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April 26, 1938 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1938-04-26

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, . so .-

The Weather
Occasional showers today and
tomorrow; warmer today and


Bk ig zu

VOL. XLVIM No. 146


San tion Given
By Committee
For Afternoon
Peace Strike
Demonstration Tomorrow
To Be Held At 4 P.M.
On MainLibrary Steps
Lovett And Smith
Will BeSpeakers
The Strike Against War will take
place on the steps of the General
Library at 4 p.m., tomorrow, the Unit-
ed !Peace Committee announced yes-
Permission to use the library steps
for the demonstration was granted
by the Deans' Committee after a pe-
cJial meeting yesterday. The Peace.
Committee's request to hold the strike
at an earlier hour, however, was
denied. Originally the -time had been
set for 11 am., but the University
was unable to grant permission for
that hour because of the necessary
dismissal of 11 o'clock classes Friday
for the Honors Convocation. It wasl
believed that the same consideration
prompted the Deans to refuse to dis-
miss other classes for the strike. -
Robert Morss Lovett, professor of |
English at the University of Chicago |
and vice-president of the American i
League for Peace and Democracy, will
address the group on "The Strike -
Against War: Its Changing Purpose."
Tucker Smith, forner secretary of
the National. Committee on Militar-
ism in Education, will also speak. t
The United Peace Committee isl
composed of representatives from a
number of campus organizations in-
terested in peace., Any campus or
local group Interested has been al-
lowed to take part in the work of the
Peace Committee, the chief part of
which has been devoted to organizing
the Strike Against War. Similar1
broadcoalition committees have been
' organized n other campuses
throughout the nation.
, The student nt-warstrike was
intitd hn" students,
mostly on eastern campuses, partic-..
ipating. In 1935, Professor Lovett
spoke at 4 p.m. in Hill Auditoriums
at a convocation for peace, following
an unauthorized demonstration in
the morning by 1,200 students. In
1936 the University dismissed classes
for the-first time for the rally which
was held at 11 a.m: on the Mall.
Prof. Preston W. Slosson and three
st'udent speakers addressed the as-
At last year's peace deinonstra-
tion, held at'11 a.m. on the Mall, Prof.
Maynard Krueger of the economics
department of the University of Chi-
cago was the main speaker. More,
than 1,500 students were present.
Dra au Seasont
Ticket Sale Is
On This Week'
Both Season, Individual
Tickets Now Available;
Fifty Cents Is Minimum
Tickets for the Spring Dramatic
Season are on sale this week at the
Ga-den Room of the League, it was

Both season and individual tickets
will be sold. The separate tickets for
evening performances of all of the
plays except "Rain From Heaven,"
the finale, are priced at 50 cents, 75
cents, $1.10 and $1.50. Tickets for
"Rain From Heaven," are priced at
$1.50, $2.00 and $2.50. In addition,
matinees' will be given Wednesday
and Saturday for each play. For the
first four plays, matinee tickets are
being sold at 50 cents and 75 cents
for balcony and orchestra respective-
ly. For the matinee performances of
"Rain From Heaven" tickets area
priced at $1.50 and $2.00 for balcony
and orchestra respectively.
All seats for all plays are re-
served the ticket committee pointed
out, and orders should be placed as
early as possible.
Besides "Rain From Heaven,"
which will star Jane Cowl, the four
plays to be given are in order, "The
Ghost of Yankee Doodle," with Aline
MacMahon; "Liliom," with Tonio Sel-
wart; "The Late Christopher Bean,"
with Pauline Lord,. and "French
Without Tears," with Doris Dalton.

To "ead JDCDrive

* * *
Grant Named
Head Of Drive
Goal Set For Jewish Aid
Samuel Grant, '40, vice-president
of the Michigan Hillel Foundation
has been named Executive Director of
the Ann Arbor drive to raise $1,600,
local quota for the Joint Dis-i
tribution Committee's national five
million dollar campaign to aid Jews
in Germany, Austria, Poland and oth-
er central and eastern Europeari
lands, it was announced yesterday.
The drive will open Monday and
continue for two weeks. Last year
Ann Arbor raised $1,300 but due to
the spread of Jewish persecution in
Europe a larger amount of money is
needed this year, Grant said.
The drive will open with a mailing
campaign. Post cards requesting con-
tributions will be sent to every Jew-
ish student, on campus.
Representatives will be appointed
to fraternities and sororities who will
strive to make the highest mark,
Grant said. .
A special issue of the Hillel News,
containing full details of the drive,
will appear tomorrow. On May 15 the
Foundation will hold a banquet to
award prizes to students who do the
most outstanding work duting the
fund-raising campaign.
Accent Expert
To Speak Here
Mar jorie Daunt Will Give
University Lecture
Marjorie Daunt, reader in the Eng-
lish language at the University of
London and visiting lecturer at Smith
College, will give a .University lecture
on "The English Accent-What Is It?
Hlow Is It?" at 4:15 p.m. Thursday
in the Natural Science Auditorium.
Miss Daunt is an authority on An-
glo-Saxon and on the history of the
English language and literature. At
London she teaches Anglo-Saxon in
relation to modern phonetics, treat-
ing it as a modern language. Her
lecture here is expected to deal with
everyday problems of speech, both in
America and England.

