T:EMICHIGAN DAILY Rise In Ann Arbor Land Value University Men I -i'i W TO _ I Student Senate 38 Sand Joseph Mattes, '; purposes of these committees may combine or 38 Spring Parley education-Leonard Rosenman. 39, split up after investigation of the a' Ta- iT : r>c , , s, subject matter. been W' t lie Would Use Natural Beauty Along Huron River For Ne Local Dcvelop it EJDITOR'S NOTE: This is the third in a series of articles analyzing the features of city planning in Ann Arbor. 'These articles will present the views of authorities on the University faculty. By BEN MARINO ' Land values in cities with well de-. veloped park systems are incerased about $200 per lot, Prof. Harlow O. Whittemore of the landscape design department said yesterday, and :n rural districts they are raised at least the same amount per acre. A system of municipal sparks could be developed in Ann Ar'jor at little cost and effort, he added, if the natural surroundings adjacent to the Huron River and present park citiesS were assimilated into the present park .layout. This, he said, would entail a planned program of expansion and development in which river frontage, scenic drives and recreational facili- ties like indoor and outdoor swim- W hen Should I Borrow Money . It is sensible to borrow money when it is either necessary or advantageous. Here are a few istances when borrowing is i'ound judgment: TO BUY FOR CASH-With a lan from us-buy for cash- fet better bargains-and still 'ave the convenience of de- F-rred payments. TO CONSOLIDATE BILLS- 1ay up all scattered bills with a loan from us-then have only one place to pay. TO MEET IJDDEN DEBT- Sickness, accidents, emergen- cdes require money quickly. PERSONAL INVESTMENT-A needed vacation, special cours- es of study, professional equip- ment or instruments can be :inanced through us. ONLY REQUIREMENT for a loan here: your ability to repay small, regular amounts on the loan plan that's easiest for you to handle. No endorsers required. Privacy assured. Loans available to all wu.versity people except stu- dents. PE RSONAL LOANS Up to $300 Personal Finance Co. 376 Offices 10th Year in Ann Arbor Ground Floor Wolverine Bldg. 201-203 S. FOURTH AVE. Phone 4000 R.W. Horn, Mgr. tter Park yste ming pools would receive particular Iattention. Longshore Park, north of the city and extending along the Huron River could be connected with Riverside. further south, by obtaining the in- termediate strip either by purchase, lease, or outright gift. Then Swift Street would connect Longshore Park to Glen Drive and a scenic parkway would be completed reaching from1 Whitmore Lake Road through to Island Park in the middle of Cedar' ' Bend. Also, he said, the tract of flat land lying across the river from Long- shore Park should be sought and de- veloped as part of that park. The land south of the Botanical Garden and Stadium Boulevard could advantageuosly be turned into a park, he claimed, as it is too low to be suitable for building purposes. In he center of this tract a combina- tion indoor and outdoor swimming pool could be erected, he said, modern housing innovations which would per- mit a shelter house structure for out- door bathing and removable glass siding which could be raised each ? winter for indoor swimming are fea- sible. The last site needed to complete the circle of parks around Ann Arbor is the expanse of land lying south of the Forestry School's experiment forest, White Woods. There is no reason why, with cer- tain simple adjustments and en- gineering projects, the Huron River could not be made to form a lake at. least six miles long above Ann Arbor- which would permit a boating course. Michigan, he said, surpassed in wa- ter frontage by only Florida, does not own facilities for pleasure boat- ing. the expenses to be entailed, though appearing large, Professor Whitte- more assured, would be defrayed by the increase in land values and the taxes therefrom. This is proved, he said, by experiment of this nature successfully completed -in Kansas. Ann Arbor Alumni To Hold Banquet The annual banquet of the Univer- sity of Michigan Club of Ann Arbor will be held at 6:30 p.m. tomorrow in the Union ballroom it was an- nounced yesterday. George Meader, president of the club will be toast- master. Entertainment will be offered by the 32 piece. University concert band and the University male quartet. Guests. for the banquet will include fourteen coaches of the Varsity teams and six boys holding Alumni Under- graduate Scholarships o recommen- dation of the club. 