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May 06, 1938 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1938-05-06

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Cage of labor to unite. The AFL apparently is
being swayed by afew pieces of silver. It is un-
fortunate that this organization isbetraying labor
at a time when cooperation among unions is so
imperative for their success.
John A. Merewether.

- A

e -.I/

Hold'Your Hat!
Don't Stand Up!... .



W" Grm I - hJrOV1Jz RAICTcm . 1 Ar5iI cMA A1S1ST
Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under theauthority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republicationof all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
$4.00; by mail, $4.50.,
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1937-38
College Pabldshers Refresentative
Board of Editors
Business Department
CREDIT MANAGER...... .. .. .........DON WILSHER
It is important for society to avoid the
neglect of adults, but, positively dangerous
for it to. thwart the ambition of youth to
reform the world. Only the schools which
act on this belief are educational institu-
tions in the best meaning of the-term.
-- Alexander G. Rutlkven
The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of the Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers

Freedom Of The Press:
Only For Aryans? ... .
THE DAY after Governor LaFollette
of Wisconsin gave his Madison speech
announcing the formation of the "National
Progressives of America," an incident took place
in the same city of Madison which should come
to the attention of all persons seeking the pres-
ervation of free college journalism. On Friday
last Richard Davis, executive editor of the "Daily
Cardinal," official student newspaperlof the Uni-
versity of Wisconsin, was ousted from his post-
Davis had been named head of the "Car-
dinal" by the Board of Editors of that paper
and his name went to the Cardinal Board in Con-
trol for a routine affirmation. It proved, how-
ever, to be far more than merely routine. The
word had been passed along that the Cardinal
Board would not this year give its usual OK to
the choice of the staff of the paper, for Davis
is a Jew, and Langdon Street-Wisconsin's fra-
ternity row-had sent along its command-"No.
more Jews!" The majority of the Board is com-
posed of elected students and it was these stu-
dents, affiliated with the fraternity coalition
which, had three weeks previously won a bitter
campus election from liberal and non-fraternity
groups, who formed the majority whereby Davis
was arbitrarily thrown out of his job. Merit and
the wishes of the staff were thrown aside in a
mad rush to apply Jacksonian patronage prin-
ciples and heed the dictates of Langdon Street.
With the aid of a few of the staff members
who did not walk out when Davis was fired, the
"Cardinal" is carrying on as a typical college
"house-organ"; its editorial page, once the envy
of college newspaper workers, is now taken up
with columns about the University* one, two,
and five years ago. Soon we may expect the new
regime to become militant enough to warn stu-
dents about walking on the grass.
Davis and the majority of the staff have left
the "Cardinal" to carry out the Cardinal tradi-
tion through an independent publication. In
their effort they are endeavoring to maintain
journalistic freedom agaiigst political jobbery and
we wish them success.
Richard M. Scammon.
T1he Split
In Labor:
ican Federation of Labor to members
of the United States Chamber of Commerce for
the cooperation of labor and industry, appears
none too commendable.
The AFL is composed of highly skilled workers.
To replace them is difficult. They receive good
pay checks. There is a closer relationship be-
tween the highly skilled worker and the executive.
One without the other is lost. Production with-
out either is futile.
Consequently, we see that the highly skilled
worker has more bargaining power than the
unskilled worker. The club he uses to extract
concessions *from *industry is longer than the
club of the unskilled worker. When the skilled
worker complains, he is listened to. The indivi-
dual unskilled worker is not.
It is 1hanhtelv i the advantage of the AFL

