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May 03, 1938 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1938-05-03

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Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michiga under the authority of the Board In Control of
Studenlt Publications
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatchescredited to
it. or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mal matter.
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
$4.00; by mal, $4.50.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1937-38
NationalAdvertisingService, Inc.
College Publisrs Rjepresentative
- 4
Board of Editors
Business Department
It is important for society to avoid the
neglect of adults, but positively dangerous
for it to thwart the ambition of youth to'
reform the world. Only the schools which
act on this belief are educational institu-
tions in the best meaning of the term.
-Alexander G. Ruthven
The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of the Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
Or Mil:stone?..,
A MILESTONFK in student expression
was reached in the Spring Parley
held Saturday. When students and faculty are
placed upon an equal level of expression 'for
each to snipe at each other and among them-
selves with the frankness exhibited at the
Parley-that is an achievement, especially on
the Michigan campus.
One of the foremost problems presented at
the Parley, and which was evident in all the
sections, was concerned with the dual posi-
tion of the student in the University and also
in a realistic, capitalistic society within which
the University functions. The practical, 'finan-
cial and political difficulties facing the Uni-
versity were believed by some as considerations
not recognized by many students, and with this
apparent repudiation of practical situations by
the students the discussion concerned itself.
As was brought out at the Parley, the relation-
ship between society and the University, in
regard to economics and politics, would be a
relatively simple one-if there were no students.
On the other hand, the relationship between .the
University and the students would be a simple
one-if there were no society. Unfortunately,
practical considerations must be met.
The University faces the difficulty of having
to deal practically with the state and also hav-
ing to foster educatio'n in its broadest sense,
according to the ideals of the University, The
student is also hung on the horns of a dilemma:
of desiring the opportunities to practice what
is preached to him and also of having to meet
the obligation he owes to the University. Some
students repudiate such an obligation, regard the
University solely within its educational func-
tion with an almost total lack of comprehen-
sion of the practical situation existing. To
these students the educational function of the
University to allow full freedom should not be
compromised by the pressure of existing prac-
tical situations-and possibly rightly so, ideal-
We believe, however, that it is the absolute

duty of the student to recognize his obligation
to the University, to foster its welfare, so that
the administration of the University might not
be made too difficult and also that the Univer-
sity might progress and achieve its aims in
the educational sphere. If a student desires
to carry out a program which involves his
convictions. which crystallizes his ideas and
philosophy derived from his courses and his
research in the University, then he should do
so. But, it was said at the Parley, he must
be ready to take the consequences of his action
should the University find that such action is
"not in the best interests of the University." And
it is wholly just that the student should be ready
to accept the consequences of possessing the
courage of his convictions.
But the University, too, has an obligation-
-an obligation to its educational function. The
University is a business and an educational in-
stitution-an unfortunate combination. But the
former is merely .a means to achieve the latter.
Just as advertising is, or should be, the means
by which it. is possible to publish a newspaper,
so is the corporative, financial nature of the

