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May 01, 1938 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily, 1938-05-01

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iVarsity Tennis
Squad Downs
Levenson And Morris Win
Doubles Match 6-3, 3-6,
6-3 To Decide 5-4 Win
With the squad's seventh consecu-
tive victory hanging in the balance,
I eil Levenson and Ed Morris pulled
a seemingly lost 'battle out of the
fire in their third set yesterday and
gave the Wolverine netmen a 5-4 vic-
tory over Michigan State.
Greatly improved for the most part,
tle Weirmen' split the singles con-
tests with the Spartas and took
the number two and three battles to
win their second home start and add
an eighth win to their total of ten
matches played to date. Besides be-
ing the first defeat for the Spar-
tans this season it was their second
loss in sixteen consecutive matches.
Levenson Hits Pace
The contest was also a double vic-
tory for Captain Neil Levenson, who
-finally found his pace after having
lost his last three matches.
His opponent, Herman Struck, had
him on the run for the entire first
set, outplaying him all over the court,
winning the first four games and
then taking theiset 6-2. Neil found
his stride midway in the second set,
rallied to win 7-5, and then reversed
proceedings on his fast-tiring oppon-
ent to take the case set, 6-0.
Don Percival, playing in number
two, had things easier. Vastly im-
proved over previous showings, he
downed Chet Olson, 6-3, 6-3.
Skidwell Loses
John Kidwell had a bad day, how-
ever. He dropped his first set 64,
gained a slight foothold by winning
the second 6-2, but was unable to gar-
nier more, than two ganmes in the
final match. Tom Slattery opened
with a love set, but dropped the next
two 6-4, 6-3.
Hank Cohen, in the number five
spot, did the real trouncing, however.
He won in straight sets giving Se-
mour Rawitz only one game in each.
The victory continued his post-east-
ern trip perfect record.
Steve Woolsey prolonged the sec-
ond set of his match with Charles
Gibbs, but lost 7-5, after dropping the
first also, 6-2.
Doubles Decide Match
In the doubles, Percival and Cohen,
playing the number one position
against Struck and Olson were forced
to extra games in both sets, win-
ning 7-5 and 8-6. In both this and
the number three match, the Wol-
verines rallied to reach point after
winning the first sets and trailing in
the second. Advantage changed
' several times in both contests before
the Wolverines finally were able to
put away the deciding shot.
Kidwell and Woolsey ran out a 5-2
lead in the first set but faltered
to drop the match 8-6 and 6-2. In
the number three spot, Levenson
teamed up with Ed Morris to take a
three-set affair, 6-3, 3-6, 6-3.
Today Coach Leroy Weir is taking
a nine or ten man squad into Detroit
to play the Detroit Tennis Club. Mon-
day the Varsity meets Michigan Nor-
mal at the Ferry Field Courts. Time
of the match is 3:15 p.m.
Singles: Levenson (M) d. Struck
(S) 2-6, 7-5, 6-0; Percival (M) d. 01-
son (S) 6-3, 6-3; Kositchek (S) d.
Kidwell (M) 6-4, 1-6, 6-2; Foltz (S)
d. Slattery (M) 0-6, 6-4, 6-3. Cohen
(M) d. Rawitz (S) 6-1, 6-1; Gibbs
(S) d. Woolsey (M) 6-2, 7-5.
Doubles: Percival and Cohen (M)
d. Struck and Olson (S) 7-5, 8-6;

Defeats Don Lash

Palmer Paces Tigers Whip Indians 5-3; Giants Win
Varsity S1uad Ninth Straight; Cubs Trim Cardinals'
To Easy WM

Michigan Scores Second1
Big Ten Victory ; Suffers
Only One Loss, One Tie


INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., April 30.
(Special To The Daily)-Michigan
stood undefeated in Big Ten golf
standings today after winning its sec-
ond Conference meet of the seasonj
against Indiana at the MeridanmHills
Country Club by the overwhelming
score of 16-8.
Walt Cisco, Hoosier veteran, hand-
ed the Wolverines their only setback
in the match when he carded a 76
and gained three points from Capt. Al
In the other pairings Bill Barclay.I
turning in a 76, defeated Ed Eaton
?2 - . Lynn Reiss shutout Fred
Grant 3-0. With the lowest score of
the-i day. a 75. Bob Palmer ' whipped