that WarnerBrothers of Hollywood
have contacted President Hutchins of the Univer-
sity of Chicago with a view to purchasing his
Saturday Evening Post articles for a forthcoming
This is newsworthy, especially in these days of
Carnegie reports and Spring Parleys of progres-
sive educators. For the cinema's trek to the
portals of learning offers a simple solution to
the thousand and one ills besetting higher edu-
If Paramount is to swell freshman applications
by releasing Betty Grable in "College Swing,"
if Stanford's Hank Luisetti-must starin "Campus
Confessions," and if Twentieth Century-Fox must
prove by means of the Ritz Brothers that "Life
Begins at College," would not it be simpler in
the long run to go the whole hog? Why not let
the studios invade our sacred premises and add
The Coming Generation to their production
f Courses would then be known as stupendous,
colossal, 'or merely gigantic and a blue-book
would mean a flood-lighted premiere. We can
just imagine Robert Taylor teaching Forestry
and Alice Faye in Money and Banking. The
Hays Office would install a censor in every-lec-
ture room and mention of 'biology, history and
political science would-be taboo.
Of course, this is all far-fetched. American
universities seldom chane. The business of
dealing out shot-gun education and high-pres-
sure football is much too prfitable. All we can
do then is to reply to Hollywood in the language
of one of its own: "Include us out."
Leonard Schleider.
The Editor
Gets old..
The Michiganen sin
To the Editor:
It was last spring, I believe, that the-Mich-
iganensian salesmen hit upon their idea of solic-
iting, the mothers of non-Michianensian-buyers
appealing to the love for son's baby pictures,'
treasured college memories, the ecstatic delight
with which the son would receive such a book as
graduation gift, etc., etc. Despite the amount of
criticism which it drew, the campaign- has been
repeated for the benefit of this season's seniors.
Evidently it proved. profitable to the Michigan-
ensian as well as highly obectionable to nu-
merous students.
Mr. Michiganensian Salesman, how do you
think we seniors could have lived through all the
bulletin board"placards, campus peddlers and
glaring Daily ads of the year without becoming
cognizant of the existence of your book! As to
the second excuse you offer to justify your
application to our parents, that of our failing
to realize now in our youth how we will pine for
the book in the future, well .. .
Now far be it from me,dspitemy own dis-
interest in the year book Itocdtciite the insti-
tution itself. I understand that 'in ,smaler
schools, especially in the one-big-family type,
it is a great success, cherished just as the family
album is. And tactics suchuas those of the Mich-
iganensian staff are unnecessary.
'Ray Fink.
To the Editor:
We would like to call your attention to the
lowest, most despicable, and cheapest method
of securing subscriptions any campus publication
has yet lowered itself to-namely, that of the
Michiganensian, whose policy it is to solicit the
parents of those students who have not as yet
subscribed to their publication.
We are by no means disparaging the worth
of such a publication, but has it ever occurred
to the 'Ensian staff that some students may
not have subscribed since they are required to
use what funds they and their family have
in securing an education, or that perhaps some
student is postponing his subscription until such
a time that he may have earned his own sub-

scription without burdening his parents? And does
it occur to the staff what a hurt it might cause
those parents who having read their pleading
letter, would feel that they are denying their son
of some vital phase of his college life?
This is-not the first year the 'Ensian has re-
sorted to such tactics. We would suggest that
the Publications Board prohibit any such further
cheapening of University standards.
--iehard Hamburger, '38.
-Kermit H. Gruberg, '38.
Meet Helen Arthur
We met Helen Arthur yesterday. By this time
everyone must know that Miss Arthur is the
new executive director of the Ann Arbor Dramatic
She told us something of herself, of being
one of the first members of George. Pierce Ba-
lrarle Wrw-md le Ga r a r-.- .of n.-

