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February 19, 1938 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1938-02-19

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SATURDAY, FEB. 19, 1938

Red Fleet In Black Sea Adds Color To Tense World Naval Situation

Appoint New
Maritime Head
Hear Admiral Land Named
For Kennedy's Place
Feb. 18. -(P) - President Roosevelt
late today designated Rear Admiral
Emory S. (Jerry) Land, of Laramie,
Wyo., regarded by the administra-
tion as another "two-fisted, hard-hit-
ting" executive, as the new chairmanI
of the Federal Maritime Commission.
One of the original members of the
cemmission, he will move up to the
*lace vacated by Joseph P. Kennedy,
who sails soon to take over his new
dclitics as ambassador to London.
It also was announced that Max
O'Rell Truitt, of St. Louis, general
ecunsel of the commission would be
nominated to fill out the unexpired
ainst tcrm of Kennedy's membership end-
ssia's ig in the fall. His name will have
Lo be sent to the Senate for confirma-
tfon. Land's Will not.

Reichart Will Adress
Faculty German Club
Prof. Walter A. Reichart of the
German department will speak on
"Besuch bei Gerhart Hauptmann:
der Dichter zu Hadse" at the Ger-
man Table for Faculty Members at
12:10 Monday in the Founders' Room
of the Union.
This is the first of a series of in-
formal talks to be given at the regular
Monday luncheon meetings. All fac-
ulty members interested in conver-
sing in German are invited to at-
Read The Daily Classifieds

The Red Fleet of Soviet Russia is conducting winter maneuvers in the Black Sea, in line with the U.S.S.R. policy of keeping ever on the alert ag.
potential enemies. "War is being prepared against us in west and east," Premier Mcictov said recently. "We must have a powerful fleet." Ru
preparations are only part of the general tightening of national defense lines on land and sea and in the air throughout the world.

Starts at 2:00-4:19a6:45-9:07
Starting Today !
7. A > ...

SATURDAY, FEB. 19, 1938
VOL. XLV1I. No. 99
To Department Heads and Others
Concerned: All time slips must bej
in the Business Office Feb. 19 to bej
included in the Feb. 28 payroll.
Edna G. Miller,
Payroll Clerk.
Faculty, College of Engineering:
The adjourned meetingof this facul-
ty is called for Monday, Feb. 21, at
4:15 p.m., in Room 348 West En-
gineering Building.
A. H. Lovell, Secretary.

Saturday Class Committee: Until his- eligibility is affirmatively estab-
March, 7 the members of this com- lished (a) by obtaining from the
mittee may be consulted as follows: Chairman of the Committee on Stu-
Professor, N. R. F. Maier, Tu. Fri dent Affairs, in the Office of the Dean
2:30-3:30 in 2123 N.S. Professor W. of Students, a. written Certificate of
A. Reichart, M. 10-11; W. 10-11:30 in Eligibility and (b) by presenting the
300 U.H. Certificate of Eligibility to the chair-

Extra-Curricular Activities: The
attention of all students interested in
extra-curricular activities is called to
the change in procedure recently
adopted by the Committee on Stu-
dent Affairs with reference to the
method to be followed by the indi-
vidual desiring to take part in extra-
curricuiar activities and by the chair-
man and managers of these activities.
At the beginning of each semester
and summer session every student
shall be conclusively presumed to be
ineligible for any public activity until

LAUNDRY CLOSE to campus. Clean, newly dec-
orated single and double room at
STUDENT LAUNDRY. Shirts 12c. right price. 411 Hamilton. 394
Call for and deliver. Phone 4863 for _
other prices. 360 FOR SALE
Phone 5594 607 E. Hoover DRIVEWAY GRAVEL. Killin's Gravel
Call For and Deliver-Free of Charge Company. Tel. 7112. 7x
AND IRONING 95 ACRES of level, sandy loam. Good
Shorts ......................... 4c seven room house, electricity, good
Tops .......................4c barn and other buildings close in.
Socks (pr.) . . . . ........ . ... . .... 3 $7,000. Whaley or Clapp. Phone
lajamas ................ . .....10, 2-1964, Evenings 2-1170. 396
Shirts.......................14c ~~ ~ ~
Satisfaction Guaranteed FANCY APPLES, sweet cider, pop-
Individually Done-No Marking corn. Will deliver. Phone 3926. 1003
236 Brooks. 390
OAK WOOD, best grade, for fireplace,
LAUNDRY. 2-1044. Sox darned, or furnace. Delivered. 106 Barker
Careful work at low prices. Road, Whitmore Lake. Phone 57
NOTIC S or 2-1964 mornings. 392
VIOLA STEIN. 706 Oakland. Phone 1938 PLYMOUTH 4-door trunk sedan.
8327. Experienced typist. Reason- Driven only 1,800 miles. Need
able rates. 232 money. Cheap sale. Please call 3360
- - for Chang. 365
old and new suits, overcoats, at $3, WANTED
$8, $25. Ladies fur coats, typewrit- - -
ers, old gold and musical instru- THE FAMOUS Craigleith Woolen
ments. Ready cash waiting for you. Company, importers of exclusive
Phone Sam. 6304, line of scottish yarns, woolens, etc.
-- - -- desires young lady as representa-
FOR RENT tive. Excellent income assured.
-__ - ~ ~ Send card with phone to Mr. Slade,
ONE SINGLE and one double room 1223 Hill Street, Ann Arbor for par-
for men student,. 420 Thompson. ticulars. 399
Phone 2-1559. 400 __
------STUDENT GIRL to work for room
LARGE DOUBLE with adjoining lav- rent. 518 South Division. 389
atory. Also single and unexpected
vacancy in 'suite with private bath TYPING-Carefully and accurately
and shower. Steam heat. Phone done, L. M. Heywood, 803 E. King-
8544. 422 E. Washington. 401 sley St. Phone 8344. 106
front room. $2.50 double. $3.50
single. Boys preferred. Phone 7379. FOUND: Candid camera, call 8911
395 and ask for Jim. 358
SCam.pus CU,4%T- RATE DrugLs
218. State NEXT TO GOLDMAN'S Phone 9392
CampusCT- TEWr


$15.00 Packard



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