T HE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, APRI L 24, 1938 IE MICHIGAN DAILY' t ' _I N :I Edited and manage by students of the University of Michigan under the athority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatchescredited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. E ntered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as seco6nd class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1937-38 RBPREBENTED POR NATIONAL ADVERTISING BY National AdvertisingService, Inc. 420 MADISON AVE.NEW YORn. N. Y. SCHICAGO . -BSTON - LOS ANGELES - SAN FRANCISCO Board of Editors MANAGING EDITOR...........JOSEPH S. MATTES ASSOCIATE EEDITOR. ........TURE TENANER ASSOCIATE EDITOR.......IRVING SILVER4AN. ASSOCIATE EDITOR......WILLIAM . SPALI R ASS OCIATEEDITOR .. .ROBET P W KS WOMEN'S EDITOR ...............HELEN DOUGLAS SPORTS EDITOR.................IRVIN LISAGOR Business Department BUSINESS MANAGER ...........ERNEST A. JONES CREDIT MANAGER .................DON WILSHER AD ERTISING MANAGER ... .NORMAN B. STENBRG WOME'SIBUSINESS MANAGER......BETTY DAVY WOMEN'S SERVICE MANAGER ..MARGARET FERRIES NIGHT EDITOR: S. R. KLEIMAN It is important for society to avoid the neglect of adults, but positively dangerous for it to thwart the ambition of youth to reform the world. Only the schools which act on this belief are educational institu- t ions in the best meaning of the term. - -Alexander. G. Ruthven The editorials published in-The Michigan - Daly are written by members of the Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. The Panay Incident . . P AYMENT OF $2,24,007 on the part of Japan to the United States as full indemnity Friday for the bombing of the U.S. river gunboat Panay completes one of the most creditable actions on the part of citizens of this ountry and the Department of State ever car- ded out. It was on last December 12 that word was re- ceived in this country of the "wanton" bombing of the little river boat Panay on the Yangtze River. Japanese airplanes were reported to have dropped a leaden hail despite the fact that the American flag was in full view. The Panay incident was played up especially in newspapers because it so happened that sev- eral newspapermen, attracted to China by the fact a war was in progress, were on the boat at the time of the bombing. Americans imme- diately remembered the Maine and the Lusitania. The State Department had one of its most tick- lish problems on its hands. However, amidst all the talk of mobilization and action against the "Yellow Menace" the peo- ple of this country possibly remembered the thousands .of disabled veterans of the World War still inhabiting our hospitals. They prob- ably also remembered that they did not want to go to war to benefit a small group. For in the news dispatches was the notation. that the only reason that the Panay was in the war-infested waters was to guard three Standard Oil vessels which were seeking to make a profit by selling petroleum to the warring nations. And so it happened that instead of getting a monopoly to sell "oil for the lamps of China" at the cost of the lives of more American troops, the Stand- ard Oil Company obtains fair -payment of $1,- 287,942 from Japan at the State Department's "'suggestion."° 'ug " n"Earl R Giman' The Editor Gets Told., Military Ball To the Editor: Orange braid and buckles do not make a good soldier, but making braid, buckles, buttons, med- als and all that make "swanky" uniforms pop- ular does a lot to make a good soldier. Of course, the best soldier is the one who doesn't ask ques- tions; he carries out orders, with his life, if need be. When war comes,- for many reasons, it is popular to die for abstractions that won't fit into reason or justice; so for the convenience of all, no questions are asked again, and death, even if John Soldier comes home, is that much more pleasant. Of course J S really died (nine times out of ten) when he first stopped think- ing and enlisted, or submitted to the draft. But I'll forget with you this worst tragedy of War, and what it does to millions of personalities the world over who support but never fight in the war. Maybe we could afford to forget it all, for other pressing issues, were it not that war seems so dangerously nearby. May I inquire why the campus of the Univer- sity must be made proving ground for populariz- ing such blasphemy of youth. If a liberal educa- tion connotes youth concentrating on learning new ways of living and serving, a cooperative at- tempt to make opportunities for the growth of