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April 28, 1938 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1938-04-28

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Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Sessiond
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other mattes herein also
-Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mal matter.
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
$40; by mail. $4.50
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1937-38
NationalAdvertisingService, Inc.
College Publishers Reresentaeva
Board of Editors {
Business Department
It is important for society to avoid the
neglect of adults, but positively dangerous
for it to thwart the ambition of youth to
refohrmthe world. Only the schools which
act on this belief are educational institu-
tions in the best meaning of the term.
- Alexander G. Ruth ven
The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of the Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
What Price
cent Bulletin 29 or "The Student
And His Knowledge," sounds a singular note
among criticisms of American higher education,
singular because it is, oddly enough, intensely
factual. No abstraction concocted by a philos-
opher and tossed off in pretty words,this. Bul-
letin 29 has dissected American higher learning
with a precision and method as cold as a mathe-
matician's mind. It talks not of pragmatism vs.
scholasticism or Dewey Vs. Hutchins or Abstrac-
tioh A vs. Abstraction B. Bulletin 29 talks of
the 55,000 students of the Commonwealth of
Pennsylvania 'to whom it has subjeted a bar-
rage of tests and measurements over a period
of nearly ten years, in a sustained effort to de-
termine the probable constituents of the bac-
calaureate mind and how its exposure to school
and college has' fed or starved it.
Briefly, the Foundation finds that in hustling
along the American 4-year assembly line of
culture the student sometimes comes out a
suitable product, sometimes comes out half-
baked and 15 per cent of the time comes out a
rawer product than he went in. Students in any
one specific stage of accretion are found to range
in knowledge.from 10th and 11th grade to col-
lege graduate levels. Thus one-tenth of the high
school seniors know more than the average col-
lege senior and 22 per cent rate higher than the
average sophomore. Probing a typical college
the Foundation found that if degrees were to be
awarded on the basis of general knowledge 28
per cent of the seniors, 21 per cent of the jun-
iors, 19 per cent of the sophomores and 15 per
cent of the freshmen would have parti ipated
in graduation exercises!
Four thousand high school graduates who
went on to college were found bringing up the
rear guard to three thousand high school grad-
uates who never established residence on cam-
We recall a study the Foundation made several
years ago in reference to the vocabularies of col-
lege students,. Of 100 words "in familiar use by

educated people" the average senior recognized
61, the average freshman, 56. Three years os-
tensibly of study, netted a nifty five-word mar-
"The story of the test," the annual report of
the Foundation said at the time, "brings us face
to face with the familiar poverty of campus
language and the dearth of general reading on
the part of the students. A student out of the
lower quarter of this same group, in a paper
completed with meticulous pains, recognized
only 23 out of the 100 words correctly; is ig-
norant of such words as insert, lenient, baffle, and
immerse; things that culpable means tender; that
declivity means climate; that demure means
abject . . . To a senior,with an average score the
word benighted means weary, recreant means
diverting and spurious means foamy." Possibly,"
added Dr. Williams S. Learned, director of the
tests, "the fact that he takes the word assiduous
to mean foolish, may help explain his case."
So higher education under the knife has not a
few blemishes. What to do?

