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April 29, 1938 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1938-04-29

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SEditedand managed: by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
tse for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered' at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
$4.00; by mail, $4.50.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1937-38
College Publishers Reresentative
420 MADisoN AVE. N1EW YORK, N. Y.
Board of Editors
Business Department
It is important for society to avoid the
neglect of adults, but positively dangerous
for it to thwart the ambition of youth to
reform the world. Only the schools which
act on this belief are educational institu-
tions in the best meaning -of the term.
- Alexander G. Ruthven.
The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of the Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
only. I
The Bugle
Call Rag . .
WrEDNESDAY was one of those warm
Spring days that make you want to
feel alive, but it was a sad day. As you watched
the few hundreds of students listening to the
anti-war speakers you couldn't help thinking
back to March and April 1917.
All during those two months, bodies of stu-
dents were organizing into volunteer training
squads, and the Daily poll on military training
returned on March 30, 632 votes against military
training, 632 out of 4,436.
Wednesday there were, optimistically speaking,
600 students, out of a student body of 10,000.
But the small number wasn't the only sad
part of the anti-war "strike."
A sadder thing was to see the psychology as-
sistant, the two dentistry students, the three en-
gineers, the two lawyers, the three doctors, the
economics major,, the chemistry major, the six
sorority girls, the bored professor, walk through
the loosely gathered together throng without
even so much as pausing to hear what the speak-
ers had to say.
They just weren't interested.
They weren't interested in sacrificing one hour
to show that they were for peace and against
war. They weren't willing to spend an hour out
of a whole year. to show that they belonged
to those who are opposed to war, that they are
a part of the America's youth, and not the
psychology assistant and the lawyers and the
sorority girls who live in a world apart, unaf--
fected by the grim currents of a social existence.
And some of us think that we can stop our
country from going to war, that we can stop it
through our own efforts, through the efforts
of the youth of America.
And our youth walks through the peace meet-
ings to go to the library or to the tennis court
or to the ping-pong room, unwilling to stop and
show its solidarity against war.
Continued walking through peace meetings,
Mr. and Miss America., You have the liberty
now to walk through them. You won't be able
to walk through those other meetings when they

ask for volunteers, for liberty bonds, for duty
to your country, for your life.
Tuure Tenander.

to serve on the panel, and conservative students
to attend the sessions.
This obstacle presented itself again this year;
in other Nords almost all the liberal and radical
faculty men who were asked to attend accepted
without hesitation; and while a much larger
number Iof conservative faculty men accepted
this year than ever before, an equally large numn.-
be "just wasn't interested." With this in mind
the committee reduced faculty participation and
added students to each panel one to attack the
present system and the other, to defend it.
These students, in short, prepared speeches,
will attempt to provide a strong foundation for
discussion by the presentation of a common basis
of fact.
By limiting discussion to the University system
and providing for the passage of resolutions at
the Sunday meeting, the committee this year
has done all that is possible to keep the dis-
cussion on a practical plane.
However ,the most unfair charges of the lot
are those which blast the Parley on the ground
that destructive criticism is the sole result o
the weekend of debate. It must be recognized
that destructive criticism is absolutely essential
to the construction of any improvement. But
it must further be recognized that no Parley
has been entirely destructive and the last two,
in particular, have been less so than before.
The tutorial system recently adopted by the
University was advised for many consecutive
years by the Parley section on education. The
Parley section on social life and the family
,for many years has repeated the conclusion
that a course in sex education is eminently de-
sirable; that the University is at present work-
ing out a plan for such a course.
These are but two of a score of constructive
suggestions made by previous Spring Pagies.
The University has not seen fit to adopt reforms
like the elimination of the lecture system, the
institution of a course in peace, and introduc-
tion of a reading period, reforms which successive
Parleys have repeatedly urged.
The pressing nature and closeness of the sub-
ject make a broad parley more necessary this
year than ever before.
Whether the Parley is braod, whether it is con-
structive, whether it deals with realizable re-
f6rms depends in large part upon the partici-
pation of conservative students and faculty
members. Student or faculty member, you do
not need a gilt edged invitation.
Don't criticize beforehand. Go to the Parley
and mould it yourself.
S. R. Kleiman.
Is The Wagner
Act Next?.
has been one of the most disastrous
in years for progressive legislation. One Roose-
velt measure after another has gone down to
defeat in the face of an intensive campaign
in the press, and in the Capitol. This cam-
paign appears to have had a three-fold pur-
pose: to defeat each successive reform for its
own sake, to smear Roosevelt on every possible
issue in preparation for the next presidential
campaign, by which time it is hoped that the
President will be sufficiently discredited so that
a conservative DEmocrat can be nominated; and
to smash the labor movement.
The last objective is probably the most im-
portant both from the point of view of those
who wish to accomplish it and from that of their
adversaries. The attack has already begun on
the Wagner Act, and it may be confidently
expected to continue and develop strength until
public opinion is considered ready for a mo-.
tion to repeal it.
It is true that repeal of the Wagner Act will
be an exceedingly delicate and difficult task, for
the rights guaranteed to labor therein, soberly
examined, are fundamental and essential to a
healthy democratic society. The Wagner 'Act
implements the right of collective bargaining
by outlawing the intimidation and coercion which
the LaFollette Civil Liberties Committee has
revealed as so widespread among American in-
dustrialists. The National Labor Relations
Board, created by the act, has a record of im-
partiality which all the efforts of the reactionary
section of the press have been unable to mar.
But the campaign against the Wagner Act will

