian Living-In Interpreting Events!atce ocmin sapaeo of Today; In Getting Along With education, and explains its role in People ; In Men. and ,Women Rela- tis system. tions, and In Business and Profes -__ ___ sioiis. A fifth group will discuss basic prinipls o Chrstinit. 18 p.m. "Dare the school buil a f p'iltip ' f hrstanty' IDo' ft-U aUSU'J - _t8t M is l a d A A- Mo- V~ i , I Harry Hopkins, Work Progress Administration head is shown. as he sumi'd himself at Coral Gables, Fla., as he recuperated from a re- ~cent operation.-___ Apply Early For Summer Work IDr. I'uridoni Says Positions Already Available Requests for summer workers are f already pouring inlto the offiCe of the { Bureau of Appointments and Occupa tional Information. Dr. T. Luther Pur- dom, director, said yesterday, in catll- ing for student applications.' Many positions are openr in sumxmer amp as counslscors, Camp doctors and nurses as well as requests for ardceners. wait resses. bell- boys mnd others. The jobs pay from :five dol-- lars a week up, includinag ixainten- j atee. Students wishbing summer em iploy - :nent are a 'keci to register in R oom 30 , M s n H l . a y of t e p o paec Live employers accept the student ly letters and on the recommendiationI of the Bureau while ot hers come to, Ann Arbor :for interviews arranged by the office. Those desiring positions in iarticu-_ lar localities or organizations are asked to register their. preferences Win P.M. It~i)0-°J(oe 1enhieL 6 :30----Doub~le Everything, 7:00--open House. 7:30-- Phil Baker. 11:00---The People's Choice. 8:30--Earaches of 1938. 9:00---Ford Hour. 10:00-Zenith Foun datiopl., 0:30---Hrmit's Cave. 11 :OO---,Jay Freeman Oreb, 11:30--CalCalloway. 12:00-Buddy Rogers Orch. wJ P.M. 600--Catholic FHour. 6 :10-People In the News. 6 ;45---Studio Feature. 7:00-Jack Benny. 7:3t--lnteresting Neighbors. 8 :00--tCharley McCarthy. 9 :00-Manhattan Merry-Go-Roun-d. 9:30---Familiar Music. 10 :0--Rising Stars. 10:30--"Amxerica and War." 11:00--Dance Music, 11 :30--News, Music. WXYZ P.M. 6 :00---George ,essel. 6i:30--To Bec Announce-d, 7 :00-Dinner Concert, 7 :30--Ozzie Nelson. 83:00--Detective Series. 83:30 -Californta Concert, 9 :0U-Hoilywood Playhouse. '1'30-WR~t-er Wineheli. 17 :45---lrene Rich. 10:00--Mgrek Weber Orch. 10 :30-Cheerio. 11:00--John McI~ay. 11:30 --Henry Blusse Orch1." 12:00-Eddie Vilmos Ore. CKLIV - P.M.- 5:00-~ Variety Revue. 6 :00--Dance Orchestra. 6:30--Tim and Trene. 7:00--Forum. 7:15---News.- 7:30- ---Bill Carlson Orcb. 11:00---Epic of America. 8 :30--Happy Hal. 9 :00-Choral Contrasts. 9:30-Pontiac Baptist, 10 :00--Goodwillj. 1 0:30--Gospel. Service~s. 1 7.30---eporter. 12 :00--Dance- Music. I flOe Asserted Chop Grill Broiled Beef Tenderloin Regular T-Bone Steak Grilled 1HainSteak Fried Oysters, Tarter Sauce Broiled Special T-Bode StLeak Broiled Special Tenderloin SteakI 5Qc Fried Scallops, Tarter Sauce Roast Prime Ribs of Beef Broiled Small T-.Bona Steak Grilled Pork Chops, Apple Sauce Grilled Veal Chops, Jelly Grilled- Lamb Chops, Jelly OUR REGULAR DINNERS 45c Fried Fillet of Haddock Breaded Veal Cutlets Braised Swiss Steak Grilled Liver with Bacon ('hopped Round Steak with Sauce Vegetable Dinner, Fried Egg Chicken-Mushroom