THE MICHIGAN DAILY __ i A rmy's New Flying Fortress Is* Ins pect ed- I n washint'gtont Pacciar di Has SLoyalist Hopes j ('iuixnt y l rii m Ttpi w To Be Stte N'-,A" r Bill1 The state Welfare Reorgan~zatioili Pill which will be put to referendum vote next November will be the topic for the next Ann Arbor Community Forum, to be held at 8 pm. Monday in Pattengill Auditorium. East's Alumni Clubs I ! Was Former Leader Garibaldi Battalion Ofd T. Hawley Tlapping, greneral secre- t~ary of the Alumni Association, will make a tour of eastern Alumni or- .ganizations. during Spring Vacation. Saturday lie and Ms Tapping will 1Dwarfing motors and men who stand alongside, th ° Army's huge "flying fortress" bomber stretches out at Boiling Field in Washing-on, D. C. A number of conzressmen inspected the mammoth sky defender. SRA Is First Religious Group Sponsored B State University' Starr To Lead Escheats Suit tContlnued from Page 1) Garibaldi Battalion set to flight, were sent to Spain under false pretenses, ,~e continued. Their rout acted to force Mussolini to send ardent Black- ' Shirts as replacements. The Fascist Italians' bitterness against the Loyalist Italians in Spain is the more ferocious, because "they have been taught to believe that we are traitors, bandits and renegades," Signor Pacciardi said. "Our men who were taken by these Fascists were shot outright," he said. "The prisoners whom we took wef~e more astounded when, instead of the rifle squad, we gave theta food and drink." Pacciardi, wounded twice at Guad- alajara, left Spain at a time when Loyalist victory hopes were high. Now the whole International Brigade has been so decimated that it has been incorporated into the regular Spanish Army Corps. Should Franco win, Italy and Ger- many can expect nothing as compen- sation, he said, for Spaniards, Insur- gent or Loyalist, will not suffer a for- eign hegemony in Spain. ICE CREAM WEEK LANSING, April 7.--(A')-Procla- mations issued by Governor Murphy today asked the citizens of Michigan to observe Arbor and Bird Day, Par- ent-Teacher Week, and Ice Cream Week. Speakers will include Ephraii Cleveland at their annual Spring Gomberg, Detroit attorney, D. Halel Dance, an~d Monday he and Coach Brake, state senator from Stanton,! Fritz CrifAer will address the U. of and Melvin McPherson, state repre-I M. Club of Pittsburgh. sentative and former chairman of Tuesday Mr. Tapping, Coach Cris- the state tax commission. Leaders of Icr and Tad Weiman will attend a both sides will present their argu-l meeting of the U. of M. Club of Phila- ments, with discussion to follow. delphia P I-ILL 1BILLY FI NN5 "The Blest Coffer' in Town") A 810 SOUTHA STATE ST. A 1215 SO . U N IV ER SITY 0 11 4 SO U-ERS-Xr 316 A1VMichiigan -Ypsiati'1j. L. Five Discussion Sectionis Conducted' Weekly By, Year-Ol d Organization , , ' 'brary has been built in which it is State To, Sue For Inactive planned to house 1,000 books on re-akAcut ligious topics. The SRA now sub - scribes to "The New Republic," "The1 LANSING, Apil 7.