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May 04, 1938 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1938-05-04

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Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications..
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
$4.00; by mail, $4.50.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1937-38
NationalAdvertising Serv, Inc.
Colege PubMskers Reresena tie
420 MAISON AvE. !Ew YOK, N. Y.
Board of Editors
Business Department
It is important for society to avoid the
neglect of adults, but positively dangerous
for it to thwart the ambition of youth to
reform the world. Only the schools which
act on this belief are educational institu-
tions in the best meaning of the term.
- Alexander G. Ruthven
The editorials published in The'Michigan
Daily are written by members of the Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
Problenis .. .
TODAY'S ISSUE of the Daily carries
the first in a series of articles on the
subject of marriage. These articles will treat
some of the problems which come up both be-
fore and after the marriage ceremony. They
have been written by the Rev. Gilbert Appelhof,
Jr., rector of the St. Thomas' Episcopal Church
in Detroit, who is enrolled in the University as a
graduate student in sociology.
These writings, which will appear from time
to time, do not propose to take the viewpoint
of any particular group, religious or otherwise,
but are intended as a practicable discussion of
the problem. The author has operated successful
marriage clinics in Detroit, his work being fea-
tured in the March 21 issue of Life magazine.
Interest in the subject of marriage has made
itself conspiculously manifest on the campus
this year and the Daily considers that this con-
tribution should be of considerable value.
Tuure Tenander.
In The Navy
J'11 ow- RVi
Now... *
IN REGARD to the proposed legisla-
tion to increase the size of our Navy,
Walter W. Van Kirk, Director of the National
Peace Conference, was recently sent to Washing-
ton to display the views of 17 church and peace
organizations before the Senate Committee on
Naval Affairs. -These groups naturally did not
agree in the details of their peace policies. Some
favored cooperation with other nations to prevent
war, while others wanted neutrality; all of them
united to oppose the augmentation of our naval
At least five good reasons can be given for not
going ahead with the proposed legislation. In
the first place, it has been argued that the Navy
should be made larger in order to better support
our national policies. What are they? Are they
policies of national defense, the protection of
American citizens abroad, or of safeguarding

American interests in other lands? Do they in-
clude a defense of the Monroe Doctrine? It has
been recommended that Congress appoint a Com-
mittee on National Defense Policy, including a
number of members of Congress, representatives
of the State and Navy, Departments and a care-
fully selected group of civilians. Such a com-
mittee would enable a much more intelligent
discussion of this timely question.
Secondly, the present-day arms race must be
stopped. Heretofore the government has been
able to use its leadership in the encouragement
of meditation, international conference and the
reduction of armaments. This leadership will
be lost if our Navy does not stop growing. Even
though it does seem late, the United States
should foster a naval armament limitation con-
ference. It is far better to make the world "lim-
itation-conscious" than to go ahead unrestricted
with any radical expansion program.
The third reason, and one of the most logical
arguments for the opposition, is that Admiral
Leahy got up before the House Committee on
Naval Affairs and explained that three times the
proposed increase would be necessary for the

