SATURDAY, FEB. 19, 1938
NEWS EDITOR..................ROBERT P, WEEKS
SPORTS EDITOR ......................IRVIN LISAGOR
Business Department
The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of the Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
Democracy On
The Kilocycles .. .
tial to the existence of a democracy,
not only as a protection for minorities but as a
guarantee that intelligent decisions on contro-
versial issues will be made by the mass of citizens,
on the basis of adequate information on both sides
of the question. Presumably that is why the
Americans of 1791 demanded that the Bill of
Rights immediately be added to the Constitution
The first amendment guaranteed the civil
liberties that needed to be protected at the
time: free exercise of religion, freedom of speech
and the press, and the right peaceably to as-
semble. But the march of time has thrust upon
us new problems in the realm of civil rights.
The radio was unheard of 150 years ago and
consequently raised no issue. But it does today.
We refer particularly to the news that officials
of the National Broadcasting Company recently
refused to allow Dr. C. T. Wang, Chinese am-
bassador to the United States, to say 250 words,
on a commercial program with Lowell Thomas,
about conditions in China and at the same time
to make an appeal for support for a New York art
exhibit. The NBC officials said that their com-
pany has a long-standing rule against permitting
talks on controversial subjects on commercial
The sponsors evidently had no objection to Dr.
Wang's speech, only the radio company did. It is
unfortunate enough that business firms, with so
many interests to guard, should have the power
to silence free radio discussion of important
problems. But it is even more deplorable that a
radio company should have the right to reject
_ whatever material it deems "controversial" and
therefore unfit for a commercial program, even
though the company may not object.
The NBC officials also admitted that the rule
on, controversial speeches has been on the books
for some time, but the decision to enforce it was
made only recently. How recently we do not
know. But we do know that a few days before
permission was denied Dr. Wang, Hirosi Saito,
Japanese Ambassador, was allowed to speak over
an NBC station in order to apologize to the
American people for the bombing of the United
States gunboat Panay. This violation of demo-
cratic principles, whether done deliberately or not
by the NBC (and the facts seem to point to the
former), neatly and efficiently gave a repre-
sentati've of an invading country the chance to
clear his nation's name and the same time pre-
vented the same listeners from hearing what a
spokesman for the invaded nation had to say.
The nature of the radio industry is such that
monopoly and quasi-monopoly is almost inevi-
table. One of the other conditions for calling the
radio a public utility is satisfied when we con-
sider to what extent the power to broadcast (and
to refuse to broadcast) is vested with the public
Before anyone could go further, the NBC offi-
cials would object at this point, as they did in the
case concerning Dr. Wang, that they will allow
controversial topics to be discussed on a non-
commercial hour, if the speaker's subject war-
rants it. Neglecting the hurdle "if the speaker's
subject warrants it," we suspect that the NBC
would not hand over any of the lucrative hours
in the early evening, when toothpastes and cig-
arettes are being plugged, to an advocate of
stricter regulation of radio companies. If he got
on the air at all, it would probably be on some
small station at 10:30 in the morning when Mr.
Jones is at work, Mrs. Jones is out marketing
3nd the kids are at school.
The Federal Communications Committee, in-
Our Campus
Reprints From The Minnesota
Daily, The Daily Cardinal And The
Daily Kansan..
Dumb Bunnies ?-
Are you a "dumb bunny"? Can't make an A
and even have a difficult time making an occa-
sional B2 Ah, how sad, but dry your eyes on
this little morsel of comfort, and "take heart
The adult life of the child who always gets
A's in school may develop into anything but a
bed of roses is the conclusion of certain psy-
chologists and educators.
Dr. Robert N. McMurry, executive secretary
of the Chicago branch of the Psychological cor-
poration said of the child who never fails to
get an A, "That sort of a child is likely to grow
up to be a conformist-a person who never
blazes new trails-the sort of person who ac-
cepts what is told him without question. The pat-
tern of what the teacher says is carried over
into adult life. He is not likely to be a leader
or a dynamic individual."
