The Weather Cloudy and colder, snow today; generally fair tomorrow. LL. 46P w t r t at t Editorials Democracy On The Kilocycles... VOL. XLVIII. 'No. 99 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, FEB. 19, 1938 PRICE FIVE CENTS .,....:-..--..- TI Cagers Ready For Minnesota; Tanl c Squad Faces Ohio Basketballers Go Through Snappy Drill in Spite Of Two Successive Defeats Thomas And ink Suffering injries By IRVIN LISAGOR (Daily Sports Editor) Regardless of Gopher intentions, Michigan's quintet views tonight's conflict with Minnesota as a stiu- lant to its faltering pace. Though both teams are lodged in fourth place, each clings to that bare mathe- matical possibility of a Big Ten title.- Despite two straight losses--pre- ferably called upsets-at the hands of Michigan State and Iowa, Coach Cappon's dribblers went through an invigorating drill yesterday. Their gay mood was a welcome bit of relief after a week spent rueing the Hawk- eye defeat and taking themselves en- tirely too seriously. Monday night's debacle, which was a bitter pill to swallow, had left them in a surly funk until Cappon wisely pointed out that basketball is only a port and should be treated as such. Fly In Ointment But there inevitably falls a fly in the ointment. The Wolverines will not be at full length, for Eddie Thom- as and Charley Pink are operating under physical handicaps. Pink turned up with a crippling charley- horse which may shelve him also forI the Wisconin game Monday night, and Thomias, although assigned to start, has a wrenched shoulder which precludes rough combat and hampers his shooting from afar. The Wolverines are buoyed, never- theless, by the fact that they de- feated Minnesota, 31-16, last semes- ter with consumate ease. The Goph- ers could tally only three points in the second half of that game, while Michigan. made 20. However, the Gophers have since harpened their outlook by winning their last four Conference games, a reasonable indi- cation that the stuff which made them co-champions last year has' \""en recaptured. Which Will Be Finished? Tonight's losers may well adopt the' "it-was-great-fun-while-it-lasted"1 philosophy because their now slen- der chances will have dwindled to1 such atomic proportions that it would require a Ptolemy to calculate them. Four defeats in the Big Ten will be harder to make up than a screen star's countenance. Coach Cappon has, in his experi- ments this week, come up with a new man who is likely to be the No. 1 reserve tonight. He is Fred Trosko,7 late of football fame. An unruffled' (Continued on Page 3) InvetorTells Of New Mine For Air War WASHINGTON, Feb. 18,- (A) -- Congress received a tip from an in- ventor today that the Administra- tion's $1,050,000,000 naval expansion program would have to be revised drastically due to the development of a mysterious new "aerial mine." Lester P. Barlow of Stamford, Conn., the inventor, indicated belief that the device, dropped by bombing planes from tremendous heights, could "blanket" and area 10 miles square in three or four minutes. Ile told the House committee con- sidering the naval expansion bill that he was the first man to use bombs in aerial warfare. Barlow declared 12 years ago that he had developed a destructive "fly- ing torpedo" with. which "we can hit Chicago 50 tImes a minute from Washington." He testified before a House com- mittee in 1926 that the torpedo was perfected during the World War but that only a few blueprints were ever made. He told the House Naval Commit- tee today that new military tactics in the air would be announced in the immediate future. "The whole naval program you are considering will be greatly altered be- cause of the new weapons . . . de- High Point Gopher France Urges BritishAction On Nazi Coup Chamberlain Asks II Duce If Britain's Friendship Is Still Sought By Italy Vienna Opposition To Nazis Increases LONDON, Feb. 18.--France urged Great Britain today to join her in a strong joint effort to safeguard the vital interests of the two democracies against Germany's strides through Austria toward a Nazif ed Central Europe. At the same time Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain tested Italy's apparent acquiescence in Reichfuehr- er Adolf Hitler's coup by demanding flatly whether Premier Mussolini wanted friendship with Great Britain. In Vienna the tide of oposition toward the Hitlerization of Austria was rising. Monarchists sought to join with Socialists to fight the in- roads Hitler and his Austrian Nazi followers were making in the gov- ernment of an "autonomous and in- dependent Austria." Members of the Fatherland Front. Austria's only legal political party, cried out openly