Philippines and the establishment of more naval
bases in Far Eastern waters? The result of this'
is war, not peace.
In the fourth place, we will be faced in the
near future with the added problem of how to
raise the $1,500,000,000 to maintain our bulky
water forces. Sooner or later this increment
will lower the standard of living, which is on
the down grade. now. Either war or inflation,
with its resulting crash and depression, is inevi-
table under such a situation. Is there reason to
undermine the economic security and well-being
of the American people when we do not even pro-
pose to fight a foreign war?
Further, it is not necessary to add to our pres-
ent fleet to combat rising Fascism, Communism
nor totalitarianism. :Better spend the money
on establishing domestic economy and giving
youth an expectation of economic security.
Youth's frustration today only leads it to try
new forms of government. Jobs, along with this
new expectation of economic security, will do
more to combat Fascism, Communism and Nazi-
ism than all the ships that can be built under
the proposed legislation.
Daniel R. Ranney.
The Ghost Of Lucy baker
For the past few years, it has been the policy of
the drama editor of the Daily to point out in
this space the need for a laboratory theatre at
the University. The natter has sometimes prog-
ressed from the few remarks here to an occa-
sional editorial. There have been faculty attempts
at furthering the cause, research has been carried
out and the administration has admitted the
vital need for a Workshop Theatre by asking
$80,000 for it in the 10-year building program.
Last Wednesday night in the Adelphi room
in Angell Hall a play was presented that only
showed too clearly the handicap students on
this campus interested in the theatre are work-
ing under. The English Department has allo-
catedan amount of money to be spent informally
producing three student written plays com-
pleted in one of, the creative writing courses.
The first was Bethany Wilson's "Lucy Baker."
When the play was originally read in class, gen-
eral opinion was that it was of major calibre. The
subsequent production proved rather effectively
that "Lucy Baker" is not a very good play but
that it can be reworked and rewritten into a very
effective and entertaining piece of theatrical
craftsmanship. It was evident even though
there was no scenery, even though the backdrop
was a cracked plaster wall, a radiator, and two
dirty pulled down shades and even though
two chairs on each side of the impromptu stage
indicated the doors.
Learning Through Doing
What the playwright learned from this produc-
tion could never have been gleaned from a
classroom discussion. What the neophyte actors
learned in acting technique could never have
gained in theoretical discourses. How much more
the student could obtain if there were a real
laboratory theatre is too obvious to relate any
Bryn Mawr is attempting to build a workshop
theatre. They are going about it in a construc-
tive manner. This Sunday evening at the Am-
bassador Theatre in New York City a benefit
program is being given for the "Mrs. Otis Skin-
ner Theatre Workshop." Among those announced
for the bill are Gerturde Lawrence, Frank Cra-
ven, Dudley Digges, Cornelia Otis Skinner, and
Martha Scott (a U. of M. Play Production grad-
At the University of Wisconsin, $815,000 has
been collected to build a Union that will house
one of the most up-to-date theatres between the
Rockies and the Alleghenies. Of the total sum,
$236,000 is a PWA loan; $50,000 has been raised
by graduates, and the balance supplied by a loan
warranted by the present operating income of
the Union. The Wisconsin Union Theatre will
be completed by the early Spring of 1939. After
that date when the Lunts, Helen Hayes, Kit

Cornell or any other of our leading players are
on tour in the west, they may find this theatre
a welcome stopover.
$80,000 Will Do The Trick
Now, we are not asking for a theatre of these
proportions, one that would involve nearly a mil-
lion dollars, one that would, necessarily,
bring a Bernhardt or a Duse to Ann Arbor.
We want a laboratory theatre, a workshop the-
atre, where it would benefit students most and
the community eventually by its product in the
way of a higher culture.
The plans for a lab theatre on this campus
call for approximately $80,000. A student com-
mittee was formulated last October to carry out
ways and means ofraising the needed funds.
Ideas similar to Bryn Mawr's were put forward,
application for a PWA grant was suggested, an
alumni as well as a general campus appeal was
considered. The plans were placed before the
Theatre Committee on Practice and Policy of the
University, approved, sent to President Ruthven
and eventually evolved in his asking for the
aforementioned $80,000 in his 10-year building
That is how the situation stands today. We are
so sorely in need of the lab theatre that mere
talking and writing about it is by now discour-
aging. The thought would never come to us to
perform a surgical operation with instruments
and facilities of a bygone era. And the same par-
allel can be drawn for our present theatre facil-
ities. The sooner general campus opinion realizes
this, the nearer we shall be toward corrective

