THE MICHIGAN DAILY Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $400; by mail, $4.50. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1937-38 REPRESENTED POR NATIONAL ADVERTISING Y NationalAdvertisigSeryce, Inc. College Publisers Repesentativ 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK, N. Y. CIcAGO - BOSTON - LOS ANGE.ES - SAN FNANCISCO Board of Editors MANAGING EDITORU...........JOSEP S., .MATTES ASSOCIATE EDITOR ............TUURE TENANDER ASSOCIATE EDITOR ...........IRVING SILVERMAN ASSOCIATE EDITOR .........WILLIAM C. SPALLER ASSOCIATE EDITOR...........ROBERT P. WEEKS WOMEN'S EDITOR.............H..ELEN DOUGLAS SPORTS EDITOR ..................IRVIN LISAGOR Business Department BUSINESS MANAGER .............ERNEST A. JONES CREDIT MANAGER ............... ...DON WILSHER ADVERTISING MANAGER ... .NORMAN B. STEINBERG WOMEN'S BUSINESS MANAGER ........BETTY DAVY WOMEN'S SERVICE MANAGER ..MARGARET FERRIES NIGHT EDITOR: S. R. KLEIMAN It is important for society to avoid the neglect of adults, but positively dangerous for it to thwart the ambition of youth to reform the world. Only the schools which act on this belief are educational institu- tions in the best meaning of the term. Alexander 'G. R uthven The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of the Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Bringing Up / congress.. . T HE DAILY has expressed itself in fa- vor of the admiistration's Reorgani-. zation Bill. We, the editors, however, believe firmly in true democracy and we'feel that Walter Lippmann is correct when he says that there are two sides to every question. It is with this note of liberalism in-mind that we publish below, in the form of an open letter, a dissenting edi- torial from one of our own staff members. April 17, 1938 Ann Arbor, Mich. Dear Congressman: I demand that you vote against this attempt to 'establish a Dictatorship in the United States! As a public servant, elected by the people to up- hold our Constitution, it is your duty and respon- sibility to rescue our nation-the last stronghold of Democracy-from this Fascist threat, the Re- organization Bill. Mr. Congressman, do you want to see our children sent to training camps? Do you want to see our schools burned? Do you want our rights and freedom that are guaranteed in the Consti- tution taken away from us? That is what can happen if this Dictator Bill is passed! Ffankin Roosevelt wants too much power! The American Democracy Club last night found out that he has a secret agreement with the Fascists! And what's more, not only will we have Fascism, we'll have Communism as well! Mr. Congressman, as an American citizen, whose forefathers fought so that our nation could be the land of the free ands the home of the brave, I demand that you put down this dictator! If you would read some of our American news- papers who are fighting against these fiendish threats to our Liberty and Deiocracy, you would see how terrible the situation is. Yester- day, on the front page, a leading newspaper said: "Guard your liberties! The government re- organization bill, which would authorize the President to reorganize the executive and depart- mental structure of federal government WITH- OUT SUBMITTING HIS PROPOSALS TO CON- GRESS, is before the House of Representatives for action. "This bill imposes autocratic powers in the President and virtually creates a dictatorship. "It radically changes our form of constitutional and representative government, and means prac- tically the death of American democracy." The same newspaper has always been on the ,watch for any threats to our American rights. This is just another example of its noble work. It was it that told me to write to you for the sake of Democracy, to save the United States from a dictatorship. Even Father Coughlin told us, just the other day, how this was just a step toward Fascism and how Roosevelt would soon seize the whole government. He told us what fakes and Reds these people were who said the bill meant more efficiency in the government. Wasn't the government efficient enough for Washington, Jefferson, and Lincoln and all our fore fathers? Sure it was! Father Coughlin said that if the bill is passed, we will all be like the Germans and Italians.. And you could tell he meant it too, because, when his mother fainted, he said, without hesitating, that he would sac- Strike IyOl' E siness . T HE ACTION of the Merchants' Asso- ciation of Pittsburgh in voting to close their stores for one day in protest against the Reorganization Bill is a decidedly dangerous move. The Association states that it hopes the action will spread to the rest of the country. People interested in democratic non-violent methods of government and legislation will sin- cerely hope it