freedom of expression and action which leads
to maturity for the individual which should be
the aim of the University- not merely discus-
sion within the classroom, but also the putting
into action of those theories which come from
the classroom. An example of such activity is
the recent Anti-War Strike which was conducted
by students who in their classrooms shuddered
at the horror of war, saw the spread of war,
recognized the menace of war hanging over the
United States. It is the consequence of outside
criticism of such activity that the University
must be willing to shoulder,
There is another obligation of the Univer-
sity-the obligation which the University owes
to the intellectual forces within the state and
society. The University's duty to the state
and the society within which it exists is to train
the students to think for themselves, to think
logically and clearly, so that the state and the
society might be benefitted by those individuals
-the production of better citizens. Freedom for
the student should, therefore, be one of the chief
aims of the University for it does make for the
best thinking citizen. If there is criticism of
the fulfillment of this obligation, again the Uni-
versity must be willing to accept the conse-
It is, however, highly essential, in the best
interests of the University and the student that
the practical considerations facing both must
be met. The University and the student must
be aware of their obligations and try to meet
them; both must appreciate the other's diffi-
culties in order that the other might continue
tQ develop.
Frankness of the University in explaining its
practical problems can do much to eliminate
the blind opposition of some students to the ad-
ministration,, which is working within the diffi-
cult sphere of finances and politics for the wel-
fare of the University and ultimately the
students. Too often in the past has the ad-
ministration not taken the student into its
confidence, too often has the student been
regarded as a half-baked idealist with no
restrictions upon proposed forms of action on
practical form of action, too often have super-
ficial and unconvincing answers been given by
the University to the student questioning the
campus. Frankness on the part of the Univer-
sity in dealing with the student will do much to
enlist the support of the student to meet the
University's predicament. The student will cer-
tainly be more ready to accept his share of the
responsibility, his obligation to the University,
if he is treated as a mature, logical individual
and taken into the confidence of the University.
The Spring Parley has done much to clarify
issues and bring the student and the Univer-
sity to a state of mutual understanding; it has
given both a greater realization of the difficulties
and gbligations of the other. This is to be
desired not only at Parleys but in all forms of
student and university contacts.
- Irving Silverman
The Editor
Gets Tol.,.
Die Wucht am Rhine
To the Editor:
Professor Maier implies in his recent letter
that I "accuse a group of scientists of 'mud sling-
ing'" because they do not find consolation in a
belief in psychic phenomena. On the contrary,
my accusation was clearly directed at unknown
persons on this campus who had been circulating
rumors derogatory to the character and integrity
of one whom I regard as a friend. Professor
Maier does not discuss this question.
While I feel that my main purpose of defending
Rhine against these personal attacks has been
accomplished, I should like, for the information
of your readers, to comment on a few points in
Professor Maier's reply. It is true that mathema-
ticians often reject calculations that non-mathe-
maticians accept; but usually because there is
something wrong with the mathematics-not be-
cause the psychology of the man who made the
calculation is abnormal, or because he is not a
member of the American Mathematical Society,

or published his calculation in the wrong journal.
In the last two years, mathematicians have had
ample opportunity to do just this in connection
with the very matter under discussion, for the
bulk of the criticism directed at the "ESP" work
by psychologists has been on mathematical
grounds; and the mathematics appearing in their
papers has caused "mathematicians to blush for
the authors. Even now that these errors have
been pointed out, the barrage continues un-
abated; for exaMple, the Wolfe paper to which
my critic refers contains several paragraphs of
fallacious mathematical reasoning.
On the other hand, these psychologists have
been strangely reluctant to get down to the real
question of pointing out what, if anything, is
wrong with the experiments conducted under the
more exacting conditions of distance and screen-
ing, as these alone are sufficient to establish the
case. Dr. Wolfe devotes much space to small
ridges on the backs of some ESP cards but does
not mention either the distance or the screened
tests, although practically all the recent work
has been done with the subject behind a screen
where he could neither see nor touch the cards.
All the hostile articles I have found in the psy-
chological and other journals (which includes
a large number) are full of omissions and half-
truths and quoted statements lifted from their
context so as to give a misleading impression.
Their biased manner of selecting and presenting
evidence gives them the appearance of having
been prepared by case lawyers rather than sci-
entists. ' Unquestionably trained psychologists
should be best qualified to pass judgment on
these matters, but there is much to indicate, even
to the untrained lay mind, that a fair and ac-
curate judgment is not being offered.

