The Weather Fir, somewhat warmer to- day; tomorrow unsettled and ,omewltl warmer. Showers. L r e Sir igmitct ~Iatj Editorials Harvard Takes A Red Menadni The Inch. VOL. XLVIII. No. 144 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, APRIL 23, 1938 PRICE FIVE CENTS Illinois Nine WhipsVarsity 10-9 In 12th Andronik Is Knocked Out By Five Runs In First; 2-Run Rally Wins Game Fishman And Smith Allow Final Tally CHAMPAIGN, Ill., April 22.- (Special to The Daily)-Michigan's1 baseball team today lost the first game of the two game series with the University of Illinois, 10 to 9, in a 12 inning tooth and nail battle. - Herm Fishman, who took the mound for the Wolverines after An- dronik allowed the Illini five runs in the first inning, gave up eight hits before he retired in the twelfth in- uing in favor of Smith after allovyingj the winning run to get on base. Leol Sainati, who went the whole routet for the Illini, gave up 13 safeties. Illinois Takes Lead Illinois stepped off to an early lead in- the first inning when Ernie Ca- vallo went to first on Peckinpaugh's error and was advanced to third when Capt. John Callahan connected for a double. Cavallo was out on his way home when Frank Conley hit into a fielder's choice, and Callahan went to third. Jack Berner dupli- cated Conley's act and Callahan was out at the plate. Then consecutive singles by Tom McConnell, Sainati, and Kucera sent four runs home and Andronik to the showers. A single off Fishman by Len Kallis scored the fifth Illini run and the side was retired. Big Second Inning Michigan had its big inning in the second when Smick opened festivities with a single and Gedeon was walked. Beebe's single scored Smick and Gedeon went home on Sainati's' wild pitch. Fishman dribbled out. Trosko was safe at first and Beebe scored on Kucera's muff at short- stop. Brewer walked and the bases were filled when Sainati hit Peckin- paugh at the plate. This set the stage for Kremer who belted a homer into right field to clean the bases i and close the activity for the inning, with the visitors leading, 7 to 5. IThe Illini were good for two runs in the fourth and one in the sixth to go ahead, 8 to 7. 'However the Wolves took one in the eighth to tie the, game, where it remained until the twelfth. Pink Scores In Twelfth In Michigan's half of the twelfth frame, Pink was walked and ad- vanced to second on Campbell's hit, two already being out. Smick then poled a long single into centerfield to score Pink. Gedeon popped out tol finish the side. McConnell opened the Illinois half by taking a walk. Sainati went out and Dick Kucera hit a clean double to score McConnell and tie the score. George Richter took Kucera's place on bases. Smith entered the game and walked Christiansen and Kallis fill- ing the bases, Cavallo's high fly to left field was sufficient to allow Richter to score and finish the ball game. Settle Deadlock On Profits Tax In Conference Modified Version Of Levy Extended For Two Year Period By Committee WASHINGTON, April 22.-(l)-A tight Senate-House deadlock over re- peal of the undistributed profits tax broke today with a decision by a joint conference committee to retain a modified version of the levy for two years. The conference group, composed of representatives of the two cham- bers, agreed on a scale of corpora- tion income tax rates ranging from 16%1 to 19 per cent, depending upon the amount of profits a corporation distributes to its shareholders. The House had approved a 16 to 20 per cent undistributed profits tax range. The Senate had voted to dis- card such levies and substitute a flat rate of 18 per cent on corporation income. nder both the Husea nr andSnae Success Of Alaskan Settlers May Bring Mass Emigration Midwestern Families Are Reported Prospering In Fertile Matanuska Valley By ROBERT I. FITZHENRY The Associated Press yesterday carried a story of the 200 families of relief farmers who crashed the na- tion's press three years ago on their now historic 3,500-mile-trek from drought-parched Michigan,. Minne- sota and Wisconsin to the fertile gov- ernment-owned Matanuska Valley in Alaska. In reporting the prospering Alaskan Utopian community, the AP was recording the success of a mod- ern pioneer movement which may sometime result in a mass immigra-. tion to Alaska. Three years ago the Federal gov- ernment through the medium of the Alaska Rural Rehabilitation Head- quarters selected about 1,000 sturdy' Mid-West farm folk, mostly Swedes and Finns under 30 years of age and offered them 40 acres of farm land in the Matanuska Valley and full equip- ment on a long-time credit basis. The Government in addition agreed to fi- nance the trip from the Lake States right through to Alaska. The offer was snapped up and in the spring of 1935 200 families