lemywood Broun
With regret and almost consternation I learn
that the new type of Fifth Ave. bus is to have a
roof at the top of its second story. This is going
to play havoc with love-making, which has been
on a rapid decline in recent years. Some of my
younger friends assure me
that it still goes on. in a
sporadic way, but there is
- scant evidence to support the
Here is May, aftd all the
freshets of lyric poery which
used to come tumbling down
' are damned or dwindling.
Taxi drivers tell me that it
is very rare to get a fare
who puts his arm around the young lady whom
he is taking home after the theatre. A veteran
hacker says that in more than two years he
hasn't heard the direction, "Twice around the
park slowly." He blames it on international pol-
According to him, the modern boy and girl sit
on opposite ends of the seat and debate collective
security. One of 'the prettiest girls he ever saw
discussed the TVA with her young man all the
way from Times Square to 139th St.
A * "* *
Something hI What He Says
Surely this is no time to be putting a roof
on the busses. There is certainly something in
what the taxi driver says. The new generation
is certainly more serious-minded than the ones
to which you and I belonged. Only the other
night I was lecturing at a small denominational,
college near Philadelphia, and after the talk
dragged to its weary end a few of us gathered
at a professor's house for sandwiches. I hap-
pened to remark that a blond girl who sat alone
in the front row certainly seemed mostattractive.
"I guess you mean Mildred," said one of the
young men. "Nobody goes out with Mildred."
"And what is wrong with Mildred?" I inquired.
"She's an isolationist," he answered simply.
We certainly will have to open up the top
deck of the Fifth Ave. busses to the moon and
the little stars. You see I don't wholly agree
with the taxi driver as to the cause of frigidity
in the younger generation.
It is toomuch to hope that theywill ever be
as gay and larky as we were. But there are
Aitigating circumstances. It isn't just interna-
tional politics. The machine. age and modem
city planning are deterrents. When transporta-
tion went under ground love flew out the window.
There is no courtship of any consequence in the
subway. No man can whisper soft nothings on a
Bronx express.
I even think I see a decline in sentimental in-
terest around the city rooms of newspapers.
Thirty years ago the woman reporter was a shy'
and frightened little creature who did society
news and garden notes. Possibly my memory
deceives me, but I seem to see her as wearing
gingham and putting up her hair on the top
of her head in a bun. At any rate, she was
fluttery, and didn't have the dimmest notion
as to what it was all about. You felt that you
ought to hold her hand to protect her whenever
she had to venture out into the turmoil of city

No utterance at the St. Louis con-
vention of the National League of
Women Voters-and it has been a
meeting of stimulating thought and
discussion-presents a greater chal-
lenge to American democracy than,
the definition of the "most difficult
political task of the present time,"
as formulated by Dr. Herman Finer,
of the London School of Economics
and Political Science.
This "most difficult task," as
viewed by the distinguished British
observer, is, simply stated, "the im-
-provement of party organization."
The speaker did not mean, as he was
quick to point out, that the need was
for a more intensive precinct organi-
zation of party workers, interested
primarily in winning elections for the
sake of what they could, as individuals
get out of victory at the polls. Quite
to the contrary. To quote:
The replacement of personal am-
bition and the spoils system by a
doctrine and a program which are
seriously and genuinely meant; the
exercise of the selective functions of'
men and women who are to be po-
litical leaders, candidates for office
and office holders; the greatest self-'
restraint in the use of public funds
and public office as a means for po-
litical advancement, and the con-
scious use of the political party as an'
organization for research and for the
intensive civic education of the peo-
ple-this is the most difficult political
task of the present time.
A difficult task, certainly, yet the'
ideal back of it is one toward which
there must be constant approach if
our democracy is to continue to justify!
The clearest lesson to be learned
from a study of American political
parties is that the major parties today
have no consistent, well-defined poli-
cies on which to base their appeals tor
the voters. There has never been a
time in our history when the party
was more than a device which
control of public offices is re-1
tamed by one group of job-holders or
assumed by another. Issues, already
confused by the wide divergence of
opinion within the same party camps,
are bound to suffer still further when
patronage is a prime motivation of
political activity.
Party organizations conscious of a1
social responsibility to think out the
problems of the day and to formulate
policies, party headquarters as cen-
ters of research and seats of popular
education-in the light of what we
have today, these may seem utopian
goals. Certainly they will not be easy
of attainment. But no lesser objec-
tives can satisfy those who believe in
-democracy and would safeguard it to
the full against encroachment by dic-
tatorial forms of government.
Fortunately, we are making pro-
gress in the fight against the spoils
system. Thanks to rhany high-mind-
ed civic groups-among them the
League ofaWomen Voters-the battle
against patronage rule is being waged,
steadily. As the enemies of civil serv-
ice-men like Senator McKellar-are
driven back, parties must necessarily
become less and less spoils organiza-
tions. To win the fight against the
spoilsmen will beito clear the way for
parties that define issues, stand for
them before the public and seek to
prove their worth when in power.
Speed the day of that victory!
-St. Louis Post-Dispatch.
Fall Of Greece
The decline of Greek civilzation be-
gan, in all probability, with the de-
forestation of the hills; and it was
hastened greatly by -goats. These
voracious animals ate down the young
trees, the shrubs, the grass; they
stripped the land of its protective coat
of vegetation, and then rain washed

