THE ,IIA"DAILY TLTgdYY, A RI 2, 73 TPUL -cs 1938 meo!= NLRB Press Hearing Goes To Washington, Ship Breaks Up In Boston Harbor National Board Will Hear ITU Local's Charges In Capital OnMonday (Continued from Page 1) attendance at the hearing of many witnesses'from Ann Arbor. The Gov- ernment, which pays transportation { nd $3 per day to its witnesses, will pay out thousands of dollars if the hearing lasts several weeks. The Ann Arbor Press pays for those witnesses of its own who are not subpoenaed by the NLRB. The new complaint from Washing- ton repeats word for word the alle- gations of unfair labor practices made in the first complaint. It sets the same time and place for action on the union's petition to be designat- ed sole collecte bargaining agent for _s employees in the composing room of the Ann Arbor Press, on the ground that the ITU represents a majority of men in that unit. Notices of the hearing in Washing- ton were mailed to the Ann Arbor Press and to Harry Reifin, special representative for the ITU, which is now going into its third month in a strike against the local printing plant, Reifin 'said that he received the notice yesterday. A. J. Wiltse, manager of the Ann Arbor' Press, would not reveal whether or not h had received the notice. The complaint was issued by Edwin S. Smith and Donald Wakefield Smnith, wlo with J. Warren Madden, chairman, compose the three-man national board at the head of all NKRB regional offices. The hearing will be held in Washv ington next Monday unless (1) the NLRB changes the place or time (2) the union withdraws its charges and the Board is satisfied that the law has been complied with, or (3) pos- sibly some local action may again de- lay proceedings. It was learned yesterday that Frank H, Bowen, Regional Director for the Seventh Region; Harold Cranefield, ,NLRB~ attorney and other officials have 'filed a brief with Judge Sample giving their arguments for the dis- missal of the injunction that stopped the first hearing. They argue that the acts which the injunction pro- hibits have not been carried out and will 'not be and that state circuit judges do not have the right, in view of United States Supreme Court de- cisions, to restrain actions of the Board. To Spanish Club Will Speak On Folk-Lore At 4:15 P.M. Tomorrow La Sopiedad Hispanica will sponsor a lecture and a musical program on successive days this week. At 4:15 p.m. tomorrow in Room 103 Rotnance Language Building, the club will hear the last in its current series of Spanish lectures. Prof. Jo- seph N. Lincoln of the Spanish de- partment will speak on "Some Stories of Spanish Folk Lore" In order to aid beginning students and those having only an incomplete knowledge of Spanish, there will be a brief resume of the lecture in Eng- lish at its beginning. At 8 p.m. Thursday in the League, the club is following up its "Noche Mexicana" program of a few weeks ago with a program of Spanish music and songs. The meeting will be open only to invited guests and society xieembers. Organist Will Give Program Thursday Miss Clare Coci, guest organist and a pupil of Palmer Christian, will ap- pear in a recital in Hill Auditorium at 3:30 p.m. Thursday. For the past ten years Miss Coci has been in charge of music at the Jesuit Church in New Orleans. Her playing is characterized by "warmth of feeling, nicety of finish, and great brilliancy of technique," according to critics. She will play Toccata and Fugue i4. D minor, by Bach; Two Choral Preludes, by Bach; Choral in B minor, by Franck; Scherzetto, by Vierne; Fugue, by Honegger; Toccata (Sym- phony No. 5), by Widow; and Phan- tasie and Fugue, by Liszt. Health Education Parley Post Given To Webster R. W. Webster of the physical edu- cation department returned yester- day from Atlanta, Ga., where he at- tended the national convention of the American Association of Physical Ed- ucation and Health and was in charge of the luncheon reunion program IDAILY OFFCIALI BULLETIN (('on I imied frorn Page 4) please be present. The Hillel Book Club will meet at 8 p.m. tonight. The works of Stefan Zweig will be discussed. Reviews will be given by Leona Siff, Maurice Sim- on, Joseph Fauman and Edwin S. Kessler. Seminlar in iPhysical Chemistry will meet in Room 122 Chemistry spring vacation. The clection of next year's Club officers will be held on Friday, April 29, Room 1042 Nat. " de E ationak (iiib iii~ Wt~e~;ayApr il 7, it psm. Lane Hal, UjjmppIr Room, to form and consider propositions of changes which may be desirable in the Univer- sity of Michigan. This meeting affords interested students an opportunity to clarify their thinking on educational aims and methods of the University before the Spring Parley discussions arrive. All interested students are invited to attend t~his meeting, i A.S.M.E.. lVfembt1r s The arinmal This graphic airview shows the ill-fated freighter "City of Salis- bury" shortly aftershe broke apart and her bow sank in Boston Harbor, Leads Change In French Play O'Neill To Replace Stiles, Now Out With Illness James C. O'Neill of the romance languages' department -will play