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May 07, 1938 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1938-05-07

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Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Published every morning exceptMonday during the
University year and Summer Session
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press Is exclusively entitled to te
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class, mail matter
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
$4.00; by mail, $4.50.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1937-38
NationalAdvertisingService, Inc.
Cotese Pdritshers Reresentaiv
Board of Edtors
Business Department
It is important for society to avoid the
neglect of adults, but positively dangerous
for it to thwart the ambition of youth to
,reform the world. Only the schools which
act on this belief are educational institu-
tions in the best meaning of the term.
-- Alexander G. Ruthven
The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of the Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
What Does It
Cost you? .
received in yesterday's mail a ques-
tionnaire which has been sent out in an attempt
to discover just how much, and for what, mem-
bers of the University community spend during
the year.
An accurate estimate of students and faculty
spending can be obtained only through your
cooperation. Please fill out the questionnaire
carefully and return as soon as possible to the
Daily. This information will enable The Mich-
igan Daily to serve you better.
Ernest Jones.
The New
Public Opinion...
T HE LONG, ill-smelling list of dis-
closures concerning the recent Amer-
ican "expression of public opinion" which ma-
liciously brought about the defeat of the Reor-
ganization Bill reached an ironical height with
the word that a representative received a tele-
gram signed by himself to vote against the widely
publicized Dictator Bill."
Rep. James M. Mead Dem., N.Y.) speaking be-
fore a University of Maryland convocation told
how he had received a telegram from his own
address and signed with his own name asking
him "to save the Union, and vote against the
Reorganization Bill."
The hundreds of thousands of forged telegrams
which intimidated the House members into the
defeat of a measure, whose merits were not
considered in face of a coming Congressional elec-
tion, are well known to us all.,
We think Rep. Mead's telegram and the thou-
sandsl of others are a very sorrowful reflection
upon the democratic process as it exists in this
country. We think it unfortunate that public
opinion, one of the rocks of a democracy can
be so grossly distorted in face of a supposedly
growing public awareness.
Are these graphic expressions from constit-

uents to their representatives to be discredited
completely in the future? In the light of the most
recent catastrophe, that might seem necessary.
But how will the elected representatives be able to
keep in touch with the will of the people who
elected them? Or shouldn't they?
On the other hand if these forged telegrams
shall in the future again be the basis for pass-
ing or defeating a bill, our legislative merry-go-
round will become more a farce than ever.
Norman A. Schorr.
Johiny Get
Your Gun. .
T HE PRESENCE in Ann Arbor of
Bishop James C. Baker of the Pacific
Coast Diocese brings to mind again the Nye-
Kvale Amendment to the National Defense Act.
Bishop Baker collaborated with Episcopalian
Bishop Edward L. Parsons a few years ago in
upholding the right of students to refuse to
falr fh omntiranv mlit,.v trainine inna tte

