Showers, not so warm In
central portions today.
Freedom Of The Press:
Only For Aryans?..
The Split
In Labor ..
VOL. XLVII. No. 155
_ _~
N , e
F.D.'s Prestige
At Stake Again
In Move For"
Wag Bill Vote
Pepper Victory In Florida
Has Aided Bill, F.D.R.
Supporters Declare
New, Deal Expects
Struggle In House
WASHINGTON, May 5.--(P)-Pres-
ident Roosevelt's leadership, recently
backed by a majority of Florida's
Democratic priniary voters, is again
at stake in the effort beginning for-
orally in the H1=ouse tomorrows to force
a vote on the revised Wage-Hour Bill.
Although it is not the only factor
involved, the overwhelming victory of
Administration-supported Senator
Pepper in the Florida contest has had
a distinct influence, observers and Ad-
ministration aides believe, in rallying
support in the House for wage-hour
action at this session. There has
*been a tendency among hesitating
Democrats to read into it evidence of
Roosevelt strength with the mass of
party voters.'
Wage-Hour Bill leaders in the
Iouse have canvassed the member-
ship and report pledges of more than
the necessary 218 signatures on a
petition to wrest the bill from the
hostile Rules Committee and send
it to the House floor. That petition
will become available for signing to-
morrow. If there is anything like the
rush to sign which the leaders foresee
that rush may have its own effect on
still hesitating members. If the peti-
tion were completed at once it would
assure a House vote later in the
month. -
There is little doubt that the size
of Senator Pepper's majority in the
Florida Senatorial Primary impressed
House Democrats. Even many who
anticipated his 'ultimate nomination
in a run-off with ,either of his lead-
ing opponents had not expected a
two-to-one turnout for him. It is ob-
vious that his sweep'and his straight-
out .campaign to make 'President
Roosevelt and his policies the issue
provided the final stimulus for bring-
ing the wage-hour contest in the-
House to a quick conclusion.
Teachers Hold
Second Annual
Parley Today
Instructors Will Discuss
- Indutrial Relations; Also
Taylor, Stone To Talk
Prof. George W. Taylor of the
University of Pennsylvania will open
the second annual Teachers' Confer-'
ence on Industrial Relations at 11
a.m. today in the League. Representa-
tives of about 15 middle western
universities will attend the confer-
ence, the purpose of which is to pre-
sent college instructors with current
information on industrial relations.
Professor Taylor will speak on
"Experiences in Collective Bargain-
ing" Prof. I. L. Sharfman of the
Economics department will discuss
"The Adjustment of Railway Labor
Disputes" at 2 p.m. and Prof. R. W.
Stone of the University of Chicago
will conduct a round table discussion
on "Instruction in Industrial Rela-
tions" at 3:45 p.m. today.
Prof. Selig Pernman of the Univer-
sity of Wisconsin will speak on "Policy
Question Within the Labor Movement
Today," at 7:30 p.m.
Thomas G. Spates of the General
Foods Corp. will open Saturday's con-
ference with a speech on "Essentials
in an Employer's Labor Policy." W.
J. 15ickson of the Western Electric
Co. will report on "A Study of Work-
ers' Attitudes" at 2 p.m. "Social Se-
curity-Some Current Problems,"
will be the subject of a talk by Prof.
William Haber of the economics de-
partment at 7:30 p.m.
Car melo eur Pratt
Quits To Go Abroad
The resignation of Prof. Wilmot F.
Pratt, University Carillonneur, was
announced yesterday and will go into
effect Aug. 31. Professor Pratt, who
hasb hen c.rillonneur at the Univer-
Speaks There Today
* * *
Eleventh State
Model League
To Meet Today
'fo Discuss Reorganization,
RearAi ament, Peaceful
Change And Minorities
'More than 150 students, delegates
and teachers from 18 colleges and
junior colleges throughout the state
will attend the opening luncheon
meeting of the 11th Annual Michigan
Model Assembly of the League of Na-
tions at 12:15 p.m. today in the
Grand Rapids Room of the League.