not be conducted on grounds of rationalitbr or
fairness. The type of propaganda used so ef-
fectively against the Executive Reorganization
Bill, not nearly as important in the eyes of reac-
tion as the Wagner Act, will berehearsed once
again in more violent form. Father Coughlin
will perhaps once more offer to sacrifice himself
on the steps of the Capitol.
Most important of all, perhaps, will be the
business recession as a weapon against the act.
Labor unions will be blamed for the slump
which has come largely as a result of bus-
iness's own over-expansion activities during
the first six months of last year, when in-
ventories were piled up too great to be promptly
absorbed by production. The public has al-
ready been successfully convinced, according to
the gallup poll, that business must be freed from
taxation in order to be allowed to recover. The
outlook must look particularly auspicious for a
frontal attack on labor.
Joseph Gies.
Much Ado About Wally
Plangently, bitterly, unendingly, from the
lobster pots of Maine to the chambers of com-
merce of California, rises the doleful plaint of
women weeping. Quenching the rough voice
of the winds, or even the primed pumps of polit-
ical oratory, ululates the wailing and gnashing of
pretty teeth.
The Duchess of Windsor has bobbed her raven
locks! What irremediable insult to American
womanhood! Month after month, in modest
or multitudinous city, thousands upon thou-
sands of the fashionable sex have been letting

