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April 27, 1938 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1938-04-27

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Military Ball, Mud Slinging And Daily
Are Topics Chosen By Correspondents

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The Peace 13al1


- .waa e . .. 7 "
Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Controlof
'Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other matters herein also
0 resrved.
IEntered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
400; by mal, $4.50.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1937-38
College Publishers Reprsentative
Board of Editors
Business Department
It is important for society to avoid the,
neglect of adults, but positively dangerous
for it to thwart the ambition of youth to
reform the world. Only the schools which
act on this belief are educational institu-
tions in the best meaning of the term.
- Alexander G. Ruthven
The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of the Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
The Strike'
Ag st War..-
HE TIME is 4 p.m. today.
The place is the General Library
The stake is your future.
The occasion is the Strike Against War.
The Strike Against War is not radical, nor
visionary, nor an affront to the University
Administration. It is simply the most practical
means available to you as students to make
your sentiments known to those factions who
are for war. You are, as you know, in the
midst of a world at war, mad dictators, pre-
cariously-situated governments and wildarma-
ments races. , And the best way for you to dent
the consciences or merely discourage these anti-
social elements is to attend the Strike Against
We do not mean to say that mere attendance
at the Strike will end your obligations to the
peace movement. You must leave the Strike
with a resolve to think out your position clearly
-if you have not already done so. And then,
if you are firmly convinced of your position, you
must follow it by agitation directed toward the
common goal.
But we do mean to say this: your absence today
will hurt the Peace movement by virtue of the
fact that indifference to War is, more than
anything else, encouragement to those who
badger for War daily.
It's clearly up to you.
Tuure Tenander.

To the Editor: .
Michigan should be proud of its most signifi-
cant social affair of the year in the form of the
new Peace Ball. Enthusiastic comment on its
behalf shows that desire for such an affair has
long been in existence on the campus and indi-
cates that Friday night may very well initiate
the most worthwhile of Michigan traditions in
which Michigan men and women celebrate the
contribution of college youth in the world wide
effort to save mankind from another war.
The chairman of the Peace Ball committee has
indicated that it is no coincidence that the Peace
Ball makes its bow to the campus on the same
evening of the Military Ball It should be under-
stood that the Peace Ball is not meant tcr com-
pete with the Military Ball or bring reflection
on the right of the R.O.T.C. to have a colorful
dance in keeping with the perfectly human cus-
tom of the soldier to present himself socially in
all the glory of his uniform so as to obtain the
plaudits of the feminine sex. A
Rather, the Peace Ball offers an opportunit
for glorification of the fight for peace to the
students on the campus who share hatred for
the war with the R.O.T.C., but who find then-
selves unable to take the road to peace which the
military group would follow on the ground that
the costly mailed fist creates nationalism, race
hatred and distrusts which tend to cause the
wars we seek to avoid.
Time will eventually decide whether Christ or
Caesar had the best pathway to peace in a
troubled world. In the meantime the struggle
between military pacifists and non-military pa-
cifists continues. A Peace Ball in addition to a
Military Ball on the Michigan campus will dram-
atize equally both approaches to the problem of
war and incidentally give everyone a chance to
have a good time.
-Eldon R. Hamm.
Definition Of Democracy
To the Editor:
In view of the oncoming Military Ball spon-
sored by the R.O.T.C. and the Peace Ball spon-
sored by the United Peace Committee this little
selection taken from the Training Manuel No.
2000-2025 Reserve Officers Training Corps would
be especially timely.
"The War Department of the United States
sponsors the following definition of democracy.
'Democracy-a government of the masses. Au-
thority derived through mass meetings or any
form of 'direct' expression. Result is mobocracy.
Attitude towards property is communistic, negat-
ing all property rights. Attitude toward law is
that the will of the majority shall regulate,
whether it be based on deliberation or governed
by passion, prejudice, or impulse without re-
straint for consequences. Results in demogog-
ism, agitation, discontent, anarchy.' "-Cited by
R. A. Brady, The Spirit and Structure of German
Fascimp. 278.
-Harold Ossepow.
Reply To Mud Slinging'
To the Editor:
I have no desire to influence the beliefs of
individuals who find consolation and comfort in
psychic phenomena. When, however, indivi-
duals of such faith accuse a group of scientists
of '"mud slinging" becau e they do not feel the
need of.such consolation, I believe a reply is in
Mr. Greville, in this column, recently criticized
psychologists for refusing to accept Professor
Rhine's experimental evidence of mental telep-
athy and clairvoyance. He considers them unin-
formed on the very important subject of E.S.P.
and too prejudiced "to accept findings which
do not fit in with certain preconceived theories."
Mr. Greville is justified in his contention that
non-psychologists have been more ready to .ac-
cept E.S.P. than psychologists. It is also true
that non-physicists are more likely to accept
the possibility of perpetual motion machines
than are physicists. Mathematicians often re-
ject calculations that non-mathematicians ac-
cept. Must we conclude that the untrained in-
dividuals in a certain science are the better
judges of what constitutes proof for a theory in
that science? Apparently Mr. Greville believes
this is true, at least when he is part of the
group not technically trained in the field in ques-