Jfeenzr loe
Heywood Broun
There is significance in the fact that the
Hearst press hails the launching of the La Fol-
lette third party as a "death blow to the New
Deal." And if Young Bob and Little Phil succeed
in gathering a large follow-
ing, they may prevail in
turning America back to the
days of the Old Deal. This
could very well happen,
whether they win or lose,
because the keynote speech
:"' of the Governor at Madison,
Wis., was a thoroughly re-
actionary utterance. In the
whole speech there is hardly
a line or a phrase to which Herbert Hoover
could not give a fervent "Amen."
It is the old stuff about how we could all be
happy and prosperous if only we would proceed
merrily to cut each other's throats in fine, free
competition. As it is succinctly expressed in the
party's platform:-"Whatever it may cost-so
help us God-we shall use the power of these
United States to restore to every American the
opportunity to help himself. After that he can
sink or swim."
* * * *
Hoover Was More Tender
In all fairness to Mr. Hoover it might be said
that this carries rugged individualism well be-
yond his own philosophic concept. I do not
remember that he ever suggested that those who
fail in the competitive struggle should be al-
lowed to drown without assistance.
But that certainly seems to be the La Follette
formula. Indeed, it is amplified in point 5 of
the list of basic principles of the National Pro-
gressives of America.
This reads: "We flatly oppose every form of
coddling or spoon-feeding the American people
-whether it be those on relief, whether it be
farmers or workers, whether it be business or in-
'dustry. No government on earth can successfully
manage, regulate and direct the numerous de-
tails that make for healthy families or successful
There is no specific statement as to whether
Phil and Bob intend to cut relief immediately
or merely tip the black spot to the jobless.
As for the rest of it, you can hear exactly
the same sentiment expressed by the men of Wall
Street every day. "Nobody is going to tell us
how to run our business," is the familiar phrase.
But it means the same thing. To be sure, business
did not say precisely that in 1933, when Roose-
velt first came into office.
Mostly Band Music
Possibly one may draw too'many implications
from the words of the LaFollette platform. It is
all pretty vague and oatorical. For instance,
one wonders as to whether Bob and Phil regard
a wages and hours bill as coddling and whether
the NLRB or the Wagner At constitutes spoon
In all fairness to Senator La Follette it should
be admitted that his committee has done bril-
liant work in its fight against the labor spy. Still,
in the keynote speech of Phil there is small
comfort for workers. Of course, there is the
usual blah about labor being dignified and noble,
but no definite expression of an attitude on
trades unionism. As a matter of fact, there is the
recommendation that everybody will be happier
if labor takes a lower wage.
Little Phil seems to be whlly unaware of, the
fact that we are living in a machine age and that
new efficiencies of production raise special and
serious problems. The problem of distribution he
wholly neglects. It seems to be his notion that
under the capitalistic system everybody can get
an automobile, provided enough cars are sold.
He says blithely that there is no such thing
as overproduction.'
Little Phil and Young Bob are certainly gal-
loping as fast as they can back to the horse-and-

buggy age. I even fear that they have forgotten
the horse.
viduals. Yet most of the "non-confirmatory rep-
etitions" have been merely routine tests of a class
or other group which happened -to be available.
In' one typical instance (Jour. of Gen. Psych.,
17, 1937, pp. 3-13) (which I select merely because
it is the most accessible), only eight subjects were
tested, chosen merely because they were the
closest at hand. The author states that he did
not select his subjects on the basis of ESP per- .
formance because his "philosophy of science did
not permit him to do so."
It is quite true that psychic phenomena have
been frequently reported before, which should be
all the more reason to look into them. They have
usually been put down to chance or coinci-
dence:_ and it is the particular merit of this
new card-guessing technique that it offers a
quantitative standard of measurement, so that
even Professor Maier has to admit the results
are "unquestionably not chance records." I agree
that a crude form of perception has thus far
been demonstrated, but, from the point of view
of the average psychologist who does not con-
sider such a thing possible, it would seem rather
remarkable that anything of. the kind occurs
at all. It is a pity that one of those who are
best equipped to investigate these interesting
phenomena has so little scientific curiosity as to
feel "there is no pressing need to explain" the re-
sults, but it is to be hoped that others will take
up the challenge.
-Thomas N. E. Greville.
P.S.: I suggest that those who read the Wolfe
paper do not fail to read also Rhine's 'own
--a afn rnnLn

