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May 05, 1938 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1938-05-05

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sn J -esw --
.Edited and managed by students of the University of
chigan under the authority of the Board in Control of
ident Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
tiversity year and Summer Session
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
for republication of all news dispatches credited to
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hts of republication of all other matters herein also
Cntered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
,ond class mail matter.
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
00; by mail, $4.50.
ember, Associated Collegiate Press, 1937-38
NationalAdvertising Service, inc.
College Publishers Representative
+420 MADisoN AvE. NEW YORK. N. Y.
Board of Editors-
Business Department
It is important for society to avoid the
neglect of adults, but positively dangerous
for it to thwart the ambition of youth to
reform the world. Only the schools which
act on this belief are educational institu-
tions in the best meaning of the term.
- Alexander G. Ruthven
The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of the Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
7he Graing System:
des And TNo ...
concerning education which the
ring Parley approved was that calling for the
olition of the grading system in its present
rm and the adoption of a new plan designating
erely whether the student has passed or failed
The Parley believed that the fixing of grades
such narrow categories as A's and B's was too
scretionary and arbitrary a process, 'whereas
e dividing line between satisfactory and unsat-
'actory work cap be distinguished much more
finitely and surely. Such a plan would obviate
e' hairline decisions which both teachers and
idents dislike.
Without modification, however, the plan runs
inter to . one of most important trends in
>dern education, namely, the segregating of
ceptional students for more advanced train-
g, the fostering of special talent and the ad-
sting of work to individual capacities. One of
e aims of the modern university is to allow
e individual student to get as much out of
s 'ollege education as he can. If the bulk
the student body is massed under-the single
ssification of "satisfactory" the average and
perior student will proceed at the same pace.
A both will be put to a disadvantage.
It seems, therefore, that the Parley could
ve strengthened its resolution greatly by the
dition of some practicable plan-such as the
e of aptitude tests-by which the superior stu-
nt could be recognized,
ti. --Hervie Haufler,

scene, those who have this ability should be af-
forded opportunity to demonstrate it to the
older leaders and to the voters who will be search-
ing for young leaders.
To the cry that the University exists as much
for the individual as it does for the state, I will
say that, as a half-integral part of government,
our higher education system should 9im to help
mold a society and a government which will be
of the most benefit to the individual. To do this
it must be careful to select for graduation and
bigher honors those whom the instructors and.
professors, as men who have seen much of life
outside of the school, have judged as having the
necessary human qualities which a recognized
leader should possess.
That students and teachers at Michigan can
and should become more closely acquainted goes
without saying. But it devolves very much upon
the teacher to see that the student is able to or-
ganize and point out the significance of the
things which he is learning as he is able to
learn them originally.
Alan Wilson.
The London Alliance:
For Peace Or War?.. ..
T HE MEETING at London last week
between Premier Daladier and Prime
Minister Chamberlain was devoted, if the official
press releases can be credited, to the foundation
of a complete and open military and naval alli-
ance for ,defensive purposes. Nothing could pos-
sibly be more perfectly calculated to bring to
their senses those pacifists who hoped that,
war might be, averted by means of the recent
Anglo-Italian accord and protected Franco-Ital-
ian entente, said to be the precursors of a new
"quadrilateral" alignment in which the four
great powers of Western Europe, France, Britain,
Germany and Italy, would work together for the
preservation of peace by the mutual reconcilia-
tion of their differences.
This was supposed to be the intended happy
result of the "realistic" policy of Mr. Chamber-
lain. But at the same time that he preaches con-
ciliation with the have-not nations as the only
road to peace, the British leader speeds work on
the greatest arms program in his country's his-
tory and cements a "defensive alliance" of the
standard old-fashioned type for practical appli-
cation immediately on the outbreak of war.
Why are the French and British governments
preparing for war? Obviously because they expect
it, and the urgency of their preparations is indic-
ative of the strength of their anticipations. The
London alliance is a clear recognition of Ger-
many and Italy as the enemy nations. And yet
not a step is taken to stop the advance of these
enemies before it reaches the point where war
becomes unavoidable.
Whether Mr. Chamberlain's policy is dictated
by his dwn honest convictions or by the pres-
sure of extra-ministerial interests on him, it can
scarcely be said to possess the merits of either
the realism he expounds or the realism he con-
demns. It can scarcely even be dubbed a "hope-
for-peace-and-prepare-for-war" policy, for he
has not given the slightest indication that his
government has any interest in the cessation
of Italian apd German aggression, which certain-
ly even British statesmen, after all these years,
must realize is the chief danger to European
The U.S. State Department is said to be pur-
suing a policy of "parallelism" with Great Brit-
ain. It is interesting to observe the form this
"parallelism" takes: assistance to the fascist
dictators in Spain through the Neutrality Act,
and an arms budget of well over a billion dollars.
If it is indeed the wish of the British and Amer-
ican governments to keep their countries out of
war rather than insure victory when war comes,
they are guilty of the most criminal short-sight-
edness. If such is not actually their wish, neither
of them deserves to continue in office a single
Joseph Gies.
Are You Laughing
Mr. Hemingway .. .
W HEREVER he is right now, Ernest
Hemingway must be having a quiet

