The Weather Moderate to southwest winds; generally fair today, A6F gun tttij Editorials Two Prisoners ... No More Knee Bends.. VOL. XLVIIL No. 140 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, APRIL 19, 1938 PRICE FIVE CENTS Spring Drama Series Opens HereMay 16 Five Week Play Season To Feature Jane Cowl And Aline MacMahon Helen Arthur Is New Executive Director A five-week Dramatic Season fea- turing Jane Cowl, Aline MacMahon and several other artists of the New York stage, was announced yester- day by the Ann Arbor Dramatic Sea- son Committee for this spring. The season, under the executive direc- tion of Helen Arthur of Actors-Man- agers, New York, will open May 16 and close June 18. This will mark the first year in which the , season has not been in charge of the late Mrs. William D. Henderson and her son, Robert Hen- derson. The Committee, composed of nine faculty members and towns- people, is headed by Daniel L. Quirk, Jr., of Ypsilanti, who has been as- sociated with several previous sea- sops. Five plays will be presented this year. Besides Miss Cowl and Miss MacMahon, Pauline Lord, star of last year's Broadway production of "Eth- an Frome," and famed for her crea- tion of the titled role in "Anna Chris- tie," will appear. Tonio Selwart and Doris Dalton, who have appeared In pevious seasons, will also be on hand. The season will open with Sidney IMoward's satire, "The Ghost of Yankee Doodle," which was produced on Broadway last winter. Miss Mac- Mahon, who has starred for several years on stage and screen, will play the lead. She will be supported by Dorothy Sands, Russell Hardie, Joan- * na Roos, Frederick Tozere and Otto Hulett. The second play, opening May 24, Ferenc Molnar's celebrated fantasy, "Liliom," will feature Mr. Selwart and a Vompany which has been re- hearsing for some time and has had several previous engagements with the play. Miss Lord will tpear in the third. play, opening May 31, "The Late Christopher Bean," also by Sidney Howard. Miss Lord will play the role of Abby, which she created. Opposite her will be Carl Benton Reid in the role of the doctor. The fourth play, "French Without Tears," by Terence Rattigan, will open June 7, featuring Doris Dalton. Miss Dalton has just completed an engagement in New York in which she starred opposite Henry Fonda in "Blow Ye Winds." The play is a. modern comedy, set on the Riviera. The final presentation of the sea- son will be S. N. Bchrman's comedy, "Rain From Heaven," in which Miss Cowl will appear in her original role, Lady Violet Wyngate. Remembered by Ann Arbor audiences for her roles in "Twelfth Night" and "The Lady; of the Camelias," in which she ap- peared in 1933, Miss Cowl is consid- ered one of the most distinguished actresses ever brought here Work Resumed On UnionAnnex New Interior Is Ex ected TO lie Donc Sept, 1 Work will begin this week to com- plete the interior of the Ulion addi- tion on Madison Street after the contract for the job was let last, Tues- dlay to the J. P.. Utley Co. of De- troit, it was annouiced yesterday by Stanley Waltz, manager of the Union. The interior, which will provide for 90 more sleeping rooms, two rooms for visiting athletic teams, a chib room for foreign students and quar- ters for the University Club, now lo- cated in Alumni Memorial Hall, is ex- pected to be finished by Sept. 1. The estimated expense for the, present work is $225,000. This money is coming from a bond issue of $550,- 000, which was approved by the, Board of Regents Feb. 11. and for which final arrangements were made' March 22. The remainder of the money will7 be used to refinance work alreody done on the addition. University Student Hurt In Auto (rasli Rader Announces Committee For 1938 Michigras Carnival v May 6 And 7 To Be Dates For Festival Designed To Aid Band, Pool Fund Heads Michigras Huah Rader, general chairman for the 1938 Michigras, huge carnival which will benefit the Varsity Band's proposed trip to Yale next fall and the Women's Athletic Association's proposed swimming pool, announced the complete committee of more than 70 members last night. The Michigras will be held May 6 and 7 in Yost Field House. The executive committee this year is composed of Dean Walter B. Rea, Miss Marie Hartwig, Rader, Ernest Jones, '38, Sam Charin, '38, Irving Matthews, '38, Mary Johnson, '38, Betty Lyons, '39, Dick Fox, '39, and Norma Curtis, '39. Fox and Miss Lyons are in charge of the booths committee. Helping them are Faith Watkins, '39, Patty Haff, '39, and Patty Haislip, '39. Mathews is handling publicity and is being aided by Mary Alice Mac- Kenzie, '39, Marian