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February 19, 1938 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1938-02-19

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SATiJRDOtY, FEB. 19, 1922




Old Students
To Sing Again
To Dad Hildner
(Continued from Page 1)
skens of the speech department willr
act as toastmaster.
Proessor Hildner was born in Free-
dom Township, a few miles west of
Ann Arbor, shortly after his parents
carite to this country from Germany.k
He obtained his high school trainingf
in. Detroit where his family had moved
and took his bachelor's degree from
the University in 1890. Ile became
principal of the high school at Han-
cock after graduating, but cane back
to the University in 1891 to get his.
maiter's degree. With the exceptiont
of two years at the University ofE
Leipzig in Germany where he earned
his doctor's degree in 1899, he hasr
taught German here ever since.
Though Professor Hildner special-
ized in literature of the end of the
eighteenth and the beginning of thee
nineteenth centuries, and his intro-
duction of his edition of Goethe Gotz1
von Berlichingen contains one of ther
most complete discussions of the
Sturm and Drang period written inr
English, he is also especially interestedt
in contemporary German literature.t
As a student at Michigan he played
on the baseball team, and ever sincet
his student days has kept up a livelys
interest in campus activities. He wast
adviser to foreign students for manyg
years and prominent in the affairs of
the old Cosmopolitan Club.r
One of the groups which he organ-f
ized to read and discuss German
liteurature was the "Indipohdi" clu
which took its title from Hauptmann's
play of that name. For several years1
this group met weekly. In it wereI
Paul Osborn, author of the Vinegar
Tree and the current Broadway suc-
cess, "On Borrowed Time"; Warren
Bower of New York University andc
Scribners Magazine, Max Ewing nov-
elist and composer; Sigmund Proctor
of the University of Illinois, and Laur-
ence Conrad, teacher and writer.
Congress Sets
Election Date
Districts Marked Out For
VotingMarch 1{
(Continued from Page 1) l
section which will work actively witht
the men in all the districts, it was
explained. It was undecided wheth-
er committee membership would be
chosen by election in March in the
respectve zones. This program may;
be delayed until the fall, it was
pointed out, to facilitate the func-
tioning of Congress for the remain
der of the year.
The presidents of the 10 districts
will represent their constituencies on
the District Council, the chairman of
which, chosen by that body, will be
a member of the Executive Council
of Congress. The secretaries will aid
the presidents in the administra-
tion of the functions and projects
within the zones.
Further information concerning
the elections and districts and future
program of Congress may be ob-
tained from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. any
week-day at Room 306 of the Union,
Congress' office.
All"A's' Make
Fifty Students
Truly Eligible

It can happen here!
Records of all "A" were made
last semester by a total of 50 stu-
dents enrolled in the School of Edu-
cation, the School of Music, and the
College of Literature Science and the
Arts, it was announced yesterday by
Robert L. Williams, assistant regis-
In the School of Education, per-
feet performances were turned in by
Walter A. Hahn, '38; Laura ones
spec.; Mary Matula, '39, and H. Ids
Gertrude Overhold, spec.
Anna Marie Gantner, Grad., and
Andrew Ponder, '38, earned the two
perfect records in the School of Mu-
All "A"s were earned in the literary
college by Janet D. Allington, '38;
4lliott B. Alpern, '38; Charley H. Alt-
. .;ter, '40; Ensign Engle Clyde, '41;
John J. Colwell, '41; Irving M. Co-
pilowish, '38; Meyer Davis, '39;
Charles L. Dolph, '39 and Stefan S.
Fajans, '38,
;Ronald Freeman, '39; Gertrude
Frey, '41; Muriel C. Gerkinis, '38:
Martin Greenberg, '38; Esther L.
Gross, '39; David G. Hertzberg, '39;
Delbert R. Jeffers, '38; Robert L.
Kamm, '39; Robert L. Kann, '40; Lois
M. King, '38; Ben Z. Klatch, '39;
Florence M. Krenzler, '40; and Bar-
barn Helen Leif, '38.
Benjamin Yeopold, '39; John Roy
Liotto, '40; Donald C. May, r., '38:
Mary Elizabeth Millier, '38; Roberta
E. Moore, '40; William N. Mundy,
'39: Ronhert A. Nabatoff. '39: Charles

tCantned rm f9

1. "Peace" led by Mr. Kenneth Mor-
gan; 2. "Adventures in Religion," led
by Dr. Brashares; 3. "Christian So-
c al Action" led by Kenneth Leisen-
i1nig, Grad. Fellowship hour and surp
per following the discuissiorns, Aul
Methodist students and their friends
are cordially invited to the class and