little laugh at the expense of one Duncan C. Mc-
Crea of Detroit, Michigan. It has taken longer
than he expected for his book, "To Have and
Have Not" to be banned from a prominent public
library system, but finally it has been done.
Hemingway is not so stupid as to expect his book
to go unchallenged, but knowing as he does how
the sales will shoot up immediately in such pious
and healthy-minded places as Detroit, we are
sure he does not feel too bad about the whole
Although this page is not quite the place for
a book review, we feel that a brief resume of
the contents of "To Have and To Have Not"
is necessary in order that the futility and child-
ishness of McCrea's move may be seen.
Harry Morgan, owner of a small fishing launch
is forced into smuggling liquor by the dishon-
esty of a wealthy fisherman who skips out of
paying a fishing bill of several hundred dollars.
He fails in his first attempt losing his arm in
the bargain. After things have gone from bad
to worse he is forced by fear of being unable
to provide for his wife and children to carry a
*gang of bank robbers away from the scene of
the crime. They shoot a poor devil who has been
hired to make the trip with Morgan, and upon
reaching the high seas, Morgan, knowing that
they will undoubtedly treat him in the same
way, shoots it out with them, being seriously
wounded himself. The boat is found drifting off
the Florida Keys, hauled back to port, and Mor-
gan dies.
There is the story in outline form. It is con-
cerned mainly with Harry Morgan. All through
the book there are sidelights which Hemingway
has used to throw his chief characters into sharp
contrast against the backdrape of the wealthy
artificiality found in the same town. It is in re-
.-ori to ha- cieplahf. c f- -in . ta ninc f ln

Ii feemr loe
Heywood -Brou
I do not think that any man in the United
States has a right to stand up and denounce
the Fascism of Franco, Mussolini or Hitler until
he has first put himself solidly on record as
opposed to the tyranny of Frank Hague, mayo'r of
Jersey City, U.S.A.
And among those upon whom that stipulation
should be placed is Franklin Delano Roosevelt.
Hague is vice chairman of
the Democratic National
I am not altogether naive
about politics. I appreciate
the fact that men who have
important and serious objec-
tives in view must play along
with the best instruments at
hand, even though they are
shabby. Few if any of all
our national leaders have been altogether scrup-
ulous in regard to their own supporters, and
I am brazen enough to admit that I can think
of situations where the end, in my opinion, jus-
tified even that conduct which goes under the
head of "practical politics."
But somewhere the line must be drawn. And
if it isn't drawn in such a way as to erase the
name of Frank Hague from the national pic-
ture, how can it ever be done? I hope ardent';
that Franklin Delano Roosevelt will announce,
his candidacy for a third term and that he
will be renominated by the Democrats, or any-
body else,' and re-elected. But there are prices'
too high to be paid for "the realistic approach."
* * * *
A Bonfire Chat
Indeed, if Mr. Roosevelt winks at the open in-
surrection of Frank Hague against the whole
theory of democracy, what can he sa that will
carry weight? What possible point will there be
in anybody's declaring that Fascism must never
find a resting place in the Western world unless
we root it out in a city which lies just across
the river from our metropolis?
There are those among our national leaders
who plan steps to answer the propaganda of
Hitler which comes to us by short wave. Even i*
an antidote can be found, what effectiveness will
it have unless we can fight it when it comes by
ferry boat?
If Hague can take the stand that he is the
law and that the Constitution does not go as far
as he is concerned, all the rest pf the many
varied and divergent appeals for the preservation
of democracy *are so much shadow boxing. Frank-
lin Delano Roosevelt, for the good of his so*
and the soul of the nation, cannot afford to re-
main silent. Win, lose or draw, he has faced
no issue which is so important.
And this goes with equal force for some of his
bitterest opponents. Where are Mr. Gannett's
Paul Reveres? What has become of the Liberty
League or the patriots of Johnstown, Pa.? Will
somebody please scout about and find another
couple of embattled housewives who wish to
save our institutions? George III is dead and
Frank Hague very much alive and kicking civil
rights to pieces. Do I hear a murmur from the
Daughters of the American Revolution?
* * * *
Not From A Well Wisher
I am not writing from any personal partisan-
ship in regard to the latest outrage. Although
I respect the courage of Norman Thomas, I have
been opposed to his political and economic posi-
tion for several years. To be perfectly frank
about it, I just don't like him. This is irrelevant,
but I want to set it down as evidence that by
sheer accident I am in a wholly objective posi-
If Mr. Thomas had made his speech of friendly
interest in the La Follette movement and I had
been present, I would -probaly have shouted
The case against Hague does not rest upon the

