PAGE Sx THE MICHIGAN DAILY__ - --,-----.--------, - --- -.--,-- I~ --- - - - --- ---~ --------------, - - - ---- --- -- --- -- IT" .SDAY;o APRIL 7, 1938 W ritteIi'll ato, 14IA Pads Orere Unideio NLR13B Four Repr-esentatives Qn Ihouse T VA Comninittee unla nd steel Co, IDireetc ( To) lraw Up (Contracts~ I Writina With CIlo , Wonit Ja ted from Page 1) plover's obligation," the Board said. "FEmploy-cs realize that ordinary business dealings of any mnagnitu~de and complexitty ai e cotde through writteni agreements., "They rigl~tly fear that ail or.0 agreement paves the way for Pl'O-- longed lao Oing over wha~t actually' was ag-reed to. The Board emphasized Ott oK agreements were perfectly valid ii employer and employe w,.- e satisf1ied with them,; then added. "B~ut employes, in in-sisting mli.a written agreement, are mnerely asking What any prudent business man wouldI The five members of the House of expect as a matter of course from I cmmittee to investigate the Tleniies those with whom he deals." 4thir selection by Speaker llankhead. The. Board's decision was on thec1 Jekidns of Ohio; Rep. Cliarles A. Wo SWOC complaint that the Inland Thom~asonx of Texas. telCroainonoftefu:-"ndependents" involved in the strike, had violated the Wagner Act by : t)RfsnOtlagi wt h 0 sen .ia y e union representing a majority of its, emnployes at Indiana Harbor, Ind., and Pr b e il Chicago Heights, Ill., in the manner Cooperat veHalth Association FelyMibr WillLowr Cot O To Speak At Parley Several mcinbexs of the faculty of tthe College of Engineering will at- 2 _4 Families Required i attee and approved by the member- I tens and take n~rt in the 58th annual As iwlus orSodty~ ~hp.The Washtenaw Medical So- conventiuol' ft he Michigan Engineer- As N cles s oi c~c etY ciety has stated that it will not op- C re is$30 Yal js h aiaion.nt Society to be held April 7-9 in Chre _4____yI__S teoraizton the Pantlind Hotel, Grand Rapids. J3Supporters of cooperative medicine Two unded r mre amiles illclam tat ocieiessuc astheone Dean Emeit us Mortimer E. Cooley be provided with the serv ices of a planned for Ann Arbor benefit thewilatstotmteataunhn phyicin fr ayea ata cst f $0 ublic, the consumer and the doctor. Fiday noon. Dean Henry Anderson By insuring members an opportunitywilbtosateataanutF- per family when the An.,. Arbor Co-~ to see a physician regularly at no day night and speak at a meeting operative Health Association, now in extra cost, preventative medicine can Studyons. AsOl stanDewllasofl the process of formation, is estab- be practiced, chocking the spread of at the StdnlaC.Tte lnch eon.llasotl lisped, Mrs. Charles W. 6poonel' a, disease. Imember of the c'ommflittee which is - --- .--- --_-°-.- working on the project, said yester- j, I Whell ShouldI~ I day. D btm -.I --n 11 col the wi: }bas 1ILea ade' dog: for cha fee gap sale $2, fRepresentatives who will srcrve with a. like number of Senators on a joint ~see Valley Authiority are shown in conferen.ce in Washingto~ shortly after 1.Left to right: Rep. 1William JT. Driver of Arkansas; Rep. Thomas A. 'lverton of New Jersey; Rep. James M. Mead of New York; and Rep. Ewing- Japan's -War Is Stalemated ThIe Association is b~eing forned to .iteract some of the difficulties of; e present system "of medical care,' izich according to Dr. J. P. War- Lsse, president of the Cooperative ,ague of the United States, "fails iequately to provide patients withI gtors, or doctors with a living." 3 Fox, families of more than four, $3 reach additional dependent will be iarged; $15 will be the membership efor. individuals. The doctor en- Led for the group will receive a .ary of $4,000 a year in addition to ,000 or more for overhead ex- nses. Membership in the cooperative will title families to office consulta- )ns, periodic medical examinations ih the doctor, home visits, minor lrgery, vaccinations and common edicines. It is hoped that arrange- ents can be made for hospitalization d specialist care. The Cooperative Health Associa- )n will be a voluntary, non-profit, [vate organization run for the bene- of its consumers and open to reryone. The physician will be iosen by a medical advisory corn-1 Squads__Orgramze(I (Continued Ifromi Page 31 '38, vs. negative (Zeta Tau Alpha),, Betty Ann Cole, '40 and Ruth Koch, '39, Room 2029 Angell Hall; aflirma- tine (Alpha Delta Pi), Edna Kaudelin, '39 and Mildred Mae Arthur, '39, vs. negative (Kappa Delta),- Jane Sturt- ridge, '38 and Floren~ce Lighitfoot, '38, Room 2016 Angell Hall. Affirmative (Phi Sigma Sigma), Betty Steinhar t, '40 and Selma Chib-, nik, '40, vs. negative (second team for League House Independents), Clara Lee Keller, '41 and Helen Westie, '40, Room 20,13 Angell Hall. Winners will compete in the third round of debates May 5: semi-finals will come May 12. The final; chow- pionship debate will be held May 17 in the League Ballroom. Every group on campus is urged by ,Miss Lockwood to support its de- baters, for rooters, in the audience, she stated, are a vital asset to a team. prescribed by the Act. (2) Fostering and promoting a' Slow ]esVltyGo t ear laichow plant union. esnlt The Board found the company ! 