The Weather Fair, somewhat cooler today; tomorrow cloudy and ..wa!'i&rme- Showers by night. tr L7rat VOL. XLVIII. No. 143 ANf ARBOR MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, APRIL 22, 1938 Editorials Mr. Gannett's Pubbi Correspondence , PRICE FIVE CENTS CIO-Affiliated Auto Workers Go Out In Six More Factories Eight ,Bohn Corp. Shops Shut-iDown; Firm May Move From Michigan Dozen Plants Now Closed By Strikes DETROIT, April 21.-.P)-The CIO-affiliated United Automobile Workers extended strikes to six ad- ditional Detroit plants today, at the same time bringing their disputed "dues-collection" picket line maneu- ver. to this city. Eight plants of the Bohn Alum- mum & Brass Corp. were among a dozen closed tonight by labor dis- putes. Bohn officials who said the corporation had a $10,000,000 invest- meait here announced plans to move their operations to other states were being onidered.' The s dpicketing to check on non-paying UAW members occurred without incident at the Vernor high- way rlant of the Briggs Manufactur- ing Cto. Pickets stopped and ques- tioned about 15 workers entering the plant. Similar tactics at Flint, Mich., ear- ier this week resulted in the closing rof twoGeneral MotOrsunits there. Some 3,700 employes of the Fisher Body Plant No. 1 returned to work this morning. A demonstration an- nounce d for this afternoon failed to develop. Ernployes'of theBuitbk division of General Motorshdependent on the Fisher unit for bodies, were called to return to work tomorrow morning. Heinrich A. Picker, Detroit police commissioner who announced yester- day dues-collecting picket lines would be dispersed, sai today his depart- naent "takes no interest in the meth- ods used by a union to collect dues, so long as they are peaceable." "The police department will not al- low mobs to form outside plants to prevent men from going into factories to work," he said. State Realtors Hold Conclave In Union Today Dr. Hoyt, FHA Economist, Speaks On City Growth;. Waive Fee For Students More than 200 state real estate men will convene at 10:15 a.m. todayt in the Union for a full day educa- tional conference on the real estate market sponsored jointly by the business administration school and the .Michigan Real Estate Associa- tion.I Dr. Homer Hoyt, principal econo- mist for the Federal Housing Ad- ministration in Washington, speaking in the afternoon session on "City Growth and Structure," will replace Frederick M. Babcock, also connected with the FHA, formerly scheduled to appear here.( Prof. Richard U. Ratcliff of thel business administration school an- nounced yesterday that the registra- tion fee' would be waived for students and faculty members attending, but urged them to register. The conferences were begun in 1926 by Dean Ezra Day, now president of* Cornell University, but were discon- tinued in 1931. Its purpose, accord-, ing to Professor Ratcliff, is to throw light on real estate problems. W. E. Teglund, Jackson, chairman of the educational committee, will preside at the morning session open- ing at 10:15 p.m., John C. Crowe, Pontiac, vice-president, at the noon luncheon, Robert W. Keith, Battle Creek, another vice-president at the afternoon session beginning at 1:45 p.m. and Louis G. Palmer, Detroit, past president, will be toastmaster for the banquet which will take place at1 6 p.m.t The program for the banquet fol- lows: Round Table Discussion on "How Can the Broker Use the FHA to Cre- ate New Business?" with H. E. Down- ing, Detroit FHA, Mr. Palmer and Professor Ratcliff, and an address on "The Analysis of Local Real Estate Markets," by Corwin A. Fergus, Washington, director of the econom- ics and statistics division of the Junior Lawyers To Face Bench In Parkinson Vs. Brooks' Today SMITH HELFER CHRISTENSON KECH U. S. Circuit Judges, Former State Supreme Court Justice To Hear Case Club's Final Trial In Law School; Phillips To -Speak At Dinner Pre-law students will get a chance to see the results of two years of Law School at 2 p.m. today in Room 100, Hutchins Hall, when Ralph Helfer and Bruce M. Smith, as counsels for the plaintiff, oppose Robert C. Kech and Clifford Christenson in the case of "Parkinson vs. Brooks." These four, all juniors in the Law School, have been chosen from the 300 members of the Case Club in two years of competition. The Case Club itself is a moot court organization and, outside of slight supervision by the faculty, is run entirely by students. Five