TiF M icIIG AN DAILY TUESDAY, A pnm . THE MICHIGAN DAILY _ 1 -., ' r [1_4 tuna F =KOKKaWAMNAp pX ror yrAC. y Edited and managed by students of the University of Mihigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student ,Publications. - Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitIe to the tse for republication of all news dispatches credited to i or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter.- Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00; b mail, $4.50. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1937-38 RRPRRBUNTo POR NATIONAL ADVSRTISING VB NationalAdvertisingService,Inc. "og abPliishers Reresentaiv 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK. N. Y. CHICAGO . BOSTON * LOS AGELES -SAN FANCISCO Board of Editors MANAGING EDITOR .............JOSEPH S. MATTES ASSOCIATE EDITOR........... TUIJRE TENANDER ASSOCIATE EDITOR ...........IRVING SILVERMAN ASSOCIATE EDITOR ..........WILLIAM C. SPALLER ASSOCIATE EDITOR .......... .ROBERT P. WEEKS, WOMEN'S EDITOR.........HELEN DOUGLAS SPORTS EDITOR.................IRVIN LISAGOR Business Department ?tTSINESS MANAGER ............ERNEST A. JONES CREDIT MANAGER.................DON WILSHER ADVERTISING MANAGER ....NORMAN B. STEINBERG WOMEN'S BUSINESS MANAGER........BETTY DAVY WOMEN'S SERVICE MANAGER ..MARGARET FERRIS NIGHT EDITOR: ALBERT MAYIO It is important for society to avoid the neglect of adults, but positively dangerous for it to thwart the ambition of youth to reform the world. Only the schools which act on this belief are educational institu- tions in the best meaning of the term. - Alexander G. Ruthven The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of the Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. al er's Cabinet: Up A Tree?. FTER ONLY TWO WEEKS in office, the Daladier French Cabinet is floundering, as did its immediate predecessors, in the quagmires of finances and politics. The truth is that nobody in France expected the new government to last more than a month. Like the second Blum ministry all that was expected of the coalition was a temporary respite from the fundamental internal difficulties in the interest of French nationalism and prestige abroad. Ddladier's government aroused no enthusiasm. The press of the Right is friendly, although a little patronizing. Considerable reserve is shown by the Socialists and Communists, and almost open hostility by the C.G.T. (the trade unions' federatipn), which resents M. Daladier's threat to deal vigorously with stay-in strikers, dislikes the return to "orthodox financial methods," and holds that the Daladier government may before long become the "prisoner of the right." Of infinitely more importance to the continu- ation of the Daladier government than any vote of confidence in the Chamber is its sucessful termination of the strikes in the aircraft. fac- tories. The strikes were exceedingly unpopular, especially among the Jacobin elements of the Parisian working-class parties, since they placed serious obstacles in the progress of the rearm- ament program. The Socialist Populaire has been attacking the Communists violently, ac- cusihg them of double-dealing during the last two years, of constantly stabbing M. Blum in the back, Thorez, the Communist leader, and the responsible heads of the C.G.T. have, in their turn, vehemently accused Trotzkyite and "cagou- lard" agents with precipitating the strikes in order to discredit the parties of the Left in the eyes of the defense-conscious workers. French official foreign policy, directed now by .M. Bonnet, remains vague. Undoubtedly France will defend herself and her Imperial interests and will honor all her treaties and pacts. The French people are convinced, however, that their security depends as much upon the evacuation of Spain as anything else. Until a French gov- ernment takes definite steps to halt the process of Fascist encirclement of the country, it will never receive the unqualified support of the majority of the citizens of the Republic. Dladier's treatment of internal difficulties is equally vague and misdirected. The Premier re- ceived. the authority of Parliament to enact by decree until July 31, all measures that he deems necessary for national defense and for the re- storation of the national economy. Among the aims and measures of the decree enactments are a new advance from the Bank of France of 10,000,000 francs, an anticipated but unlikely, restoration of budgetary unity, the improvement of the balance of trade, a moderate increase in taxation, a special tax on war industries and a large defense loan. It is important to note that the scope of the bill is not nearly