the gamut of personal problems from soup to
nuts or we made of ourselves little more than
unskilled amanuenses who recorded copiously
and clumsily words or sometimes even thoughts
of the professor standing before us. The lecture
passes in through the ears, walks over the brain
with its rubbers on and comes out through the
pencil onto the note paper, where it is checked.
Recalled just prior to examination it parks in the
memory this time until the bluebook affords a
permanent outlet. We have acted as middle
man. It has been our province to transfer the
ideas of the professor to the examination paper
as efficiently and as literally as possible, and it
is upon this accuracy of translation that our
academic worth is adjudged.
Clearly the hodge-podge residium of informa-
tion distilled from such tactics masquerades
under the aegis of knowledge.
The Carnegie Foundation 'sees a purge of the
universities as the only solution. Perhaps. But
we have scant faith in a small band of sixteen
cylinder minds which would spin panacean for-
mulae while peeping into microscopes and hid-
ing in libraries. We think association with the
hoi polloi keeps academic feet squarely on the
ground and raises general public opinion aboid
crack-pot emotionalism.
Why not expose education to everyone and his
grandmother, but let them all travel at their own
rate. Why not abolish semesters and course
credits and all the trimmings of "package" learn-
ing and get down to the plain business of getting
educated, with certain minimum requirements
set up for a degree?
Robert Fitzhenry.
Don't Miss
The SpringParley.. ..
IVE EXAMS come in three days
Sand several sleepless nights are spent
in cramming. Your eyes sink out of sight be-
hind your cheekbones and your body feels as
though it's gone through the mangler with your
underwear. Your tongue is swollen, your lips
cracked, and your head pulsating in time to
what you're sure is the tick of the carillon
crock. Sometimes, then, in the early morning of
the third day, if you haven't fallen across the
alarm clock, you begin to wonder whether it's
all worthwhile.
It isn't often that college students, question
whether what they are receiving in the name
of education is worthy of the name. The pres-
sure must be pretty strong. But this weekend
at the Union approximately 500 students will
gather at the Spring Parley for three sessions of
debate and panel discussion-three sessions at
which they hope to thrash out the grievances
of the student against all parts of the Uiversity
What's your pet gripe? What do you think of
the examination system, class attendance, lecture
courses? What do you think of the new tutorial
system for Michigan, the Chicago plan, the An-
tioch curriculum? These are only some of the
questions that will be discussed. There will be
debate on the housing situation and fraternities;
on freedom of expression on the campus, both for
professors and students; on the question of se-
curity for the student, student labor, coopera-
tives and Ann Arbor prices; on racial and relig-
ious problems, sex education and social restric-
A large faculty panel of well-known men rep-
resenting every shade of opinion has been select-
ed for the Parley this year. The general sessions
on Friday have been eliminated, the subject
limited to campus problems and a student, "in-
dicter" to attack the existing situation and a stu-
dent "defender" to uphold the status quo have
been added to the panels. Everything points
in the direction of more concrete and objective
discussion this year than ever before.
At the Sunday morning meeting an attempt
will be made to pass resolutions embodying the
consensus of opinion on some of the more vital
subjects argued. There have been signs that
the University Administration will welcome these
expressions of opinion and seek to put some of
the suggestions into practice.
The value of the Parley in past 'years as a
place where the emotional veil of dogmatism
could be lifted in the interest of concrete dis-
cussion, where students could meet faculty mem-
bers and debate significant problems and where

opinion could be crystallized on a strong foun-
dation of fact has been self-evident. This year
there is in addition the opportunity to give
force to some of these opinions in resolutions.
which may very possibly be acted upon by the
The success of the Parley depends upon its
broadness. The very name connotes a dis-
cussion group representing all viewpoints. Here
is your chance to effect a change in the educa-
tional set-up, in the life you lead on the campus.
Are you satisfied with the education you are
S. R. Kleiman.
AZI LEADERS in Austria began a
N purge of the Austrian National Li-
brary last Saturday. Two weeks ago they con-
demned the works of Thomas Mann, Stefan
Zweig, Vicki Baum and others to the bonfire'or
the cellars of the public bookstores. The move-
ment surges onward toward a higher culture,
unimpeded by the works of non-Aryan writers!
If the officials pursue their course to its finish
countless thousands of dollars, and what is more,
hundreds of unreplaceable volumes will be lost
to the world forever.
The National Library, started in the sixteenth
century by Maximilian I, and containing now
over 1,200,000 volumes, is especially rich in Ger-
man and Slavonic literature from old Austria-
Hungary. It has also a rich manuscript collec-