in- dividual rEersonalities and development of self- discipline, along with improvement of a social consciousness, what place has the popularizing agent of opposite dogma in our schools? I mean the ROTC which the War Department's official- dom itself has claimed to be indispensable not from a standpoint of training in Military Science but for purposes of propaganda and securing civilian cooperation. Outright propaganda might be tolerated, but the militarists' attempt to per- vert our liberal institutions ought to be rudely or cunningly defeated. Authoritarianism to the extent it exists, subverts the liberal ideal. In- stead of developing self-discipline for ourselves they would tell us attitudes of obedience, an obedience to traditional bigotry. So, if I were Governor of Michiganand invited to the Ball, I would reply, "Although the Military has its place, when I consider the purposes Tor which the University was founded, generous funds supplied by citizens to maintain and build schools, the enterprising spirit of youth seeking freedom and truth in taking advantage of these institutions, the Military is out of place in our schools. I must decline to give my support to influences in those schools which defeat the higher ideal. Without personal malice, it will gratify me to know that my absence from the Military Ball is conspicuous." He Gets Tougher And, dear Editor, I await that day when those who believe in peace will be willing to make the highest sacrifice therefor. My next thought is tougher. So that my zeal is not mistaken for rancor or a case of "sour grapes" it should be understood that some of my best friends will probably attend, some of stronger character and more ability than my- self, persons for whom I have the highest re- spect. To those and others with a keen sense of values I'm talking. The scoffing sophomore who is "through with ideals" or assumes the best any reformer has to offer is only trash, shouldn't have read this far. You who are always talking "Peace" and de- crying radicals who urge fundamental reforms that might bring it, since that stirs dissension which antagonizes those who want a static world -What are you doing? You are refusing to sacrifice even one night of shuffling and squeez- ing around stuffed shirts and uniforms (no less bloody because we aren't fighting-yet! Blood of American youth shed in imperialist wars for American big business). You are saying: "I'm glad to sell out for a few hours of questionable thrill, to do my part to popularize this encroach- ing menace to educational and personal free- dom." If you' are a woman, you'll add, inad- vertently, "That includes my beauty and charm, my youthful womanly graces." To popularize- aiding the contest whether we'll think, or whe- ther we'll forget-playing into the hands of enemies who put the ROTC on the college campus. Every One Counts You girls are saying: "We want you, our broth- ers and admirers, to work in peace time and lay down your lives for us in war . . . to ruin the lives of men of other nations who have women too, all for us We have asked through the cen- turies that you stand boldly for ideals and pro- tect our homes and children. We help too, and pray while you are away on the battlefield, or in the office. Responsibilities that both old and very young men must meet. We realize you gladly conform, also that you have interests that such efforts help you serve, but we require of you such sacrifice not only out of love and, admira- tion but even out of fairness. But, dear brother, lover, or father, I'm only one little woman who won't be missed anyway. I'll have such fun at the ball. Of course it might help bring another war because all the other women will be there too, and together we necessarily popularize agen- cies that convince people by making them stop asking questions-whether it is when they use the draft or the more subtle ball-we become, convinced, that unwittingly, that violence ulti- mately rules and humaviity only effectively settles their disagreements by war. I must admit it brings us closer to war because we are better prepared for it, now that we have accepted its philosophy. We must plan to attend. I'll try to forget for one night that we have taught same time they would be helping themselves to l f emf o Heywood Broun Blackjacks bounced upon the skull of isola- tion in the Yorkville section of Manhattan. I am far from trying to build the riot at the meeting of the German-American Bund into an inter- national incident. Even though the cops seem to have done a surprisingly bad job, I