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Edited and managed by students of the University of
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- Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session
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Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1937-38
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Business Department
It is important for society to avoid the
neglect of adults, but positively dangerous
for it to thwart the ambition of youth to
reform the world. Only the schools which
act on this belief are educational institu-
tions in the best meaning of the term.
- Alexander G. Ruthven
The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of the Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
Are You
Satisfied.. .
IF THE SAMPLING of campus opinion
taken in preparation for the Spring
Parley this week end be correct, and all previous
experience with the method used indicates that
the error is small, 41.1 per cent of the students.
at the University are dissatisfied with the edu-
cation they are getting from their courses. The{
challenge to the University system in general and
to the faculty in particular is obvious.
Volunteer workers, under the direction of the
Student Religious Association and the Spring
Parley committee, interviewed 539 students-a
five per cent cross section of the campus - in
obtaining these results. The students were
chosen at random but in proportign to the en-
rollment of both sexes in the various schools
and colleges of the University. The method is
that used by Dr. George Gallup's Institute of
Public Opinion.
Why does this dissatisfaction exist? The
answer to this question we shall not know accur-
ately until a new and detailed sampling of opin-
ion is taken on this problem alone.
But this afternoon at the Union in the vicinity
of five hundred students will gather to discuss
what they have found unsatisfactory in the
University set-up. And if the attendance is
similar to that at last year's Spring Parley
these five hundred will be among the most in-
tellectually alive on the campus.
Is it a reading period the forty per cent de-
sire? Do they want to "liquidate" the lecture
system, compulsory class attendance, examina-
tions? Do they want a common two years for all
students, saving specialization for the junior
year? Do they feel that the classics are being
neglected, that learning is restricted too much
to text books, or that the sciences are being
taught for specialists and that the relation to
other studies is not made clear?
Here then, at the Parley, is an opportunity for
facuty mien to learn what the students really
think of the instruction they have been handing
Today at the Parley there will be an oppor-
tunity for the students in some degree to mould
the type of education they get.
Almost eighty per cent of the student body
believe there is a need for more opportunities
for friendly relations with the faculty, if the
poll be accurate. The Parley will provide a
fine opportunity for informal faculty-student
S. R. Kleiman.
both to prosper within its walls, it injects into
higher learning an imperative enzyme. The
masses and the leaders may both be educated and
without detriment to either. By instituting dif-
ferent speeds in our educational bandwagon the
gifted can slip into high gear and virtually edu-
cate themselves. And the rest of us at least will
be exposed to whatever we can soak up from
regular class work.
From this system, we contend, there will de-
velop leaders. From this system will come men
of men, leaders with active, well-ordered and so-
cially invaluable intellects. As the physicist
studies his subject with the singular purpose of
application, so will the political sciefitist appraise
and consider each thought in his researches with
a constant eye to its possible use to the state.
Liberty and equality, it is true, must be the
alpha and omega of our order but leadership
suffers no humiliation in the name of these
terms. By equality, we understand, equality of
opportunity not equality of function! Leaders
must necessarily arise and it is the university,
we submit, that shall take these leaders-leaders
of thought, not finance-these men peculiarly
fitted to avail themselves of intellectual oppor-
tunity and present them to society as the most
perfectly fitted to guide our destiny.
Modern students oft-times arrive at no goals
because their quest is purposeless. Study hours,
oft-times have been wholly wasted except for
their display value. But waste alone does not
render the commentary so sad; there is more.
An intellect, which has read, thought and
watched, traces even now the faintest cracks in
our mansion, the faintest-underground rumbling,.
the faintest ripples of discontent. Indistinct,
yes, but all come in crescendo. The cracks grow
to gaping faults, the rumblings to social earth-
quakes and the ripples to a cascade of blood.
Italy lost a mere 10,000 healthy lives when its
present glorified Boy Scout Movement fought
to the controls, but Russia fared less happily and
sacrificed Millions on the altars of violence, mil-
lions who might have lived had they learned,
but, unfortunately, would not have learned had
they lived.