To an unprejudiced person, the trained men
in a field are regarded as most qualified to eval-
uate experimental findings and, on the subject of
mental telepathy, psychologists are in the best
position to give an evaluation. Psychologists, in
general, do not believe in mental telepathy and
clairvoyance, despite Professor Rhine's contribu-
tions on these subjects. Periodically similar
claims of absolute proof for such phenomena
have been made, so Rhine's experiments have
not been a surprise to psychologists. In fact
they have not even surprised those who now
enthusiastically accept Rhine's conclusions since
such people, on the whole, knew from their own
experiences that telepathy and clairvoyance
were facts.
Psychologists, as well as other scientists, be-
lieve that experimental findings should be the
product of the subject matter investigated and
should be independent of the investigator. Re-
garding the experiments on E.S.P. there is con-
troversy on this very important point. On the
one hand, to my knowledge, nine separate in-
vestigators have confirmed Rhine's findings. All
of these were published in the Journal of Para-
psychology, a journal recently founded and de-
voted to publications on this subject. Most of
the investigations are by former students of
Rhine and seven of the nine (including Rhine

to add further to the negative evidence. Mr.
Greville says that prominent magazines have
published articles on his work. But even more
prominent psychological periodicals have pub-
lished article's to the contrary.
Rhine's technique is simple enough for un-
trained individuals to utilize. (Rhine encour-
ages this). It should therefore be possible for
other psychologists, fro matter what their faith,
men with reputations at stake who have nothing
to gain by obtaining negative results, to duplicate
Rhine's findings. (Rhine dismisses negative find-
ings by calling his technique too complicated for
others to use properly in many cases.) All ex-
periments must stand the test of verification by
other workers. It is this failure to find corrobo-
ration for the mathematically sound findings of
several other investigators which has led to the
non-acceptance of their theories.
I have confined my discussion to one point
only, that concerning the data upon which inter-
pretations of mental telepathy and clairvoyance
rest. The data that Rhine presents are unques-
tionably not chance records, but they are also
not sufficiently above chance to justify a claim
for mental .telepathy which would make even
crude communication of thought possible. One
can make as good a claim against mental telep-
athy and clairvoyance as for it fr6m Rhine's
own data. Since only some investigators can
obtain such data, there is no pressing need for
explaining why his subjects show better than
chance performance. This does not mean that
Rhine is dihonest; nor does it follow that be-
cause he is honest his experimental results and
interpretations must be accepted. Space does not
permit a discussion of other reasons why psychol-
ogists do not support Rhine. For these, a recent
paper by Wolfe may be consulted. (Am. Jour.
Psychiat, 94, 1938, pp. 943-955.)
-Norman Maier.
ine ecident Prevention
To the Editor:-
Pending the results of the investigation which
will seek to determine the cause of the mine ex-
plosion which took forty-five lives at Grundy,
Virginia, may I point out that the sacrifice of
life and property might have been prevented.
The Associated Press account stated, "the explo-
sion, believed caused by dust . . ." would indicate
that the mine was not rock-dusted, a simple pre-
ventive to coal dust explosions which is com-
pulsory in Great Britain and some few states in
this country.
Mr. John B. Andrews, writing in the journal of
the American Association of Labor Legislation
states that in the United States, where mines
are more shallow and less hazardous, that our
mining methods arethe most dngerous in the
world. We have, he says, "A greater number and
higher rate of occurrence of fatal coal mining
accidents than any other important producing
F For the five years ending 1934, ,the fatal box
score per thousand miners follows:
Great Britain ............1.34.
United States ............4.26
Indiana passed a rock-dusting law in 1927
and it is estimated that two hundred men were
saved in a single explosion which took place at
Sullivan last July.
-H. P. Marley.
In Re: Mr. Baird
To the Editor:
Justus N. Baird, Jr., '38E maintains that be-
cause the editorial policy of the Daily has been
of late contrary to his desires the editorials
should be relegated to the Forum column "to
struggle with the biased opinions of the unen-
lightened hoi-polloi" and it pleases me to note
that Mr. Baird's opinions may be considered
biased and coming from an unenlightened hoi-
polloi since he admits that the Forum column is
one medium of expressing these opinions. Conse-
quently may we not dismiss Mr. Baird's opinion
of the Daily as being only personal, biased and
not viewed objectively?
But what is really hurting his feelings? It
grieves me so to hear of such pain. He scoffs