JI/fe einr fo hpe
H-eywood Broun
An official Nazi newspaper in Vienna has at-
tempted to set down the future, and says that
Czechoslovakia has but a year to live. A physi-
cian told something like that to a friend of mine
and the patient took it in
his stride and replied, "As
long as that, Doc," for it
seemed to him that so many
things could happen with-
in the year. There would be
spring, perhaps, and sum-
"''mer and autumn, and with
the winter would come an
ending. And he lived with
danger as if it were a step-
son. But the years rolled by and the doctor is
dead and my friend goes on and on.
It is not safe to be precise as to the longevity
of men or nations. Doom can be delayed, and
again it may come suddenly, almost between
the tick and tock of a grandfather clock. Who
knows now what the year holds in store for the
Nazis? Emperors and kings have ridden at dawn
surrounded by mighty armies only to see all their
hopes and aspirations swept into dust by night-
fall. Marathon marked the death of a nation.
Napoleon had victory in his grasp at Waterloo,
and yet he lived his last on the little island of
St. Helena. And the proud ones who loast and
threaten and lust for power must watch the
split seconds on the stopwatch of time.
Often sone mysterious and moving finger has
written its compelling message on the wall, even
at the feast of triumph. And there is no appeal.
The forces against tyranny may gather slowly,
but they can strike with the speed and fury of
the hurricane.
Remember The Story Of Joshua
Jericho was a mighty city and from its battle-
ments the warriors watched the forces of Joshua
and the men of the great King laughed, because
for six days no spear was leveled at them. Ac-
cording to the command of Joshua ,the Ark of
the Lord was carried around the walls of the
city. And seven priests bearing seven trumpets.
Before them and after came the armed men,
but they were forbidden to shout. That was the
strict injunction of Joshua.
"Ye shall not shout, nor make any noise with
your voice, neither shall any word proceed out
of your mouth, until the day I bid you shout;
then shall ye shout."
Arid it seemed to the warriors of Jericho as if
the armed men of Ishrael were meek, and that
in them there could be no threat to the migh
and majesty of great Jericho. They merely
marched with sword in hand and said no mum-
bling word. But for the blare of the trumpets
this might have been an army of the dead, so
softly did they walk while they bided their'
But on the morning of the seventh day the
ghostly host marched seven times around the
city, all misty in the ' dusk of dawn. Then
Joshua commanded the children to shout.
* * * *
Walls Of Tyranny Tumble
"And it came to pass when the people heard
the sound of the trumpets and the people shouted
with a great shout that the wall fell down flat,
so that the people went up into the city, every,
man straight before him, and they took the city."
So it shall be again. History has ordained it.
When the people shout in unison and every man
walks straight before him, the walls of tyranny
will come tumbling down. Already the trumpets
begin to sound. And throughout the world free
men wait for that final piercing note and the
command, "Shout, for the Lord hath given you
the city.",
Books have been burned and yet they live. Nor
can fire or flame, humiliation or torture make
an end of liberty. The wall of Nazi tyranny is
tall; upon it floats its sinister emblem. But
the voice of peoples of the world will and must

be heard. That wall shall fall down flat.
Press Freedom.
It is doubtless true that a misconception has
sprung up about freedom of the press, to the
effect that it is a special night granted for the
benefit of publishers. The American Society of
Newspaper Editors, in convention at Washington,
did an excellent thing in adopting a resolution
that places this constitutional guaranty in its
proper setting. The resolution says:
Too many citizens regard freedom of the
press as merely the profitable privilege of
publishers, instead of the right of all the
people and the chief institution of represen-
tative government. A free press is that priv-
ilege of citizenship which makes governmen-
tal dictatorship impossible.
The publishers' stake in freedom of the press
is a great one, to be sure, but the people's stake
is even greater. It is the right of learning the
truth from printed pages over whose contents
the Government has no control. Dictatorship
can mold its subjects' opinions because it dom-
inates the press and other channels of expression.
In a free country, however, truth is in the field,
and the actions of officials, from the President
down, are exposed to appraisal and criticism
from all points of view.
Freedom of the press is a privilege of no spe-
cial class, but of the whole people.
-St. Louis Post-Dispatch.
Many U.S. educators are deeply concerned over
the competition among American colleges and

