THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATUIU U U i re n Mitrany Scores 'New Eropeai Securit Pacts Says Strict National Basis Cannot Secure Peace, -Internal Oir External (Continued from Page 1) says are being so widely heralded as serious steps toward peace and in- ternational organization-as nothing more. than military "give-and-take" agreements. Prof. Charles F. Remer of the economics department was chairman of the banquet. At the opening luncheon meeting at 12:15, Dr. Werner Landecker, Grad,, of Berlin, spoke on "A New Approach to the Study of International Rela- tions." Prof. Harlow Heneman of the political science department presided. At ,the subcommittee meeting on Peaceful Change, the group dismissed the prevalent notion that the return of Germany's colonies would be an adequate solution to the problem. The group recommend the estab- lishment of an impartial interna- tional organization to foster the ex- change of goods,. Some of the activ- ities of this body should be currency stabilization, decrease of trade bar- riers,, the abolition of international cartels and the gradual elimination of economic quotas. The panel on Reorganization' of the League of Nations supports the Iitegrated Covenpnt Theory as a so- lution to this problem. This theory regards the League as a balanced sys- tem in which each part depends on the others. The group on Rearmament, with Alice Holgate presiding, recommends that a permanent commission be set up to supervise the sale of arms, with- out doing away with! any private own- ership. It also recommends that the possibilities of arms ratios be ex- plored. These recommendations and resolu- tion will be presented at the plenary session for the consideration of the entire group at 9 a.m. today in Room B Haven Hall. Ray Hadles of Wayne, president of the conference will pre- side. . Apanel discussion will be -conduct- .12:15 p.m. in the League today. A.tentative title is "Movements in the East and Their Influence on the West." Prof. Joseph R. Hayden, head of -the political science department, will act as chairman. Boston Students On Strike-For Peace, International Panel Will Discuss Unity Four members of the International Council will conduct a panel discus- sion on world unity at 4:30 p.m. to- morrow in Room 116 of the Union. This will be the last of four discus- sions on this topic, some of which have been repeated over the radio and in community forums. The speakers, William Quo Wu, '38Md., of China, Herman .Krotor, '38BAd, of Germany; Mauro Asprin, Grad., of the Philippines; and Charles Braidwood, Grad., of the United States, will develop the theme, "Towards Unity," from a political as well as an economic standpoint. Following the speakers, a general forum will be conducted. An in- formal buffet supper will be given at the close of the discussion. MICHIGAN GETS $5,570,680 LANSING, May 6.-(IP)-Funds to- talling $5,570,680 were deposited to the credit of the Michigan Works Progress Administration by the WPA in Washington today. Cuts Franc Value Detroit Archeologists Unearth Pottery, Blades, Charred Corn Paul Marchandea, French finance minister, announced devaluation of the franc to a new low since 1928, because of rising armament costs. At its present level the franc is worth 2.79 cents. Charred corn cobs, bits of pottery, some disintegrated posts and valuable experience were the net results of an expedition last week of the Detroit Aboriginal Research Club under the direction of E. F. Greenman, assistant curator of the Museum of Anthro- pology, to a "dig" south of Detroit. 1 Most of the sites had been dug over previously and last week's ex- cavations represented an attempt to salvage What might be left and to; provide members of the club with an opportumity to observe systematic excavations," Greenman said. Three reference pits were found, each containing a considerable num- ber of charred corn cobs which, ac- cording to Volney Jones of the. Mu- seum of Anthropology, are of the type grown by the Indians. The kernels of corn had either been eaten or cut off after which the cobs were burned and then buried from 10 to 20 Geology Students Tour Dune Areas Of Michigan Prof. Irving D. Scott of the geology department and a group of students left Ann Arbor at noon yesterday for a week-end tour of the sand dune the Lake Michigan shore. The group will see four or five dune areas before they return Sun- day night. The students who are going on this trip were unable' to go on the 2,3Q0 mile tour Professor Scott conducted during Spring Vaca- tion. inches below the surface of the ground. Several small fragments of pot- tery and stone blades were also found. The remains of disintegrated posts suggested that originally there were one or more structures of some sort, possibly bark lodges. The lack of objects made by white men and the type of corn found in' dicate that the pits were of pre- historic periods, Greenman said. It is hoped that the bits of pottery when pieced together will help to indicate the tribal affiiliations of this band. The finds were left in the Museum of the Detroit Aboriginal Research Club. ....... ._--- - =:ilkĀ°G F ALOWERS FOR MADAME. . Peace parade toward historic Boston Common recently enlisted stu- dents under anti-war banners as these and other college undergraduates throughout the nation demonstrated their opposition to war. Grass A nd TreeRehabilitation- Welcomes SprigToCampus EVENING RADIO PROGRAMS WJR P.M. 6 :00-Stevenson Sports. 