Leftists delineate society as a device for in-
suring class dictatorship, as an exploitive weapon
wielded by the capitalists to temper the returns
of the proletariat. With hegemony of resources,
they argue, class war, violence and bloodshed are
inevitable. But the word "inevitable" is espe-
cially distasteful in this connection. To say an
event is inevitable is to tarnish it with fatalism
and edge out intelligence. Nothing is inevitable,
we contend, where intelligence and education are
operative. But anything can be inevitable other-
For these, you will remember, are the happy
days of low wages and high, dividends, of world
peace and staggering armaments, of unemployed
men and working children, of nationalism and
Kellogg Pacts; of restricted crops and bread-
lines, of industrial slavery ant the "pursuit of
life, liberty and happiness," of marginal land
retirement and Hoover dam ventures, of public
utility pyramids and Tennessee Valley "yard-
sticks," of gang wars and higher education.
We must clean out these paradoxes. We will
clean out these paradoxes by progressive edu-
cation, not by violence. Violence, we think,{
will go out the back door when our leaders ac-
quire a perspective and our masses become edu-
cated above crack-pot hysteria. Plaudits for an
educational plan that moves in this direction.
May it prosper in the intellectual soil of Ann
Robert I. Fitzhenry.
Pampering The Arts
A refreshing plea for a return to rugged indi-
vidualism in the arts is made by Booth Tar-
kington, in a letter to Representative John M.
Coffee of Washington, sponsor of a bill before
the House of Representatives "to provide for a
permanent Bureau of the Fine Arts."
The bill, concerning itself with the theater, the
dance, music, literature and architecture, as well
as the graphic and plastic arts, such as painting
,and sculpture, seeks to take over bodily the pre-
ent Works Progress Administration, as it con-
cerns itself with the arts, and perpetuate it. The
WPA spent $34,000,000 on the arts last year, and
has little to show for it in the graphic arts ex-
cept square miles of uninspired canvases and
acres of walls that would look better without
their "mural" adornments.
Mr. Tarkington tells Mr. Coffee that the
making permanent of the temporary art projects
"would increase human suffering and decrease
desirable human productivity."
He cites his own boyish ambitions to be a
painter, and says, had the projects been in exist-
ence, he might have been supported through
the years by the taxpayers pursuing his futility.
"In all fields of art," he observes, "the aspirant
who wishes to become a practitioner mistakes, 99
times out of 100, his wish for a talent."
Suffering fellows-the suffering of the young
man who mistakes his calling, and the suffering
of the public who would have to look at a
Tarkington mural and pay for it.
"You cannot put art under political govern-
ment without putting it into politics," he tells
Mr. Coffee. "Somebody's cousin gets to do the
murals in the courthouse."
-Chicago Daily News
Young Lardner
James P. Lardner, son of the late Ring W.
Lardner, has quit his job as a war corre-
spondent in Barcelona to join an artillery unit
in the Spanish Republican Army's Interna-
tional Brigade. This brigade is composed of
Americans, Englishmen, Italians, Germans and
men of various other nationalities who have
gone to Spain of their own volition to fight for a
cause they believe to be just.
It is nothing new for wars to attract adven-
turous spirits or professional soldiers who enter
wars as a means of -livelihood.
There are of course. adventurers and soldiers
Jfeeiny loe
1-eywood Broun
It is a sound American tradition which holds
that no Chief Executive of the nation should have
a third consecutive term. And so it might be
good strategy for Franklin Delano Roosevelt to
announce that after his re-
election in 1940 he will serve
no more.
To me it is unthinkable
that he should not be a can-
didate to succeed himself
two years hence. There is
no one else who can main-
tain the gains which .pro-
gressive government has
made in the last few years.
I thoroughly agree with many of the criticisms
which have been directed against Mr. Roosevelt.
It seems to me that he has proceeded with
an excess of caution and that on all too many
occasions he has held out an olive branch instead
of a hickory stick. He has played with forces
which have welcomed periods of truce only as
opportunities to undermine and undercut all
his liberal policies.
And at times the technique of the man in
the White House has been singularly inept judged
by any political yardstick whatsoever. I refer to
those occasions upon which Mr. Roosevelt has
succeeded in alienating his supporters and mad-
dening his foes with one and the same gesture.
