FRIDAY, FEB. 18, 1938 THE MICHIGAN D A TII.v THramshIlsti orts TT hnportant cV I.ntamral Anll-dli t trseh lasti Sports important Adt .'tlai J L t1aLAR ';. :ivitie Wide Program In A lmost A Iitramural Facilities Are Among First And Most 'Complete i Country The University of Michigan offers and of the most diversified programs to be found at any major institution. T' ack, baseball, golf, tennis, football, swimming, basketball, hockey, wres- t 'ng-the list of varsity sports is a lng one, but not as long as an enu- m ,ration of intramural sports avail- able for the ordinary student. Any eligible student may try out for sports. Freshmen on probation may t receive numerals for participation, however. Those interested in track sould contact Ken Doherty; base- ,al1, Rayfisher or Benny Oosterbaan; golf, R. 0. Courtright; tennis, John Johnstone; swimming, Matt Mann; i:sketball, Franklin Cappon; wres- thing, Clifford Keene; hockey, J. E.t Lowrey; football, Herbert O. Crisler. The Intramural Building is provid- c?. for the student not interested in major sports. Open each week day from 8 a.m. until 6 p.m., the building aso contains a swimming pool which is open each afternoon from 3 p.m. m til 5:30 p.m. In addition, the pool is open Monday, Wednesday and Fri- day evenings from 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.M. A program of 34 intramural sports is open to all men students. Free in- struction is available in archery, bad- nrinton, boxing, codeball, fencing,< golf, gymnastics, handball, paddleball, riding, rifle shooting, squash, swim- flung, tennis, wrestling, weight liftingt and table tennis. Coaching for Sigma' Delta Psi is also provided. Informa- tibn as to time of instruction Student managers are appointed to t lke care of athletic equipment in major sports. In many other ways,1 tl-.ey are of use to players and coaches. Present managers are football, Fred Colombo; basketball, Robert Bradley; baseball, .Dean Glidden; track, Wil- liam Burke; hockey, Ambrose Palin- ski; Wrestling, ied Kilmer; tennis, Norman Soodik and golf, Charles Seidenstein. Theta Kappa Psi . is Theta Kappa Psi, medical fra-c ternity, has elected the following of:icers: president, Willis Hasty,c '39M; vice-president, Jack Hodgson, & '4'M; recorder, Francis Bird, '41M; i bursar, John Kitzmiller, '40M; rush- s in> chairman, Orville Chickering,g '3"M; historian, Fred Breasted, '40M. o Is Offered Here One 's Council iganUnion IOneof the most important of The Michigan Union has long been fer University extra-curricular groups is an institution on the Michigan cam- -/ the Men's Council. All cases of gen- pus. --- --eral discipline referred to the Coun- Its main purpose is to serve the Gci] by schools or colleges are investi- University and students in every pos- Glee lub lgated by its Judiciary Committee and sible way. The work consists of spon- The University of Michigan Men's findings are reported. In addition, soring dances, daily coffee hours, for- Glee Club, one of the oldest organi- the Council suprevises and admin- ums, student-faculty receptions, ex- zations on the campus, has had a istrates class elections, pep-rallys, hibits, and many other campus activi- varied yet colorful history during the class games and functions of this ties. years of its existance. sort. Any eligible second- semester fresh- The club has as its primary pur- The Council is composed. of the man, sophomore, or junior may try pose to provide an opportunity for president of the Interfraternity out for one of the positions on the men on the campus to get together Council, the president of the Union, Student Executive Council. There are and sing for the joy of singing. Mem- recording secretary of the Union, two senior positions: president and bers thus become acquainted with presidenL of the Student Religious recording secretary. some of the works of great masters as Association, managing editor of the The meeting place is the Student well as with some of the lighter num- Daily, president of the EngineeringOices of the Union. Most of the bers of the day, not to mention a large Council, the presidents and ex- work is done between 3 and 5:30. For group of good old college songs. presidents of Sphinx and Triangles further information call 4151, John The organization has another pur- and eight elective members. Three Thorm, president, or Frederick Geib, pose besides that of learning to sing. of the elective members are from secretary. It is a social organization where the the literary college, and one from ~~-- ~- members learn to know one another the engineering school, business ad- Fia Kappa Nu better. The club has frequent snok- ministration school, Forestry School,1 ers and get-togethers for this pur- music school and architectural Eta Kappa Nu is a national elec- pose. school. Elections are held each May trical engineering fraternity founded Usually dyeing the spring vacation with male ,students eligible to vote. for the purpose of closer cooperation arrangements are made for the club The president and secretary