does not. A general strike on the part of business men is at least as much to be condemned as a general strike on the part of organized labor, and or- ganized labor would doubtless consider such a demonstration as a precedent for similar activity. The closing of stores in protest against legis- lation falls into the same category as the fili- buster, although more prejudicial in possible effects. Even in the most extreme contingency, such a measure must be considered anti-demo- cratic and contrary to the spirit of representative government. When the legislation against which this wea- pon is used is not only entirely constitutional in character but a much-needed reform sponsored by a President who has been given an overwhelm- ing mandate from the electorate, the action of the merchants appears in an even more unfa- vorable, not to say, sinister, light. When labor conducts a general strike or occupies a plant in order to gain concessions from employers, reac- tion raises the cry of communism. Let business men take care that their own actions are not interpreted as akin to fascism. Joseph Gies. Court Looks At Reality1 By ROBERT PELRLMAN NLRB Status Claified The recently liberalized United States Supreme Court is now redrawing the nebulous line between federal and state authority in an effort to give the federal government the power to deal with economic and social problems that long ago transcended state boundaries. The conflict over the jurisdiction of the Na- tional Labor Relations Board is just another manifestation of the larger question of federal- state equilibrium. A Supreme Court decision handed down last month concerning the powers of 'the NLRB clearly indicates the Court's new, realistic approach to what is one of the crucial problems of the day. A glance at the history of the legislation in question will help in understanding the recent developments. On April 12, 1937 the Court up- held the National Labor Relations Act (the Wag- ner Act) in the case of the huge Jones and Laughlin Steel Corporation and refused to recog- nize the company's arguments that the Act was in reality a regulation of labor relations and not interstate .commerce, that federal authority could not apply to relations with production employes and that the Act takes property "with- out due process of law." The Court cut right to the heart of the matter and said that workers have a right to organize and bargain collectively and that an act de- signed to prevent interference with those rights was clearly-constitutional. The majority decision stated that when indus- tries organize on a national scale "making their relations to interstate commerce the dominant factor in their activities" Congress must have the power to regulate in order to protect interstate commerce from the paralyzing consequences of industrial war. The opinion further declared that refusal to confer and bargain collectively has been one of the most prolific causes of strife. But once the constitutionality of the Act was established (in the case of the Jones and Laugh- lin Steel Corporation which employs thousands of men spread over several states), the next log- ical question was "how far does the jurisdiction of the NLRB extend?" For a long time the Board limited itself to cases in which there could be no doubt that interstate commerce was involved. However, the Court's decision of March 28 helped to clarify the atmosphere surrounding the interstate-intrastate fight. Chief Justice Hughes (supported by four judges and opposed by Mr. Justices Butler and McReynolds) wrote the ma- jority opinion. The case concerned the Santa Cruz Packing Company of California which cans, packs, and ships fruits and vegetables. A strike occurred in the summer of 1935 when the company locked out some warehousemen who were returning from a union meeting. The NLRB found the company guilty of unfair labor practices. The importance of the case lies in two facts; first, that there was a one-way flow of commerce out of but not into the state: second, that only 37 per cent of the company's business was shipped in interstate or foreign commerce. The Court stated that injurious action burden- ing and obstructing interstate trade "may spring from labor disputes irrespective of the origin of the materials"'that are sold. As for the "37 per cent" aspect of the case, the Court held that the gradual process of inclu- sion and exclusiop in particular cases will define "interstate commerce" according to the rule that "where federal control is sought to be exercised over activities which separately considered are in- trastate, it must appear that there is a close and substantial relation to interstate commerce" to jusify federal inervention. "This," said the Court, "does not satisfy those who