as wide as that of M. Blum's. It covers only a number of meas- ures necessary to meet the immediate needs of the situation., It is not unlikely that M. Daladier realizes -.t ......,tO - ;-:...nt o h e.n3. . . .c 'IrhS' tends to lay all the blame for the steady de- crease in production on thelaw passed by the first Blum government enforcing the forty-hour week, but this criticism has already been met by allowing a longer working week in certain key industries. It is clear then, that this is not the whole story of France's stagnating industry. The Wall Street Journal reports from the Bourse indicate that French capital continues to flow out of the country at the slightest provocation and is only rarely coaxed back-and then in an unimpressive trickle. M. Blum, with realistic cognizance of the ec- onomic ramifications of the problem proposed a form of exchange control, an increase in direct taxation and a capital levy. Daladier's efforts have mainly been political. The charming and ,simple solution by "hard work," the proposal of the captious M. Flandin, is naive. The basis for the domestic deadlock is, in its essence, clear. Can a Socialist Government run a capitalist country? It is the same dilemma that ruined Ramsay McDonald, and, to a certain extent hampers the New Deal. Any attempts to push through reforms for the protection of the majority while clinging to laissez-faire ec- onomics is bound to fail. The London Times pertinently points out that the Conservative Party of Great Britain has effected more reforms than either the Liberal or the Labor Party pre- cisely because it made no attempt to insist on the forms of laissez-faire. It is difficult to be optimistic regarding the prospects of any new French Cabinet until there is definite indication that it will be more real- istic in domestic and foreign policies. In short, it must be ready to concede, without vacillation, that exchange control is a necessary internal corrective, and it must be responsive to the de- sires of the great majority of the people for a ,positive stand against further fascist aggression, especially in Spain. The Daladier government, to suceed must keep a careful equilibrium between the Left and Right/but, in the opinion of many observers it has already shown an ominous slant towards the Right-which may if it continues-bring about a change in the Government majority and drive the Left into concerted opposition. The working class, whose good will and cooperation M. Daladier said, in his acceptance speech, was "essential to any French Government in these difficult times" is looking at the cabinet with some distr'ust. The ront Populaire may be dead in the Ministry, but it is very much alive in the country-all the recent by-elections have proved that. Broadening the base of the Government may give it more initial support, but it adds to the number of issues on which internal disagreement may -arise. Unless unexpected leadership de- velops from within the ranks of a revitalized Popular Front, there is grave danger that the fateful predictions of Pertinax of L' Eulope Non- velle and Alexander Werth of the New Statesman and Nation will be consummated in the near future. France may become progressively more disorganized until it faces once more an imme- diate threat of civil war. Elliott Maraniss jT Ii feemj o M Heywood Broun Franklin D Roosevelt is extremely skillful in impromptu remarks, and I think that he has sel- dom been more felicitous than in his brief dis- course to the Daughter of the American Revolu- tion. I hope the text he furnished is graven in the heart of every lady who heard him. "Remember always that all of us, and you and I espe- ""cially," said the President, "are descended from immi- grants and revolutionists." It was well put, but one may doubt that the Daugh- ters will remember. The or- ganization has spent a great many yeas in teaching its members to forget their radical and humble forebears. By now they seem to believe that there were plush car- pets at Valley Forge, and that the embattled farmers of Concord rose to protest against the New Deal. Indeed, whenever there is reactionary work to be done somebody takes the name of Paul Revere in vain. And from under the sod where the distin- guished silversmith is buried comes a muttering. They say that Paul Revere stirs in his long sleep and calls out, "Whoa, Bess Let's turn around and go back to the stable. Some of this crowd aren't worth the saving." * * * * The D.A.R. And A Small Boy I have always had a great interest in the D.A.R., because as a nianly lad of 9 or 10 I used to sit outside the door and eavesdrop on the dis- cussions of the New York