the topsoil into the rivers.
Nor was the loss of soil and the
consequent decline of agriculture the
whole story. Much of this soil was de-
posited along the lower courses of the
rivers, where their velocity slackened.
as they reached the sea. Marshes and
swamps were formed and then mos-
quitoes bred; the mosquitoes carried
malarial infection; the health of"the
people was undermined; and enemies
crowded in upon a debiliated race.
Thus it is, perhaps, to goats rather
than to internecine quarrels or to
Persians that the downfall of Greek
culture must be primarily attributed.
-London Geographical Magazine.
Speech Finalist
Tries For Prize

Pubication in the Bulletintis constructive notice to all members of the
Univers"t ;Copy received atthe'oa.ce of the Assistant o the Predent
until 3:3U; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.

Note to Seniors, June Graduates,
and Graduate Students: Please file
application for degrees or any spe-
cial certificates (i.e. Geology Certifi-
cate, Journalism Certificate, etc.) at
once if you expect to receive a de-
gree or certificate at commence-
ment in June. We cannot guaran-
tee that the University will confer a
degree or certificate at commence-
ment upon any student who fails to
file such application before the close
of business on Wednesday, May 18. If
application is received later than May
18, your degree or certificate may not
be awarded until next fall.
Candidates for degrees or certifi-
cates may fill out card at once at
.office of the secretary or recorder of
their own school or college (students
enrolled in the College of Litera-
ture, Science, and the Arts, College of
Architecture, School of Music, School
of Education, and School of Forestry
and Conservation, ple'ase note that
application blank may be obtained
and filed in the Registrar's Office;-
Room 4, University Hall). All ap-
plications for the Teacher's Certifi-
cate should be made at the office of
the School of Education.
Please do not delay until the last
day, as more than 2,50 diplomas
and certificates must be lettered,
signed, and sealed and we shall be
greatly helped in this work by the
early filing of applications and the
resulting longer period for prepara-
The filing of these applications does
not involve the payment of any fee
Shirley W. S.-ith.
The Bureau has received notice of
the following Michigan Civil Service
Public Health Department Librar-
ian A, Men and Women, $125 per
Insurance Examiner 1, Men only,
$160 per month.
Communicable Diseases Public ,
Health Physician II, $2,520 per year.
Notice of the following U. S. Civil
Service Examination has been re-
Student' Nurse, St..Elizabeths Hos-
pital, Department of the Interior,.
Washington, D.C.
For further information, please call
at the office, 201 Mason Hall. Office
Hours: 9-12 and 2-4.
Uiversity of Michigan Bureau of
Appointments and Occupational
All students and faculty members
who have received questionnaires sent
out by the Michigan Daily are re-
quested to return the questionnaires
by the post paid envelope as soon
as possible inorder to facilitate tabu-
lation of results.
1938 Dramatic Season. Season tick-
ets now available for five shows, May
16 through June 18. Garden Room
at the Michigan League open from
10 ,to 6 daily.
Congress: All Independent men are
eligible to petition for offices on the
Executive Council of Congress, Inde-
pendent Men's Organization. Fresh-
men may petition as well as Juniors
and Seniors.
All petitions are to be made out in
three copies and are to be submitted
in sealed envelopes marked "Congress
Judiciary Council." All petitions
should be taken to the Union desk
on or before May 7.
For complete information about the
form of the petition consult the Con-
gress bulletin board in the lobby of
the Union.
French Play: Photographs of the
cast of the French Play may be or-
dered at the office of the Department
of Romance Languages this week.
Attention: Literary Seniors: The
Senior Literary Class has chosen