'Fo Visit Annual SchoolMeeting Association Of Colleges' And Schools Will Open Conference in Chicago Several members of the University faculty will attend the 43rd annual meeting of the North Central Asso- ciation of Colleges and Secondary Schools which will be held at the Stevens Hotel in Chicago from today to Saturday. Also held in connec' tion with this are meetings of the Midwest and of the North Central Conferences of Physical Education, Dean Edward H. Kraus of the lit- erary college will discuss a report of the Association relating to sub- ject-matter preparation of secondary school teachers. Dean James B. Ed- monson of the School of Education will lead a discussion on conferences of high school principles with the Secondary-School Commission of the Association. Dean Edmonson is in charge of the publication of the Northwest Quar- terly, the official bulletin of the As- sociation, during the absence of Prof. Calvin O. Davis, also of the School of Education, who is on leave. Prof. George E. Carrothers, direc- tor of the Bureau of Cooperation with Educational Institutions, will discuss a national report relating to possible changes in the standards for future. accrediting of high schools. Dr. Harlan C. Koch, assistant di- rector of the Bureau and State Chair- man of the Association, Freda Kue-I biler, assistant to Dr. Koch, Prof. Ed- gar G. Johnston, principal of Uni- versity High School, and Registrarj Ira Smith will also attend the meet. Early Puerto Rico Is Topic At Meeting of Spanish Society Herman Ortez of Ann Arbor will give a talk on "Puerto Rico" at the meeting of the Sociedad Hispanica to be -held at 7:30 p.m. today at the Michigan League. A program will follow Mr. Ortez's lecture, consisting of poems by Vir- ginia Barrows, , '40, Evelyn Butler, Grad., Irene Gillespie, '38, Stanley Frye, '41, and Carmen McKell, '39. Mr. Ortez, a retired businessman from Puerto Rico, will present an account of Puerto Rico before 1898 in his talk, giving different aspects of the culture existing there then. B & OTREASURER NAMED WASHINGTON, April 5.-(VP)-The Interstate Commerce Commission au- thorized John J. Jenkins of Baltimore, today'to be treasurer of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. C oose s t s . oI l and Eimer Frankel- 38; :methods of_- . S ee ~----education-- - .Erlew ine and Weeps. ( The Parley oiriginally was intrm- S ees Co -0 p dit n ek. duced on the campus for a discussion (Continued rrom Page u Cultural life, social restrictions and of religion. In recent years it has oc- Room Solution - extra-curricular activities -Alberta cupied itself with a wide variety of a Wood,38 and Marion Baxter, '38;current problems in University edu- (Continued from Pagc 1t mond, '40, Robert Weeks, '38, and expression of student opinion-Doris cation, international relations, poli- Ralph Erlewine, '39; security for the Daitz, '38 and Miriam Newman, '39. tics, economics, art, the family and subsidization or state aid. He point- student-Bernard Weissman, '39L Miss Bradfield, '38, pointed out that ireligion at the same time. ed out, that a reservoir of cheaper; ________________________________ rooms are available on the west side of Ann Arbor and advocated that students seek accommodations in that direction. The University would be unable to build dormitories for men in Ann Arbor at less than $2,000 per man, ac- cording to Dean Bursley, the Senate Committee on Student Housing told the hearing. These figures were re- iterated by Mrs. Stanley, director of women's dormitories on campus who put the cost of Mosher-Jordan with equipment at about $2,200 per oc- -so look your best when you step cupant.tnih lneu The results of a survey conducted out tomght. Our line-up of Country among more than 50 colleges Club Sports by Walk-Over includes throughout the country indicate that the average cost of dormitories among every top flight fashion from Holly- those institutions was between $1,200 wood and Eastern style spots. cR017-"' and $1,500. Replying to a direct question as DON: White with tan. Or all white. to whether the Dean of Students of-'0 * -:; fice is responsible for the student's or the rooming house proprietor's in- s terests, Dean Lloyd declared that the office had a dual job. "We must pro-o tect the students but we must also Q see that the landladies are not being exploited. After all we are dependent"a8 * upon them to supply rooms," she"* said. Melvyn Douglas, "We will not get anywhere to- s of "There's wards achieving a remedy in . the A -iman housing problem by selecting anyone, a Pictan particulary the landlady, as a scape- iit Picture. goat," declared Dr. John F. Shepard ' of' the psychology department. : BRTON'S "It is financial suicide for private .B- capital to attempt to compete with the University in building dormitor- ies," George H. Lindley, president of W A L * v R r the Ann Arbor Reality Board declared saying that this explains in his opin- -be n s l115 SOUTH MAIN ion the absence of any considerable building flurry in the past few years. ________________________________________________ , , o FREEZING - COLD STORAGE R 1r's NOT TOO EARLY to begin thinking about the damage moths and heat will do to your precious furs. In Marchande's cold storage vaults they'll be far from summer heat, as nature intended. Moths cannot live or work in such frigid temperature. Remember, at Marchande's your furs are safe from fire and theft and are insured from the time we receive them until they are delivered in the fall. FUR COATS CLEANED INSURANCE GLAZED $ -%FREEZING -I IMPROVED Sawdust METHOD 9,V COLD STORAGE PAYABLE NEXT FALL_ __ PHONE 7040 - Our Bonded Messenger will call at your home. I REPAIRING AND REMODELING I