Local Strike
Hearing Date
National Board Will Hear1
ITU Local's Charges' In
Washington On Monday
Dismissal Brief Is
Filed With Sample
The Shoreham Building in Wash-
ington, D.C. and 10 a.m. next Mon-
day have been set by the National ie-
Iations Board as the time and placer
for the opening of its hearing, onI
.charges of unfair labor practicesi
made by the striking Internationall
Typographical Union against the
Ann Arbor Press. This is the first
time that a heain has been shifted
to the capital out of the jurisdiction
of an injunction issued by a state
The Detroit office of the NLJRB had
originally scheduled the hearing for
March 31 in Ann Arbor, but was re-r
strained from opening the trial and
from gathering evidence by the terms
of an injunction issued the day be-
fore by Circuit Judge George W.
The switch to Washington occurred
after the union obtained permission
to withdraw its charges on April 11
fropi the Seventh Regional NLRB
office in Detroit and after that office
had revoked its complaint against theA
NLRB attorneys will issue subpoen-1
as some time this week requiring the
(Continued on Page 6)
Coops Termed
Consumer Boon
By Warbasse<
The tragedy of American economic
organization is that, in the presenceE
of practically unlimited capacity to I
produce, the country is heading for
chaos simply because of its unaware-
ness of this fact, Dr. James P. War-!
basse told an open meeting of the
Ann Arbor Cooperative Society last
President of the Cooperativei
League ' of the United States and
author of many books on the sub-
ject, Dr. Warbasse advanced the idea
that the cooperative movement, by
virtue of its practical results and
democratic organization can be the
hub' of an economic system that
serves all the people.
Production in the present economic
order is motivated solely by profit,
whereas in a cooperative society the
only actuating motive is the supply
of consumer demand, Dr. Warbasse
said, explaining the theory and prac-
tice of the movement. Efficiency and
economy are the only determining
factors of a cooperative's existence,
he declared, adding that failues have
come only because of the lack of edu-
cation in the principles of consumer
cooperation, and not because of any
inherent economic inconsistencies in
the movement itself.

Spring Parley
Opens Session
On Saturday
Richard Scammon.To Act
As Chairman Of 2-Day
Meeting On Education
General Meeting
To Start Discussion
Final plans for the eighth annual
Spring Parley, which will convene
this week-end to discuss "Our Uni-
versity: Milestone or Millstone," were
completed at a meeting of the Par-
ley's executive committee Sunday in
the League. According to Barbara
Bradfield, '38, chairman of the com-
mittee, this is the most comprehen-
sive plan for discussion ever drawn
up for the Parley.
Richard M. Scammon. Grad., who
was chosen general chairman for the
Parley at the meeting, will open the
first general session at 2:15 p.m. Sat-
urday in the Union Ballroom. The
meeting will last approximately half
an hour, during which time the
chairmen of each of the five panels
will give a short talk defining the
subjects with which his section will
At 3 p.m. the five section meetings
will begin separately and continue
simultaneously until 5:30 p.m. The
sections will convene from 7 to 10
The five topics which will be con-
sidered by the sections are- Our Se-
curity: Sufficient or Deficient?; Our
Leisure Time: Profit or Loss?; Our
Opinions: Expressed or Suppressed?;
OurEducation: Shakespeare or Slide-
Rule?; Our Housing: Rooms or Ru-
Sunday morning, with Scammon
as chairman, the Parley will recon-
vene from 10 am. to noonfor paiel
discussion. At this time an attempt
will be made to tie up the conclusions
of the various sections and decide
upon resolutions asking changes in
the University set-up.
The student and faculty panels for
each of the five sections, meeting
with the student chaia ~e~
ecutive committee o naors
have charted a tentative course for
discussion in each of the sections, it
was announced. Miss Bradfield
(Continued from Page 2)
Student Senate
To Seek State
Housing Funds
Committee Recommends
University VGrade Plan
For Ro ming M ouses
Plans to carry the student hous-
ing problem to Gov. Frank Murphy
took form yesterday as the Housing
Committee of the Student Senate
recommended a committee be formed
to seek funds from the State Legisla-
ture to increase cramped rooming fa-
cilities -in Ann Arbor.
The committee also urged that
rooming houses be graded by the
CUniversity and a list of thesegrades
as well as prices asked be published
by the Dean of Student's office. The
repor of the Housing Committee,
whio was unanimously adopted, will
be presented to the Senate at 7:30
p.m. today in the Union.
A recommendation for a student
rent strike next fall aimed at lower-