the "collective securityites" has rent the air for
many months. But on the question of the Nye-
Kvale bill they are in complete accord. The
amendment provides that no ROTC unit 'ihall
be maintained by any school or college until
the institution shall have satisfied the Secretary
of War that the unit is elective.
Earle Eubank head of the sociology depart-
ment of the University of Cincinnati, has spoken
of the military element as of "little value edu-
cationally, psychologically at variance with the
educational principle and consistent with the
suggestion of war even to those who don't par-
ticipate. Compulsory military training, says
W. L. Cox of N.Y.U. stultifies youths and adults
whom it keeps in a permanent state of infantil-
ism. Dr. George May, director of the Waterman
Gymnasium, has asserted on many occasions'
that military training is not only of no benefit
physically but may even be of positive harm.
Since the University of Minnesota has made
ROTC optional the "atmosphere has been much
healthier" according to the president of the.
In a country which stands for democracy,
the principle of making military drill com-
pulsory seems rather out of place. As Dean
Guy Stanton Ford of Minnesota says, the terms
of the National Defense Act sounded like "real
dictation" as they gave land-grant colleges the
impression that they had to make military drill
compulsory. It is not ignoring the benefits
of the ROTC to desire that it be made optional
any more than it is disparaging Greek or Latin
to make them elective subjects.
Supporters of the Nye-Kvale Amendment are
many. In a national poll conducted by the Con-
gressional and Christian Churches of America,
65 per cent of the people questioned favored the
proposal. The national boards of the YWCA and
the YMCA, the American Federation of Teach-
ers, the World Federation of Educational Asso-
ciations and the American Student Union are
among those groups who have voiced their
support of the amendment. The National Stu-
dent Federation composed of 150 elected college
leaders has also favored abolition of compul-
sory training.
This proposal, as Senator Nye has pointed out,
is not an attack on military training as such.
On the contrary, there is reason to believe that
making the training optional would actually
benefit the ROTC.
Passage of the Nye-Kvale amendment would
affect more than a hundred civil schools and
colleges which now enroll cadets on a com-
pulsory basis. In view of the baneful effects
of the present terms of the NationalDefense
Act and the improvement which would accrue
from its, amendment, pressure for the passage
of this measure should be strengthened.
June Harris.
The Editor
Gets Told
Pereodiced Room Again
To the Editor:
Thank you very much for prmiting my second
letter. You may rest assured that you are indeed
rendering a service in broadening the cultural
life of Michigan students by pointing out to
restless intellects the availability of that price
less store of untapped thought in the General
Library's Periodical Room.
Even more interesting than the "Monatsschrift
fur Geschichte und Wissenschaft des Judentums"
do I find the highly absorbing magazine, "Cul-
tural Nippon." I have often thought that we
Michigan students, in our desire to broaden our
cultural horizon, would do wel Ito take ad-
vantage of the new Japanese publications in
English in our Library. In Volume V, number
1 of "Cultural Nippon" I have come upon one
of the most enlightening bits of literary criticism
it has ever been my good fortune to read.
Written by Yoichi Nakagawa, the contribution
"The Manyo Spirit and Grecian Cuture" drives
home with impressive clarity and logic the in-
finite superiority of Japanese poetry of the
past over our present-day stuff. "Nowadays some
people are apt to make idle comments upon

the value of so-called "pure" literature; while
others are passing wanton remarks upon the
kinds of books found on the bookshelves of one
friend or another. Summarily speaking, such
people are aimlessly indulged in discussing about
the passing phenomena of the present-day lit-
erature. In fact, their talks are so silly as
are their topic matters of indifference."
As Mr. Nakagawa continues, he states his pur-
pose: "It is the ardent desire of the writer to
bring the elegaic, allegorical and epigrammatic
strains revealed by the 4,300 odd magnificent
pieces of the Manyoshiu upon the present dull
and spiritless literature instead of looking back
upon the Grecian thought."
This he proceeds to do, quoting two poems:
"Whilst a rapid of the mountain river begins
to roar,
Over the peak of Yuzuki.
The (rain) clouds arise and soar."
"The lake of Omi.
Chidori (Plover) on the evening waves,
As you sing,
My heart desponds,
And makes me think of the ancient times."
Overwhelmingly strong and touching indeed, '
Mr. Nakagawa, and I urge every Michigan stu-
dent who wants a simiar thrill to read the whole
Again I would like to emphasize that the pres-
ence of such fountains of cultural experience
should prove to the most skeptical of us that we
have no need for such common and (if I may
say so) vulgar sources as newspapers, especially
"L'Humanite," "Le Populaire," or any other
liberal French journal. Mr. Bishop and the li-
brary have very kindly seen to it that we are