Chapter. The Daugh- ters met at our house once a year. Practically everybody met at our house. It was the head- quarters of the Silent Nine, the grammar school fraternity, of which I was secretary and treas- urer, and there were weekly gatherings of the Anti-Bug Society, a group formed by my brother to discourage the rising tide of feminism. My father belonged to a club called the Forty-third Street Farmers, which met almost every night in the week, but their rendezvous was a saloon way down town. And so the great day at home was the annual gathering of the Daughters to elect local officers. My mother invariably ran for first vice president, but unfortunatelg she never made it. Progres- sively she put more effort into her campaign and for two days before the conclave all of us chil- dren had to help Kate, the cook, squeeze oranges and lemons. I was too frail to be of much as- sistance to my brother in getting the gin up out of the cellar. I do not think the Daughters had anything personal against mymother. As an amateur re- porter I snooped around and never unearthed, any whispering campaign. The trouble was with the ancestor through whom we qualified for ad- mission. There seems to be no doubt that he was a wrong guy, although a general. Smug little vice presidents slid into office with no claim higher than that of a corporal or quartermaster with which to bless themselves. But when my mothers name was placed in nomination and she was identified as the great granddaughter of General Stirling, the silence was so intense that you could hear an eyebrow lift. Good Old General Stirling It seems that General Stirling, whose proud blood courses, or rather ambles, through my veins, led the most famous retreat in ,American history. He was a on a horse and had every six- furlong record shattered when he ran into George Washington, who bawled him out good and proper. That incident has led to what is knwn to psychiatrists as the Broun inferiority complex. But my mother took her .defeats in good part. She may have been down but she was never out. Addressing herself to the successful rival, she would ask sweetly; "Will you have cream or lemon, dear?" And whatever the newly elected vice president said, she got a good strong shot of lemon. The Military al To the Editor: I feel deeply indebted to Mr. Hetzel for so clearly presenting the thoughts' and ideas of an admitted pacifist. I am very happy to admit that his view leaves me with the alternative of being a militarist. It's a shame too, because [ am a peaceloving individual. Mr. Hetzel, I feel sad to think that such an analytical mind as yours will suffer the ignominy of being pure cannon fodder without the gold braid when our next world war arrives. Your letter leads me in some way, to think that you are not a member of the Reserve Officers Training Corps. You and I both missed out then, didn't we? But never mind, maybe we can both get in the same outfit, if so I'll show you that even you, you wonderful man, might sell your ideals for a voluptuous female. Ask the man who owns one. May I thank you from the bottom of my cal- loused heart for not letting the people of Mich- igan put you in Mr. Murphy's shoes so that you might tender the Ball Committee your rude reply to the honor submitted him. But keep on hoping. Perhaps you can persuade the voters of Nebraska to make you governor so you can have your fun. Three cheers for your best friends who attend. Maybe they and I can get together and have fun. Seriously, Mr. Hetzel, why is the Military Ball such a blasphemy of youth? The R.O.T.C. is not an agent of opposite dogma io the fine character- istics you list for the University. If anything, THEATRE By NORMAN KIELL Das Konzert (Of The English Dept). The Deutscher Verein took over the Mendelssohn Theatre last night, delighting a sympathetic audience with a facile, comprehensible perfor- mance of "Das Konzert," a comedy by Hermann Bahr, contemporary German playwright. This is the so- ciety's third venture into dramatics within a three-period, and it is grati- fying to report a development which indicates that a German play must hereafter be a regular part of each year's theatrical program on the Michigan campus. Bahr's play on the stage last night proved an exceedingly fortunate choice for this part of the Verein's ac- tivities. No repellant classic this, but genuine modern comedy, built around a situation inherently humorous an familiar, with ample opportunity for the sort of satire which leaves even its object amused-if not reformed. Despite the time which has elapsed Since its first presentation (1909). "Das Konzert" has not dated, as was evident from the