against Chancellor Kurt Schuschnigg's statements of his' submission to Hitler's demand. They' were told tartly they had been called to listen. Cabinet Session Called At the end of a day of fast moving diplomatic developments in London Chamberlain took the unusual step of calling an extraordinary cabinet council on foreign affairs to meet Saturday and consider the whole Eu- ropean situation. Among the day's outstanding events was a statement in Vienna by Franz von Papen, retiring German ambassador to Austria who was pres- ent at the conference between Hitler and Schuschnigg. Von Papen said the new Austrian lineup with Ger- many was but the first step toward a German-led "commonwealth of na- tions in middle Europe." Chamberlain and Foreign Secretary Anthony Eden already had conferred with Italian Ambassador Dino Grandi when France presented her strong representations for "maximum help" for Austria to resist further Nazi en- croachment on Austrian indepen- dence.' SDiplomatic circles heard reports that Italy had agreed to Germany's increased influence -in Austria in re- turn for a military alliance with Ger- many. The purge of ranking German army leaders was believed to have paved the way for such a treaty. Paris Speeds Armaments France made her representations to Britain as the national defense council in Paris unanimously ap- proved a new $329,000,000 armament plan and decided to accelerate the output of munitions and armaments. France's demand was presented Mctarthli'y Iclzergenimtctes Agcnn; Cliches Flow From His Thesis Pen Wherein Come To Light Vocabularies Slight And Campus Phrases Trite By ROBERT 1. FITZHENRY McCarthy McBergen, head of the Student Committee on Civil Gibber- ties, and cliche artist extraordinary, was arraigned again yesterday on charges of language corruption, McBergen appeared "right on the dot," for the questioning and looked "spick and span." He claimed to be as "innocent as a new born babe," but he "rose in righteous wrath," when we appeared doubtful of his qualifications and told us the sub- ject matter was "right up his alley. "Indeed," said he, "I know the sub- ject like a book." So the interview proceeded. At Ann Arbor Press; I -a ,Ve-i -1 T) A" " T3 0 I IT 77 Diminutive Gordon Addington, high scoring Gopher forward will take the floor against the faltering Wolverine cagers tonight when the teams clash at the Field House. Swimmers Go rio Columbus For Big Meet, Buckeyes Present Strong Aggregation Featuring Olympie,_AAU Champs By DAVID ZEITLIN Michigan's varsity swimmers in- vade Columbus today to' meet the strongest college foe Wolverine na- tators have ever had to face. In a meet which will begin at 3 p.m. today, the men of Mann will take to the water against Mike Peppe's Ohio State Buckeyes. Plenty Of Stars Peppe has on his squad this year, a host of name-swimmers, an Olym- pic star, intercollegiate champions, A.A.U. champions, and many more who have come up to him with im- pressive prep school records. Johnny Higgins, breast-stroker on the 1936 Olympic and present Na- tional A.A.U. breast-stroke champ, is Ohio's number one man in that event. Peace Leaguep Forms Branch In Anm Arbor Civil Rights Group Merges With Civil Liberties Inion In Joint Meeting An Ann Arbor branch of the Amer- ican League for Peace and Democracy, 'onsisting of an amalgamation of memberships of the Washtenaw Con- ference on Civil Rights and the Ann Arbor Chapter of the Civil Liberties Union, was formed last nigh.t in Lane Hall. The American League, which held a conference last fall in Pittsburgh at- tended by 1,416 members who repre- sented over four million people, oledges itself to "protect and extend democratic rights for all sections of the American people; to keep the United States out of war and help keep war out of the world." Rev. H. P. Marley, former chairman of the Washtenaw Conference said in supporting the motion to join the League, "We feel that we should be afliated with a national organiza- tion." Claude Kirschke, chairman. of the Ann Arbor Trades and Labor Council, told of that group's affiliation with the League. He later summarized the state of civil liberties in Ann Arbor, declaring that the local unions are taking a stand against incorpora- tion; that race prejudice is absent in the Ann Arbor unions, and that many local people have refrained from buy- ing Japa nese-manuf actured gods. Prof. Leroy Waterman, head of the department of Oriental languages and literatures, was elected chairman of the, new organization. Vice-chair- man will be Prof. John F. Shepard of the psychology department; Wil- liam Rohn will be secretary, and Bert Doolittle treasurer. Winter Floods Hit Arkansas Called Potentially Worse Trhian '35 Rampages LITTLE ROCK, Ark., Feb. 18.