Ifeemr to Me
Heywood B rou n
Winthrop W. Aldrich runs the bank where
I trade, and so I wouldn't like to offend him.
It would be tragic if he were to put me and
my account out on the street in a driving rain-
storm. The litte fellow isn't robust enough
right now to stand much inclement weather. It's
a nice bank and everybody is
very polite, particularly the
young lady at the window
weeyou go to ask, "Have
I still got any money in this
. institution?"
' ""' Nevertheless, I am not for
the two or three year
"breathing spell" for business
which Mr. Aldrich advocated
in his speech before the
Washington meeting of the Chamber of Com-
merce. It seems to be Mr. Aldrich's idea that re-
forms have come too rapidly and that there
ought to be a long holiday for assimiliation,
modification and consolidation.
But I wonder just what reforms the chairman
of my bank has in mind. Surely he cannot refer
to any legislation passed by the present Congress
now sitting in cold molasses session. Its record
is entirely bare of any constructive move what-
ever. Indeed, in many cases it hasn't even been
able to summon sufficient energy or courage to
take a vote. The killing of vital measures has
been done quietly in committee. And even when
important issues have been allowed to come to
the floor the House has been content to abrogate
its constitutional function and to set up a gov-
ernment by night letter. Filibusters have done
for the rest.
More Than A Ruse
Mr. Aldrich wants "a period of pause and
quiet." What on earth does he think Congfess
is doing right now? If he had ventured int
the visitors' gallery during the so-called debate
on the anti-lynching bill, the distinguished chair-
man of the board of the Chase National Bank
would have seen a chamber quiet as a lonely
grove after the mob has gone.
It was more than a pause. The democratic
processes of the American government had come
to a complete stop. I wonder what our Repre-
sentatives do at night which makes them sleep
so soundly during sessions. In the middle of
national and international cfises the men and
women we sent to Washington have chosen
to establish a breathing spel. It hasn't lasted
two or three years as yet, but only the voters
can stir this present group of hibernators into
action. The men who loll about their desks or
slumber in the cloak room seem to thrive and
grow fat under a sedentary way of living.
But how about the submerged third of the na-
tion? It is nonsense to talk of a, breathing
spell of two or three years when so many are
engulfed by the waters of depression. Two
or three minutes are a long time to stay under.
It has been said that a physician who prescribes
for himself has a fool for a patient. I wonder
whether this may not be true of certain business
leaders as well. Every time a New Deal pro-.
posal has been killed upon the floor or quietly
strangled up an alley, constructive commentators
have hailed it as a great victory for business.
Danger Of A Coma
The defeat of the Reorganization Bill was re-
ceived as such a triumph, and the adverse com-
mittee vote on the Wages and Hours Bill was
also greeted as a brave deed calculated to free
the poor employer from fear and send him on his
way rejoicing. Opponents of the measure, to
which the Democratic party stands pledged, insist
that in certain sections of the country employers
cannot pay a living wage and also survive. And
so the working children are still to "watch the
men at play."
If the various blows which Congress has heaped
upon reform measures are really encouraging to
business, why doesn't business quit moaning
and climb out of bed? It is my notion that a few

more victories such as the stoppage of the Wages
and Hours bill will send industry into a coma.
At The Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre
Like America's "Winterset" and like its "Dead
End," Jean Renoir's photoplay of Maxim Gorky's
"Lower Depths" is a realistic one of human
It is a study of what one of the actors called,
"a place where man is his naked self"; it is a
study 'of a miserly landlord, gregarious flotsam
of humanity and a world-weary baron who, tired
of changing his costumes from schoolboyish
to debonair, from evening dress to dressing gown,
gives up the bourgeois life for rags of these
It is the drama of what Mr. Renoir called, "the
degradation of a class, a drama of the loss of
human dignity." It is a drama of a class,
more or less fatalistic, seeking release.
It is a drama, moreover, played by actors who
know and play their parts with care and ex-
cellence. While it differs from Gorky's pre-
revolutionary tale of czarist society in emphasiz-
ing different characters and subordinating others
(Anna and the Baron for Pepel and Natasha),
and while it ends on a dime-novelish note of ro-
mance, the movie retains the tragedy of the
death of Anna, of the crazed, alcoholic actor
and the preving Kostylev.