I/Seem I6OMC
Heywoo'd Broun
When the people came to Rehoboam and com-
plained that their lot was hard he answered
them roughly ,and it seems that little Phil has
taken this young man as a model. His long
speech at Madison, and the sink or swim policy
outlined in the platform, could be rendered, "If
Hoover chastised you with
whips the National Progres-
sives of America will chastise
you with scorpions." Little
Phil thinks the wages of in-
dustrial workers should be
~ lowered, and Brother Bob
has frequently advocated the
broadening of the base of
the income tax. In other
words, the bright gospel
which the LaFollettes would sell to the Workers
of America is that they should receive less and
pay more.
There is again a disturbing jingoism in the
plank on our external relations. Then entire
hemisphere, from the Arctic to Cape Horn, is set
down as being reserved by God for us. This
smacks all too closely of Hitler's dream of Ger-
manizing all Middle Europe. There is the same
rapt and dogmatic interpretation of the Crea-.
tor's purpose. The audience at Madison was
' informed that North, Central and South Amer-
ica had been kept "virgin" by divine decree for
many centuries to await the day when Brother
Bob and Little Phil should open the doors to
Utopia. It' is too much, and just why this grass
root chauvinism should be hailed as liberalism I'
cannot for the life of me understand.
* * * *
Lre ke-Coughin Memories
In the last few years some very curious duck
have been fluttering about pretending to be
progressives, but this particular group, with
its semi-swastika emblem is just about as liberal
as the party fathered by Lemke and Coughlin.
Indeed, it seems to spring from that very source.
The press comment on the opening address is
decidedly interesting and significant. The editor,
of the New York Herald Tribune, whose record
on liberalism is well known, waxes almost lyrical
on Little Phil's long address. He finds that it
"freshens the atmosphere of New Deal dialect
like a breeze of pure ozone." And again it is
stated that "the diagnosis is simple, and it is
as convincing as it is simple." But the high spot
in Little Phil's marathonic masterpiece, accord-
ing to the Herald Tribune writer, is his magnifi-
cent indifference to the problem of distribution.
The commentator sees this piebald progressive as
saying, "Cease the senseless quarrel over distribu-
tion, and concentrate on putting both capital and
labor to work and keeping them at it."_
A Familiar Formula
But I am still under the impression that this is1
precisely the formula that was beng followed]
when the cyclone hit us in 1929. Oodles and-
oodles of automobiles were being turned out
every day and the producers never gave a thought;
to just who was going to buy them. And yet
there was overproduction then. The cars didn't
just amble out of the factory and steer them-I
selves into the various garages to snuggle up]
beside the automobile which was already there
in Herbert Hoover's bright vision. Even the
chicken grew notionate and was reluctant to jump
into every pot. It isn't progressive to say that we
must turn back to the ways of our forebearers.
We couldn't do that if we tried, because it is im-
possible to reproduce the physical aspects o
the land in which they lived.
Phil La Follette refuses to face the hard facts
of the machine and the making of the machine.
He seems to sympathize with the theory that all
business needs is to be let alone. But that's been
tried. You cannot charge hell with a bucket
of water or solve a complex industrial crisis with
a tub-thumping revival speech. The only claim
to liberalism which the mentors of the new party
can advance is that they mean well. And I'm

not even sure of that.

By Rev. Gilbert Appehof, Jr., AB.,
Rector, St. Thomas' Episcopal
Author of The Life Abundant series
Chapter 1.
Some people never find happiness
in marriage, no matter how many
times they try their luck. Very often
these are the same people who fail to
find happiness in work, or in anything
else. Happiness is not for them. They
are not willing to assume the respon-
sibilities that go along with marriage.
They entered this most sacred of all
relationships in the wrong spirit, or
with altogether inadequate prepara-
If there is any remedy for the
divorce evil which is becoming worse
every day, it is to be found in educat-
ing young men and women in those
ideals which make for happiness in
the marriage relationship. Divorce
certainly isn't the remedy in treat-
ing the problem presented by the
broken home. It is the underlying
causes which make for broken homes
that must be considered. Science+
teaches us that no effect will outlast]
its cause, and we feel this is certainly1
true in the field of family relations.,
An honest attempt to deal with the -
divorce evil would mean that we
should begin at the beginning and+
attempt to inquire what breaks the+
home, rather than spend time arguing
about how, when the damage is done,
it can be repaired. We would spend
more time in removing the cause of
the disease and less on the traditional
method- of treating the sympotoms.+
And the cause of unhappy marriage
often lies back in childhood days.
It is quite difficult to find the real~
cause of marital failure. In most
cases people just won't tell you why
their mariages are unhappy, and un-
less you know them intimately you
may be unaware that they are facing
a serious problem. Homes may be in-
ternally broken, but to all outwardl
appearances they are intact. When1
the situation reaches the divorce
courts they say that it is non-support,
cruelty, or desertion that has caused+
the estrangement, but often the real
reasons are ignored. The couple mayI
not really know the real, fundamen-i
tal reasons that have caused theirc
matrimonial bark to drift on ther
rocks. And this is very unfortunate,t
for the same reasons that made fort
unhappiness in the first marriage are1
often the underlying causes for suc-i
ceeding failures as well.I
But we are not concerned especial-
ly with the divorce problem. The pur-
pose of these articles is to discuss
what makes for happiness in the mar-
riage relationship. Those of you who
are contemplating marriage might
never give marriage serious consider-1
ation if you didn't believe that happy
marriage was not only desirable, butl
possible. We see so many whose mar-
riages have failed, so many homest
are broken, that we almost wonder if
that are broken, that we almost won-l
der if any modern marriages ever
"end happily ever afterward." Yet
now and then we do see a couple who1
are so ideally mated, whose home life
is so beautiful, that we are heartened£
and sufficiently encouraged to believe
that others might make their mar-1
riage a success, too.
There are roads, in the marriage re-
lationship, that lead to the city of+
happiness. Other people have found+
them. Might we not all profit by+
learning their secrets for happy and
joyous living, and thus save ourselves
the "slings and arrows of outrageous
fortune?" Experience is the surest