6:15-Musical. 6~:30-Melody and Rhythm. 7:00--News Conies To Life. 7:30-Philip Morris. 8:00-Professor Quiz. 8':30-SaturdayNight Serenade. 9:00-Your Hit Parade. 9:45-Musical. 10:00-Jack Crawford's Orch. 10 :30-Baseball Scores. 10:35-Benny Goodman's Orch. 11:00-News-Jack King. 11:15-Art Kassel's Orch. 11:30-Nat Brandwynne's Orch. 'Keep Off The Grass' Signs Disappear Too Quickly, B And G Men Discover looking at his loot and dumps it be- hind a bush somewhere. One hundred truckloads of rubbish have been raked up and carted away to prepare the ground for 800 pounds of grass seed. The department's five power-mowers have been working full time in shearing the existing crop on outlying University property. More than 275 square yards of new sod have been planted and about a third of an acre turned over. There are hedges, to be trimmed, bushes and trees to be transplanted. Eigh- teen more men are doing this work outside the campus proper and by May 5 the grounds should be ready for fertilizer, according to Trombley. 6:45-Jack white's Sportscast. 7:04-The Music Hall. 7:30-what Do You Know? 8:00-To Be Anniounced. 8:30-To Be Announced. 9:00-Renfro Barn Dance. 9:30-Bunny Berigans Orch, 10':00-Ennio Bolognini's Orch. 10:15-Dance Orch. 11:00-Canadian Club Reporter. 11 :15-Ishara Jones' Orch. 11:30-Bob Crosby's Orch. 12:00-Anson Weeks' Orch. 12:30-Jan Garber's Orch. 1:00--The Dawn Patrol. wxYz P.M. 6:00--Sandlotters. 6:30_-Uncle Jim's Question 13ec. 7:00-'town Talk. 7:15-Melody Serenade. 7:30-John Keats. 8:00-Barn Dance. 9:00-Design for Music. 9:30-Dick Gasparre Oren, 10:00----To Be Announced. 10:30-Horace Heidt Orch. 11:30-Herbie Kay's Orch. 12:00-Graystone Orch. APPROVE PARKING METERS Overriding a veto by Mayor Walter C. Sadler on the parking meter en- abling measure. by a 11 to 3 vote, the city council has ,paved the way for installation of the instruments. As a git - - - i's afQkCbi of remteibrance - - a comnplement to your lovey Spring clothes - Flowers are always cher- ished. PAUL NbLTIN Florist 316 S. Main St. Tel. 2-1615 II U N'GINEE1RS TO HOLD BANQUET tional Labor Relations Board will con- N T . duct a hearing here next Thursday ir Senior engineers will hold their connection with the claims of three first annual class banquet Tuesday, labor organizations to representatior 9ay 10, in the main ballroom of the of Consumers Power Co. employes nifon, Goff Smith, '38E, class presi- The dispute was climaxed earlier this dent announced yesterday. The main year by .the utility workers organiz- speaker of the evening will be Dean- Sing committee (CIO) strike in which Eineritus Martin E. Cooley, College' .union members occupied the utility's of Engineering. Prof. A. L. Erickson property and continued to operate the will act as toastmaster. plants. Cfassiiied Direetory FOR SALE LOST: Black composition note book WASHED SAND and gravel. Drive- 5x8 inches containing lab. data for AHED GrA. Kan ravel DCive- Quantative Analysis. Lost in Mair way Gravel. Killins Gravel -Co. Phone 7112. .,7 X or Chemistry library. Finder pleast Ph__n _______._ _ call K. M. Webb at 2-1717. NOTICES VIOLA STEIN, 706 Oakland. Phone 6327. Experienced- typist. Reason- * COMM E able rates. 232 _ o ANNOU TYPING: Experienced. Reasonable rates. L. M. Heywood, 803 E. King- * AN D B sley St. Phone 8344. lox TYPING, neatly and accurately done. } OR[DER Mrs. Howard, 613 Hill St. Phone 5244. 3x BURR, PATTE CLOTHING WANTED TO BUY: Any 603 Chu old and new suits, overcoats, at $3, $8, $25. Ladies fur coats, typewrit- ers, old gold and musical Instru- ments. Read.y cash waiting for you. Phone Sam. 6304.T ERS LAUNDRY MOTH I LAUNDRY. 2-1044. Sox darned,frol Careful work at low prices., POP RENT: Summer or school-year.I N A L 4 room furnished apartments. Frig- idaire, laundry. Phone 3403, Os- jewelry -Ivor borne, 209 N. Ingalls. 511 a III LOST AND FOUND LOST:. Tuesday afternoon in front of 816 T'appan one brown Parker vacuum fountain per and small blue change purse containing five dollars. Reward. Phone 3216. 518 v A MILLI1ON LAUGHS-. in 1938's a yet D ye- spree! I, I N \\\ X W NC , Rp ty h . b aekt~~ia< Pnnwn ' II