Failure After Marriage
Most anyone ventures his opinion
as to what is wrong with marriage,
and what might be done to correct it.
The usual recommendations are;
simple enough. What he does nott
like, he would pass a law against. If
conventional standards seem too high,
or too exacting, the popular cry is for
more freedom; and once the bars are1
let down we get ourselves into justl
such a mess as we are in today.
That it is a mess, no one will deny. i
There are over a million divorced per-i
sons in the United States, and the
number is rapidly increasing. In the
60-year period from 1867 to 1926,
divorce increaAd in this country 1,-l
621 per cent. Furthermore, the in-
crease in divorce has far outstrippedE
the population increase. Looking at'
it from another angle, we find that in
1916 there was one divorce to every3
9.6 marriages; in 1925, there was one
divorce to every 6.7 marriages. There
are states in the Union today where
the ratio is almost one divorce to
every 'marriage. Since the greater
proportion of these divorces are un-
contested, it may be presumed that
both husband and wife admitted the
failure of their martial venture.
Since every divorce represents a
broken home, and each broken homel
may mean the disintegration of a
family, we can see that the situation
is serious. What will happen to our
American home life if these condi-
tions continue to become increasinglyE
worse? Everyone knows that the
greater proportion of the "problem"
cases in our schools today come from n
homes that are broken, where hus-
band and wife have been unable to
make a success of their marriage. f
Court records seldom reveal the
real, underlying causes ofrfailure in
marriage. The statisticians will say:
"Cruelty, 42.7 per cent; Desertion,
27.9; Adultery, 7.3; Neglect to pro-'
vide, 4.1; Drunkenness, 1.4; Minor,
Combined, and Unreported Causes,
16.6; Total, 100 per cent. But what
led to these alleged grounds? The'
lawyer may know and the defen-
dent }may know,but the real reasonsj
are seldom brought before the court.
What was the cause lying back of
desertion? A man doesn't run away
from his wife and family if he is
happy. Is there any justification for
cruelty? Certainly there must be
causes underlying maltreatment of
one another. The court records rarely
mention the countless petty quarrels.
maladjustments, failures to under-
stand sex and family relations, nor
do they write into the decree the fail-
ure of Church and State to give ade-
quate training for the martial rela-
tionship; and yet all of these have
their part in diverting the marriage
bark from her true course.
The ideal of marriage for life is
the only union which the Church can
teach. Divorce, even when allowed,
must be looked upon as a tragic and
humiliating failure. Marriage which
has children in mind, the right of
children to happy homes, the joys of
parenthood ,and the enrichment of
life must have a new place in preach-
ing and in the entire program of the
Church. What can there be of great-
er importance? We are never going to
get very far in promoting peace on
earth until those couples uniting in
marriage have been taught the fine
art of home-making and living hap-
pily together in the marriage rela-
There are many shoals and rocks
to be avoided if married couples want

the matrimonial bark to reach the
havens "of blessing and of peace." It
is quite impossible to do more than
suggest a few of them at this time.
A more adequate treatment will fol-
low in subsequent chapters.
It is strange how that it is the little
things which tend to roughen the
matrimonial waters and make it poor
sailing, the petty quarrels over money-
matters, friends, relatives, children.
We may weather the gale and the
tempest, such as a great sorrow, a
great loss, a great tragedy; but the
petty quarrels have a way of growing
in frequency until they become more
numerous and more bitter week by
week. Like every other form of sin,
it grows, and you become more skilled
in quarreling-the more you quarrel.
Failure to find mutual adjust-
ment in the physical side of marriage
is another important cause for the
marriage bark floundering. While
not all important as some may think,
it is important, and the failure here
is usually traceable to prejudice,
faulty training, maladjustment or in-
compatibility. No matter how many
interests married people may have in
common, if the marriage fails here,
there is grave danger of separation.
So many are allowed to drift into
marriage as innocent as babes in the!
wood, only to wreck their lives
through blundering ignorance and
fumbling, beginning often on the wed-
ding night, when life-long impres-
sions are sometimes made which may

