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May 03, 1938 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1938-05-03

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Geology Group
Opens Courses
For Enrollment
Surveying Field Work Is
Among Courses Offered
At CampInWyoming
Applications are now being accept-.
ed for the summer field courses in
surveying and geology at Camp Davis,
near Jackson, Wyoming, Prof. H.
Bouchard, director of the camp, an-
nounced yesterday.
The geology group will leave June
20 on a one week faculty conducted
tour west through the Big Bad Lands
and the Black Hills of Dakota and
will visit the famous Homestack gold
mine, Salt Lake City and the Rocky'
Mountain National Park. They will
then spend three weeks at the geolo-
gical station in Statebridge, Colo., be-
fore they join the surveying group at
Camp Davis, according to Prof. G. M.
Ehlers, of the geology department.
Only 20 students can be accepted
from each department, Professor Ehl-
ers said, and applications are coming
in quickly.
During the summer the campers
will take a three day trip to Yellow-
stone National Park, 60 miles north of
camp. The total cost to the student
for the entire summer, including tui-
tion, is $145, and eight credit-hours
s. given.
Faculty members who will be at the
camp beside Professors Bouchard and
Ehlers are Prof. A. I. Eardley and
Prof R. L. Belknap of the geology
department; and Prof. E. Young and
Prof.'G. M. Beekman of the survey-
ing department..
Goethe Student
. To Speak Here
Toronto German Teacher
Lectures Tomorrow
One of the foremost students of the
German poet Goethe, Prof. Bar-
ker Fairley of the University of To-
ronto, will give a University lecture at
4:15 p.m. tomorrow in the Natural
Science Auditorium.
Professor Fairley was born and ed-
ucated in Yorkshire,- England, and
then carried on studies for his Doc-
tor's degree at the University of
Leipzig, Germany. He has specializdd
in the study of German literature,
and has achieved outstanding 'recog-
niition for his study of Gethe.
He is at present chairman of the
department of German at the Univer-
sity of Toronto; and has also been a
member of the faculties of the Univer-
sities of Manchester, England, and of
Alberta, His lecture will deal with
the spiritual inspiration to Goethe of
Frau von Stein, a court lady at Wei-
Religious Groups
To HoldMeetings
For the 49th successive year repre-
sentatives of mid-western religious
associations will meet from June 11
to 18 at a conferene at College Camp
on Lake Geneva, Wis. to discuss some
of the problems confronting the con-
temporary student.
Students wishing to represent Mich-
igan, Kenneth Morgan, director of the
Student Religious Association, an-
nounced should see him at the earliest
opp(.rtunity. "
Prominent speakers have been se-
cured to speak at the conference in-
cluding T. Z. Koo, Secretary of the
World's Student Christian Associa-
tion, who spoke here recently in con-

nection with the aid to China can-
paign; 'Frank W. McCulloch, Chicago
attorney, Wallace Cambell, Assistant
Secretary of the New York City Co-
operat ive League and Albert *. Pal-
mer, president of Chicago Theological
Mexican Travel Pictures
Will Be Shown Tonight
Members and friends of La Socie-
dad Hispanica will see motion pic-
tures of travels in Mexico at their
meeting at 8 p.m. today in Room 231
Angell Hall.
Miss Margaret Moye, of the faculty
of Cooley High School in Detroit, who
took the pictures, will explain them as
the reels are run off:
Miss Moye is a graduate of the
University of Michigan, and a former
member of the Spanish Society. She
has traveled extensively in Europe
and South America and* -s intensely
interested in Spanish culture and civ-