This description may be applied to college stu-
dents too. We as college students accept what
our instructors tell us without thinking or rea-
soning about it. Many of us never try tor digest
the facts and make them our own. We cram
and depend on our memory to store fas until
we have a test. We follow grades instead of in-
So you see, we aren't really "dumb bunnies."
We are individualists-progressive thinkers of the
first water. Kow-tow to mere figures and letters
called grades? No, sir! not we! We are non-
conformists, and nothing else.
-Daily Kansan.
Naval Race Is Futile..*.
The turmoil and shouting that has surrounded
the question of peace has brought forth much
name-calling and a general befogging of the
issues-unwelcome for the advocates of a peace-
ful, democratic world.
The waters have been further troubled by the
vicious circle that now seems to be getting under
way with the beginning of another naval race.
Isolationists have adopted "I-told-you-so" atti-
tudes, holding that support of an aggressive peace
policy inevitably leads to support of the govern-
ment's armament policy.
This is not so, and those who desire to see the
democratic powers stand together for peace can
easily prove otherwise. Let us examine the
We know that international failure to cooperate
in the past on reduction of naval arma-ents
has led to a vicious circle with first one nation
and then the other striving to outdo the rest.
We also know that the way out of this vicious
circle is obviously not a naval race.
The reasoning behind the United tSates assum-
ing a leading position in such a race is that we
must be independently powerful enough to ward
off any enemy. Testifying before the House naval
affairs committee recently, one of the most able
admirals admitted that the Japanese could not
build enough battleships to threaten us. But he
also wentn to point out that the naval strength
of Germany, Italy and Japan must be considered
as one, and that a building program would have
to be equal to that of these three aggressor powers.
Inasmuch as the admiral admitted that it
would be impossible, even with additions to our
fleet, to defend both eastern and western coasts
at once, we cannot lump these three powers
together and follow an independent policy. Our
defense policy would be a failure unless it were
banked upon the cooperative efforts of a demo-
cratic coalition of powers tied together by the
policy of collective security .
Thus, a naval race is futile. But in addition, it
is unnesessary. It is futile because no nation can
achieve isolated protection with the present ex-
pense of a building program. And it is not
needed because a policy of collective security is
the one way to gua'antee peace-and this
way needs no naval race. The democratic pow-
ers are strong enough to insure peace by stand-
ing together against aggression.
-Daily Cardinal.
Cardenas May Find
A good example of the difficulty often en-
countered in reconciling conflicting views on the
news is furnished by the current flood of stories
on Mexico and its Cardenas. Some writers hold
that Cardenas is movng his regime slowly toward
something resembling totalitarianism, citing as
one proof the fact that he has tightened his grip
on labor by the familiar niethod of outlawing
useless strikes. It is Cardenas, of course, who
will decide which strikes qualify as "uesless."
Other commentators assert with equal assur-
ance that Cardenas is moving leftward, or at
least, not to the right. As evidence they point
out the strength of labor, which Cardenas him-
self helped build, the expropriation of land, the
increasing government control of Mexican prop-
erty now held by outside interests.
One answer to the puzzle is that Cardenas
lacks cash. Land expropriation, public works, a
vast educational program, strikes for higher
wages-all are a considerable drain on a country
which is far from rich. In addition, the Mexican
money structure is largely at the mercy of the
United States, and there is considerable prece-
lent for American intervention in Mexican affairs
when American interests are in danger of being
More important than the current minor crisis
is the eventual solution Cardenas may work out.
His problem involves these factors: labor ,domes-
tic and foreign capital and control, the land'
J/feeinr toMe
H-eywood B ro un
SARASOTA, Fla., Feb. 3.-Arthur Brisbane was
right. I've met Gargantua the Great, the gorilla
who is wintering here, and there isn't a doubt that
he could take both Louis and Schmeling; nor
would it bother him much if Braddock and Farr
were thrown in for good measure.
The big ape lived up to his billing. He is the
fiercest looking thing I have ever seen on two legs.