George Moe's Shop to supply caps-
and gowns. Inasmuch as Swing-Out
is May 22, be sure and get yours before
that date.
Academic Notices
Geography 2. Because of the activi-
ties of the B. and G. department, the,
sections of Geography 2 will be shift-
ed to the following rooms for May

FRIDAY, MAY 6, 1938
VOL. XLVIII. No. 154

Alumni Memorial Hall from May 2
through May 15. Open daily, includ-
ing Sundays, from 2 to 5 p.m., admis
sion free to students and members.
University Lecture: Professor Einar
Hammarsten, Professor of Chemistry,
Carolingian Medical University, will
lecture on "The Secretin of Bayliss
and Starling" on Monday, May 9, at
4:15 p.m. in Natural Science Auditor-
ium under the auspices of the Medical
School. The public is cordially in-
Alexander Ziwet Lectures in Mathe-
matics. 'The next two lectures will be
given Friday, May 6, and Monday,
May 9, at 3 o'clock, in Room 3201
Angell Hall. The final lecture of the
series will be on Tuesday, May 10, at
3 o'clock, in Room 301f Angell Hall,
Events Today
President Ruthven will speak at a
luncheon meeting held in connection
with dedication ceremonies of the
new Presbyterian Church and Student
Center. Professor O. S. Duffendack
will be Chairman of the luncheon.
At a 2 o'clock Symposium in the
Church Auditorium, The Rev. Alvin
C. Sawtelle of Bay City will preside.
Other speakers will be the Rev.
Charles W. Brashares on "The Evi-
dence of Student Interest in the
Church," Professor Howard Y. Mc-
Clusky on "What the College Stu-
dent Seems to Want from the
Church," The Rev. Benjamin J. Bush
of Detroit on "The Desires of, the
Home Church," and The Rev. Wil-
liam P. Lemon on "Things to Come."
At 8 o'clock the ceremony of Dedi-
cation of the building will take place
in the Church Auditorium with The
Rev. Henry W. Fischer, Chairman of
the University of Michigan Presby-
terian Corporation, and the Rev. Wil-
liam P. Lemon, presiding. The prin-
cipal address will be given by Presi-
dent elect John W. Dunning of Alma
College. The new Westminster Guild
officers will be installed during this
Stalker, Hall. Banquet to honor
seniors and other students receiving
degrees at the Methodist Church
Friday, at 6:30 o'clock. This is for
all Methodist students and their
friends. - Bishop Baker of California,
the founder of the Wesleyan Founda-
tion Movement will be the speaker.
Please call 6881 for reservations.
Mr. Robert Warshaw will speak on
"Some Approaches to Shakespeare"
at the meeting of the English Journal
Club today at 4:15 p.m., in the English
Seminar Room in Angell Hal. Please
note the change of location. 'The fac-
ulty, members and guests are .cor-
dially invited to attend and to partici-
pate in the discussion following the
Suomi Club There will be a meet-
ing tohight at 8 o'clock p.m. in the
'Upper Room of Lane Hall. Ref resh-
ments will be served. All Finnish
students are cordially invited to at-
Stalker Hall. Friday Nighter Party
at 8:30 o'clock at Stalker Hall for all
Methodist Students and their friends.
There will be no class in "Through
The Old Testament" this week but
there will be next week again.
Delta Sigma Rho: Meeting of the
Michigan Chapter today at 4 o'clock
in Room 3212 Angell Hall.
Disciples Guild: The Guild will hold
a party in the recreation hall of the
church, Hill and Tappan Streets, Fri-
day evening from 8 fo 12 o'clock. Two
of the main features of the program
will be a treasure hunt and amateur