doubt if it will be necessary to land the Marines to restore order in the beer stubes of 86th St. Still, I confess to an un- .easy feeling when I read, "The gray-shirted Storm Troopers gathered around < the hecklers and the swas- tika emblems on the arms of the troopers rose and fell as they clubbed the objectors into submission." New York is only a single city in America and Yorkville isn't very large, but I am minded to ask what the police were doing when men whc", officially proclaim themselves agents of Hitler undertook to show citizens that there is a lot of law at the end of a blackjack?r The accounts as to what happened before the Storm Troopers moved into action are a little confused. According to one account, the trouble started when a man in the audience' asked, "Aren't there going to be any speeches in Eng- lish?" Personally, it is my opinion that he was out of order. The chairman might well have said. "No" and ordered the current orator to continue. Out Of Our Own Mouths Another version of the cause of the fracas is that one of the speakers spoke in gross and in- sulting terms about the President of the United States. But possibly he merely translated into German some of the things which have been said on the editorial pages or in the comment columns of American newspapers. I see no reason why foreign language groups, including the Germans, should not use their own tongue in meetings and maintain their own press. Far too much has been written about what the alien owes America and all too little about what America owes to the stranger within our gates. Much that is finest in our civilization has come out of the toil and aspirations of the immigrant, out of his sinew and out of his soul. By all means, let him bring and cling to his own cul- ture. Our own achievements are a distillation out of the ideals and experiences of all nations and races. But I think , that no part of free speech, free assembly or any other civil liberty is violated if we say that no one from abroad, or here at home, shall be privileged to organize and maintain his own particular police force. I ,am equally against Storm Troopers and thugs hired in labor disputes. Yet what I have chiefly in mind is that the Yorkville riot, although a comparatively small thing in itself, is a straw by which we may know the way the wind blows. It is a bit of testimony that the oceans which surround us are not nearly as wide as the complete isolationists would have us believe. ** * * Already On The Inside It is naive to say that America should not even register an opinion on foreign quarrels. What is the point of arguing that we can keep Fascism out of America by rigorously resolving never to mention it. The heckler with a frac- tured skull will have every right to mutter when he regains consciousness, "Don't talk to ml about keeping Fascism out of America. It is al-~ ready here. I can show you thesscars." And deeper abrasions have been inflicted on our national life. One need not go to Yorkville to find rampant Fascism. It can be found in higher and more important places. America is already' in the position where we cannot have isolation unless the Fascist forces are willing to grant us that boon. They do not seem dis- posed to do so. It will be the part of wisdom to make our position clear and to establish a formula to which the non-Fascist nations can rally. Not for one second do I believe that Neville Chamberlain and his semi-Fascist ministry has restored the peace of Europe. It is far-fetched to say that one need no longer fear or dread the hurricane after the house goes down. you from the time you were baby boys, that the philosophies of violence contribute enormously to the disrespect for personality that has caused breakdowns in morals and ideals of mankind throughout the ages. Could you find a uniform (that you didn't fight for either) and look im- portant like a lot of others will?" Talking frankly, the story is about that way- men and women alike-but especially so for the women. You sell out for a night of cheap hi- larity. Next year you are abashed and overcome with grief when your brothers sell their honor or ideals for a few thousand embezzled dollars, a voluptuous female, or an advancement in bus- iness over a rival. Neither of us are excusable, but I want you to see the picture. My congratulations to the Peace Committee for instituting a rival ball. It should be tradi- tional, and more fun than the best the militarists can offer. Those who subscribe to the doctrines of the Hitlers and Pershings should properly find