kidnaping of Norman Thomas, and I see no rea-
son to use quotes around that participle. The
conviction of Jeff Burkitt is equally in violation
of all decent democratic principles. The forcible
abduction of Mr. Thomas merely caps the series
of attacks upon civil liberties and the Constitu-
tion of the United States.
It is not a local issue. It has happened here in
America. This issue, whatever position you took,
is far more vital than any raised by the Reor-
ganization bill, even in the eyes of the most
partisan person on either side.
resort at the time of the story. There are
scenes of degeneracy on the beautiful yachts in
the harbor, all of them employed as contrasts to
the driving, natural passion of Morgan and his
These are raw, true enough, but whether they
may be construed as obscene literature is a high-
ly debatable question. There is little in the book
that might pervert little children, unless some
rather ripe language might be classed as such,
and as for adults, if they can't take a book such
as this, knowing Hemingway for the insistant
male that he is, they don't deserve to be called
The book is a social protest primarily, with
many digs at relief and the government. Morgan,
shows this himself when he- takes crime as the
lesser of two evils when faced with public relief
as an alternative. Secondly it is' a book of
heavy sarcasm thrown at the heads of the
wealthy. In this it goes somewhat astray, the
rich people of the story being impossibly typed
and popularly lewd, but it is not their story, ane
there are probably not more than three pages
altogether which are hard to take. The book
may not be much of a contribution to American
.._ .+- " k1t + , kla .y- * ar _ _an _asi