Heywood Broun
The recession seems to have touched baseball
lightly, if at all. Indeed, over in Brooklyn a
boom is on, and Chicago is full of fire about the
acquisition of Dizzy Uean. Mr. Dean has won
two ball games and his last one was a shut out.
However, Hal Schumacher
pitched a one-hitter and at-
tracted less attention. Much
of Dean's value to a ball club
lies in his nickname rather
than his right arm. By now
it may be difficult to discover
which one of the sports
scribes put the golden fruit
into the toe of Dean's base-
ball stocking.
Magnates seem to be a little slow in realizing
that their industry is one allied to the theatre.
I raised this point in conversation with Larry
MacPhail, the new executive director of the Dod-
gers. Mr. McPhail met me half way and then
went on much further. "The theatre nothing," he
said, "big league baseball is a first cousin to the
circus." And it is true that the National League
needs some Gargantuas and elephants. It has
plenty of living skeletons and midgets already.
In all fairness to the Brooklyn club of today
and recent seasons it has developed the atmo-
sphere of a side show beyond all other rivals.
The only trouble with the state of affairs is the
fact that it has kept the club out of the main
tent. Indeed, for several years it hasn't even
been able to crawl in under the canvas. Of
course, the neat trick, is to find eccentrics who
can also play a little baseball on the side. I am
willing to admit that Dean could be even dizzier
and still not fit if he were devoid of pitching
ability. In fact, there is a grave suspicion that
the young man has both feet on the ground and
merely does a little play acting for the sake of
the record and the gate.

Proud Of ROTC
To the Editor:
I am a member of the ROTC, and
proud of it. I am not going to the
Military Ball only because I have
another date for that same night.
Yet I would like to defend it. The
Lawyers have their dance, as do the
Engineers, Honor Societies and all
other campus organizations; so why
not rhe ROTC?
So-called "pacifists" like to deride
the R YTC. ir3t as a profession. I
don't see es it is any worse than
being a crooked lawyer, robjag
banker --r poisoning physician. True
you get :1 est men in these fi6s,
but i do believe yu get a g_lter
percentage of them on the shady "d
than yo t get in te -ROTC.
With Fascism fighting Commu-
nism throughout the world any nation
must be prepared to defend itself in
time of attack-and nIations now-a-
days do not need a very good rea-
son for assaulting another. Should
Italy, Germany or Russia invade a
defenseless United States, just what
would we do about it? No one will
dare to attack a well defended coun-
try. ROTC, as I see it, is but the
"manly art of self defense" on a
larger scale, always ready to protect
any American citizen, at home or
abroad, male or female, whether he
is unable to fight, or just afraid to
do so. I, as a member ofthe ROTC
rea'ize the horrors of war, and cer-
tainly hope I never have to go, but I
wouldn't give 10 cents for any able-
bedied citizen who would net be
willing to give his life for his country
in time of stress.
But disregarding the military angle
of the ROTC there is still the edu-
cational value of the course. Each
student therein receives careful in-
struction and practice in leadership,
which develops self-confidence, a
sense of responsibility, ability to
think quickly and rhake decisions,
and a facility in imparting instruc-
tions to groups of men and supervis-
ing other instructors. If you do not
believe me, just try to drill a patoon
The Daily seems to agree with Presi-.
dent Ruthven's educational policies.
Here is what he said abot the
"The University of Michigan has
included courses in Military Sciences
and Tactics . . . in the belief that
they have a positive value in them-
selves, and that they present oppor-
tunities for able-bodied and serious-
minded young men to prepare them-
selves most effectively to fulfill, in
case of need, one of the primary ob-
ligations of citizenship-participa-
tion in the country's defense
The training which they offer is in
any case valuable for its lessons in
cooperation, discipline, loyalty, judg-
ment, decision and physical com-
portment; it may prove to be in-
B. M. Huttlinger.
A Well-Balaneed Man
To the Editor:

* * C

Publication in the Builletin is constructive notice to all members of the
Universtty. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President
until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.