their place at the Military Ball. I'm simply making a plea that as many sincere Michigan men and women as possible, who share demo- cratic or Christian ideals and philosophies for living, will boycott this particular instrument of ruthless and canny propaganda. THEATRE By NORMAIN KIELL An jtArbor Season It is to be regretted that the 1938 Ann Arbor Dramatic Season is not,1 in general, presenting plays that are on a level with the actors and ac- tresses playing in them. From the advance listing of the casts, this de- 1 partment is definitely enthusiastic. The choice of plays, unfortunately, has not been the happiest, due to "influences not under the Civic Com- mittee's control." Choosing top-notch acting calibre was the wisest thing the Committee could have done. Aline MacMahon, Tonio Selwart, Pauline Lord, Doris Dalton and Jane Cowl will all see to it that their individual shows are the best that they can make of them and they will certainly not perform until that has been accomplished. The last three actresses mentioned have had the advantage of creating -their roles in the original Broadway pro- ductions. The former two are proven and meticulous actors. It is too bad that a happy medium could not be effected. We either have weak plays (except "Liliom") with superlative casts as this year, or ex- cellent plays with poor actors, as in previous years. Perhaps some day some wise executive of the Dramatic Season will try to accomplish this seeming insuperable feat and make the season one that is truly enjoyable for all tastes. I am not indicting Miss Helen Arthur, who is mainly re- sponsible for bringing the plays to Ann Arbor. Common sense tells us that she selected the best available. Perhaps she has hit the golden mean in the one, "Liliom." At any rate, we should not be too disdainful or critical of the plays to be given at the Lydia Mendelssohn nor should we, on the other hand, be "thankful that any kind of a drama season is better than none.." .MUSIC By WILLIAM J. LICHTENWANGER Calendar TODAY Radio City Music Hall, Erno Rapee conductor, Viola Philo soprano. Beethoven's First Symphony and "Ah, Perfido" Nocturne and Scherzo f r o m Mendelssohn's Midsummer Night's Dream music, two Marx songs, Weber's Invitation to the Dance. 11:30-12:30, NBC Blue. New Y o r k Philharmonic-Sym- phony, John Barbirolli conductor, Eugene List pianist, Harry Glantz trumpeter. Overture to Weber's Der Freischuetz, "Tuolomne" by Quinto Maganini, Stravinsky's Firebird Suite, Ravel's G minor Piano Con- certo, new Facade Suite of Walton. 2-4, NCBS. Coolidge String Quartet. F-sharp minor Quartet of Weiner, A minor Quartet of Bartok, Dohnanyi's E flat Piano Quintet. 3-4. MBS. MONDAY School of Music Graduation Re- cital, Mary Frances McDonough, cellist. Beethoven Sonata, Op. 5 No. 2, first movement of Lalo's Concerto in D, Toccata by Frescobaldi-Cassa- do, "I Signor Bonaventura" by Fasa- no, Ravel's Habanera, Tarantelle of Bernard. 8:15 p.m., School of Music Auditorium. Columbia Chamber Orchestra, Ber nard Herrmann conductor. Handel's Concerto Grosso No. 7, Air and Dance and Two Aquarelles of Delius, Sere- nade by Peter Warlock. 4-5 CBS. WEDNESDAY' School of Music Harp Ensemble directed by Mary Jane Clark, assist- ed by Betty Walker, Marian Karch and Grace Song Line. Compositions of Salzedo, Pirne, Tournier, Renie Holy, and folk songs. 8:15 p.m., School of Music Auditorium. THURSDAY Claire Coci, organist. Bach D minor Toccata and Fugue and two Choral Preludes, Franck B minor Chorale, Vierne Scherzetto, Fugue by Honeg- ger, Toccata from Widor's Flfth Symphony, Liszt Phantasie and Fu- gue, "Ad nos, ad salutarem undam.' 8:30 p.m., Hill Auditorium. FRIDAY School of Music Graduation Re- cital, Charles McNeill violinist, Al- bert Zbinden accompanist. Brahms Concerto in D major, Chausson Poeme, Turina's El Poeme de una Sanluquena. 8:15 p.m., School of Music Auditorium. SATURDAY Elizabeth Symphony Orchestra, August May conductor, Vera Brod- sky and Harold Triggs pianists. Over- ture to Mozart's Marriage of Figaro, Liszt's Mephisto Waltz, Debussy's Afternoon of a Faun, Carmen Phan- tasy, Enesco's First Roumanian Rhapsody. 7:30-8:30, MBS. NBC Symphony, Pierre Monteaux conductor. 