and the most drastic teacher; but it
is both slow and costly. Why not
learn from the experience of others?
Life is too short and too precious to
allow individuals to make-and to be.
marred by-all the mistakes which
the race has learned to avoid. The
only value of an education is that we
may make a quicker and safer use
of racial experience in guiding and
short-circuiting the experiments of
the young.
We educate men and women for
business, for various trades, for pro-
fessional careers. We educate them
in philosophy, in language and the
fine arts. It might seem reasonable
to conclude that it would be very
much worth while to teach them more
about marriage, and the fine art of
building a happy home together. We
could not well do less than we do at
present. A clearer understanding of
what love really means, of the prob-
lems presented by sex, courtship, mar-
riage, would be a valuable part of any-
one's education for life. Young people
cannot afford to risk the hazards of
the "wild oats" theory of learning, nor
are they wise enough to depend mere-
ly upon instincts in these matters.
Often our instincts are untrustworthy
and lead us into conduct quite out of
harmony with that which is accepted
by society.
There are certain fundamental
principles about marriage which
should be taught the boy or girl long
before the time of courtship. We

(Continued from Page 2)j
in the opinion of the Dean of the
school or college in which the student
is enrolled, participation in a public
activity may be detrimental to his
college work, the committee may de-
cline to grant a student the privilege
of participation in such activity.
Special Permission. The special per-
mission to participate in public activi-
ties in exception of Rules V, VI, VII,
VIII will be granted by the Commit-
tee on Student Affairs only upon the
positive recommendation of the Dean
of the School or College to-which the
student belongs.
Discipline. Cases of violation of these
rules will be reported to the proper
disciplinary authority for action.
To All Candidates for the Teacher's
Certificate for the Present Academic
Year: The third Convocation of un-
dergraduate and graduate students
who are candidates for the Teacher's1
Certificate will be held in the Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre on Tuesday af-1
ternoon, May 10, at 4:15 o'clock..This
Convocation is sponsored by the1
School of Education; and members oft
other faculties, students, and the gen-
eral public are cordially invited. Fac-
ulty members, and students who are
candidates for the Teacher's Certifi-
cate are requested to wear academic
costume.hPresident Ruthven will pre-
side at the Convocation and Dr. Wal-
ter A. Jessup, President of the Car-
negie Foundation for the Advance-
ment of Teaching, will give the ad-
Summer Work: Men counselors
wanted for period of July 18 to Aug.
27 in Settlement camp outside oft
Cleveland, Ohio. Duties include
charge of tent of five children andt
participation in entire camp program.-
Campers aged 8-16. For applicationsT
and further information call at the
Bureau of Appointments, 201 Masonf
Hall. Office Hours 9-12 and 2-4. t
Summer Work: Men and women
counselors, both White and Negro,r
are wanted for full and part seasont
positions in Settlement Camp locatedi
in Wisconsin. Must have two years
college training. Salary; $5.00 a
month, maintenance and transporta-
tion from Chicago to camp and re-
turn. Positions open: 1, nurse; 2.
lifeguard; 3. dietician; 4. counselort
in dramatics, 5. arts and crafts; 6.
nature lore; 7. dancing; 8. Generalz
counelors. For further information
call at Bureau of Appointments.
Bureau of Appointments and
Occupational Information, 201
Mason Hall. Hours: 9-12 and
Attention: Literary Seniors: Thei
Commencement Booklet and Folder
Announcements are no longer on sale
by the senior class committees, but
orders will be taken by the Burr, Pat.-
terson & Auld Company, 603 Churchl
Street, beginning Tuesday, May 3
until further notice.
Attention: Literary Seniors: Thet
Senior Literary Class has chosenl
George Moe's Shop to supply caps
and gowns. Inasmuch as Swing-Out
is May 22, be sure and get yours before
that date.''
French Play: Photographs of theI
cast of the French Play may be or-j
dered at the office of the Department
of Romance Languages this week.
The first, preliminary examination
(general experimental) for candidates
for doctors' degrees in psychology will
be held Monday, May 9, at 2 p.m. Re-
port at Room 2123 N.S. Dates for
the remaining examinations will be
announced at that time.

