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April 07, 1938 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1938-04-07

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Role Of The Catholic Church In Spain
Discussed By Editor's Correspondents

Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of
Stude' Publications.
P',,. hed every morning except Monday during the
University -year and Summer Session
Member of the Associated Press -
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches crelted to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second ;class mail matter.
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
$4.00; by mail, $4.50.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1937-38
NationalAdvertisingService, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
Board of Editors
Business Department
It is important for society to avoid the
neglect of adults, but positively dangerous
for it to thwart the ambition of youth to
reform the world. Only the schools which
act on this belief are educational institu-
tions in the best meaning of the term.
- Alexander G. Ruthven
The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of the Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
;. only. -
An Important
Decision. .
THE PROPOSED city sanitation ordi-
nance, having passed its first two
readings in its original form, comes up tonight
for a final vote before the Ann Arbor common
It is "an ordinance providing for the classifi-
cation of eating places within the city of Ann
Arbor, requiring the inspection and licensing of
the same, establishing sanitary regulations ap-
plicable to the equipment contained therein and
providing a penalty for violation thereof."
Legislation of this sort, designed to eliminate
unsanitary conditions in some of our restau-
rants has long been advocated by student and
faculty groups and endorsed and urged by health
However the City .Council has never seen fit
to give the health officials the authority to im-
pose adequate health specifications and a, strong
arm to enforce these requirements.
The proposed ordinance provides for a five
dollar licensing fee to cover the costs of inspec-
tion. We have heard rumblings of opposition
on this count and fear that the spirit of the entire
measure may be lost by reason of this opposi-
We believe that the licensing fee in this in-
stance will be justifiable as long as it is closely
correlated to the "cost of inspecting such estab-
The proposed ordinance also provides for: a
grading system to be set up at the discretion of
the health authorities, and grade cards to be
displayed in "a conspicuous place"; a monthly
written report of conditions in each restaurant;
revocation of licenses for repeated violations;
health examinations at the order of health au-
thorities of restaurant employees who are sus-
pected of having communicable diseases; and
sanitary lavatories for each sex and penalties of
$100 and 90 days imprisonment for violations.
At the time of the final drafting of the ordi-
nance a member of the Ordinance Committee

expressed a fear of anticipated opposition from
restaurant owners, and this was said to be the
factor which had impeded previous attempts
at strong sanitation legislation.
According to a survey made by the Daily this
opposition will not materialize. Of 11 owners
contacted. representing 16 restaurants and eating
places only one did not voice an unqualified
approval. This person objected to the licensing
From this we see that there should be no op-
position from restaurant owners and surely no
opposition from student consumers. The ordin-
ance has been endorsed by Dr. Nathan Sinai,
of the public health department, and many other
health authorities, who feel that the ordinance
is long "overdue" in Ann Arbor.
We believe that there is an undeniable need for
adequate system of inspection and classification
of eating places. The proposed ordinance has
been enthusiastically urged by health authorities,
restaurant owners and consumers. Its enact-
ment should result in improved sanitary candi-
tions in city eating places.

