The Weather Fair today, preceded by snow in southeast; partly cloudy to- morrow; temperature the same. L Lie "i~Y~ att Editorials We Hope We're Improving ... A Lending Library With No Lendees . VOL. XLVIII. No. 100 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, FEB. 20, 1938 PRICE FIVE CENTS Labor Statute May Imperil Print Contract Of University Ann Arbor Press Brings Suit Against State Law Standardizing Work Cornpany Eminploye Held After Violencee The University of Michigan was yesterday drawn indirectly into the labor difficulties besetting the Ann Arbor Press when it was revealed that the printing company had filed suit challenging the constitutionality of a state law setting up labor standards for shops doing printing for state in- stitutions. If the law, passed last year and known as the Union Label Bill, is up- held., the Ann Arbor Press must sat- isfy the following conditions if it is to continue doing printing for the University: Must Pay Prevailing Wage (1) mile with the secretary of state a sworn statement that its em- ployes are receiving the prevailing wage rate and are working under con- ditions prevalent in the locality in which the work is produced, or (2.) To put in effect a collective bargaining agreement with a union "in no way influenced or contiolled by the management" and by gaining the right to use the union label, which would guarantee a wage prevalent in the community. Iicluded in state printing affected by the court's decision are the Gar- goyle, the Michiganensian and the Michigan Technic. The outcome of the company's suit. may also affect the result of the strike now' being waged against the coi- pany by the Intrnational Typograph-. ical Union. Non-Striker Arrested Th: first day o picketing ended with the arrest of Chris Anderson, 1528 Golden St., a non-striking em- ploye of the printing company, on a warrant charging assault and battery. He was charged with beginning a fight with an ITU picket. Nicholas Chamblin, another picket who at- tempted to stop the fight, suffered an ankle fracture when he was allegedly kicked to the street. Anderson was released on bond last night and ordered to appear before Justice Jay H. Payne at 9 a.m. Mon-. day. Emil Kuchar, president of the ITU local, and Harold Hoffmneyer, secre- tary, met in conference with Arthur J. Wiltse and Horace G. Pettyman, owners of the company. late yester- (Continued on Page 2) Speeial Session MayBe Called Murphy Alarmed By Crisis hI State Unemploymient MT. CLEMENS, Feb. 19.-- W)- Governor Murphy announced today he would call a special session of the Legislature unless the relief crisis was relieved within the next three weeks. The Governor said that whether there will be a session depends on the extent to which the WPA can transfer unemployed men from direct relief to WPA rolls, which to a large measure rests on the speed with which local communities can plan WPA projects, and the amount of re- employment by automobile manufac- turers. Heindicated that the Legislators would be called to Lansing on or about April 1 for the special session should the relief crisis continue. FoUr Russians At Pole Saved Two Ice-Breaking Ships Reach Scientists MOSCOW, F eb. 19. - () Two sturdy icebreaking vessels smashed' through a field of pack ice 10 feet deep today and rescued four -Russian scientists with their valuable records and equipment from a drifting ice floe camp off the eastern coast of Green- land. The rescue, just two days short of nine months after the four men were established a dozen miles from the North Pole ,ended a unique Odyssey in which they voyaged over more than Tense World Awaits Fuehrer' s Speech In Third Reich Today New Annexations And Fear Of Eastern Expansion Felt ByForeign Offices BERLIN, Feb. 19-(A)--Germany tonight set a brilliant stage for Adolf Hitler's announcement to a tensely listening world of the next steps to bring all German-speaking peoples : into the Nazi orbit. The Third Reich made the most elaborate preparations of its history An English summary of Adolf Hitler's speech before the Reich- stag today will be broadcast from Berlin over the NBC blue network in the United States at 11:30 a.m. (EST). -: 9 Freshmen Wi Hopwood Contest Prizes All Awards In Poetry Field (arnerel By Womu en; Eassay Entry Is Largest 1 Mn u seripts Are S m t ei red This Year Ninc freshmen have been selected as winners of this year's Freshman Hopwood Awards, it was announced yesterday by the Hopwood Com- mIittee. Minnesota Blasts Cage Hopes,29-26;Ohio Ends Swimmers "Win Streak -- 2,000 Jam Natatoriui To See ChampionIs Fate Before Buckeye Power MaI s iettered f In. nil eEvets] Star Sprint Man t _ __Ini_ ithe poetry field, for the first time in several years, all the awards y DAVID ZEiTLIN so llGeran ad a mch f hewere given to women: Marybeth world as willing could listen tomor- Scar, Elkhart, m. Dry COLUMBUS, O., Feb. 19.