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April 08, 1938 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1938-04-08

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The Weather
ht rise in temperature to-
possibly showers tomor-


4 t"RWI
.Altr an


Bringing Up Congress.
Strike By Business? , ,



Sanitation Bill
Gets Approval
Of CityCouncil
Board Of Health Will Have
The Power Of Licensing
And Inspecting Places
Fraternities Exenmpt
From Fee Payment
Wide powers to impose and enforce
sanitary regulations in Ann Arbor
eating places were granted local
health authorities last night in an or-
dinance passed by the City Council.
The ordinance, passed after its
third reading, authorizes sanitary of-
ficials to license and inspect any eat-
ing establishment, and if sanitary
conditions are found to be unsatis-
factory, the Board of Health is em-
powered to revoke the establishment's
sanitary licenses.
A clause exempting University-con-
trolled restaurants from payment of
the five-dollar sanitary license fee
was stricken from the bill by a unani-
mous vote. This provision does not
deprive health authorities of the right
to inspect the restaurants at any
Passage of the, measure climaxes
the long-standing drive by University
and city health officials for legal au-
thority to regulate and maintain san-
itary conditions in restaurants.
Hospitals, dormitories, frat ernity
houses and private boarding houses
not open for public meals are ex-
empted from the sanitary licensing
fee, but the Board of Health reserves
the right to enter and inspect the
establishments at any time.
The health department is author-
Si7Pedi nder the new ordinance. to .


acciardi, Leader Of Garibaldi One Stud en t
Battalion, HopesFor Loyalists Killed Hurt,
K!> e^4 ut

DSR Walkout
Slows Traffic
In Motor City

Michigras Plans
Over 50 Booths
Any group desiring to sponsor a
booth in the 1938 Michigras must
signify their intention of doing so
today, Richard Fox, '39, chairman of
the- booth committee, announced last
night. More than 50 organizations on

Believes Duration Of War
Dep>endent On French,
English Aid To Spain
Loyalist Spain will hold out for a
long time yet; how long depends on
France and England, Rudolfo Pacci-
ardi, heroic commander of the former
Garibaldi battalion of the Interna-
tional Brigade fighting for Loyalist
Spain, said yesterday in a Detroit in-
Pacciardi, the Pacciardi "gay and
beautiful in action," whom Ernest
Hemingway described in a recent
magazine article, predicted that
France would come to the aid of
Loyalist Spain if Catalonia should
fall to the Insurgents.
France's communications with her
African colonies would be cut off by
such a move, and France would never
tolerate this, Signor Pacciardi said.
He talked in Italian, rather tiredly,
showing the strain of a month's lec-
tures passionately given to raise funds
nZor Loyalists from Itahian-American
Pacciardi commanded the Garibaldi
Brigade at Guadalajara. It was chief-
ly instrumental in routing Franco's
Signor Pacciardi seems to disagree
with Hemingway, who claims that the'
Italian Fascists fighting for Franco
are not only poor soldiers but cow-
ardly--as all Italians are, for that
Natato-s To End
Season Tonigrht
In A.A.1. Final
College Squads Favored
Over Athletic Clubs As
hMJ17rl t 1k19U CSrn

