SATURDAY, FEB. 19, 1938 THE MICHIGAN DAILY SAUDAFE.19-93 HEM-HGN-AL League To Hold Freshman Mass Meeting In Detroit This Week ill Describe* Activities Open IZ/ I Orienta~tion Chairmni Living Gracefully' Is Important Art In Japan, States Mrs. Kato Co t Freshmen Hope Hartwig, Margaret EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the twelfth in a series of articles based on inter- views with foreign students attending the University. Ferries, Margaret Ann By ELLEN CUTHBERT Japan is a country where the word AsT'art" refers to something more than painting, sculptures and the like- FrAshman women will attend a the "art of living gracefully" occupies mas meeting at 4 p.m. Wednesday,o first place in the minds of the people. Feb. 23, in the League, at which That other branch of "art," more Leaf ; e activities and the positions common to Western civilizations, has oper, to second semester freshmen a place only as it adds to, and is a will be described, it was announced part of, their cultural life. by l\ argaret Ferries, '38, chairman of This different attitude is reflected the eague orientation comittee. Tspecialy well in their social relation- H pe Hartwig, '38, president of theespialyselrs. socKal ,eBation- Lew ile, will be in charge of the meet- ships, says Mrs. Sado Kato, Barbour ing. The first speaker will be Miss scholar, who is studying English lit- erature with her husband in the grad- Feri es who wil Imake a general sur- ..uate school. The Katos come from vey f the work of the activities of KytscheoldetosyonJpfrom the Teague. Margaret Ann Ayers, '38, Kyoto, the oldest city in Japan and the eagu. Mrgart An Ayrs, 38,former capitol of the nation, where trea urer of the League, will tell dfthey are both members of the fac..- abort the scholarships offered by the Ity ar ohs Unmersfth f League and will make a resume of the uses to which the League puts MARGARET FERRIES Tea Ceremony Is 'Art' the money it earnsMTeatime is a complex example of nysMiss Ferries will make a genralthe characteristic Japanese philoso- Will Discuss Eligibility survey of the League activities at phy. Not one, but many separate O1her speakers will be Alberta the mass meeting for freshman 'arts" are combined in the traditional Wood, '40, chairman of last year's women Wednesday tea ceremony. The Japanese hostess Frog h Project, Angelene Maliszewski, performs these rites with little '38, head of Judiciary Council, and attend this meeting, even those who thought of the actual motions in- Harriet Pomeroy, '39, president of know they are ineligible for extra- volved--these are conventional acts Wy'Tern, junior women's honorary, curricular work, according to Miss whch she has learned as a matter socity. Miss Wood will describe the Ferries, because this will be -the only of course. wo of Frosh Project, which is the opportunity for them to hear about Since tea is served for every meal first major activity in which fresh- the League activities in detail. and for refreshment too, a small room mar. women may participate as a especially for the ceremony is set class. Dates of petitioning for work on aside in most homes, and a sliding IViss Maliszewski will clarify el- League standing committees will al- screen separates it from the almost igibility rules for participation in so be announced at the meeting. inevitable garden. An appropriate extra-curricular activities, and Miss __decoration, usually a painting, must Pomeroy will explain Wyvern's plan E WS N be hung on this screen, and it is the for assisting freshmen. Questions HELEN NEWBERRY RESIDENCE duty of every guest to admire the concerning League activities will al- There are two new girls residing I picture. It is an important universal so be answered at the meeting. in Helen Newberry Residence. The "art" to be able to express one's ap- Freshmen Urged To Attend girls are Dorothy Smith, '40, and preciation in the proper manner, Mrs. All freshmen women are urged to Betty Brinkman, '40. Kato says. In the summertime, a small char- coal stove called the "furo" is placed TIT7M 'q in te cleo the rom During Sthe winter months, this stove, which burns charcoal, is put down into the Liberty at Main floor to make the room warmer. In Libety a Mareither case, the hostess must follow a very formal process-of building the coals and placing the kettle above it to boil. erved in large cups. Special afternoon ea-and-cake occasions require a dif- ferent kind of strong green tea served n rather small cups, which are often )eautifully hand painted. Sounds Are 'Agreeable' When the hostess whips the tea and pours the boiling water, she must ob- :erve two more long-standing "arts." If tea is served with dinner, the meal ,s also made a part of the ceremony. "In siping the tea, we must make certain quite agrecable sounds," Mrs. Kato smiled. Whether there are guests or not, the same formal process is ob- served every time tea is made, she said. The long step across the ocean right into the midst of American college life did not disclose any radical dif- ferences between the two countries to Mrs. Kato. In fact, she found only three serious difficulties. In Japan, the gas turns to the right, she says, and in America it turns to the left- a fact which resulted in some confu- sion for the Katos when they first came to this country. Word Order Differs In the second place, English word- order was bothersome. In Japan, Mrs. Kato says, "-we can put anything anywhere. There are no definite rules. We can change 'the sentence as we like, and there are no plurals." Her third trouble was in understand- ing the students when school started, "because they talk with their mouths shut. and quite rapidly." All in all, Mrs. Kato has found more similarities than differences between America and Japan, although their philosophies are so unlike. In every phase of their life, the same careful precision demonstrated by the tea ceremony is observed by the people of Japan. "In that way," Mrs. Kato explains, "we can cultivate the mind to enjoy everything in a very simple and beautiful way." She feels that personality is developed in becoming familiar with the various "arts." League Plans For Convention Tjo