-- row to Hitler's closely-guarded speech Fea, Sot B, Ind., $0; A it e al to the Michigan Daily) -Mich- Fenan, South Bend, Ind.. $30; Anita to the Reichstag. Carvalho, Toledo, Ohio, $20. Row- igan's long time champion swimming An enormous gold-rimmed sun- land A. Barber, Bolivar, N.Y. and team met its Waterloo here this after- topped by a spreading German eagle ADOLF HITLER Allison Curtis, Ann Arbor, received noon losing 47-37 to Ohio State. with a swastika clutched in his claws : honorable mention. Winning six of the nine first places., was the symbolic background Nazis the Buckeyes had too much power for erected behind Hitler's rostrum in critical questions rmained a secret. .Essay Awards the Wolverine swimmers. Even Cap- thbut the subject of endless speculation Iia the essay class, two "men and tan Ed. Kirar, Michigan's Big Ten tKroll Opera House. ,fanE.KrrMihg'sigI e Will he demand again fulfillment in the chancelleries of Europe. one woman divided the three awards: and National Collegiate spring hamni- of " hrang nac Osten"-expansiont Military circles looked to Hitler. Jay McCormick. Detroit, $50: Fran- pion failed to escape the swccp of to the east--which his book "Mein among other things, to declare the ces Flaherty, England, $30, L. Wil- Buckeye power as Billy Qua yle,soph- Kampf" forsees? Reich would take over the entire Ger- liam Sessions, North Muskegon, $20 Oinore star on Mike Peope i super Will he emphasize anew Germany's man armament industry, but no of- The three awards in the fiction dreadnaught, rallied in the last demand for colonies or will he hint ficial confirmation was forthcoming, field were split between two men and twenty-five yards of the 100 yard at economic penetration of the en- Thus even the famous Krupp works one woman: William H. Newton, free-style race to win in 0:52.5, four- ateonmcoeerainlfthdn Augusta, 'Mich., $50; Hervie Haufler,fresyeretownn0:2,fur tire Danubian basin as the way out would pass from private hands to pos- Atenths of a second faster thmn the of Germany's problems of over-pop- session of the Reich. Covington, Ky., $30; Barbara Ditt-present Conference eord. mtan., Tucson. Ariz. $20.j The Ohio State relay quartet of ulation and a dearth of raw ma- News that Czechoslovakia besidesm , 84 Manuseripi.. Entered$2sT s, Quate a unig teials? Austria and Hungary officially will!8 aucit nee Sabol, Quayle, Johnson ad Neuzig Theals rAusstriahanHuenr offically will IThe number of contestants and bettered the Big Ten and tied the The answer to these and other. (Continued o Pae Imanuscripts showed a notable gain National Intercollegiate record for over the figure for last year. In 1937 the 400 yard distance by covering Ed A A 42 contestants submitted 52 manu- the route in 4:32.2. Michigan holds Eden M + ay Quit ~st4r iA llays scripts. This year's entries show 67 both existing marks, the Conference contestants and 84 manuscripts. record at 3:35.6 and the National .The essay field received the great- mark at 3 :3 2.2. Over Pro posed Jewish Fe a rsit number of entries with 35. The clo. e Ed Kirar did a little record wreck- iae 1, W e T P.o i s} prose and poetry class followed close ing for the Michigan cause when he Sehd idespecivey. won the 50-yard fre- aty in 0:23.2. The judges of this year's awards Which is one tenth of a second faster were: Dr. Arno Bader of the Englisht xTk Parly Solidarity is Periled Chanceller Re-assures ,Unit department; Dr. Frank E. Robbins than the existing BigrrTen ma kof assisanotePso et nofrf.which he is co-holder with Fackman, By New Rif t Between Of Leaders Questionin;J asRtat to the Presidnt and Prof. former Illinois ace. " J.Raleig nlsh department.g More than 2,000 spectators jammed English Conservatives Iiuii On OfiialPo college English(Continued on Page ) LONDON, Feb. 18 -I/P)--Anthony VIENNA. Fib 1i9.