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April 21, 1938 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1938-04-21

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11 ,

Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session
ThMember oft the Associated Press
The 'Associated Press is excusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mall matter.
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
$400; by mal, $4.50.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1937-38
NationalAdvertisingService, Inc.
Collage Publishers ReSresentative
Board of Editors
Business Department
It is important for society to avoid the
neglect of adults, but positively dangerous
for it to thwart the ambition of youth to
reform the world. Only the schools which
act on this belief are educational institu-
tions in the best meaning of the term.
- Alexander G. Ruthven
The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of the Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
Preserve The Peace
Committee ...
peace groups expend more energy
fighting each other than in fighting war. In
order to escape this condition the United Peace
Committee, a group broad enough to include all
campus organizations interested in peace, was
recently formed.
The ideals of this group are admirable. Rep-
resentatives from member organizations have
expressed a willingness to support a general,
comprehensive platform acceptable to all fac-
tions in the peace movement. They planned
to find points of agreement and to work to-
gether with these as a common basis. The
United Peace Committee was to be more than a
federation; it was to be a Union.
This Union, however, showed a tendency to
totter when the Committee met Monday night.
Voting on every question was by blocs-collective
security advocates versus isolationists. Factions
existed and it was impossible to ignore them.
There is a grave possibility that the United
Peace Committee will go the way of former peace
councils, the way that commences with enthus-
iasm, changes to indifference and ends with
failure. Though a possibility, this is by no means
a necessity.
Tonight the United Peace Committee will meet
to complete its plans for the Strike Against War
to be held April 27. Upon the success of the
strike depends the very life of this organization.
If its members are sincerely interested in fur-
thering peace work on this campus, personal
differences must be submerged. There is no
need for any one to sacrifice his principles.
Through individual organizations it is possible
to fight for the specific principles in which one
believes. But to insure concerted peace work
designed to appeal to the mass of the students,
the United Peace Committee must be preserved.
June Harris.
Mr. Leacock's

Model University. . .
A CORRESPONDENT has drawn to
our attention a rather inteersting
and instructive paragraph from an article by
Stephen Leacock, popular Canadian humorist,
and incidentally a college professor, in the cur-
rent issue of Harper's Magazine:
"If I were founding a university-and I say
this in all seriousness-I would found first a
smoking room; then a dormitory. Students must
live together in a rational and comfortable way.
They must eat in a big hall, with oak beams
across the ceiling and stained glass in the win-
dows and a shield or tablet here and there upon
the wall, to remind them of the men who went
before them. Then, after the dormitories, when
I had a little money in hand, I would establish
a decent reading room and librapy. After
that, if I still had some money I couldn't use, I
would get some textbooks and hire a professor."
We have certainly read of worse ways of going
about founding a college. In fact some worse
ones have been founded.
Joseph Gies.