ing room rents through united stu-
dent action was understood to have
been debated and to have received the
support of a considerable portion of
the committee.
The committee also advocated that
hearings on the general subject of
rents be continued in an attempt to
analyze charges that exorbitant pro-
fits are accruing to landladies and
rooming house owners. Both land-
ladies and students will be asked to
Included in the report is a sum-
mary of the evidence presented be-
fore the committee at an open hear-
ing April 5. A minority report will
also be filed by Tom Downs, '39.
Other recommendations submitted
by the committee provide for, a fur-
ther hearing at which Dr. Lloyd
Gates, University sanitarian, will be
asked to present a report on sani-
tary conditions in rooming houses
and for an investigation into alleged
monopolistic activities on the part of
contractors and men supplying build-

Firm Against
German Pact
Unite To Speed Industry
Or Face Dictatorship,
Daladier Warns French
PARIS, April 25.-(/P)-Premier
Edouard Daladier tonight made
known his government's flat opposi-
tion to any four-power European pact
that would include Nazi Germany.


Associated Press Briefs

The premier's stand was disclosed
as he warned Frenchmen to unite
in speeding industry or face dictator-
French officials said that the for-
eign office "understood" the British
government had given up its idea for
a four-power pact linking France,
Britain, Germany and Italy to guar-
antee European peace.
Such a pact many observers had
thought would result from. the new
Anglo-Italian accord and pending
French-Italian friendship treaty ne-
Informed sources said the British
had abandoned the plan when they
saw that France was determined to
back her Czechoslovak ally and that
Adolf Hitler equally was determined
to keep his hands free in eastern
In disclosing Daladier's stand, the
premier's associates said a four-point
plan for Franco-British discussion
(continued on Page 2).
T o Hold Special
School Election
Voters Judge $270,000 l
Expansion Bond Issue
Voters in the Ann Arbor school dis-
trict will go to the polls in a special
election to be held May 10 and decide
whether a bond issue to the amount
of $270,000 shall be issued to pay
for a new elementary school on the
north side and a junior high school
in the southeast section, the Ann Ar-
bor School Board decided unani-
mously in a meeting held last night.
Building of the schools will, be de-
pendent upon the Federal govern-
ment offering a grant of not less than
45 per cent of the cost. Total expen-
ditures, with the grant, will amount
to $490,000 if the measure is approved
by the voters.
Land for the southeast school will
be bought with money already in the
possession of the Board, it was de-
The action halted friction between
(Continued on Page 2)
City Bankruptcy Act.
ApprovedBy Court
W ATrmTr Anril 5 .-UP-

ophy have been explained in ma-
terial, scientific terms.E
Dr. Adler characterized the posi-E
tivist's idea of philosophy as "idle
speculation of a tired scientist," andt
pointed to an undue place given toE
scientific studies in liberal education.
"We are turning outrbachelors of
science who cannot read, write or
speak,' he declared,
He asked for a greater emphasis
on philosophy in modern university
curricula, as is being attempted at the
University of Chicago. Science and
philosophy are equally valid kinds of
knowledge, he said, with the latter
in many ways superior, and through a
(Continued on Page 2)
President Asks
Taxes On Bonds
_ t
His Message Urges Court
To Overturn Old Rule
WASHINGTON, April 25.-(P)-
Congress received, with obvious ap-
proval, today a message from Presi-
dent Roosevelt urging that future
state and federal bond issues and sal-
ary payments be made subject to
both state and federal income tax,
In effect, Mr. Roosevelt asked the
Supreme Court to overturn past court
decisions which, he said, had encour-
aged "men with great means" to lock
up substantial portions of their funds
in tax exempt securities. He said
that court decisions had led to a sys-
tem of reciprocal immunity under
which income from federal bonds
were exempted from state taxation,
and vice versa.
But, he added, more recent rulings
indicated the courts themselves were
questioning this position.
"Therefore" he said, "it is not un-
reasonable to hope that judicial de-
cision may find it possible to correct
Loyalists Halt'
Rebel Attacks
Counter-Attacks Stop Push
Toward Coastal City
HENDAYE, France (At the Span-
ish Frontier), April 25.-(IP) -Em-
battled Government forces struck
furiously to turn the tables today
on the Insurgent offensive in eastern
Reports from both sides told of a
sustained Government attack which
halted the Insurgent drive toward
Castellon de la Plana, coastal objec-
tive of the' Insurgents.
A second attack was launched on
the northern front by Government
fighters in an heroic attempt to res-
cue their comrades of a "lost divi-
sion," cut off by the Insurgents high
in the Pyrenees.
Twenty-five miles north of Castel-
lon, an Insurgent Italian column op-
erating along the seaboard still
fought for possession of Alcala de