seek for mathematical or rigid formulas" or percentage rules. "it would be difficult to find a case in which unfair labor practices had a more direct effect upon interstate commerce and foreign com- ..,,,.,, .. TI -,on W I -AZiAn ,111afa THORUM On Education To the Editor: An education should rightly serve two func- tions, preparing the student (1) for his voca- tion, and (2) for living-including social culture and political awareness. This first aim must be cloaked in so many different contexts that it cari- not be the subject of a general criticism. The second, equally important, function is the one in which our University clearly falls far short of what is necessary. There are several reasons which, I think, are responsible for this failure. Too much emphasis is placed on concentration programs. Students who haven't yet felt the need for broader culture are drawn into a narrow specialization which effects a warping of their minds. Further, even if a student does fight" conventional limits and try to educate himself, he is faced with two further obstacles: the courses are not integrated to give him a coherent pattern of knowledge and "tools for thinking": and, once enrolled in a course, he must-to get the necessary grades-pander his mind to the memorization process which is often the whole, rather than a necessary incidental part, of his college training. Those students who don't even come as far as to try to plan an inclusive education are in an even worse predicament. They arrive in Ann Arbor with a bundle of set prejudices. From their heterogene of classroom experiences these former ideas may be shattered-but then such students are just left stranded. Far more frequently, how- ever, the student, arriving with his preconcep- tions on both cultural and economic-political matters, pits his way through four years of patch- work memorization, "passing" courses in the sense of "left behind," and leaves with a diploma -and nothing else. For such students, educa- tion should at least have resulted in destroying, unreasoning prejudices and have awakened a questioning mind, ready and able to think and discuss logically. These students get only a be- ginning in English 1 and 2; they need more than one year's "sitting" to break down twenty years of careless thinking and slipshod study. Most of them are left unawakened, English 1 and 2 merely a headache in the dim past. Other weaknesses, too, prevail. Students keep within the walls of the classroom all they learn in economics, sociology, or history courses. And in- structors often conspire with them to do the same. So not only are courses unrelated to each other, they are, in many cases, left unrelated to the world outside the Economics Building or Haven Hall. Too frequently, students have to endure classes under men who are scholars, not teachers. The University fails in not "officially" knowing about these cases. Teaching ability as well as quantity of published manuscript should enter into the selecting of instructors, espe- cially for beginning courses: This is only an abortive list-much more could be -piled up. My plea is only for a recognition of these most important issues. More detailed de- fects, and their remedies, can't be discussed profitably, however, until these general criticisms are accepted. -R.R. Another On Education To the Editor: A well-known individual recently said, "I find life to be a complete illusion or mirage in the wholly inexplicable world. The best I can say is that I have not the faintest notion of what it is all about. I catch no meaning from all I have seen, and pass quite as I came, confused and dismayed." It is the utter confusion of this type that is at the base of so many of our difficulties in the world today. People know facts; they know what is wrong, but when they come to apply any remedies, they are so confused by the mass of facts, that they are forced to rely on prejudices and emotion rather than reason. It seems to me that it should be the chief aim of this or any university to seek to dispel in students some of this confusion, to give to them an inkling of the means by which to tackle these problems with reason. And it is precisely the failure of college training to do this that is at the root of the growing dissatisfaction of the students with the "education" that is being given them. Behold the average student. He comes to Ann Arbor fresh from high school, self-satisfied and full of prejudices and half-formed ideals. He then begins to sit for four years at this noble seat of learning. He takes courses, though not very far, covering a wide range of human knowl- edge; what correlation there is among them is left to his own imagination. Many of his ideals may crumble as he is bombarded with facts and opinions of