the part of Valere in the Cercle Fran- cais' presentation of Moliere's "L'- Avare," which will be presented at 8:30 p.m. Friday in the Lydia Men- delssohn Theatre in the League. John Stiles, '39; who was original- ly cast in this part which is second to the lead, is confined to the Health Service with a cold and will be un- able to act in the play, Mr. O'Neill has been helping Prof. Rene Tala- mon, of the romance languages de- partmert and director of the piy, with rehearsals. - This presentation of "L'Avare" will represent the 30th anniversary of the prodction of the play her at the University, It was first presented in 1908 by the Cercle Francais and was the second annual production of that club. The club itself was founded in 1905 and has presented a play an- nualv since 1908. "L'Avare," which means "The Miser," is one of the productions of the wit of the French comic play- wright, Moliere. Plane Lands At Sea; Save All On Board KINGSTON, Jamaica, April 25.-- (')-A Pan-American air liner was forced down at sea near White Horses, 30 miles from Kingston, to- day and the 12 passengers and crew were rescued by a passing boat. The tug Killerig was sent fromn Kingston to salvage the plane which was reported in a sinking condition. The plane was enroute from Santiago, Cuba to Kingston. The Elder and Fyffe steamship Cavina was in the vicinity and steamed immediately to the rescue, a message received here said. Eta Kappa 'Nu Has Initiation Ceremony New members were intia ted by Eta Rappa Nu, honorary electricA (n- ginme1ing fraternity, Monday night at the Union. The new m.rrnar, include Robert 1' I'ay, '39. John Anderm.,. '3JE Kenneth. Mudie '39E, Dayton o. Slater, '39E, Richard Stuart, '39E, Chong Je ), Grad., ani Prof. Wil- liam G. Dow. Mr. A. B. Zerby, na- tional executive secretary of the fraternity from Pennsylvania, spoke at the meeting. RUTHVEN GIVES ADDRESS President Ruthven last night ad-I dressed members of the University of Michigan Club of Saginaw at their annual Spring Banquet. Former Student Here Ohio A bdu ction, Victim A former Michigan student was the victim of an abduction by an armed thug near Delaware, O., late Saturday, according to the Associated Press. Charles Hopkins, 20 years old, of Lansing, who was enrolled here in 1935-36 and is now a student at Ohio Wesleyan, was leaving a dance with Clara Mae Kerr, 22 years old, of Ste- benville, O., when a man approached and forced them at the point of a gun to drive to Marion, O., in Hop- kins' car. There he forced Hopkins from the car and drove away with Miss Kerr, but fled when police over- took the pair at Delaware. Waterman New SocietyLeader Heads American Oriental Group For Next Year I Prof. Leroy Waterman, head of the department of Oriental Languages, was elected president of the American Oriental Society at the annual con- vention of the society in Philadelphia recently. The convention celebrated the 50th anniversary of the Phila- delphia branch of the society. Six members of the University fac- ulty attended the Philadelphia meet- ing. Besides Professor Waterman, Dr. Y. Z. Chang and J. K. Yamagiwa of the Oriental Languages depart- * ment, Prof. Henry A. Sanders, chair- man of the department of general linguistics, Dr. Mischa Titiev of the anthropology department and Prof. Robert B. Hall of the geography de- partMent were present. Dr. Chang and Mr. Yamagiwa read papers while Professor Waterman gave the presi- dential address on "Oriental Studie in the Present World Picture." Professor Waterman succeeds Prof. T. K. Sturtevant of Yale University as president of the society. Professor Sturtevant, a Hittite scholar, was for- merly a member of the Summer Ses- sion faculty here. University Band To Play At Music Center Tonight The University Band will present a concert tonight at Hartland as a feature of the festival being spon- sored by the Hartland Musical Cen- ter, it was announced yesterday. The Band will also present a half- hour concert at 7:30 p.m. Friday in Hill Auditorium at the state high school debate, sponsored by the Mich- igan High School Forensic Associa- tion. .es*rvations and Tichets Her. No Extra Char. KUEBLER TRAVEL BURFAU \ut' ri . Lcen sd - Bonded. since 17 OFFICIAL For All Leading Stamsh p Lines A39NCY Tours, Cruises & Tourt Com's 601 E. Huron, Ann Arbor. Ph. 6412 Building on Wednesday, April 27 at ir:ptction trip fund dinnxer as the 4:15 p.m. Mr. James K. Davis will guests of the Detroit branch of the speak on "Some properties oft mnoio-1 A.S.M.E. will be held Wednesday, molecular films." I May 4. The inspection trip' will be through the plant of the U.S. Rub- La Sociedad Hispanica: Prof. Jo- ber Co., and the dinner, at which seph N. Lincoln will present the last President Harvey N. Davis is to speak, lecture of the year, "Algunos Cuen-f is to be held at the Intercollegiate tos del Folk-Lore Espanol," Wedncs- Alumni Club. If you have not ob- day at 4:15 p.m., 103 Romance Lan- tained your membership card as yet, guage Bldg. All members urged to you will need it for admittance to be present. Tickets for the public the dinner, and