Smith, '39, Sue Potter, '39, Jean McKay, '39, and Virginia Voorhees, '39. Eliot Robinson, '39, and Janet Ful- lenwider, '39, are chairmen of the ticket committee. Working under them are Charlotte Houk, '39, Betty Slee, '40, Roberta Genrich, '40, Jean Bertram, '39, Virginia Bensley, '39, and Tony Aalbersberg, '40. Virginia Allen, '39, is in charge of concessions and is being helped by Evelyn Brown, '40, Mary Lou Mills, '41, Barbara Bolton, '40, Virginia Mulholland, '39, Cecily Forrest, '40, and Helen Tucker, '39. The parade committee is being headed by Paul Brickley, '39. Aiding him are Harry Howell, '40, Ted Span- gler, '40, Dick Livingston, '40, Douglas Tracy, '40, and Ben Eastman, '40. Fred Luebke, '39, isin charge of the program committee. Working Fisher's Nine Starts Big Ten Season Today Fishmian To Start Against Badgers In Opening Bid For Conference Title Batting eyes sharpened by south- ern exposure and defensively in ex- cellent form after a six game Dixie rehearsal, Michigan's 1938 baseball this afternoon facing Wisconsin's edition opens its Conference season nine on the Ferry Field diamond. Game time is 4 p.m. Students will be admitted upon presentation of identification cards. Michigan wound up in sixth place in the Big Ten race in 1937 while the Badgers finished in a tie for third with Ohio State. The visitors, how- ever, are weakened by the loss of all but three lettermen from last year's squad, while the Wolverines are un- doubtedly a stronger outfit than they were last season. Probable pitcher for Coach Ray Fisher's crew today is stocky, veter- an Herm Fishman, whose clever left- handed slow stuff has stood him in good stead in two previous years of competition, An ex-Michigan student will start behind the plate for the Badgers. He's Walter Beilita, a great skier as well as a likely diamond prospect, who transferred to Wisconsin last year because of the superior skiing (Cor inued on Pe 3) HUGH RADER under him ,are Cliff Livingston, '40, Frank Bussard, '40, Ted Leibovitz, '40, Don Nixon, '40, Bill Pollock, '40, Jim Halligan, '40, Hadley Smith, '40, Jack Knecht, '40, Gene Strauss, '40, Harry Howell, '40, Harriet Sharkey, '39, El- len Kriekhoff, '40, Lee Siff, '40, Kath- erine MacIvor, '40, Zelda Davis, '40, and Ruth Jacobson, '40. The patrons' committee is being headed by Marjorie Merker, '49. Helping her are Barbara Teal, '39, Jeanette Beck, '39, Betty Spangler, '39, and Margaret Waterston, '38. Jean Smith '40, is making the posters with the assistance of Kay August, '39, Florence Brotherton, '40, and-Lillian Zimmerman, '40. Don Belden is in charge of the rides committee and Barbara Ep- stein, '39, is in charge of the decora- tions committee. Golfers Nose Out Stubborn Buckeye Team Eke Out Victory, 12%- 11 %, As Barclay Upseit Features Day's Play COLUMBUS, April 19.--(/)-Mich- igan's high powered golf team barely nosed out Ohio State University 12 2 to 11%/ in a Big Ten match here today featured by Springer's upset single victory over Barclay, Wolver- ine number one man. While Michigan took the lion's share of doubles honors, it met fre- quent reversals in singles competi- tion, winning only one. Reiss of Michigan, with 74, had the low medal for one round, although Hatton of Ohio State, posting 75-76 -151, had the day's low total. Barclay and Karpinski, Michigan, defeated Springer and Carl, 2%/ to 1/, while Reiss and Yearnd trounced Ohio's Wilburn and Hatton by the same score.. In singles, Hatton whipped Reiss and Bartschy and Evans, Ohio, di- viding play against Michigan's Tuss- ing, broke even. 'ENSIAN POLL TODAY Students will be given an oppor- tunity to vote for the cover they de- sire for this year's 'Ensiaii today in front of the General Library. Twelve different covers will be exhibited and students will ballot there. State Strikes Hit 10,o500 Auto orkers U A W Secretary Denies That Union Dues Drive Caused Fisher Closing Contract Breach Is Charged By Union Approximately 10,500 workers were affected yesterday by strikes that closed the Fisher Body plant of Gen- eral Motors in Flint, the Buick as- sembly line in the same city and three firms in the Detroit area, according to the Associated Press. Charges that the shutdown of the Fisher Body plant was caused by a dues-collecting drive of the Flint local of the United Automobile Work- ers were denied by Jerry Aldred, sec- retary of the local, who pointed out that 3,500 men went through the picket line around the factory and that "the company produced for two hours, so obviously there must have been enough men in the plant." The picket line around the plant