of red-plush pion- eers departed for the West Coast in chair cars with their canaries, mal- tese cats, police dogs and guppies rolling along in front of them in the baggage compartment. Preceding the families were 500 shock-troopers who were to clean out the timber and make things as easy as possible for the new settlers. At first everything seemed askew and complaints of favoritism de- luged Washington while 52 families threw in the sponge and hit the home trail. But several able trouble shoot- ers were hurried in by the Govern- ment and the complexion of things changed quickly. Hop ses sprang up and modern comforts rolled in over the Alaska Railroad. Today the visitor sees 173 spruce log cabins, and bungalows with parlor, kitchen, bed- rooms and running water. There are 123 barns, 188 wells and 82 miles of road. Imported engineers have con- structed a power plant with steam (Continued on PageR E" Panay Payment Of Two Million Made By Japs U.S. Claims Paid In Full By Japan; Perpetrators Of Attack Are Punished TOKYO, April 22.-P)=-One of the gravest international incidents of the Chinese-Japanese war, the sink- ing of the United States Gunboat Panay, was closed officially today when Japan gave the United States a check for $2,214,007.36. The check, handed to Eugene H. Dooman, counselor of the American embassy, by Seijiro Yoshizawa, di- rector of the bureau of American affairs, paid in full the claims sub- mitted by the United States a month ago today. Other demands made by the United States after the Panay and three Standard Oil vesselsawere bombed in the Yangtze River Dec. 12 already had been settled. Japan accepted full responsibility for the incident and assured the United States the men responsible for the attack had been punished. Today's payment covered loss of, the Panay and the Standard Oil ves- sels, Phi Eta Sigma 'To Initiate 419 Music Groups To Meet Here On April 291 Litzenberg And Moore Address Group To Forty-nine freshman men who- dis- tinguished themselves scholastically in their first semester here will be initiated by Phi Eta Sigma, freshman honorary society, in exercises to be held Wednesday at the Union. Speakers at, a dinner to be held at 6 p.m. directly after the initiation ceremony, will be Prof. Karl Litzen- berg of the English department and Prof. A. D. Moore of the Engineering College. Members of the class of '41 who will be honored are: Raymond H. Barnes, Eugene H. Beach, Robert P. Beals, Constantine N. Bozeon, Robert S. Buritz, Kenneth T. Calder, Ralph G. Conger, Almon L. Copley, Leigh E. Dunn, Bryce M. Emunson, and Herman T. Epstein. Avard F. Fairbanks, Jr., Jerome L. Fechtner, Albert Feldman, Woodrow G. Frailing, James R. Frankel, How- ard A. Goldman, Abraham J. Good-, man, and Robert L. Gustafson. Irving Guttman, John H. Harwood, James H. Haufler, Frederick W. Ho- warth, Clayton H. Manry, Robert Marks, Kenneth P. Mathews, Robert J. Morrison,'and John D. Newburgh. Milton Orshefsky, Harold D. Os- terweil, Seymour S. Pardell, Vincent B. Paxhia, Lester Persky, William A. Riner, Don W. Ryker, Daniel M. Schnit, Neal Seegert, and Anson D. Solem., Charles J. Stern, Jr., John Strand, Gordon A. Stumpf, John P. Sykes, Donald E. Van Hoek, Vincent A. Vis, Robert Walsh, George W. Weesner, Thomas A. Weidig, Donald M. Wirt- chafter, and William W. Wittliff. Sink Announces Unusual Program For Meeting Of Schoolmasters Club An unusual program for the Music Conference of the Michigan School- masters' Club, April 29 and 30, was forecast yesterday by Charles A. Sink, president of the School of Music and chairman of the Conference. In cooperation with the Music Sec- tion of the Schoolmaster's Club, the Michigan Music Educators' Associa- tion, and the Michigan School Band and Orchestra Association, will pro- vide a series of meetings which, it is expected, will attract more than a hundred music directcrs, conductors and supervisors to Ann Arbor. During the two days, simultaneous- ly with the series of discussions, and demonstrations, the third annual High School Music Festival of in- strumental solo and ensemble groups will be held. This Festival is spon- sored by the Michigan School Band and Orchestra Association, bands and other ensemble groups. It is not a contest, but a festival, in whichthe participants will be graded, according to groups. The first day will be divided into a number of sectional meetings. A luncheon and business meeting will be held at noon in the Union dining room. The University of Michigan Band under William D. Revelli, will ap- pear in Hill Auditorium from 7:30 to 8:15p.m. Britain, Ireland Reach Accord Agreement To Be Signed Monday To End Bickering LONDON, April 22.