senior law students act as judges in the earlier cases in which both freshmen and juniors participate. For the trial today, special judges, have been imported. They will act as members of an appellate court. There will be no witnesses called since the argument will be on hypo- thetical points. Briefs have been sent to the judges, just as practicing lawyers must prepare them for reg- ular court trials. The guest judges in the "appellate court" today will include Judge Orie L. Phillips of the U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, 10th circuit; Judge Charles C. Simons, U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, sixth circuit; U.S. District Judge Arthur F. Letterly; and Hon. Louis M. Fead, former Chief Justice of the Michigan Supreme Court. They will be asked to decide the limits of a widow's trust rights. "Par- kinson vs. Brooks" involves interpre- tation of a statute which permits a widow to accept provisions for her- self in her husband's will, or instead to take what the law would give her had he -died without leaving a will. Tonight, the 13th annual Founder's Day will be celebrated at a banquet in the Lawyers' Dining Room. Judge Phillips will deliver the address. Prof.-Emeritus Edmund C. Goddard will be master of ceremonies and Re- gent David H. Crowley will talk. S.R.A. To Revise Frosh Handbook A revision of the Freshman Hand- book with the view of making it more useful to incoming students is being undertaken by the Student Religious Association, according to Kenneth Morgan, director of the Association. Specific information will be in- cluded on all campus activities and organization. Housing conditions, cooperatives and estimates of ex- penses will be included. Sugges- tions from students, especially fresh- man, will be welcomed Mr. Morgan said. List Resolutions For War Strike Big Navy Bill Hit BySenator Vandenberg Michigan Member Views Sound National Credit As Vital AsSuper Navy Asks For World Arms Conference WASHINGTON, April 21.-(P)-An international conference should be arranged in an effort to save the arm- ing world from bankruptcy, Senator Vandenberg (Rep., Mich.) told the Senate today during an attack on the Administration's big navy bill. He contended the proposed expan- sion of the United States fleet might cost far more than the $1,156,000,000 which officials have estimated, and warned that sound national credit was "just as vital a part of the na- tional defense as a navy." Vandenberg and other critics of the Administration program held the floor most of the day, but Senator Connally (Dem., Texas) entered the debate briefly to declare the legisla- tion was democracy's answer to "land-grabbing, swash-buckling dic- tators." The Michigan Republican said, on the other hand, that the bill called for a "super super navy" for which "there is absolutely no justification." "If we arm to be impregnable against all other powers," Vanden- berg shouted, "then even the super super navy would not be enough. We would need a super super super navy -and no one has even dared to men- tion that.", Discussing an arms limitation con- ference, he said that if the old 5-5-3 ratio of naval strength for the Unit- ed States, Great Britain and Japan were tossed overboard a "free con- ference" could be conducted.* "Any realist will recognize that re- liance on the old 5-5-3 ratio is not justified today," Vandenberg said. Such a ratio only promoted inter- national jealousies and tempted na- tions to build navies beyond treaty limits, he added. Independents To Hold Mixer Coach Mann Will Show Movies Of Meets A Congress Mixer for all inde- pendent men, featuring movies of swimming meets by Matt Mann, swimming coach, talks by several swimming captains of pastbyears, will be held at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, in the North Lounge of the Union, it was announced last night by Dis- trict Cou'ncil of Congress. The Mixer is the first to be spon- sored by Congress since the recent formation of the District Council, made up of the 10 district presi- dents, and has been planned to ac- quaint independent men with the work now being carried on by the or- ganization. It is also hoped that the meeting will act as a social get- together for non-affiliated men. Re- freshments will be served. In addition to Coach Mann and the swimming captains, the meeting will be addressed by Phil Westbrook,. '40, executive secretary of Congress. Edward Wetter, '39, and George