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February 20, 1938 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1938-02-20

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24 1938


. . . .......

Frosh Frolie's
Band Selected
By Committee

Dances, Film

Classics, And


Vary Weeks Entertaminent Schedule

Guests Named
By Chairmen
For Caduceus

Marie' Leads List
As Campus Choice
For Dorsey Swing
"Marie" heads the list of the selec-
tions the Michigan campus wishes to

One of the big campus dances of
anknastte , h swing co t dy To fame and starring Ronald Colman. picking up in this part of the coun-
mykeDorrTsg an sin Oratorical Asso-It is the long-waited for opportunity try.
ycheraA dast on ureadanOt slsofor those who missed it the first time. At 8:15 p.m. Thursday in Hill Au-
OrchstraAnd ocalstecation lecture head the week's list ofj
T F hentertainments.Monday night brings the basketball ditorium the Oratorical Association
o res n Dancem . today is the showing game with the University of Wiscon- will present Salvador de Madariaga,
. 'rankie Masters and his orchestra of the last in the series of "Some sin cagers. Along more formal lines former Spanish ambassador to the
hr .e been contracted to play for the Memorable American Films" which is the Caduceus dance, when the United States and France, and dele-
1 sh Frolic, to be held from 10 p.m. will be given at the League. Differ- medics forget all about stethoscopes igate to the League of Nations. His
to 2 a.m., Friday, March 4, in the ent film classics from 'way back have and bandages and proceed to swing topic will e 'What Is Peace?" Be-
th on balroom, it was announced been collected and released by the it. This year's ball features Anson sides the lecture, there will be a
ye ;erday by Jane Krause, publicity Museum of Modern Art in New York. Weeks and his orchestra. As for dec- hockey game with Minnesota to
ch irman. Today's group consists of "The May orations, they will transform the provide entertainment on Thursday.
he orchestra is well known Irwin-John C. Rice Kiss" of 1896. Union into a Greek temple with pic- Friday night is the "Payoff" at
he ochesra s wel knwntures of professors in Greek robes to* the League. It is a dance sponsored
th >ughout the country and has re- "Enoch Arden" with Lillian Gish and sst gs
cc tly been playing in the College "Monsieur Beaucaire" with the fa- liven up the upper hall leading into by Mortarboard,
In and Hotel Sherman in Chicago. mous Valentino in the stellar role. the ballroom. ---
Mr Tian Francis, vocalist, will also 'Lost Horizor' To Return One T. Dorsey To Arrive . ance To ne He
ap ear with the orchestra. One of the outstanding films of toTuesday means not only WashNg-
ickets for the dance priced at last year has been brought back to n's birthday and no classes, but the
$2 f0 will go on sale Tuesday at the the Majestic Theatre for a return arrival of one T. Dorsey to make the $ , oeytire
de < of the Union. The sale will be engagement. It is James Hilton's Yost Field douse pulsate with an The Newman Club will hold a
rep ricted to freshmen for the first "Lost Horizon," directed by Frank evening of swing and jam. A campusdance from 9 p.m. to midnight to-
tw days and then will be opened to Capra of "It Happened One Night' wil playbe ta esotha uMeDorse morrow at St. Mary's Student Chapel,
all classes. students. What with Benny Good- according to Angeline Maliszewski,
ate permission, of 2:30 a.m., has the ball. Others on the central com- man in Detioit and Tommy Dorsey '38, social chairman.
be n granted for the dance, it was mittee are: Rolert Hall and Neilin Ann Arbor, things seem I Bill Sawyer's band is tc play for
al ) stated by Miss Krause. There will Vedder, music; Herman Norstromn the dance and Maxine Blaess, '39will
be no corsages allowed except for and Edward Purman, tickets; Ed- sing. The chaperons are to be Prof.
thcse who are members of the central ward King, programs; Harriette Bab- Edgar N. Durfee and Prof. and Mrs.'
co imittee.,I cock, patrons; Catherine Wedemyer ,,eH ol d, William A. McLaughlin.
Don Ryker is general chairman of and Robert Hague, decorations. "All members of the Newman Club,
___________________ ______ Re il r all Catholic students and their
.lfriends are invited to come to this
11 Sinier T d v dance," Miss Maliszewski said. "The