-()-Great Britain and Ireland today reached an agreement they hoped would end years of bickering. An announcement by the domin- ions office said the accord had been concluded, but gave no details. Drafted after three months of ne- gotiations headed by British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain and Irish Prime Minister Eamon De Val- era the agreement will be signed Monday. Reliable sources in Dublin said the new agreement settled the long- standing annuities and tariff differ- ences between the two countries. It was believed, however ,that one ma- jor issue-De Valera's dream for a united Ireland-was left untouched, at least for the present. Economic differences between the two countries date back to 1932, when DeValera, then Irish Free State pres- ident, withheld payment of land an- nuities to Great Britain amounting to £5,000,000 ($25,000,000) yearly, for advances made by Britain to enable Irish tenants to buy land. Swimming Season Ends With Banquet 15th Honors Convocation To Be Friday Mrs. Lillian M. Gilbreth, Well Known Educator, To Give Mein Address Classes Are To Be Let Out At 10:45 Nearly 800 invitations have been sent out for the University's 15th an- nual Honors Convocation to be held at 11 p.m. Friday in Hill Auditorium at which Mrs. Lillian M. Gilbreth of Montclair, N. J., eminent consulting engineer, educator and psychologist, will be the main speaker. The Convocation is held in honor of students who have maintained high scholastic records or who have received an award because of out- standing achievement in some par- ticular field. Seniors who have attained at least a B average and hold rank in the highest ten per cent of the senior classes of the various schools and colleges of the University will receive recognition at the Convocation. Juniors, sophomores and freshmen who have attained an average equiv- alent to at least half A and half B will also be honored. Graduate students will receive rec- ognition on the basis of work done at Michigan and special scholarship awards will be given undergraduates and graduates for outstanding achievement in special fields. Classes, with the exception of clinics, will be dismissed at 10:45 a.m. Senior students in clinical classes who are receiving honors will be ex- cused in order to attend. There will not be a procession, but academic costume will be worn, and seats will be provided upon the stage for the Board of Regents and mem- bers of the faculty. Mrs. Gilbreth, the main speaker, is president of Gilbreth, Inc., consult- ing engineers in management, and was a member of the President's Emergency Committee for Relief and the President's Organization on Un- employment relief. Author of many books, Mrs. Gil- breth was graduated from the Uni- versity of California in 1900, and took a Ph.D. from Brown University in 1915. She received the degree of Master of Engineering from Mich- igan in 1928, and took a doctor's de- gree in engineering from Rutgers College in 1929. She received an Sc.D. from Brown University in 1931. Here's Your Chance For A Song And Dance Mimes, men's honorary dramatic society, announced last night that any men on campus who have sup- pressed a desire to go on the stage will have their chance to get in the spotlight by trying out at 3 p.m. today and Monday at the Union for the organization's side show at the Michigras. A horse opera, "Hell's Bells," will be the subject of this initial venture. However, Mimes is planning to put on a full length opera in the near future and has also called for scripts for a musical show. Scripts may be turned in at the Union desk. Nine Are Dead, Fifty Missing .In Mine Blast Miners' Bodies Recovered From Explosion-Torn VirginiaCoal Tunnel Flames Spurt Forth 200 Feet Into The Air GRUNDY, Va., April 22.-- (P) - Nine bodies were reported to have been recovered tonight from the ex- plosion-wrecked Red Jacket Coal Company's pit eight miles east of Grundy, with at least 50 others be- lieved trapped in the mine. An official of the Weller yard of the Norfolk and Western Railway said he was informed the bodies, in- cluding those of three killed outside the mine by the terrifice explosion, had been found. The official added that he was informed by telephone from the mine, located on isolated Keen Moun- tain, that "at least 50 other miners were trapped and feared dead." The blast occurred shortly after the night shift had been wheeled into the pit in mine cars at 4:30 p.m. Flames spurted 200 feet from the mouth, overturning a motor which fell on the motorman, John Blevins, decapitating him. An unidentified miner also was caught by the motor and decapitated. Ed Harris, standing outside at the time, said: "You couldn't describe it. One min- ute we were there busy and the next everything was in a mess. It's hard to think just what happened." Approximately 300 men worked at the mine, which was opened