N.B., Mr. Houston
I intend this to be nothing more
than a short reply to the recent letter -
of Mr. Houston, III, who beig a
"peace loving individual" was forceda
to choose "the alternative of being a
I've often heard of odd and eccen-
tric changes in policy, but how could
a peace loving individual ever possibly
change to a militarist? This change
is so void of logic that it isn't even
funny, it is idiotic! Is it possible fort
a person with the ability to distin-
guish between right and wrong, I be-t
lieve that you can do this, to publical.-
ly lend his support to a cause that has
slaughtered women, children and?
non-combatants so that a few square
miles of land or some prestige might
be gained? Can't you see, Mr. Hous-
ton, the type of conditions in Spain
and China today were brought about
by the type of policy that you say
you are forced to choose?" Don't
theseabarbaric conditions stir you in-
ternally and make you shudder and
der if this mad world of ours is really
civilized? I don't know if it affects
you that way, but it does me. Yet, you
can say that you support not a peace
loving point of view, but a militarist!_
How can you?
I don't think that "learning the
potentialities of war in a military or-
ganization is good anti-war propa-
ganda." True, it may have a small
propagandic value, but the fact that
it makes for quicker and more wars
off-sets it by far. Don't forget that
while on the surface it appears you
are teaching the members of the
R.O.T.C. what the evils and horrors
of this modern mechanized method of
annihilation called war are, you are
also teaching them how they may
perform with the upmost perfection
these identical means of destruction.
And when a war comes, I see that
you wouldn't want to be a buck pri-
vate, a captain or any other rank
that you want, it isn't going to save
you from losing your life while being
a combatant in a war. It is all the
same to me, the odds are so great
against you, that you lose either
way! If you want to be the person
that blows his whistle and yells, ".
K. boys, follow me." When you go
over the top, 'than the person who
just follows and perhaps wonders
why he is there fighting-go to it,
you are welcome to it all!
Emil A. Kratzman
Continue Parley
Professor Remer Discusses
Proposed Tutorial Plan
1 Continued from Page 1)
West Gallery of Alumni Memorial
Hall under the chairmanship of
Charles A. Fisher, head of the ex-
tension service of the University.
Katherine Winckler of the art de-
partment of Michigan State College
will be chairman of the art confer-
ence at 2 p.m. in the Architectural
Library. The biological conference
meets at 9 a.m. and at 2 p.m. in
Room 2054 Natural Science Building.
Prof. Bruno Meinecke of the latin
department heads the classical con-
ference which will meet at 9 a.m.
and 2 p.m. in Room 2003 Angell Hall.
Elvin S. Eyster of Wayne, Ind., will
be the principal speaker at a meet-
ing of the commercial conference at
2 p.m. in Room C-3 of the Ann Arbor
Senior High School.
Deans and advisers of women meet
at 9 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. in the League.
Prof. Preston W. Slosson of the his-

tory department will discuss "Educa-
tion and the World Crisis" at the
education conference luncheon at6
12:15 p.m. in the Union. The con-
ference in education also meets at
2:15 p.m. in University High School
Prof. Bennett Weaver of the Eng-
lish department will address the
English conference on "Literature
and Life" at 12:15 p.m. luncheon in
the Union. David D. Henry of Wayne
University will preside over the 2:15
p.m. session of the English confer-
The general science conference
meets at 2p.m. today in the Architec-
tural Auditorium and the geography
conference meets at 2 p.m. in Room
25 Angell Hall.
The health and physical education
conference meets at- 9 a.m. in the
Women's Athletic Building and at
2 p.m. in Barbour Gymnasium. The
mathematics conference meets at 2
p.m. in Room C-i of the Ann Arbor
Senior High School.
A French play will be presented at
8:30 p.m. in the Lydia Mendelssohn
Theatre as part of the Modern
Languages Conference. The Third
Annual High School Music Festival
will be held here today and tomor-
John M. Happler of the Michigan
Department of Health will speak on
"Science in the Prevention of Occu-
pational Disease" at 9:15 a.m. in
West Lecture Room, West Physics
Building. The physics group will
also meet at 1:30 p.m. in the West