Medical Fraternities Plan hear Tommy Dorsey play at his swing
To Give Formal Dinners concert at 8:30 p.m. Tuesday in Yost
Field House, it was revealed in the
Preceding The Ball i campus poll held recently.j
"Once in a While" comes in a close
The guests of the chairmen for second and is followed by "Star
Caduceus Ball, which will be held Dust." Next in order come "Just a
from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. tomorrow in Simple Melody," "Let That Be a
the Union Ballroom, were announced Lesson to You" and "Josephine."
recently. "The Dipsy Doodle" is seventh in the
Irvin Howe, '38M, general chair- affections of the campus.
man, will have as his guest Mrirs. "Song of India" is next and is
Howe, and Elizabeth Lyon, '39, is to I followed by "You're a Sweetheart"
attend with Robert Denham, '3$M, and "Thanks for the Memory." In
chairman of the patrons committee. the eleventh and twelfth places come

"Just Enuf"
for that
110 East Liberty

The decorations chairman, Jack
Day, '38M, will attend the ball with,
Betty Sinclair of Detroit and Kath-
ryn M. Andrus, '38, is to be the guest
of Jack Jacoby, '38M, music chair-

I'm Getting
You" and "WI
The results
special deliver
it is expected t
the program h



For Information--Call MISS JONES at 2-3241

it's showing faint evidences for a
change - "can Spring be far be-
n d,"'Course in Ann Arbor you
r ever can be sure - nope, not in
t Dais metropolis of weird and
wreckless weather. But Spring's
a'comin' however you look at it!
springy mood - an artist's fancy
- all this, gals, just about this
time of year, calls for blossoming
i-1 that well-worn wardrobe ..
id let the blossoms be the
DILLON SHOP variety - spring
r -ints - crepes - and pastel
wools! You'll be a creature of
r mance, utterly feminine - yet
crisply efficient in your manner
vithout the giggly, gushing af-
fI ctations of our earlier age when
s yles such as these were worn.
I:'s a dash of the old-fashioned,
and 4 good portion of the modern!
BEING MODERN, gals, is no
8 'nple job - there are ways and
r;eans, of course - but you'd bet-
t r watch your step! Your gab-
a ng-gadder has been shopping
i ough - and with a hint here
.d a little old suggestion there -
Su'll hit upon the ways, if not the
r ans! First step: CALKINS-
1 .-ETCHER'S - they're featuring
A full variety of Lucien Lelong
tivoducts. - that grand lipstick -
*e ctric tone! Face powder in a
and new practical package -
Frfumes - "Indiscreet" and
",hisper" are indispensable to
lady's cosmetic shelf. Then
# are's a variety of superb colognes
- "Whisper-" - French Lavendar
and Eau de Cologne in lovely
d attractive bottles and cases.
Y u might pick up a magnifying
n rror while they're available - a
yfriend to any girl!
INFORMALITY and gaiety -
V2 _ by-words of the sweater shuffle

- the Pay-Off Dance that's com-
ing up next week-end, gals! It's
something new, something differ-
ent - and a particularly fine ex-
cuse for replenishing that sweater
drawer with samples of the new
spring shades - KESEL'S CAM-
PUS SHOP has.all the latest tones
-- those lovely, luscious colors
suggestive only of the dauber's
pallette. Now they are available
in either long or short sleeves -
they'll spruce up last year's suit-
they'll simply "make" this year's
suit - so shuffle along!
HIGH SOCIETY at the Horse
Show seems to be the trend of the
chapeau this season - have you
seen the new derbys - and these
in pastels? - they're awfully cute,
very smart, dignified, and have
that certain equestrian-ish air!
now is featuring them in just that
color contrasting with your new
suit or sport's outfit! And not
only that but a complete line of
the new shades of hose. You know
that's what's so nice about this
little shop - its vei'y versatility
if there's any little thing you
happeneto be lacking - whether
hair ornament, rain scarf, ribbons,
clips or hats - this is the place
you'll find it. Spring flowers will
dress up shades of last season too!