10-11:30, NBC Red. French Club Gives 32nd Annual Play Tickets for the French Play, "L'- (Continued from Page 3) L: bers: The regular luncheon meeting will be held Monday at 12:10 p.m.' in the Founders' Room of the Michi- gan Union. All faculty members in-V terested in speaking German aref cordially invited. There will be an in-, formal 10-minute talk by Professorp Ernst A. Philippson on "Die Fremd- worterfrage im Deutschen." a Biological Chemistry Seminar, Mon- day, April 25, 3:30 p.m., Room 3131 West Medical Building. I "Alcartonuria, Phenylpyruvic Oli- gophrenia, Errors of, Metabolism Which Concern the Aromatic Amino Acids" will be discussed. All interest-l ed are invited. Senate Committee on University Affairs: A meeting will be held Mon- day, April 25, at 4:10. Members ofI the University having topics they wish discussed are asked to send1 them to the chairman. The Romance Club will meet on Tuesday, April 26, at 4:10 p.m., in Room 108 R.L. The program will1 be: Mr. L. F. Dow: Renaus or Renart. Dr. Hirsch Hootkins: El Papiamento. Iota Alpha: There will be a reg- ular monthly meeting of the Beta Chapter of Iota Alpha on Thursday night, April 28, at 7:30 p.m. in the Seminar Room of East Engineering Building (Room 3205). After some special business which is to be brought before the members, Dr. R. F. Sommers, Operative Dentistry and Radiology, will give the address of the evening. Dr. Sommers will illus- trate his talk with colored pictures. Every member is urged to be present. Deutscher Verein: Meeting Thurs- day, April 28 at 4:15 in Room 2003 Angell Hall. Professor Harold A. Basilius of * Wayne University will speak on "Die Deutschen im Staate Michigan." Everybody interested is invited to attend. German Play: The Deutscher Vere- in of the University of Michigan pre- sents Hermann Bahr's "Das Kon- Szert," Monday, April 25 at 8:30 p.m. at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre., Tickets are available at the German Department Office and at the theatre box office. French Play: The Cercle Francais presents "L'Avare" by Moliere, at the r Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre, Friday, April 2, at 8:30 o'clock. Tickets at the 'ox office Thursday and Friday. Graduate Luncheon, Wednesday, April 27, 12 noon, Russian Tea Room of Michigan League. Prof. L. G. Van- der Velde of the History Department, t will speak informally on: "Exper- iences in collecting source material in Michigan history." Lectures on Religion: Mr. Kenneth Morgan, Director of the Student Re- . ligious Association will give a series of three lectures comparing eastern and western religions based on his experiences in Hindu monasteries. Tuesday, April 26, 7:30 p.m. at Lane Hall he will discuss "The Founding of a New Religion." On the suc- ceeding Tuesdays, the subjects will be "Sensational Religion" and "Religion y Reforms the Economic System." Hiawatha Club: There will be a meeting tomorrow evening at 8:00 in the Michigan Union.' The Outdoor Club will go canoeing on the Huron this next Saturday af- ternoon, April 30. The Garden Section of the Faculty Women's Club will meet Wednesday, April 27, at 3:00 p.m. at the home of Mrs. C. C. Meloche, 3060 Dover Road. Prof. E. C. Goddard will speak on the Huron River Project. 4 Michigan Dames: Art Group meet- ing Monday evening at the home of Mrs. R. F. Atkinson, 1125 White St. All signed up for the group are re- quested to attend. Michigan Dames: General meeting Tuesday, 8:15 p.m., in the Grand Rapids Room of the League. Elec- tion of new members. Each member is asked to bring one or more white elephants for the auction and swap sale which will follow the election. A.S.M.E. Members: The annual inspection trip and dinner as the guests of the Detroit branch of the A.S.M.E. will be held Wednesday, May 4. The inspection trip will be through the plant of the U.S. Rub- ber Co., and the dinner, at which President Harvey N. Davis is to speak, is to be held at the Intercollegiate Alumni Club. If you have not ob- tained your membership card as yet, you will need it for admittance to the dinner, and may obtain it in Room 221 W. Eng. Bldg. Bus trans- portation will be provided for all those not driving. The lists on the bulletin must be signed by Thursday, DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all membersof the Vniversity. Copy received at the offce of the Assistant to the President until 3:30; 11:00 am. on Saturday. 12 noon, Studenits' Bible Class, H. L. Pickerill, Leader. 5:30 p.m., Social Hour and Tea. 6:30 p.m., Donald K. Anderson will lead a discussion on "What Can. We Do About War?" A prominent place will be given in the discussion for a consideration of the issues to be presented at the campus-wide peace demonstration on April 29. First Baptist Church: Sunday, 10:45 a.m. Rev. Howard Chapman, Univer- sity pastor, will speak on "Life and Song in an Ancient World." 