Gens, '38, are co-chairmen of the affair. Here April 271 United Peace Committee Attempting To Secure MurphyFor Speaker Resolutions opposing the proposed bill for increased military appropria- tions and favoring a consumers' boy- cott to aid victims of imperialist ag- gression and the removal of the em-E bargo against Loyalist Spain were passed upon by the United Peace'l Committee last night for presenta- tion at the strike against war Wed- nesday. The strike against war will be held simultaneo.usly with similar strikes on campuses throughout the country. Efforts to secure Governor Murphy as a speaker in addition to Robert Morss Lovett, vice-president of the American League for Peace and De- nocracy and Joseph S. Mattes, '38, managing editor of the Daily, are be- ing made. Other resolutions to be presented Wednesday favor sending relief to victims of aggression and those op- posing the war in aggressor nations, the repeal of the Oriental Exclusion Act and the proposed Nye-Kvale Bill. Other resolutions oppose the govern- ment's M-Day Plans and enabling acts such as the Shepard-Hill Bill and the May Bill, the attempt to militarize CCC camps, and the at- tempt to strengthen compulsory R.O.- T.C. forces. 16 NEGROES ARE KILLED PHENIX CITY, Ala., April 21.-P) -At least 16 Negroes lost their lives today in the collapse of a building in the business section of this city. Gov.LaFollette Warns Against 'Dole'Payment Productive Work Must Be Had For Able-Bodied To Insure Prosperity The Administration Hit For 'Patching' MADISON, Wis., April 21.-(P)- Gov. Philip F. LaFollette, who has split, with President Roosevelt over methods to bring the nation out of the recession, told a radio audience tonight that able-bodied men and women must be put to work at pro- ductive enterprises to ensure the re- turn of better times. "To continue to pay great numbers of able-bodied men and women to do nothing productive over longer and longer periods of time violates every principle upon which the progress of the human ,race has been found- edt" said the Progressive leader, who last night called the Roosevelt Ad- ministration's relief measures "tink- ering and patching." Governor Reveals Split The Governor revealed in the Tues- day night speech that he and his brother, Sen. Robert M. LaFollette Prog., Wis.), had split with the Presi- dent in 1937 when the Administration began trimming expenditures. The Senator at Washington today endorsed his brother's remarks and said "it remains to be seen" whether the Administration's revived recovery program succeeds. The Governor reached the conclu-' sion in the third of a series of four radio addresses that "no nation is so rich that it can go on indefinitely paying mililons of men and women' not to produce." Problem Not Complicated "The central, underlying problem we face in America is not complicat- ed. Every city worker, every farmer, every housewife, and even children, know that work plus materials equals wealth. Able-bodied men and wom- en in America must be given a real opportunity to work-not at unpro- ductive tasks-but on the farm, in the office, the shop, the factory, the school, in transportation." - Governor La Follette said recovery programs.of both President Hoover and President Roosevelt were mo- tivated by high purposes, but "since the diagnosis and the treatment have been essentially the same, we have got pretty much the same results."' Senior Booklet Sale To Close Orders 'Will Be Received; Till 5 P.M._Today Sale of senior announcements and commencement booklets will close today, it was announced last night. Seniors may order their booklets in Angell Hall lobby from 3 to 5 p.m. Samples of the booklets will be on display. Theyleather bookletd are made up' in a smooth blue leather cover bear- ing the University seal, the year 1938, with the word "Michiga'n" ap- pearing at the bottom in script on a narrow background of gold leaf. A similar booklet will be made up with a white cardboard cover bearing the same design as the leather booklet. Both booklets will contain five steel engraved etchings of campus build- ings, the commencement schedule, and the names of the administrative officers, class officers and commit- tees, and candidates for degrees in the individual schools represented. The colleges of -Law, Medicine, and .Dentistry will have similar booklets. An announcement sheet will be pro- vided with all booklets in the form of a French fold, the outside cover of which will bear an etching of the Burton Memorial Tower with the word "Michigan" in the lower right hand corner. See Political Move In Ford Invitation WASHINGTON, April 21.