All Students And Faculty
Invited; Tickets Priced
At 35 Cents Per Person
The league house representatives
and Congress, men's independent or-
ganization, will jointly sponsor the
third Sunday Night Supper, to be
held at 6 p.m. today in the League.
Elizabeth Myers, '39, is general chair-
man of the representatives' com-
mittee and Edward Egle, '39E, heads
the Congress committee for the affair.
Tickets for the supper, priced at{
35 cents, can still be obtained at the
League desk. Supper will be served
from 6 to 8:30 p.m. in the League1
Ballroom. It has been planned that
three women and three men will be
3eated at each of the tables around
the room.
All students on campus and all fac-
ulty members are invited to attend
the affair, according to Virginia
Hoelzle, '39, publicity chairman.
Group singing has been planned as.
the main feature of the entertain-
ment, and games will also be played.
The league house representatives
committee, under Miss Myers. is com-
posed of Dorothy Bogart, '40 and
Anne Stannard, '40, in charge of
ticket sales; Lottie Marie Babinski,
'41 and Ann Wehner, '41, in chargeI
of seating arrangements; Virginia;
Finkelston, '40 and Helen Barnett,
'40, in charge of entertainment, and
Miss Hoelzle.

Badminton: Signing up this
week in Barbour Gymnasium for
mixed doubles tournament. Club
meetings 7:15 to 9:15 p.m. °Wed-
nesday; open badminton for wom-
en oly, 4:15 to 5:30 p.m. Friday.
Barbour Gymnasium.
Basketball: Club basketball;
Louise Barr vs. Marian Marsh,
4:30 p.m. Tuesday; Jane Dunbar
vs. Joan Bevington, 5:10 p.m.
Tuesday; Helen Wolf vs. Sally
Connery, 4:30 p.m. Thursday;
Irene Sabo vs. Gene McCoy, 5:10
p.m. Thursday, Barbour Gymna-
Bowling: Intramural double
elimination tournament starts
Friday. Names must be handed in
individually or in groups of three
to Miss Ruth Helsel at the W.A.B.
by Wednesday. A group may enter
any number of teams. 4 to 6 p.m.
and 7 to 9 p.m. tomorrow through
Friday, 3 to 5 p.m. Saturday,
Dance Club: 7:30 p.m. Thurs-
day, Sarah Caswell Angell Audi-
torium, Barbour Gymnasium.
Fencing: 4:15 p.m. Thursday,
Barbour Gymnasium.
Rifle: Intercollegiate telegra-
phic matches. Hours for shoot-
ing have been changed to 4 to 6
p.m. tomorrow through Thursday,
Swimmnig: 4 p.m. tomorrow
and Wednedsay, Union pool.