Old Daye More Interestitg
This suggests a way out for the manager who
wishes to achieve both color and a high position
in the standing of the clubs. There might be a
training season prior to the excursion to the
camps in the South. During the winter it might
be expedient to farm all the rookies out to stock
companies or enter the entire club as sub fresh-
men in some good dramatic academy.
Maybe the old days will never come again. The
fans took baseball very seriously in the years
when much partisanship entered into politics
and when our foreign and economic problems
were less passionate than they are today. For
instance, in the year in which, John W. Davis
was running against Calvin Coolidge it was easy
to get more excited about the baseball race than
the presidential one. And in days before the
Nazi peril the average man found an opportunity
to drain himself of incipient hatreds by rooting
hard against the Cubs or Cardinals.
To grow fervent all over again about the na-
tional game might be a retreat to infancy. And
yet I fear that a fine pastime may decline and
perish if the modern game is to be played in front
of sportsmen who applaud brave deeds on either
side. That is a very proper mood for lawn tennis
or international polo, but baseball won't be base-
ball any more when no part of the crowd is ever
articulate in calling for a purging of the umpires.
Turbulent Days Of McGraw
And it seems to me that it might be tossible
even now to pull a few tricks calculated to stir up
the animals, one of the present modes which has
promoted a dull neutrality is the practice of play-
ers arriving at the park in taxis or their own
limousines. They come in civies and to the pass-
ing throng along the streets they might well be
vice presidents of banks. In the heyday of the
Giants, John McGraw made his players dress in
the hotel and then ride out to the park on the top
deck of a bus.
Naturally the vehicle carried huge placards
identifying the visiting athletes. And in addition
John sat on the front seat with his jaw thrust
out waiting for somebody to throw something.
Agrees Whole eartedy
To the Editor:
Permit me to thank Professor Levi for his wise
and timely reminder that disapproval of the
foreign or domestic policies of present day Ger-
many should lead no one to neglect the study (,
the great classics of German literature. In fact/,
if Germany had listened to her own men of gen-
ius, Luther would have prevented the erection
of the swastika above the cross, Lessing would
have annihilated anti-semitism, Schiller would
have contributed a liberal constitution, Kant
would have fashioned a league of nations, and
Goethe would have made citizens of the nation
into citizens of the whole world. It is significant,
too, that practically every modern writer who
rises above mediocrity is on the side of freedom
and enlightenment.
Even Neitsche, almost the solitary great writer
to applaud a ruthless militarism, so greatly dis-
trusted the totalitarian state that he inclined
towards anarchy as the more tolerable alterna-
tive. As against Mann, Werfel, Feuchtwanger,
Ludwig, Fallada, Remarque, a constellation of
genius of which any age or country might be
proud, the Nazis have not produced a single
writer of even the third rank. Much the same
might be said of all other modern dictatorships,
with one or two minor exceptions such as the
Fascist D'Annunzio. It is significant that the
present Greek dictatorship frowns on the popular
reading of the classics because they talk so much
about "freedom."
Could the mind of the whole people really be

VOL. XLVHI. No. 147
Honors Convocation: The 15th An-
nual Honors Convocation of the
University of Michigan will be held
Friday, April 29, at 11 o'clock, in
Hill Auditorium.
Ciasses, with the exception of clin-
ics, will be dismissed at 10:45. Those
students in clinical classes who are
receiving 'honors at the Convocation
will be excused in order to attend.
The faculty, seniors, and graduate
students are requested to wear aca-
demic costume but there will be no
procession. Members of the faculty
are asked to enter by the rear door
of Hill Auditorium and proceed di-
rmectly to thebstage, where arrange-
ments have been made for seating
them The public is invited.s
Alexander G. Ruthven.
Pay Day: In view of the fact that
the regular pay da for April, April
30, is Saturday and a half day, April
salary checks will be ready for dis-
tribution on Friday, April 29.
Shirley W. Smith.
Note to Seniors, June Graduates,
and Graduate Students: Please file
application for degrees or any spe-
cial certificates (i.e. Geology Certifi-
cate, Journalism Certificate, etc.) at
once if you expect to receive a de-
gree or certificate at commence-
ment in June. We cannot guaran-
tee that the University will confer a
degree or certificate at commence-
ment upon any student who fails to
file such application before the close
of business on Wednesday, May 18. If
application is received later than May
18, your degree or certificate may not
be awarded until next fall.
Candidates for degrees or certifi-
cates may fill out card at once at
office of the secretary or recorder of
their own school or college (students
enrolled in the College of Litera-
ture, Science, and the Arts, College of
Architecture, School of Music, School
of Education, and School of Forestry
and Conservation, please note that
application blank may be obtained
and filed in the Registrar's Office,
Room 4, University Hall). All ap-
plications for the Teacher's Certifi-
gate should be made at the office of
the School of Education.
Please do not delay until the last
day, as more than 2,500 diplomas
and certificates must be lettered,
signed, and sealed and we shall be
greatly helped in this work by the
early filing of applications and the
resulting longer period for prepara-
The filing of these applications does
not involve the payment of any fee
Shirley W. Smith.
To The Members of the Faculty of
the College of Litreature, Science,
and the Arts.
The seventh regular meeting of the
Faculty of the College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts, for the aca-
demic session of 1937-38 will be held
in Room 1025 Angell Hall, May 2,
1938, at 4:10 p.m.
I Edward H. Kraus.
1. Adoption of the minutes of the
meeting of April 4, 1938, which have
been distributed by campus mail
(pages 419-427).
2. Reports,
a. Executive Committee, by Pro-7
fessor R. A. Sawyer.
b. University Council, by Profes-
sor H. H. Bartlett.
c. Executive Board of the Gradu-
ate School, by Professor F. E. Bar-
d. Advisory Committee on Univer-
sity Affairs, by Professor A. S. Ai ton.
e. Deans' Conference, by Dean E.
H. Kraus.
3. Resolution of the Committee
on Certification of Teachers.
Candidates for Election to Senior

