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April 28, 1938 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1938-04-28

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The Weather
Thundershowers today and to-
night becoming fair tomorrow.


5k igan


What Price Education .. .
Don't Miss
The Spring Parley..
Literary Purges ..;



Ford Refuses
To Elaborate
On 'Nice Chat'
With President
Sloan Warns Auto Dealers;
Of Industry's Perils;
Urges Policy Forum
Gar Wood Reveals
Profit-Sharing Plan

(By Associated Press)
President Roosevelt and


Ford, a leading dissenter to Roose-
veltian policy, devoted~two hours to a
"pleasant family conversation" in
Washington yesterday and then cov-
ered their discussion with a heavy lid
of secrecy. d
For an hour they talked' at lunch-
eon in the little "family dining room"
at the White House and continued
the conveisation for another hour in
the President's study, the oval room
Then, with associates elbowing
newspapermen aside, the motor mag-
hate left the White House, took his
place in a gleaming limousine and
drove to Union Station to keep an en-
gagement last night in New York.
In Detroit, Alfred P. Sloan, Jr.,
chairman of General Motors .Corp.
told the nation's organized automo-
bile dealers yesterday that the motor-
car industry "stands at the cross
roads" on the question of solving its
dificulties "from within through a
spirit of cooperation," or from with-
out, "by government edict."
Addressing the closing session of
the National Automobile Dealers As-
sociation, Sloan advodated a forum
for discussion of policies as they af-
fect dealer-manufacturer relation-
ship and involve the iterests of the
'Gar Wood
Employes o har Wood Industries,
Inc., will receive 20 per cent of all
declared dividends of the concern,
under a profit sharing plan an-
nunc d yesterday
The comany, headed by Gar
Wood. Harmnswrth Trophy boat
racer, announced the plan coinci-
dent with an agreement that ended
a strike affecting 500 workers in De-
troit plant- The agreement provided
for institution of a straight piece-
work system and negotiations of a
new contract with the United Auto-
mobile Workers (CIo) Union.
'Down With Everything'
Is Garg's Newest IopC
And so the Gargoyle gets socially
it's "Down With Everything" in to-
day's issue, including Fascism, Com-
munism and Naziism. "Even the
jokes are socially significant," said
Comrade George "Quick, '38, editor
of the local organ of propaganda.
The styles in the issue reflect tle'
current political trends, Quick said,
by representing both the radical and
conservative'ang'e on what the well-
dressed agitator wears.
A pro-war story which "drips de-
licioudly with blood," a trilogy o
John I. Lewis as he would be treated
by Gffry Chaucer, Henry Wads-
worth Longfellow and Edgar A.
Gues4 and an editorial 4dvocaing
repeal of woman suffrage complete
Gargoyle's first venture into the
realm of the intellect.
Congress Petitions
Available Till May 7
Opening of the petitioning period
for Congress was announced last
1 night at the independent men's :mix- I
er which more than 150 men attend-
Petitioning is open to all indepen-
dent men who believe themselves
qualified to hold positions on the
Executive Council of Congress, it was
explained. Petitions must be in by
May 7.
The growth of independent men's
organizations throughout the coun-
try and the recent national confer-
ence of independent groups at the
University of Oklahoma,, at which
Dean Joseph Bursley was the prin-
cipal speaker, were discussed at the

