JUE; Day. FEB. 16, D3- TWO' THE MICHIGAN DAILY _..Trr MIhI ANDL Robson Claims A U.S. British AignmentVital Says Both Countries iace Dangers From Spread Of Fascism, Nationalism (Continued from Page 1) Talk By Rowell To Head, Spring SRA Program (Continued from Page 1) mester. An inter-faith symposium preceded by three introductory lec- tures is also scheduled. Clara Stan- ton, Grad., was appointed to lead a division on race relations, it was an- ncunced. 1 Freshman roundtable discussions Amilar to those held last semester on Sunday mornings, will be held on ~atur days from seven to eight p.m. The Book Review Club meeting every other Tuesday and th, Fireside Sessions held every other Thu. sday will be continued. this country and from the increase in racial sentiments. Talk of a tacit naval understanding between England and the United States may or may not be well-found- ed, Dr. Robson declared, although such an agreement provides the most effective use of naval power of the two countries, he explained that an understanding of this sort implies unity between the two nations which has not been expressed in other inter- national actions.{ Asked whether he thought that England is ready to grant German de- mands fo reolonies, as has been re- ported,.Dr. Robson said that this will, only be true when the British are satisfied that such a move will bring international peace. Every German colony, he pointed out, otherwise, be- comes a potential source of future trouble for Great Britain, as a source of resources and political contact be- tween the countries. He did not be- lieve that England was yet sure of such peaceful intentions on the part of Germany. Dr. Robson not only has done re- search and written on political and economic subjects, but has served in the administration of the Widows' Pensions and Unemployment Insur- ance Acts of his country. He has been joint editor of "Political Quarterly," and has lectured in America before. In 1933 he was visiting professor at the University of Chicago. UNION GIVES FROS SMOKEI More than 25 entering freshmen were entertained by the Union at 4 p.m. Saturday at a smoker in the small ballroom. Dean of Men Joseph A. Bursley addressed the group, and the Varsity Glee Club sang. Motion pictures of campus scenes and per- sonalities were shown. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN TUESDAY, FEB. 15, 1938 VOL. XLVIII. No. 95 To Members of the Faculty Staff, and Student Body: Attention of everyone is called to the Lost and Found department of the Business of- fice, Room 1, University Hall. In- quiry concerning lost articles should be made promptly at the above men- tioned office. Articles found on the campus and in University buildings should be turned over immediately. Those articles not called for within 60 days will be surrendered to the finder. Shirley W. Smith. N.Y.A. Students: Checks for the payroll period ending Jan. 23, 1938 are now ready for disbursment at the Storehouse Building First Mortgage Loans. The Univer- sity has a limited amount of funds to loan on modern well-located Ann Arbor residential property. Interest at current rates. Apply Investment Office, Room 100, South Wing University Hall. All students in the College of L.S&A., and Scho6ls of Education,. Forestry, and Music receiving a grade of I (incomplete) ; X, (absent from examination), or (.) (no report), should make up all work by March 14 or the grade will automatically lapse to an E. Extra-Curricular Activitie attention of all students inte extra-curricular activities ist Books on, the retuired reading list=e for Political Science 52 and English 102 are available to all students with- out charge at the Hillel Foundation Library and may be withdrawn on the same terms as books from the General University Library. The