others; he reads facts, he hears facts, he soaks in facts. If he wishes to attain "scholarship," he memorizes facts, and gives those same facts back in bluebooks to the same persons who first gave them to him. If he plays this game long and well enough, he is hailed as an honor student; that is the supreme reward for the premium placqi on a good memory of the arguments pro and con for the gold standard or the analysis, as given in lecture, of the causes of the French revolution. Now I do not deny the value of facts and the necessity for a certain amount of memorization, and I do not say that all courses are open to this criticism, but I do deplore the overwhelming emphasis on facts and memorization necessary to pass most courses. The average instructor is satisfied to raise and describe the many prob- lems concerning his subject, but that is all: having raised the problem, the instructor leaves the stu- dent to fare for himself. Where is there any training in systematic thought about those prob- lesi'? Whf ht o riM a, ca rn +ths tudent ll IEYOOD BROUN The old ranch on the ridge is being renovated, and so I'm doing my spring planting by remote control. That is, I am making mental beds of bothf flowers and vegetables. And when I talk of potatoes I almost seem to see their little heads popping up from the good earth. And in my mind's eye there looms a row of tomato vines, the frwit already growing red beneath the sun. And, of course, there will be corn and carrots, not forgetting mel- ons and eggplant. The eggplant is a particularly use- ful vegetable for a suburban farmer. It takes a heap of cooking to make an eggplant food. But it has its uses even for one who takes no great joy in chewing so much fiber. The egg- plant, as it happens, is the favorite vegetable of the Sunday painter who wishes to experiment with still life. The recipe is simple. You take one orange, two dead fish, a blue vase and an eggplant. Group them in combina- tion according to taste, and then get started on your masterpiece. There is an old French proverb:-"Corots are more than carrots." Nor has the potato been much celebrated by painters. The eggplant is particular- ly appropriate, because in addition to its natural color it has a lovely sheen. This is a surface which will take a high light if you know how to paint t. As yet I have been delaying my paint- ing as well as my planting. I lack the DAILY OFFICIAL BTLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive nottke to all members of the University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday. 11 i, i (Continued from Page 2) building will be open from 10-12 a.m. and 2-4 p.m. daily and the Graduate Reading Rooms from 9-12 a.m, and 1-5 p.m. daily. The hours of opening of the De- partmental Libraries will also be 10- 12 a.m. and 2-4 p.m. Sunday Service will be discontin- ued during this period. Faculty, College of Literature, Sci- ence, and the Arts: Midsemester re- ports are due today. Students, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: Courses drop- ped after today will be recorded with the grade E. Exception may be made in extraordinary circumstances, such as severe or long continued illness. Students, School of Education: Courses dropped after today will be recorded with the grade of E except under . extraordinary circumstances. No course is considered officially" dropped unless ithas been reported in the office of the Registrar, Room 4, University Hall. All June Graduates in the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, College of Architecture, Schools of necessary equipment. There is a blue Education, Forestry, and Music, vase in the house, but I haven't gotIshould fill in grade request cards at the fish or the vegetables. Room 4 U.H., between April 4th and April'8th. ~.Those failing to file these cards will Story Of Fingerlings assume all responsibility for late Just back of the studio there lies a grades which may prohibit gradua- little pond, and last year we threw tion. Students admitted to Coftibined some 300 fingerlings into the icy wa-- Curriculumns, expecting a degree in ters. My own fear was that this ex- June, need not fill in these cards. posure might be too severe for such The Bureau has received notice of little fishes, but the man from the the following Civil Service Examina- hatchery said they simply adored it. ions: Having heard certain rumors about Unemployment Claims Examines, tick 7 } ar7 areixmrl thn~t_ xxrh~n cninu4Uepomn lisEaies nsn, i ac assume Mar wn rolled 'round this year my settlers would constitute a n sprny; Five Classes. $170 to $455 per month; 300 earlyofI colony of Opento Men and women; Michigan ; Civil S~ervc xmiain at least 3,000. But the man must ' 1* have sold me a lot more sophisticated 2 Secretarial