VOL. XLVII. No. 155
Members of the University Council: .
There will be a meeting of the Univer-
sity Council on Monday, May 9, at
4:15 p.m. in Room 1009 A.H.
Luis A. Hopkins, Secretary.'
The Bureau has received notice of
the following Michigan Civil Service
Public Health Department Librar-
ian A, Men and Women, $125 per1
Insurance Examiner 1, Men only,
$160 per month.
Communicable Diseases Public
Health Physician II, $2,520 per year.
Notice of the following U. S. Civil
Service Examination has been re-
Student Nurse, St. Elizabeths Hos-
pital, Department of the Interior,
Washington, D.C.
For further information, please call1
at the office, 201 Mason Hall. Office
Hours: 9-12 and 2-4.
University of Michigan Bureau of
Appointments and Occupational
All students and faculty members
who have received questionnaires sent1
out by the Michigan Daily are re-
quested to return the questionnaires
by the post paid envelope as soon;
as possible in order to facilitate tabu-
lation of results.
1938 Dramatic Season. Season tick-'
ets now available for five shows, May1
16 through June 18. Garden Room
at the Michigan League open from
10 to 6 daily.
Congress: All Independent men are
eligible to petition for offices on the1
Executive Council of Congress, Inde-
pendent Men's Organization. Fresh-
men may petition as well as Juniors
and Seniors.
All petitions are to be made out in
three copies and are to be submitted,
in sealed envelopes marked "Congress
Judiciary Council." Allnpetitions
should be taken to the Union desk
on or before May 7.
For complete information about the
form of the petition consult the Con-
gress bulletin board in the lobby of
the Union.
Academic Notices
Geography 2. Because of the ac1ivi-
ties of the B. and G. department, the
sections of Geography 2 will be shift-
ed to Room 18 for May '7.
Exhibition: Photographs of "India,
her Architecture and Sculpture" un-
der the auspices of the Institute of
Fine Arts, May 3 through May 14 in
the exhibition room of the School of
Architecture. Daily (except Sunday)
fr'om 9 to 5.
An Exhibition of Paintings, water
colors and drawings by Peter Hurd,
Saul Schary and Carl Sprinchorn is
presented by the Ann Arbor Art As-
sociation in the small galleries of
Alumni Memorial Hall from May 2
through May 15. Open daily, includ-
ing Sundays, from 2 to 5 p.m., admis-
sion free to students and, members.
University Lecture: Professor Einar
Hammarsten, Professor of Chemistry,
Carolingian Medical University, will
lecture on "The Secretin of Bayliss
and Starling" on Monday, May 9, at
4:15 p.m. in Natural Science Auditor-
ium under the auspices of the Medical
School. The public is cordially in-
Alexander Ziwet Lectures in Mathe-
matics. The next lecture will be given
Monday, May 9, at 3 o'clock, in Room
3201 Angell Hall. The final lecture
of the series will be on Tuesday, May
10, at 3 o'clock, in Room 3011 An-

gell Hall.
Events Today
Biological Chemistry Seminar, today
at 10 a.m., Room 313 West Medical

at Lane
will go

Hall at 2:45 on Saturday and
to Lakeland for hiking and
All graduate students are