at the idea that "several Forum letters were
printed at the time bemoaning the Board's ac-
tion, saying that it stifled freedom of the Press
and cheapened the value of the editorials." And
now he rejoices because "The recent tenor of
Daily editorials has shown the action of the
Board to have been well taken."
Judging from Mr. Biard's moaning I am fully
convinced that he is an ardent believer in the
American Constitution-even though it is the
most unique in existence-which has governed
us for the past 150 years. Perhaps he has for-
gotten that it guarantees us the right of free
speech and press or maybe these words have no
meaning today or probably he prefers that such
cherished liberties be subjected and deprived.
At times the Daily editorials contain state-
inents with which I am not in complete sym-
pathy, yet I feel that they should have the priv-
ilege to express their beliefs. This privilege the
Constitution guaiantees them, that of "freedom
of the press."
- ----,------- g
Another Prisoner
To the Editor:
An editorial in the Daily told an, interesting
tale. Prisoner 95885 (Richard Whitney to you)
recently admitted to Sing Sing, may serve from
three to five years for a five million dollar

It Seems To Me
The next time the New York Coun-
cil meets I intend to urge B. Char-
ney Vladeck or some other progres-
sive to introduce an ordinance. And
it will read: "Anybody within the
confines of the Greater City who so-
licits an autograph shall be liable to
a fine of not less than $10,000 and
not more than 45 years in jail. Elec-
trocution shall be optional."
I 'speak out of no personal bitter-
ness. Autograph hunters do not as-
sail me. I am approached only when
I get in the line of drive of some de-
voted band which is waiting outside
a theatre for Greta Garbo or Gene
Tunney. In such circumstances
some apprentice who is still trying
to perfect his technique may wander
over and say, "Aren't you Howard
Brown. Give me your autograph.
Sign here."
For a time, in order to encourage
trade, I made a practice of supplying
a photograph and five cents for a cup
of coffee. And even so, I failed to
lure many.
But yesterday I saw the pack in full
cry, and it is a terrifying experience.
It so happens that I know Charles
Butterworth. Indeed, I knew him
when. In those days Charlie had
nothing but a dead pan and a mono-
logue of his own composition. He
played banquets and culture clubs
and when he got $10 from an Elks'
smoker that was a gala night.
I Did My Best
I used to help him spend the money.
The arrangement was that he would
buy the drinks and the breakfast and
I would pay for the taxicab. Aside
from 30 or 40 bartenders nobody knew
Butterworth at that time. In those
days there was a neat little place in
Harlem called Pod and Jerry's, which
didn't really get started until about
5 in the morning. And then in the
rosy dawn we would motor through
the park back to our respective gar-
It was the custom of Charlie to lean
forward and say to the driver gravely,
"Remember, boy, slow on the
straightaways and fast around the
These dots indicate a lapse of time.
By now Charles Butterworth has be-
come a star of stage, radio and the
silver screen. I read in the papers
that he was pausing briefly in New
York on his way to London, and on
the chance I called him up. It was
a little difficult because I had to send
my name through two valets and a
personal secretary before I got him.
Nevertheless, I was able to obtain an
appointment. Mr. Butterworth had
taken the top floor of a midtown
hotel. When I got to him he was af-
fable and as democratic as Thomas
I was afraid he might not remem-
ber, but he held out his hand cordially
and said, "I never forget a face."
The Lure Of The Bar
We sat for a few minutes in his
private solarium discussing the de-
velopment of the American drama.
We differed slightly, although with-
out rancor, as to the position which
posterity would assign to Eugene
O'Neill. But something was lacking.
I missed the roar of the crowd.
"How about going down to the bar
and having a drink, Charlie?" I
suggested. He gave me a frightened
and a furtive look before he consent-
"Has the lad gone dry or high-hat
on me?" I thought, but his apprehen-
sions were well founded. We had not
been seated more than two minutes
before an urchin peered through the
window and said, "Charles Butter-
worth!" the Zulus were upon us. The