Exhibition: Photographs of "India,
her Architecture and Sculpture" un-
der the auspices of the Institute of
Fine Arts, May 2 through May 14 in
the exhibition room of the School of
Architecture. Daily (except Sunday)
from 9 to 5.
An Exhibition of Paintings, water
colors and drawings by Peter Hurd,
Saul Schary and Carl Sprinchorn is
presented by the Ann Arbor Art As-
sociation in the small galleries of,
Alumni Memorial Hall from May 2
through May 15. Open daily, includ-
ing Sundays, from 2 to 5 p.m., admis-
sion free to students and members.
University Lecture: Professor Bar-
ker Fairley of the University of Tor-
onto will give a lecture in English on
"Goethe and Frau von Stein," on
Wednesday, May 4, at 4:15 Natural
Science. The public is cordially in-
Alexander Ziwet Lectures in Mathe-
cess of their marriage venture, it is
quite essential that they be guided in-
to making a wise choice of a mate long,
before they reach the period of court-

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
Universtty. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President
until 3:30, 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.

matics. The next three lectures, in
the series being given by Professor
Erich Hecke of the University of
Hamburg, will be given Monday,
Wednesday, and Friday (May 2, 4,
and 6) at 3 o'clock in Room 3201 An-
gell Hall.
I B. Rhine, Professor of Psychology
at Duke University will speak Thurs-
day, May 5, at 4:15 p.m;, in Natural
Science Auditorium, on "The Contro-
versy over Extra-sensory Perception."
This lecture, which is being held un-
der the auspices of the Parapsychol-
ogy Club, will be followed by a forum
Public Lecture: Can East and West
Meet? Ahmad Samim; distinguished
interpreter for the British Legation,
Teheran, Persia will speak on this
subject at the Michigan League,
Thursday evening, May 5, at 8:45.
Mr. Samimi is a native of Persia and
has recently traveled and lectured in
Iraq, Palestine, Italy, France and
England and is now lecturing in sev-
eral cities in this country. He speaks
English with ease and fluency as
well as French, Arabic, Turkish and
Persian. The Baha'i Group welcomes
the public to this lecture.
Unive sity Lecture: Professor Einar
Hammarsten, Professor of Chemistry,
Carolingian Medical University, will
lecture on "The Secretin of Byliss
and Starling" on Monday, May 9, at
1:15 p.m. in Natural Science Auditor-
ium under the auspices of the Medical
School. The public is cordially in-
Events Today
'German Reception: There will be a,
tea, sponsored by the German \De
partment in honor of Professor Bar-
ker Fairley in the Grand Rapids
room of the Michigan League im-
mediately after his lecture on Goethe
and frau von Stein scheduled for
this afternoon. Everybody interested
is cordially invited.
Chemistry Colloquium will meet
today at 4 p.m. in Room 300 Chemis-
try Bufilding. Sister Xaveria: "The
Becqmann Rearrangement of Oximes
'f Unsymmetrical Ketones." Miss
Gretchen Mueller: "Variation of Ab-
sorbing Power of Silver Halides."
Alpha Kappa Delta Banquet: 6:00
at the League Wednescay, May. 4.
Pome members apparently have not
received notices, but all should come,
including active and former members.
Banquet Committee, A.K.D.
Phi Tau Alpha Classical Society:
There will be a meeting at 8 p.m. to-
night at Lane Hall. All members
are urged to be present. Refresh-
ments will be served.
Athena: Important meeting tonight
at 7:30, Portia Room, Angell Hall.
Dues payable, money for pins must
be in. All members must be present.
Phi Sigma Society: Because of the
conflict with the Sigma Xi banquet,
the meeting of Phi Sigma Society for
May 4 has been cancelled.
A.S.M.E. Members: Those who
signed up to go to Detroit today, must
be at the Engineering Arch not later
than 12:30 p.m. at which time the
buses and cars will leave. Bus trans-
portation will cost approximately 35
cents per person.
Chinese Students Club: His Excel-
lency Dr. Chengting T. Wang will ad-
dress the Chinese students this eve-
ning at 8 o'clock in the Union. All
members are requested to be present.
Phi Epsilon Kappa: Pledge meet-
ing of the national honorary physical
education fraternity on Wednesday
night at 9:15 in the Union.
All pledges and members are ex-
pected to attend.