response of last night's spectators, who thoroughly enjoyed watching the temperamental ianist, Gustav Heink, get himself nto a romantic predicament from .vhich his experienced, sympathetic vife alone could rescue him. And ,vhen, as the curtain fell on an inci- vent suggesting that he would soon' gain need assistance from the same iource, the audience left the theatre, 1t was everywhere evident that every- )ody, on the stage and in the audi- Iorium, had had .a good time. Credit therefore must go chiefly to Otto Graf, who had coached these indergraduate bi-linguists so effi- iently that there were few indeed if those embarrassing moments bom- non in foreign language productions vhen it suddenly appears that the >erformers are glibly uttering sounds if whose meaning they are unaware. ,Aoreover, he made actors of them- vell, the important ones, anyway. These important ones, last night, were definitely Arthur Klein, as the aforementioned pianist, and Emma V. Hirsch, as Marie, the aforemen- tioned wife. although others, notably he two to whom the less subtle com- dy was entrusted-Edward Wetter Ind Marie Bachman. as the Pollin- ger's, pasant caretakers of the pi- mist's country retreat, were not far behind in successful portrayals. Rolfe, Weil, Ethel Winnai, and Lola Bor- ;emeister, played parts of secondary rank skillfully enough. It having become almost a con- vention in reports of this kind to point out that all campus groups 2oncerned with play producing are !aving a bad time of it because of the lack of a "laboratory theatre," it should be said here that Otto Graf and the Deutscher Verein might have done an even better job with "Das Konzert" if such facilities had been available. Senate Notes By POLITICUS The Student Senate meets tonight to hear a series of resolutions from its Rousing committee; while three oth- er investigating commissions - Stu- dent Politics, Library, and Book Prices- are also scheduled to tell the Senate what they are doing. There is no indication that their work has progressed beyond the beginning stages, but the Housing committee, now in existence for six weeks, has held one open hearing and done a good deal of able fact-finding. Besides the committee reports, three motions have been put on the docket by various Senators. The first, by Sen. Phil Westbrook, calls for the introdwetion of a course on sex edu- cation and marriage, the second, by Sen. Robert Perlman, suggests the establishment of a Senate committee to study local labor conditions, and the third, by Sen. Martin Dworkis, seeks to set up a 'special continuatir.; committee to see that the Senate gets established next year. In' addition to these, there may, of course, be mo- tions from the floor after regular business has been finished. It is interesting to note that some of the most spirited Senate debates - on the Neafus case, and on American foreign policy - have come on mo- tions so introduced, motiomi which never graced the official Agenda. * * * A motion supporting a reading period before semester final examina- tions was entered by Sen. Haroldf Ossepow, but, due to the latter's pres- ence in the hospital, will be held over until May tenth, May third being un- available'because of the Housing committee's second open hearing on that date. The idea of a reading' period has been noised about for some years among campus groups and the sentiment of the Senate, when taken, should reveal just how real the de-' mand for this reform is. . . frifvNihT~r TUESDAY, APRIL 26, 1938 VOL. XLVIII. No. 145 Sophomore, Junior and Senior En- gineers: Mid-Semester reports for grades below C are now on file and open to inspection in the office of the Assistant Dean, Room 259 West Engineering Building. A few Scholarships and Fellowships are available for graduate study in Religious Education, particularly in- teresting to Episcopalians, Presbyter- ians, and Methodists. An interview concerning these fellowships may be had any day from 11 to 12 in the morning and 3 to 5 in the afternoon in Room 9, University Hall, with 'E. W. Blakeman, Counselor in Religious Education. First Mortgage Loans: The Univer- sity has a limited amount of funds to loan on modern well-located Ann Arbor residential property. Interest at current rates. Apply Investment Office, Room 100, South Wing, University Hall. The Bureau has received notice of the following Michigan Civil Service Examinations: Hospital Dietitian, A2, $70 per month and maintenance. Dairy Products Inspector, A2, $110 per month. Housemother, C2, C1, and B, $40 to $70 per month and maintenance. Applications for the above exam- inations must be postmarked before midnight, April 28, 1938. For