matter, except a minority which Pac-
ciardi and his Garibaldi Brigade typ-
"These," Hemingway said, "you've
seen calm and cold and brave, as fine
troops as ever lived and Pacciardi,'
gay and beautiful in action..."
"The difference between those first
Fascist troops and us," Signor Pac-
ciardi said, "was that we were fight-
ing for an ideal; they were deceived,
they believed they had enlisted to
work in Ethiopia, and instead they
found themselves fighting in Spain."
Italians, he said, are no better or.
worse soldiers than any other people;
it is the ideal that counts.
The Fascist Italians which the
(Continued on Page 6)
Jewish Studenit
Parley To Have
University Men
President lluthven To Give
Greeting; Dr. Heller Is-
Officer Of Conference
Four faculty members and two stu-
dents from the University will take
part in the formal program of the
First Regional Conference of Jewish
Students, which will be held from 2
p.m. today until Sunday evening in
Temple Beth El in Detroit.
The conference is for Jewish stu-
dents of colleges and universities in
this area, and is intended for the pur-
pose of discussion of student ques-
tions from all standpoints. It is be-
ing sponsored by the Central Con-
ference of American Rabbis, the Unit-
ed Synagogue of America, the B'nai
B'rith Hillel Foundation and the
Union of American Hebrew Congrega-
Dr. Bernard Heller, director of the
B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation, is one
of the officers in charge of the con-
ference and will give the introductory
remarks for the program at 3:30 p.m.
today. President Alexander Ruthven
is to greet members of the confer-
ence at 3 p.m.
Dr. Edward W. Blakeman, Univer-
sity religious counselor, and Dr. Hell-
er will take part in a symposium onj
"The Significance of Religion to a
College Man," at 3:45 p.m., whilet
Martin Alexander, '39M, will speak in
the Sabbath Eve services at 8 p.m.
Tomorrow S. Leonard Kasle, '38,
will speak on "A Student Looks at Re-.
ligion" at 9 a.m. in morning services
at the Congregation Shaarey Zedek,
while Dr. T. Luther Purdom, director
of the University bureau of appoint-
ments and occupational information.
will speak on vocations at 3 p.m. Sun-
day. The program will include round-
table discussions and a formal dance
at the Book-Cadillac Hotel on Sat-
urday night.

In Auto Crash
L. F. Kosatka, '40E, Dead
After Head-on Collision
Six Miles From Jackson
Eli Weiner, Driver,
i 'Fair Condition
An attempt by five University stu-
dents to secure an extra twio days
of vacation ended in tragedy early
yesterday when the automobile in
which they were riding collided head-
on with another vehicle, killing Leon-
ard F. Kosatka, '40E, and injuring
five other persons.
The injured, all of whom are in
Foote Hospital at Jackson, are John
M. Burghorn, '41, Grand Haven, who
suffered head cuts and a back in-
jury of undetermined extent; Ray-
mond H. Rapaport, '38, Grand Rap-
ids, head-and leg lacerations; Norman
Zitreen, '39, Freemont, N.Y.; head
and leg lacerations; Robert I. Elmers,
47 years old, Pleasant Ridge, driver
of the second car, severe face lacera-
tions and inury to the left eye.
Eli Weiner, '40E, Ellenville, N.Y.,
not enrolled in school this semester,
suffered a severely torn scalp and
deep lacerations on the left arm. Doc-
tors described his condition as "fair."
He was driving the car which con-
tained the five students.
The accident occurred on US-12
about six miles east of Jackson. El-
mers, an insurance man, was driving
east on the wrong side of the road
when the crash occurred, according to
Kosatka and Burghorn were plan-
ning to ride in the car only as far
as Jackson, where they were to start
hitchhiking to their homes, according
to .police.
Debate Teams
Defend Big'Ten
Title In Meet
Qhestion Of INLR1 Power
Is Point To Be Argued
T1oday And rI o1orrow
Two Michigan debating teams will
defend their Big Ten title which they
have held for four of the last five
years against eight other schools in
the annual Big Ten debating meet,
to r be held today and tomorrow in
The question for all the debates
in the round-robin is "Resolved: That
the National Labor Relations Board
should Be Empowered to Enforce
Arbitration in all Industrial Dis-
The five men who will go to Cli-
cago are Harry Shniderman, '38, Rob-
ert Rosa, '39, Ernest Muehl, '41, Oliv-
er Crager, '39 and Jack Shuler, '40.