Not An Authority
To the Editor:
I know little about the doctrines of Cathol-
icism and cannot therefore speak with authority.
Anyhow, the degree to which the Catholic
church does or does not employ carefully selected
bits of scripture in its ritual, whether it be an
artificial or natural ritual, does not seem to me
to be a matter for public letter columns, al-
though I confess I am amused by the thought
that we are advised to examine the Missal to
find what use the Church has for the Bible.
I am probably still less qualified to treat of
the matter of the temporal possessions of the
Spanish Church. I wish members of the his-
tory faculty or other qualified persons would
give us facts on this matter. I readily admit
Kaltenborn is inclined to sensationalize, but
then no one has given us the true figures if his
are wrong.
But I do think the attention of American
Catholics ought to be directed to recent utter-
ances of the Vatican resulting from Cardinal
Innitzer's endorsement of the Austrian plebis-
cite. In effect, the statement was made that
church heads ought not to meddle in politics.
Also, are all Catholics aware that the Osserva-
tore Roimana (the generally accepted mouthpiece
of the Vatican) has said, "The situation in
Spain from the point of view of the recent re-
volt must be viewed as follows: Since it is the
legitimate government, the Spanish government
is not only completely right but is has simply
done its duty. The nation has the right to be
protected by its government. If it had failed
in its duty to punish the rebels most severely,
the government would have assumed the respon-
sibility for continuing the shedding of blood.
Here then is the true and just doctrine which
is in harmony with the traditions of the Cath-
olic Church in its relations with lay govern-
ments. The duty of the legitimate government
to suppress all revolts is beyond doubt and all
Catholics obedient to their church must uphold
the government in its struggle against every
and any rebellion."
If this sounds unexpected coming from a
high Vatican source, these facts may be regarded
as enlightening: It was printed on August 27,
1934. The revolt discussed had been that of the
Asturian miners, put down with terrible ruth-
lessness by the Spanish Foreign Legion.
Although I do not feel I deserve it, I know
that I have hereby exposed myself to being
ignominiously branded an anti-Catholic.
History Repeats Itself
To the Editor:
Of all the maxims f know, probably none is
so true as, "History repeats itself." I believe
this to be true more of the Catholic Church
than any other existing institution. For re-
peatedly, from Judas on, the Church has been
attacked by bold lies or half-truths of those
who claim membership therein.
My first interest in the Spanish war came last
fall when The Daily printed a letter signed by
some 20 Spanish Catholic clergymen headed by
a bishop. In brief, the letter denounced Franco
for atrocities committed against the Church.
In printing this letter The Daily thought it was
presenting the sentiments of the Church as a
whole. The bishop who drew up this letter was
under ban from Rome, while his fellow cohorts
were in the disfavor of the Church. This let-
ter was supposed to be representative of the
opinion of the Spanish clergy, when really only
some 20 of the 1,000 clerics in the district
signed the letter.
The current discussion on the Church and
Spain revived my dormant interest in the war.
Again the Church has been misrepresented by
one who claims Catholic affiliation. C.T.P. has
vainly tried to draw up an elaborate case against
the Church, claiming to have the Catholic view-
point. The Church can only demonstrate the
correct mode of living; to enforce it would be
to destroy man's free will. Hence, she has no
absolute control over the spinelessness of her
members and thus arise the scandals of Judas
Iscariot, Alexander Borgia, "Peter Wiffen;" and
the Basque clergy.
C.T.P. has used Peter Wiffen's article to ex-
pose the wealth of the Church. Again we have
the half-truth. C.T.P. does not mention the
fact that shortly after he wrote "A Priest Warns

the Church," Peter Wiffen wrote another arti-
cle, "Peter Wiffen Retracts," in which he did
retract all he had previously said. I am not
quite so well versed in my liturgy as is Professor
McLaughlin, and few could add to what he
has said. I wish to deal with the Spanish war.
In his pamphlet, "Spain and the Christian
Front" (Paulist Press, N.Y.), Arnold Lunn, who
has spent some months in Spain getting the
facts, writes, "Spain provides a perfect illustra-
tion of the new tactics of Moscow. 'We must
build up Communism,' declared Lenin, 'with
non-Communist hands.' Communists must pose
as the friends of peace and democracy while
preparing for civil war and dictatorship." Cab-
allero, recently premier of Spain will try to fol-
low the example of your great country" Mr.
Lunn also points out that in October, 1934,
Caballero said, "Lenin declared Spain would
be the second Soviet Republic in Europe, and
Lenin's prophecy will come Jtrue. I shall be
the second Lenin." Mr. Lunn also writes, "Fran-
co's army is a democratic army for two reasons.
First, because every class is represented in that
army from Dukes to Dustmen. Secondly, be-
cause it enjoys the overwhelming support of the
Spanish people . . . I verified for myself the
fact that Franco had no need to guard his lines
of communication seeing that they were pro-
tected by the population. And if you doubt the
accuracy of my impressions, ask any military
nvrrtwhthr t.A xir h- cfiIP ,nr Prnn