The Editor
Gets Tol..4
Concerning Whitney
To the Editor:
Your editorial concerning Whitney and Ma-
honey was written no doubt to protest against
what appeared to be a miscarriage of justice.
Whitney embezzled some five million dollars and
was committed to prison for a five to ten year
sentence while Mahoney, caught in the act of
stealing a paltry sum was tentensed for a term
of 30-60 years.
Your inference was obvious, that justice is
tempered many times with qualities other than
mercy. There is one fault, however, you lacked
the complete set of facts. If the truth be
known, this is the third time Mahoney has been
convicted of attempted robbery at the point of a
gun. He is what has been loosely termed, an
habitual criminal. In case you are further in-
terested, two of his girl friends who went along
to participate actively in the fun were found
guilty but given suspended sentences and ad-
vised to be good little girls.
In the future, before writing a defamatory
article, it would be wise to check back upon all
the facts.-WG.
Against Our Policy
To the Editor:
Some months ago the Board inControl of Pub-
lications required a now-familiar box to be print-
ed below the Daily mast-head. This box con-
veyed the information to the reader that the
editorials expressed the views of the writers
only. Several Forum letters were printed at that
time bemoaning the Board's action, saying that
it stifled freedom of the Press and cheapened the
value of the editorials. The recent tenor of
Daily editorials has shown the action of the
Board to have been well taken. In a number of
instances the writers have failed to attain an
objective attitude which is ordinarily supposed
to be a mark of the good editorial. If the
members of the editorial staff cannot inject a
certain amount of objectiveness into their edi-
torials but insist on allowing their personal feel-
ings to run rampant, their opinions should be
relegated to The Forum column, there to struggle
catch-as-catch-can, with the biased opinions of
the unenlightened hoi-polloi.
-Justus N. Baird, Jr., '38E.
White Ma'sCollege?
To the Editor:
Illustrative Anecdotes CVIIX:
The other day a notice appealing for funds
for the relief and maintenance of stricken Chi-
nese students was posted on the bulletin board
of one of the sections of the Lawyers Club.
Twenty minutes later, the notice, crumpled
and discarded into the waste basket, had been'
replaced by a note saying, "This is a white man's
Twenty minutes later, the notice, retrieved
from the basket and smoothed out, was again
perched on the board, with this remark on the
bottom, "This is a 'white' man's college."
Even after listening very carefully to Kay
Kyser's recent broadcasts from the Blackhawk,
we're still convinced that we definitely do not
like his style of music.
We're going to maintain our "narrow minded"
standard of contempt on this sway business until
next infinity. It's simply a matter of personal
tastes. Some people, it's true, enjoy the music
of Jan Garber, Guy Lombardo, Shep Fields,
Sammy Kaye, Blue Barron, the gentleman in
question, and then there are still others, who

love little snacks of gin and hot fish sandwiches.
We, however, do not claim membership to any
of these happy little groups.
One little piece of interesting evidence we
have in our favor is a recorded burlesque of
the romantic groups (rippling rhythm, sway,
sweetest music this side of heaven, etc.) made
by an unnamed band for Victor. Its title is "Are
All My Favorite Bands Playing or Am I Dream-
ing?" and Mr. Kyser's musical mannerisms play
a notoriously conspicuous part in the satire.
* *:*
And so. adding another adjective to the fire,
not very good, really, but we'll change this
later) we are further impressed with sway as
being effeminate.
It's rather difficult to believe that this differ-
ence of opinion has created any manifestation
of feeling at all. But the other day, we were talk-
ing to one of our colleagues, and in the course of
the conversation we said that Kyser was prob-
ably the least offender in the sway division. This
description, as the fates had it, was misunder-
stood, and now the story is being frisked about
the campus that we have called Kay Kyser "of-
fensive." This is close but not exactly true.
San Diego State College has extension courses
il navigation and nautical astronomy. Sailors
ahoy !
Radio Comedienne Gracie Allen is offering a
bearskin prize as an Award of Ingenuity to the
man graduating from college with the lowest