-(IP-P-Chaiicel- . . ir Eden, standing almost single-handed for Kurt Schuschnigg ress'ured Jews Rob +* ers s P'a + in the dritish Cabinet against 3 1tonight they had nothing to fe 40 "deal' with Italy, was reported re- from Nazi influence in his govern- N-+.r . . - del*Wt tl.wsrprtdrment. while his Grma n-approve d Newest Dram a n# era -soD istrict liably tonight as ready to resign as Minister of Interior, Arthur Seysz- Foreign Minister in a break with Inquart ,said Austria would have no Prime Minister Neville Chamber- further lain. Schuschnigg told a deputation of Absence of Eden from the Cabinet Jewish industrialists who. called on., would strike a severe blow to -the him for an explanation of the situa- Pilay By Former Michigan Independents To Organize National Government's support. "The Lion under the newly reconstructed Slldmit To Be Staged Basketball,: Swim ing white knight of Geneva," who refuses hadgovernment that they and other Jews, to be swerved from the League of could face the future with complete _U_ _de_heatre Guld And 'rack Contst Nations way, commands strong con- confidence-h servative backing that might split the Shouts of "heil Hitler" aeBnwhily By NORMAN KIELL An extensive sports rogranm, de- country's dominant party. echocd in the streets of G3raz, Aus- The Theatre Guild announced yes- signed to give all independent men 'w Ministers Support Ed ria's second largest city, terday that "Fool's Hill" by Robert anOpportunity to tke -n active part One reliable source reported two -Tie most ,jubilant celebra hfon ice Wetzel former student at the Univer- in athletics, has been adopted by ceonservative cabinet members. Minih-W rd Wa a Ml nth iy ezl ,Wtrnhold y Congress, independent men organ- itr oAgiutWill amMr long considered a Nazi stron dsity of Michigan, will be ization, it was announced yesterday. son and Walter Elliot, secretary of near the German border. for production. next seas aunder its Congress, which is now accepting state for Scotland, had stated flatly More than 50,000 persons thron"ged drection nominating petitions for the March 1 they supported Eden, leading to a be- Graz streets shouting "hell" and "one Wetzel, while a student at the district elections, will work in con- lief they would resign if the Foreign people! one reich!" as they mari'che d University, was active in Play Pro- junction with the Intramural Building midst green and white Styrian pro- duction, and is well remembered for in carrying out its program. Secretary Quit. . vincial banners each with a promi- his distinguished acting in character The basis for the organization of Eden's breach with tihe Primne Mini- Ee dwarede witiie tremendus ient swastika. ;roles. He also did a fine .job directing the program will be the 10 campus isser dwarfed even the treals rnmilar denonstrations occlurrrd a Ibsen's "The Wild Duck." As a grad- dYstrnets. There are to he teams within issue that caused itItproposals forLinz, ate student, he was a member of the districts, which will play off elim- an agreement with Italy that might Scysz-Inquart returned from tier- the playwriting course and his one- ination contests, the winning team be construed as British submission to fin and immediately conferred with act play was published in the second representing that district, in the final Fascist strength following so quickly Schuschnigg on conversations ie had volume of the "Michigan Plays" se- intra-district tournament. Medals will after Rechsfuehrer Adolf Hitler'sia with Adolf Hitler, Marshal Hermann ries. Later, he was a teaching fellow be awarded to the members of the deal with Austria. Goering and other top Nazis. in the English departlent here. winning teams and also to the dis- To Held Sunday Cabinet Sscion ......---- ----- Alter he left Michigan, he took a tict which they represent. Tme Cabinet as held virtually on esetril around the world on a freighter. For the remali-n winter and early first full meetig on a trdaysince 1. Il I .I1L oC ' On his return, lie settled in New spning contests, tih program has been cumeisg wit insrudytinsYork City to work on dramatic writ- divided into three main groups: bas- the abdication crisis with instructions Of ting. ketball, swimming and track. to return for n toeven rarer 3Sunday Orade Plan It was here that he wrote his plav. A basketball elimination tourna- (10nl a ESTn iommediatly after I-ools Hill," Last year, lie won a $500 nient will be run off starting March Hitler's pmonouncement in the Reich- prize in the Bureau of New Plays' 15. Registration of teams will begin stI Propaganda Perils Peace, Award, with it, along with Arthur March 1 at the union offices of Con- tSecretary Claims Mier and Norman Rosten. "Fool's gress, Room 306. The chief _element of uncertainty' ertryCam Hill was in rehearsal this past