Have Discussion foday With M.S.C._Delegates Three women students from Mich- igan State College will be the guests of the League Council today, to dis- cuss plans for a regional convention of women's governing bodies of state col- leges and universities, to be held May 5-, at Lansing. The visitors are: Nancy Farley, "resident of the Associated Women Students, Louise Langdon, convention delegate for Michigan State College, and Elsie McGibben, co-chairman of program committee. The morning will be spent in discussion with the Ex- ^cutive Council of the League and in talks with Dean Alice Llod and Miss Ethel McCormick, social director of the League. There will also be a 4ncheon with the Executive Council at the League. Both the new and the retiring pres- idents of women's organizations will ttend the May convention in Lansing. Last year the convention was a na- ional one anawas held in California. Helen Van Dyke Is Third Time Victor For the third consecutive year Helen Dan Dyke, '41, won first place in the Women's division of the Michigan closed table tennis tournament, which was held Saturday and Sunday, Feb. 12 and 13. Miss Van Dyke won over Edna Edgar, of Detroit. The tournament was held in Royal Oak and is an annual event conducted by the Michigan Table Tennis Asso- ciation. The finals went to five games, Miss Van Dyke winning the first two and the last. NOW a complete showing of these unusual Dresses priced from Sixteen Seventy-Five 9 I 'Tatami' Covers Floor A Japanese mat, called "tatami" covers all the floors and is placed in the tea-room in such a way that one piece in the middle can be removed. The stove is placed beneath this part, which the hostess lifts when the fire is to be built. Cushions are placed on the "tatami" for the guests to sit on instead of chairs. This brown mat, which is pale-green when fresh, is woven in a special machine, with straw in between layers of rushes. "We have no shoes, no sweeper within cur house," Mrs. Kato added. "There is no need for them with this floor." The Japanese serve some kind of powdered green tea for every occasion. For breakfast, it must be roasted and Plav Will Be Given By Women's Club The drama division of the Ann Arbor Women's Club will present "Cradle Song," a play by G. Mar- tinez Sierra, at 2:30 p.m. Tuesday, March 1, in Pattengill Auditorium. The play is being produced by spe- cial arrangement with Samuel French of New York. Mrs. C. Merle Dixon is directing the cast, which includes Mrs. John Judson, Mrs. Clarence Illi, Mrs. F. W. Kaman, Mrs. Dugald Duncanson, Mrs. H. G. Groom, Mrs. C. G. Meikle, Mrs. R. B. Finley, Mrs. Otto Gresche, Miss Dorothy Cummings, daughter of Mrs. E. B. Cummings, and Neil Duncanson, son of Mrs. Duncanson. Working with Mrs. Dixon are Mrs.! Roy W. Veliquette, who will act as1 bookholder, and Mrs. Elton P. Hewitt, chairman of tickets. Tickets for the play, whiph is open to the general 1 public, will be priced at 25 cents. BENNY GOODMAN Benny Goodmns King Of Swing,' Opens In Detroit r Benny Goodman, master of that thing called swing, opened a week's engagement a tne Fox Theatre in Detroit last night. He and his band' of 'killer-dillers' will thrill and chill Detroit audiences this week with a host of their own versions of 'rhyth- mnic integrations,' as Benny himself calls swing. Strange as it may seem now, Good- man's band failed utterly to click when it opened in April, 1935 at the Hotel Roosevelt in New York. He played to loudly and too long, he was told by the wise boys in the big city, so after four dismal weeks the boys took to the road-practically by re- quest. But the boys on Broadway, wise as they were, were wrong for once, because suddenly at the Palomar, in Los Angeles, Goodman's brand of 'jam' arrived and what they called swing' turned out to be an essential aew orchestra technique. From this point on, Goodman and his 'corn' began to make musical history. Good- mnan and 'swing' have definitely ar- rived. Exchange Student To Talk On China Kathryn Taylor, '38, exchange stu- dent last year at Lingnan University in Canton, China, will speak on her experiences as a student in the Or- ient at the Sunday night supper at International Headquarters in the Union. Chinese students at the University, who were former students at Lingnan, have been especially invited to be present. Mr. Shih-Ming Cheng, gfad- uate student from Canton, China, will sing several songs accompanied at the piano by Mr. Chia-Ren Yang. These suppers are sponsored by the International Council for foreign students and American students in- terested in international affairs. THETA CHI Theta Chi fraternity announces the pledging of Harold J. Holshuh, '40, of Sturgis. Holshuh is a member of Phi Eta Sigma. 1 '/- 0 Sizes Nine to Seventeen i! c << , : 1. , I' i. f I DNCE I at Theta Sigma Phi To Hold Breakfast For Officer Theta SignIa Phi, national hon- orary professional journalism soror- ity, will entertain Mrs. Lucy Rogers Hawkins, national officer, at a break- fast Sunday, Feb. 27, in the League, Betty Strickroot, '38, president of the society, stated yesterday. Mrs. Hawkins will talk to the local chapter, Alpha Theta, about national and chapter problems. She plans to teach a vocational course for senior wometn in journalism at Northwestern next fall. KAPPA PIlL TEA Kappa Phi, national Methodist sorority, will hold a rushing tea from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. tomorrow at Stalker Hall. Marian Ranger, '38, is in charge of the tea and will be assisted by Margaret Forsythe, '39, Mary Hub4 hnrl. '41. and Bernadine Gardiner, I Bolero ... Skirt ... Sweater D k r I o e oyed in Matc hed Paslel PALE BLUE, pastel pink, soft green, biege, even navy and brown, if you prefer it, in Shepherd wool bolero, skirts, and sweaters. You can buy them to match or con. trast, either way it makes a clever costume for under your coat now, and as suit later on. THE MICHIGAN LEAGUE Tonight I I THE "NIP N' TUCK" suede topper can be had in the same shades SOFT WOOL ANKLE SOCKS in natching shades, too 5 THE MICHIGAN LEAGUE in co-operation with the Women's Athletic Association is sponsoring this dance for the benefit of E II I I I II AlI