Prof. Harlow Heneman of the po-
litical science department will pre-
Dr. David Mitrany, the principal
speaker of Assembly; will talk on
'"A Student's View of International
Problems" at the annual banquet at
6:15 p.m. today at the League. Dr.
Mitrany was a member of the Inter-
national Studies Conference which
met in Paris last summer to discuss
Peaceful Change, and at present is
a member of the faculty of the In-
stitute for Advance Study, Prince-
ton, N.J.
Plan Four Panel Discussions
The afternoon and evening meet-
ings at 1:30 and 8:30 p.m. will be
divided into four panel discussions
to consider the problems of Peace-
ful Change, Reorganiaztion of the
League of Nations, Minorities, and
Rearmament. Norman Veenstra of
Calvin College, Joseph Kitchin o
the political science department, Don
ald Drummond of Western State and
Alice Holgate of Wayne will be the
student chairmen of these groups.
Delegates To Register Today
Registration of delegates will be
conducted from 10 a.m. to 12 a.m.
today in the League byBarbara Mc-
Intyre, '38L, and Marie M'Henry
The hosts of the meeting, the In-
ternational Relations Clubs of the
University and Wayne have invited all
interested to be present at the panel
discussions in the afternoon and eve-
Pece Coimm~ittee
To Show Movies
Two anti-war films, "Thunder Over
The Orient" and "Spain's Civil War,"
will be shown at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday in
Natural Science Auditorium under
the auspices of the United Peace
Committee, Martin B. Dworkis, '40,
executive committee chairman an-
Plans for the showing of the movies,
a discussion of the permanent or-
ganization and fall activities of the
United Peace Committee, will be held
at a meeting of the organization at
7:30 p.m. Monday at Lane Hall.
The election of three members to
the executive committee will also be
held at the meeting Monday.
The price of tickets to the anti-
war movie showing will be 15 c, Dwor-
kis said. i
700 Students
Attend MIPA
Meeting Here
Department Of Journalism
Sponsors Conference Of
High School Editors
Publication Heads
Discuss Probleis
More than 700 high school students
here for the annual Michigan Inter-
scholastic Press Association's conven-
tion, yesterday, today and tomorrow,
were welcomed at a general assembly
last night in the Union by Prof. Donal
H. Haines, of the journalism depart-
ment, which is sponsoring the conven-
These students, members of sec-
ondary school papers, magazines and
Yearbooks throughout the State,
gather here each year to discuss the
problems and questions which come
up in their work.
Tour Publications Building
After the assembly last night pre-
sided over by Miss Thelma McAnd-
less, Roosevelt High School in Ypsi-
lanti, more than 200 went on a tour
of the Student Publications Building.
Another assembly at 9 a.m. today
ppesided over by Prof. Wesley H.
Maurer, ofvthe journalism depart-
ment, will hear Prof. John S. Muy-
skens of the speech department,
Round-table discussion groups will
begin at 10 a.m. today with Dr. How-
ard Y. McCluskey, School of Educa-
tion, discussing vocational adaption;
Mrs. Pearl Orcott, Notheastern high
school, Detroit, taking up staff qual-
ifications; Prof. Mylo Ryan, Wayne,
on headlines; Miss Eileen Bitzer, Ith-
aca high school on mimeographed
papers; Arthur Hughes, Fordson high
school, on journalism problems.
Stauter To Interview Cisler
At 1t the following
groups will meet Dr. George E. Car-
rothers, School of Education, on press
opportunities. George Stauter of the
Associated Press, will give a demon-
stration interview with Coach Herbert
"Fritz" Crisler; Dr. Marion Magoon,
Michigan State Normal, on feature
writing; F. Earle Mayville, Alma high
school, on business problems; Arthur
Hughes, Fordson, will lead a forum
and Professor Ryan will lead a group
on news writing.