Wisconsin Offers Frosh

Senator Burke
Battles NLRB
With Frank
Sen. Edward R. Burke, of Nebraska,
an anti-New Deal Democrat, is us-
ing his flanking privilege to carry
on a campaign against the National
Labor, Relations Act in cooperation
with Chamber of Commerce and em-
ployers' organizations throughout the
United States, according to an article
by Paul Y. Anderson in the St. Louis
Star-Times. 'e
Burke plans to distriute 300,000
copies of a radio speech in which he
said the Wagner Act favored unions.
He contends that this use of the
franking, privilege, which allows a
senator to make free use of the mails
for official business, is legal. Other
senators dispute that, and the matter
may have a public airing.
The Nebraska senator gained some
prominence in the fight against the
President's supreme court reform
plan, and recently was among those
who opposed the wage-and-hour leg-
islation and the Reorganization Bill.
Among his colleagues he is recog-
nized as an aspirant for the 1940
Democratic presidential nomination.
Burke, who had his radio speech'
printed in the Congressional Record
thus making it a public document,
told Anderson, "The people need to
be told what the Labor Relations Act
is doing to them."
A letter written on the stationery
of the Senate Judiciary Committee is
enclosed in the franked envelop with
the copy of the radio speech.
15, rackmeni
Head For Penn
Watson To Enter Three
Events; Stone Out For
Title He Won In 1936
A hand picked Michigan track
team of 15 men will leave this after-
noon to compete tomorrow and Sat-
urday in the East's premier track and
field carnival, the Penn Relays at,
Franklin Field in Philadelphia.
Of this small contingent, five men,
led by Big Bill Watson, "the one
man track team," will compete in
the field events and Walter Stone,
veteran distance man, will attempt to
reclaim his steeplechase title which
he won in 1936 but did not defend
last year.
The other nine Wolverines, includ-
ing Stan Kelley, hurdle ace, will
carry the Maize and'Blue in three re-
lays, the distance medley, two mile
and mile. For the first time since
anyone can remember a Michigan
team will take the road without a
single sprinter in the lineup.
Michigan's hopes in all three re-
lay events were substantially streng-
thened yesterday afternoon when
special time trials showed that Har-
old Davidson, mile star, had definitely
returned to form and that Doug
Hayes, diminutive quarter miler had
apparently recovered from the leg
injury which kept him out 'of the In-
diana Relays last week end.
Of the trio of Michigan relay quar-
tets entered in the Quaker classic,
the distance medley foursome of
Faulkner, Davidson, Schwarzkopf and
Jester is conceded the best chance
of carrying the Hoytmen home in
the money.
The traveling squad- posted by
Coach Charlie Hoyt yesterday after-
noon follows: Bill Watson, Fred

Martin, Wes Allen, John Townsend,
Jim Kingsley, Ross Faulkner, Doug
Hayes, Harvey Clarke, Stan Kelley,
Walt Stone, Ralph Schwarzkopf,
Harold Davidson, Dye Hogan, Tom
Jester, Bill Buchanan.

Anglo -French
Policy Talks
Insurgent Troops Smash
Loyalist Defense North
Of Teruel In Pobos
Japs Launch Drive
In Northwest China
(By Associated Press)
France's Premier and Foreign
Minister arrived in London yesterday
to pool plans with British ministers
for building a bulwark of friendships
as a shield against German expan-
The French ministers-Premier
Edouard Daladier and Foreign Min-
ister Georges Bonnet-were met yes-
terday at Croydon Airport by Vis-
count Halifax, British Foreign Sec-
retary, after flying from Paris.
With Prime Minister Neville Cham-
berlain they will open formal talks
today on how to turn the new Angl-
Italian Pact into a triple tower of
strength overshadowing the Rome-
Berlin axis and serving as a magnet
for smaller states.-..
In Athens, Greece and Turkey yes-
terday signed a 10-year pact of
friendship and non-aggression, pro-
viding for constant consultation on
all questions involving the two coun-
General Jose Varela's Insurgent
troops suddenly smashed through
Government defenses north of Teruel
yesterday and seized Escorihuela in
the Pobo Mountains which command
important Teruel.
The village, 20 miles north of
Teruel in eastern Spain, was the
Government's key stronghold in the
Pobo range from which they dom-
inated the Alfambra and Seco river
The advance relieved Government
pressure on the left flank of the In-
surgent forces poised for an offensive
on the Teruel-Sagunto highway to
the Mediterranean.
Japanese forces have launched a
drive into Mohammedan northwest
China, where Generalissimo Chiang
Kai-Shek has called upon Chinese
sons of the prophet to rally to his
The new drive, in the dirction of
Outer-Mongolian spheres of Soviet
Russian infleunce, apparently is de-
signed to sever the ancient silk cara-
van, routes which have been used to
bring Russian war supplies to Chi-
ang's armies.
Enlish Expert
Marjorie Daunt To Talk
On Use Of Aceent
Miss Marjorie Daunt, authority on
the English language of the Univer-
sity of London, will lecture on "The
English Accent-What Is It? How Is
It?" at 4:15 p.m. today in the Na-
tural Science Auditorium.
Miss Daunt, lwho is at present a
visiting professor at Smith College,
is a student of the history and de-
velopment of the English language,
and ha; made extensive studies of
English and of language proolems.
Among fields in which she has spe-
cialized are the Anglo-Saxon lan-

guage and problems of phonetics.
The lecture today is under the
auspices of the department of En'g-
fish and is one of the concluding lec-
tures of the University lecture series.