of the among, and mutual benefit to, stu- to take a long trip Council are automatically members dents and others in the profession Membership is attained by joining of the University Discipline Com-- who by their attainments in college or the Freshman Glee Club for a sem- mittee, and the president a member in practice manifest exceptional in- ester and then applying for admission of the Committee on Student Affairs. terest and marked ability in electrical to the varsity club the second sem- engineering. ester, provided marks meet the re- A E The local chapter sponsors elec- quirements for extra curricular ac- .. -..I trical engineering colloquiums and tivity participation. The Student Branch of the A.S.M.E. aids in all activities of the electrical constitutes the first grade of mem- engineering department. Members Scimitar I bership in the parent society, which are elected from junior and senior is the national mechanical engin- electrical engineers who have main- Scimitar has as its purpose to Gering professional organization. tained a high scholastic average. Sup- sponsor fencing and encourage fens- To add to the student's aquaintance per meetings are held bi-monthly atC Glider Club Interfraternity Council Phi Eta Sigma The University Glider Club provides Having as its aim to promote the The society of Phi Eta Sigma wa., active contact with instruction in interests of the University and its founded for the purpose of gi inf gliding and soaring. Instruction 'isf -r n recognition to the work of outstand"- offered members once a week. Dues fraterties, the Interfraterty Coun- ing freshmen and to serve as en- are $8.00 a semester, with a $5.00 in cil is the central governing body for couragement for the continnanen of itiation fee. No previous flying exper- ience is necessary. The club is the largest in the coun- try and is the oldest collegiate glider club in existence. Many members have gone on to win major gliding and lying contests. the Greek letter organizations. The Council purposes to insure coopera- tion among the fraternities and be- tween them and the college author- ities to the end that the condition of the fraternities and the relations with the college may be improved. Functions of the Council include a M pledging banquet in the fall, an initia- M imes tion banquet in the spring, the Inter- Mimes is the men's honorary dra- fraternity Ball, the Interfraternity matic society,, founded in 1912 to Sing, publishing the Interfraternity provide for the continuation of the Directory, and maintaining ,records Michigan Union Opera as well as to en new freshmen and unaffiliated provide ' entertainment at Union men. functions. Any sophomore fraternity man who In its early years Mimes was re- is eligible may tryout for the I.F.C. latcd to the fairs and minstrel shows Tryouts are called the first of June. I produced during the first years of the For the 1937-38 year, Bud Lundahl, can , w.. . .. - - ( "0 i ry~an rr. - - A r -".Ti ~n i®Y '' present century as a means of pro- 38, is president an moting the construction of a Union secretary-treasurer. building. The first Union Opera was presented in 1907. The most suc- cessful was "Cotton Stockings," pro- duced in 1923, which became a hit at the Metropolitan Opera House - after a tour of the Middle West and East. The last show was "Give Us Rhythm" in 1935. Participation in a Mimes show is required for membership. There will be a call for tryouts as soon as plans for a production are completed. No- tices of meetings, which are held in the Union, will be announced in the Daily Official Buleltin. Officers for the year are: Richard T. Waterman, '40, president; Jack F4 Wilcox, '39, vice-president; Joseph D. Graham, '39. secretary; Casey M. 1 SCrvc4 Carter, '40SM, treasurer; Henry P. Clauser, '40E, librarian. __ - -hihl t Rowy Frazier, '3, ing competition on t campus. Requirements ship are an unanimou active members on the b and sportsmanship p1 Sponsors of the group ar Johnstone, Prof. A. E. F Joseph R. Hayden, anc vlay. Officers: James It dent, John Patrick, v Charles S. Quarles, tr Henry Adams, scribe. Practice sessions and confined to members every Monday, Wednes day in the small Intram gym. At these members tial members. The Outdoors The purpose of the C s recreational. Its acti cross-country hikes, sw tes, toboggan parties, ca cycle hikes and hay ri ire held every week-endo n the D.O.B. of the Da ship is open to all und graduate students and t of the faculty. he Michigan I with the practical side of the field of for member- mechanical engineering and to en- sbl voeo h is vote of the able the student to establish frater- basis of ability nal contact with his fellow students lus eligibility.and faculty in engineering are the re Coach John organization's purposes. R.BaPo. A-11 t d t~rf in moh nir l the Union. Officers this year are: Robert L. Frank, president; James R. Lee, vice- president; Donnal E. Basler, secre- tary; Herbert C. Towle, treasurer and Mendel W. Kitzmiller, corresponding or54 id Dr. George