giving number of accommodations
and whether boys or girls car be
Final Notice to Senior Engineers:
The sale of Commencement An-
nouncements will end this afternoon,
Friday, April 29, at 3:00, and it willa
be impossible to place an order after
this time.
Orders will be taken at a desk near
the Mechanical Engineering office on.
the second floor of the West En-
gineering Building: 9:00 to 12:00 a.m.
and 1:00 to 3:00 p.m.
So far the sale has been quite slow
this yeardand since the class gradua-
tion fund is largely dependent. upon
the proceeds, it is urged that all stu-
dents intending to purchase an-
nouncements will do so before the
deadline this afternoon.
Sophomore Engineers: Place your
orders for class jackets now a Wag-
ner & Co. The full price is $1..50.
Those who placed their orders before
spring vacation, will be able to get
their jackets at the end of this week.
Seniors, School of EducationSen-
iors who are graduating in June or
August or those who have graduated
in February should be ordering and
purchasing their comencement invi-
tations at this time.
Samples -will be on display April
21 through April 29. Orders will be
taken on these days for the announce-
Time, 2-4 p.m. Place, outer office
of School of Education. Deadline,
April 29.
Seniors School of Education: A final
collection of class dues swill be made
this Week in conjunction with the
ordering of announcements in the
outer office of theSchool of Educa-
tion. Dues are but $1 and it is neces-
sary that they be paid at this time.
Throughout the week, the dues may
be paid each afternoon between the
hours of 2-4.
Freshman Dues of one dollar from
all freshman women must be paid
this week for the purpose of helping
to finance Freshman Project. Dues
may be paid Thursday and Friday
in Miss McCormick's office in the
League from 3 to 6 p.m.
Eligible Freshmen Women who have
signed up for the costume committee
for Freshman Project and have not
been notified yet or who still want
to sign up, please phone Margaret
Whittemore at 9654.
Academic Notices
B-99 (Camping). On account of the
School Master's Club Meeting the
course in Camping will not meet on
Saturday, April 30.
Graduation Recital. Charles Mc-
Neill, violinist, accompanied by Al-
bert Zbinden at the piano, will give a
violin recital in partfal fulfillment of
the requirements for the Bachelor
of Music degree, Friday evening, April
29 at 8:15 o'clock, in the School of
Music Auditorium, to which the gen-
eral public is invited.
An Exhibition of paintings by Er-
nest Harrison Barnes and of paint
ings and pastels by Frederick H. Ald-
ricr, Jr., both of the faculty of the
College of Architecture, is presented
by the Ann Arbor Art Association in
the North and South Galleries of
Alumni Memorial Hall, , April 18
through May 1. Open daily includ1
ing Sundays from 2 to 5 p.m., ad-
mission free to students and mem-
Exhibition: Photographs of "India,
her Architecture and Sculpture" un-

der the auspices of the Institute of
Fine Arts, May 2 through May 14 in
the exhibition room of the School of
Architecture. Daily (except Sunday)
from 9 to 5.
Annual Mayo Lecture: Dr. M. S.
Henderson of the Mayo Clinic will
deliver the Annual Mayo Lecture to
the Medical students and faculty on
April 29, 1938, at 1:30 p.m. in the
Main Hospital Amphitheater. The
subject of his talk will be "The
Treatment of Fractures of the Neck
of the Femur."
Alexander Ziwet Lectures in Math-
ematics: Will be given by Professor
Erich Hecke of the University of
Hamburg, beginning Friday, April
29 at 4:15 p.m., in Room 3017 An-
gell Hall. The general topics of the
lectures will be Dirichlet Series,
Modular Functions, and Quadratic
Forms. Announcement of the dates
of succeeding lectures will be given
Henry Russel Lecture: Professor
Heber D. Curtis, Chairman of the
Department of Astronomy and Di-

(Continued from Page 2)

Pubication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President
until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.