stopped all workers and some were sent home when they refused to pay dues. Aldred said the drive was suc- cessful from a dues collection stand- point and that many workers joined the union for the first time. Soon after the picket line formed the com- pany shut down the plant and sent approximately 3,700 men home with instructions to return at 7 a.m. today. The closing of the Fisher plant, which supplies automobile bodies to. the Buick division of General Motors, brought shutdown of the Buick as- sembly line. Twelve hundred men were sent home. Three hundred men, charging that the Peninsula Metal Products Cor- poration management had failed to abide by a contact with the UAW, staged a sit-down strike at the plant in Hamtramck. Officials of the Detroit Moulding Company claimed that a UAW "fly- ing squadron" ejected a paint shop employee and a superintendent. The paint shop was closed and 250 men left following the alleged incident. Thousands walked in Columbus, O. when street car and motor bus oper- ators failed to settle their strike. At the same time Canada's first major Great Lakes strike ended with an agreement between seven big ship- ping companies and the Canadian seamen's union. Student Artices Feature Technik Chinese Take Key Shantung City Ini Drive Hangchwang Recaptured As Japan Mobilizes For Major Offensive Push Defeat Endangers Japaniese Positions SHANGHAI, April 19.-(Tuesday). -(/P)-Chinese military leaders re- ported today the recapture of a 20- mile stretch of the Grand Canal in the second setback to the Japanese within 24 hours. SHANGHAI, April 19-(Tuesday) -(P)-Chinese reported today they had given the Japanese another de-, feat in southern Shantung by re- capturing Hangchwang spearhead of the Japanese southward drive toward Suchow. Hangchwang, at the junction of the Tientsin-Pukow railway and the, Grand Canal 27 miles north of Su- chow, has been the scene of bitter fighting since the Japanese occu- pied it a month ago. It is 32 miles northeast of Taierhchwang where the Japanese suffered an overwhelming defeat April 6. This development came as the Jap- anese navy was reported preparing to throw its support behind the new Shantung drive which is expected to determine the success or failure of the invasion. Japs Plan Air Attack Foreign travelers arriving in Shanghai said they had seen Jap- anese aircraft carriers stationed at various points along the Shantung coast. From these carriers, it was pre- sumed, mass warplane attacks will be launched into the interior to cover the advance of the reinforced Jap- anese army, estimated to have as many as half a million men. Further evidence that the Japanese are concentrating all efforts to re- venge their defeats was seen in the fact that they have withdrawn all troops from large areas in Shansi and North Honan to be used in the new Shantung offensive. Recruits Needed While both sides waited reinforce- ments for the big battle, fierce fight- ing continued over the 60-mile front in southern Shantung. At Lini, 80 miles northeast of Su- chow, the opposing armies were locked in a crucial battle. Fresh Japanese troops attacked the Chinese defense lines. Foreign observers predicted that this engagement might develop into the biggest conflict of the nine- month-old war, since Lini is the first major objective of the new Japanese advance down the Eastern Shantung coast. Japanese said that 1,700 Chinese troops had landed on the north shore of the Yangtze River, almost oppo- site Nanking. A Hongkong dispatch said that 250 civilians were killed and more than 300 injured Sunday in a Japanese air raid on Canton and vicinity. Lovett To Address A nti-war Meeting Robert Morss Lovett, vice-president of the American League for Peace and Democracy and well known pro- fesgor at the University of Chicago was selected as one of three speakers for the strike against war to be held April 27 at a meeting of the United Peace Committee last night at Lane Hall. Joseph Mattes, '38, managing edi- tor of the Daily, was chosen as stu- dent speaker for the strike with Clarence Kressin, '38, president of the Student Religious Association as al- ternate. Governor Murphy has been invited to talk but has not yet sent his reply to the group. An open forum at which all issues pertinent to peace will be discussed is planned by the Peace Committee for some time after the strike. A special meeting of this organization 1 will be held Thursday night. Nino Martini, world famed tenor scheduled to sing here in the May Festival starting May 11, is recov- ering from injuries received Sun- day when the Cleveland bound train in which he was traveling rammed a side tracked section. Martini's injury " forced him to cancel all engagements for the next week. The accident was blamed on the failure of a block signal to function. Hurt In Accident French Seek Rome Treaty; Might Revoke Russian Pact Italy Assures Hitler That Roine-Berlin Axis Will Not Lose Effectiveness An lo-Italian Pact Acclaimed By Nazis PARIS, April 18.