may obtain it in available at the door. Room 221 W. Eng. Bldg. Bus trans- French Play: The Cercle Francais portation will be provided for all presents "L'Avare" by Moliere, at the those not driving. The lists on the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre, Friday. bulletin must be signed by Thursday, April 29, at 8:30 p.m. Tickets at the Anil 28. boX office Thursday and Friday. The Men's Physical Education Club Students of the College of Litera- will meet this Thursday, ,April 28 in Cure, Science, and the Arts: The Room 116 of the Michigan Union, at final meeting in the series of voca- 9 p.m. tional talks will be held on Thursday, Revision of the Constitution will be April 28, at 4:15 p.m. for students of taken up at this time. Reports of the College of Literature, Science, the last two Physical Education Con- and the Arts and others interested ventions held in Chicago and Atlanta in future work in architecture. There will be given by the respective dele- will be an informal discussion with gates. It is "urgent that all members Dean W. I. Bennett of the School of be present. Coaches and faculty Architecture in Room 207 Architec- members are also requested to at- ture Building. tend. trate his talk with colored pictures. Every member is urged to be present. JunarC "roup, A.A.UW, Drania Sectiori. Me etingwill I held We - o1603 Stdiumn Blvd. Miss Gladys Richards will review "Excursion" which will be read by the group. The Garden Section of the Faculty Women's Club will meet Wednesday, April 27, at 3:00 p.m. at the home of Mrs. C. C. Meloche, 3060 Dover Road. Prof. E. C. Goddard will speak on the liron River Project. (C radtiate Luncheon, Wednwsday, April 27, 12 noon, Russian Tea RoomI of Michigan ieague. P1,of L. . Van- der Velde of the History Depart.ielit, will speak informally on: "Exper- iences in collecting source material in Michigan history." Phi Eta Sigma Initiation at 5 p.m., Wednesday, April 27, in the Michi- gan Union. All initiates should bring a large white handkerchief., Banquet at 6:30 p.m. Active members must make reservations for the banquet by call- ing Owen Broders, phone 5575, before' Wednesday. 1938 Dramatic Festiwal, Season tick- ets now on sale in the Garden Room, Michigan League, 10 to 6. La .il Ann Arbor Independent Women who live in private homes will have a very important meeting Thursday, April 28, at 4 o'clock in the League. The rooms will be posted on the bullketia boar~d. Ttirec pu activi- tie's in whichl this group~t[ will partlci- pate depends on the results of this meeting. Those who would like to be in the skit foV Assembly may partici- pate by calling one of the officers. Congress: There will be a meeting of the Student Welfare Committee, 1 p.m. Wednesday at the Daily. All members are requested to attend, )NO CH dt rr t1 !y e, . those screens are protected wilth SHERWIN-WILLIAMS SCREEN ENAMEL 0 It's a wonder how just one hole In a screen attracts all manner of in- sects! But don't blame the screen, it's rust that breaks the screen wires, makes screen holes. Just one coat of this screen enamel protects against rust. What's more, it's easy to opply, won$t clog the mesh,makes screens bright and attractive, and it prevents rain trom washing copper stains onto your house, One quart will cover the screens of an average 8-room home. SPEC.IAL Quart S-W Screen Enamel C Black. ... .i Regular 69c Value! P11EA U RE * MM,* Forestry Club meeting, Wednesday, April 27, 7:30 p.m., Room 2054 Nat. Sc. Bldg. All foresters and pre-for- esters are urged to attend because of the nomination of candidates for Club offices for 1938-39. Speakers will be Charles Stoddard, on "Forest Products Cooperatives," with com- ments by Professor Allen; and Pro- fessor L. J. Young on the Southern" Trip taken by the Seniors during Iota Alpha: There will be a reg- ular monthly meeting of the Beta Chapter of Iota Alpha on Thursday night, April 28, at 7:30 p.m. in the Seminar Room of East Engineering Building (Room 3205). After some. special business which is to be brought before the members, Dr.. R. F. Sommers, Operative Dentistry and Radiology, will give the address of the evening. Dr. Sommers will illus- Br ighten Up H ome '' There is nothing that can im- prove the appearance of your home like a couple of- good coats of paint. Our line of fine BOYDELL paint is complete for every need. SCHLENKER, HARDWARE CO. 213 West Liberty 2-3265 WE NZEL'S 207 E. Liberty. Phone 6713 I11 I-I ' - 'ii OWN t f t r 1' Eu YIis.l'il MWL-.OtlOD -' i WE CAN HELP YOU SMALL ACCOUNTS are always welcome here, for we've had the opportunity of helping so many small depositors become important customers. Even the smallest budget should provide for steady, planned saving. ALS 11 TIS ISSUE , written a poen every day 32 etS. J UEST ho ts you about him in SonyBoy MEET EDtlsyou.bucndlta 32years.EM McEvoy tlC SOX? Arid the scandal that "eatYEiEe bsTHE B ere's the full story, olaea .i.. hed b eb, ?Hreste offers a plait bearly fin Lder Senator Vandenbergt bohnLardner. LT 1N 1949.See "United we by -- ... E i OSEVELin'.Mnand, 1EGNNI N IN I I