Court Issues An Injunction jcampus have already made prepara-
Forbidding Pcke ti n tions, Fox announced.
This year's Michigras, May 6, 7,
CIO Approves Strike is being sponsored as a benefit for
the Women's Athletic Association's
City-Owned Buitses proposed swimming pool and the Var-
sity Band's trip to Yale this fall.
Continue Oper'aiitig Hugh Rader, '38, is chairman of the
Similar to a huge carnival or coun-
BULLETIN ty fair, the Michigras is to be com-
DETROIT, April 8.-(Friday) posed of rides and sideshows. Last
-(/P)-Mayor Richard W. Read- year more than 8,500 people attended.
ing announced early today that
the strike of operators of the "C'les h e
municipal street car system has Chinese Cheer
been settled.
The Mayor said he expected trol -FirstReported
ley service to be restored before p
noon and that buses would (on-
tinue to run. Reading did not re- 1. j or Vitory
veal the terms of the agreement,
which lie said would have to be
ratified. Claim Stunning Blow Dealt
DETROIT, April 7.-(/P)-Striking Japs At Taierlichwallg;
street car workers, defiant of threats 5 000 Believed Slain
to discharge them, tonight tied up '
transportation services serving more HANKOW, China, April 7.-(A')-A
than 70,000 Detroit residents. million and a half Chinese in this
Not a street car was operating. temporary center of government ju-
Detroiters going to and from their bilantly celebrated tonight what ap-
work climbed aboard crowded motor- peared to be China's first decisive ve-
buses, hitch-hiked rides with motor- tory in nine months of undeclared
ists, hailed taxicabs, or walked.
Downtown retail merchants report- war with Japan.
ed shopping crowds 40 per cent below Officials joined the populace in ela-
edshoppiny crowd0 pusser cet- lowtion over official reports that a stun-
ing to serve an estimated 1,000,000 ning blow had been delivered the
daily patrons of the municipally- Japanese at Taierhchwang, north-
owned transportation system. west of Suchow, the vital railroad
In circuit court the city obtained center in Shauntung province to-
a temporary injunction restraining ward which the Japanese are drivig.
strikers from "interfering, molesting, A Chinese spokesman said 5,000
picketing, damaging or in any way Japanese were wiped out and the
preventing" operation of buses or Japa nse spearhead aimed at the
street cars. Gran Canal was broken. He said
Units of the Committee for Indus- Japanese detachments that broke
trial Organization pledged support to through a ring of Chinese troops fled
the American Federation of Labor to the north, abandoning supplies
union that called the strike at 4 a.m. and artillery.
today, demanding that a system-wide Independent advices from Suchow
seniority plan approved by voters last apparently confirmed the Chinese re-
year be-made effective immediately, ports, explaining that Japanese divi-
A circuit court injunction prevents sions pushing toward the junction of
the city from taking such action the Tientsin-Pukow and Lunghai
pending a State Supreme Court r"l- railroads had permitted themselves
ing, Many motorbus operators, mnem- to be surrounded, counting on ar-
bers of an independent union, might tillery to blast a gap through the
be displaced under the proposed sen- Chinese cordon.
iority plan. They said the Chinese, however,
The Street Railway Commission brought up heavier artillery than the
announced it would discharge all Japanese possessed and, using tanks
strikers who had not returned to work for the first time since the battle for
at 2 p.m. today. Shanghai, turned the tables.

Loan Program
Is Formulated
While Senate
Cuts Tax Bill
Direct Expenditures And
Public Loans Will Total
Administration Bill
Meets Opposition