in loyalist Spain than anywhere else in the world,
including even Mexico and Russia. All Roman
Catholic Churches have been closed down as
places of worship, and nearly all have been
completely destroyed . . Nor have the Protestant
churches escaped . . . in Loyalist Spain there is
nothing left to persecute."
I have before me now a letter signed by twenty
prominent British Protestants in which they
co-operate with the Catholic Church to combat
the current Red menace to Christianity .."to
deal with certain fallacies which are diverting
the natural sympathy of our countrymen from
the victims of the present anti-Christian cam-
paign in Spain . . . and to give practical expres-
sion of our sympathy with those victims." They
write, "The Nationalists have produced sub-
stantial evidence to show that General Franco
had absolute justification for believing that the
Reds in the Government had planned a dictator-
ship of the Lenin-Trotsky type; and that his
rising was just in time to avert the catastrophe."
This letter also points out that these Protestants
have received ample assurance from Franco
that he will guarantee full religious freedom to
Why does the Church fight Communism? The
Communist Youth headquarters at Nowosbirsk,
Soviet Russia, have published the following "Ten
Commandments" for its members:
1. Never forget that the clergy is the declared
enemy of the state and of Communism.
2. Try to convert your friends to Communism.
Do not forget that Stalin is the leader of the
anti-gods throughout the world.
3. Try to persuade, but do not force your
friends, to stop going to church.
4. Watch out for spies; denounce sabotage.
5. Spread atheistic literature among the peo-
6. Every good Komsomol is also a militant
atheist. He must know how to shoot and be
expert in military discipline.
7. Work eagerly to prevent any religious ele-
ment you may notice from influencing your
8. Every atheist must be a good Tchekist.
Watching the security of the state is the duty of
every anti-god.
9. Support the atheistic movement by finan-
cial gifts that will aid in spreading of propa-
ganda abroad.
10. If you are not a convinced atheist you
will not be a good Communist. Atheism is per-
manently linked with Communism and the two
ideals are the basis of the Soviet power in Com-
munist Russia,
-B. M. Huttlinger.
Chiurch And State
To the Editor:
It would appear that most of your correspon-
dents who have discussed the Catholic Church
and the War in Spain miss the significance of the
whole conflict. That significance lies in the fact
that when the church interferes with the state
then the state will interfere with the church.
When the church resists the will of the state
in arms then the state will resist the.church in
arms, and rightly so. For the church militant
there will be the state militant and the true
aims of religion which the church professes to
defend will be lost in the politics of clericalism.
America so far has seen little of the bitterness
of anti-clericalism as it swept France in the late
nineteenth century, but should the church con-
tinue its present policies, then anti-clericalism
will appear, and it should so appear.
A Side Reemark
To the Editor:
In reference to the current interesting con-
troversy in your pages concerning the Pro-
Franco sympathies of the Catholic Church in
Spain it is interesting to note that the "purest"
and "Most Christian of all Religions" has been
defended from the first by Moors (who twice
daily face Mecca in worship), by Germans (whose
government is at odds with the Catholic church
and is currently sympathetic toward a drive for
paganism) and Italians (whose hands are still
red with blood from the conquest of one of the
oldest Christian nations).

