Jr Lit igau VOL. XLVI. No. 150 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, APRIL 30, 1938 PRICE FIVE CENTS Parties Called ToWashington In Ann Arbor Press WaOut Management,. Customers And Labor Subpoenaed By NLRB For Hearing University, Gargoyle Among Summoned Subpoenas to appear next Monday in Washington, D.C., for the opening of the Ann Arbor Press hearing be- fore the National Labor Relations Board flooded Ann Arbor yesterday, summoning to the capital striking members of the International Union; A. J. Wiltse, manager of the printing plant; and customers of the Press, in- cluding the University and several of its publications. The University business office, through Vice-President Shirley Smith, and the Gargoyle business manager, Sam Krugliak, were among those re- quired to bring mailing lists and rec- ords to help the NLRB Trial Examiner decide whether or not the 4nn Arbor Press engages in interstate business and is therefore subject to the Boards's jurisdiction. The Michigan Alumnus, The Jour- nal of Health and Physical Educa- tion, The Michigan Law. Review and The Quarterly Journal of Speech also received subpoenas to present their books at the I earing. C. J. Ekstrom, president of the In- dependent Association of Ann Arbor Press Employees, Inc., which the ITU charges is a company-dominated union, was subpoenaed as was Harry A. Reif in, special representative of the ITU, who will act as counsel for the international printer's union at the hearing. Sixteen ITU members haVe received subpoenas. The Government pays for the round-trip from Ann Arbor to Wash- ington for .the persons subpoenaed and also pays -them $3 per day. A special railroad car carrying witnesses. to the capital wilk. leave Detroit at 5:15 p.m. Sunday. Transportation and the $3 per day per person will cost the Government more than $1,000 for the first week of the hearing. Michigan Nine e-a i Drops 3-2 Tilt .Ar In 15 Inmings I7PlrOt) H-lonim1le. ln Gives Purdu'e Narrow!Vj cory; Teams T : Play Today By BUD BENJAMIN A 15 inning dogfight, which includ- ed everything from brilliant pitching to a jumbled batting order, proved fruitless to Michigan's improved base- ball team yesterday as Purdue dumped the Wolverines 3 to 2 in a hotly con- 'tested extra inning battle. Climaxed by a heated dispute in the final inning, when Purdue inadver- tently mixed up its batting order, the game found Michigan getting good pitching, 14 hits, and still failing in the game's numerous clutches. Fifteenth Is Wild The 15th was a wild and confused affair. "Johnny Vernow, Purdue's left fielder, led off and sailed into one of Ed Andronik's fast balls, slapping a long home run into left. Jim Thomp- son and Joe Waling singled; and then came the cause celebre. Vernon had batted out of turn. Art Bredewater should-have led off, and thus the Boilermakers had skip- ped a man in their batting order. The decision didn't help the Wol- verine cause. The rule book states that only if the mistake is discovered before a ball is pitched to the next batter is the hit discounted. The Wolverines had unfortunately, found out three hitters late. Is Fourth Big Ten Loss Purdue's Coach Dutch Fehring, ob- viously distressed at the regretful turn of events, offered to have his side retired, but the umpires clung to the rules, and it was finally decided that (1) Bredewater, who had missed his turn at bat, was out; (2) Vernon's home run and Thompson's single would fount; and (3) Waling, batting out of turn when the faux pas was discovered, would also be declared out. The Wolverines failed to score in Daily Survey Of 42 Colleges Shows University Hours Lenient Spring Parley To Discuss i 'Hours' Controversy In' One Division Today a By SUZANNE POTTER The majority of the 42 colleges. contacted in a recent nation-wideU survey, conducted by the Daily, havev earlier "hours" for the women onjf campus than does the University off Michigan. This fact, gleaned from replies from universities and colleges scat-r tered throughout the country has aa definite connection with the Springr Parley, for the leisure time divisiont of the Parley will discuss the "hours" problem in the session today. l The two colleges ithat are at oppo- site extremes are the University oft California, which allows women tom stay out until 2:30 a.m. on week-ends, and the University of Delaware, where they must be in by 10:30 p.m. Saturdays.t Urban colleges with relatively few of the students actually living on the 'campus were noticeably more len- ient in their regulations than were those schools situated in rural dis- tricts. Schools with an enrollment of fO,000 or over also tended to be more lax, with the small colleges imposing rigid hours and strit disciplinary measures. Most of the universities differen- tiated between freshmen