last fall in a new field described by bureau of mine officials as "most promising." While thousands jammed their way toward the scene over the narrow, winding roads, the U.S. Department of Mines and Mine Bureaus of Vir- ginia and West Virginia quickly mo- bilized rescue workers. So terrific was the blast that mer- chandise - was 'k cked ' from the shelves of the Oakwood Smokeless Coal Company's store a mile and a quarter away. Seven motorists traversing a nearby road were endangered by flying de- bris and miners a mile or more away reported their homes were shaken. Hillel To Campaign For Relief Funds A drive to raise $1,600, Ann Arbor's quota of the Joint Distribution Com- mittee's five million dollar national campaign to aid Jews in Europe, will open on May 1, therHillel Founda- tion announced yesterday. Samuel Grant, '40, has been ap- pointed local Executive Director and will have complete charge of the two week drive. Last year the Foundation suc- ceeded in collecting $1,300. Due to the spread of persecution in Ger- many, Austria, Poland and Rumania during the past year a proportionate- ly larger amount of money is needed. Representatives will be appointed to fraternities and sororities and an extensive mailing campaign request- ing contributions will open the drive. Peace Strike Plns Curtailed By U.niversit The United Peace Committee's plans for a Strike Against War to be held at 11 a.m. Wednesday on the steps of the General Library struck a snag yesterday when the University Administration refused to grant dis- missal of classes at that hour or per- mission to use the library steps for the demonstration. The University instead offered use of the Mall behind the College of Architecture at 4 p.m., Daniel Gluck, '38L, chairman of the Committee, said. The reason for the University's refusal, Gluck said, was that the Honors Convocation, at 11 a.m. Fri- day, would necessitate a dismissal of classes at that time, and the same classes would be affected by dis- missals at 11 a.m. Wednesday. The Strike Committe of the United; Peace Committee will meet withE President Ruthven today, Gluck said, in an effort to obtain an earlier houra than 4 p.m. for the demonstration. Speakers at the rally will be Prof. Robert Morse Lovett of the Univer- sity of Chicago, vice-president of theI American League for Peace and De- mocracy, and Tucker Smith, former secretary of the Committee on Mili- tarism in Education, a national group conducting a fight against compul-I sory military training in schools and, colleges.I Quadrang rular Relays To Test Varsity Power Hoosiers, Buckeyes, Irish Hope Combined Strength, Will Overcome Michigan BLOOMINGTON, Ind., April 22.- (Special to the Daily)-Indiana, Ohio State and Notre Dame tonight pre- pared to combine their track powerI for an assault in a quadrangular. re-i lays meet tomorrow on the sway held b- the- University of Michigan over mid-western cinder paths. Not often has such a golden op- portunity offered itself to the other three great track aggregations of this section to knock off their bit- terest and most domineering rival. They are ready to jump Michigan with every ounce of strength at their command. Conditions for their success seem to be as right as they will ever be. It is Michigar's outdoor opener after only a little more than a week of outdoor drill. The Wolverines are short two of their top performers, Gedeon and Hayes, and all three teams have been strengthened since the end of the indoor season when all their designs on Charlie Hoyt's boys were signal failures. The big thing in favor of the Hoo- sier - Buckeye-Irish anti - Michigan (Continued on Page 3) Realtors Here For Conference Federal Speakers Address AssemblageOf 200 Greater emphasis upon land sta- tistics and surveys was the advice given yesterday by two Federal speak- ers to more than 200 state real estate brokers assembled in an educational conference sponsored jointly by the School of Business Administration and the Michigan Real Estate Asso- ciation. Prof. Arthur M. Weimer of Indiana University justified governmental as- sistance and regulation as a sort of umpire interpreting rules of the game. Stimulation of real estate, rather than interference with private enter- prise, was the message of Coleman Woodbury, director of the National Association of Housing Officials. He stressed the need for setting carefully a rent level in federal housing which would not discriminate against the lower income family. Japs Rush Fresh Troops SHANGHAI, April 23-(Saturday) --(P)-Heavy Japanese reinforce- ments were rushed down the Tient- sin-Pukow Railway today in the sec- ond stage of the new Shantung of- fensive already launched at Lini, 70 miles to the east. The fresh troops, accompanied by tanks and artillery, arrived at