Guests Announced yrow. The first
Myron Shilling, '38M, publicity, will be the rec
chairman, will attend with Mrs. bers and then
Shilling; John P. Eichorn. '38M, taken and eacl
tickets chairman, with Mrs. Eichorn; cestra will g
SWilliam Howell, '38M, co-chairman of it
of the finance committee, with Ger--___
trude Sawyer of the University Hos-
pital staff and Robert Trimby, '38M, ' KAP
the other finance committee chair- Kappa Delta
man, with Mrs. Trimby. the pledging ol
The six medical fraternities are to of Rome, N.Y.
hold a formal dinner before the --
ball, according to the social chair- -
men. Nu Sigma Nu will hold both a
dinner and a breakfast, for which Dr.
and Mrs. Cameron Haight and Dr.
and Mrs. Kendall Holmes will be the T t
1 chaperons. whoe
Dinner Chaperons Listedw
Dr. and Mrs. John L. Sheldon and
Dr. and Mrs. Jack F. Tolan are to be
the chaperons for the dinner at Phi
Rho Sigma. Phi Beta Pi's dinner will
be chaperoned by Dr. and Mrs. Ver-
non S. Dick, Dr. Frank D. Lathrop,
Dr. and Mrs. Ralph G. Smith and
Dr. and Mrs. John Sundwall. C
Slosson To Speak
To Dames Tuesday
Prof. Preston Slosson of the his-
tory department will speak on W
.George Washington and the Twen-
tieth Century" at a general meeting o rtM
of the Michigan Dames at 8:15 p.m.
Tuesday in the Grand Rapids Room eveni
of the League.
The drama group, supervised by
Mrs. Sidney Quigley, is in charge of
this meeting. All wives of students
and internes are eligible to member-
ship, Mrs. L. C. Fisher, who is in
charge of membership, said.
Refreshments will be served in the
Russian tearoom of the League fol- State a
lowing the meeting, and Mrs. V. E.
Leichty will be in charge.

Sentimental Over
of this poll were sent
y to Mr. Dorsey and
hat, he will send back
e is to play by tomor-
part of the program
cital of popular num-
special pieces will be
h member of the or-
ive his interpretation,

we may better serve our customers
2njoy using
Helena Rubenstein
Elizabeth Arden

a sorority announces Read The Dail Classifieds
fGertrude French, '41,__________________


" . " Marcelle
" " "Ar-Ex

I .


le have arranged for Miss Goodrich
iss Stibbard to be on duty in the
ng - to assist in their selection.
'The %arry

it North University

Phorie 2-3109






ForForm Fretters
/ 7
::::'::;..A - for the
small, youth-
ful bust.
B-for average
C-for large
Uplifts and rounds the bust
into the lovely soft lines of
youth ... of strong but light
oatiste with a stitched batiste
}ust support .. . designed in
this one style to fit all types


, .
p t\\ r qd
''" '
i t L
- _ . n
f / ? , ?


i r
1 "". ''r
t E
} ',
4 " t
1, l
3 t . ,
. -
, .
F - f

True Confession:
The big Spring Parties are fun for everybody-
When the big parties occur, we lay off, or to put it more
artistically, we are "at liberty."
This happens frequently, and this spring you can count on



.. .. March 4

..March 14

. .



(down with 'em, I say)
MILITARY BALL .. . April29


of a Crown-Tested
Quality Rayon Fabric



The sort of shirt smart women
order in half a dozen colors.
They wear them with their
finest tailored suits, and with
their favorite slacks.
Made of Kaycraft La Mollador,
woven of Crown Rayon. The
mark of Crown-tested Quality
is your assurance that the fab-
ris has been check-tested and
approved for durability, and
for general serviceability. San-
forized-shrunk-will not shrink
out of fit.
Grand colors: white, navy, yel-
low, brown, beige, powder blue,
aqua, pink, black. 32 to 40.

Spring's New Bonnets
Are So Feminine!
PEASANT SCARFS, snap brims, and suede toppers are
all right for class, but when you dress up for your date .. .
well . . . you should really dress, just as femininely as
you possibly can.
YOUR PRETTIEST FROCK calls for an equally "pretty"
hat . . . a poke bonnet, peach basket, bowl brim, pancake,
or one of the many flighty madcaps!
CHOOSE FELT . . . ribbon . . . or one of the lovely
new shiny or dull straws . . . intriguingly trimmed with
ribbons . . . feathers . . . flowers . . . fringes . . . veils.

iF a

If any of youse are planning a party on any of those nights,
and want it swung in the proper manner
would be willing, even eager, to talk the turkey. Yes, indeed!


Come in and

let us fit your

well, it's less than you think. Why not call up and find out.
Yer frend,
P.S. Sometimes I am around the Union. If not, call Reade
TPnI7 II /niw illa .nrde nl \latMR(


to 795



1 1 :1 1 1



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