Failure Before Marriage
"It's called the Age of Prevention.]
Nothing is spared to prevent every]
other kind of disaster-by land, sea,
or air. Scientists and millionaires
hurl their lives and their millions into
the battle; they prevent infant mor-
tality, fire, smallpox, explosions,1
blindness, collisions, shipwreck; and
they're at least trying to prevent war.
But who does anything to prevent this
horror that's got me? My God, why
doesn't somebody set up a seven-hun-
dred thousand candle-power light-
house to keep marriage off the rocks?"
Such a question asked of his physi-
cian by a youth of 23 is altogether too
serious, and too common to bbe ig-
nored. "Lighthouse - marriage -
rocks . .. Why doesn't somebody-?"
Tragedy Of Modern Times
It is one of the tragedies of modern
civilization that someone doesn't take
the problem presented here and try
to work out a solution. We spend
millions to head off every other kind
of disaster, why, not gather our forces
in one big, victorious fight to prevent
thousands of marriage barks from go-
ing on the rocks every year?
A good mariner, in undertaking a
long voyage, first charts his course.
He selects the safest route that will
take his ship to its destination, and
the safest isn't always the shortest. If
he is wise, he makes note of the shoals
and rocks that might lie along his
course. Later he will steer the ship
so as to avoid them. He knows that
his precious cargo cannot be endan-
gered by permitting the ship to foun-
der. Experience has taught him that
rocks will tear jagged holes in any
ship that strikes them, and holes are
the most difficult to repair.
Watch Out, Young People
Why not exercise some caution and
train our young people what shoals
and rocks to avoid as they sail their
marriage bark? Hasn't the sea of
matrimony been sailed long enough
by now so that we may know where
the safe channels are, and what dan-
gers to avoid? As 'it is at present,
we're sending forth thousands every
year to man the marriage bark and
pilot it to the haven of happiness-
but without training, without a chart
showing the dangers that lie ahead.
Why is it that some marriages are
doomed to failure even before the
wedding day? There must be some
reasons. Let us examine the chart.
One of the reasons for failure be-
fore marriage is that the bride and
groom fail to gain' the right concep-
tion of what marriage really means.
They know little or nothing of the na-
ture of the vows they are to assume.
They have no appreciation of the
meaning and sacredness of the mar-
riage relationship. No one has taught
them what marriage involves; they
are unaware of the privileges and re-
sponsibilities. No wonder they are in
fear and trembling as to the success-
ful outcome of their marriage.
Home Training Needed
Another fundamental cause for the
marriage bark foundering is the lack
of home training. Bring up a child
in the way he should not go-evade or
silence his curiosity about sex, give
him a constant picture of marital
quarreling, fix a boy's affection too
keenly on his mother, or teach a girl
that her father is hateful-and, when
he is old, he will not depart from it.
Dr. Harry Emerson Fosdick says that
the trouble is not so much with mar
riage as with the men and women who
get married. Which is true. There
is little doubt, however, that many a
tragedy would be avoided if young
people had the advantage of good
parents, and were brought up in
homes where there was happiness in
marriage. So often this ideal condi-

tion is not to be found.
Shoal numberwthree to be avoided
is that which warns against hasty
marriage. A wise old lecturer once
said "'Tis better to do your courtin'
before marriage, than after." One or
two years spent in getting acquainted
with one another is little enough time
for those who would be ship-mates
through life. If you were buying a
yacht, you would want to get value
received. , You wouldn't want a craft
that would founder the first rock you
struck. Neither would you hire a crew
without making sure of their seaman-
ship and dependabality. The wise
mariner would not only study his
course, but he would give careful con-
sideration to picking his crew. Should
the prospective bride and groom do
less? Greater care given these im-
portant matters before marriage
might save many a heart-ache later.
Make a careful study of the person
you intend to carry so that you at
least enter the new relationship with
your eyes open. It is ridiculous to
think that this can be done in two
week's time or even in two month's
Prepare Yourself
Another shoal which might well be
avoided is that caused by the squan-
dering of ourselves before we come to
meet and love the one we finally
marry. What may seem petty and in-
nocent flirtations often develop into
something quite the opposite. If we
knew just where to draw the line it
would not be so bad, but often we
are carried quite out of the realm of
reason. It is quite possible -in a few


(Continued xrom Page 2)