Try And Name Him
But all this should be skipped by those who
are interested in the forward march of liberal
policies in America. This can be proved by a
simple laboratory test. Let any progressive take.
a pencil and a piece of paper and set down the
names of those who are available to carry on New
Deal policies.
Nor can the worth and ability of the potential
candidate be the sole consideration. The man to
be named upon your trial balance sheet must also
have some chance of nomiation and election.
A smallugroup tried it the other night, and
we ended up with Lehman, Minton, Swellenbach
and Harry Hopkins. Most of the support among
the members of this particular small cross-sec-
tion went to Hopkins, butithere was no one who -
seriously thought he could get by the Demo-
cratic delegates, let alone the voters, in 1940.-
La Guardia is a progressive but his only chance
of a major party nomination lies with the Re-,
publicans,, and that party most certainly is not
going to choose a liberal as its standard bearer.
At the moment the G.O.P. leaders feel that they
are sitting pretty, and that they can win with
anybody. I wouldn't be at all surprised to see
them pick Bruce Bartpn
Bob Aid Phil Rock The Boat
The La Follettes-Phil and Bob-are liberals
and behaving very much like old-time liberals at
the moment. There is a fatal tendency among
men of that persuasion to step out apd strut;
their stuff at the very moment when it will do
the adversaries the most good.
Now that the Governor and the Senator have
indicated a breach with Roosevelt their Re-
publican associates are beginning to kid them
along and say that Bob and Phil are not such
bad skates after all. If either La Follette run
in 1940, he will have to do so on a third ticket,
and it will be an adventure calculated to make
the election safe for a Republican reactionary.
Friends of the President seem to be of the opin-
ion that he wants to get out at the end of his
term. That's irrelevant. Mr. Roosevelt's wishes
in the matter are not important. Progressives
must draft him, and they must get behind him
now. He is no longer an individual. He has be-
come a symbol, and once that symbol has been
pushed. aside the voter will find himself in:
the hopeless spot of having to decide between
Vandenberg or Byrd or make some other selection
equally fruitless.
Hlaire Coci
A recital of rare distinction was presented in
Hill Auditorium Thursday evening by Claire Coci,
organist. Although Miss Coci has been a student
of Prof. Palmer Christian during the past year
or so, her ability is of such a degree that the
recital was far above the class of the ordinary,
student recital and showed her to be a mature
artist of the first rank.
Not the least admirable feature of Miss Coci's
performance was her program, well-proportioned
and giving full expression to her tremendous
technique. Representing varying aspects of Bach
were the D Minor Toccata and Fugue, the Choral
Prelude "0 Mensch bewein dein suende gross"
and the fughetta from that on "Dies sind die
heiligen zehn Gebot" while the modern French
school presented the B Minor Chorale of Cesar
Franck, a Vierne Scherzetto, a Fugue by Arthur
Honegger, and the Toccata from Widor's Fifth
Organ Symphony. After the intermission the
program was given over to Liszt's Fantasy and
Fugue on the chorale "Ad nos, ad salutarem
undam" from Meyerbeer's Le Prophete, a work
of gigantic proportions and seldom played
because of its vast demands upon the performer,
yet with many passages that can be classed
among Liszt's finest creative work.
Manifestly, it was a program with emphasis
upon the brilliant, from the dramatic D Minor
of Bach to the "moto perpetuo" Toccata of Widor
Sand the grandiose Tiszt. nnd Miss Coci's nerform-
Goethe said he made it a rule to
read a Moliere play each year, just
as he contemplated regularly some
painting of the great Italian masters.
Moliere is possessed of a perennial
freshness which became apparent
again last night while L'Avare was
being presented at the Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre. This is the thirty-
second French language play given
by the Cercle Francais of the Univer-
sity, and the ninth time that a piece
from Moliere's pen has been selected.
The story of the father whose mis-
erliness gradually makes of him the
laughingstock of the community, and
finally alienates the affections of even
the members of his family, has a
wide range of emotional appeal.
