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May 04, 1938 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1938-05-04

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The Weather
Showers and thunderstorms
today and probably tomorrow..




Problems .,.
In The Navy



VOL. XLVIL No. 153



Japs' Offense
Near Collapse,
Chinese Claim
Defeat Of Nipponese Last
Month Was Their Worst
In Modern-Day History
800,000 Sino Troops
Ready For Offense
SHANGHAI, May 4.-(P- (Wed-
nesday)--()-Chinese sent word to-
day the second Japanese offensive
in southern Shantung province, the
pivotal front of the war, was on the
verge of collapse.
Crushing of the first drive last
month was the most disastrous de-
feat of a modern Japanese army.
Now Chinese declare that they are
ready to send 800,000 troops against
the reinforced Japanese legions
which, they say, are wearied to ex-
haustion and again running short
of munitions.
Chinese reports from Hankow, tem-
porary seat of the government, said
sensational Chinese leaders had brok-
en the Shantung staleiate and the
great offensive already had been
lainched to take advantage of the
War dispatches said Japanese liner
had been pierced for a distance of
Seven miles between Taierhchwang,
where the first Japanese offensive
came to grief, and Pihsien, 15 miles
to the southeast in Kiangsu prov-
Japanese dispatches did not men-
tion the Shantung province fighting
and neutral sources as yet have been
unable to confirm the reports of Chi-
- nese gains.
Chinese declared Japanese suffered
heavy casualties and' were fighting
a rearguard action to cover a north-
ward retreat from their salient aimed
at the vita least-west Lungs ai rail-
In the Tancheng sector, 22 miles
north of the Lunghai on the eastern
side of the narrow Japanese salient,
Chinese declared that 1,000 Japanese
had died in fierce hand-to-hand en-
Matowchen, six miles northwest,
they said; was bin besieged and
Tancheng itself Was completely en-
circled, blocking the Japanese from
any attempt to sidestep to the east
to escape a frbntal attack on their
broken central lines.
Prof. Johnston
Receives $250
Russoe Award
Selected For Meritorious
Researc h in Pathology,
PhysiologyOf The Heart
Prof. Franklin Davis Johnston of
the edical School yesterday was an-
nounced the winner of the Henry Rus-
sel award for this year as Prof. Heber
D. Curtis of the astronomy depart-
ment gave the 13th annual Russel
Lecture at 4:15 p.m. in the Natural
Science Auditorium.
Professor Johnston received the
award of $250 which is 'egarded as
a local nobel prize, presented to an
assistant professor or instructor
whose work in scholarly activities
merits recognition, for his research in
the physiology and pathology of the
Professor Curtis, chosen to give
the annual lecture by the Council of
the Research Club of the University

/for scholarly work, spoke on "Reced-
ing Horizons" in which he prophesied
that the theory of an expanding uni-
verse, adhered to by many believers
in the relativity theory, will in future
years be looked on as illogical.
Professor Johnston was graduated
from the University in 1922 with a
bachelor's degree in electrical engi-
neering, and in 1929 he received his
Doctor of Medicine degree here. His
knowledge of electrical apparatus has
made him especially qualified to deal
with different aspects of heart dis-
ease, especially in relaton' to me-
chanical devices such as the electro-
cardiograph, according to Hospital
Two Professors
Receive Citations
Prof. e .eritus Louis P. hall of the
dental school and Prof.-eineritus Ed-
win C. Goddard of the Law School last
night received honorary citations for
outstanding work in civic organiza-