H-eywood Broun
The publishers of Jim Cain's new novel, "Sere-
nade," are endeavoring to create a rift among
the reviewers by advertising both the critics who
praised and those who deplored the manner and
content of the book.
That is fair enough. The promotors of the
tale take the attitude that it is not theirs to say
whether this is literature or not. They only
insist that the story has compelling reader in-
This assertion I must support. Recently I lent
"Serenade" to a young woman in a hospital, and
when she finished it she
passed it up and down the
corridor. It wa her testi-
mnony that even the night
nurses remained awake to
see how it all turned out.
But for the fact that the
- patient was an old friend of
mine I would hardly have
dared to make the timid
proffer of this book, since it
contains more scandalous material than is com-
mon even in the later moods of candor. Indeed,
Mr. Cain has accomplished the surprising trick
of presenting a hero who is sometimes as hirsute
as any Hemingway and, again, as unvirile, if such
a word exists, as a plucked poodle. The protag-
onist of the tragedy is an operatic star who
sings both high or low in compatability with
his conduct.
* * * *
An Old Puritan Streak
As a serious work of art I think "Serenade" is
worthy of no consideration, but it may be that I
am too austere in judgment, since I was among
the many who galloped through the book at one
sitting and growled at those who suggested that
it was time for me to chop the wood, cook the
dinner or turn out the lights.
Many years ago Jim Cain was nothing but a
newspaper editorial writer. They didn't even
assign him to any of the serious subjects. He,
wrote the short, light pieces on Santa Claus and
Southern cooking and the New Haven Railroad.
Two hundred words was the most he was per-
mitted to do at any one sitting.
In private life he seemed morose. After dash-
ing off one of his slight, frolicsome pieces he
would come out to the city room and scowl at1
members of the working press who were engaged
in setting down longer accounts of actual hap-
* * * *
After Years Of Suppression
Now it comes out that for years he lived under
the strain of possessing a suppressed narrativet
gift. Among youngish American authors (I;
doubt that Cain is much over 5), he stands7
near the ton in the art of story telling. Somet
day he may actually get hold of authentic
material and be listed among important native
"Serenade" will bring him huge royalties, I am
ce'rtain, but it would hardly be just to put a1
laurel wreath upon the package. The book re-t
mains a shilling snocker, no matter how ex-t
pertly it is put together.t
Nevertheless, authors of more established im-
portance should be humble enough to learn
something from such a performance. Unfor-
tunately, American literature, like the literature
of all lands, is handicapped by the fact thatt
writers who have something to say often don'tt
say it very well, while others can start off
with nothing more than an after-dinner storyf
and knock your eye out by their skill in com-
I want to be edified and instructed when I
read, but I hate to pay the price of being bored
at the same time. A serious theme can be done1
with all the pace of a pulp potboiler. It may even
be that sooner or later Jim Cain himself will do it.

Niemoller A ad
The Nazis . .
7HE GERMAN JUDGES who recently tried Dr.
Niemoller sentenced him to seven month's
confinement in a fortress. It was taken that he
had already served the period in the eight{
months' imprisonment before his trial and he
was set free. The German secret police, not1
for the first time. were dissatisfied with Ger-
man judges and immediately "adjusted" the
verdict by rearresting the freed man on their
own responsibility. They first said that this
"protective custody"-against which there is no
means of redress or repeal in Germany-was for
the prisoner's own good. But the hollowness
of that excuse is exposed by his being sent to
Sachsenhausen, for it cannot be believed that the
only place in Germany in which a man can be
protected against fanatical assaults is a concen-
tration camp. Dr. Niemoller left the court with
honor unimpaired; he had been acquitted of the
charge of "underhand attacks on state and
party." That has not helped him. No doubt
if he obeyed the promptings of his enemies he
would promise to. speak no more, and after
his release, retire into private life. It is not likely
that he will agree to this. He does not share
the Nazi theses that religious belief is a private
matter or, in other words, that it should have
no influence on public practice. The hardship
he now endures, in defense of that religious toly
eration which all believed Europe had won some
centuries ago, must not be forgotten by the
outside world. Sympathy for his lonely struggle
need .ndt be expressed ineffectively in bitter at-
tacks on a country which he served in war and