-(P)-A forthcoming tete-a-tete between President Roosevelt and that con- firmed unbeliever in New Deal doc- trine, Henry Ford, strengthened the impression here tonight that the Ad- ministration was trying to get on hbtter terms with hsines hfnre Labor Mexico Needs To Slow Plans, Aiton Declares By ROBERT I. FITZHENRY Temporary retrenchment in Presi- dent Cardenas' forthright socializa- tion program and an emphatic reign- ing in of recent wholesale oil exap- 'propriation activities were seen -by Prof. Arthur S. Aiton of the history. department, in an interview yester- day, as sorely-needed salves for in- ternational wounds broken open by Mexico's sudden wealth equalization moves. Professor Aiton affirmed his faith{ in the Cardenas government, how-, ever, and expressed optimism for its success providing Cardenas can make' his peace with foreign pow- ers and preserve the financial in- tegrity of his country. Still Effecting Changes Mexico today, he said, is effecting its pre-Lenin social constitution of 1917 which crested on a tripod pro- gram: (1) Mexico for the Mexicans, (2) land for the Indians, and (3) con-t trol of the government by the Labor Revolution Party. These measures,nt he added, were long delayed by con- cessions made by President Obregon in 1923 to secure Washington's recog- nition of his government. In the United States' agreement with Obregon it was stipulated that1 the exappropriation which was coun- tenanced in the new constitution would not be retroactive and would] therefore not affect existing foreign oil firms. Program All-Embracing While cpndoning Cardenas' pro- gram as a whole Professor Aiton be- lieves the socially-minded Mexican? president has bitten off more than he can chew. The transition, he said,7 should be more gradual. The Presi- dent has embarked on an all-em- bracing program of labor reform in the mines, railroads, oil industry and vast hemp and sugar fields, but in-E sufficient organization, Professor Ai- ton thinks, hampers his efforts. In the single instance of the oil in- dustry he raised the question of mar- kets for the government oil. "Mexico," he said, "has refused to sell oil to fascist countries and the democratic markets are already glutted with more oil than can be used. In addi- tion the government has no ships, pipe lines or distributing agencies, to get the oil out to market." Professor Aiton suggested that in its exappropriation program the gov- ernment proceed by buying the oil fields, section by section and financ- ing the deals with long-term credit agreements. In considering the Mexican prob- lem, he pointed out, the United States has not only its own interests, but under the responsibility assumed in the Monroe Doctrine the welfare of all European nations in the wes- (Continued on Page 3) Baseball Team To Play .Illin Varsity Nine Meets 1937 Champs In Two Games By BUD BENJAMIN1 One strike already against them in their only Conference trip to the plate, Michigan's title-seeking nine resumes Big Ten competition this week-end in a two-game series at Champaign against Illinois' 1937 champions. Games are scheduled for this afternoon and tomorrow. Inauspiciously dumped by an un- der-rated Wisconsin team Tuesday, the Wolverines need an improved showing this week-end to establish an early claim to the title which they relinquished last year. The Illini jinx, which dogged the Varsity last season, may be stifled this year by the combination of an apparently weakened Illinois squad and a strengthened Wolverine nine. While Tuesday's debacle gave local. fans little to cheer about, they did see .flashes of form from the Var- sity contingent which indicated im- provement. Illinois, on the other hand, has suf- Nash-Kelvinator, Chrysler Are Put On 'Unfair' List; AFL, UAW In Group H. Reifin Presents Removal Resolution A motion to seek means for the re- moval of Circuit Court Judge George W. Sample from the bench as "unfit for office" was passed Wednesday! night by thesDetroit and Wayne County Federation of Labor. The federation, which met in Labor Temple, Detroit, is composed of dele- gates from all AFL and some UAW unions in the county, The Nash-Kelvinator and. Chrysler Corporations were placed on the "unfair-to-labor" list by the federa* tion at the same meeting because these