"Goethe and Frau von Stein," on
Wednesday, May 4, at 4:15 Natural
Science. Tlie public is cordially in-
University Lecture: Professor Einar
Hammarsten, Professor of Chemistry,
Carolingian Medical University, will
lecture on "The Secretin of Bayliss
and Starling" on Monday, May 9, at
4:15 p.m. in Natural Science Audior-
ium under the auspices of the Medical
School. The public is cordially in-
Events Today
Forestry Club, election of officers
for 1938-39. Ballotting for club of-
ficers will take place today all day,
in Room 1042 Nat. Sc. Bldg. Please
be prepared to show your club menm-
bership card.
Varsity Glee Club. Meet at ,Glee
Club rooms at 12:30, to sing for the
Music Educators' luncheon in the
Union Ballroom. Meet again at 7
p.m. to sing for Schoolmasters' din-
ner in the Union Ballroom.
1938 Ann Arbor Dramaic Season.
Season tickets now on sale. Garden
room, Michigan League Building op-
en every day from 10 a.m. to 6 p m.
Pi Lambda Theta is having a tea
Friday afternoon, April 29, in the
Library of the University Elementary
School from four until five o'clock in
honor of the Schoolmasters. All mem-
bers are asked to attend as hostesses
to guests.
French Play: The Cercle Francais
presents 'Avare" by Moliere, at the
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre, tonight,
at 8:30 p.m. Tickets at the box office
Thursday and Friday.
Stalker Hall. Friday night: Class in
"Through the Old Testament" with
Dr. Brashares at 7:30. We will leave
at 8:30 p.m. to go to Ypsilanti for
roller skating. Reservations must be
made at Stalker Hall by Friday noon.
Peace Ball: tonight, 9 to 1 at the
Michigan League Ballroom. Tickets
are obtainable at the League, Union
and Wahr's Book Store. Sponsored by
the United Peace Committee.
French Play. The following girls
have signed up as ushers for the
French play Friday, April 29. They
are reminded that they must be at
the theatre at 7:45 in formal dress.
If for any, reason anyone is unable
to attend, please notify me :mmed-
iacely. Martha Dynes, President.
Jenny Petersen
Marcia Connell
Marian Barter
Jane Lord
Helen' Owsto:
Margaret J. Campbell
Frances Blumenthal
Leonora Racette
Lillian Perkins
Charlotte Mer~iith
Phyllis McGeachy
Pauline Putnam
Magaret Murpi y
Coming Events
The Book Shelf and Stage Section
of the Faculty Women's Club will have
their spring luncheon at the home of
Mrs. Richard D. T. Hollister, 1772
State Street Road, Friday, April 29,
at 1 o'clock p.m
International Council Touri The
Starr Commonwealth fcr Boys has
been postponed until Saturday, May 7,
at 1 p.m. All foreign and American
students desiring to take the trip
should make reservations in Room 9,
University Hall, before Thursday, May
5, at 4 p.m.
The Christian Student Prayer Group
will hold its regular meeting in the
Michigan League at 5 p.m. Sunday.
The room will be announced oi the

Bulletin Board there. Christian stu-
dents are urged to attend.
The Outdoor Club will meet at ane
Hall at 2 o'clock on Saturday, April
30 to go canoeing on the Huron. All
students who like to canoe are Invited
to join us.
Pi Lambda Theta and Phi Delta
Kappa members are reminded of the
joint luncheon meeting at the Union
Saturday, April 30 at 12:30 o'clock.
George Hacker of the Social Science
Department of Roosevelt High School,
Wyandotte, Mich., will speak on
"Mexico at Work and at Play." Mem-
bers of the Michigan Schoolmasters'
Club are cordially invited to attend.
Bridge Party: The Junior Group of
the Ann Arbor-Ypsilanti branch of
the American, Association of Univer-
sity Women' Twill hold its annual
bridge party for the benefit of its
scholarship fund on Saturday after-
noon, April 30, at 2 p.m., at the home
of Mrs. L. W. Oliphant in Barton
Hills. Tickets at 35 cents may be
secured at the desk at the League
and transportation will be provided
from the theatre entrance' at 1:45.



W ITH SPRING PARLEY approaching.
W tsweekend the same cries of dis-
satisfaction with,, the Parley set-up that have
hounded the seven previcus all-campus "bull ses-
sions" have started around. We hear that the
Parley rakes the campus with destructive crit-
icism, that the radicals control the sessions and
that the discussions is dominated year by year
by the same group of faculty men who, in their
elevated position on the panel, wander over a
broad field of theory, never getting down to
Some of these things have been true in the
past in varying degrees. Some of them are
unfair. But the serious attempt that has been

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