Coming Events
'German Table for Faculty Mem-
bers: The regular luncheon meeting
will be held 'Monday at 12:10 p.m. in
the Founders' Room of the Michigan
Union. All faculty members interest-
ed in speaking German are cordially
invited. There will be an informal
10-minute talk by Professor Kasimir
Fajans on "Einiges au dem Grenzge-
beit der Physik and Chemie."
Biological Chemistry Seminar, Sat-
urday, May 7, 10 a.m., Room 313 West
Medical Building.
"The Scleroproteins, The Kera-
tins" will be discussed. All interested
are invited.
College of Architecture: A film
sponsored by the Federal Housing Ad-
ministration, showing recent housing
projects, will be shown in the. ground
floor lecture room, Architectural
Building, on Monday, May 9, at 4:15
p.m. Those interested are cordially
The Angell Hall Observatory will be
open to visitors Saturday evening,
May 7, from 9 until 10 o'clock. The
moon will be shown through the tele-
scopes. Children must be accompan-

* * *


No Wonder She Took A Drink!
It is not so today. The last time I took a
lady reporter out to dinner was some years ago.
I had a corner table in a little French restaurant
in the Village. She took a Martini instead of
the tomato juice which I suggested, but she apol-
ogized'by saying:
"I had a pretty tough assignment today."
"And what ever did you cover, my dear?" I
asked with elderly benevolence.
"They sent me up to Sing Sing to do the
electrocution of the four gunmen," she responded.
We are still good friends, but the acquaintance-
ship :has never ripened into romance.
There ought to be a federal project. Roofs
and walls must .be torn down. Possibly Ickes
could 'let in the moonlight- and Harry Hopkins
bring back the honeysuckle to our great indus-
trial cities.
Neighborhood Playhouse: of the tradition she
createdt with the "Grand Street Follies"; and of
her years managing Ruth Draper, Angna Enters,
the Dance Repertory Group and Ted Shawn.
A more honest person in the theatre' business'
would be difficult to discover. As she herself
said, "I am a regular guy." She proved it. Your,
interviewer frankly expressed his disappointment
with the selection of plays she is brilging to
the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Her answer
did not take the form of apologies or excuses.
"The Ghost of Yankee Doodle," she pointed
out, is at this very moment in rehearsal in New
York City under the supervision of its author,
Sidney Howard. The production will be dis-
tinct from that given by the Theatre Guild. This
column carried the report last January that Mr.
Howard's play "veered conveniently away from
any provocative drama," and that "no point at
any time was ever made." The fault, Miss Ar-
thur contends, rested with the N.Y. production.
Mr. Howard will see to it that here in Ann Arbor
he will have something to say and will say it
Your reporter pointed out the innocuous com-
edy, "French Without Tears." The choice of this
play was largely based on psychology, Miss Ar-
thur said. Students will be on the verge and
in the throes of examination. Here is a perfectly
light comedy, no thinking is necessary for it, she
said. Hence, it is ideal. We let it go at that.
"The Late Christopher Bean," and "Rain From
Heaven," as well as "Liliom" were chosen be-
nni.t oe -- - el my nrv _-r - +lm _- n+

( and 7.
Section 1
18 A.H.
Section 2
2019 A.H.
Section 3
18 A.H.
Section 6
18 A.H.

(Friday 8 o'clock), Room
(Friday 9 o'clock) Room
(Friday 10 o'clock), Room
(Friday 1 o'clock), Room

in the

Greiner, '38, Debates
H. Greiner, '38, will compete
annual Northern Oratorical

League Contest tonight in Cleveland
as the University's representative.
Greiner, who is the survivor of two
elimination contests will speak on
poor government caused by the indif-
ference of citizens at the polls.
The University of Iowa, Western
Reserve University, Northwestern
University, University of Minnesota

Section 7 (Saturday
Room 18 A.H.
Section 8 (Saturday
Room 18 A.H.
- Section 9 (Saturday
Room 18 A.H.

9 o'clock),
10 o'clock),
11 o'clock),

Exhibition: Photographs of "India,
her Architecture and Sculpture" un-
rar hP anito r-f - nTries+;.,+® -f

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