Called To Account
Just what is this course masquer-
ading under the name ofEconomics
173? The catalogue calls it a "survey"
accounting course for students not
majoring in economics, but does the
University consider the term "survey"
synonymous with spending four or
five hours a day for three weeks
jotting down routine entries in a so-
called term problem?
Unlike those students who wrote
into this column last year complain-
ing about ridiculous exam questions
and allegedly unfair grading methods
in Ecbnomics 51, I have absolutely
no complaint to make about the
marks or the methodology used in
teaching Economics 173. As a matter
of fact, I was rather 'successful in the
first bluebook, but I do object
to having my grades in five other sub-
jects go to pot while I exhaust a year's
supply of pencils trying to find out
how much of a profit the Shaffer Mill
and Lumber Company made last year'
Problems are all very well but just
what is being achievedrby making 20-
year-old college juniors and seniors
record 20 or 30 entries of an identical
nature, each requiring additional
posting in two or more ledgers. There
are 221 individual postings (transpos-
ing one figure from one place to an-
other) which a child of seven could
make, providing he had enough pen-
cils. Allowing a minute for each post-
ing, we hundred-dollar a-week book-
keepers would finish that part, which
constitutes about one-eighth of the
problem, in slightly less than 4 hours.
Maybe the course was intended to
improve our handwriting. Ever since
I've been filling out blank pages'
with the names of the Shaffer Com-
pany's customers and copying ac-4
count titles onto 53-line balance
sheets and income statements, I've
been getting money from home when
I write. Perhaps, though, my folks
have just learned to read.
I agree wholeheartedly with the in-
structors that the more intricate
parts of accounting can only be
learned by constant repetition. But
after the first three or four hundred
times even an engineer (over 75 per
cent of the 200 odd students in the.
class are engineers) can tell you that
for a cash sale, you debit cash and
credit sales.
Enclosed please find bill to the
Shaffer Mill and Lumber Company
for services rendered: $328.72 with
time and a half for overtime and,
-Midnight Oil
To the Editor:
We humbly beg permission of the'
administration and its delegated au-
thorities to express in the public;
prints our gratitude for the many
boons granted us by the legislature
of the State of Michigan. As out;
of state students we hardly dare feel,
that we deserve the honor of voicing;
our appreciation of the Spring Par-
ley. We wish, if we may, for being
taught the proper limits to our free-,
dom of expression, responsibilities,
which we have assumed as an inte-
gral part of the privileg of mem-
bership in this university. In a
higher sense, we are grateful for this
lesson in the mature, realistic ap-
proach to'the meaning of democracy.
-Harvey Swados.
-Frank Persky
Senate Notes
The Student Senate meets this
evening in the League to go over a
very weighty Agenda and it is doubt-
ful if they will finish as quickly as

they have in their last two meetings.
The Sunday morning session of the
Spring Parley made a blanket refer-
ence of its adopted resolutions to the
Senate, with the charge that the
Senate justify its claim to represent
the student body by getting busy and
presenting these claims to the admin-
istration and faculty. In addition to
these matters the various commit-
tees of the Senate will report and it
is expected that the Housing and
Student Politics groups will have defi-
nite recommendations for considera-
In the matter of policy motions,
four have been put on the Senate
Agenda. The first of these supports
Federal anti-lynching legislation, the
second favors a reading period before
final examinations, the third urges
the withdrawal of American troops
from China, and the last seeks recog-
nition of fencing as a University
sport. In the scope of these four pro-
posals may be seen the scope of the
Senate-two resolutions on purely
student matters (one on athletics, one
on educational policy), one on Amer-
ican foreign policy, and one on federal
powers and inter-state relations. The
resolution on the withdrawal of
American troops from China will
probably be made a question of con-
fidence by its introducer, Sen. Tuure
Tenander, who is also President of
the Senate. Should the motion be
beaten, he wou ld be expected to re-
sign and another Piesident elected.
The program seems to promise an in-
teresting evening.

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President
until 3 :30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.