Killed In Raid'
On Barcelona
Professor's Son, Aviator
With Loyalists, Was On
Leave When Death Came
Parents Believed
He Wasn't Fighting
DeWitt Webster Parker, 27-year-
old son of Prof. DeWitt H. Parker,
chairman of the philosophy depart-
ment, was killed in early April during
an Insurgent air raid on Barcelona, it
was revealed yesterday.
Parker, whose parents believed him
to be a non-combatant, was in real-
ity an aviator on leave from the Ab-
raham Lincoln Battalion Loyalist air
force at the time of his death. He
had been in Spain since June, 1937.
Previous to that Parker had done
recruiting and rehabilitation work in
France after leaving the United
States in February, 1937.
Surviving is a widow, Mrs. Esther
P. Parker of Waterbury, Conn. There
are no children.
News of his son's death came to
Professor Parker yesterday morning
in the form of a letter from the
Friends of the Abraham Lincoln Bri-
gade. Later in the day additional.in-
formation was wired the Daily from
both New York and Boston.
A native of Boston, Parker attend-
ed the Brookline public schools. He1
did not -go on to college and is re-{
ported by friends of the family to1
have been operating a book-store at
the time he took an interest in the
Spanish war.
Parker's was the fourth case in
recent months to bring the Spanish
War home to the Michigan campus.
Previously Robert Cummins, '37, was
reported captured by Franco's forces;
Harland Kahle, special student, was
either killed or captured and Ralph
Neafus, '36 F&C, was captured. All
were enlisted in the International
Brigade of the Loyalist forces.
llman 'Service, '39. previously re-.
ported captured by the Rebels, is
now definitely known to be still in
service. -
Coaches Speak
To Lettei'nen
200 Gathered AL Union
For M-Club Banquet
More than 200 past, present and
future M-men and coaches gathered
last night at the Union for the first
annual M-Club banquet.
Head Grid Coach, Fritz Crisler, in
his speech, made no reference to the
football situation in particular, but
confined his remarks to well chosen
witticisms and a "You get out of it
what you put into it" theme.
Athletic director, Fielding H. Yost,
who headlined the speaking card
with Crisler, also avoided saying any-
thing about the football outlook for
the coiing season aside from pre-
dicting an application of "reverse
English for the boys at Lansing."
The purpose of the banquet as set
forth by George C. "Bubbles" Pat-
terson, captain of the 1913 football
team, president of the alumni M-Club
and toastmaster, is to inaugurate a
more closely knit unit of the campus
letter men's club.
T I -f

Show Must Go (in;
Producer Razzed;
Moral Victory His
When nature interferes with the
motion picture industry, nature loses.
This was the moral outcome of the
tussle between the forces of nature,
in the form of singing birds and a
company of commercial picture pro-
ducers who "shot" a car yesterday on
Wililam s Street near State.
When the "star" was all set to ap-
proach the car and give it "the once
over," with sound effects, two birds
in the trees above began chirping
"The Song of Spring."
"Get me arock!" shouted the di-
rector, who was equipped with his
convertible chair and blaring voice.
"We've got to clear those birds!"
'Taking a hint, the winged saurop-
sida gave the director a parting "bird"
and flew out of hearing. But once