CLEVELAND, April 30.-(P)-The
Detroit Tigers broke a season jinx
and moved into a fifth place tie with
the Boston Red Sox today with a 5 to
3 victory over the Cleveland Indians.
Chiefly responsible for the Tiger tri-F
umph was Vernon Kennedy, who held
the Indians to five hits and shut them
out after the first' inning to give De-
troit its first win over Cleveland this
Hubbell Beats Dodgers
NEW YORK, April 30.- (1P)-King
Carl Hubbell handcuffed the Brook-
lyn Dodgers with five hits today and
then had to call on relief pitcher Dick
Coffman to stop a threatening ninth-
inning rally in hurling the Giants to
a 3 to 1 victory. The Giants scored
all their runs off Van Lingle Mungo
for their ninth straight win.


were marked up against Wilbur (Bill) Berger's single and putting him in sity reserve golfers downed thc strong
Bruebaker. position to score on Mike Kreevich's f 25
single, broke a scoreless game with
flees O tisug iatiwwls two Sox runs off Jack Knott in the1 1012. WreLaoloan
fifth.Mary Owen, ex-Detroiter, fol- Yearnd,
PHILADELPHIA, April 30.-R)- lowed with a homer for the other run Kreuger won their singles m thes,
Home runs by Gene Moore and pinch- in the sixth. to add 15 points to their team total,
1- i++iv T-Ta l .Li ±rva i h bhW H10 ha


natter Hiara maggert winthe eases
loaded helped the Boston Bees hand
the Philadelphia Nationals their ninth
straight defeat in a 16 to 11 slugfest
today. Moore's homer came in the
third inning and Maggert, batting
for Niggeling in the sixth, also cleared
the bases.
Lyons Huris Shutout
CHICAGO, April 30.-(AP)-Thirty-
eight year old Ted Lyons, veteran of
16 seasons with the Chicago White
Sox, yielded nine hits but didn't al-
low a member of the St. Louis Browns
to pass second base today as he
turned in his first 1938 victory, a 3 to
0 shutout.
Jack Hayes' double, cashing Boze

Goes. To Town I
In P hillRce
More than 35,000 thunderstruck
Penn Relays fans yesterday after-
noon watched gangling University of
Michigan sophomore Ralph Schwarz-
kopf snatch victory from two of the
:ountry's outstanding distance war-t
.orses, Don Lash and Joe McCluskey,4
n the 3,000 meter run.
In trimming the pair who have long
lominated the American long races,I
Schwarzkopf marked up one of the]
:nost spectacular upsets to shake dis-1
tance footracing since a bandy-legged
coal miner by the name of Joie Rae
whipped the cream of middle-wes-
tern milers and two-milers at the out-I
set of his phenomenal career two de-
cades ago in the Central A.A.U. indoor
meet at Chicago.
Ralph Lays Back
Ralph's instructions from Wolverine
Coach Charlie Hoyt were to lay back
and let the masters do the running
under the misapprehension that the
race was in the well known burlap. In
the final lap Schwarzkopf began to
move up, not slowly but swiftly and
surely like a man who is going some-
place and is sure of getting there.
The former Hoosier flyer and two-
mile world record holder, Lash, tried
to stave off the final brilliant surge]
and failed. So did McCluskey one-
time Manhattan U. star who has
eight 3,000 meter titles under his
belt. He managed to pass Lash but
Schwarzkopf was headed home. He
won his first big-time start by 25
yards in the good time of 8:39.;
McCluskey Has No Bruises
Lash who had been in an automo-
bile wreck on his way to Franklin
Field in the car of Archie Harris, In-
diana's Negro freshman weight star,
might have taken Rambling Ralph
had he not been bruised in the crack-
up. There were no saving bruises for
McCluskey who has been having one
of the most successful seasons in his
logn career.
Kositchek and Gibbs (S) d. Kidwell
and Woolsey (M) 8-6, 6-2; Levenson
and Morris (M.) d. Foltz and Rawitz
(S) 6-3, 3-6, 63.