-(IP) -Rain-soaked Arkansas marshalled state and federal forces today for a fight against a flood described by army engineers as potentially worse than that of 1935. The Arkansas, White and Ouachita Rivers, fed by days of torrential down- pours throughout their watersheds. rose swiftly toward predicted record crests. One levee near Morrilton on the Arkansas broke, sending waters over a 10-square-mile farming area. Lieut. Col. Stanley Scott, chief of J.S. en- gineers here, predicted all levees be- tween Little Rock and Fort Smith and virtually all levees on the White River would be overtopped if the streams reached crests forecast today. How do you feel today, Mr McBergen? "Likea million, Loy." flow did yoti fare with your examinations? "Needless to say I hit them all and knocked them cold." "Were you confident after exams? "Boy, I would have settled for five C's." 'What did you do the night af- ter your last blue book? "Hung one on." How? "By imbibing of the golden brew and quaffing of the amber montan"a on re m atioi's Far1 Heads Debate Trade Pacts Delegates From Grange And Government Talk Agricultural Reciprocity DES MOINES, Iowa, Feb. 18.--WP)-- Two agricultural leaders, one repre- senting the Government and the other 800,000 organized farmers, clashed in debating of reciprocal trade agree- ments tonight before the National Farm Institute. Said Louis J. Taibr, master of the Nahtional Grange: "Allow me to proclaim that the Na- tional Grange desires world trade and the promotion of world peace but will never look with favor on the impor- tation of any commodity from any place in the world if the net result of that importation is to increase the idle acres and the idle men in Amer- ica." Said M. L. Wilson, Under Secre- tary of Agriculture: "The really important problem is .o discover a market for exp>rts rather than to keep out imports. Among our largest markets for wheat dring the present season have been the Netherlands, Belgium and Sweden, with all of which we have concluded reciprocal trade agreements." Both Wilson and Taber spoke be- fore a dinner group attending the Des Moines Chamber of Commerce's Second Annual Farm Institute, which annually in open forum discusses a subject of prime interest to agricul- ture. Secretary of State Hull, who has effected the Administration's recip- rocal trade agreements was sched- uled to speak tomorrow night. "In the Grange battle for the Amer- ican market for the American farmer and in our fight for tariff for all or tariff for none, we ask only justice," Taber said. "We want labor and business to en- joy the maximum of foreign trade consistent with the best interests of America. We demand, however, that this advantage shall not be purchased at the expense of agriculture." Exchange Plans 1oDonate Books Text Library To Receive All Unclaimed Volumes The Student Book Exchange, re- cently inaugurated venture aiming to provide a medium whereby stu- dents could buy and sell their used texts at prices below those quoted by commercial book stores, is formulating plans to donate to the Text Book Lending Library all volumes remain- ing in its possession after business for the semester is suspended next week, Meyer Goldberg, Grad. sponsor of the project announced yesterday. A deadline is to be set and published soon before which students desiring to do so may call for books they have !isted for sale. After that date books still in the Book Exchange will be tacitly understood to belong to the Lending Library, a University insti- tution which lends books to needy students. The Student Book Exchange will function again in June and carry over into the fall semester, Goldberg said, because the 1,000 books submitted for sale prove the idea is desirable to the student body. The Book Exchange will be con- ducted on a more cooperative basis, he added, in conjunction with other campus organizations along plans now being drawn up. r'rinters Protest W alk Uut March 1 Set As Congress Election Date Congress, independent men's or- ganization, yesterday announced the completion of its plans for the March 1 election of a president andI secretary in each of 10 districts.a Including approximately 400 in- P dependent undergraduate men, eachf district will elect its own chief of-i ficers after preliminary mixers areJ held Wednesday and Thursday, Feb.u 23 and 24 at 7:30 p.m. in the Union.A The purpose of the miixers, it was explained, is to offer all independentv men the opportunity to meet then candidates of their respective zones 1 and acquaint themselves with then organization, and the candidates the . A diagram of voting