'Mind Waves'
To Talk Here
Prof. J. B. Rhine of Duke Univer-
sity, stbrm center of scientific and
intellectual circles because of his al-
legedly revolutionary theories on ex-
tra-sensory perception will appear at
4:15 p.m. tomorrow in Natural Science
Auditorium to answer charges of his
critics and explain "The Controversy
over Extra-Sensory Perception."
His experimnents and results, which
have split professors on this and oth-
er campi throughout the country into
two faction, pr'ove, Professor Rhine
asserts, that some persons are capable
of receiving information either from
physical objects or from minds of
others, instead of through recog-
nized sensory channels.
A recently organized group here,
the Parapsychology Club, consists of
about 20 members including profes-
sors in the engineering college, the
mathematics department and the
physics department, sme of whon
are convinced of the validity of ESP
theories and others of whom are skep-
tical but feel that the subject is
worthy of attention.
Students Start
Press Meeting
Here Tomorrow
High School Journalists
Of Michigan To Discuss
Newspaper Problems
More than 650 members of high
school publications affiliated with the
Michigan Interscholastic Press Asso-
ciation will attend the group's con-
vention to be held tomorrow, Friday
and Saturday under the sponsorship
of the journalism department.
The convention will bring to Ann
Arbor a gathering of' the representa-
tives of newspapers, magazines and
yearbooks of Michigan secondary
schools to discuss the problems and
special topics of their publications in
general assemblies, addresses and
round-table groups.
The program will open at 4:30 p.m.,
tomorrow witha general assembly in
She Union Ballroom. Miss Thelma
McAndless, of Roosevelt High School
in Ypsilanti, will preside and Prof.
Donald Hamilton Haines, of the
journalism department, will give the
address of welcome. Following the
reception, the 'delegates will be shown
through the Student Publications
On Friday a general assembly will
be held at 1:30 p.m. in the Union
Ballroom, with Professor Haines pre-
siding. Round-table discussions will
be held on poetry, wise economies,
'tumor, trouble shooting, crime and
news, book reviews, creative writing,
annuals and publications and the
community in the afternoon.
The annual banquet will be held
at 6:15 p.m. at which Professor
Haines will again preside. A dance
will follow.
o--ItCon ttinues
Wi~i.te Says Ivestigators
Did Not Visit Shop

WASHINGTON, May 3.-/-(/I'-The
National Labor Relations Board's
hearings of unfair labor practices
against the Ann Arbor Press of Ann
Arbor, Mich., continued today as wit-
nesses were questioned to determine
whether the company is engaged in
interstate commerce and subject to
"he Wagner Ac.
George W. Massnick, sales manager
of a Bay City, Mich., housing concern,
testified that his company bought
catalogs through the Ann Arbor Press
and distributed 75 per cent of them
outside Michigan.
rthur J.WilSe co-owner of the
Ann Arbor Press, disputed with the
NLRB examiner over his right to
enter critical remarks of the hearing
into the record. Wiltse charged that
board representatives "investigated
the Ann Arbor Press for three months
without coming to the shop."
Prof. Ward Will Receive
Hi'dhDental Honor Today
prof. Marcus L. Ward, Jonathan
Taft Professor of Dentistry, will re-

Student Senate
Party Politics
Book Prices Committee'
Proposes Cooperative
Undr Right Set Up
10 Proposals Give
By Housing Sectioni
Rolling up its sleeves and doffing
its coat the Student Senate last
night, in a long and sultry session,
waded into the question of campus
politics and passed a recommenda-
tion for the abolition of the pres-
ent Men's Council and all class of-
ficers below senior rank.
Calling the present system "um-
bersome, wasteful and futile," Irving
Silverman, '38, chairman of the Sen-
ate Politics Committee, charged that
class offices, with the exception of
senior positions, are empty honors
which cannot justify their own exist-
ence. He urged the creation of a
men's undergraduate body, similar to
the one extant at the League, which
would administer men's activities,
and in conjunction with the League
representatives, assume complete re-
sponsibility for the coordination of
all campus activities. The proposed
joint council, he said, would oversee
the appointment or election of class,
dance chairmen, which he contended
was the sole function of the tradi-
tional class office hierarchy.
Book Prices Committee
The Book Prices Committee, under
the chairmanship of John O'Hara,
'40,, proposed a cooperative book ex-,
change, providing a barter market
where students could leave their books
for resale at their own price. O'Hara
pointed out that virtually every,
other Big Ten university enjoyed such
an exchange and said that the Union
had expressed willingness to coop-
erate with any group which wished
to undertake the movement at Mich-
igan. The plan at present, he said,
is before the Board of Regentis, but
will not be acted upon before next
fall, thereby precluding the possibil-
ity of the exchange until February of
next year.
Housing Report
The Senate ° ousing Committee,
under the chairmanship of Allen
Braun, '40, presented a list of 10
recommendations, incorporated as
follows: (1)' another hearing to be
held May 10, at which time complete
reports from Jack Davis, '39, and
Miriam Hall, '39, be received (2)
that Dr. Lloyd R. Gates, Sanitarian,
Health Service, be invited to present
a report on sanitary conditions in
rooming houses, (3) that a' repre-
sentative of the Regents and/or of
the finance committee of the State
legislature be present to speak of the
possibility of getting Federal or State
aid for local housing, (5) that mem-
bers of the economics department
and other authorities be invited to the
next hearing to state whether or not,
as Prof. John Shepard of the psy-
chology department has said, our
present economic system cannot pro-
vide adequate housing, () that a
representative of the Alumni Asso-
ciation be inyited to report on the
likelihood of receiving individual do-
nations for dormitories, (7) that a
committee see Governor Murphy pur-
suant to the housing problem, (8)
that the University grade rooning
houses, posting the grades with the
rent, (9) that the University list all
houses available for cooperatives, (10)
that a permanent housing lconnis-
sion beeestablished including fac-
ulty members as well as students.