OnWdsay ach1a wm facing the Cabinet=-thie effect of the whitas inte rmasth Gidsps On Wednesday, March 16, a swim Ftihrer's Reicistag speech on DES MOINES, Iowa, Feb. 19._(P) Christmas, but the Dramatists Guild's meet, consisting of eight events, will Furarers Richtag peeh o . --I objections to it because of financing be conducted. Each district will enter snarled international relations-will Secretary of State Hull lashed out oby film companies, caused production ctiEdi gen have been removed then from what tonight at opponents of his tradebi cease. Now that The Theatre Guild has been described as a deadlock agreements program. has slated it for a nextyear's pro- between Eden's "league-tinged" and; The us.ually soft-mancered, quiet- ha ltdi o anx erspo spoken memg a e r ot """Roosvel"ca-duction -tie barriers have been low- FII, Seeks() Chamberlain's "realistic" foreign pol sioken member of the Roosevelt tab~ ered, and it will go through under icies. e"t w "s emphatic in saying: the standard contract of the Dra- in Boyhood Home Thu's far, there was no evidence You and the rest of our people m lit Bs Guild.H~m niimtists Guild, I . , i r > Varied Subjects Offered Today In Local Pulpits5 Prof. Earl 'Hoore Is Guest Organist; Dr. Blakeman Speaks At Stalker Hallv Prof. Earl V. Moore, director of the1 School of Music, will be guest organist and speaker at the 11:00 a.m. dedica-a Lion service in St. Andrew's Episcopal7 Church for the new organ. - Professor Moore will play "Piecet He-roique," by Frank during the dedi- eatory part of the service, and willt deliver an address on "The Organ in the Art of Worship." Nowell Ferris, regular organist, will play the "Mod-k erato Cantabile in E," from Widor's Eighth Symphony and Bach's "St. Anne's Fugue" and direct the choirg in the "Te Deum in C," by Lutkin as well as the anthem, "How Lovely ish Thy Dwelling Place," by Brahms. k Charles R. Henderson, director ofz the Washtenaw County Gas Companyx will speak 'on "The Businessman'sf Point of View" at 7:00 p.m. to thek Episcopal Students meeting in Harris Hall. Dr. Edward W. Blakeman, counselorf on religious education, will address the Stalker Ball Student Guild at1 6:00 p.m. His subject is "Peace." Dis- ussion groups under Dr. BrasharesS and Kenneth Leisening, Grad., willt talk on "Adventures in Religion" and -Christian social Action."t Judge E. J. Millington of Cadillac, president of the Michigan Baptist Convention, will deliver the sermon at 10:30 a.m. after the worship at thet 'irst Baptist Church. The Church1 School will meet at 9:30 a.m. under the direction of Dr. A. J. Logan. . There will be a special meeting of the Roger Williams Guild at 6:30 p.m. in the church parlors for an addresst to be given by Judge Millington. A (Continued on Page 2) Drivin1g Snow GripsMid-West DroutW-Stricken Dust Bowl Benefits By Moisture ' CHICAGO, Feb. 19.-(W)-One of the winter's worst snow storms struck in six Middle Western States today, but traffic hazards were balanced by1 benefits to the drouth stricken dust bowl. Five to 14 inches of snow fell in Kansas, boosting wheat prospects. The fall was measured at 14 to 18 inches in Central Missouri and eight inches in Southeastern Iowa, The storm reached near blizzard propor- tions in the Lake Region of Northern ilinois and Indiana. Southern Mich- igan also was hit. Many Missouri highways were blocked by the heaviest snow in sev- eral years. Motor and airplane traf- fic was badly crippled elsewhere in the storm area. The temperature hovered between 15 and 30 degrees above zero. Cd Forecaster C. A. Donne said the storm was moving eastward toward i the Seaboard States where he pre- dicted cold and snow would strike tomorrow in the wake of rains.s McNUTT OPPOSES WITHDRAWAL Wolverines Suffer Fourth Loss In Five Conference Starts; 6 Ties li Game .Townsenid Is High Scorer With .14 By BUD BENJAMIN Michigan's lingering hopes for its first Big Ten basketball title since '29 were convincingly buried in the Yost Field House last night, when a scrappy and alert Minnesota quintet handed the Wolverines their fourth Conference defeat in five games, 29 to 26. Approximately 7,500 disappointed fans saw the Gophers break the con- test's sixth deadlock early in the sec- ond stanza and forge to a lead which they never relinquished, The teams were knotted at 16 points at the half way mark. Flashing a fast breaking attack which seldom subsided, the visitors annexed their fifth straight Confer- ence triumph to remain in the Big Ten race after a poor