And probably his power and
truculence were all the more
impressive because he did
look a great deal like a dis-
tant relative. No one was al-
lowed to go close to his cage,
because Gargantua can reach
about five feet through the
bars and get a toe hold on a
visitor whom he dislikes.
Moreover, he didn't seem to
like anybody, which may have been one of the
reasons why he reminded me of a relative.
They used to let him have large tin cans
to bang around, but he flattened them in such
a way as to hurl them through the bars like
darts. He still has an automobile tire which
he is using as a teething ring, but the only thing
he can throw out of the cage is straw or bananas.
He got me behind the right ear with a banana,
and so I went away to look over the circus
No Match For An Elephant
Captain Larry Davis, who is in charge of the
Ringling herd, was a little scornful when I spoke
in awe of the gorilla's prowess. He gave it as
his opinion that Fanny, the 8-year-old elephant in
his barn, could demolish Gargantua without any
trouble' and that such a bout would be no more
than a breather for the elephant. The Captain
says there is no animal alive which can give
effective battle to an elephant. Moreover, he
proceeded to shatter three familiar fallacies in
which I have always had faith.
An elephant often forgets. In fact, he has a
very poor memory. His hide is not tough. On the
contrary, it is extremely sensitive, and a fly can
drive him wild. Elephants don't like small an-
imals around, but they are not particularly afraid
of mice.
Larry Davis has gone through fourteen circus
stampedes, and one of the worst was started by a
flock of sheep. Indeed, the Captain mentioned
sheep, cows and pigs as animals which could
scare the life out of a herd.
He explained that on country roads the an-
imals would crowd over to the fence to get a look
at the strange big beasts and that the elephants
did not care for this scrutiny. Only a year ago
he had to mobilize his assistants a little off Main
St. in an Ohio town to drive away four contented
cows which were driving the elephants into a
panic by their scrutiny.
Most Elephants Like Tobacco
The story about the boy who gave the elephant
a chew of tobacco and had water squirted in his
face twetty years later is pure fake. In the first
place, most elephants like tobacco, and their lack
of memory was proved again to Davis only today
when he had to ship a few to Tampa. These were
old circus animals who had toured the country
up and down for twenty- years, but after a few
months in winter quarters they acted as if they
had never seen a railroad before.
"But," said Larry Davis, "I guess people like
to hear about the way elephants remember. I'm
sure one of my assistants made an old lady
happy yesterday. He toll her the story of the
hunter who took a splinter out of an elephant's
foot in the jungle. Fifteen years later that man
was very poor, and when the circus came to
town he could afford only a twenty-five cent
seat. The lead elephant-it was the one that
had the thorn trouble-spied him and lifted him
gently with his trunk and placed his benefactor
in the best box seat in the house."
But 'realizing that he was talking to a news-
paper man, the Captain added earnestly, "You
know, it never really happened."
The River
Peter L" produced by Lenfilm. and
"The River." produced by the Depart-
ment of Agriculture, playing at 8:15
and 10:30 n.m. today at the Lydia Men-
deissohn Theatre.
That nebulous line between art and
propaganda vanished completely on
the Mendelssohn screen last night
when the movie critic Pare Lorenz and
the United States Government pre-
sented "The River," which combines
an artistic history of the rape of
America's natural resources with a
clear-cut program for a saner fu-
The narrative, written by Lorenz,
is Lowerful in its simplicity. The
scenes of men rolling cotton bales and
axes biting into tree trunks and mud-
dy water trickling into the Mississippi
carrying the fertile soil make poetry
out of the prosaic.
The past, when cotton was allowed
to emasculate the Southern soil, and
deforestation in the North removed
nature's flood control; the present,
when sharecroppers and tenant farm-
ers live in squalor on the lifeless land
and floods roar down denuded moun-
tain sides; and the future, when man
shall rebuild the Mississippi Valley
tnd harness its surging waters-all
these are shown in a stirring pano-
rama that is more than esthetically
The picture has atmessage and it
puts it across with the same punch
that President Roosevelt's radio
speeches seem to have when they draw
a bunch of Republicans into the group
that listens to them in the Union.