Gilbreth To Be
Guest Speaker
At Convention
Ninth Annual ConferenceI
On Teacher Education
Held At Union Today
The 15th Annual Honors Convoca-
tion, a feature of the three-day meet-
ing of the Michigan Schoolmasters,
will be held at 11 a.m. tomorrow inI
Hill Auditorium with President Ruth-
ven as chairman. Mrs. Lillian M. Gil-
breth of Montclair, N.J., consultingI
engineer, educator and psychologist,
will deliver the Convocation Address.
All classes except clinics will be
dismissed at 10:45 a.m. There will
be no procession, but academic cos-
tume will be worn. Seats will be
provided on the stage for memberst
of the Board of Regnts and faculty.t
The Convocation honors students who
have maintained high scholastic rec-
ords or who have received an award
because of outstanding achievement
in a particular field.
Another feature of the Schoolmas-
ters meeting, the Ninth Annual Con-
ference on Teacher Education, spon-
sore-d by the School of Education, will
be held at 9:30 a.m. today in the
Union. Dean James B. Edmonson of
the School will preside.
The theme of the meeting will be
"Impending Changes in Teacher Ed-
ucation." The first speaker will be
Prof. Raleigh Schorling of the educa-
tion school, who has .just returned
from an extensive tour of Central
Europe. He will-talk on "Impending
Changes from the Viewpoint of a Stu-~
dent of Recent European Develop-
Prof. George E. Carrothers, drec-
tor of the Bureau of Cooperation with1
Educational Institutes, will speak on
"Impending Changes from the View-
point of the Chairman of the Na-
tional Cooperative Study of Second-a
ary School Standards." John R.
Emens, deputy Superintendent of
Public Instruction, President Paul]
Sangren of Western State Teachers
College, Dean Silas Rorem of Alma
(Continued on Page 6)
Germans, Topic
Of Today' sTalk
Prof, Harold A. Basilius
Of Wayne To Be Speaker
The last in a series of lectures
sponsored by the Deutscher Verein
will be given by Prof, Harold A.
Basilius, chairman of the German
department at Wayne University, who
will speak on, "Germans in the State
of Michigan," at 4:15 p.m. today in
Room 2003 Angell Hall.
Professor Basilius, who has rade
a special study of this subject, will
discuss the early settlements of Ger-
mans around Frankenmuth, Ann
Arbor and other places in the State.
This lecture will further the neigh-
borly relations between the Grman
departments of the Univesity and
Wayne University, according to Prof.
Henry W. Nordmeyer, chairman of
the German department, who will
speak in return Friday. May 13, at
Way'ne University.

Faculty Board
To Name Heads
Of Publicationsr
The Board in Control of Student
Publications will hold its meeting for
the appointment of managing editors
and business managers of The Mich-
igan Daily, the Summer Daily, the
Michiganensian and the Gargoyle,
and the business manager of the
Summer Student Directory, at 8 a.m.,
May 14.a
Each applicant for a position is re-
quested to file nine copies of his
letter of application with the Auditor
of Student Publications not later
than May 7 for the use of the mem-
bers of the Board. Carbon copies,
if legible, will be satisfactory. Each
letter should state facts as to the
applicant's experience on his par-j
ticular publication or elsewhere,
so far as they might have any bear-
ing upon his qualifications for the-
position sought, and other facts which
the applicant may deem relevant.
E. R. Sunderland,
Business Manager, Board in
Control of Student Publica-
Leaoue Council,
I to
Makes Tag Day
Official Project
Roberta Chissus Is Named
Head Of Women's Par
In Camp Fund Drive
T-7 a- development making the an-
nual University Fresh Air Camp Tag
Day a more comprehensivecampus
project than ever before, the League
Council yesterday voted to make par-
ticipation in the Tag Day an official
League project.
Roberta Chissus, '39A, will head
women's participation in the Tag
Day, assisting Charles McLean, Grad.,
general chairman, it was announced.
Five other women's committee heads
were announced, with other women
to receive League points for partici-
pating on the committees, in the
ticket sales, and in other phases of
the project
Five general committees have al-
ready started work on the project,
with the women's committees to join
them when selected. Roberta Moore,
'40, is in charge of tag distribution,
with Betty Myers, '41, of the League
to assist, and John McConachie, '40,
will take charge of fraterhity, sorority
and dormitory contributions, , with
Betty Shaffer, '39, of the League.
Fred Olds, '39, will take charge of
men's volunteers, and Marian Baxter,
'39, of the League, of women's volun-
teers. Dorothy, Nichols, '40, of the
League, will head the women's com-
mittee in charge of merchant con-
tacting and will work with the regu-
lar committee including Gilbert An-
derson, Grad., Milford Boersma, Grad,
Harry Arlasky, '38, RalpW Erlewine,
'38, Thomas Draper, '39 and Ted Bal-
gooyen, '40.
Dorothea Staebler, '39, will head
the women's publicity committee,
working with Warrington Willis, '39,
iRobert Mitchell, '39, Ganson Tag-
1gart, '40E, Richard Varnum, '40E,
and Richard Trusdell.