I %

u1 ay, a , i r b ia 11tJ o.
Jack Mueller 3-0. Tom Tussing card- jCubs Down Cards
ed a 79 against Howard Beaver to ST. LOUIS, April 30.--(A)-Charlie
add two points to the Michigan total. Grimm's Cubs continued to show lit-
In his other singles match. -Tussing tle respect for the Cardinals today
tied Jack Mueller 1'-112. and gave them a sound spanking, 11 to
In the doubles, Karpinski and Bar- 5, to celebrate the return of the Gas
clay teamed up to beat Cisco and House Gang to its own park.
Easton 2-1 and Reiss and Palmer won Dizzy Dean, making his first St.
from Beaver and Charles Seward by Louis appearance in a Cub uniform,
the same score. received a few cheers during the bat-
Immediately after the match the ting practice, but there was no sign
Michigan squad left for Lafayette of a demonstration.
where it meets Purdue University to-
morrow afternoon.


Karpinski and Barclay (M) defeat-
ed Cisco and Eaton (I) 2-1.
Reiss and Palmer (M) defeated

WASHINGTON, April 30.-(/P)-
Sparked by Joe DiMaggio, who made
his 1938 debut, the New York Yankees

Beaver and Seward (1) 2-1. walloped the Senators, 8 to 4, today.
Tusssing (M) 80, tied Mueller (I). Spud Chandler went the route for
80, 1 ll1/2. 1 the Yanks." DiMaggio and second-
Cisco I), 76, defeated'Karpinski baseman Joe Gordon were injured
4 M) 80 1370. in a collision in the sixth inning and
Barclay (M), 76, defeated Eaton were taken to a hospital for observa-
(I), 78, 2'%-%.2. tion.
Reiss (M), 81, defeated Grant (I),
84, 3-0. Reds Break Jinx
Palmer (M), 75, defeated Mueller BrAk Ai .
1) , 81, 3-0. CININNATI, April 30.---(IP')--- The
Tssing M), 79, defeated Beaver Reds broke the longest jinx in the
(I), 81)d2-1. , national league with a 2-0 shutout to-
-_I),___,_2-_. day over the Pittsburgh Pirates.
It was the Rhinelander's first vic-
COLLEGE TENNIS tory over the Bucs since Memorial
At Evanston, Ill., Northwestern 9. Day last year, a record of 20 straight
Wisconsin 0. !efedts. A modern Major League
At Chicago. Chicago 9, Iowa 0. record was tied when four errors
Eat At The Parrot
Chicken Muligatawny or Chilled Tomato Juice

SPersonal Visiting Crdetc.

103 N. Main 316.S. State

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Sizzling Porterhouse Steak
Sizzling Fancy Filet Mignon
Sizzling 1 lb. T-Bone Steak
Sizzling Regular Filet Mignon
65c -
Sizzling Top Sirloin Steak
Roast Young Tom Turkey
Roast Young Duckling
Assorted Chop Grill
Regular T-Bone Steak
Grilled Ham Steak
Broileh Special T-Bone Steak
Broiled Lake Trout
Potato Vegetable
Pie Fruit Jello

Fried Scallops, Tarter Sauce
Roast Prime Ribs of Beef
Special Small T-Bone Steak
Grilled Pork Chops, Apple Sauce
Grilled Lamb Chops, Jelly
Grilled Veal Chops, Jelly
_________ 45c
Cold Corned Beef Plate
Chicken & Mushroom Chow Mein
Cold Bake Virginia Ham
Delicatessen Plate, Jelly
Chopped Round Steak with Sauce
Braised Swiss Steak
Grilled Liver with Bacon
Vegetable Dinner, Fried Egg
Fresh Mushroom Omelette
Salad Beverage
Baked Apple Ice Cream

0 J








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