-(A')-= Attorney New York Times," "The Christian General Raymond W. Starr said he Science Monitor," "Harpers," and would go to Detroit tomorrow to Jewish and, Catholic periodicals, direct the state's court fight for $2,- The Association cooperates with 000,000 in inactive bank accounts churches and campus organizations under the escheats law. The money in worthy projects, Mr. Morgan said, would go into the primary school and has helped the Inter-Guild Coun- I fund. cil to bring Protestant Groups to- ( The ::uit, which names the First gether. National Bank, Detroit, as defendant, will be heard before Federal Judge COURSS TOMEETArthur F. Lederle. Starr said the COURSS TOMEETdecision would affect banks through- Extension courses Building 1 and out the state. Building 3 will meet in Room 231 An- Under the escheats law, depositors gell Hall at 7:30 p.m. on Monday whose accounts have been inactive and Thursday respectively during the for seven years are presumed to be vacation, dead. The law vests administrative authority over such funds in a board Read TIhe Daily Classifieds of escheats. Fresh Strawberry Week April 7 to April 13 1' Fresh Strawberry and Vanilla Brick I # ~34c quart-- 17c pint FRESH STRAWBERRY SUNDAE 1 Crushed, garden-fresh berries on a large portion of Vanilla Ice Cream "With Whipped Cream, only. 12C Su eri or D airy tres 332 South State Street 207 South Main Street I ri, O BRAND JEFFERSON ISLAND BRAND For All Types of Sofiteners --_WE DELIVER - HERTL ER BROS. 210 South Ashley Street Phone 2-1713 SALT . I THE BIGGEST SPIRI 4S~ of GAS Ranges and AS efri eratoars DON'T DELAY ! . . . Aode rnievyo)u r 1kitche~nno 1w ! A. CW %193 Gas Range and Gas Refrigerator is within the means of evryo eel s budget as a result of this ,. .. Our bigges N-t, easy-to--buyv ap-liance sale. You can have a beautiful ra nge canrd. ref rigerator of the latest model in your own homec, with the loose change in- your pocket. Know new economy with a mo,1dern gas rang~e and gas refrigerator.4 They pay their way yea, a it er }ea r ,a1nd, wi thinr a reasollAle timec ..,save you the original investfllci-t. Coiii in tod~cay! I IT i CHURCH DNRECTO RY ,' 'N ! Any now cabinet type range is included in this socle. $ OOV LLOWANCE $2000FOR YUR OLD STOVE. 4200-70 SERIES $80 ALLOWANCE FOR OLD STOVE $00 Plus TaxS ISALD01,EASY TERMS:- ONLY $1.75 DOWN" / 24 Months To Pay the balance Dial 3779. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 1432 Washtenaw. Tel. 6005. Rev. W. P. Lemon, D.D., Minister. Elizabeth Lcinbach, Assistant E. W. Doty, Organist sand Choir Dfrector 10:45 a.m-- Morning Worship "Out of the Depths." Last of a Series of Lenten ser- ruons on Moderns and Miracles. Sermon by the minister, Special Lenten music. BETHLEHEM EVANGELICAL CHURCH GAS is Best - Coolks Better- Costs Less! 432 South :Fourth Avenue Theodore Schmale, Pastor. Tel, 8498 9:30 a~m.---Sunday School f206 East Lib- 10:30 am.--.--English Service. Topic: "Lovest Thou Me." Confirmation Service. FIRST METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH Stalker Hall- Student Headquarters. E. Sal State and Washington Streets 9:45 a.m._-Student Class at Stalker Hall. _10:40 Service at First Meth- odist Episcopal Church, State and Wash- HURCH ington. Dr. C. W: Brashare'8 subject is: s U H"Open the Gates." TWhere will be special music by the senior and jjunior ecboir. 6:00 p.m.-- -Wesleyan Guild meeting and fel- Liermawa. lowship supper at Stalker Hail. Program voship. Topic: of pictures and poetry. ring." During Holy week there will be services every g. night. ti, fl, J-t.. wAininr._rh-. n (rnmmu~nion service.Ev- .ii : .fr .. -i'*-: Take advantage of our LOW Optional Rate for Gas Refrigeration. TI GAS Rforierator * No Moyin jParts in its Frezng System, 0 More Ycars of Satisfaction. *0 Co nx-inud Low Operating Co t. * Every "Worthw'hile Convenience. SModecrn Beauty. * Savings That Pny For it, $ ""'M VO YOUR OLD' 2 I T J=410 ELE TROLUX !ALLOWANCE FOR CE BO Plus Tax INSTALLED $132.00 $20.00 $11200 I EASY TERMS - ONLY $1.75 DOW PAYMENT III III