Miss Harriet Blum, eastern high
school, Detroit, will preside at an
advisers' luncheon at 12:15 p.m. today
in the Union. Professor Haines will
preside at a third general assembly
(Continued on Page 2)
Bishop Baker
Will Address Methodists
At Wesleyan Guild
Bishop James C. Baker of the Pa-
icific Coast Diocese will speak at 6
p.m. today to a dinner given by the
Wesleyan Guild in honor of the
Methodist seniors m the First Meth-
odist Church. He will discuss the
religious opportunitiesdof a university
graduate in our decade.
Bishop Baker, who for many years
was a minister at the University of
Illinois, collaborated with Episcopa
lian Bishop Edward L. Parsons a few
years ago in upholding the right of
students to refuse to take compulsory
military training in a state university.
The local court, which denied this
right, was later upheld by the Su-
preme Court of the United States,
Out of this trial grew the student
drive to make military training op-
tional in all institutions of higher
Nearly 100 complimentary tickets
to the talk are available to the Metho-
dist constituency at the office of
Dr. E. W. Blakeman, religious coun-
Governor Murphy I
Calls University
World's Greatest
BATTLE CREEK, May 5-(Special
to The Daily)-In standards, equip-
ment and personnel the University
of Michigan is "the greatest educa-
tional institution on this earth,"
Gov. Frank Murphy declared here to-
day at the 21st annual convention
of the Michigan Congress of Parents
and Teachers.
In discussing the aim of the State
government to provide adequate sup-
port for the various state-operated
colleges and what he termed "our
matchless University," Governor
Murphy said:
"I make that statement about the
University's superiority in all sincer-
ity, and base it on my studies in this
country, in England, in Ireland, in
Japan, China and the Philippines."
Earlier in the speech, Governor
Murphy said "The interests of the
school of Michigan will never suffer
as long as I am governor," but he as-
serted that "while education is high-
ly important, first the hungry must
be fed."
Regents Appomt
Sta son Provost;
To Ai Ruthven
Law Professor Not To Be
Inter mediary Between
Colleges And President
Appointment of Prof. E. Blythe Sta-
son of the Law School to the new
position of Provost of the University
was announced yesterday by the Uni-
versity Record, official faculty bulle-
'Final action for the creation df
the position and the appointment of
Professor Stason was taken by the
Board of Regents at its regular meet-.
ing last Friday. In establishing the
office, the Board stipulated that the
"Provost shall aid the President by
performing such of the President's
functions as shall from time to time
be delegated by him or by the Board
of Regents."
In definingmit f Ahitioris of the
Provost, they 'egents aod d the
practice used in some insitutions of
creating an intermediate gency be-
tween the schools, college and facul-
ties and the chief executive.
The creation of the new post will
expedite the work of the President's
off'ice without decreasing the oppor-
tunitie for conferences between the
President and other staff members, it
is expected.
The University is not the first to
have been forced by post-war ex-
pansion to provide for division of
labor in the office of the President.
Yale University, the University of
Pennsylvania, Cornell University, the
University of California and the Uni-
versity of Chicago have been forced
to take similar methods.
For several years, Professor Stason
has been in close touch with certain
tasks of the President's office par-
ticularly those related to state fi-
nance, state legislation, by-laws of
the Board of Regents and other legal
and semi-legal affairs.
French Version
Of GorkiPlay
To Re SI.own
The French film version of Maxim
Gorki's "Lower Depths" will be shown
at 8:15 p.m. today and tomorrow at
the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre by
the Art Cinema League. Gorki's
drama was characterized as "an ex-
cellent example of the type of natur-
alism peculiar to the Russians" by
Prof. Joe Lee Davis of the English
"The stark realism of Gorkis de-
pressing story of a flophouse inhabit-
ed by the outcasts of society is tem-
pered by the emphasis on the spiritual
aspirations of a major character,"
Professor Davis said in an interview
Loukas in "Lower Depths," is the
pilgrim whose vision of the future is
beyond the grasp of the degraded
characters in the flophouse, Profes-
sor Davis said, pointing out that this
emphasis on the idealistic in Russian
naturalism is also illustrated in the
character of Trofimo in Chekov's
"Cherry Orchard."