There are generous elements of farce
-ageless farce perhaps but none the'
less elose kin to the slap-stick of
movie comedies. To those who knew
L'Avare only on the printed page,
some of the stage business may have
come as a surprise, certain comic ges-
tures and attitudes, hardly indicated
in the text, but which have been
handed down orally from one genera-
tion of actors to the next, and which
last night's company reproduced re-
markably well. At the other extreme
of the emotional scale is the scene
where the miser, Harpagon, is stunned
by the loss of his treasure; its tragic
overtones were emphasized by Pro-
fessor Charles Koella of the French
faculty who played the role.
Minimum stagesets were effective-
ly used; the scant light of two candle
stubs was made to suggest the pre-
vailing pinch-penny atmosphere. A
certain slowness in the general move-
ment of the piece might be regretted,
though it is perhaps to be explained
by the unusual care the actors had
to take to make themselves under-
The other important roles were
taken by members of the student
body, except that of Valere, suitor for
the hand of Harpagon's daughter,
which was rendered by Mr. James
O'Neill of the French faculty, who
was called in at the last moment to
replace John Stiles, '38, prevented
by illness from playing the part. Ruth
Koch, '39, and Jayne Roberts, '38,
were charming in their respective
portrayal of Elise, HaIpagon's daugh-
ter, and Mariane, his sometime fi-
ancee. Mary Allinson, '39, deserves
special commendation for the gusto
with which she represented Frosine,
an intrigante. The role of Cleante,
son of Harpagon, was fluently han-
dled by Robert Power, Grad. The
supporting cast included Marian Idd-
ings, '40, as Dame Claude, 'Henry
Schwartz, Grad. as Maitre Jacques,
Robert Vandenberg, '40, as La Fleche,
Hudson Tourtellot '38, as Anselmie,
Walter Hahn, '38Ed as Le Commis-
saire, Charles Wesley, '38, as Maitre
Simon, Richard Harmel, '41, as Bril-
davoine, and Malcolm Long, '40, as
La Merluche.
The play was directed by Profes-
sor Rene Talamon.
Senate Notes
Tuesday's meeting of the Student
Senate out-stripped even the April
19th gathering in the speed with
which the, evening's business was
dispatched. For the first time since
the formation of the Senate there
was not' a single roll call save that
opening the meeting and contentious
debate was noticeable only by its
absence. The Tuesday meeting was
confined entirely to local matters and
the long arguments which character-
ized the evenings during which such
matters as American foreign policy
and Ralph Neafus -wee discussed
were replaced by' a spirit of sweet co-
* * *
The Senate spent its short hour of
meeting time in setting up three new
committees and listening to reports
from its four old ones. In this mat-
ter of comittees the Senate seems to
have reached already a sort of gen-
eral agreement in that the individual
Senator moving for the establishment
of an investigating committee is near-
ly always made the chairman of it if
his motion carries. Of the seven
Senate committees now functioning,
five are three-membered, two (Hous-
ing and Student Politics) five-mem-
bered, and one (the new Continua-
tions committee set up Tuesday)
seven-membered. In all cases the
method of selection is simple. The
Speaker requests the President (the
leader of the Majority) for the names
of two members, and the Vice-Presi-
dent (the leader of the Minority) for
the name of one, if the committee is
to total three. The Speaker then
formally appoints these three and
they start to work. If the committee
is of five, then the proportions are
three and two, respectively. The one
seven-membered committee includes
only five Senators, divided on the
three-two ratio, the other two mem-
bers being the Speaker and the Clerk.
There has fortunately been little
petty partisanship in this matter of
committees, and the terms "Majority"
and "Minority" are loosely construed.
The policy of naming the mover of
a successful motion to set up an in-
vestigating committee as the Chair-
(Continued from Page 2)
30 to go canoeing on the Huron. All
students who like to canoe are invited
to join us.
1938 Ann Arbor Dramatic Season.
Season tickets now on sale. Garden
room, Michigan League Building op-
en every day from 10 a.m. to 6 p in.
Bicycling party this afternoon spoli-
sored by the Westminster Guild of the
First Presbyterian Church. Meet at
the church's student center at 2 p.m.;
tickets, 65 cents including bicycle all
afternoon and lunch. All students
Coming Events
Junior Research Club May meeting
will be held Tuesday, May 3, at 7:30
p.m. in Room 2083 Natural Science
Program: "The Oxidation of Steel
at Elevated Temperatures," by Pro-
fessort C. A. Siebert. and "The
University of Michigan Explorations
in the Mayan and Adjacent Areas"
by Dr. N. E. Hartweg.