AFL Charters New Miners Union

VV ain Ju na"
1 nions United
Aldrich, Gotham Bank er,
Strikes At President's
Program For Recovery
(Continued from Page 1)
tion we are facing today exceeds our
worst expectations," said Green. "The
oroposals you are considering are an
essential part of the action which
must be taken without delay."
La Guardia, endorsing the lending-
spending program, said all bills hav-
ing to do with recovery efforts could
be referred to the committee which
he proposed.
Recovery Plan Is fit
WASHINGTON, May 2.-(/P')-
Winthrop W. Aldrich, one of 16 big
businessmen who recently offered
President Roosevelt their help in re-
storing confidence and normal busi-
ness, denounced tonight the new ad-
ministration plan for promoting re-
covery by vast Federal loans and ex-
Aldrich, Chairman of the Board of
the Chase National Bank, told the
American section of the International
Chamber of Commerce that the pro-
gram was based upon an economic
fallacy, derived from the writings of
Karl Marx, holding possibilities of a
"crash of the government credit and
a debauch of the currency."
He blamed the depression upon
Governmental policies which, he said,
in the last few years had been direct-
sd at increasing the income of the
consumers and at the same time di-
minishing savings for use in invest-
ments, in creating new capital and in
maintaining existing capital. Mean-
while, he said, reforms have come too

Spring Parley Sends Proposals
To Student Senate For Action

(C tinu ed from Page 1)
i'ecommended to investigate educa-
tional problems.
Compus o ry class attendance
throughout the University should be
abolished, it was decided. All grading
in the literary college should be done
on a pass or fail basis only, the ma-
jority of those present at the session
One resolution called for means by
which "students may appraise their
instructors for t0e benefit and in-
formation" of the instructors and the
administration. Another motion urged
the Board of Regents to relieve fac-
ulty men interested only in research
from teaching duties.
The eleventh "education" resolu-
tion called , for comprehensive de-
partmental examinations to replace-
the present credit-grade system, and
the twelfth urged that weekly or daily
announcements of interesting class-
room lectures in every field be made.
Housing .
Eliminating the University room
contract, it was felt, will also elimin-
ate the "advantage" the landlady has
* "over the student."
The other resolution in this division
recommended the establishment of a
committee to look into the possibility
of providing student housing sub-
sidized by state, federal or private
funds. The committee, to work with
the President anal the Board of Re-
gents, should include a sociologist, an
economist, an architect and a real
estate expert.
The first resolution touching on
security requested the appointment of
a committee by the Student Senate to
investigate student employment and
working conditions and recommend a
course of action to be followed next

fall by an organization of working
Another Student Senate committee
was suggested to deal with dry-clean-
ing prices in Ann Arbor.
f Opinion
To insure the "development of a
maturity in the student body," the
session passed a resolution stating
that "the University in no way use its
official power to place restrictions
upon student expression."
Confidence was expressed in the
Board in Control of Student Publica-
tions for its efforts to preserve free-
dom of the press on the campus. The
Board was urged to find some other
devices than the present one of re-
quiring {members of the Daily staff to
sign editorials, in order to indicate
that the editorial opinions do not pur-
port to represent the views of the fac-
ulty, the administration of the Board.
Disapproval was voiced at the
University's .requiring "any prospec-
tive student to state his personal be-
liefs" asda prerequisite to entering the
Leisure Time
Orientation periods for transfer
students should be compulsory and
orientation material should contain
detailed information on extra-cur-
ricular activities, the Parley decided.
Women's residences should be open
to men visitors until the regular clos-
ing hours.
A marriage relations course to deal
with child psychology, home making,'
budgeting, intellectual pursuits, per-
sonality adjustments, sex techniques
and the biological aspects of-. sex was
approved. The course, for upper-
classmen, should be given for credit
and in small groups, if possible, it was

En glish-Italian
Pact Endorsed
[By' Commons
Hitler And Mussolii Meet
In Rome To Symbolize
Fascist Understanding
(Continued from Page 1)
many in his long speecdi, but he left
little doubt that with the Italian
agreement in his pocket he would seek
one with Germany at the opportune
moment in his quest for a general
European settlement.
Old Friends Meet
ROME, May 2.-U(P)-Italy's square-
jawed Duce 'and greater Germany's
determined Fuehrer will meet tomor-
row and symbolize their unity.
It will be the third meeting of these
European pace-setters in the eventful
working partnership.
While Italy prepared a spectacular
welcome for the Nazi le-ader, atten-
tion was focussed on what new events
in Europe Benito Mussolini and Adolf
Hitler might plan in the few hours
for private talks they will have in
the crowded program.
Officially Hitler's visit among the
ruins of Imperial Rome, dressed up
in his honor, is heralded as a demon-
stration that fascism and national-
socialism are united in effort and
that attempts to becloud this unity
are destimed to 'fail.
It follows Hitler's annexation of
Austria and the Anglo-Italian agree-
ment of April 16 for settling issues
between Britain and Italy.
T. Hawley Tapping and Robert O.
Morgan of the Alumni Association
last night attended the Spring Ban-.
quet of the University of Michigan
Club of Redford.