E. (A-4 points, B-3, C-2, D-1,-
Any student in his first semester
of residence holding rank above that
of freshman may be granted a Certifi-
cate of Eligibility if he was admitted
to the University in good standing.e
Eligibility, General. In order to re-l
ceive a Certificate of Eligibility a stu-
dent must have earned at least 12
hours of academic credit in the pre-l
ceding semester, or six hours of aca-
demic credit in the preceding summer
session, with an average of at least
C, and have at least a C average, for
his entire academic career.
Unreported grades and grades ofj
X and I are to be interpreted as E un-
til removed in accordance with
University regulations.
Students otherwise eligible, who in
the preceding semester or summer
session received less than a C aver-
age' but with no grade of E, or grade
interpreted as E in the preceding
paragraph, may appeal to the Com-
mittee on Student Affairs for special
Special Students. Special students
are prohibited from participating in
any public activity except by special
permission of the Committee on Stu-
dent Affairs.
Extramural Activities. Students who
are ineligible to participate in public
activities within the University are
prohibited from taking part in other
activities of a similar nature, except
by special permission of the Commit-
tee on Student Affairs.
Physical Disability. -Students ex-
cused from gymnasium work on ac-
count of physical incapacity are for-
bidden to take part in any public
activity, except by special permission
of the Committee on Student Affairs.
In order to obtain such permission, a
student may in any case be required
to present a written recommendation
from the University Health Service.
General. Whenever in the opinion of
the Committee on Student Affairs, or
in the opinion of the Dean of the
school or college in which the student
is enrolled, participation in a public
activity may be detrimental to his
college work, the committee may de-
cline to grant a student the privilege
of participation in such activity.-
Special Permission. The special per-
mission to participate in public activi-
ties in exception of Rules V, VI, VII,
VIII will be granted by the p6mmit-
tee on Student Affairs only upon the
positive recommendation of the Dean
of the School or College to which the
student belongs.
Candidates for the Master's Degree
in History: The language examination
will be given at 4 p.m. Friday, May
20, in Room B, Haven. Candidates
who expect to take this examination
must register in the History Depart-
ment Office, 119 Haven, before Fri-
day, May 13.
To All Candidates for the Teacher's
Certificate for the Present Academic
Year: The third Convocation of un-
dergraduate and graduate students
who are candidates for the Teacher's
Certificate will be held in the Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre on Tuesday af-
ternoon, May 10, at 4:15 o'clock. This
Convocation is sponsored by the
School of Education; and members of
other faculties, students, and the gen-
eral public are cordially invited. Fac-
ulty members, and students who are
candidates for the Teacher'saCertifi-
cate are requested' to wear academic
costume. President Ruthven will pre-
side at the Convocation and Dr. Wal-
ter A. Jessup, President of the Car-
negie Foundation for the Advance-
ment of Teaching, will give the ad-

Summer Work: Men counselors
wanted for period of July 18 to Aug.
27 in Settlement camp outside of
Cleveland, Ohio. Duties include
charge of tent of five children and
participation in entire camp program.
Campers aged 8-16. For applications
and further information call at the
Bureau of Appointments, 201 Mason
Hall. Office Hours 9-12 and 2-4.
Summer Work: Men and women
couiselors, both White' and Negro,
are wanted for full and part season
positions in Settlement Camp located
in Wisconsin. Must have two years
college training. Salary; $5.00 a
month, maintenance and transporta-
tion from Chicago to camp and re-
turn. Positions open: 1, nurse; 2.
lifeguard; 3. dietician; 4. counselor,
in dramatics, 5. arts and crafts; 6.
nature lore; 7. dancing; 8. General
premediated; just overwhelmed, per-
haps in spite of good intentions and
the most positive confidence in his be-
ing able to "take care of himself."
The price of such moments is often
cruelly great. There is nothing which
will quite take the place of absolute
honesty and absolute purity, and this