zones forA the Independent Men's electionb appears on page 6 of today'su Daily. opportunity to learn more of the ad- 1 ministration of Congress. All men in districts 1-5 will meet atc 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 23, andH in districts 6-10 at 7:30 p.m. the fol-i lowing day. The third floor of the o Union has been reserved for both nights. Independent undergraduate meno will be given an opportunity to peti- tion following the mixers, it wasv pointed out, with petitioning closingv at 5:30 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 25. Pe-f tions are to be handed in personallyi in Room 306 of the Union any daye previous to the closing date. The election, to take place fromi 7:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. March I will be held in the South Lobby of thev Union. An information desk will helpt all voters who must present identifi-x cation cards before they will be al- lowed to cast ballots.J The presidents and secretaries ofE the districts will help to complete thec promotional branch of Congress, the" (Co"iUed on Page 6) . Lakes Statesr Hit Diversionr Removal Of Lake Michigant WaterOpposed WASHINGTON, Feb.18.-(P)--TwoI Great Lakes states raised objections today to the Parsons Bill for diver- sion of Lake Michigan water, contend-1 ing its passage would materially dam- age ports for the benefit of power ob- jectives on the Illinois River.1 "The economic prosperity of the mtire State of Minnesota and every °-itizen in it Is tied up with free use of Great Lakes water highways to the East," said Thomas W. Walsh,1 St. Paul, Minn.,,attorney representingI Governor Elmer Benson of that state, He spoke befoi'e the House Rivers and Harbors Committee.1 "Minnesota will never consent to any bill that impairs or neutralizes the benefits of these water routes by1 permitting Chicago to divert 5,000 -ubic feet of water a second from Lake1 Michigan." Mayor John S. Farrell, Green Bay,i Wis., protested the diversion menaced ,6mmerce on the lakes and threatened njury to the harbors by lowering lake levels. The water was not needed for sanitation or navigation, he said, and would only serve power interests "which the state of Illinois seeks to subserve." To Plan Freshman Roundtable Tonight The character of the freshman roundtable discussions to be held this semester under the auspices of the Student Religious Association will be discussed at a meeting of all interest- ed persons at 7:15 p.m. today at Lane Hall, Round tables will be held from 7 to 8 p.m. every Saturday under the direction of Ken Morgan, director of the Association. It was suggested at a meeting of the freshman advisory committee last week at Patterson Lake that comparative religions be1 1 the theme of these discussions. 9 '1' )ismnssals Workers Claim 'Lock Out' Of Four Union Members Precipitated The Strike Printing Of 'Ensian May Be Delayed By JOSEPH S. MATTES Between 15 and 20 members of the International Typographical Union, an affiliate of the AF of L, will today picket the Ann Arbor Press, jobber for virtually all University printing, it was announced last night by Kerby Jennings, Grad., a member of the union and a former employe of the Ann Arbor Press. Printing of the Michiganensian, which was to begin this next week, may be delayed, it was understood, by the strike, decided upon by 20 members of the union at 8 p.m. yes- terday. A. J. Wiltse, manager of the Ann Arbor Press, could not be reached by the Daily last night to comment upon the union's report. Jennings said that the strike was provoked shortly after four mem- bers of the union, of which he was one, were "locked out" when they came to work at 5 p.m. yesterday. More than 80 per cent of the compos- ing room, about 18 employes, will go on strike today, according to him. i Jennings Previously Laid Off Jennings had been previously "laid off" from the employment of the Ann Arbor Press during the first week in January. After complying with the courtesy rule of reporting for work for 30 days (a respnsibil- ity of the union man to his employ- ers), he conducted a one-man strike, which ended with his reemployment last Monday. A lintotype operator, he said he was; reinstated only upon the condi- tion that "he would discontinue the picketing." Wednesday noon, according ;to Jennings, the shop foreman, Joseph Sobecki, who had joined the union only the day before, was dismissed for "incompetency." The employment situation at the Ann Arbor Press, which had been dormant for many months, remained quiet until fur men were allegedly locked out last night. Jennings saia the other three laid off with him were so dealt with after they had been questioned about