autograph hunters sprang up from
the very paving stones. I have 50
fountain pen scars in my right shoui-
der blade to prove it.
Grabbing the star by the wrist. I
said, "Quick, we can cut our way out.
I know a hideaway."
I took him to a dour and dignified
club which has been termed New
York's nearest equivalent to the Tomb
of Napoleon. The bartender used to
pour whisky for General Grant. The
waiter in the dressing room was a
drummer boy in the Mexican War. As
we came to the second cocktail Mr.
Butterworth said, "Let me sign for
this." I brushed him aside and re-
plied, "This is my club. You can sign
But when I turned away for a mom-
ent to get a cigaret I found Mr. But-
terwor th laboriously writing out his
name. Impatiently I cried, "Let me
do that.",

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President
until 3:30; 11:400a.m. on Saturday.

(Continued from Page 2)
ings and pastels by Frederick H. Ald-
riev, Jr., both of the faculty of the
College of Architecture, is presentedt
by the Ann Arbor Art Association in
the North and South Galleries ofr
Alumni Memorial Hall, April 183
through May 1. Open daily includ-f
ing Sundays from 2 to 5 p.m., ad-c
mission free to students and mem-
University Lecture: Miss MarjorieD
Daunt, Reader in English Language,C
University of London, and VisitingI
Lecturer, Smith College, will lecture
'"The English Accent-What Is It? t
How Is It?" on Thursday, April 28t
at 4:15 p.m. in Natural Science Audi
torium under the auspices of the
Department of English. The public
is cordially invited.r
University Lecture: Professor Bar-
ker Fairley of the University of Tor- :
onto will give a lecture in English onv
"Goethe and Frau von Stein," one
Wednesday, May 4, at 4:15 Naturala
Science. The public is cordially in-Y
Annual Mayo Lecture: Dr. M. S. 1
Henderson of the Mayo Clinic willn
deliver the Annual Mayo Lecture to
the Medical students and faculty on
April 29, 1938, at 1:30 p.m. in theI
Main Hospital Amphitheater. The :,
subject of his talk will be "TheI
Treatment of Fractures of the Neckt
of the Femur."J
Alexander Ziwet Lectures in Math-
ematics: Will be given by Professor
Erich Hecke of the University of
Hamburg, beginning Friday, Aprilt
29 at 4:15 p.m., in Room 3017 An-f
gell Hall. The general topics of thet
lectures will be Dirichlet Series,2
Modular Functions, and Quadratict
Forms. Announcement of the dates a
of succeeding lectures will be given :
Events Today t
Graduate Luncheon today at 12
noon, in the Russian Tea Room of
the Michigan League. Prof. L. G. Van-
der Velde of the History Department,
will speak informally on: "Exper-
iences in collecting source material.r
in Michigan history."r
Phi Eta Sigma Initiation at 5 p.m.,
today in the Michigan Union.
All initiates should bring a large1
white handkerchief. Banquet at 6:30
p.m. Active members must makef
reservations for the banquet by call-t
ing Owen Broders, phone 5575, before
La Sociedad Hispanica: Prof. Jo-
seph N. Lincoln will present the lastf
lecture of the year, "Algunos Cuen-E
tos del Folk-Lore Espanol," Wednes-
day at 4:15 p.m., 103 Romance Lan-
guage Bldg. All membersurged to
be present. Tickets for the publicv
available at the door.-
Seminar in Physical Chemistry "
will meet in Room 122 Chemistry
Building this afternoon at 4:15
p.m. Mr. James K. Davis willt
speak on "Some properties of mono- [
molecular films."
Forestry Club meeting this evening1
at 7:30 p.m., Room 2054 Nat.I
Sc. Bldg. All foresters and pre-for-t
esters are urged to attend because
of the nomination of candidates for
Club offices for 1938-39. Speakers
will be Charles Stoddard, on "ForestJ
Products Cooperatives," with com-
ments by Professor Allen; and Pro-
fessor L. J. Young on the Southern
Trip taken by the Seniors during
spring vacation. The election of
next year's Club officers will be held
on Friday, April 29, Room 1042 Nat.
Sc. Bldg.