English Journal Club,'Friday, May
6, at 4:15 p.m. in the League. Mr.
Robert Warshaw will speak on "Some
Approaches to Shakespeare" at the
The faculty, members and guests
are cordially invited to attend and
to participate in the discussion fol-
lowing the paper.
Junior Mathematics Club. Will meet
Monday, May 2, at 4:15 p.m., in
Room 3201 Angell Hall. There will
be a demonstration of harmonic an-
alyzers, integraph, and planimeters.
Biological Chemistry Seminar, Mon-
day, May 2, 3:30 p.m., Room 313
West Medical Building.
"The Chemistry. and Mode of Ac-
tion of the Proteolytic Enzymes" will
be discussed. All interested are in-
The Christian Student Prayer Group
will hold its regular meeting in the
Michigan League at 5 p.m. Sunday.
The room will be announced on the
Bulletin Board there. Christian stu-
dents are urged to attend.
International Council Supper:
Professor Preston W. Slosson wili
be the guest speaker at the regular
Sunday night meeting of- the Inter-
national Council group. A 25 cent
buffet supper will be served at 6
o'clock. All foreign students and
their American friends are invited to
Clifford E. Paine, '11E, will deliver
a lecture at 4 p.m. on Wednesday,
May' 4, Room 311 West Engineering
Building on the Golden Gate Bridge.1
The Golden Gate Bridge was opened
to traffic on May 27, 1937 and with
its span of 4,200 feet is the longest
span bridge in the world. Mr. Paine
is a member of the firm of Strauss
and Paine who were consulting en-
gineers for the bridge and was ac-
tively in charge of the design and
direction of this structure. The talk
will be illustrated.
Mr. Frank McCulloch of Chicago is
to speak at a public meeting in the
First Congregational Church Sun-
day evening at 7:30.
/ Mr. McCulloch is a distinguished
attorney, and now is devoting his en-
tire time in the service of the Con-
gregational National Council for So-
cial Action. He has been traveling
over the country visiting the various
industrial centers studying ,abor
con1ons and has a vivid and time-
ly message.
"The Church's Relationship to
Labor" will be the subject of his
talk. The meeting is open to the
Gallery Talk in connection with
the exhibition of photographs of
"India, her Architecture and Sculp-
ture" by Miss Frances Flaherty. Ex-
hibition Room, School of Architec-
ture, Wednesday, May 4, at 4 o'clock.
Kappa Phi is holding a special
pledging service, Sunday, May 1, at
9:30 a.m. in the Methodist church
office. All members are urged to
The Graduate Outing Club will meet
at Lane Hall on Sunday at 2:45 for
a trip to the Saline Valley Farms.
There will be hiking and supper. All
graduate students are welcome.
Ann Arbor Friends (Quakers) will
hold their regular meeting for wor-
ship Sunday at 5 p.m. at the Michi-
brook, a Labor comittee headed by
Sen. Robert M. Perlman, and a Con-
tinuations committee, the purpose of
which is to see that the proper steps
are taken to reestablish the Senate
next year, under the chairmanship
of Sen. Martin Dworkis.
rphpa of. h * * . woni. *n
gan League. All who are interested
are welcome.
Disciples' Guild (Church of Christ)
10:45 an.m, Morning worship. Rev,
Fred Cowin, Minister. 5:30 pm, Sn-
cial hour and tea. 6:30 p.m., Doiscus-.
sion (. n 'You and the Next War."
After the presentation of points of
view r'lating to the subject the
Cuild wll be divided into small
groups for discussion.
First Baptist Church, 10:45 a.m.
"Healthy Mindedness" will be the
subject of the sermon by Rev. R. Ed-
ward Sayles, at the morning worship,
Church School meets at 9:30. The
Junior High Group meets in the
curch at 4:30, and the Senior High
at 6:00.