United Action

Lovett And Smith Tell 600
At Local Strike For Peace


Both Insist Common End,
The. Outlawry Of War,
Read And Adopted

More than 600 students at the
Strike Against War yesterday heard
Tucker Smith, of Detroit, and Prof.
Robert Morss Lovett, of the Univer-
sity of Chicago, agree that while
means may vary, the end of all peace
groups is the same-to outlaw war.
The Strike Against War, fifth of
the annual nation-wide student dem-
orfstrations "for peace, was sponsored
by the United Peace Committee, com-
posed of more than 40 campus or-
ganizations which buried the hatchet
as far as difference of method in seek-
ing peace was concerned for a united
front demonstration on the library
Smith, former secretary of the Na-r-
tional Committee on Militarism- i
Education, spoke first, pointing out
that today, more than ever before, we -
face the danger of war. Hitting the
present naval bill which he said- all
peace groups oppose, Smith illustrat-
ed its expense by showing that the
expenditures for it copld furnish a
$5,000 home for each family -ina-
city 50 per cent larger than Detroit.
First For Defense
"A bigger navy was demanded first
to defend the United States against
invasion by Japan," he said-. "Now it
is depmanded that we have a navy
which could defeat Japan's fleet in
her home waters "and at the same
time patrol the-Atlantic Coast."
Smith gave two reasons for the
growing possibility of war, outside of
the fact that the larger navy might
bring one on.
First of all, he said, the Adminis-
tration is again in the, doldrums of
another depression--and the govern-
ment may be tempted by the prospect ,
of a war as a way out of its dilemma.
Second, he said, "big business" is
afraid of the growing unionization
and may seek to crush it by means of
a war and war legislation such as the
May Bill for industrial mobilization.
Ridicules War Idea
Ridiculing the idea of a war to
save the world for democracy as a
fallacy, he said that no present world
government will1"corralits economic
resources and man power to fight for
democracy," but rather it would fight
to further its imperialist aims. No
government among the capitalistic
powers would subscribe to collective
security, Smith stated, because it
would not seek to make the markets
of the world available to all, but
rather would seek them for itself.
As an added disability of war,
Smith pointed out that it would help
the growth of fascism at home. To
fight fascism, he said, we must re-
tain for the masses the rights of or-
ganizing industrially and politically.
War would take all these rights away
within 10 daos from its start and
turn the country over to fascism he
said. Therefore to fight fascism, we
must fight war.
In conclusion, he urged socializa-
tion of industry as the only final
(Continued on Page 2)
Case ClubTo Hear
Don Jones Tonight
Don K. JTones, of Chicago, will
speak on "Some of the Practical As-
pects of Trial Tactics" at the annual
Case Club Dinner to be held at 6:30
p.m. tomorrow in the Lawyers Club
Dining Room.
Prof. John E, Tracey, of the Law
School, will be toastmaster and short
speeches will be given by Bruce M.
Smith, '39L, and James Mehaffey,
'38L. Prof. John B. Walte, of the Law
School, will make the Case Club
Awards of charms to the junior fi-
nalists and books to the junior ad-
visers and semi-finalists. Subscrip-
tions for the Michigan Law Review
will be given to winners of the Fresh-
man eliminations.
Collection Made To Send

H ours-Credit System Abolished
In. Slirthmore H'onor Piw

(EiD7IVinS NOTE: *Fhis is the second
in a. Seri-, of fouir articles dealing with
ii n ovations in Amer can col eges and
urniver-sities_ designed to improve the
higher educational process. The pur-
pose of the series is to provide some
idea of the different avenues of ap-
preach to educational reform which
actually are being followed in principal
institutions in the country, as prepara-
tion for discussion in the Spring Par-
ley this Satur day and Sunday.)
Swarthinore College, which with
Harvard., offered the model after
which the University's new hopors
plan is fashioned, has abolished the
hour-credit system and endeavors to

college at Swarthmore are conbined
in this way: the whole organization
of the college is broken up into four
divisions, the humanities, the social
sciences, mathematics and natural
sciences and engineering.
The second two years of work may
be carried out under two plans. very
similar to Harvard's sy- e gm. Students
who have shown that they are cap-
able of doing study on their own ini-
tiatiive are admitted to the honors
work; other students follow what
are called "gener'al couirses."

Gov. Eane
Gov.Eare'sDebt See'i Critical
For Democrats Of Pennsylvania

An apparently critical stage was
reached last week in the bitter fight
in the Democratic primary in Penn-
sylvania, in the opinion of Prof. Paul
M. Cuncannon of the political science
department, when Gov. George H.
Earle admitted owing a debt of $6,000
to Matthew H. McCloskey, the Demo-
cratic 'contractor boss' of Philadel-

supervised the giving out of $54,000,-
000 worth of contracts for public con-
struction. Of this Mr. McCloskey re-
ceived nearly 30 per cent.
The Democrats carried the state
four years ago for the first time in
half a century with a ticket headed by
Joseph Guffey for Senator and
George Earle for Governor. Due to
the split between these men, rival
tickets have been placed in the field

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