The Educational Colloquy Club
> meets this evening at 8 p.m.
| Lane Hall, Upper Room, to form and
consider propositions of changes
which may be desirable in the Univer-
sity of Michigan.
This meeting affords interested
students an opportunity to clarify
their thinking on educational aims
and methods of the University before
the Spring Parley discussions arrive.
All interested students are invited to
attend this meeting.
A.S.M.E. Members: The annual

Ats now on sale in the Garden Room,
Michigan League, 10 to 6.
Phi Epsilon Kappa Fraternity: At-
ention all members! Important
neeting tonight at 9:15 p.m. in Room
325, Michigan Union. Election of of-
eicers to take place; also discussion
f plans for Detroit trip on Friday
ight and plans for spring dance.
The Garden Section of the Faculty
Women's Club will meet today at
3 p.m. at the home of Mrs. G, C.
AIeloche, 3060 Dover Road. Prof. E.
> Goddard will speak on the Huron
River Project.
Mimes: There are still places for
dry outs who wish to participate in
he Mimes show. Meet in Room 325
Af Union at 3 p.m. today.
Archery, Women students: Initial
neeting of the Archery Club will be
ield on Wednesday at 4:30 at the
Women's Athletic Building. Both a
lovice and an advanced tournament
vill be held. Instruction will be giv-
n to beginners. All women students
re cordially invited to attend. Bring
'our own arrows.
Congress: There will be a meeting
f the Student Welfare Committee,
p.m. Wednesday at the Daily. All
members are requested to attend,
Marshall Levy, director of the Ann
krbor Boys' Guidance Project, will
ead a discussion group at the Hillel
4'oundation tonight at 8 o'clock, on
,he subject, "Problems. Confronting
Jewish Youth."
Coming Events
Students of the College of Litera-
sure, Science, and the Arts: The
inal meeting in the series of voca-
ional talks will be held on Thursday,
kpril 28, at 4:15 p.m. for students of
;he College. of Literature, Science,
nd the Arts and others interested
n future work in architecture. There
vill be an informal discussion with
)ean W. I. Bennett of the School of
Architecture in Room 207 Architec-
;ure Building.
Institute of the Aeronautical Sci-
nces: There will be a meeting of the
Jniversity of Michigan Student
Branch of the Institute of the Aero-
nautical Sciences on Thursday eve-
ring, April 28, at 7:30 p.m., in Nat-
ural Science Auditorium. Moving
pictures prepared by the government
eronautical laboratories of England,
[taly and Germany will be shown.
Some of the features shown in these
films are the various types of wind
tunnels and seaplane test tanks used
at the laboratories, and of especial
interest are the pictures of the areo-
nautical city of Guidonia, in Italy,
which has been constructed entirely
For carrying on aeronautical research.
A.ll those interested in aeronautics
are cordially invited to attend.
The Men's Physical Education Club
will meet this Thursday, April 28 in
Room 116 of the Michigan Union, at
Revision of the Constitution will be
taken up at this time. Reports of
the last two Physipal Education Con-
ventions held in Chicago and Atlanta
will be given by the respective dele-
gates. It is urgent that all members
be present. Coaches and faculty
members are also requested to at-
English Journal Club, Friday, May
6, at 4:15 p.m., in the League. Mr.
Robert Warshaw will speak on "Some
Approaches to Shakespeare" at the
The faculty, members and guests
are cordially invited to attend and
to participate in the discussion fol-
lowing the paper.
Stalker Hall. Friday night: Class in
"Through the Old Testament" with