and upper- classmen, and between those stu- dents well up in their schoolwork and those placed upon probation or re-1 ceiving failing grades. Almost unani- mous relaxation of the rules wasc given to cover the occasions when students were attending an educa- Big Raids H.S. Capt ures State Debate Crown Defeats Flint Central Tam By Defending Bi-cameral State Legi sltive Form Maintaining that the bicameral sys- tem provides for a more representa- tive expression of popular will, a nega- tive Big Rapids High School team was unanimously named winner over Flint Central in the finals of the 21st annual Michigan High School Foren- sic Association Contest last night in Hill Auditorium before a crowd of 5,000. The subject debated was: "Re- solved, That the Several States Should Adopt a Unicameral System of Legis- lature." The debate centered about two is- sues: adequate consideration of legis- lation and true representation of pop- ular will. The Big Rapids team repre- sented by John Mangrum, Plyna Gil- christ and Dan Siler held that a uni- cameral system would not provide for a presentation of local and state-wide interests and that all attempts at uni- cameral legislative systems had failed. They also pointed out that unica- meralism would hardly be adaptable to the diverse interests of the several states and that the criticisms leveled at the bicameral system were of a procedural nature and inherent in any legislative set-up. The affirmative team from Flint Central High School, composed of Douglas Woody, Helen Stevenson and William Siegel, argued that the very existence of a second house prevent- ed adequate discussion and delibera- tion of proposed measures. Mr. Woody, the first speaker for Flint Central, based his team's con- tention on: inevitable jealousy be- tween the two houses, an inherent (Continued on Page 6 tional program or a university-spon- sored lecture, concert or play. TheUniversity of Maryland, with an enrollment of 2701, rules that freshmen and sophomores must be in the dormitories by 7:30 p.m. on week nights, as must juniors or seniors who have a record of conditions or fail- ures. However, 1:30 permission on week-end nights is allowed for three formal dances, 2:30 permission for, four all-campus dances, and for the Junior Prom the hour is 4 am. George Washington University in Washington, D.C., with an enroll- ment of 7,000, states that "since they are mature college women we have no restriction as to hours and no discrimination against freshmen." However the school is located in a large city and has only 110 of the women living in dormitories and ac- tually under the control of the university. University of Wyoming students, of (Continued on Page 5)E Regents Make 24 Promotions; Change 8 Titles Six New Members Added To University Staff At Monthly Meeting Promotions of 24 faculty members, the appointment of six new persons t the faculty 'and the change in title of eight members of the Universityf staff. were the principal items ap- proved by the Board of Regents at its monthly meeting yesterday. The Regents also received gifts1 valued at more than $15,000, and ap-' Pointed several members to various1 University boards. Promotions made by the board fol- low: Arthur W. Bromage to professor ofa political science, Robert B. Hall to professor of geography, Harlow .1 Whittemore to professor of landscape design, chairman of the department: and director of the ~ichols .Arbor6""- tum,,INornan t. Willey to professor of German.t w. m. Abbott rrouoted, Waldo M. Abbot to professor of speech, Ruel V. Chruchill to associate' professor of mathematics, Joseph . Halford to associate professor of or- garic chemistry, Arno L. Bader to as- sistant professor of English. Henry H. Bloomer to assistant professor of' speech. Horace R. Crane to assistant pro- fessor of geography, Henry M. Ken- dall to assistant professor of geog- raphy, Sumner B. Myers to assistant professor of mathematics, George M. Stanley to :assistant professor of geology. William W. Gilbert to assistant pro- fessor of metal processing, Eugene J. Ash to associate professor of metal processing, William G. Dow to as- sociate professor of metal processing, Donald W. MCready to associate professor of chemical engineering, Lars Thomassen to associate profes- sor of chemical engineering. Go IntoEffet In Fall Lloyd F. Catrun to assistant pro- fessor of pathology, Herman M. Pol- lard to assistant professor of inter- nal medicine, Herbert F. Taggart to professor of accounting, Alexander M. Valerio to associate professor of drawing and painting, and Earl . Kfleinschmidt to assistan professor of hygiene and public healthmThese promotions will go into effect next fall. Changes in academic titles are as follows: Erich Walterwas named as- sistant dean of the literary college. Arthur Van Duren, Jr., was selected as chairman of academic counselors .