Peter I '
"Peter I" seems to have slipped
Somewhere. The directors have dug0
up the past with a vengeance and they
paint the picture in unlrealisticc
blacks and whites in an effort to
praise the good guys and damn thec
Jad guys. Some good lusty acting, butt
the picture is strained for didactic1
he Editor
Gets Told ©
'Ionor' System
To the Editor:8
(Continued from Page 2)
student activity shall file with the
Chairman of the Committee on Stu-
dent Affairs, before permitting the
student or students involved to par-
ticipate, the names of all those who
have presented Certificates of Eligi-
bility, and a signed agreement to ex-
clude all others from participation.
The issuing of Certi'icates of Eli-
gibility for the second semester will
oe greatly facilitated if each applicant
brings with him or her a record ofl
first semester grades.
Second semester Certificates of El-
gibility wilt be required after Mar. 1.1
Textbook Lending Library: Stu-1
jents who would like to borrow books
from the Textbook Lending Library!
at the Angell. Hall Study Hall must
)e recommended for the privilege by
Professor Arthur D. Moore, Dean
Joseph A. Bursley, Dean Alice C.
Lloyd, or by any one of the academic
counselors of the College of Litera-
ture, Science, and the Arts.
Students may leave requests for
looks not now in the Textbook Lend-
:ng Library with Mr. Van Kersen,
Assistant in Charge of the ngell
Mall Study Hall. Such reques will
-e printed in The Michigan Daily so
,hat donors of books may have the
opportunity of satisfying specific
Independent Men: See zoning maps
,n the bulletin boards in the Union
lobby and Room 306, the Congress
office. Present petitions for nomina-
tions of zone officers to the election
board in the Congress office daily
from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m.
Notice to Graduate Students: Any
organization or group, composed
wholly or in part of graduate stu-
dents that would like to appear in
the new graduate section of the 1938
Michiganerisian are asked to get in.
touch with David G. Laing at once.
Call 4439 or leave word at the publi-
cations building.
Academic Notices
E.E. 7a, Building Illumination: The
alternative lecture hour is Thursdays
at 5, for those who cannot meet with
the class for the published' hour
Wednesdays at 11. Same place, Room;
246 West Engineering Building.
H. H. Higbie.
Mathematics 7, Section 1 (MWFS,
8, Dr. Greville). Will meet in 3010
The so-called honor system of con- -_______-
ducting examinations exists at Mich- Mathematics 51, Section 2, (MWF,
igan as at many other schools. It is 10, Professor Nyswander). Will meet
used universally in the Graduate in 402 Mason Hall instead of 407I
'Mason Hall.
School and perhaps in parts of the M
undergraduate school. To those un- Sociology 260: Seminar. in Juvenile
familiar with the term, the "honor"' Delinquency. Will meet on Mondays,
Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President
until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.
swing band will play for dancing.
Admission 25 cent per person. The
party is sponsored by the Graduate
Outing Club.
Coming Events
German Table for Faculty Mem
bers: The regular luncheon meeting
will be held Monday at 12:10 p.m. in
the Founders' Room of the Michigan
Union. All faculty members interest-
' ed in speaking German are cordially
invited. First of the informal talks
that are being resumed will be given
by Professor Reichart on "Besuch bei
Gerhart Hauptmann: der Dichter zu
Physics Colloquium: Professor
George A. Lindsay will speak on "The
Anomalous Dispersion of X-Rays" at
the Physics Colloquium on Monday,
Feb. 21 at 4:15 in Room 1041 E.
Physics Building.
Biological Chemistry Seminar:
Monday, Feb. 21, 3:30 p.m., 313 West
Medical Building.
The "Comparative biochemistry of
vertebrates and invertebrates with
especial reference to nitrogen meta-
bolism" will be discussed. All interest-
ed are invited.