(Continued from Page 2)
the Committee on Student Affairs, or
in the opinion of the Dean of the
school or college in which the student
is enrolled, participation in a public
activity may be detrimental to his
college work, the committee may de-
cline to grant a student the privilege
of participation in such activity.
Special Permission. The special per-
mission to participate in public activi-
ties in exception of Rules V, VI, VII,
VIII will be granted by the Commit-
tee on Student Affairs only upon the
positive recommendation of the Dean
of the School or College to which the
student belongs.
Discipline. Cases of violation of these
rules will be reported to the proper
disciplinary authority for action.
Exhibition: Photographs of "India,
her Architecture and Sculpture" un-
der the auspices of the Institute of
Fine Arts, May 2 through May 14 in
the exhibition room of the School of
Architecture. Daily (except Sunday)
from 9 to 5.
Henry Russel Lecture: Professor
Heber D. Curtis, Chairman of the
department of Astronomy and Di-
ector of the Observatories, will de-
iver the Henry Russel lecture for 1938
at 4:15 p.m., Tuesday, May 3, in Na-
tural Science Auditorium. His sub-
*iect will be "Receding Horizons." An-
nouncement of the Henry Russel
Award will be made at this time.
University Lecture: Professor Bar-
ker Fairley of the University of Tor-
onto will give a lecture' in English on
"Goethe and Frau von Stein," on
Wednesday, May 4, at 4:15 Natural
Science. The public is cordially in-
Universsityy Lecture: Professor Einar
Hammarsten, Professor of Chemistry,
Carolingian Medical University, will
lecture on "The Secretin of Bayliss
and Starling" on Monday, May 9, at
4:15 p.m. in Natural Science Auditor-
ium under the auspices of the Medical
School. The public is cordially in-
Alexander Ziwet Lecturesin M ath-
matics. The next three lectures, in
the series being given by Professor
Erich Hecke of the University of
Hamburg, will be given Monday,
Wednesday, and Friday (May 2, 4,
and 6) at 3 o'clock in Room 3201 An-
gell Hall.
J. B. Rhine, Professor of Psychology
at Duke University will speak, Thurs-
day, May 5, at 4:15 p.m., in Natural
Science Auditorium, on "The Contro-
versy over Extra-sensory Perception."
This lecture, which is being held un-
der the auspices of the Parapsychol-
ogy Club, will be followed by a forum
Events Today
The Chemical and Metallurgical En-
gineers will hold their Graduate lun-
cheon today at 12:15 in Room 3201
East Engineering Building. Professor
Wm. H. Hobbs will address the group.
Junior Research Club May meeting
will be held Tuesday, May 3, at 7:30
p.m. in Room 2083 Natural Science
Program: "The Oxidation of Steel
at Elevated Temperatures," by Pro-
fessor C. A. Seibert, and "The
University of Michigan Explorations
in the Mayan and Adjacent Areas"
by Dr. N. E. Hartweg.
Student Senate:' The Senate will
meet at 7:30 this evening in the
League, the room being posted on the

bulletin board. Motions relative to
the Federal Anti-Lynching bill, a
reading period before examinations,
keeping American troops out of
China, and the establishment of
fencing as a University sport are on
the docket. In addition, the full list
of recommendations of the Housing
Committee will be presented and re-
ports will be heard from the other
committees of the Senate. Members
are urged to be present on time. The
meeting will be open to the general
Tau Beta Pi: Regular dinner meet-
ing tonight at 6:15 p.m. at the Union.
Prof. James K. Pollock of the De-
partment of Political Science will
The Annual Rho Chi Initiation
banquet will be held in the Michigan
Union on Tuesday, May 3, at 6:15 p.m.
Prof. Kasimir Fajans will speak on
"Higher Education in Europe." All
members are invited.
Freshman League Dues are due now.
A table will be placed in Angell Hall
where they may be paid. Girl will
be there from 10-12 in the morning
and from 1 p.m. on in the afternoon.