Hammarsten To Speak
On Hormones Monday
Profits Go
To Pool,. Band
Off To Mcirs Vintage Of 1901
-4 -
Four Bands, 75 Horses,
Floats And Bicycles To
Stretch For 6 Blocks
Cleverest Floats
To Receive Awards
HueParade Will Herald
M ichigras Openin-gToday;
Shown above is the Michigras parade as students saw it in 1907.
The stage coach was the'float of the Rocky Mountain Club,, and those
riding on it amused themselve* by firing off blank cartridge pistols,.
Rhine Lecture Gives Evidence.
For Extra Sensory Perception
A huge parade, starting at 3:30
p.m. today on East Huron Street and
stretching for more than six blocks,
will wind around the campus to herald
the opening of the 1938 Michigras.
The profits from the Michigras,
gigantic carnival held in Yost Field
House, will go to aid the Women's
Athletic Association's proposed swim-
ming pool and the Varsity Band's trip
to New Haven, Conn., for the Yale
football game this fall. Hugh Rader,
'38, is chairman and Samuel Charin,
'38, is assistant chairman.
Included in the parade will be four
bands, 75 horses, numerous floats and
several hundred bicycles. Three cups
will be given for the most clever
floats' and ,several awards will be'
made for the best decorated bicycle.
Miss Ethel McCormick, social direc-
tor of the League, Stanley Waltz,
manager of the Union, and Mayor W.
C. Sadler will judge the floats.
Among the rides this year, accord-
ing to Rader, will be a double ferns
wheel, -a jmerry-go-round, a .tilt-a-
whirl and a loop-o-plane.
Members of the Michigras central
committee report that once inside
Yost Field House today, everyone will
be able to do anything from betting
on a rat race to getting his picture
taken as the character he has always
wished to assume.
The booth committee, headed by
Richard Fox, '39, ap Betty Lyons,
'39, have announce that 60 campus
organizations will sponsor booths at
the affair today and tomorrow.,Fra-
ternities are sponsoring most of the
booths, with sororities second. Imide-
pendent groups are in charge of sev-
eral sideshows this year also, as are
several dormitories. Campus hon-
(Continued on Page 2)
Press Parley
Fails To Bring
Psychologist Fromn
Addresses Over,
Describes Card
More than 500 students and towns-
people overflowed the Natural Science
Auditorium yesterday to hear a slight
grey-haired psychel&"nTessor, J.
B. Rhine, of Duke University, ex-
plain research that strikes at the
basic scientific Incepts of the hu-
man mind.
Evidence that is beyond the ability,
of mathematics to shake indicates
that the mind can receive impres-
sions from sources other than the
senses Professor Rhine asserted to
an audience that fired questions at.
Alter Functions
Local Club Reorganized
To Fulfill Needs Here
A reorganization of the Progressive
Club to fulfill the needs of the cam-
pus as noted at this year's Spring
Parley and along lines suggested by
Mentor Williams of the English de-
partment was effected at a "post-
Parley" meeting of the Club held last
night at Lane Hall.
Feeling that the Progressive Club
has been devoting too much of its
time to broad national and interna-
tional questions, the membership ap-
proved a plan whereby existing per-
manent committees of the Club would
be abolished and temporary commit-
tees to work on immediate campus
problems be set up in their place.
The peace, social and publicity com-
mittees are to be retained as part
of the permanent structure of the or-
Following reports by members pres-
ent at the five panels of the Parley
it was decided to set up temporary
committees to work with the Student
Senate on housing, cleaning prices,.
expansion of cooperatives and stu-
dent working conditions. These com-
mittees will be chosen at a meeting
of the executive board of the club
to be held Tuesday.
A suggestion, that colloquiums sim-
ilar to the Spring Parley be held at
(Continued on rage 2)
him for over an hour and a half.1
There is reason, furthermore, he
said, to suppose that in the face of1
all known natural laws, certain in-
dividuals can use this power to trans-
cend time and make predictions in
the future.'