-(A)-France's "strong man" Government worked today toward an agreement with Italy which Right-Wing leaders thought might lead to a real settlement with Germany and possible abandonment of the Franco-Soviet pact. The Left opposition, whose ardor has been dampened since the collapse of Socialist Leon Blum's cabinet April 8, meanwhile asserted a French-Ital- ian pact would be "useless except to Il Duce." Talk of a settlement with Germany, it said, was a "surrender." The key to France's diplomacy however was in the hands of Premier Edouard Daladier, the man who joined Blum in 1936 to form the Peo- ple's Front Union of Leftist parties and then gained such popularity by his building up of national defense that the present Government has Left, Center and Right backing. The cabinet will meet Wednesday when Daladier and his Foreign Min- ister, Georges Bonnet, are expected to present for ,final approval the, plan for a quick French-Italian agreement. Central NLRB To Hear Case Of Local Strike Typographical Union Files Charges With National Board At Washington The National Labor Relations Board hearing in the ease of the Ann Arbor Press may be held in Washing- ton within a few weeks as a result of t h e International Typographical Union's action in withdrawing its charges from the Detroit NLRB of- fice and refiling them yesterday with the Board in Washington. Circuit Judge George W. Sample yesterday heard NLRB attorneys ask him to dismiss the injunction lie issued March 31 restraining the De- troit office of the NLRB from hold- ing a hearing in Michigan on charges against the Ann. Arbor Press of un- fair labor practices. Judge Sample took the case under advisement and asked that counsel for the NLRB and the local printing plant file briefs within 20 days.He said he will prob- ably announce the decision within a, month. Recent decisions by the United States Supreme Court preclude the issuance of injunctions restraining the NLRB, because respondents named by the Board (the Ann Arbor Press in this case) have adequate ju- dicial review in the Federal Circuit Courts of Appeals, Harold A. Crane- field, NLRB attorney, argued before Judge Sample. George Meader, attorney for the Ann Arbor Press which applied for the injunction restraining the NLRB, said that the NLRB officers were ex- ceeding their authority because the company was not engaged in inter- state commerce. He cited decisions to support his statement that the fact that a federal officer is involved is not sufficient grounds to deny the court jurisdiction to hear and de- termine the controversy or to grant or deny the relief asked. Mr. Meader further argued that while federal courts have limited powers-only those granted by Con- gress--state courts have ' pkenary equity powers." On April 9 the International Typo- graphical Union, which has been (Continued on Page 2) Prices Will Be Taken 'UP By Student Senate Today The Student Senate will hold its first post-vacation meeting at 7:30 p.m. today in Room 305 of the Union. Items on the agenda for tonight's session include consideration of service problems. Richard M. Scam- mon, Grad., Senate Speaker, an- nounced last night that reports would be submitted by the student govern- ment and housing committees. Germans Hail Pact 4N [wiv El -cl rons,' Colo Appear in April Issue 9 'Hard Hearted' Winchell Goes To Bat For U. Of M. Couple "A large majority of college stu- dents upon graduation do not seem to realize fully the definite require- ments necessary for them to attain their proper place in industry." Such is the opinion of R. K. Bowden, man- ager of the metallurgical division of the Chicago district of the Carnegie- Illinois steel corporation, whose ar- ticle, "You Get the Job" is a feature of this edition of the Technic. Prof. A. D. Moore continues his comments of last month on the sum- mer job situation in his regular de- partment in this month's magazine. Two student, articles headline the April issue of the Michigan Technic which goes on sale tomorrow in the engineering buildings. "New Electrons" by Charles Piece- wicz, '39E, presents the Michigan physics department's stand on the latest con troversy over the ultimate construction of matter, "Color" by .. Anderson Ashburn, '40E, outlines the development of technicolor. H i lve ii Returns -10 r no Of West TPX-~iresi nRuthven will arrive at 2::13 pm. todaldy in A i Arbor coin- pleting a mouth's tour to the West Coast which he made to further al- umni contacts with the University. During his trip Dr. Ruthven was given an honoraary LL.D, degree by tihe University of California, ad- dressed eight University alumni clubs in various western cities. and visited several scenic spots on the west coast including the new Grand Coulee Dam on the Columbia River. VacatiOn Tiuef Robs BERLIN, April 18.