there is a meeting of the three groups
of Assembly (the League House Presi-
dents, the Dormitory Presidents, and
the Ann Arbor Independents) in the
League Ballroom.
Financial Comnittee of Frosh Proj-
ect will have a meeting today, in the
League' at 5 p.m. Room will be posted
on the bulletin board. All members
must be present.
Lectures on Religion: At the second
of the series of lectures comparing
eastern and western religions, Mr.
Kenneth Morgan, Director of the Stu-
dent Religious Association, will dis-
cuss "Sensational Religion," Tuesday,
May 3, 7:30 p.m. Lane Hall Library.
Christian Science Organization:
8:15 p.m. League Chapel Students,
and faculty are invited to at-
tend the services.
Coming Events
Graduate Luncheon: Wednesday,
May 4, 12 noon, Russian Tea Room,
Michigan League Cafeteria Service.
Explanation and discussion of the
Graduate Student Council.
English Journal Club, Friday, May
6, at -4:15 p.m. in the League. Mr.
Robert Warshaw will speak on "Some
Approaches to Shakespeare" at the
The faculty, members and guests
are cordially invited to attend and
to participate in the discussion fol-
lowing the paper.
Chemistry Colloquium will meet
Wednesday, May 4, at 4 pm. in Room
800 Chemistry Building. Sister Xa-
veria: "The B.eckmann Rearrange-
ment of Oximes of Unsymmetrical
Ketones." Miss Gretchen Mueller:
"Variation of Absorbing Power of
Silver Halides."
Alexander Ziwet Lectures in Mathe-
matics: The third lecture, in the series
being given by Professor Erich Hecke
of the University of Hamburg, will
be held Wednesday, May 4, at 3 p.m.,
in 3201 Angell Hall.
A.S.M.E. Members: Those who
signed up to go to Detroit this Wed-
nesday, May 4, must be at the En-
gineering Arch not later thn i12:30
p.m. at which time the buses. and
cars will leave. Bus transportation
will cost approximately 35 cents per
Cercle Francais: There will be a
meeting of the Cercle Francais Thurs-
'day, May 5, at 8 p.m. at the Michigan
League. We would like to have every-
one there.
Phi Tau Alpha Classical Society:
There will be a meeting at 8 p.m.
Wednesday, May 4, at Lane Hall. All
members are urged to be present.
Refreshments will be served.
Phi Sigma Society: Because of the
conflict with th Sigma Xi banquet,
the meeting ofPhi Sigma Society for
May 4 has been cancelled.
IPhi Beta Kappa: Attention is called
'to the fact that the Annual Initiation
Banquet of the Alpha Chapter will
be held on Friday, May 6, 6:30 p.m.
at the Michigan Union. All local Phi
Beta Kappas are welcome. Tickets
$1:00 may be bought at the door-
places should be reserved in advance.
The speaker will be Professor Karl
Young of Yale University, his sub-
ject, "Education and Freedom."
Orma F. Butler.
Psychological Journal Club meeting
is postponed until Tuesday, May 10.
Clifford E. Paine, '11E, will deliver
a lecture at 4 p.m. on Wednesday,
May 4, Room 311 West Engineering

Building on the Golden Gate Bridge.
The Golden Gate Bridge was opened
to traffic on May 27, 1937 ard with
its span of 4,200 feet is the longest
span bridge in the world. Mr. Paine
is a member of the firm of Strauss
and Paine who were consulting en-
gineers for the bridge and was ac-
tively in charge of the design and
direction of this structure. The talk
will be illustrated.
Inter - Guild Worship Service will be
held at the League Chapel Wednes-'
day morning at 7:30.
Lower Depths: The Art Cinema
League will present the French film
version of Maxim Gorki's "Lower
Depths" at the Mendelssohn Theatre
Friday and Saturday, May 6-7. Thi
picture has been acclaimed by Frenc,
critics as one of the finest Frenc
motion pictures ever made. The bo
office will open Thursday at 10:0
Interior Decoration Group, Faculty
Women, Wednesday, May 4, 2:45 p.m.
Michigan League.
"The Arrangement and Care o
?Flowers" will be discussed by Mr. Al
fred W. Goodhew. Members ma
bring a guest.

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