two companies patronized the Ann Arbor Press and the Aronsson Printing Company of Detroit. The International Typographical Union has been conducting strikes at both of these places for several months. The federation will conduct a cam- paign to have unions through the country place Nash-Kelvinator and Chrysler on their "unfair" lists. The resolution concerning Judge Sample's ouster was introduced' by Harry A. Reifin, special representa- tive for the Internatonal Typo- graphical Union, after he had made a report on the two injunctions Judge Sample issued' three weeks ago in the local controversy involving the Ann Arbor Press, the National Labor Re- lations Board and Local 154 of the ITU. The first injunction, issued March 30, restrained the NLRB from hold- ing a hearing and gathering evidence. The second injunction restrained the un 'n from picketing and the Ann Arbor Press from rehiring striking ITU members or from firing mem- bers of the Independent Association of Ann Arbor Press Employees, Inc. SThe motion will be introduced in the Michigan Federation of Typo- graphical Unions and the Michigan Federation of Labor, according to Reif in.' JudgeSample delined to comment on the matter last night. In 1932, Reifin said last night udge Sample refused to issue an 1 junction at the request of the Typo.- (Conttiued on Page 3) Runners Open Track Season At Bloomington Clash With Indiana, Notre Dame And Ohio State In; Outdoor Session By ROY HEATH The University of Michigan track iteam departs at noon today for Bloomington, Ind to open the outdoor campaign tomorrow in a quadrangu- lar relays meet with the cream of middle western trackdom. Parties of the other three parts will be Indiana, Ohio State and Notre Dame. Coach Charlie Hoyt expressed him- self as being "entirely satisfied" with the final drills of his undefeated Wol- verines at Ferry Field yesterday af- ternoon. Aside from Elmer Gedeon first basing hurdler, and Doug Hayes injured quarter mile ace, the Hoyt- men will go into action at full strength. With a record of straight wins be- hind them indoors, three of them in competition with the Hoosiers, four against the Bucks and one with the Irish, the Maize and Blue is in the category of a "sure thing" in their outdoor curtain raiser. By no stretch of the imagination can any of the opposition be rated in the push-over class. Larry Snyd- er's Buckeyes appear to carry the most guns with power in the sprints, broad jump, sprint relay, high jump and distance relays. Notre Dame, whom Michigan has not taken on in other than a relays carnival in 14 years, comes next with (Continued on Page 7) Insurgents Consolidate I T a O-ii1_ _ Ouster Of Sample Sought By Detroit Federatio Rides A nd Side Shows Of All Kinds Guarantee Another Lively Michigras By EARL R. GILMAN Inhibitions will disappear and you will be able to do anything you want to from betting on a rat race to get- ting your picture taken as the charac- ter you always have wished to be May 6 and 7 at Yost Field House when the annual Michigras will at- tempt to live up to its assumed repu- tation as the "carnival that made the New Orleans Mardi Gras look like a side show." The Michigras booth committee, headed by Richard Fox, '39, and Betty Lyons, '39, announced last night thatI more than 50 organizations will have booths this year. Fraternities are snonsoring most This year's Michigras, of which Hugh Rader, '38, is chairman, will again be a huge carnival with all the accoutrements of a county fair. It is being put on as a benefit for the Women's Atheltic Association's pro- posed swimming pool and the Varsity band's trip to the Yale football game this fall. The booths announced are: Alpha Delta Phi and Delta Kappa Epsilon, "Pantomime Comedy"; Alpha Kappa Lambda, "SwingdSchool"; Alpha Sig- ma Phi, "Recording Breaking" with baseballs; Alpha Tau Omega, "Blow- ing Down To Rio" on 10Bcent sail- boats (at your own risk); Beta Theta ey on their weight guessing contest last year despite the fact that every- one won a cane, will be out to repeat. Phi Gamma Delta will give a choice between "Swing vs. Sweet" with darts; Phi Sigma Delta, "Pop a Pack of Butts"; and Psi Upsilon will get modern and show you "China Break- ing." The Sailing Club will afford you "Yachts of Fun," Sigma Alpha Epsi- lon will have a game of skill; Sigma Alpha Mu plans to hold its "Dart Poker" game in public; Sigma Chi will let you "Ring a Cane"; and Sigma Phi entreats "Dew Drop In."