(From the Christian Science Monitor)
As a boy I saw the Helsingfors of
pre-war days, dominated culturally
by Sweden and politically by Russia
of which it was officially a Grand
Duchy. In 1935 and again within
the past few weeks I have seen this
same city, now called by its ancient
Finnish name, surging forward under
its own power as the vigorous capital
of a young republic which claims its
full place in the sun, its full mem-
I bership in the European family of
nations. Helsinki is a splendid mod-
ern city, a leader in democracy, a
leader in education, a leader in ath-
letic prowess, the capital of a coun-
try which has been canny enough to
pay its foreign debts and thus endear
itself to a powerful fellow republic.
A most impressive little city-little
as capitals go-is this metropolis of
the Finns. Entered by its Baltic door,
by its airport, or by its world-famous
railway station, masterpiece of Eliel
Saarinen, an architect now well
known in America, this "White City
of the North" commands instant re-
spect. One generally sees very dreary
sections, if not downright slums, at
the portals of any populous city, but
Helsinki literally has no slums. The
cooperative housing movement has
been developed here with such amaz-
ing success that the humblest work-
er owns, in a sense, his abode, and
consequently takes pride in its up-
keep, a pride which is instinctive to
the average Finn.
'* 1 *
Not Militant
Helsinki is far less militant in its
nationalism than many of Europe's
new capitals and does not fling even
its language, one of the most for-
bidding in the world, into the faces of
its guests, but it does grasp its destiny
in both hands, without much shou~t-
ing. The pace and vigor of this
capital are stimulating. The double
Esplanade, leading from the Market
Square and harbor to the Swedish
Opera House, is one of the half doz-
en brightest avenues in Europe, but
this brightness is not merely of laugh-
ter, of well -orchestraed cafes and
restaurants. It. is the brightness of
hope and young ambition founded
on education. Near the Esplanade
are two of the greatest bookstores in
Europe, for Finland, despite its small
population, is keenly interested in
books and what they contain. To
wander through the Academy Book-
store, with its 12 miles of shelves, is
a revelation to the visitor. I think it
is'fair to say that this store, though
rivalled by a neighbor store almost
as impressive, is approximately the
equal in stock of Brentano's in New
York, yet Helsinki claims only 290,-
000 population, nearly all of which
speaks Finnish as its native tongue.
It reads Swedish, English, French,
German and perhaps other languages
and the bookstore's international
character is not the least of its won-
Helsinki boasts one structure, a
hotel, of 14 stories, which it adver-
tises lustily as a "skyscrapa" and
there, on recent occasions, I have
made my Finland headquarters. It
is called "Torn," which means The
Tower and its two top stories are a
glass-enclosed restaurant and an
open-air cafe. Being on a hill to
start with this Tower commands a
magnificent view of the capital. One
may "eat around the compass," fac-
ing a different quarter of the city for
each meal. And what a city. Circled
by the sea on three sides, abounding
with fine buildings and impressive
churches, two of the most conspicu-
ous being of domed Russian design
though one of them is now Lutheran,
lightened by much granite, pink and
gray, and much soft-hued stucco, it
makes a sight to warm one's spirit as
one wades into the delicious intrica-
cies of the Torni's smorgasbord, a

Swedish influence which independent
Finland has done well to retain.
Ote 'Skyscrapa'
The Finnish Diet Building, con-
spicuous in a northern quarter of the
city, is quite the equal of Cuba's
Capitolio in Havana, which means
that no parliamentary building in
the world can surpass it in grandeur.
Sometimes a great building is com-
paratively empty of achievement but
this is not so in the case of Finland's
vast granite house of legislation.
The Big Session Hall furnishes
many a scene of purposeful striving
toward Finland's destiny. Behind
the two speakers' tribunes is a curious
gilded statue, heroic size, of a mother
with a babe in her arms. The mother
presents her back to the diet mem-
bers and she is obviously walking
away from them. She, we are told, is;
symbolical of the past, the babe be-
ing a symbol of the future, At their
desks, ranged in tiers above a circular
table in the center of the hall, the
legislators, eight of whom speak Fin-
nish to one who speaks Swedish, are
seated ready to vote by electricity on
measures under debate. The speeches.
must be in Finnish. They may also
be in Swedish. Two buttons are at
each desk before a tiny electric lamp.
One is marked Jaa (Yes) the other
Ei (No).
Despite two languages- and seven
parties, of which SociallDemocrats
and Agrarians ar~e usually the most