Honors. Application for election to
Senior Honors must be in the Eng-
lish Office not later than May 16.
Students wishing information about
the course may see Professor Strauss,
Professor Mueschke, or Professor
All persons having rooms available
for the delegates to the M.I.P.A. Con-

will be postponed to Thursday, May
Orders may be placed at a desk
near the Mechanical Engineering of-
fice in the West Engineering Build-
ing between the hours of 9 and 12
a.m. and 1 and 3 p.m. throughout
the week.
The announcement booklets in-
clude the names of February and
August graduates as well as those of
Organ Recital: Miss Clare Coci of
New Orleaps, student of Palmer
Christian, will appear as guest or-
ganist in recital on the Frieze Mem-
orial Organ in Hill Auditorium,
Thursday evening, April 28, at 8:30
o'clock. The general public is in-
vited to listen to an interesting and
varied program.
Graduation Recital. Charles Mc-
Neill, violinist, accompanied by Al-
bert Zbinden at the piano, will give a
violin recital in partial fulfillment of
the requirements for the Bachelor
of Music degree, Friday evening, April
29 at 8:15 o'clock, in the School of
Music Auditorium, to which the gen-
eral public is invited.
An Exhibition of paintings by Er-
nest Harrison Barnes and of paint
ings and pastels by Frederick H. Ald-
riep, Jr., both of the faculty of the
College of Architecture, is presented
by the Ann Arbor Art Association in
the North and South Galleries of
Alumni Memorial Hall, April 18
through May 1. Open daily includ-
ing Sundays from 2 to 5 p.m., ad-
mission free to students and mem-
University Lecture: Miss Marjorie
Daunt, Reader in English Language,
University of London, and Visiting
Lecturer, Smith College, will lecture
"The English Accent-What Is It?
How Is It?" on Thursday, April 28
at 4:15 p.m. in Natural Science Audi-
torium under' the auspices of the
Department of English. The public
is cordially invited.
University' Lecture: Professor Bar-
ker Fairley of the University of Tor-
onto will give a lecture in English on
"Goethe and Frau von Stein," on
Wednesday, May 4, at 4:15 Natural
Science. The public is cordially in-
Annual Mayo Lecture: Dr. M. S.
Henderson of the Mayo Clinic will
deliver the Annual Mayo Lecture to
the Medical, students and faculty on
April 29, 1938, at 1:30 p.m. in the
Main Hospital Amphitheater. The
subject of his talk will be "The
Treatment of Fractures of the Neck
of the Femur."
Alexander Ziwet Lectures in Math-
ematics: Will be given by Professor
Erich Hecke of the University of
Hamburg, beginning Friday, April
29 at 4:15 p.m., in Room 3017 An-
gell Hall. The general topics of the
lectures will be Dirichlet Series,
Modular Functions, and Quadratic
Forms. Announcement of the dates
of succeeding lectures will be given
Henry Russe Lecture: Professor
Heber D. Curtis, Chairman of the
Department of Astronomy and Di-
rector of the Observatories, will de-
liver the Henry Russel lecture for 1938
at 4:15 p.m., Tuesday, May 3, in Na-
tural Science Auditorium. His sub-
ject will be "Receding Horizons." An-.
nouncement of the Henry Russel
Award will be made at this time.
University Lecture: Professor Einar
Hammarsten, Professor of Chemistry,
Carolingian Medical University, will
lecture on "The Secretin of Bayliss
and Starling" on Monday, May 9, at