counelors. For further information
call at Bureau of Appointments.
Bureau of Appointments and
Occupational Information, 201
Mason Hall. Hours: 9-12 and
Congress: All Independent men are
eligible to petition for offices on the
Executive Council of Congress, Inde-
pendent Men's Organization. Fresh-
men may petition as well as Juniors
and Seniors.
All petitions are to be made out in
three copies and are to be submitted
in sealed envelopes marked "Congress
Judiciary Council." All petitions
should be taken to the Union desk
on or before May 7.
For complete information about the
form of the petition consult the Con-
gress bulletin board in the lobby of
the Union.
French Play: Photographs of the
cast,'of the French Play may be or-
dered at the office of the Department
of Romance Languages this week.
Attention: Literary Seniors: The
Senior Literary Class has chosen
George Moe's Shop to supply caps
and gowns. Inasmuch as Swing-Out
is May 22, be sure and get yours before
that date.
Exhibition: Photographs of "India,
her Architecture and Sculpture" un-
der the auspices of the Institute of
Fine Arts, May 2 through May 14 in
the exhibition room of the ISchool of
Architecture. Daily (except Sunday)
from 9 to 5.
An Exhibition of Paintings, water
colors and drawings by Peter Hurd,
Saul Schary and Carl Sprinchorn is
presented by the Ann Arbor Art As-
sociation in the small galleries of
Alumni Memorial Hall from May 2
through May 15.' Open daily, inlud-
ing Sundays, from 2 to 5 p.m., admis-
sion free to students and members.
J. B. Rhine, Professor of Psychology
at Duke University will speak Thurs-
day, May 5, at 4:15 p.m., in Natural
Science Auditorium,, on "The Contro-
versy over Extra-sensory PeI'ception."~
This lecture, which is being held un-
der the auspices of the Parapsychol-
ogy Club, will be followed by a forum
Public Lecture: Can East and West
Meet? Ahmad Samimi, distinguished
interpreter for the British Legation,
Teheran, Persia will speak on this
subject at the Michigan League,
Thusday evening, May 5, at 8:45.
Mr. Samimi is a native of Prsia and
has recently traveled and lectured in
Iraq, Palestine, Italy, France and
England and is now lecturing in sev-
eral cities in this country. He speaks
English with ease and fluency as
well. as French, Arabic, Turkish and
Persian. The Baha'i Group welcomes
the public to this lecture.
Univesity Lecture: Professor Einar
Hammarsten, Professor of Chemistry,
Carolingian Medical University, will
lecture on "The Secretin of Bayliss
and Starling" on Monday, May 9, at
4:15 p.m. in Natural Science Auitor-
ium under the auspices of the Medical
School. The public is cordially in-
Events Today
Zoology Seminar: Mr. Reeve M.
Bailey will report on "A Systematic
Revision of -the Centrarchid Fishes,"
and Mr. George M. Moore on "A Lim-
nological Investigation of the Micro-
scopic B nthic Fauna of Douglas
Lake, Micigan" tonight at 7:30 p.m.
in Room 2116.N.S.
Cercle Francais: There will be a
meeting of the Cercle Francais to-
night at 8 p.m. at the Michigan

League. We would like to have every-
one there.
A.I.Ch.E. Important meeting will
be held on Thursday evening, May 5,
in 1042 E. Engineering Building at
7:30 p.m. Officers for next year will
be elected. Dr. A. S. Faust will talk
about graduate work. Refreshments.
AlEE meeting and annual spring
banquet will be held at the Michigan
Union, tonight at 6:30 p.m. Sound
motion pictures will be shown and
other entertainments will be provided
by members of the department.
Women's Debates: The third round
twill be held at 4:15 today as follows:
Martha Cook vs. Delta Gamma
(Team 2) 2903 A.H.
Gamma Phi Beta vs. League House
Independents (Team 3) 1035 A.H.
Delta Gamma (Team 1) vs. Jordan
Hall 1025 A.H.
Kappa Delta vs. Delta Delta Delta
2029 A.H.
All Phi Eta Sigma Members seeking
positions as officers will be inter-
viewed at the Union on Thursday at
7:15 p.m.
Scabbard and Blade: Therewill be
an important meeting Thursday eve-
----_. _ ,. . .. ,_ - - n --- day--

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
University. Copy received at the offiee of the Assistant to the President
until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.

ontiuied ..

T HE ARTICLE in Tuesday's Daily on
research in educational psychology
hiould certainly be read with profit by many of
he more "hard-boiled" members of the faculty,
>r the material which it contains concerning
ollege grading systems-or lack of them. The
tatement, however, by Joseph Kleefus, of the
chool of Education, to the effect that "grades
ave to be judged on facts, 'not on organiza-
on" because "few students are capable of or-
anization under the emotional stress which an
nportant examination generates" reveals but
ne side of the question as to what the purpose
f a college education actually is.
Mr. Kleefus favors the objective or short an-
wer type of examination above the essay type,
ut he seems to forget that if the student is to
e of service to society after graduation, he
iust have developed many other of his char-
cteristics besides. his ability to give a ,large
mount of specific data on the subjects which
e has been required to study. In professions
ich as medicine or jurisprudence, those mem-
ers of society who have developed their powers
f organization to the greatest degree are cer-
ainly the ones who will be the most valuable
Lembers of those professions. What would the
octor be without the ability to organize many
ymptoms and many techniques into one swift
Ian of action at the time of crisis? Or the magis-
'ate who could not weigh the factors pointing
a guilt or innocence in just proportion before

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