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April 24, 1938 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1938-04-24

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, ", tcht Is't Fihin Fy .S all F r Tamount A~o $150 q er frtoen in swimigdpatet oody
L ene C ief Pnht s' isigFr ml ryID IY Arilyer. t s f2rd9yh
yeas. i is oferdby heBloom- gils camp in New Mexico. position pri 9
field Hills Branch of the Women's1 carries no salary, but possibility of3:0o0a p..
Tel tdns! BULLETIN JFarm anrdGardenl Association. Any; comnmissins on any campers i-,o120

April 25 through Frida3
9:00 to 12:00 a.m.; 1:00 t
Saturday, April 30, °:0

Of Driving Test
Would.-.Be Drivers Told
To Read Auto Booklet
Available At City Hall
A warning to out-of-state students
that Michigan requires passage of ran
examination testing the applicant's
knowledge of motor vehicle laws be-
fore a driving license can be given
out was issued yesterday by George
Caip of the Ann Arbor police de-
partment, head of the local licensing
Pointing out that a number of
students have attempted to secure
the licenses, and failed, Camp urged
that those intending to apply read
the state-issued booklet "What Every
Driver MUST Know." This can be
secured without charge el police
headquarters. After' studying the
4ooklet thoroughly, he said, the aver-
age driver can pass the examination
without difficulty.
Special attention should be paid
by out-of-state drivers to the Mich-
igan law on hand signalling. Camp
said. This is the most common cause
of failure. Additional information on
the new laws is available at the li-
censing bureau.
u nder the new traffic safety set-up
record of traffic violations made by
drivers while the vehicle is in mo-
tion is kept in Lansing. Including
all violations made within the state,
this.record, if bad, may result in can-
celaton of anydriver's privilege of
using the highways unless he. can
prove the action should not be taken.
Reeves, Hayden Go
East For Meetings
Prof. Jesse S. Reeves of the polit-
ical science department is in Phil-
adelphia for a meeting of the Amer-
ican Philosophical Society where he
will read a paper, it was announced
Next week, he will be in Washing-
ton for the annual meeting of the
American Society for International
Law and the n1ational .organization
of teachers of international law. He
will preside over the sessions of these
organizations, 'and deliver the main
address at the general meeting.
Prof. J. IR. Hayd'en of the political
science department will go to Prince-
ton, N.J. next week to attend a con-
ference called by the American Coun-
cil, Institute of Pacific Relations on
American Far Eastern Policy.
"The Changing of Polish Names"
and "Recent Changes in the Pro-1
cess of . Assimilation Among Amer-1
icens of Polish ,Extraction" are the1
subjects for discussion at a joint meet-i
ing of the Polonia LiteraryCircle and
the Michigan Polish Historical So-
ciety which will be held in the Grand
Rapids Room of the Michigan League1
at 2:30 this afternoon.

meeting of the Committee on Student Union Life Membership: All stu-
Loans in Room 2, University Hall on dents who have spent the equivalent
April 25. Those who have recently of four years at the University may
filed applications for loans should now call for their Union Life Mem-
make appointments to meet the Com- bership Cards and Pins at the Bus-
mittee at that time. iness Office, Michigan Union. Please
bring your -Treasurer's Receipt for
Notice to All Faculty Members and identification.
Officers: Arrangements have been St
made with the purpose of having in senior and Graduate students
'Those senior and graduate students
the General Library both for present who have been invited to be guests
purposes and for future historical of honor at the 15th Annual Honors
value, a file of the portraits of mem- Convocation of the University of
bers of the Faculty and University Michigan are requested to.order caps
and gowns immediately at the Moe
.ff s . apiSport Shop or Van Boven, Inc. It is
of view, it is highly desirable that ;necessary to place these orders at


On bigger catchb-Pennsylvania's G.O.P. gubernatorial nomination
-do Fonmer Gov. Pinchot's hopes turn.
T en Excursions to Local Points
Planned For Summer Students

A series of 10 excursions to points
of interest in and about Ann Arbor
and Detroit has been arranged this
summer for students of the University
Summer Session, it was announced
The excursions will come mainly on
Wednesdays and Saturdays and will
last only a day except for a week-end
trip to Niagara Falls. Fees to cover
the travelling expenses will be charged
for those trips out of town. Reserva-
tions should be made at the office of
the Summer Session.
A tour of the ,campus will be made
on June 30, including an inspection
of the General Library, Clements Li-
brary, Cook Legal Research Li-
brary, the Union, Burton Tower, Aero-
nautical Laboratory, Naval Tank and
other points of interest.
A day will be spent in Detroit on
July 1 when the Detroit Institute of
Arts, Detroit Public Library, Belle
Isle, the Fisher Building, Radio Sta-
tion WJR and the zoo will be visited.
A trip to the Ford plant and inspec-
tion of the Ford industries at River
Rouge' is planned for July 6. Cran-
brook School, Christ Church and the
Carillon at Bloomfield Hills will be
inspected later in the season. E
On Wednesday, July 20 and 27, f
excursions will leave for Greenfield
Village in, Dearborn, where a tour of
the Village and Edison's Menlo Park
will be made. The General Motors