Chow Mein Fehwith Noodles FehMushroom Omelette 90C Sizzling Porterhouse Steak Sizzling Fancy Filet Mignon 80e iizzhiig 1 lb. T-Bone Steak Sizzling Reg. Filet Mignon 65e Roast Turkey Branded Top Sirloin. Potato, Vegetable and Salad G Pie, Baked Apple, Ice Cream,- Eat At TeParrot - TODAY'S MENU-- (Creamu of Chicken Soup or Chilled Tomato Juice Saint Andrew's Episcopal Church: Services of worship Sunday are: 3 a.m. Holy Communion; 9:30 a .i. Church School, 11 am. Kindergar- ten: 11 a.mn. Service. of Dedication of Organ with address by Prof. Earl V. Moore. hlarris hlall: "The Businessman's Point of View" by Mr. Charles H. Henderson, Director of the. Wash- tenaw County Gas Companiy, will be3 heard by the Student Fellowship inI Harris Hall Sunday night. The meet- ing will'begin -atseven o'clock. This is the second of the series of talks on the present economic conflict. All, Episcopal students and their friends are cordially invited. IUnitarian: Church: G p.m. "Hitler J versus Niemollei"-- an- ancient con- troversy in new g;arb---address by Rev. (1.. P. Marley.I 17 p.m., Coffee Hour for students.! ENl*JOY A REAL ITALIAN DINNER 1602 :Packard Rd. at Marion St. Dinners served daily by reservation. Sunday from 12-8. /%s wat G. Fraser of the school of eca- tion. Lutheran Studet Club will meet, in Zion Lutheran Parish Hall at, 5:30 this Sunday. Supper will be served at' 6 p.m. by the ladies of the church. Prof. Bennett Weaver will speak after the supper hour on "Thre3 Influence of Religion on Literature."' THE PARROT 338 SOUTH STATE STREET Zion Parish Washington Hall is located at 309 L. St. GREENE scores again! IThe Lutheran Student +Choir will Imeet for rehearsal this week on Sun- day, at 4 p.m. in the Congregational Church due to tihe choir participat- inig in the Fedration Day of Prayer service in that church. by introducing. I a- .1-011 M.. - - - -- --- - --- , -- - -- I -I-- I- - - - - ---- ------- * * 4 4 4 * * I t . I --- /" °f = - AMLII presents QRCH ESTRA ;:. ,.;. rar. ?A .r. ' ?, , ' , . : . .w 11 V: Vt Yiu i@ed &ae,.Pa6WA 9).umeA I -- I NOT JUST unt il cleane d again NOT JUST for a few months ONCE an article is B36E RLO U I ZED it's Permanently Mothproofed It's backed by a written I $1.00 March 4 10 till 2 LNJOY the treat of lihft tuiue Try il-uis broiled live lobster diriner for only $1 .00 at either the Dining Room or Tap Room~ of the Allenel Hotel. Taste this truly delightful table delicacy, fresh as' if, seined directly from thec sea, and brought to' you as served only ot the secs-coast. Other sea foods may be had, including blue Points, Half shells, Fried Oysters, and Fresh Fish Dinners, $2.50 the bid Ticket Sales begin Tuesday, February 22 at the Union desk For Freshmetn Only, Monday 41,1d Tuesday I Further dry cleaning, tit-ei, wear, etc. not remove BURTLOUt can Safeguard- your clothes, drapes, beddinig rugs -- everything that moths attack. ALLENEL HOTEL Phone 23-23-1 126 East Huron Phone .411 GEENE'S CMEENES &frOSQ I ROCLEIw for (IC auls 9 . 11 I U I Pii In 46 Scotty ' ¢ ... u * U I I -kI~i~LVYhA Ain~vIt To ai 'lf I ho pes ! I v .--L A Welcome to all the -new Students is extended : 1 9 v I a._ 3 a. [I I exams L-1 1 or I ki1J"U'Ir 1 A DC Its