Foundation is .located on the corner of East University and Oakland. The Bureal has received notice of the following Michigan Civil Service Examinations: Social Work Classes, $100 to $250 a month; for all classes. Conservation Classes, $100 to $140 a month; Forest Fire and Conserva- tion officers. Automotive Operation Classes, 55c and 60c per hour; Truck Driver, Highway Equipment Operator, etc. Foods and Standards Inspector, Auto~i a mAon d 10 , ,41 he change in adopted by the procedure Committee For further information call at the office, 201 Mason University Bureau of1 ments and Occup 4iona ination. 4 please dent Affairs with reference to the Hall, method to be followed by the indi- Appoint- I vidual desiring to take part in extra- il Infor- lurricuiar activities and by the chair- man and managers of these activities. At the beginning of each semester s: The and summer session every students rested in shall be conclusively presumed to be called to ineligible for any public activity until recently his eligibility is affirmatively estab- on Stu- lished (a) by obtaining from the ILI MARSH ALL Cu-Rate Drug 231i South State - Phone. 9242 - 8 Doors North of Kfresge's Chairman of the Committee on Stu- °en'- Affairs, in, the Office of the Dean of Students, a written Certificate of Eligibility and (b) by presenting the Certificate of Eligibility to the chair- man, of manager of the student activ- ity in which he wishes to participate. The Chairman or Manager of any student activity shall file with the Chairman of the Committee on Stu- dent Affairs, before permitting the (Continued on Page 4) EVENING RADIO PROGRAMS wwJ F.M. 6:00-Tyson's Sports. 6:15-" Soph5isto-Ka ts." 6:30-Braclcast. 6 :45-Musical Moments. 7:00-Amos IVAn.y. 7:15._"Voices ." 7:45-Sport Review. _fContinued on Page s3 ALARM CLOCKS' Reg. $1t25 Val. SAVE at Marshall's CIGARETTES POPULAR BRAND 5cart. Plus Tax 2 packs for 24c Luckies, (.~ameis, Chesters, -Raleighs, O.G.'s-. CIGARETTES Reg. $1.50 Kools, Phillip Morris, Tareytons, Spuds, Pall Malls $29 cart. 2 for 29c 250 PONDS TISSUES SAVE at Marshall's $110 to $125 Hospital mouth. ica month Physician L T,$180 f. .._ w.:. ,w..d ._ _ __.... . --- I - f ji i:. ifs ti. .. i.MML ! a .. T' DAILY AT -- - 2:00 - 4:00 - 7:00 - 9:00 LAST TIMES TODAY- -Now I The galR whc*: Ninies MYRNA LOY FRANCHOT TONE Rosalintd RUSSELL int - also o- MARCH OF TIME dmuRd Lowe {BARLES UTTERWORTH - CHARLES WINNINGER WAITER CATLE. -LLOYD NOLAN HERMAN SNG CHESTER CONKLIN - and LOUIS ARMSTRONG - - -- - Extra - - - BaT u World Cartoon STosses N'fws Pictorial STARTING WEDNESDAY ------ GLADYS GEORGE "MADAME X" Gillettes PROBAK Jr. Razor Blodes 24 for 24c SAVE at Marshall's Full Pint HAZEL SAVE at Marshall's RUSSIAN MINERAL OIL FULL PINT Latest! Newest! CHOCOLATE - 15c Nestle's CRUNCH Bar c - LIMIT TWO - Deep-Cut TOBACCOS Doz. KOTEX... 20c '/a lb. Briggs . . . 49c 4 Doz KOTEX .. 75 '/21 b. Heine's . . 79c TA '/z 1b. Bond Street 53c TAMPAX . . . . 33c Slb. Revelation 73c 50c WIX . . . . . 39c Y/ lb. Pinkussohn's 79c Doz. MODESS . . 19c EL ECTRIC RAZORS! $1.2 Ste ubem nShavemasters ELECTRIC Nicholls Velvet Shicks - PackardsTOASTER Remingtons Buy on Our Low Pavment Plan $1,00 , ,®1.00 PACQUIN'S DRENE HAND CREAM Regular, and Special for Dry Hair Watch for our Daily Double" Saving on t it - vrv favf SAVE at Marshall's Reg. 15c Unbreakable DRINKING GLASSES 9c SAVE at Marshall's Large Swecthea rt SOAP Limit 3 bars 11 I1 Presents 1.00 KURLASH 59C "INSIDE NAZI GERMANY" I Fpiiiiii= m A v I I 0 i For Second Semester We Have Acquired Great Quantities of a 4 .''''' and they are priced in your favor -I TEXT and REFERENCE BOOKS For All Departments ,L iI I i DRAWING MATERIALS for ENGINEERS and ARCHITECTS E verythirg for the student at p *." *.+' a " . I. I Ue nUm -mm Uom -ea -sm - __