It Seems To Me
Coming back from the city of sleep,
one passes through a little death of
dreams before reaching reality. And
this time the dust of the dream was
heavy uwon me. I could not shake
it off.
In the fantasy I was to speak at a
meeting in Madison Square Garden.
The chairman began his introduction
in complimentary fashion, but then
he proceeded to take me apart. He
spoke of sloth and failure and frivol-
ity. It was as searching a survey as
if I had done it myself. Which, of
course, I did.
Whole phrases from the dream
came along with me. The old man
who lives on the further side of con-
sciousrness said, "Broun once spok
and wrote with fire and fervor about
Sacco and Vanzetti. Sacco and Van-
zetti are dead. Why has he no wor
for one who fights from a tomb fo
the right to live?"
All this is literally true, and I sat.
shaken, on the edge of the bed fo.
several minutes. "Hello," I though'
to myself, "has someone nudged me
as I traveled along the road to Da-
But presently it was easy enougl_
to put aside the miraculous and su-
pernatural. I remembered that fo
almost a week I had been carrying i
my pocket a letter from Tom Mooney
Assignment From Within
The letter from San Quentin said
"The case represents things biggei
than any one individual, and cer
tainly the case has greater and mor
far-reaching, significance than m
own welfare as one man." It wa:
signed "Tom Mooney-31921."
No. 31921 was right.
But it is also true that Mooney
remains an individual as well as a
symbol. They have pinned a num-
ber upon him, but he is still a man.
I choose to discuss things which
may not be relevant. There is a
school of thought which seeks tc
justify a great injustice by the us
of the angler's apology. Spokesmer
for this side admit that the prisone
is not guilty, but they add that he has
been in jail so long that, he really
doesn't mind it. So why worry about
the whole affair?
He has now served twenty-twc
years, and it has been said, with what
seems to me a perverted pride, that
the old man is no longer set at hard
labor. And again, an effort has been
made to celebrate the generosity o'
American ustice by asserting that
special privileges are accorded to him
in the prison. Sometimes he is al-
lowed to leave his cell and walk the
entire length of the corridor.
It may even be that his feet have
worn a pathway in the stone. And
so, if I understand this theory, while
justice has not been done it has beer
approximated and everything is fine
and dandy.
The only trouble with this doctrine
lies in the fact that it simply is not
true. Mooney has flung himseli
against the bars for twenty-two years.
All sorts and conditions of men hav
fought for his freedom. A conserva-
tive a gentleman as George Wicker-
sham drew up an eloquent plea in
his defense. Radicals, liberals, pro-
gressives and phonies have had thei
say. But the leadership of the fight
for Mooney always has been in the
hands of Tom Mooney. They have
not caged his spirit.
*, *' *
In There Fighting
No man is more passionate foi
freedom. Here is a general who ha
kept at the head of his forces al-
though locked in a cell. To the au-
thorities of San Quentin he may be

31921, but no American is bettei
known to the workers of the world
And they know him as Tom Mooney
People who think he should have
accepted the boon of parole do not
understand the quality of this man
When he comes out of jail it will
not be on his hands and knees. HE
has kept his head up. Twenty-twc
years have gone under the bridge,
and there is no power on earth which
can give them back. And so if any
shred of justice is to be done the
time is here and now. And if Tom
turns at the gate to cry out, "Damn
your eyes!" what living man has E
greater right to say it?
comedy by Cole Porter. It is "You
Never Know," and has been on the
road since February, with intentions
of bringing it toaNew York next fall
It has for its stars Clifton Webb, the
dancer; Lupe (Hot-Cha) Velez; Libby
(Moanin' Low) Holman; and Rex
O'Malley and Toby Wing.
When that closes at the Cass.
Guthrie CcClintic will show Detroit
Maxwell Anderson's latest comedy.
"The Star Wagon." Burgess Meredith
and Lillian Gish head the cast, with
most of the Broadway players still
in it, including Russ Collins, who took
the title role in last season's "Johnny
"Three Waltzes" will be the atttac-
tion that follows at the Cass. Still
playing at Radio Center Theatre in
N.Y., it co-stars Kitty Carlisle and
Michael Bartlett. The story: that