their union affiliations and refused to gIve a definite answer. Jennings filed complaint with the NLRB when he was dismissed from work, but was rehired, he said, be- fore the Board had time to act. So- becki's dismissal is also on file with the, Board. Altogether, Jennings said, about 15 cases from the Ann Arbor Press are on file with the NLRB. Handles University Printing In addition to the 'Ensian, Uhiver- sity publicationsrwhich are printed at the Ann Arbor Press are: the Michigan Technic; the Michigan Ed- ucational Association Journal; the Michigan Alumnus; Physical Educa- tion Journal; and most University bulletins. The Ann Arbor Press inserted the following advertisement in the J- Hop edition of the Daily: "Putting into practical application the belief that hard work and steady attention to business is the only means of avoiding depressions, the Ann Arbor Press in good times and bad times with industry and grows in strength and efficiency. Its work- men are responding in a marvelous way to this policy and philosophy. They ask only what every self-re- specting American should ask for himself and demand for others "The chance to work long and hard for the support of himself -and those dependent upon him." "The management of every indus- try must soon learn the lesson that on them rests the responsibility of working long hours and hard for the development of the industry, which employs men, because those men and their families are limited in their earnings and in their ambitions by the energy, ambitiri and efficiency of the men at the head of the busi- ness. Only thus can we have that prosperity which is essential to the welfare of all and to the continued progress of our common country." SPlan Extra Showing Of ( 'Peter I' At 10:30 PM 1111 bi1111UI 11 11al 11ULULCV11r.personally to Eden by AmbaSSador ] He will be close pressed by his team- Charles Corbin after the Foreign mate, McKee, runner-up last year to Secretary and Chamberlain held two Michigan's Jack Kasley in the Inter- long conferences with the Italian collegiate meet. ambassador. Grandi then talked at State Has The Divers length with Rome by telephone. Ohio will be well nigh invincible off Diplomatic quarters said France the three meter diving board where felt strongly Austria should be helped Al Patnik, A.A.U. champ, and Jim to defend what was left of her in- Patterson, collegiate title-holder, will dependence and urged closer con- perform. tact on a situation described as of The back-stroke race will find grave concern to all Europe. Peppe swimming another National Collegiate champ in Bill Neunzig, the The Paris defense council's re- winner last winter. quest that the new arms apprepria- The Buckeye free-style hopes are tions be given urgent consideration et ez~a Bbeyohnsny ho sandin Parliament coincided with reports vter n, t nson, a and in diplomatic circles that the French 'Continued on Page 3) ambassadors to England, Germany and Austria had been summoned M urphv P iis home for a conference on the Atis- trian situation. Business IUpswing Under the new French defense plan the navy would lay down two 35,000-ton battleships immediately LANSING, Feb. 18.- -.Pi -Governor and the air force would order 1,000 Murphy dropped hints today that new fighting planes. Michigan may solve its unemployment - crisis before state finances for wel- fare purposes run out. He said a d Students ''ed seasonal reduction in 'rehief needs Ol tid n sT could be expected April 1, if experi-I ence in the past holds good and that O nce M ore F the state's fund will probably last that long. There's going to be at least one He said allocations for February horeGerman song-fest with "Dad" would leave a March 1 balance of $3,-more eran s t h 100,000, including a $2,000,000 ad- e le it vance from funds appropriated for And it's going to be quite an event, future use. The March requirements for former students, friends, and col- on the basis of present relief needs leagues are coming together to give would be $2,500,000. the beloved German teacher, now re- The hoped-for seasonal relief let- tiring from active work, a testimonial up in April and augmented WPA dinner in the lively fashion in which should "materially relieve" the crisis he taught his classes. i X iY 4 4 x r Sing Folk Songs )r 'Dad' HiIdner modern German plays, novels and poetry and to discuss literature and life. Professor Hildner retires officially at the end of the second semester, as his 70th birthday comes on April 17, but he is on leave of absence for the second semester, so there won't be any more of his jolly and informal classes The testimonial dinner will be held at 6 p.m. Wednesday. Feb. 23 in the z e i