Im, 11tCtak 1Wt11A lu, Vu ilCn a iOK Or
prepare and use score cards in grad-
ing and summarizing the inspection Ten Wolverine swimmers and div-
of all eating places. These cards must ers will start their campaign tonight
be placed 'in a conspicuous place in for the National A.A.U. aquatic title.
the restaurant and cannot be changed The meet which brings together the
in any way except on order of the c eam of the nation's tank teams will
health department.( be staged in Ohio Stat~e's pool at Co-,
Objections to the five dollar li- lumbus, Ohio.
censing fee to defray inspection ex- Never has a college aggregation
penses were raised by Alderman Max been able to muster enough power to
Krutsch, who pointed out that in one come out on top of the imposing array
eating place in Ann Arbor a yearly of athletic club teams. Michigan al-
amount of $2,40O is paid out for fees, most turned the trick last year being
licenses, etc. His motion to amend nosed out by a one-point margin by
the bill by substituting a one dollar Lake Shore A.C. of Chicago.
licensing fee was overridden by the College Teams Are Favorites ;
Persons violating any provisions of This year. however, swimming ex-
the ordinance which will go into ef- perts see little chance for an athletic
feet within ten days shall be liable club to grab the honors. Michigan,
to a fine of $100 or imprisonment Ohio State, Harvard and Princeton
for ninety days oi' both at the d- are the top-ranking squads and to one
cretion of the court. Iof these four will probably go the
_r__n___h___t coveted title.
The Wolverines will find sledding a
Troo s 'bit easier against the Buckeye power-
T o sard house than they did in dual, Big Ten
, 1 and National Collegiate meets this!
Fc ena eyear. Al Patnik can be counted on!
to retain his high and low board titles
but the Scarlet second place man.,
MObs Demonstrate F 0 1 'Jimmy Patterson will probably be
Blum's Finance Bill forced to trail such divers as Al
Greene of Miami and Elbert Root of
PARIS, April 7.-(/P-)-Troops were Detroit A.C.
ordered held in readiness in Paris higgins Lacks Former Speed
garrisons tonight to defend the Sen- Johnny Higgins, Buckeye breast-
ate if necessary during the crucial itroker and last year's champ in the!
vote on Premier Leon Blum's dicta- 220-yard race and individual medley
toriVf financial powers bill tomorrow. is not counted on to repeat. His ef-
Issuance of the order was disclosed forts have not been up to par this sea-!
after rioting flared in the streets son and there is plenty of competition
outside the Senate tonight on the in his events.
eve of what was considered to be The other stand-out teams of the
certain rejection of Blum's bill by
the upper house. ioonntrywillfnd condrtimn i sme
It was given by the permanent sec- - -_...- -
retariat of the Senate under consti- iA FRUIT DAMA(EI
tutional rights conferred upon the BIENTON IIAI{BOl , Mich., April
President of the Senate. 7 ( - 1-lorticulturists said today
The order, it was learned, ws j5 ;-here had been little damage to the
sued in the middle of the aftcrno on Vies Icrn Michigan fruit belt as a re-
when it became apparent that leftists sullt of this weck's cold weather.

Landlord Has Two Celebrants
And A Scholar Arrested, Jailed

WASHINGTON, April 7.-4P)-A
Sprogram of $4,500,000,000 for loans
and direct expenditures to relieve un-
employment and combat the recession
was in the making tonight, while the
Administration revenue Bill was being
amended in its undistributed profits
and capital gains taxes by the Senate.
Public works loans to cities, states,
and other political subdivisions which
would bear no interest are expected
to be presented to Congress some-
time in the near future, and will call
for expenditures of $1,500,000,000. A
second third "as a starter" toward
meeting next year's relief needs, was
predicted by Chairman Glass (Dem.,
Va.) of the Senate Appropriations
Final Demand Near
The final appropriations demand
was already nearing the end of its
journey through Congress, as the Sen-
ate agreed to House anendments to
the Administration bill to authorize
the Reconstruction Finance Corpora-
tion to make $1,500,000,000 of long-
term industrial and public works
Meanwhile, the Senate, operating
at record speed, cut out the un-
distributed profits and capital gains
taxes of the Revenue Bill and sub-
stituted in their place taxes sug-
gested by business men and recom-
mended by the Senate Finance Co-
mittee headed by Senator Harrison
(Dem., Miss.).
Fight Only Brief
Administration lieutenants con-
ducted only a brief fight for the pro-
visions, already aCcepted by the
House, acknowledging from the start
that their efforts were futile.
In brief, the Senate voted to sub-
stitute .a flat.18 per cent rate on cor-
poration income for the undistributed
profits #,ax. The House-approved
levy applied to corporations with
more than $25,000 net income and
ranged from 16 to 20 per cent
On the capital gains tax the Sen-
ate approved a fiat 15 per cent rate
n place of a graduated scale of rates
voted by the House.
M urphy Seeks
Welfare Funds
Mounting Relief Burden
Exhausts State Money
LANSING, April 7.-(0)-Governor
Murphy said today he would turn
to the federal government for assist-
ance in solving a staggering direct
relief problem in Michigan.
The executive said the state could
continue its present rate of welfare
expenditures no later than September,
when he estimated next year's funds
would be exhausted.
"The situation is at its worst right
now," the governor said, "and there
is no indication it will immediately
alter. Every day our revenues are
falling off. Meanwhile our relief bur-
den is mounting."
Murphy said approximately a half
million persons in Michigan are de-
pendent upon direct relief. The
federal government has been "gen-
erous" with WPA allocations, he add-
ed, but many who are now on direct
relief are not eligible for the other
type of aid.
Murphy said he would "call a spe-
cial session of the legislature in a
minute" if he were convinced it could
e contribute a solution of the problem.
- All-Stae Boxing Show
s Will Be Meld April 20
'The second all-state boxing show
Y to raise funds for the University Fresh
t Air Camp will be held at 8 p.m. Wed-
nesday, April 20, in the Yost Field