(Continued from Page 2)
Draftsman, (For duration of Sew-
age Disposal Project), $2460 per
year; Detroit Civil Service Examina-
(The two stenographic positions
must be applied for by April 8, 1938).
For further information, please cal
at the office, 201 Mason Hal, during
office hours, 9-12 a.m. an(? 2-4 p.m.
University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational In-
Engineering Industrial Coordina-
ion, Summer Inspection Trip. There
ias been some unofficial discussion
among faculty members of a faculty
upervised summer inspection trip for
ngineering students. The time is
hort for making arrangements, but
f it were known how many students
vould be interested a saving of time
night be effected in case the faculty
hould decide to sanction the idea.
Itinerary subject to change would
Akron, Ohio-Rubber.
Dayton, Ohio-Flood Control.
Knoxville, Tenn.-T.V.A.
Birmingham, ;Ala.-Iron Mines,
,oal Mines, Steel Mills, Rayon Fac-
Wilmington, Del.-Du Pont's.
Brooklyn, N.Y.-Navy Yard.
Holyoke, Mass.-Testing. Flume.
Pittsburgh, Pa.-
Painted Post, N.Y.-Ingersoll
Niagara Falls, N.Y.-
Thirty students would be required,
3dging would be at tourist camps.
Time, 30 days.
Probable cost-$180.00.
Interested students notify Profes-
or F. N. Menefee, 104 W. Eng. Bldg.
The Bureau has received notice of!
he following United States Civil
;ervice Examinations:
Junior Agronomist; O p t i o n a 1
3ranches: 1. General Agronomy. 2.
Junior Entomologist; Optional
vranches: 1. Forest Insects. 2. Fruit
Junior Animal Fiber Technologist:
Junior In Animal Nutrition; Op-
ional Branches: 1. Farm Animals.
. Poultry.
Junior Entomological Inspector.
Junior Plant Pathological Inspec-
Junior Poultry Physiologist.
Junior Soil Surveyor.
Junior Biologist (Wildlife Re-
Salaries for the above positions are
'2,000 a year; Department of Agri-
ulture. An A.B. degree, with at
hast 20 semester hours in the field
n which applicant is applying, is re-
uired. Senior Students graduating
wrior to June 30, 1938, may make
.pplication if otlerwise qualified.
For further information, please call
At the office, 201 Mason Hall, during
>ffice hours, 9-12 and 2-4.
University Bureau of Apponit-
ments and Occupational In-
Pending the installation of a new
ift, there will be no passenger ele-
'ator service in the General Library
or the next few weeks.
Hopwood Contestants should read
-arefully the statement in regard to
ligibility on page 7 of the Hopwood
Bulletin. R. W. Cowden, Director
-f the Hopwood Awards.
Michigan Wolverine: The Michigan
Wolverine Student Cooperative, Inc.,
vill continue to serve meals through
he Spring Vacation period. The
cring hours will be as follows: 12 to
'2:30 and 6 to 6:30. No breakfast
vill be served from Monday, April 11,
o Sunday, April 17, inclusive. Spe-
'sal arrangements are being made so
that the Wolverine's facilities will be
zvailable to all University students
luring this period.

Academic Notices
History 12, Lecture II. Midsemester
examination, 10 a.m., Thursday,
April 7. Mr. Slosson's and Mr.
Ewing's sections will meet in 103 Ro-
nance Languages; all other sections
'n Lecture Group II will meet in
Natural Science Auditorium.
Junior Honors: The Class will meet
from 3 to 5 Thursday. Bennett Weav-
Exhibition, College of Architecture:
Examples of engraving, typography,
printing in black-and-white and
color, details in the manufacturing
of a book, ant details in the design
and make-up of a magazine. Shown
through the courtesy of The Lakeside
Press, R. R. Donnelley & Sons Con-
pany. Chicago. Ground floor cases,
Architectural Building. Open daily
9 to 5, through April 7. The public
is cordially invited.
Exhibition, Alumni Memorial Hall:
Examples of the work of the six can-
didates for the Jane Higbee Award
fn Sonhmmaren hdd ,,.n ra ncr a.-