(Continued Irom Page 2)
Legal Investigator (Male), $2,400 a
year; Experience required.
Cable Splicer Apprentice, Salary at
'Prevailing Rate'; Seasonal Employ-
For further information, please call
at the office, 201 Mason Hall.
University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Infor-
Academic Notices
Sociology 51, make-up midsemester
examination, Saturday, April 23, at1
2 p.m., Room D, Haven Hall.
Sociology 163, make-up hour ex-
amination, Saturday, Aprl 23, at 2
p.m., Room D, Haven Hall.
Summer Session, College of Archi-
tecture: The following architectural
courses will be offered during the
coming summer session:
Arch. 2, 5, and 6; Assistant Profes-
sor Brigham.
Arch. 7, 8, 9, 10, and 105; Asso-
ciat Professor Troedsson
Decorative Design courses will be
offered as follows:
D.D.1; Assistant Professor Brig-
D.D.2, 4, 5, and 31; Assistant Pro-
fessor Fowler.
D.D. 37; Associate Professor Troed-
Courses in Outdoor Drawing and
'Painting, Draw. 24s and 30s, will be
given by Associate Professor Slus-
Professors Brigham, Fowler, and
Slusser may be consulted at their
offices in the Architectural Building.
Those interested in Professor Troed-
sson's courses may inquire at the of-
fice of the College, Room 207.
Graduation Recital. Jane Vaugan
Schwab, pianist, from Holland, New]
York, student of Professor Joseph]
Brinkman, will give a graduation re-
cital Friday evening, April 22, at]
8:15 o'clock in the School of Music
Auditorium on Maynard Street, to
which the general public is invited.
An Exhibition of paintings by Er-
nest Harrison Barnes and of paint-
ings and pastels by Frederick H. Ald-
rich, Jr., both of the faculty of the
College of Architecture, is presented
by the Ann Arbor Art Association in
the North and South Galleries of
Alumni Memorial Hall, April 18F
through May 1. Open daily includ-
ing Sundays from 2 to 5 p.m., ad-
missin free to students and mem-
Exhibition, College of Architecture:
Drawings submitted by students in
painting, sculpture, architecture and
landscape design, working in colla-
boration, in competition for prize
awarded by the Association of the
Alumni of the American Academy in
Rome. Third floor exhibition room.
Open daily 9 to 5, through Friday,
April 22. The public is cordially in-
University Lecture: Miss Marjorie,
Daunt, Reader in English Language,1
University of London, and Visiting
Lecturer, Smith College, will lecture
"The English Accent-What Is It?E
How Is It?" on Thursday, April 28,
at 4:15 p.m. in Natural Science Audi-]
torium under the auspices of the
Department of English. The public
is cordially invited.
Lecture, College of Architecture:
Mr. William A. Kittredge, of Thei
Lakeside Press, R. R. Donnelley .
Sons Company, Chicago, will give a
talk, illustrated with slides, on print-
ing. This is in connection with the

Company's exhibit shown in the
ground floor corridor cases. Ground
floor lecture room, Architectural
Building. Friday, April 22, at 3:00.
The public is cordially invited.
University Lecture: Professor Bar-
ker Fairley of the University of Tor-
onto will give a lecture in English on
"Goethe and Frau von Stein," on
.Wednesday, May 4, at 4:15 Natural
Science. The public is cordially in-
Geology Lecture. Dr. W. E. Powers,
Department of Geology 4nd Geog-,
raphy of Northwestern University,
will speak on "Physiography of South l
Park, Colorado" today at 4 p.m. in
2054 Natural Science.
Wildlife Lecture: Mr. Stanley P.
Young, Chief of the Division of Pre-
dator and Rodent Control, U.S. Bu-
reau of Biological Survey, will give
an illustrated lecture on the cougar
in northern Mexico at 10 a.m., Mon-
day, April 25, in the Natural Science
Auditorium. All students in the
School of Forestry and Conservation:
are expected to attend, and any others
interested are cordially invited. -
T;_ -.&-t-- I _- .