reland,Gpresi- ice-president; reasurer, and coaching not are available day and F.V- nural building meet poten- s Club Outdoor Club vities include vimming par- anoe trips, bi- des. Meetings as announced wily. Member- ergraduate or o all members 111 it'I * For high quality cameras and accessories Francisco & Boyce will always excel because of the superior line which it handles - Eastman. tils U n mechanica. en- y. gineering or allied fields are eligible , -- - Toastmasters for membership. The fee is $3.50, AI.E.E. which includes a subscription to "Me-C chanical Engineering" and a mem- The A.I.E.E. (American Institute good-fellowship, dedicated to the cul- bership pin. At present the local stu- of Electrical Engineers) is a national tivation of wit and the graces of a dent branch is reported to have the association for the advancement of gentleman." largest membership of any branch in the profession of electrical engineer- Thus in its official toast is typified the United States-170. ing. The membership of the local the motto, spirit and purpose of Regular meetings are held every two University of Michigan Branch is Toastmasters, oldest honor society on weeks, usually on Wednesday eve- composed of electrical engineering the University of Michigan campus. nings. The programs consist of lec- students desiring to meet together in Toastmasters was formed and organ- tures, motion pictures, slides, or dem- professional fellowship. Meetings ized March 6, 1897, maintained a onstrations presented, as a rule, by with programs ofprofessional interest leading position at the University un- technical men from the outside on are held every three weeks. For any til the World War when it temporarily subjects of interest to mechanical I information call David Eisendrath, passed into a state of suspended ani- 7153matron, and was reorganized in 1934. engineering students. 713 - In addition, inspection trips, ban- - Toastmasters at the present time quets, and joint meetings with other The Barristers is composed of betweMn men fmty and societies are participated in. An es- Tt enty-five Michigan men from the say contest is also held, and the win- This is an honorary law society, erary school and Law school. It ner sent to the annual convention atL formed at the University of Michi- primary purpose is to cultivate and Chicago.gan Law School in 1904. The purpose develop the art of impromptu after- Chaicago. Iis succinctly stated to be the "social dinner speaking among its members. and professional advancement of its Info> ding meis ae cs A.S.C.E members and of the law school." It ducted monthly. The student chapter of the Ameri- also seeks to give recognition to those - -- can Society of Civil Engineers con- law students whom it considers out- sists of sophomore, junior and senior standing, by its selection of them to students of civil engineering in good membership. standing at the University: Its pur- Membership in any one year is lim- pose is the promotion of friendship ited to 25 senior law students. It is and the provision of information con- self-perpetuating, the active members cerning actual engineering work in each year electing their successors in progress throughout the country to two groups: 15 in the spring, and 10 its meibers. more in the fall. Selection is made on Officers are R. Frazier, president; L. basis of scholarship, character, and Widman. vice-president; W. Chase, all-around ability; emphasis is placed treasurer; W. Hardleben, secretary. on those working on Michigan Law Information about the chapter may Review, and in Case Clubs in the law be obtained by calling any of the of-I school. As its purpose is largely hon- ficers. Meetings are usually held in orary, membership may not be so-uy the Union on Wednesday evenings. licited; it is conferred. Meetings are held every two weeks, usually in the form of luncheons or Phi Epsilon Kappa dinners with faculty members, fol- Phi Epsilon Kappa is the only na- 1lowed by short talks by outside speak- tional physical education fraternity ers on subjects of current interest,i in the United States. It functions to legal and otherwise. Initiations are inineti inculcate the principles of Peace,1spring and fall with the active mem- Friendship and Brotherly Love; to bers wearing the black robes and promote and enhance the happiness white wigs as worn by the English of its members and to elevate the Barristers, from whom the society de- standards, ideals and ethics for rives its name. professionals engaged in teaching physical education.i The Hiawatha Club Kappa Chapter was founded here ThHiwtaCuhchnme in 1925. The Hiawatha Club, which numbers SMembership is open to those stu- about forty members, was organized in the fall of 1935 by Vernon Larson, freshman boxing coach; Mr. T. Haw- cation above freshman standing who' l ,.,.,.{< 4.;- - - C ey' Tapping, general secretary of the '_ 0 40 III . . . And for films and other supplies Francisco & Boyce again leads the rest. Try our -excellent developing, print- ing and enlarging. i ;j ie ti5 t? ta:4 Ff tw 2 t