The BaptistaGuild will install its
new officers at a banquet at 6:1J5
p.m. today in the Guild House, 615
E. Huron St.
The Outdoor Club will meet at Lane
Hall at 2 o'clock today to go hiking.
Election of officers for next year ,will
be held. - All students who like to
hike are invited to join us.
Congress: There will be an import-
ant meeting of the Student Welfare
Committee at 1:30 p.m. Saturday at
the Daily offices. All members are re-
quested to attend.
ComtingEvents .
German Table for Faculty Mem-
bers: The regular luncheon meeting
will be held Monday at 12:10 p.m. in
the Founders' Room of the Michigan
Union. All faculty members interest-
ed in speaking German are cordially
invited. There will be an informal
10-minute talk by Professor Kasimir
Fajans on "Einiges au dem Grenzge-
beit der Physik and Chemie."
International Council Panel: The
subject of the Panel sponsored by the
International Council for Sunday af-
ternoon, at 4:30, in Room 116 of the
Michigan Union, is "Towards Unity."
Those participating on the Panel will
be William Quo Wu, China; Herman
Krotor, Germany; Mauro Asprin,
Philippine Islands; and Charles
Braidwood, United States. The pub-
lic is cordially invited to attend the
Panel. The usual Sunday evening
buffet supper will follow the discus-
Physics Colloquium: Dr. Julius Hal-
pern will speak on The Scattering
of Slow Neutrons by Liquid Hydrogen
at the Physics Colloquium on Mon-
day, May 9 at 4:15 p.m. in Room 1041
East Physics Building.
The Graduate Student Council will
meet in the Michigan Union at 8
p.m. on Tuesday, Ma 10. All mem-
bers are urged to be present.
Phi Eta Sigma will hold a dinner
meeting and election of officers at the
Union on Sunday, May 8, at 6:30 p.m.
Shingles will be presented to those
who have not received them.
College of Architecture: A film
sponsored by the Federal Housing Ad-
ministration, showing recent housing
projects, will be shown in the ground
floor lecture room, Architectural
Building, on Monday, May 9, at 4:15
p.m. Those interested are cordially
Quadrangle, Wednesday,, May 11,
193$ "The Present European Situa-
tion, Wheeler and Boerner. Dues
payable at banquet May 25, 1938.
Acolytes: On Monday evening, May
9, at 7:45 Rev. J. J. Wellmuth will
read a paper on Implication and
Equivalence Those interested in
philosophical discussion are invited
to attend. Room 202 S.W.
United Peace Committee: There will
be an important meeting at 7:30 p.m.
Monday, May 9 in Lane Hall. Elec-
tions to the Executive Committee will
be held.
The Christian Student Prayer Group
will meet at 5 olclock Sunday after-
noon in the Michigan League. The
room will be announced on the bulle-
tin board.
First Church of Christ, Scientist.
409 S. Division St.
Sunday morning service at 10:30.
Subject, "Adam and Fallen Man."
Golden Text: Isaiah 59:20.
Sunday School 11:45 after the
morning service.

First Congregational Church, (or-
ner of State and William.
10:30 a.m. Service of worship. Dr
Leonard A. Parr will speak on "Life's
Nameless Ministries." The choir will
sing "The Beatitudes" by Hiles, and
Mr. Donn Chown will sing his own
composition "Come to -Me." Music
appropriate to Mother's Day will be
played by the organist in selections
from a van Eiken "Sonata."
4:30 p.m. The Student Fellowship
will hold its first outdoor gathering.
Meeting at Pilgrim Hall at 4:30, the
group will leave for the Island for
games and a weenie roast.
5 p.m. The Ariston League. will
have an outdoor meeting. Members
wil meet at Pilgrim Hall at 5 p.m.
with their luncheon and roller skates.
In case of rain, the meeting will be
hel dat 6 p.m. in Pilgrim Hall.
First Presbyterian Church, 1432
Washtenaw Avenue.
9:30 a.m., Parent's Day in the
Church School.
10:45 a.r., "A Mother, Cum Laaude"
k +he ilhiof o 'n. m n1a T "^1.

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
Vniverstty. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President
until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.

"The Scleroproteins,
tins' will be discussed.
are invited.

The Kera-
All interested

Varsity Glee Club men meet at 7
p.m. tonight at the Union. Please
be prompt. Informal, but wear
The Angell Hall Observatory will be
open ,to visitors tonight, May 7, from
8:30 until 10 o'clock. The moon will
be shown through the telescopes.
Children must be accompanied by
The Graduate Outing Club will meet
ces. Those who sail too close to these
rocks which upset the marriage bark
are endangering their future happi-
ness. They would do well to work out
a philosophy of life together before
they get married, discussing frankly
the course they intend to follow,
checking up on such things as fi-

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