9:30 the Church School meets. Dr. Logan, superintendent. The Junior High Group meets at 4:30 p.m. in the Church parlors. Roger Williams Guild: 12 noon. The University student group will meet for 40 minutes in the Guild House. Mr. Chapman in charge. 6:15 p.m. The International Council group will be guests of the Roger-Williams guild at a meeting held in the parlors of the First Baptist Church, 512 East Huron. Dr. E. W. Blakeman, Coun- selor in Religious Education, will be the speaker. His topic will be "Sim- ilarities in our Religions." There will be a social .hour when refreshments will be served. All foreign students cordially invited. First Church of Christ, Scientist, 409 S. Division St. Sunday morning service at 10:30. Subject: "Probation After Death." Golden Text: John 5:25. Sunday School at 11:45 after the morning service. First Congregational Church, corn er of State and William. The High School Department of the Church School meets at 9:30, the ' Junior, Primary and Kindergarten Departments meet at 10:30. Service of , Worship at 10:45 a.m. "Life's Contagions" is the subject of Dr. Leonard A. Parr's sermon. The choir. will sing the anthem "If With All Your Hearts" by Mendessohn, and the organist, Miss Mary' Porter; will play "Prelude" by Purcel -and "priere a Notre-Dame"- .y Boellmann. A Student Fellowship supper will be served at 6 o'clock. Fololwing the supper there is a program period whenrProfessor Preston Slosson will give a talk on "Playing the Game of Casuistry." Both students and adults are cordially invited to this special meeting. First Methodist Church: Morning worship at 10:45 o'clock. Dr.-'Bra- shares will preach on "Builders." This is University Day and there will be a reserved section for students. Stalker Ball. Student class at 9:45 a.m. Wesleyan Guild meeting at 6 p.m. There will be student-led discussion groups on the following topics: "The Home," "Vocations and Professions," "Men and Women Relationships," "Adventures in Personal Religion," "The Place of the Church in Mod- ern Society," and ('Recreation." Fel- lowship hour and supper following the meeting. First Presbyterian Church, 1432 Washtenaw Avenue. 10:45 a.m., "Men, Women and God" is the subject of Dr. W. P. Lemon's sermon at the Morning Wor- ship Service. The student choir di- rected by Miss Caire Coci and the children's choir under the leadership of Mrs. Fred Morns will take part in the service. The musical numbers will include: Organ Prelude, "Alben- leid" by Schumann; Anthem, "Now the Powers of Heaven'° by Arkhan- gelsky; Anthem, "Surely He Hath Borne Our Grief" by Lotti, Junior and Senior Choirs. 5:30 p.m., The Westminster Guild, student group, supper and fellow- ship hour. At the meeting which follows at 6:30 the subject for dis- cussion will be: "If War Comes." St. Andrew's Episcopal Church: Services of worship Sunday are: 8 a.m. Holy Communion, 9:30 a.m. Church School, 11 a.m. Kinder- garten, 11 a.m. Morning prayer and sermon by the Right Reverend Hayward S. Able- white, D.D., Bishop of Marquette in, Northern Michigan. Harris Hall: There will be a meet- ing of the Episcopal Student Fellow- ship Sunday night in Harris Hall at 7 o'clock. The speaker will be the Right Reverend Hayward S. Able- white, D.D., Bishop of Marquette in Northern Michigan. All Episcopal students and their friends are cor- dially invited. Unitarian Church: 11 a.m. Morning service, Discussion panel on "The Way of The Liberal Church." Eacb/ church organization represented on the panel. 7:30 p.m. Liberal Students Union, "The Well of Ararat," reviewed by the author, Emmanuel P. Varandyan, last year's Hopwood prize winner. Examination Files . . L AST YEAR, due to an intensive stu- dent campaign led by the Daily,- a comprehensive examination file intended to cover most of the courses offered by the Univer- sity was set up in the General Library. Today over 150 courses are represented in the Library files. Their value in giving point to review and in aiding coordination of material has been proved by the deluge of requests for use of the files that swamp the Library during exam time. Nevertheless the files have proved themselves deficient and incomplete in many respects. Some departments, such as political science and history are well represented in the collection, where bot- any, zoology, and physics are but scantily so. Then too, though the large introductory survey courses are well covered by exams, the smaller and less popular courses have been largely ne- glected. Due to popular demand many courses could well afford duplicate exams to make them readily available during examination week.