h.House, it was announced yesterday.
d Don Siegel, who scored a spectac-
- ular win in the main bout last year,
e will head the card for this year's
- show, with the other bouts to be ar-


ile Syni I)IOIIY 1( tou
Michigan Alumni Clubs
The Little Symphony, directed by

Thor Johnson, will make a tour of They will meet the University of
Northern Michigan and Wisconsin al- Minnesota, Ohio State University.
umni clubs during Spring Vacation, Iowa State College, and Indiana
T. Hawley Tapping, general secretary University today. On Saturday they
of the Alumni Association, an- I will debate against Purdue -Univer-
nounced yesterday. sity, University of Wisconsin, Univer-
The Symphony's itinerary will take sity of Illinois, and Chicago Univer-
it to Menasha, Wis., on Monday to sity. One team will uphold the nega-
play for the University of Michigan tive in all its debates, and the other
Club of Northeast Wisconsin, Tues- Michigan team will support the affir-
day it will play for the U. of M. mative.
Club of Menominec, Wednesday for - -
the U. of M. Club of Iron Mountain,e
and TIi, ,sday for the U. of M. Club
of MaWrquette.. A
The Symphony, comtposed of grad-
nte students and instructors inter-- 1'sAlrue Slfry
ested in music, made a tour of the
south between semesters giving coil
certs for various southern colleges and Walter Winchell, oniscient oracle
universities. , of Broadway, wrote words of interest

While landlord C. E. Brown shiv-
ered inhis night-shirt shouting warn-
ings that police were on their way,
two sophomore inmates of the room-
ing house at 514 E. Jefferson were en-
joying a pre-vacation celebration at
12:30 a.m. yesterday. Downstairs,
quietly finishing some accounting
problems he had been working on all
night, was a third tenant.
Came the squad-car, -containing
two patrolmen trying hard not to
laugh too obviously at Brown. Upon
his insistence, they arrested the two
"noisy" students for disordcirly con-
duct. And then, told that a third
student had. also been causing trouble,
they went inside. In a room beauti-
fully decorated with "No Parking"
signs, was the accounting student.
Despite bewildered protestations of
innocence, he was taken into custody
upon the landlord's insistene. The
signs were seized.
At the police sia lion, the trio were
booked and put up before Justice
Jay H. Payne, Upon protesting their
arrest, they were sent to County Jail
for trial later in the morning. There
they were put in with other prisoners
and finally served a meal of what one
described as "rotten coffee, a half-
stale doughnut, bread and syrup."
Later, with Dean of Students Jo-
Twenty-three men will be nitia ted
by Scabbard and Blade, honorar-,
R.O.TC. society, from April 20 to 24.
The pledges are: -.Allen Aadrews,
'39E; Irving L. Bauer, '39; William 10.
Bavinger, Jr., '39; Lewis E. Bulkeley,
Jr., '38; Paul M. Brickley, '39; G.
Thomas Christiansen, '41E; George
S. Cowing, '39E; John W. Cummiskey,
'38; Henry A. Fedziuk, '38E; Robert
C. Frailing, '39; Lawrence H. Gay,
'39E; George H. Hanson, '39E, and