About one in five subjects has been+
capable of extra-sensory impressions,
Professor Rhine said, where the1
standard raises odds of 150 to 1 that
such perception is the result of
Speaking in an effort to substan-
tiate his work against charges of
charlatanism,. Professor Rhine as-
cribed the reaction to the unwilling-
ness of men, grounded in rationalism,
to believe phenomena beyond the ex-
planation of natural law.
He pointed out that the estab-
lished conviction that impressions en-
ter the mind only through the sense
is an untested assumption which al-
so needs rational backing.
Explaining the technique by which
the Duke University experiements
were conducted, Professor Rhine de-
clared that the results pointed to
some individuals having the power to
(Continued op Page 2)
B usiness Men
Confer Today
Discussions Will Be Held
On Credit, Accounting
A two-day conference, bringing 200
alumni of the business administra-
tion school from all parts of the
country, will open at 3:30 p.m. today
in the Union with round-table dis-
cussions on bank credit, marketing
and accounting. The first day's pro-
gram will end at 6:30 p.m. when Jo-
seph M. Dodge, president of the De-
troit Bank, speaks on "This Business
of Management."
Lawrence Dennis, economist for E.
A. Pierce and Co., and contributor to
American Mercury, will address the
conference at 6:30 p.m. tomorrow on
"fOutstanding Factors in the Busi-
ness Situation."
Other 'features on tomorrow's pro-
gram include addresses by Dean Clare
E. Griffin of the business administra-
ton school and President Ruthven at
the luncheon and the presentation of
Beta Gamma Sigma Scholarship keys
by Prof. Richard U. Ratcliff of the
business administration school. The
University Glee Club will sing.
Any Settlement'
Plant's Independent Union
And ITU Recognition
Discussed In Meeting
A two-hour conference in Washing-
ton last night between representa-
tives of the striking local of the In-
ternational Typographical Union and
the Ann Arbor Press temporarily halt-
ed a National Labor Relations Board
hearing but utterly failed to produce.
a settlement, according to Harry A.
Reifin, ITU representative, who told
the Daily by phone "the fight is still
Recognition of the ITU as collec-
tive bargaining agent for' the em-
ployees in the Pfss composing room
and the question of disbanding the
independent union at the local plant
were discussed at the conference, the
Associated Press reported in a special
dispatch to the Daily.
A. J. Wiltse, Press manager and
partner; George Meader and Edward
Fasquelle, company attorneys; Reifin,
Louis Falstreaui, local strike chair-
man and three members of Local No.
154 attended the unfruitful confer-
The ITU local, in its charge of un-
fair labor practices against the Ann
Arbor Press, called the Independent
Association of Ann Arbor Press Em-
ployes, Inc. a "company-dominated
NLRB Attorney George Bott of the
Detroit office did not attend the con-
ference, but said he expected that the
results of the conference would be
presented to Trial Examiner Frank
Bloom at 10 a.m. today when the
hearings are resumed.
The ITU has been conducting a
strike in the composing room of the
Press since Feb. 18 and has appealed
to the labor board for certification as
representing a majority of workers
in the composing room.
Questionnaires' Return
Askd iv RU iMness ,Staff
Long Says Hitler's Rome Trip
Hastened Franco-Britislh Pact
$480 To Be
The new Franco-British alliance,
concluded at London last week be-
tween Premier Daladier and Prime
Minister Chamberlain, was purposely
hastened to completion before the
current visit of Adolf Hitler to Rome,
in the opinion of Prof. Dwight C.
Long of the history department.
with Poland possibly included." The
present alliance, however, he termed
"a recognition by Britain and France
that they must stand together."
Britain has previously been wary of
an actual military alliance, he point-
ed out. The exact form of the present
agreement is uncertain, but it prob-
ably consists of a record of conver-
Chinese S udents
About one half of the 41,000 being
raised in Ann Arbor for the relief
of students in China has been sent to
the New York Far Eastern Student
Emergency Fund, according to Ken-
nat Mrr.- n,.,.. n e n tR.Sif,,=
Wong Asks U.S. Support
In Sino-Japanese War
A plea for United States support
of China in the Sino-Japanese war
was made yesterday in the Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre by Dr. C. T.