start which saw them lose their first three games. Varsity Lacks Finesse; Power The loss dropped Michigan to an even .500 per cent at four games won and lost. The Gophers, who were tied with the Varsity in fourth place prior to the game, have now won five and lost three. Michigan again lacked the finesse and power of its early season game. Time and again ,they missed set-ups and tip-ins; their inaccuracy from the forecourt once more gave the opposition an opportunity to gang up in the back and clog the offensive lanes. The Wolverines had previously beaten the Gophers 31 to 16 in a game, Jan, 16, at Minneapolis. Harassed by determined Gopher guarding, Michigan's brilliant John Townsend nevertheless continued his high scoring ways. His 14 points paced both teams although six of them were made from the foul line. Albeit Im- pressive, Jake was still not in top form, missing numerous shots from his favorite inside position. Offensively the visitors used a rapid fire passing attack while setting up for an opening in the backcourt. Yet without the long shot accuracy of Paul Maki, an aggressive junior guard, they would have been lost. Maki sank four long shots and a set- up for 10 points, while Johnny Dick, sub forward, added two baskets and three fouls for second place honors. Five Ties In First Half Five ties featured the initial period, and a three point Gopher lead was the biggest margin of the stanza. Maki's four baskets kept the visitors in the thick of the fight, while Town- send's pivot shot and tip-in along with his three fouls helped put the Wolverines on par at 16 all at half time. Jim Rae, lanky Wolverine center, opened the second period with an overhand flip from inside, but Maki's fourth long tied it up again at 18 points. Dick whirled prettily in the foul circle for two more Ghoper points, and the visitors had the lead they never lost. Townsend was fouled by his eve- ning's companion, Gordon Spear, and made his charity toss, but Dick was (Continued on Page 3) Coffee Hour Invites Medical Students Pre-medical students and all oth- ers interested in medicine 'are espe- cially. invited Wednesday to the Union Coffee Hour in the small ball- room, where Dean A. C. Furstenberg of the medical school will talk on "The Medical Profession Today." Following his talk, Dean Fursten- berg will lead an informal discus- sieon on the topic of the day, and answer all question~s of students. This is the fifth in the series of pre- professional coffee hours held by the Union. At previous ones, Dean Henry Bates of the Law School, Dean C. E. Griffin of the business administra- tion school, Prof. Paul Jeserich of the dental school and Prof: Shirley Allen of the forestry school, spoke, Young Communist League To Discuss Defeat Of War t 1 ; ,(Continued on Page 2) 1have been subjected to a veritable barrage of sinister pronagauda de- signed, for narrow and selfish reasons, Expect New Parleys to wreck the iost importanttPolicy which our county can pursue to 'Orec From Price School mote its economic well-being and neace Speaking before the National Farm WASHINGTON, Feb. 19-()-ft is institute, he charged that: not unlikely that the price policy " - n their unholy zeal the Prona- "school" conducted Friday by Pres- gandists have over-reached them- ident Roosevelt is the forerunner of selves in the falsity of their assertions similar detailed discussions of coin- and have defeated their own efforts.", licated economic questions which may arise in the future. Whether the experiment the pres- 'Sereen Personalities ident made at a crowded press con- Ends Film Library Group ference i's to be repeated depends uponr 1aN)we y Swears Out Perjury Warran t COLUTMBUS, 0. Feb. 19--)-Gov. Martin L, Davey swore today to a warrant chai',r;g Lee Bradley, an asphalt salesman, perjured himself in testimony declaring he had dealt with motors concerns and public util- ties in Davey's behalf. Bradley had made the statement t~o an Ohio Senate Imnvestigating Committee, before which he resumed testimony today. The Committee HYDE PARK, N, 'Y UFeb. 1 f) -President Roosevelt, evcept for a short auto obile o"ting after lunci remained in the seclusion of his boy- hood home here today resting from weeks of busiWess and legislative con- ferences. He read with interest the leading newspaper editorials on his price "balance" recovery objective, but there was'no comment forthcoming, Unlike most important official pro- nouncements of policy, his statement favoring a "moderate rise in the gen- I On