Congress Marks Out Election Zones For Balloting March 1


with Dr. A. J. Logan as superinten- Guild meetings,
dent. The Junior High group will
meet in the church parlors at 4:30. First Presbyterian Church: 1432'
Washtenaw Ave.
Roger Williams Guild, Baptist stu- 10:45 a.m., "The Autobiography of;
dent organization. 12 o'clock a class God" is the subject of Dr. W. P.
for University students is conducted Lemon's sermon at the Morning Wor-
by Rev. Howard Chapman, minister ship Service. The student choir di-
for students, in the Guild House, op- rected by Prof. E. W. Doty and the
posite the church, at 503 E. Huron. children's choir under the leader-
The session is only for 40 minutes. ship of Mrs. Fred Morns will take
At 6:30 p.m. Guild members and part in the service. The musical num-
friends will unite in a special meet- bers will include: Organ Prelude, "0
ing in the church parlors, with Lord Our God" by Karg-Elert; Ant-
Judge E. J. Millington as guest of them, "Lord Thou Ilast Been Our
the Guild and the Church. The wom- Dwelling Place" by Rogers; solo, "The
en of the church, under Mrs. E. B. Lord is My Shepherd" by Dvorak.
Clark's committee, will serve refresh- 5:30 p.m., The Westminster, stu-
ments during the social hour follow-- dent group, supper and meeting. Dis-
ng Judge Millington's address. cussion groups on Principles of Chris-
tian Living-In Interpreting Events
First Congregational Church: Corn- of Today; In Getting Along With
er of State and William: 10:45 a.m. People; In Men and Women Rela-
Service of worship. Dr Leonard A. tions, and In Business and Profes-
Parr will preach on "Shall We Be- sions. A fifth group will discuss basic
rate or Salute the Church?" principles of Christianity.
6 p.m. The Student Fellowship
meeting will be one of unusual in- Saint Andrew's Episcopal Church:
terest this week. Supper social fea- Services of worship Sunday are: 8
tures have been arranged and Prof. L a.m. Holy Communion; 9:30 a.m.
Arthur L. Cross will give his popular Church School, 11 a.m. Kindergar-
talk on "Michigan Worthies." New ten; 11 a.m. Service of Dedication
students particularly are invited to of Organ with address by Prof. Earl
this fine social gathering and will V. Moore.
greatly enjoy Professor Cross's fas-
cinating story of the men who have Harris Hall: "The Businessman's
made the University of Michigan Point of View" by Mr. Charles R.
famous. Henderson, Director of the Wash-
tenaw County Gas Company, will be
ttt.. _ .w.i_ h n A herthII (Zhl Ant1L hin in

U ee 6tad a








N. (/N/VES1Y

S. UN/ VERJ/ 7
H/-/L L

Mr. McBergen
And Hst Exams
(Continued from Page 1)
What did you do after the 10th
"Went out like a light."
Your first, expression, Mr.
McBergen, when you got your
grade card was
"I WU* robbed!"
Wht~t , l wiheBlack Dealth on
campus I lwse days, Mr. Me-
What did you do about the 'E?'
"Talked turkey to the prof."
Did he make it clear to you
why you received the grade?
"Yes, clear as mud."
So that night you .
"Killed another bottle."
What, Mr. McBergen is the
first thing; you do on an exam?
"Get ouit my shovel."
And into the bluebook you
shiovel .
"Everything but the kitchen
Yoti usually pull through by:
"The skin of my teeth."
Have you ever received an
"I hope to tell ya.'
"Polished the prof .for it."
Are there any other accepted
nethods of getting an "A?"
"Pulling them down or slinging
the bull."
The only illegal method is . .
"Cracking the books."
And WI t, Mr. McBergen, do
you (10 with a stiff?
Did you go out last night?
"No, I had a date,"
Do you like the girl?
"Yea. I fell for her."
"Head over heels like a ton of
Was thle Imovie la,,t. night a
'"No, a tear jerker."
Now, Mr. MuCarihy, in writIr,
term papers do you find that
everything has one cause?
"No, there are various factors
jeDo you treat the entire sub-
"No, I limit myself to one
phase of it."
Who are your sources?
"Eminent authorities."
On Page 10 you
"Conclusively prove.
The first morning of the new
semester, Mr. McBergen, you
invariably find yourself with--
"Three nine o'clocks."
But this semester ...
"Is going to be different."