further information, please call; at the office, 201 Mason Hall. Office hours: 9-12 and 2-4. University Bureau of Appoint- ments and Occupational In- formation. Seniors, School of Education, Sen- iors who are graduating in June or August or those who have graduated in February should be ordering and purchasing their commencement in- vitations at this time. Samples will be on display April 21 through April 29. Orders will be taken on these days for the announce- ments. Time, 2-4 p.m. Place, outer office of School of Education. Deadline, April 29. Seniors School of Education: A final collection of class dues will be made this week in conjunction with the ordeing of announcements in the outer office of the School of Educa- tion. Dues are but $1 and it is necessary that they be paid at this time. Throughout the week, the dues may be paid each afternoon between the hours of 2-4. Attention: Senior Engineers: You are hereby reminded tht the sale of Commencement Announcements will continue through this week only and that it will be absolutely impossible to place an order after 3 p.m. Fri- day, April 30. Orders may be placed at a desk near the Mechanical Engineering of- fice in the West Engineering Build- ing between the hours of 9 and 12 a.m. and 1 and 3 p.m. throughout the week. The announcement booklets in- clude the names of February and August graduates as well as those of June. Attention Senior Engineers: All Senior Engineers who wish to rent caps and gowns from the Cap and Gown Committee must register this week. Lists and instructions will be posted on the two bulletin boards on the second floor of the West En- gineering Building, and in Room 2028 in the East Engineering Building. Registration should include your name, department, cap size, gown size (small, medium, or large), and the occasion for which the cap and gown are required. Caps and gowns I will be issued 'from the League on Thursday for the Honors Convoca- tion. Since there are a limited num- ber of caps and gowns, early regis- tration is urged. Issuances will be made in the order of registration. All registration must be completed on Wednesday, April 27. A deposit of $4 will be required, $2.50 of which will be refunded when cap and gown are returned after graduation. Is- suances cannot be made unless class dues are fully paid up. oncerts Harp Recital. Mary Jane Clark, in- structor in harp, assisted by three of her students, Betty Walker of Grand Rapids, Marian Karch of Monroe and Dr. Grace Song-Line of Howell. will give an interesting pro- gram of harp number's in the Audi- torium of the School of Music build- ing on Maynard Stree, at 8:15 p.m. Wednesday evening, April 27. Exhibition An Exhibition of paintings by Er nest Harrison Barnes and of paint- ings and pastels by Frederick H. Ald- ricr, 'Jr., both of the faculty of the College of Architecture, is presented by the Ann Arbor Art Association in the North and South Galleries of Alumni Memorial Hall, April 18 through May 1. Open daily includ- ing Sundays from 2 to 5 p m., ad- mission free to students and mem- bers, DAILY OFFICIAL :BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the V iversity. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President unti 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday. * i Lectur. l* 1i University Lecture: Miss Marjorie Daunt, Reader in English Language, University of London, and Visiting Lecturer, Smith College, will lecture "The English Accent-What Is It? 'How Is It?" on Thursday, April 28 at 4:15' p.m. in Natural Science Audi .torium under the auspices of the Department of English. The public is cordially invited. University Lecture: Professor Bar- ker Fairley of the University of Tor- onto will give a lecture in English on "Goethe and Frau von Stein," on Wednesday. May 4, at 4:15 Natural Science. The public is cordially in- vited. Annual Mayo Lecture: Dr. M. S. Henderson of the Mayo Clinic will deliver the Annual Mayo Lecture to the Medical students and faculty on April 29, 1938, at 1:30 p.m. in the Main Hospital Amphitheater. The subject of his talk will be "The Treatment of Fractures of the Neck of the Femur." Events Today Students of the College of Litera- ture, Science, and the Arts: A meet- ing will be held on Tuesday, April 26, at 4:15 p.m. in Room 1020 Angell Hall for students of the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts and others interested in graduate studies. Chemical and Metallurgical En- gineering Seminar. Mr. G. J. Guarni- eri will be the speaker at the Sem- inar for graduate students in Chemi- cal and Metallurgical Engineering. to- day at 4 o'clock in Room 3201 E. En- gineering Bldg. His subject