Detroit 'To Uwve Not'
Jeiningway's Latest
DET'ROIT, May 3. - (IP) The De-
troit Library Commission decided to-
day that Ernest Hemingway's novel
of life in the Florida Keys, "To Have
and Have Not," will be withdrawn
from public-library circulation.
The action came after Prosecutor
Duncan C. MCCrea had informed
Librarian Adam Strohm that if the
Hemingway novel were not removed
from the library shelves, Strohm and
the Library Commission would be
prosecuted for circulating obscene lit-
Coal Institute Here
Takes Up Iindtsry
Continuing the Coal Utilization In
stitute conference, keynoted yester-
day by Dean Henry C. Anderson of
the engineering college and J. E. To-
bey of the Appalachian Coals, Inc.,

Sen. Burke
As Barrier'
Board is Held Formidable
Hurdle To Enduring
Recovery Of Business
M easter Is Blamied
For Strike Outbreak
WASHINGTON, May 3.-(P)--A,
round-table conference on labor prob-
lems at the annual meeting of the
United' States Chamber of Commerce
adopted a resolution today condemn-
ing the National Labor Relations Act
after hearing Sen. Edward R. Burke,
Nebraska Democrat, call for resigna-
tions of National Labor . Relations
Board members. .
The resolution held that the labor'
act was "a formidable barrier to en-
during business recovery," and urged
Congress to investigate immediately]
the administration of the act.'
The resolution was passed unani-
mously by the more than 400 business
men present.,
Blamed For StrikesI
It charged that the act had been
responsible for the outbreak of strikes,
had created irisk of protracted stop-
page of work, brought on sit-down
strikes, and in numerous other ways
interfered with business.
Burke, a frequent critic of Admin-
istration policies, declared that Board
members should quit their posts be-
cause they had conceived their duty
to be the "compulsory unionization
of American workers."
"Demanding a change in the board
is not enough; there should be
changes in the act itself," Burke add-
He urged that the law include a
"clear declaration that it is the policy
of the government to further the de-
velopment of friendly and mutually
fair labor relations." He also advo-
cated that courts receive concurrent
jurisdiction with the board on labor
Loss Of Work Seen1
"The administration of the Na-
tional Labor Relations Act has been
such as to snuff out the fires of;
industry and send millions of workers
into the line of the unemployed,"
the Senator charged.
The Board he said, "considers it-
self an agency whose chief aims it
must be to bring about as quickly as
possible compulsory unionization and'
a national closed shop."
The Senator said that there is
"such a lack of confidence" in the
Board that its members should resign
at once. "If they have not the good
sense to do that, they should be asked
to step aside."
Model Assembly
Will Meet Here
This Week-End
Reorganization Of League
Of Nations, Armaments
Will Occupy Conference
More than 150 students and teach-
ers from 19 colleges and junior col-
leges throughout the State will at-
tend the Ilth annual Michigan Model
Assembly of the League of Nations
Friday and Saturday at the League,
according to Alfred V. Boerner, Grad.,
The two-lay meeting to be con-

ducted in the nature of an interna-
tional conference will be divided into
four discussion groups to take up the
matters of Peaceful Change, Reor-
ganization of the League of Nations,
Minorities and Rearmament. Norman
Veenstra of Calvin College, Joseph A.
Kitchin of the University, Donald
Drummond of Western State and
Edith Platzer of Wayne, respectively
will be the student chairmen of these
four forums.
The principal speaker of the con-
ference will be Dr. David Mitrany of
the Institute for Advanced Study,
Princeton, N.J., who will talk at the
dinner Friday night.
Prof. Joseph R. Hayden, chairman
of the political science department,
will preside at the closing luncheon
meeting Saturday to discuss the effect
of niove e is in the East on Western
socie ty,
Marxism And Leninis l
Topics Of Lecture Today