Proving .Grounds at Milford, north-
east of Ann Arbor. will be visited
on Saturday, July 30 where a tour
will be made to the Weatber Station.
For the last excursion a boat trip
will be taken, to Put-In-Bay in the
Ohio part of Lake Erie. After a
steamer ride of 125 miles, a visit to
several caves of the island, to Perry's
monument, and to other points of
geologic and scenic interest will be
made. A member of the department
of geology will accompany the trip.
Announce Dates
F or Final Exams
Finals To Begin May 27;
Will EndJune 15
Students were reminded of the
dates for final examinations in all
schools and colleges yesterday.
Examinations in the College of
Literature, Science and the Arts, the
School of Education, the Graduate
School, the School of Business Ad-
ministration, the School of Forestry
and Conservation, the School of Mu-
sic, the College of Engineering and
the College of Architecture will start
June 4 and end June 14.
In the College of Pharmacy, ex-
aminations will be held from June 4
until June 8, and from May 27 until
June 8 in the Law School.
First year students in the School
of Nursing will be examined from
June 4 until June 14, and those in
advanced classes from June 9 until
June 14.
Senior iedical students will take
their examinations from June 2 until
June 6, and all others from June 6
until June 11. Comprehensive medi-
cal examinations will be held from
June 7 until June 10, and the Michi-
gan State Board of Registration Medi-
cal Exams will be June 13, 14 and 15.


Gf iB

a a

For Information - Call.MISS JONES at 2-3241

HELLO! HELLO!, everybody
-here we are back again from
hither and yon-mountains and
lakes, cities and towns, bright
lights and gaiety galore! $ut it
seems wonderful being back in
spite of everything-'cause after
all even our little Ann Arbor has
LOTS to offer-especially its own
inimitable Spring!
* * *
YES SIR, Spring is really here!
And there are still those ten-
o'clocks when all good Ann Arbor-
ites, after meeting that very spe-
cial guy or gal-as the case may
be-trek over to the PARROT for
a coke and a chat.. The Parrot's
cokes are still the very best, you
know, anCl the atmosphere that
goes with it-well, you know only
too well what that is! It's the
place where -you meet all your old
friends and make new ones! And
if it's a bridge fiend that you are
-there's plenty of that too! Yep,
come early and stay late, people-
you'll love it!
lace and dimity of years ago has
nothing on our modern era-our
lovely ladies are going to be defi-
nitely feminine this season in the
crispness of marquisettes, organ-
dies, and starched laces, to say
nothing of the fresh and swishing
linens and piques. It's either frill
and fluff of the "fussy female" or
tailored smnartness of "sweet
sophisticates'-they're both KES-
ties-and both definitely devas-
tating and correct!
* * *
IF IT'S VALUE that you're
lnnking for, gals, as well as that

it comes to variety in frocks--it's
the spice of life, you know!
* *, *
AND SPEAKING of spice and
everything nice-Milady beautiful
is going to be very gay-and, look
so "very very" this week-end in
all her finery-providing, of
course, she takes a little time off
to trot up to the DI MATTIA
BEAUTY SHOP to get that last-
minute "touching up"--a glamor-
ous coiffure, a refreshing facial,
and that manicure for which you
have been waiting. After all we
can't go just half way this, or
any week-end-it must be r the
whole thing or nothing-and you
know what that means!
* * *
HOLD your seats, gals, here's
a really "beeg" one! Once again
gong! Here's the thing-they are
having another one of those Mary
Dunhill offers-you remember
last year's, don't you? Well, all
you have to do is purchase any
Mary Dunh ill product . (a real
pleasure) and you will receive
free--for nothing-a $1.00 Frou
Frou du Gardenia lipstick (Mary
Dunhill, of course) ! Have I tempt-
ed you or have I tempted you! So
be smart and take advantage of
this while the taking is good, be-
cause the offer holds only 'til
April 30th. Come on, gals, now's
your chance!
*' * *
MICHIGANDERS go exclusive
this week-end--Ann Arbor town
is to be forsaken---yep, for the
Country Clubs in the outlying dis-
tricts, so they say! And so if the
/fraternities and Michigan men
can be exclusive---so can we! Now

Cliza I/
Sun-tan must be regulated
this summer to the depth of
a wonderful new golden
shade, SUN - BEIGE, intro-
duced by Elizabeth Arden,
Her Sun-Pruf Cream is in-
valuable not only as protec-
tion for' your skin, but to
achieve the depth of tan this
new complexion requires.
Ardena Sun-Pruf Cream,
$1.00 a tube. You'll also need
Ideal Suntan Oil (honey and
cafe) $1.00 and $1.75; in
waterproof case, $5.00.. .




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