(Contin udon Page 2) Politician Seen] ! Peacemaker In Class War lhicago Professor Blasts I Education Clique Before Schoolmasters Meeting As 'Regimentator' The politician by forcing highly specialized groups to compromise, I saves our society from a dictatorship 0 which would permit one group to f dominate the rest, Prof. T. V. Smith t Af the University of Chicago told the 5 Schoolmas.ters of the State at a banquet last night in the Union. t When politicians determine a mid- :le path between two opposing inter- 1 st groups, Professor Smith, who is - a member of the Senate of the Il- . inois Legislature declared, each side s feels that it has been "cheated," and C feels that the decision is morally 1 wrong. "Thank God for politicians!" he t ried, "for the politicians are the only C roup willing to compromise their i principles in order to save society." t They aren't too good, the radio oundtable speaker declared, to com- I Promise the principles of other men N and then bear the blame, the ill re- 1 ward.e Education and politics must be c bridged, Professor Smith warned, by an honest civil service if education is p to play any part at all in govern- I nent. The administration posts, he advocated, should be filled by edu- cated men. Professor Smith said he feared that lomination of politics by an "educa- tion clique" would take away our "humbly democratic" tradition. "Let the people elect to office men they like," he 'said, "and we'll get far'. ther quicker " Prof. Robert B. Hall of the geog- aphy department told the general assembly of schoolmasters yesterday that a strong, independent China must arise if its complete partition among stronger powers is to be avoid- ed. Chiha must accomplish this feat. Professor Hall asserted, without help from outside powers because "the price demanded for their assistance, would be greater than the benefits of victory." Numerous conferences were held yesterday, each conference being de- voted to a discussion of one field of education. In the English conference, Prof. Bennett Weaver of the English de- (Continued on Page 3) Honors Speech Stresses Need For Research: GilUreth Addresses 5,000 Students in Convocation To Honor Best Scholars More than 5,000 people gathered in Hill. Auditorium for the 15th an- nual Honors Convocation yesterday to hear Dr. Lillian M. Gilbreth, con- sulting engineer and educator, discuss research and urge its importance as a field of activity for the 800 honor students present. "Each of you who gather here to- day for the Honors Convocation, which is your recognition, have dem- onstrated that you can do a job and do it well," Dr. Gilbreth said. "You cannot be the smallest part of a great University like this, for the shortest length of time, if you are at all impressionable, in the best sense of that word, without sensing, if you do not realize, that there is work to be done iri the world, and that it is the job of each of us to help where we can." Dr. Gilbreth told the students they "live here in a flexible framework of thinking, that adjusts itself to changes that mean progress, but is firm enough to give support. You are exposed to a philosophy of life that presents many and varied schools of thought, but accepts find- ings that indicate that life is worth living, interesting and worth carry- ing on and passing on. To be where you are today, you must have learned to live in this framework effectively and happily." Turning to the history of research, Dr. Gilbreth stated that "it has as- sembled facts that, without it, would have been lost or disregarded, and it Antioch Only American College Combining Theory With Practice k f i Phi Beta Kapa Phi Kappa P Honor Societies Elect Members Sixty-seven students were elected to Phi Beta Kappa, national scholas- tic honor society, it was announced at the Honors Convocation yesterday. Six of those elected are juniors. They are Bernice Cohen, Charles L. Dolph. David G. Hertzberg, Benjamin Leopold, Robert D. Mitchell and Rob- ert V. Rosa. The repaining sixty-one, seniors and graduate students, follow: Rob- ert Caskell, Frank X. Braun, Stefans S. Fajahs, Alfred H. Lovell, Jr., John Phelps, Nicolo Pino, William W. Sle- nf - nna _T ,prhrnn-n Wilim George S. Quick, Ruth Bertha Lav- ender, Mary Helen Bowman. Harold C. Rudolph, Jr., Gustav F. Baer, William J. DeLancey, Pauline E. Putnam, Ronald Freedman, Bar- bara Jean Sherburne, Irving M. Cop- ilowish, Edward S. Biggar, Robert B. Sanford, Harold V. King, Bernard B. Siegel, Horace Chaitin, Martin Green- berg, Alfred L. Schindler, Robert A. Nabatoff, Arthur J. Rapport, Kathryn Barrett. Edwin S. Kessler, Elinor Bale, Robert B. Dunn, Charles W. Clapp, Sidney J. Goffard, Harry Shni- dp.. S ,inju Rfir, Watr A.