Roger Williams Guild. Noon class
omitted for balance of year. 6:15
p.m. Four student speakers will dis-
cuss Christian ideals as faced by
campus atmosphere. The speakers
will be Marvin Michael, Roberth
Grifith, Miss Frances Burgess and
Miss Ruth Enss. Friendly hour with
First Church of Christ, Scientist.
409 S. Division St.
Sunday morning service at 10:30.
Subject, "Everlasting Punishment."
Golden Text, Ezekiel 18:23.
Sunday School 11:45 after the
morning servic'e
First Congregational Church, Ann
Arbor, Mich.
Corner of State and William.
10:45 a.m., Service of Worship.
Dr Leonard A. Parr will preach on
"Shortsighted People." The music
of the morning will irclude the organ
number "Meditation" by Faulker; the
soprano solo sung by Miss Lois Greig
of "The Lord's Prayer" by Melotte;
and the anthem "Cast Thy Burden
Upon the Lord" by Mendelssohn.
6:00 p.m. The Student Fellowship
will meet for a six o'clock supper. At
7:30 in the church auditorium. 'Mr.
Frank McCulloch, a distinguished
Chicago attorney, will speak in a
public meeting on "The Church's Re-
lationship to Labor."
First Methodist Church. Morning
worship at 10:40 o'clock. Dr. Bra-
shares will preach on "Divine Dis-
cLa ker Hall. 9:45 am. Class under
the leadership of Prof; Carrothers. 6
P.m. Wesleyan Guild meeting. There
will be the following discussion groups
Lind ir student leaders~p: The Fam-
ilk, Adventures in eronal Religion,
Tina Church and Modern Society,
Recration, Vocations aid Profes-
sions, Men-and Women ,elationships.
7 p.m. Fellowship Hour and sup-
First Presbyterian Church, 1432
Washtenaw Avenue.
10:45 a.m., "The World on May
Morning" is the subject of Dr. W. P.
Lemon's sermon at the Morning Wor-
s iip Service. ThiQ student choir d-
rected by Miss Claire Coci and the
ch dildren's choir under the leadership
o° Mrs. Fred Mo'ns will take part in
the service. The musical numbers
will include: Organ Prelude, "O
Mensch, bewein dein' Sunde gross"
by Bach; Anthem, "Incense and a
Pure Offering" by Cameron Brock;
solo, "Come Ye Blessed" by Scott,
Burnette Bradley Staebler; Organ
PcsIude, "Toc.cata and Fuge in D
Minor' by Bach.
. :30 p.m., The Westminster, x stu-
dent group, supper and fellowship
hour. Dr. W. P. Lemon will speak
on the subject "Introducing John
Doe fo Christianity" at the meeting
at 6:30.
Saint Andrew's Episcopal Church.
Services of worship today are: 8:00
a.m. Holy Communion, 9:30 a.m..
Chure-h School, 11:90 a.m. Kinder-
garten, 11:00 a.m Holy Communion
and Sermon by The Rev. Frederick
W. Leech.
Harris Halt The regular meeting
of the Episcopal Student Fellowship
will be held tonight at Harris .Hal at
seven o'clock. Mr. A. K. Stevens of
the University English Department
will speak on the "History and De-
velopment Qf the Cooperative Move-
ment." Refresinmnts will be. served.
All Episcopal students and their
friends are cordially invited.
Trinity Lutheran Church, corner
5th Avenue and Wiliams Street. Rev.
H. 0. Y oder, pastor, "Building an
Altar Unto the'Lord" will be the ser-
mon. Services at 10:30 a.m.
Lutheran Student Club iM meet
sunday at 5:30 in Zion Parisi Hall.
Speaker is Dr. Carrouthers of the
Educa.,ion School. Every member is
urged to be present due to the fact
that e-ections for next year's officers
will be held.
Unitarian Church, State and Huron
11 a.m. There will be he's; the first
We're On
The Frontier ..
doubted position on the forefront of
American higher learning last week with the
announcement of the proposed experimental tu-
torial system. Eyes the country-wide will turn
to Michigan as our alma mater becomes the first
state-supported institution to break down class-
room barriers, release its high-powered students
from the trammels of a routine curriculum and
give. up the silver spoon method of feeding for
the more stalwart "come and get it" tactics.