Graduate Luncheon: Today, -12
noon, Russian Tea Room, Michigan
League Cafeteria Service. Explana-
tion and discussion of the Graduate
Student Council.
Clifford E. Paine, "11E, will deliver
a lecture at 4 p.m. today, Room 311
West Engineering Building on the
Golden Gate Bridge. The Golden
Gate Bridge was opened to traffic on
May 27, 1937 and with its span of
4,200 feet is the longest span bridge
i nthe world. Mr. Paine is a member
of the firm of Strauss and Paine who
were consulting engineers for the
bridge and was actively in charge of
the design and direction of this struc-
ture. 'The talk will be illustrated.
Interior Decoration Group, Faculty
Women, today at 2:45 p.m., Michigan
"The Arrangement and Care of
Flowers" will be discussed by Mr. Al-
fred W. Goodhew. Members may
bring a guest.
Gallery Talk in connection with
the ehxibition of photographs of
"India, her Architecture and Sculp-
ture" by Miss Frances Flaherty Ex-
hibition Room, School of Ai'phifiee-.


Populaire," or any other liberal French news-
paper will continue to meet with your approval
and that of the Michigan Daily's readers.
Today I would like to discuss an article from
the "Numismatic Chronicle and Journal of the
Royal Numismatic Society-an article by J. W. E.
Pearce, the title of which is "The ote-Legends
on the Roman Coinage." For the first time in
any publication, so far as we know. Mr. Pearce
arises to cast doubt upon the hitherto undis-
puted law laid down by Dr. F. Mayreder that
"all coins of the (Siscian) group from whatever
mint striking them are ... complementary to each
other and must therefore be dated to a time
strictly limited by the appropriateness of the
respective vota-numbers to the three emperors
(Gratian, Valentian II, and Theodosius)." This
must have brought a blush of fury to the cheeks
of J. W. E. Pearce, because he retorts with biting
logic, "Whether or not we accept this strict
limitation of date, we seem bound to accept the
fact that Theodosius either struck no vota-coins
specially appropriate to himself, which is un-
thinkable, or else, as is clearly indicated, that he
struck for himself within his first quinquennium
a number appropriate, as in the case of Valentian
II, to the second quingennium!"
Not only to antiquarians alone, but to any col-
lege student with intellectual curiosity, this con-
troversy is bound to stir up partisans in the two
camps. I offer it simply as another fascinating
publication in the Periodical Room to illustrate
the many hitherto neglected sources of broad
cultural information. Perhaps in time my humble
efforts may convince those who are so fatuous as
to agitate for the subscription to "L'Humanite"

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