Stenographer (Female), or less ambitious than usual. There $2460 per year; Minimum age, 25 has been no increase whatsoever in years; Detroit Civil Service Examina- the population of the pond. On the tion. contrary, I have been unable to locate Senior Stenographer (Female), a single perch, bass or pickerel. I $1860 per year; Detroit ,Civil Service thought I saw a bullhead, but even Examination. he turned out to be a dead twig. The Electric Crane Operator, Salary at settlement with all its people has dis- prevailing rate; Detroit Civil Service. appeared from the waters under the Senior Mechanical Engineering earth as mysteriously as the Cavalier Draftsman, (For duration of Sew- colonists who first tried to find aIage Disposal Project) $2460 per home in Virginia. And this more ' . recent tragedy can not very well be year; Detroit Civil Service Examina- ascribed to the Indians. tion. Possibly it was not sloth and race (The two stenographic positions suicide which cleared the pond of liv- must be applied for by April 8, 1938).1 ing creatures. They may have fallen For further information, please call victims of their own ferocity in some at the office, 201 Mason Hall, during lakewide encounter. In other words, office hours, 9-12 a.m. .and 2-4 p.m. they tried to live by eating each other. University Bureau of Appoint- Still, this theory buckles down because ments and , Occupational In- of the fact that even in the general mformation.a encounter the biggest fish should still remain, rrmtait4il fir f roi Courses offered in Decorative Design: D.D.2, Principles of Design. D.D.4, Theory of Color. 1 D.D.5, Pattern Design. D.D.31, Advanced Design in Color. Students interested in this work should consult Professor H. A. Fowl- er, Decorative Design Department, (345 Arch Bldg. Advanced work in interior and furniture design, D.D. 61, will be given by Professor C. B. Troedsson. Those interested in this course should inquire at the office of the College, Room 207. Events Today University Broadcast, 3-3:30 p.m. University of Michigan Summer Ses- sion of 1938. Louis M. Eich, Associate Professor of Speech, Secretary of the Summer Session. "Is the Bible the Word of God?" will be the topic of Dr. W. P. Lemon's ILecture this afternoon at 4:30 p.m. in the Social Hall of the First Presby- terian Church, 1432 Washtenaw Ave. This is the last Lenten lecture of a series on "How to Know the Bible." Bowling: The bowling alleys at the Women's Athletic Building will close on Friday, April 8 at 6 p.m., and re- open on Monday, April 18 at 4 p.m. Reservations for groups who wish to bowl during the vacation may be made by calling Barbour Gymnasium, extension 2132. Coming Events University 'Club: There will be a meeting of the members of the University Club on Monday evening, April 11. On April 11 and 12 the Con- ference of the Deans. of the Liberal Arts Colleges in State Universities of the Middle West will be held. The Club night on Monday is in honor of the visiting Deans, who will be escort- ed, after their dinner at the Union, through the new quarters of the University Club in the Union. They will then be received at the Club. All members are cordially invited to meet the Deans of the various Universities. University Broadcast, Sunday, April 10. 9-9:30 a.m. Class in Hymn Sing- ing. 12:30-1 p.m. The Baird Carillon. Wilmot F. Pratt, Carillonneur. Faculty Women's Club. The An- nual Luncheon will be held Wednes- day, April 20 at one o'clock in the Michigan League Ballroom. Reserva- tions should be made with Mrs Clark at the League not later than 10 a.m., Tuesday, April 19. Students remaining in Ann Arbor and wishing to observe Seders on April 15 and 16 are urged to notify the office of the Hillel Foundation. Ann Arbor Friends will hold their regular meeting for worship Sunday at 5 p.m. at the Michigan League. Due to spring vacation, program meetings will be suspended until fur- ther announcement, but meetings for worship will be held weekly as usual. All who are interested are welcome. Roger Williams Guild. All Baptist students returning to campus ,n Sunday, April 17, please remember the Guild program which will ire giv- en at 7:30 p.m. and will consist of an Easter Drama dixected by Mrs. Mabel Young. There will be three scenes. "The Home in Jerusalem," "The Women at the Tomb," and "The Morning of the Resurrection." The usual social hour with refreshments will follow. First Congregational Church, corn- er of State, and William.. 10:45 a.m., Service of Worship. Continuing his series on "What Is This Christianity?" Dr. Leonard A. Parr will preach on "A Kingdom." Miss Lois Greig will sing the soprano solo, The Palms." 