First Methodist Church: Morning
worship at 10:45 o'clock. Dr. C. W.
Brashares will preach on "People ofl
Power." The meeting will be held
in the Michigan Theatre.
Stalker Hall: Class for' sudents at
9:45 a.m. led by Prof. Carrothers.
The subject for discussion this week
is: "Choosing Companions."
Wesleyan Guild meeting a; 6' p.m.
We will have three discussioni groups.
Ior'nado Ki1S' Many
In Sovathern Iown
RODESSA, La., Feb. 18.- (P) -
A winter tornado dancing a path of
death and destruction through the
little northwest Louisiana oil town of
Rodessa left in its rain-sodden wake
today 25 dead and scores of splin-
tered homes and business-hbuses.
As volunteer and relief workers
plodded through the mud in a search
of the wreckage along the main street
of this village of 2,000 population, a
survcey showed three persons still
missing and 41 others injured.
None knew just how many more
were homeless.

heard ny the zStudent rFeiowsni in
Harris Hall Sunday night. The meet-
ing will begin at seven o'clock. This is)
the second of the series of talks on
the present economic conflict. All
Episcopal students and their friends
are cordially invited.
Unitarian. Church: 6 p.m. "Hitler i
versus Niemoller"--an ancient con-
troversy in new garb--address by Rev.
H.- P. Marley.
7 p.m., Coffee hour for students.
8 p.m. "Dare the school build a
Democracy"--discussion lead by Mo-
wat G. Fraser of the school of educa-
Lutheran Student Club will meet
in Zion Lutheran Parish Hall at
5:30 this Sunday. Supper will be
served at 6 p.m. by the ladies of the
church. Prof. Bennett Weaver will
speak after the supper hour on "The
Influence of Religion on Literature."
Zion Parish Hall is located at 309 E.
Washington St.
The Lutheran Student Choir will
meet for rehearsal this week on Sun-
day at 4 p.m. in the Congregational
Church due to the choir participat-
ing in the Fedration Day of Prayer
service in that church.

7 i

The 10 districts of Congress with street boundaries are shown tubove. Each district contains approxi-
i)ately 400 independent undergraduate men who are qualified to vote in the Congress election March 1 for
president and secretary of each zone. Petitioning for the cifices is now open in Room 306 of the Union.

Salvador De Madariaga,

To Speak

TurSday, leads Word Peace Group
Salvador de Madariaga, former tion to develop such a spirit, gather together information gained
Spanish Ambassador to the United !The 60 or more world powers all from their approach to world prob-
States and former Spanish delegate striving for selfish encs, says De lems from a world point of view, and

to the League of Nations, who willj Madariaga-, gives rise L~o a world crisis i
speak Thursday evening at the Hill for which no world remedy is sought.
Auditorium under the auspices of Statesmen and diplomats, as men of
the Oratorical Association, is chair- action, he feels, have not time to in-
man of the organizing committee of vestigate all the facts.
the World Foundation, an organiza- The World Foundation would use
tion advocating international citi- the human intelligence concentrated
zenship as an aid to peace. in the universities and in the spe-
The League of Nations, according cialists whom they turn out to solve
to Senor de Madarigara, was efficient, this problem.
but lacked world spirit. It is thE These specialists, according to the
avowed task of the World Founda- idrcas of the Foundation, would

this information would be used by the
men of action as a starting point for
their solution of world difficulties.
In recognition for his personal
services to the cause of world peace,
Senor de Madargaria was awarded
Yale University's Howard E. Howlan
Memorial Prize in 1937. The subject
of his talk here will be, "What is


Sic ig4tau

x t

F RIDAY, THE 25TH OF THIS MONTH at 4 p.m. in
the afternoon the BUSINESS STAFF of THE MICHI-
GAN DAILY will hold its annual meeting in the PUBLI-



at 420 MAYNARD



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