The University forged to the fron-
tier of American higher learning yes-
terday with the announcement by
Dr. Lloyd S. Woodburne assistant to
the dean of the literary college, that
Michigan will inaugurate, in the fall
of 1930, an experimental tutorial sys-
tem modeled on the Oxford plan and
similar to systems extant at both
Harvard University and Swarthmore
The first state-supported institu-
tion to accept the plan, Michigan
'will give it a trial period of five years
with no more than 100 students en-
rolled under it at any one time,
Thirty students from this year's
freshman class will be selected at the
outset o their junior year to start
the experiment.
Individual Gets Attention
The new system refuse's to push
sll students through the same hopper
and places heavy accent on indivi-
dual attention, with an eye to a hore
thorough-going synthesis of knowi-
edge. Subject matter, it is intended,
will be- fashioned to the Intellectual
figure of the student.
Students desiring entrance into
the tutorial plan must fulfill a listof
special requirements including: a 'B
average, personal interview with the
board of tutors, qualifying examina-
tions in English composition and one
foreign language acceptable to the
About 12 tutors 'will be selected
fro~m the faculty to rganiz*e and su-
perVise the entire program of the
honors student. Only half of the
work will be in regularly scheduled
courses, but an extensive supple-
mentary program of assigned red-
ings and research will be administered
by the tutor,
During his last two years the stu-
dent will concentrate his interests
around a central theme- and extend
his knowledge in collateral fields.
Weekly conferences pertaining to the
extra-class study will be held with
the tutor and the latter will report
this work as a regular course with &
number, filling in a grade for th
final accomplishment.
Seniors Write Essay
During his senior year each student
will be expected to write a "penetrat-
ing" essay upon any subject selected
by him after consultation with his
tutor. The merit of the essay will be
appraised by members of the Board
of Tutors and faculty members who
are specialists in the subject,
The present "package" system of
examinations will be replaced by
comprehensives, administered at the
end of the senior year in the field of
concentration and allied subjects.
Students who have demonstrated su-
perior ability in these tests will be
recommended for honors at gradua-
Members of the faculty chosen for
duty as tutors will be relieved of at
least one third of their present teah-
ing duties. The Board of Tutors will
be appointed by the Dean and the
Executive Committee.
The tutorial plan was drawn up 'by
a panel of seven faculty members
who signed their recommendation in
the , following order: Prof. Erich A.
Walter of the English department,
Prof. Burton D. Thuma of the psy-
chology department. Prof. Ralph A.
Sawyer of the physics department,
Dr. Woodburne, Prof. Warner 0. Rice
of the English department, Prof, Ar-
thur S. Aiton of the history depart-
ment and Prof. Charles F. Remer of
the economics department.
Morgau To Lecture
On Religion Tonight
Kenneth Morgan, director of the
Student Religious Association, will
give the first of a series of three le-
tures on contemporary Hindu leaders
at 7:30 p.m. today at Lane Hall.,
He will talk on "The Founding of
a Namw P.Hiunn and" dis awathae ifh A

Anglo-Irish Accord
From London came news from the
Associated Press that Great Britain
and Ireland embarked yesterday on
an era of good neighborliness with
the signing of a sweeping accord
which still, however, must be ratified
by both parliaments. The accord
provided for termination of trade and
financial disputes and makes Ireland'
responsible for her own defense.
,Jap Columns Advance
In China three Japanese columns
were advancing today almost within
striking distance of the vital Lung-
hai Railway. As these troops were
strung out over a 50 mile battle front
in the biggest drive of the Sino-Ja-
panese war, the Rising Sun of Japan,
bent on vengance, was nearing Tai-
erhchwang after savage fighting.
Lewis' Foes Confer
Closer to home, AP reported from
Washington the AFL executive coun-
cil would consider today whether to
carry its fight against the CIO into
John L. Lewis' own back yard, the,
soft col i eld\.

tongue-lashing from Harry S. Toy,
who is bent on becoming Michigan's
next chief executive. Toy, speaking
at Coldwater, accused Murphy of
having an "unholy alliance" with per-
sons who "defy law and order" as well
as charging him with "vicious pan-
dering to class hatred."
Grundy's 'Funeral Day'
At Grundy, Va., scene of the tragic
explosion which took 45 lives Friday,
it was "funeral day" yesterday. Ac-
tivity throughout the district was sus-
pended as the town prepared to honor
its dead.
Noyes Fears Dictator
News from New York quoted Frank
B. Noyes as saying, as he ended his
38-year tenure as president of the
Associated Press, "I pray to God that
the time may never come when any
individual can dictate to the news-
papers of the United States the na-
ture of the reports they give."
Oppose Naval Bill
Back in Washington, Senate op-
ponents of the huge naval expansion
bil raked that measure with charges

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