3 p.m., The Pastor's Training Class will meet in Pilgrim Hall. Holy Week: The First Congregational Church will observe Holy Week with special services on Wednesday and Thursday nights. There will be a public service in the church on Wednesday evening at 7:30 p.m. with special music by Miss Lois Grieg, soloist, and Miss Mary Porter, organist. The pastor, the Reverend Leonard A. Parr, will give an interpretation of Francis Thompson's 'The Hound of Heaven." At 7:30 on Thursday evening, a beautiful Candlelight Service will be held. Miss Lois Greig will sing the "Ballad of the Master and the Trees." On Good Friday ,the church will join in the community three-hour service at the First Methodist Church. Dr. Parr is to give one of the messages at that service, speaking on "The Magnetism of the Cross." First Presbyterian Church, 1432 Washtenaw Ave. 10:45 a.m., "Out of the Depths" will be the subject of . Dr. W. P. Lemon's last Lenten ser- s mon of a series on "Moderns and Miracles." The Student Choir under the'-direction of Miss Claire Coci and the .Tioir C'hoir under the leader- Herons Provide Clew However, there may be an orni- thological explanation of the mystery. Just before sunset yesterday I saw a pair of blue herons trundling their heavy bulk across the surface of thet water. They seemed almost Alder- manic in their proportions, and they flew after the fashion of a gentle- man and a lady who had dined well1 at some seafood place. And so it seems that I must surrender domain over my lake to the birds of the air. I must get back to the good earth and gardening. And if until now I have been reluctant about getting down to spade work the explanation is easy. Hereabouts the good earth isn't really very good. In fact, it's terrible. attitudes toward contemporary prob- lems are still settled mainly on the basis of his old prejudices; he is open to the same waves of propaganda as the untrained citizen; in fact, it is often hard to tell a college graduate apart from the average person. Wit- ness the attitude of the majority of students toward such subjects as the New Deal or communism; they don't oppose them on the basis of reason but rather of emotion. The innu- merable facts they once learned about these subjects in classes have bounces off the hard inner shell of prejudice that college training has failed tc break down. Lacking the fundamen- tal tools of analysis, they cannot at- tack these subjects with much greater ability than the average citizen; ii they are able to do so, it is due tc their own innate abilities rather than their college education. What, then, is the way out? In the first place, the University should seek to employ more teachers rather than experts-teachers who are interested more in training the student than ir studying some technical branch of the subject. Secondly, there shoul be a deemphasis of facts, memoriza- tion, and bluebooks. Teach the stu- dent to think rather than to mimic; teach him to act rather than to sit. Finally, and most important of all, give the student the fundamental methods and means of analysis of problems. Cease handing out facts in the name of "education" on a silver nlatter. give him the nower to mold eInui ng the installation of a new j lift, there will be no passenger ele-! vator service in, the General Library for the next few weeks. Librarian. First Mortgage Loans: The Univer- sity has a limited amount of funds to loan on modern well-located Ann Arbor residential property. Interest at current rates. Apply Investmentf Office, Room 100, South Wing, University Hall. Michigan Wolverine: The Michigan Wolverine Student Cooperative, Inc, will continue to serve meals through the Spring Vacation period. The serving hours will be as follows: 12 to 12:30 and 6 to 6:30. No breakfast will be served from Monday, April 11, to Sunday, April 17, inclusive. Spe- lial arrangements are being made so that the Wolverine's facilities will be available to all University students luring this period. Students wishing to work for their Seder meals please contact Dr. Hel- ier at the Hillel Foundation. Academic Notices Architecture: Summer School S C~R~EEN By JOSEPH GIES The film "Golgotha," shown at the .irst Methodist Church last night, is the story of the Christ-life. It shows pictorially, and to the accompani- anent of emotionally stimulating mu- sic, Christ's entry into Jerusalem and His subsequent fate. In entity, it vas a repetation of "King of Kings," of several seasons back. It was all there: The Last Supper, Judas' kiss, the crown of thorns, Jesus carrying the crucifix. The most remarkable thing about the picture was that there was a mere suggestion of the Christ-love. Most of the scenes depicted the Jews howl- ing to the Pilate for His crucifixion. One horrible sceneshowed the Jews at the window of Jesus' prison urging the whip on Him, chanting in rhythm to the lash. "one-two, one-two.",