Mussolini Welcomes Der Fuehrer
To Rome Like Another Caesar

But Underneath It All,
Italians Cannot Forget
The Austrian Ansehluss
ROME, May 3.--WP)-Benito Mus-
solini welcomed Adolf Hitler to Rome
tonight with a dramatic display of
friendship between the two fascist
The nation greeted the German
Fuehrer with gorgeous ceremony ri-
valling those of the days of Ceasar in
size, scope and grandeur.
Underneath, a deep undercu~rent
of uneasiness has run through Italy
since Hitler absorbed Austria.
Tonight there was an atmosphere
of polite enthusiasm.
Exactly at the appointed hour the
German dictator's special train rolled
into the station. It ended a tri-
imphal but guarded all day journey
of 460 miles from the Brenner Pass
at 8:30 p.m.
Ten minutes before Hitler's train
arrived, a train of empty coaches
pulled down the line to make certain
the tracks were clear and safe:
Uniformed German police, escort-
ed about the station by fascist offi-
cers, were told the identities of all
non-uniformed persons within the
station area.,
King Vittorio Emanuele and Prem-
ier Mussolini stood together on the
platform beneath a great swastika
outlined in colored neon lights. Mus-


France Decrees
As Hitler,.Duce
Start Meetings
Daladier Orders Bigger
Army, Navy, Airforce
For Nation's Protection
Premnier Seeks More
Soldiers And Sailors
PARIS, May 3.-(P)-France today
met a new show of Italian-German
solidarity by ordering a bigger army,
navy and airforce.
. The National Defense cabinet of
Premier Edouard Daladier geared the
wheels of French economy and fi-
nance to a bigger and stronger war
machine by decrees issued just as
Adolf Hitler was approaching Rome
for his visit to Premier Mussolini.
The long-planned decrees, finally
announced on the day of Hitler's trip,

soliri wore on' his militia corporal's
uniform the order of the German
eagle which Hitler had conferred upon
Hitler appeared in the doorway
of his coach clad in a Nazi khaki
uniform. His only decorations were
an iron cross on his sleeve and the
emblem of an honorary corporal of
the fascist militia-an award from
Mussolini last September.

Stadium Bond
Surrender Is'
Aim Of Group
Alumni To Ask Exchange
Of $240 In Grid Tickets
For Each_$500 Bond.
An attempt to induce holders of
stadium bonds to surrender them in
return for season football tickets for
the next 12 years was being made
yesterday b: a committee of alumni
volunteers, The University's bonded
athletic indebtedness amounts to $1-
After approval had been received
from the Board of Regents and Board
in Control of Physical Education, let-
ters were mailed to 1,651 bondholders.
They are aimed at persons who pur-
chased bonds "largely because of their
interest in the University" rather*
than at individuals who consider the
bonds a needed source of income, it
was said.
For each bond to the amount of
$500 surrendered, the donoi will be
given two season tickets for all home
football games through 1949. These
are valued at about $240. Seats will
be between the 30 yard lines.
On the committee, which has
established headquarters in the Gene-
see Bank building at Flint and will
work independently of the University,
are R. Spencer Bishop, Flint; Ralph
D4. Snyder, Chicago; J. Kingsley
Gould, New York City, and James K.
Watkins of Detroit.
Since the stadium bonds were issued
originally. $353,000 has been used to-
ward retirement of the $1,500,000
Chiniese Envoy
To Speak Here

Baseball Team
Tr ips Western
In Ninth, 5 To. 4

Smick Blasts Out Double
To Mark Up Michigan's
Second Straight Win
KALAMAZOO, May 3.-(Special to
The Daily)--There weren't any yawn-
ing right field tennis courts here to-
day for Danny Smick to dump one
of his long distance clouts, so he
broke precedent and blasted a ninth
inning double into left to drive home
the winning run and give Michigan a
5 to 4 victory over Western State
Teaciers College.
Capt. Merle :Kremer was on second
base when Dangerous Dan pickled one
of Geno Selmo's favorite fast balls
in the final frame, and Butch sailed
home in good order as the ball drop-
ped in a clump of woods in the dis-
tant garden.
It was the Wolverines second
straight victory after a disastrous
opening flare of five straight defeats.
They can stretch the streak to three
at home tomorrow, Toledo University
providing the opposition.
Aggressive baseball again spelled
victory for the Varsity. They spot-
ted the 'Teachers four runs in the
first four frames but surged back in
the closing innings to whittle down
the lead and finally break the ice on
Smick's grand- slam..
Three pitchers worked for Michi-
gan with southpaw Herm Fishman
chalking up his second victory in
four days. Bucko Smith started, gave
way to Ed Anrdronik in the eighth,
Fishman entering in the same frame
to quench a budding rally and finish.
Smith yielded all the runs during
his tenure, but the coup d'etat came
on a mispitch to Berl Mershon, hill-
topper first sacker. The bases were
loaded in the State fourth, two were
out, and Mershon up. Burt chose a
a low inside ball, but his aim was
poor, the ball came in a little high,
(Continued on rage 3)
Concert Baind Plays
Over NBC Today
The University Concert Band, 851
strong, will give a half-hour broad-
cast over the Blue Network of the
National Broadcasting Company from
2:30 to 3 p.m. today. The program
will originate in the Macabee Audi-
torium in Det'oit.
Ernest Jones, ':38 will announce
the program, which will be entirely
student-organized and presented. It
will be relayed to the NBC through
the facilities of station WXYZ, and
is being sponsored by the NBC in con-
junction with National Wtus Week.
New Forestry Officers
Chosen For Next Year
Officers for the Forestry Club for
next year were announced yesterday
Karl Leonhardt, '30F&C, was elected