'pnil ee HNHI pi . Tusa guiltyofbtcarebeieth Problem children are the result of 1-A')-Japan's war with China, nine order dealing with contracts, the Borddirected the concern to with- slow growth of the whole personality, months old today, has reached at Brddaw any, recognition of the plant and not of isolated physical or men-$ least a temporary stalemate with union'. tal handicaps in the opinion of Dr little indication of how or when it Either the Board, or the company, Willard C. Olson, director of research wThlesngurmwic wp may carry the decision to the Federal in child development at the Univer- through the northern cities of Peip- Circuit Court of Appeals--the BoardiganTetsnltsumrdov for an enforcement order, or the com-siyteChneouofSagiNv.9 pany for an order to set aside the Children who have made betterlthCinsouofSagiNv.9 Board's decision, than average adjustment to their en- I and cap~ture(] Nanking, Dec. 13, heas' .After the Circuit Court decides the Ivirornent, Dr. Olson pointed out, bcei ale fetorallowCheastLug case, either side mayr appeal to thec s eem to grow more rapidly than the A~ubr ryo 0,0 hns Suprpne Court. So far the Labor nlormal child in most of the charac- 'h! kette nadr ro eahn Boar ha wo 10cass ad lst oneteristics measured. Slow growth of the the Lunghai railroad, China's east- i4 the .S1;p~emne Courit. organism as a whole, he said, is char-! west lifeline through the heart of the J. L. Block, executive vice-presi- acteristic of children who have dif- arca which separates Japanese north- dent of Inland Steel, said today the ficulties in reading or in general be-1ern conquests from captured Nanzking. comnpany head not yet decided wheth-. havior. A child is better adjustedj Shanghai, and lower Yangtze River er' to .appeal. during a period of vigorous growth valley plains. Philip Murra$y, SWOC chairman, than during a time of slow develop- F Japan's latest effort to sever the said: the decision was "complete yin- men t, he added. ,unghai artery has centered around dicationi" of the union's position in Instead of measuring different? the ruined village of Taierchwang, 20 the strikte. 'children at different ages, the, prac-j miles north of the ILunghaai and nearI tice in the past, Dr. Olson, has been its eastern terminus, Haichow. re-examining the same children year1* The village has been the focus of' B ' r G ,a f ter year to measure their physical. , Japanese attacks for 1 8 days, since B ~sm es °'eS mental, social and emotional growth. tepeiu aaeeatmtt t r.Oso ' y eicei- the"previous-Japanese temt t DrObn'- _ nt ~t M'. n-r ac hcLungh a3.i was ttwrtvcd on Loan Inc rca se ns was 1repOrted at; the meet.- +the nothert t~an bank oftheYellow n myn~ , kbn ftz,..- _________ings of the Michigan Academy of Sci- I er at a point, about 300 miles to the ence, Arts and Letters held hrerze re-' wes;t. Recent Conference "for+es ''cenitly. Japanese, wh o earlk'r this week hand sxeso fCei Dr. Olson ex plained that wh('n1Ihze> reported occupation of the village, Ex tension_0_0 1 Chzild's mnental age as well a s his sa5 id today that isolated Chinese units (Conilned front Page 1) physical, social and emotional ages :;till were entrenched near the Taier- are compared with his chronological l chwang Railway Station and that a Laborites, Progressives, Liberals and age, a complete picture of the child's' new engagement was 14ider way to, C;'i ;c'vativp. to rsh o uourt hegeneral development is obtained. the northeast. !Railroads -Need pe Reorganization Sliarfiauaii Visions Public m Ownership Possible ant (Continued from P&age 1) tiol portation agencies. These newer fit agencies and services--by highway, eve water, air and pipeline-are perman- chc ent constituents of the prevailing - fsystem of transportation and their- expanding activities are bound to re-F strict the profitableness of railroad enterprise." Professor Sharfinan expressed doubt of the possible effectiveness of further resort to rate advances or wage reductions and pointed out that "reduction of the fixed charges en- tailed by bonded indebtedness," was the first step in reorganization. "AS far as immediate relief is con-f- cerned," he said, "there appears