will e "Acceptance Tests for the Evalua- tion of High Temperature Creep Properties of Metals." The Fellowship of Reconciliation meets tonight at nine o'clock at Lane Hall Library. Nelson Fuson will lead the discussion on Gregg's pamphlet, "Training for Peace." Those in- terested in Pacifism are invited to at- Finance Committee of Frosh Pro- ject will hold a meeting todayat 4:30 at the League, Room will be post- ed on the bulletin board. Attendance will be taken. Christian Science Organization: 8:15 p.m. League Chapel Students, alumni and faculty are invited to at- tend the services. The, Value Of German Literature To the Editor: Reports have been published about the decline in the number of students of German in Amer- ican schools and universities. That such de- cline has become a reality is greatly to be re- 'gretted, since literature and art are among the most .arecious things of life. The decline re- ferred to is primarily to be attributed to the resentment felt against Germany during and after the World War and has now become accen- tuated by the terror of the Hitler regime during the last five years. But one may well ask why language and literature should be sacrificed on account of political events with which they have no connection. To stop the study of German lit- erature, one of the foremost in the world, must inevitably result in a great and irreparable loss to culture. Can the world afford such a loss? Goethe, Schiller, Lessing and Heine-to men- tion only a few-are among the towering geniuses of Germany. Who has not spent delightful days, nay years, in the study of Faust, which ranks as the greatest philosophical drama the world has produced. "Faust is the epic of the age and the history of the human mind," wrote Tame, an eminent Frenchman. The truth, beauty, and life embodied in Faust are over- whelming. Not only Faust, but all the poetry of Goethe is based on life, in the sense that it is the expression of the author's personal experiences. Moreover, Goethe's prose works are so many masterpieces of the world's literature. Then there is Schiller, with his soul-stirring dramas which are an inspiration to those to whom liberty is dearer than life itself: I refer to 'Wilhelm Tell' and 'Don Carlos.' After Schiller, there is Lessing, with his famous 'Nathan der Wise,' the aim of which is to teach religious tolerance and universal love. A great German professor, Kuno Fischer, wrote a mono- graph on Lessing's 'gospel of love' which conclud- ed with these words: "The world is grown older by one hundred years. Judging by our own times, it seems to be farther away than ever from the road pointed out by Lessing." Kuno Fischers monograph was written in 1880. If he were livimg, what would Kuno Fischer write today about his native Germany? Now we come to Heine, whose lyric poetry, if not fully equal to that of Goethe is certainly the next greatest of its kind in Germany. To those unacquainted with Heine's poetry, there is a great treasure in store. In addition to Heine's "^n+.. *-..''.+hnra ,, rs r ' rn Jn. n'# t.a ctf.P n nc Graduate Students' Council. meet at the Union tonight at 8 Constitution to be analyzed. Will p.m. Student Senate: The Senate will meet this evening at 7:30 in the Union. The agenda includes several motions and reports of committees and all Senators are urged to be pres- ent. The meeting will be open to the general public. The Romance Club will meet today at 4:10 p.m., in Room 108 R.L. The program will be: Mr. L. F. Dow: Renaus or Renart, Dr. Hirsch Hoot- kins: El Papiamento. Iota Sigma Pi. There will be an open meeting tonight at 7:30 in the Michigan League. Dr. Jacob Sachs will speak on the Chemistry of Mus- cular Contraction. Lectures on Religion: Mr. Kenneth Morgan, Director of the Student Re- ligious Association will give a series of three lectures comparing eastern and western religions based on his experiences in Hindu monasteries. This evening at 7:30 p.m. at Lane Hall he will discuss "The Founding of a New Religion." On the suc- ceeding Tuesdays, the subjects will be "Sensational Religion" and "Religion Reforms the Economic System." Michigan Dames: General meeting Tuesdaya8:15 p.m., in the Grand Rapids Room of the League. . Elec- tion of new officers. Each member is asked to bring one or more white elephants for the auction and swap sale which will follow the election. Mimes: Casting for the Michigras show will start at 3 p.m. today in Room 302 of the Union. New tryouts will still have an opportunity to par- ticinats What Is Habitual? To the Editor.: In offering his advice concerning a lack of facts in your editorial entitled "Two Prisoners," W. G. adds the fol-