Christine Nagle
Jean Smith
The public is cordially invited.
Chemistr-i Lecture: Profesor Victor
K. La Mer, of Columbia University,
will present a lecture on "Kinetic and
Equilibrium Studies in Heavy Wa-
ter," under the auspices of the U. of
M. Section of the American Chemical
Society, on Thursday, April 7, at 4:15
p.m., in Room 303 Chemistry Build-
Lecture: Current events lecture by
Professor Preston W. Slosson in the
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre Thurs-
day afternoon at 4:15 p.m. Sponsored
by the A.A.U.W. Tickets are available
at the box office.
Events Today
University Broadcast, 2:30-2:45
p.m. Detroiters at the University of
Michigan. News about -Detroit stu-
dents now attending the University
of Michigan.
3-3:30 p.m., Amateur Theatre
Series. Topic: Dramatics in the
High School. Charles J. McGaw,
Teaching Fellow in Speech and Dra-
matics in the University High School.
4:15-4:30 p.m. University of Mich-
igan Mens' Glee Club directed by
Professor David E. Mattern (over the
Columbia Broadcasting System).
7:15-7:30 p.m. University of Mich-
igan Little Symphony Orchestra.
Thor Johnson, Conductor.
Students of the College of Litera-
ture, Science, and the Arts: A meet-
ing will be held on Thursday, April
7, at 4:15 p.m. in Room 2045 Natural
Science Building for students of the
College of Literature, Science and
the Arts and others interested in fu-
ture work in the profession of fores-
try. There will be an informal dis-
cussion with Dean S. T. Dana of the
School of Forestry.
The Observatory Journal Club will
meet at 4:15 Thursday afternoon,
April 7, in the Observatory lecture
room. Mr. Harry M. Bendler will re-
view"On the Theory of the Chromo-
sphere and the Corona" by Rosseland.
Tea will be served at 4:00.
A.S.M.E. Members: All those inter-
ested in going to the Spring Con-
ference to be held at Marquette
University, Milwaukee, Wis., April 18
and 19 'please sign the list on the
A.S.M.E. bulletin board outside the
Mechanical Laboratory. There will
be a meeting to arrange the details
of this trip Thursday, April 7, at 5
p.m. in the M.E. Computing Room,
Room 244.
Fagulty Women's Club: The Art
Study group will meet at the home
of Mrs. Louis Bredvold, 2034 Norway
Road, on Thursday, April 7, at 2 p.m.
Society of Automotive Engineers:
There will be a short meeting of the
S.A.E. Thursday evening, April 7 at
7:30 p.m. at the Union. We have
been fortunate enough to secure
sound movies from the General Mo-
tors Corporation entitled "Diesel's
Working On the Railroad" and
"Where Mileage Begins." Everyone is
invited to attend, and. freshmen and
sophomores are particularly urged to
be present.
Book Group of the Michigan Dames
will meet Thursday night, April 7, at
8 p.m. at the Michigan League.
Zoology Seminar: The meeting an-
nounced for today has been post-
Scimitar: There will be a meeting of
Scimitar Thursday evening, April 7,
at 7:30 in the Zeta Psi fraternity
house, 512 South State. Initiation of
new members will be held at that
time. Please note the change in

meeting place.
Crop and Saddle Ride Thursday.
Meet at five at Barbour Gym. Call
7418' before Wednesday night if pos-
sible if you are going.
Comning Events
Faculty Women's Club. The An-
nual Luncheon will be held Wednes-
day, April 20 at one o'clock in the
Michigan League Ballroom. Reserva-
tions should be made with Mrs. Clark
at the League not later than 10 a.m.,
Tuesday, April 19.
Michigan Dames: There will be no
April bridge group meeting. The
May meeting will be at the home of
Mrs. Roy Cowden.
Bowling: The bowling alleys -at the
Women's Athletic Building will close
on Friday, April 8 at 6 p.m. and re-
open on Monday, April 18 at 4 p.m.
Reservations for groups who wish
to bowl during the vacation may be
made by calling Barbour Gymnasium,
extension 2132.
"Travels Through Europe," an il-
lustrated lecture including motion
pictures will be presented by Alex-
ander Plutynski, '24E, of his travels
during the, summer of 1937. It will
rlnr nns flf ;-A-4--1 . .

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
Vniversity. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the Presdent
until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.


The Detroit Season
The Easter theatrical basket holds three shows
for the Detroit holiday-goers. Following "Bro-
ther Rat" this week at the Cass Theatre comes
pere and fils Davis' dramatization of Edith
Wharton's "Ethan Frome." This is a revival of
the Broadway hit, and stars Walter Hampden
in the title role. Hampden was last seen in
Detroit in "Cyrano de Bergerac."
For a ten day run, which began last Tuesday
evening, the Detroit Federal Theatre is present-
ing "Pursuit of Happiness." This is the play writ-
ten by the Langners, Laurence and Armina, and
that saw a happy Broadway run with Tonio Sel-
wart in the leading role. The Hollywood ver-
sion of the "bundling" comedy gave Francis Led-
erer his start in -the films. Now, it is playing
at the Cinema Theatre along with the foreign
film, "Monastery."
On Monday night, April 11, Maurice Schwartz
and his Yiddish Art Theatre Company return
to the Wilson Theatre with I. J. Singer's by now
famous "Brothers Ashkenazi."

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