to r'e- main only further reliance 'upon the public credit. But a continuation of the loaning policies of the R.F.C. does not provide any basis for eventual amelioration of, railroad conditions."4 Professor Sharf man pointed out that. practical difficulties in reorgan-1 I)oJUU4) 1Y14J1y It is sen sible to borrow money when it" is either necessary or advantageous. Here are a few instances when borrowing is sound judgm-ent: TO BUY FOR CASH--With a loan fromn us----buy for cash- get better bargains-and still h-ave the convenience of de- ferred payments. TO CONSOLIDATE BILLS- Pay up all scattered bills with a loan from us-then have only one place to pay. TO MEET SUDDEN DEBT- Sickness, accidents, emergen- cies require money quickly. PERSONAL INVESTMENT-A needed vacation, special cours- es of study, professional equip- ment or instruments can be financed through us. ONLY REQUIREMEN'T for a loan here: your ability to repay small, regular amounts 'on the loan plan that's easiest for you to handle. No endorsers required. Privacy assured. Loans available to all unversity people .except stu- dents. PERSONAL LOANS Upto $30 Per sontal Finance Co. 376 Offices 104-Jh Year in Aran Arbor Ground Floor Wolverine Bldg. 202'-203 S. FOURTH AVE. Phone ,,4000 R.W. Horn, Mgr. SPRING VACATION MICHIGAN: Pennants, stationery, Seal ,jewelry, and. lcather goods. Piwne STUDENTS SUPPLY STORE 8688 1111. South University Avenue / i .i 4(ization with government participation are numerous "since special interests ln Taturaclly resort to everxy aviauble dte'- vice for thwarting its accomplish- rment. "A. national approach, embracing; kthe railroad industry as a whole, is essential," he concluded, "ai~d if such an approach cannot be encompassed, under private management, in the reasonably near future a transition ,to 'public ownership will become vir- tually unavoidable." { ! I } RTFC Lonan Bill. It was highly prac- ft ick lol polities also that produced a vote of 325 to 6 in the House to p re.:rve the existing CCC camps, Thlose tw'o bHouse votes are direct evidence that a substantial portion of Congress expects to be judged for j.4 tnomination, or reelection, on local i; ues; largely. Tfhey show also that rec,(iory from the recession, as dis- tinct from reform, is the big thing in the minds of legislators facing pri- m ary contests. Juast how the White House .hopes to crystallize public opinion for a new national demonstraion of popular support for the President's larger re- form purposes is not clear. Until it is, a consider Lble wing of House and F c nate Dvnmocrats are reserving the rih(o run their indlividuo l ('am-r 1) iguis on lines they think will be bes t suitetd to local electioneering. '11it Parade' (:wOnerl's To' Plague Fraternit ies Violent outbursts of popular music which for the next few weeks will be even more prevalent than usual around the local fraternity houses. will assault the ears of the defenseless 11steller through the courtesy of thc Lucky Strike Cigarette Co. perpetrators of the concerts, phon1- ographic reproductions of the Lucky Strike "Hit Parade," are G. E. Pos- ter, Jack Caltfet her, H. J. Dutt, and M.. N. Van Karmnian, representatives of Lucky Strike, who will make a1 circuit of all local fraternities playing the records ati each one, and, inci- dlentally, passin~g out free cigarettes. Swing Club TJo Present Benefit Concert Sunday A concert to benefit the Detroit G~xcoctwjll Industries, whose building was recently destroyed by fire, will be presented by the Detroit Swing Club, from 3 to 6 P-113 da, April 17i, in the Casino naf theroo-3dla fl' trl, §1o AA I f h ( ('flli WihoU. 10o pass te d1ul11l ,uw,,ets -H-Iundreds of [oluines haive beei added to' our counter of slightly shopworl ,books -. at i 406 1w I-, was woumpluu11 4 4U U w v. WAHR'S BOOKSTORE 316 South State Street I I I DO'TBE MISLED by the sudden return, of winter to Ann, A ,borfi-r cold or warm, Api18hi the last day on which you may order A CHILD at a studfy desk deserve~s good Iigting .his task should not be made more diffiui by the glare or shadow of faulty illumination, One of the ne study iamps 111fitted with a 150=watt bulb is ana ideai and inexpensiIve solution So the problem of lighting the desk or table at which he works. These lamps are moderately _priced, and the cost of operating A 150-watt bulb for almost two hours is Only a penny, The -5tudy lamp will find favor with other members of the family, too-its soft, pleas antJ ight is well-suited fo~r all ordinary seeing tasks, A diffuing bowl unde the shade assures a high. j u ilky of luvmination, eliminating, glare, and makes for YOM, 1I938 Nmic-Iit'taitiI.Stan for +R I 1 1