Dr. Brashares at 7:30. We will -leave
at 8:30 p.m. to go to Ypsilanti for
roller skating. Reservations must be
made at Stalker Hall by Friday noon.
Ann Arbor Independent Women
who live in private homes will have a
very important meeting Thursday,
April 28, at 4 o'clock in the League.
The rooms will be posted on the
bulletin board. The campus activi-
ties in which this group will partici-
pate depends on the r'esults of this
meeting. Those who would like to be
ir: the skit for Assembly may partici-
pate by calling one of the officers.
Publicity committee meeting for
Freshman Project will be at 4:15
Monday, May 2, in front of the
League desk.
Bridge Party: The Junior Group of
the Ann Arbor-Ypsilanti branch of
the American Association of Univer-
sity Women will hold its annual
bridge party for the benefit of its
scholarship fund on Saturday after-
noon, April 30, at 2 pm., at the home
of Mrs. L. W. Oliphant in Barton
Hills. Tickets at 35 cents may be
secured at the desk at the League
and transportation will be provided
from the theatre entrance at 1:45.

Drops The Peii
For Th eSword.

JAMES P. LARDNER, 23 years old,
made a momentous and meaningful
decision last week. The son of the late Ring
Lardner, author and newspaperman, he gave
up his heritage and a job as war correspondent
in Spain for the Paris edition of the New York
Herald Tribune to enlist in a Spanish Govern-
mnent international brigade artillery unit.
First and last, Lardner is a newspaperman.
His father was one of the most famous. It is the
function of a newspaperman to report the news
impartially. Young Lardner was right on the
scene of the present Spanish War. He saw the
rising tide of fascism threatening to sweep the
last vestiges of the democratic Spanish govern-
ment. away under a wave of German, Italian and
Moorish troops. He saw Franco's bombers, huge
vultures of the skies furnished by Hitler and Mus-
solini. dropping destruction upon the helpless
civilians in the Loyalist cities, civilians whose
only crime was to be loyal to their popularly-
elected government.
Finally Lardner could hold back no longer.
'Something has to be done to halt fascism's ad-
vance," he said. And he enlisted in the Loyalist
It is to be hoped that other newspapermen
and newspaper owners will report the news with
the sincerity that Lardner did. It cannot be ex-
pected that very many news writers in the world
will switch from typewriter to machine gun. But

"I'm sorry," said Butterworth, "but inspection trip and dinner as the
I'm srrdy" sa'B.tteortrbutguests of the Detroit branch of the
I'm afraid you can't. The waiter A.S.M.E. will be held today.
wants my autograph for his little The inspection trip will be
grandson who listens to me every through the plant of the U.S. Rub-
night on the radio. Of course, he ber Co., and the dinner, at which
doesn't always agree with me." President Harvey N. Davis is to speak,
There ought to be a law. is to be held at the Intercollegiate
Alumni Club. If you have not ob-
10,000 In Prizes tained your membership card as yet,
you will need it for admittance to
Offered For Essays the dinner, and may obtain it in
Room 221 W. Eng. Bldg. Bus trans-
In an effort to further public safe Ptation will be provided for all
In n efor t futhe jbii sae-those not driving. The lists on the
driving habits, the Commercial In- bulletinmust be signed by Thursday,
vestment Trust Safety Foundation April 28. '
mi nwvrl n t en n sn +i. f rn'c


win awuiu 4 xvuuu iris year zor prig- I


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