The Administration's $1,156,000,-
000 naval expansion program re-
ceived a thumping 2 to 1 endorse-
ment in the Senate today.
emphasized the importance of the
Rome-Berlin tieup despite the friend-
ship agreement between Italy and'
Britain and Mussolini's negotiations
with France for a similar accord.
Daladier, who in the years before
he becamne Premier won the confi-
dence of the armed forces as head of
the Defense Ministry, issued the edict
calling for more sailors, soldiers and
He opened a new 'credit of 4,712,-
500,000 francs (about $141,375,00)
for national defense and said it would
be used to strengthen the nation's mil-
tary and naval manpower. This was
in addition to the previous 1938. de-
fense budget of 25,000,000,000 francs
(about $750,000,000).
The step was part of a series of de-
crees which boosted France's annual
tax bill by 4,000,000,000 f an s ($120,-
000,000) through a'flat eight per ceht
increase in all direct and hidden taxes.
In addition the Naval Ministry was
authorized to begin construction be-
fore Dec. 31, 1939, of two battleships,
one cruiser, seven submarines, five
oil tankers and a number of auxiliary
craft. The navy was empowered to
spend, from 1938 to 1942, a total of
5,000,000,000 francs ($150,000,000) 'oi
ship construction And purchase of war
War manpower would be increased
by incorporating an unstated number
of reserve officers into the regulW
army, boosting the navy from 69,500
to 72,500 men and the airforce from
44,000 to 52,500 noncommissioned of-
ficers and men. Two new battalions
of Sengalese sharpshooters, among
the best of colonial troops, would be
Even as the nation learned of the
financial and defense measures, the
Premier and his ministers worked on
a second series of decrees to improve
France's armed forces.
Fairley To Talk
O Goethe Here
University Lecture Will Be
At 4:15_Today
Prof. Barker Fairley of the Univer-
sity of Toronto, one of the most prom-
inent students of German literature,
will give a University lecture at 4:15
p.m. today in the Natural Science
Auditorium on "Goethe and Frau von
Professor Fairley is considered one
of the world's leading authorities on
Goethe, and his work has entirely
changed the concept of that poet in
the English-speaking world. Frau von
Stein, about whom he will speak to-
day, was for many years a source of
inspiration to Goethe.
Professor Fairley was born in York-
shire, England, and received his Doc-
tor's degree from the University of
Leipzig, Germany. He taught at the
University of Alberta and at the
University of Manchester,dEngland
before going to Toronto, where he is
at present chairman of the depart-
ment of German.
R.O.T.C. Freshmen Win
Medals For Best Drills

Significance Of China's
Resistance Is Topic
"Significance of China's Resistance
to Japanese Aggression" will be the
topic of Dr. C. T. Wong ,Chinese am-
basfador to the United States, who
will speak at 4:15 p.m. tomorrow in
the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
Dr. Wong will give his address in
answer to many requests from his
Ann Arbor friends, Prof. J. Raleigh
Nelson, counselor to foreign students,
stated. He spoke in Detroit Sunday
at the Masonic Temple, and came to
Ann Arbor to visit friends.
At noon today, Dr. Wong will speak
at the Rotary Club luncheon. He has
been district governor of his province
and has been prominent in inter-
nationalsRotary work, Professor Nel-
son said. He will be entertained at
dinner by the Chinese Club.
Tomorrow,' Dr. Wong will be the
guest of Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Earhart,
of Geddes Rd. for dinner. Mr. Wong
is a former student of the Univer-
sity, taking graduate work in 1917
and 1918. He received his doctor's de-

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