4:15 p.m. in Natural Science Auditor-
ium under the auspices of the Medical
School. The public is cordially in-
Events Today
Students of the College of Litera-
ture, Science, and the Arts: The
final meeting in the series of voca-
tiona talks will be held this after-
noon at 4:15 p.m. for students of
the College of Literature, Science,
and the Arts and others interested
in future work in architecture. There
will be an informal discussion with
Dean W. I. Bennett of the School of
Architecture in Room 207 Architec-
ture Building.
Institute of the Aeronautical Sci-
ences: There will be a meeting of the
University of Michigan Student
Branch of the Institute of the Aero-
nautical Sciences tonight, 7:30, in Na-
tural Science Auditorium. Moving
pictures prepared by the government
aeronautical laboratories of England,
Italy and Germany will be shown.
Some of the features shown in these
films are the various types of wind
tunnels and seaplane test tanks used
at the 1nhnraoies_ and o rf Pna i

For the past three years
University pf Michigan has
tured me in its cradle of higher

nur -

In this time I have worked for my
room and board four hours every
day of every semester.
I have almost never missed a Fri-
day or Saturday night social func-
tion of one sort or another. Fre-
quently I have had afternoon and
evening engagements during the
middle of the week and on Sunday,.
I have spent at least two hours a;
day four days a week -exercising in
the intramural building and addition-
al time at physical recreation in the
Arboretum and other of Ann Arbor's
beauty spots.
I have gone out of my way to keep
up with current events, having read
from cover to cover every issue of'
"Collier's," "Life," the "Saturday
Evening Post," "Look," "Esquire,"
"Click," and "Spicy Detective."
To the movies and radio I have
devoted as much of my leisure as the
development of a well-rounded per-
sonality nowadays demands.
And, of course, I have inevitably
spent much time in bull sessions,
now, with three years' discussion be-
hind me, being an authority on birth
control and marital relations.

vention, nights of Thursday an- 1Fri-
Yet, having done all these many dne
things regularly, I have still found day, May 5 and 6, are requested to
time to live up to the high scholastic telephone University Extension 485,
standards of this our highest edu- r write to Room 213 Haven all,
stadars o ths or hghet eu rnumber of arconmmon1tin


cational institution in the state of
For five semesters, and i hope this
one, I have maintained a strong C
average in the College of Literature,
Science and the Arts. And I daresay
that if I had had 15 minutes more a
day in which to study, this coulA very
well have been a Phi Bet' record.
I have surmounted obstacles and
conquered opposition in a truly
American manner; and I believe that
my example is one that can be ob-
served to advantage by younger stu-
dents. That, to explain, is the reason
for this letter.
In anotherv var uwhen I sha~l hv

1 , I V 11 & 11 l.t ltltll,.L Vl 41VS1+J

and whether boys

or girls car be1

Attention: Senior Engineers: You
are hereby reminded that the sale of
Commencement Announcements will
continue through this week only and
that it will be absolutely impossible
to place an order after 3 p.m. Fri-
day, April 30.
Sophomore Engineers: Place your
orders for class jackets now at, Wag-
ner & Co. The full price is $1.50.
Those who placed their orders before
,prang vacation, will be able to get

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