Tengh- sien, 60 miles north of Suchow, and started working their way southward and eastward to join exhausted Ja- panese forces around Lincheng and Tsaochwang. The Japanese strategy apparently is to make a drive down the railway while their reorganized forces strung out along a 30-mile front south and southwest of Lini attempt to break the strong Chinese defenses in that sector. It was estimated that 200,000 of the half million Chinese troops in Shang- tung province were entrenched in the hills on the Lini front, making the fight there a contest of manpower and machine-guns against field ar- tillery and airplanes. Murphy Replies T o Critics Of * 11 TPump -Priming' Claims Action Necessary In Emergency; Takes Issue WithVandenberg DETROIT, April 22.-(,P)-Gover- nor Murphy penned a reply today to critics of President Roosevelt's recov- ery program, which he termed "America's first need today." The federal government's course in the face of a "grim emergency," Murphy said in a radio address pre- pared for delivery at 7:45 E.S.T., must be action--"not piecemeal or grad- ual action but collective, united and immediate action." "Woe betide a people that fails to profit by its own experience," he warned. "In 1933 we saw what may happen to a nation where Govern- ment fails to provide in time the remedies needed to counteract a; serious decline in business.'t Officials See U.S.Neutrality Policy Toward SpainoStay Roosevelt Says Policy Is As Satisfactory As The Present Act Will Allow President And Hull Both Oppose Repeal WASH'INGTON, , April 22.-(P)- Informed officials concluded from President Roosevelt's statement at a press conference today that the Unit- ed States neutrality policy toward the Spanish civil war would continue in effect. Many delegations representing sup- porters of the Barcelona Government have come to Washington recently, seeking a change in the program so as to permit the shipment of arms to the Government forces. Arms shipments to both Spanish factions are forbidden under the present pol- icy. The President, in reply to a ques- tion as to whether he thought the neutrality policy as applied to Spain had been satisfactory, said he thought it had been so far as was possible under the law. The President said the neutrality act had a two-fold objective: to keep the United States from becoming in- volved in a war, and to avoid giving aid to one side against the other or of penalizing one side as opposed to the other. He added the act was difficult to apply. Persons close to the State Depart- ment said that neither the President nor Secretary Hull was satisfied with the act as it stood, but they did not favor its repeal, Their lack of satisfaction, it was said, was based on the theory that it tied the Administration's hands too closely and did not permit the free- dom of action necessary in delicate international situations. Helper, Smith Win Case Club Verdict In Brooks Vs. Parkinson' By EARL R. GILMAN Ralph Helper and Bruce Smith won the decision of the Case Club's high- est "appellate court" yesterday over Clifford Christianson and Robert Keck in the case of "Brooks vs. Park- inson" in which the limits of a widow's trust rights were defined. The Henry M. Campbell Award of $100 was awarded to the winners and $50 was awarded to the losers, all juniors in the Law School. Guest judges hearing the case were, Judge Orie L. Phillips, Circuit Court of Appeals, 10th district; Judge Charles C. Simons, Cirucit Court of Appeals, sixth district; U.S. Judge Arthur F. Lederle; and former Chief Justice of the Michigan Supreme Court Louis H. Fead. More than 300 people witnessed the trial. At the 13th Annual Founder's Day dinner held last night at the Law- yers' dining room, Judge Phillips told more than 350 law students and law- duties and imposts for the common defense and general welfare of the United States. Judge Phillips point- ed out that this clause has been variously interpreted by loose and strict constructionists. The 14th Amendment, requiring the states to provide due process of law, does not restrict their police power-probably the most important power of the states, Judge Phillips said. Judge Phillips gave various inter- pretations of the commerce clause, showing the powers delegated to the national government and those re- served to the states. In conclusion, Judge Phillips reiter- ated the fact that because the na- tional and state governments each had its own field, local self-govern- ment is preserved. "Do sentry duty on the watch- towers of American freedom," Judge Phillips told the young lawyers. "that Yost At Will Be Honored Fort Worth Banquet A banquet honoring Fielding H. Yost's 67th birthday anniversary, April 30, will be given by the Univer- sity of Michigan Club of Fort Worth, Texas. I I