-(P)--Whatever misgivings may have existed in Ger- many that an Anglo-Italian accord might weaken the Rome-Berlin axis have vanished, at least outwardly, in view of Italy's solemn assurances that' the Axis would continue to function with undiminished strength. German officials after watching the Rome negotiations with great anxiety now see reasons for rejoicing. First, they see in the accord a new justification of Reichsfuehrer Hitler's thesis that direct negotiations be- tween two nations are better than multilateral pacts, They also feel that Prime Minister Neville Chamberlmin, encouraged by his Italian success, now is likely to press for an Anglo-German arrange- ment. Hitler has never made any secret of the fact that he regards friendship with Great Britain the most important of his foreign po- litical objectives. Rebels Report Tortosa Taken Coastal City Entered After Bitter Day's Fighting HENDAYE, France, April 18.-(R) -Spanish Insurgent officials at Irun tonight reported that Generalissimo Francisco Franco's troops had en- tered the important coastal city of Tortosa, 95 miles south of Barcelona, after a day of bitter fighting. HENDAYE, France, April 1 8.-V-(P) --Spanish Insurgents pushed north- ward today to the Ebro River south- east of Tortosa, a natural line of defense for Southern Catalonia which must be crossed in any drive up the Spanish eastern. coast. A coastal column drove to the riv- er's edge at Amposta, covering six miles in three hours. Government forces hastily withdrew to the north bank of the river where they had set up strong defenses to block an insurgent crossing and a march on Tortosa. Wolverine's 'Speedy Second In Turtle Race Fighting it out with the elite of Intercollegiate turtles, Speed, a mid- get snapper from the Michigan stables romped to second place in the first Intercollegiate Turtle Derby sponsored by University of Detroit as part of its program of higher edu- cation. Mustang, a six inch snapper bred on the plains of the Southwest an- nexed the race from a field of 11 in phenomenal time. Wearing the col- ors of Southern Methodist University if ~ ,,i~i',.PnA the 14 fPe~* i 2R -,Penndq By JACK DAVIS This is a Broadway yarn with a re- verse twist. They tell you New York is littered with small town ambitions that fade so fast even the Traveler's Aid So- ciety hasn't time to hold a wake. They tell you Gothamites are as hard as their derby hats. But it's only part of the build-up and considerable sentiment washes underneath the pose. Walter Winchell's column carried a piece last week about a couple from the Mid-West who quit school, mar- ried, arrived in New York and pro- ceeded to starve. le called them. broke, sick and desperate. The couple was Joan Hanson. '40 and Bob Lodge, '39, former editors of Panorama. Under the heading U. of M. tragedy he sketched a dramatic story describ- rubber checks. Bob, who has a job with Chamberlain, Brown, theatrical producers and booking agents, had been on the receiving end of a nuim- ber of these drafts which came back marked no bank. Hearing the story Winchell went to bat for the pair, turned bill collector and printed the story. It musti have proven an ef- fective dun for Bob reports that while his duties and salary were non- existent before, the back pay is now coming in with almost monotonous regularity. The repercussions of the comedy were almost fantastic. in Joan's home town, the Minneapolis Journal, under a two column picture, sobbed out a story that pictured the pair wearily trudging through New York streets in search of a job, hungry and without hope. The pair was be- sieg eii with teleaivains a-ndjob offers Educatloio Must Be Worthwhile, Students Give Blood For It By HARRY SONNEBORN Nearly 200 students in the Univer- sity are helping to further their edu- cation by selling their blood for trans- f m.,iiw _arpni'dina fto George P. Bug2- though it is not known that more frequent donations would be harm- ful," he added. Five to six donations per day are received at the hospital All stu-