Art Cinema League Members: The
last program of the Film Series will
be shown Sunday, Feb. 20, The
program will consist of Monsieur
Baucaire with Rudolph Valentino
and two reels from Enoch Arden with
Lillian Gish and Wallace Reid.
Sigma Xi: The second c;iapter
meeting of the year will be held
Monday, Feb. 21, at 8 p.m. in the
Fourth Floor Exhibition Hall of the
Museums Building. There will be a
symposium on American Indian Cul-
ture followed by an inspection of ap-
propriate laboratories and exhibits.
The Inter-Guild Council is ob-
serving the World Student Christian
Federation Day of Prayer Sunday,
Feb. 20, in a service at the Congre-
gational Church at 5 p.m.
Acolytes: Monday evening at 7:45
Feb. 21, Dr. A. L. Ferguson, of the
Pharmacology department, will read
a paper on "Science and Individual-
ism. All regular members are urged
to attend and those interested in
philosophical discussion are invited.
Room. 202 S.W.
Michigan Dames: The. Charm
Group2will meet Monday evening,
Feb. 21, 8:15 p.m. at the League.
Mrs. Erdeen Davis, will speak on
"Buying Clothes Pertinent to Type,"
and will tell about her recent trip to
the Fashion Markets, in New York
City. All Michigan Dames are in-
vited and urged to attend.
Sunday Night Supper: The regular
Sunday night supper sponsored by
the International Council for foreign
students and American students in-
terested in international affairs will
be held at International Headquar-
ters, Room 116, Michigan Union. Miss
Katherine Taylor, '38, exchange stu-
dent at Lingnan University last year,
will speak on her experiences while a
student in China. Mr. Shih-Min
Cheng, a graduate student from Can-
ton, will entertain with vocal selec-
Congress: There will be a meeting
of the Publicity Committee Monday,
Feb. 21, at 4 p.m. in Room 306 of
the Union.
The Outdoor Club: The Outdoor
Club will not meet this week-end but
will go on a supper hike next Tues-
day, Washington's Birthday.
All Second Semester Freshman in-
terested in trying out for the Michi-
ganensian Business Staff are re-
quested to come to the Student Pub-
lications Building at 4:15 p.m. Mon-
day, Feb. 21.
Ch rches
Ann Arbor Friends: The regular
meeting for worship will be held
Sunday at 5 p.m. at the Michigan
League, and will be followed by a
panel discussion on "The Individual
Christian and the State," with James
Miner as chairman,
First Church of Christ, Scientist,
409 So. Division St.
Sunday morning service at 10:30.
Subject, "Mind."
, Golden Text: Psalms 92:5.
Sunday school at 11:45 after the
morning service.
Disciples Guild (Church of Christ)
10:45 a.m., Morning worship. Rev.
Fred Cowin, minister.
12 noon, Students' Bible Class. H.
L. Pickerill, leader.
5:30 p.m., Social hour and tea.
6:30 p.m., Discussion program. TNe
topic will be "Charting the Course."
The semester's program for the Guild
will be interpreted and definite plans
adopted. for the remainder of 'the
school year. New students unaquaint-
ed in Ann Arbor will find the Church
system of conducting examinations
means that there are no proctors in
the exam room and that the ex-
aminees may leave the room at any
time, and any number at a time, to
smoke, rest, or otherwise relax. Some-
times the professor distributes the
exam and leaves until the exam is
The theory of the "honor" system is
that if a student has a great trustj
vested in him, he will therefore be
honest. That this is only a delusion is
too well known by every student who
has taken exams under such condi-
tions. The opportunities to crib are
increased manifold, and the only
check upon an individual is his sense(
of honor, or sense of shame at being
seen by his classmates. But that a
great-if not the greater-part of
the students are not deterred by such
aesthetic restraints is self evident.
The irony of the situation is empha-
;ized by one of our recent final exams.