seph Bursley present, the students
were brought before Payne again. The
two who had been noisy pleaded
guilty and were fined $6.95 apiece.
The accounting student, a junior who
just transferred here, declared his in-
nocence. He was told he could be
released upon $25 bail.
Borrowing the $25 from a clergy-
man, the student offered it in return
for his release, but was told he would
be immediately returned to custody
on a warrant then being issued which
charged him with possession of city
property-the "No Parking" signs
(Continued on Page 2)
Admiunistration IC on ced es
Two Amendments
WASHINGTON, April 7.-(A)-By
a skimpy 22-vote margin the Govern-
inent Reorganization Bill survived an
attempt to kill it today in the House.
Administration forces immediately
followed up that victory by writing
two vital amendments into the mea-
sure---each a concession to the op-
position and each intended to draw
more support to the bill on the bal-
lot for final passage.
One would retain for Congress the
power to nullify, by a bare majority
vote, any order the President might
issue for the reshuffling or elimina-
tion of government agencies. It wac
approved, 151 to 113,
'I'le ot'ir would exempt the Fed-
eral Education Bureau specifically
from any Reorganization program. I
was accepted on a voice vote.
But the first real test of strength
between supporters of the bill an
an opposition coalition of Republi-
cans and rebellious Democrats cam(
on a motion by Representative O'

would attempt to march upon the
Senate despite a government ban.
Communists, Anarchists and So- ,
cialists estimated as numbering more
than 10.000 battled police and mobile
guards in a vain attempt to march
on Luxembourg Palace, the Senate
The fighting, in which several po-j
licemen and demonstrators were in-
jured, followed summary rejectionv
-of Blum's bill by the Senate Financef
The committee voted 25 to 6 againstJ
the measure, approved yesterday byt
the Chamber of Deputies, which
would give Blum the right to decreeI
all measures "judged indispensable to
meet the necessities of national de-k
fense, protect the holdings of theJ
Bank of France and rehabilitate thec
nation's finances and economies,"
It will report to the full session of
the Senate tomorrow when defeat for
fha Thrnici'hLa~ring This secolnd Peo-

Its Coiitael 'itli 'Life-SiL uatioliis

Volunteer work camps for students
will seck to educate the students by
first- hand contact with life-situa-,
tions in areas of tension, W. Elmore
Jackson of Philadelphia, a member of
tlie stalf of the American Friends
Service Committee, said in an inter-

ment of long-term plans toprv(,;ilt
violence, and also to prevent specific
and immediate violence."
The A.F.S.C. was founded in 1917,
when it began to engage in recon-
struction in France. The group was,
independent, but was composed large
ly of Quakers,
After the war. Mr. Jacksou con-
UflmtwdUC Uti t Ahe ±i4 administre child

to the campus yesterday. Contained 1
in his column was a "New York Nov-
elette" telling of the struggles of the
former editor and business manager
of "Panorama," Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Mrs. Lodge is the former Joan
Winchell's column declared, under
the heading "U. of M. Tragedy":
"New York Novelette: She is 17, a
freshman from Minnesota °. . . He is
19, a sophomore from Washington ..
They met at a University of Mich-,
igan festival, thought up and pub-
lisked a successful campus photo
magaize' . . . Figuring they were good
enough for New York, they quit
school, married, arrived here and
proceeded to starve . . Frank Far-
rell of the World-Telegram wrote a
feature story about theme for that
gazette . The following day the
story brought them a flood of job
offers .. They accepted one with a

view last night.
One of the six project camps


,I U u m , so y l~ ~~tl 4l!!tjtt '~lt!!C
be located in Flint this summer, Mr. relief in France and Germany dur-
Jackson said, Flint being chosen be-ing 1920 and 1921.
cause it is centrally located and be- ndr192a.
cause its problems arc typical of When depression devastated the
those of industry, coal-mining regions of West Virginia
While studying a community pro- I and Western Pennsylvania, Mr. Jack-
Whnie s-,uwrn acmes il yd ron 1son pointed out, the society engaged

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