lumination on reproduction in Pero-
myscus leucopus noveboracensis" to-
night at 7:30 p.m. in Room 2116 N.S.
Institute of the Aeronautical Sci-
ences: There will be a meeting of the
University of Michigan Student
[Branch of the Institute of the Aero-
nautical Sciences tonight at 7:30
{ p.m. in Natural Science Auditorium.
A moving picture entitled "A Visit
to Langley Field" will be shown, giv-
ing a pictorial description of the
aeronautical research activities of the
United States government. All those
interested in aeronautics are cordial-
ly invited to attend.
Engineering Open House: All men
meet your department heads at 7:30
p.m. tonight. See Professor Emswil-
er's Bulletin Board for assigned
meeting rooms.
Women's Debate Tournament: The
first debates of the tournament are
scheduled for 4:15 p.m. today. All
debates are on the question of the
advisability of the proposed United
States military preparedness pro-
gram. The public is invited.
Room 1035 A.H. Alpha Chi Omega,
Aff. Delta Gamma, Neg.
Room 2014 A.H. Delta Delta Del-
ta, Aff. Alpha Xi Delta, Neg.
Room 1209 A.H. League House In-
dependents, Aff. Delta Gamma, Neg.
Room 1025 A.H. Mosher, Aff. Jor-
dan, Neg.
Room 2013 A.H. Kappa Kappa
Gamma, Aff. League House Inde-
pendents, Neg.
Room 2029 A.H. Collegiate Sorosis,
Aff. Chi Omega, Neg.
Room 2016 AH. Alpha Epsilon
Phi, Aff. Ann Arbor Independents,
The International Relations Club
will meet this evening at 7:30 pm.
at the Michigan League.
Dr. M. Goldhaber of the Cavendish
Laboratory, England will speak on
Recent Work in the Cavendish Lab-
oratory, at 4:15 in Room 1041 East
Physics Building today.
All members of the Freshman Glee
Club are asked to report to the reu-
lar Varsity rehearsal, Thursday at
Congress: There will be a meeting
of the Executive Council tonight at
7 p.m. in Room 306 of the Union.
Coming Events
Graduate History Club: Meeting
Sunday, April 24, 4-6 p.m. at the
Michigan League.
Mrs. Adams will speak on "Ma-
terials and Research in Michigan
History." Constitution to be amend-
ed. Refreshments. Free to members.
Deutscher Verein: Meeting Thurs-
day, April 28 at 4:15 in Room 2003
Angell Hall. Professor Harold A.
Basilius of Wayne University will
speak on "Die Deutschen im Staate
Michigan." Everybody interested is
invited to attend.
The students and faculty of the
University are invited to attend the
sessions of the Educational Confer-
ence on the Real Estate Market to be
held Friday, April 22, in the morning,
afternoon, ad evening, at the Michi-
gan Union.
Speakers of national prominence
will discuss various aspects of the real
estate market. The conference is
sponsored jointly by the Michigan
Real Estate Association and the
School of Business Administration.
The registration fee will be waived
for faculty and students of the Uni-.
versity, although they are requested
to register as a matter of recod.
Copies of the program are available
in Room 208, Tappan Hall.

Foreign Student Tour: Due to the
fact that the Detroit Zoological Park
does not open until May 30, the trip
scheduled by the International Coiin-
cil for Saturday, April 23, has been
German Play: The Deutscher Vere-
in of the University of Michigan pre-
sents Hermann Bahr's "Das Kon-
zert," Monday, April 25 at 8:30 pm.
at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre
Tickets are available at the German
Department Office and at the theatre
box office.
A.S.M.E. Members: All members of
the A.S.M.E. are urged to ielp the
committee in charge of the Open
House. If you have any free time at
all Saturday, April 30, please sign
immediately the list on the bulletin
board near the Mechanical Engineer-
ing Office, Room 221, W. Eng. Bldg.
The Graduate Outing Club will
meet at Lane Hall at 2:45 Sunday
and will go for a hike. All graduate
students are welcome.
The Girls' Cooperative House at
517 East Ann, will hold an open house
Sunday, April 24, from 4 to 6. All
those interested in living in the house
next year are cordially invited.


Publication in the Bulictin is c'onstructive not Ice to all members of the
University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President
until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.



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