A bitter and perhaps bloody labor war was foreshadowed when Wil-
liam Green, President of the American Federation' of Labor, presented a
chaiter at Washington to Joe Ozanic, (left), president of a new miners'
union sponsored by the Federation as a rival to John L. Lewis' United
Mine Workers.
University Indicted For Poor
Grading And Educational Waste

Psychological Research
Shows That Grades May
Differ With Marker
(Continued from Page 1)
not merely chance but are almost un-
avoidable, Kleefus said.
"Essay questions are popular with
teachers because they are easily made
up, but covering a wide range the stu-
dent is often bewildered as to just
what is wanted. And this is not
strange because in many cases the in-
structor is not certain either."
Oftentimes he has no key points up-
on which to base his grades, Kleefus
declared, but is influenced by a rele-
vantpoint made in one paper and
looks for that point ,on other 'blue-
books. He is influenced by the weath-
er, his health, the number of papers
still left to read, the handwriting, and
his personal knowledge of the student.
It is not necessary to emphasize the
seriousness of these flaws in exam-
ination marking, Kleefuss declared.
"Too few students realize that they
are not fixed qunatities handed down
from above but subject to very human
Despite the fact that figures quoted
are applicable to the majority of high
school and college methods of grad-'
ing, experimentation in several
schools, notably Chicago, is pointing
the way to the reduction of such
grotesque inaccuracies, according to
Kleefus. Largely these attempts re-
volve around the objective or short
answer test.
Proponents of the essay type exam
claim that broad questions test ability
of the student to coordinate material.
Investigation indicates, however, that
while this may be ideally so, few
students are capable of organization
under the emotional stress which an
important examination generates.'
As a result the common philosophy
that the more your can manage to get
in an exam on almost any subject,
provided it is in English, is shown to
be nearly justified. Grades have to
be judged on facts not on organiza-
tion, Kleefus declared.
Progressive Club Meets
Thursday To Plan Action
A post-parley meeting of the Pro-
gressive Club will be held at 8 p.m.
Thursday in Lane Hall to draw up
resolutions and plan for action of
the club on subjects discussed at the
Spring Parley Saturday and Sun-
A committee representing the club
was present at each of the five sec-
tions, of the Parley and will present
reports and recommended resolutions
at the Thursday meeting.

Report Reveals That 690
Students Left Because
Of Unknown Reasons
(Continued from Page 1-)
sidered as the cause of withdrawal m
the case of 336 students were sent
home, Mr. Williams believes. This
group scored well below 1.0 or C in
scholastic averages.
The other 690 students who either
transferred to other units on campus
or who left the college and are un-
accounted for in the report, were
found to have maintained, on the
average, point-hour ratios well above
Since almost two thirds of the 1,-
026 students eliminated entered from
high school, the report recommends
"a more detailed study seeking the
causes of their withdrawal from col-
lege." There was little information,
however, to show that the method of
entrance has any effect on this prob-
lem of elimination.
In the group of 336 students who
were sent horne, 288 of them had
earned more than 60 hours of work
but were not admitted to a field
of concentration because they could
not present a satisfactory point-hour
Outside of the group that was sent
home, only 22 students in the pre-
concentration stage had averages be-
low C at the time of departure.
According to the report, age and
residence within or without the State
of Michigan'fhave little effect upon
the elimination of students from col-
lege. The average age for the entire
group was 21.48.
The evidence regarding the possible
health factor shows no other discrep-
ancy between the eliminated and un-
eliminated groups than a slightly
greater number of colds and reported
at the Health Service for the elimi-
nated group, which the report dis-
misses as not having any real bear-
ing on the problem.
The report is incomplete in that it
"has completely overlooked the stu-
dents' reason for withdrawing or
failing to return," Mr. Williams says.
"From the standpoint of the student
however, those who fail to return
may have made a very vise choice,"
he suggests.
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