The Prof handed out the exams, and
then said, as he prepared to leave the
room for good, "You are all graduate
.tudents; I don't have to tell you
what to do." And to be sure, he did
not, because as soon as he left, they
did it! Books opened up and a dis-
cussion of the problems followed.;
During another exam, the Prof re-
mained in the room, but of course
the students could leave. At one time
about 10 men left at once; the Prof,
becoming suspicious, walked out to'
4-6 at 403 Library and not at 315
Haven Hall, as announced.
An exhibition of paintings, draw-
ings and drypoints by UmbertodRo-
mano is offered by the Ann Arbor
Art Association in the South gallery
of Alumni Memorial Hall, and an
exhibition of etchings by John Tay-
lor Arms in the North Gallery, Feb..
14 through March 2. Open 2 to 5 p.m.
daily including Sundays, admission
free to members and to students.
Exhibition, College of Atchitecture:
A showing of the Margaret Watson
Parker collection of Pewabic pottery,'
the work of Mary Chase Stratton, is
now on display in the central cases
on the ground floor of the Architec-
ture Building.
L ectures
As Others
A Nobleman At Court
Note on democracy: Archduke Franz Josef Karl
Leopold Blanche Aldegonde Ignatius Raphael
Michael Vero of Hapsburg, eighth child of the
late Archduke Salvator and Blanche of Castile,
Princess of Bourbon, great-nephew by marriage
and a cousin by blood of the late Emperor Franz
Josef of Austria-Hungary, and a fifth cousin once
removed of the Archduke Otto, current pretender,
was fined $1 in a New York traffic court for
parking overtime. --Baltimore Sun,..
Aliens On Relief
The small but persistent antagonism toward
aliens in this country has recently taken the form
of proposals to exclude them from relief rolls.
"Why are foreigners entitled to public support,"
it is argued, "when more money is needed to
help native Americans?"
A proposal of this sort ,to refuse relief to
aliens who had not declared their intention of
becoming citizens, was recently passed by the
Ohio legislature. Gov. Martin L .Davey disagreed,
denounced the bill as "un-American and inhu-
man" and vetoed it. He took the view that, while
aliens ought to become citizens, many who are
not eligible for lack of education or other good
:easons, and that citizenship through coercion is
not desirable. He added:
The idea that aliens who are hungry can-
Professor A. R. Morris will give the
annual mid-year faculty lecture of
the English Journal Club on Feb. 25,
at 4:15 p.m., in the League. The
faculty, members and guests are cor-
dially invited to attend. Professor
Paul Mueschke will make an import-
ant announcement at the business
meeting at 4 p.m.; all members are
urged to be present.
Oratorical Association Lecture
Course: Salvador de Madariaga, for-
merly Spain's Ambassador to the
Professors excuse their smug com-
placency by saying, "The man that
cheats hurts only himself." Yes, he
hurts himself, but he also hurts oth-
ers in the university. He hurts others
in two ways. First, those who crib
get higher grades than they would"
otherwise. In classes where grading
is done on class average, the honest
student is definitely made to suffer
the consequences of his honesty.'
Where the grading is not relative, the1
honest student is still injured, be-
cause, the dishonest student's grades
secure him in an unfair advantage in
obtaining employment, scholarships,
fellowships, keys, and other awards
made partly on the basis of grades.
Secondly, the permission of crib-
bing injures the honest student more
severely by providing the bad ax-
ample and the temptation to do like-
wise; it undermines his honesty. To
be honest among honest men is easier
United States and to France and
Delegate to the League of Nations,
will speak in Hill auditorium on
Thursday, Feb. 24, at 8:15 p.m. His'
subject will be "What is Peace?"
Tickets are now available at Wahr's
State Street Bookstore.
Events Today
The Freshman Round Table group
will meet tonight from 7 to 8 p.m. in
the Library of Lane Hall.
Kenneth Morg'an will lead a discus-
sion of problems and plans for this
semester. Freshmen men and women
are invited.
American Federation of Teachers:
The -February meeting of the Ann
Arbor Chapter of the A.F.T. will be
at a luncheon at the Union today
at 12:15 p.m. Professor Howard
Ellis will give the address on "The
Salaried Man and the Business,