The Weather
Snow today and tomorrow;
continued cold.
Sir iau
VOL. XLVMI. No. 137
I 1
Student Senate
Finds Dorms
Built By State
Roo Solution
Shows Wide Discrepancy
In League House Rates
And Cooperative Rooms
Secret Room List
Revealed By Dean
Voicing a flat denial that rooming
houses are either profitable to land-
ladies and realtors, or adequate to
student needs, witnesses before the
Student Senate Housing hearing last
night pointed to state subsidized dor-
mitories as the only solution to pres-
ent inadequate housing.
At the same time figures setting up
a new yardstick to judge women's
League house expenses were read in-
to the records by representatives of
campus cooperative organizations.
Questioning Dean Alice Lloyd, Ann
Vicary, '40, demanded an explanation
for rates more than 41 per cent high-
er in League Houses than in the
Woman's Cooperative House. She
pointed to the discrepancy between
the figures given by the cooperative
as the cost of running a house and
those charged in woman's dormitories
as significant.
Resume Survey May 3
The representative of the Girl's
Cooperative house placed expenses for
room and board at $5.75 per week,
plus seven hours of work. Quoting
these figures, Miss Vicary estimated
that the total cost for each occupant
would be approximately $155. Con-
trasting these with dormitory rates
at $95 per room per semester and
one dollar a'day for board, she point-1
ed out that League House costs are
even higher.
Dean Lloyd refused to comment
suggesting that the " figures needed
further consideration. . ,
The Senate hearing will be. con-
tinued on May '3 with a discussion of
evidence dealing with the direct rent
problem fiaing' the'student, accord-
ing to Allen. Braun, '40, chairman of
the Senate Housing Cormittee.
Dormitories Only Solution
The existence of a secret housing
list containing the Dean of Student's
classification of men's rooming houses
was revealed yesterday as the reports
of the Senate meeting with Dean
Joseph E. Bursley Monday were made
public. The information upon this
list according to the Dean of Stu-
dent's office is not available to the
student body.
In discussing the housing problems,
Dean Bursley emphasized that in his
opinion a permanent solution must
come through dormitories. He de-
clared that it was economically im-
possible for the University to build
such units at rents low enough to be
available to the great majority of the
student body without either private
(Continued on Page 6s
Kennedy Blasts
Fascist States
And PaganisA
World Ethics Must Chane
To A Square Deal Basis
In Dealings, Editor Says
In a sweeping condemnation of the
totalitarian states and the paganism
of the world, John B. Kennedy, radio
commentator, editor and journalist,
said last night that "men must turn
from materialism to morality in their
dealings wih other men in the name
of good business, common sense and
decent living conditions."
He spoke in Hill Auditorium at the
last program of the Oratorical Asso-
Discussing "What's Wrong With the
World." the former editor of Collier's
weekly said that the whole trouble
with the world today is that its lead-
ers do not realize that men are moral
animals. "Man is more than a ma-
terialistic animal. He is a moral
being." he said.
"Man does not live by bread alone,'
Mr. Kennedy empasized, urging thai
the world turn to natural religion if
there is to be any hope.for it. "I do
not refer to supernatural religion,'
he continued, "I mean the kind that
Disraeli said all intelligent men have.
There is no hope for the world un-
ls man nan resume his moral sta-
Two Debaters
4' , .c.
Debaters Meet -
Princet onian s
Todayin Union
Will Defend Big Ten Title
In Chicago ; And Start
Iowa Tour On Monday
Princeton University's team will
meet -the varsity at 7:30 p.m. today in
the North Lounge of the Union in a
debate; "Resolved, That the National
Labor Relations Board Should Be
Empowered to Enforce Arbitration in
all Industrial Disputes.".
Two Michigan debating teams will
leave tomorrow to defend their title
at the annual Big Ten meet in Chi-
cago. After the meet, Coach Arthur
Secord of the speech department will
take Robert Rosa, '39, and Harry
Shniderman, '38, on a four day west-
ern tour.
Rosa and Slhniderman will uphold
the affirmative in tonight's debate.
The National Labor Relations Board
which was to investigate the Ann Ar-
bor Press strike has been invited to
attend, and an open forum will follow
the debate.
At Chicago two Michigan teams
will meet the Unversity of Minnesota,
Ohio State University, Iowa State
ICollege. and Indiana University on,
Friday. Saturday they will meet Pur-
due University, University of Wiscon-
tin, University of Illinois, and Uni-
versity of Chicago. The question for
all debates will be the same NLRB
Three others going to Chicago are
Ernest Muehl, '41, Oliver Crager, '39,
and Jack Shuler, '40.
After the Big Tenmeet. Shnider-
man and Rosa will go to Mt. Vernon
Iowa. to debate Cornell College on
Monday. They will then meet Iowa
Sta te College at Ames, Iowa.
Michigan has held the chaxnpion-
ship for four out of the last five
years, Mr. Secord said.
-3 old 'U rle
Suicide Squads
In Last Stand
Near Tortosa
Coastal Road Under Fire;.
Catalonia Cut Off From
Government Territory
Franco Sees Easy
Barcelona Capture
HENDAYE, France (At the Span-
ish Frontier), April 5.-(,T)-A few
suicide squads of governmentmilitia-
men were reported holding the other-1
wise deserted city of Tortosa tonight,
determined to fight to the last to pre-
vent Spanish Insurgent armies from+
actually reaching the Mediterranean.
Heavy guns of Insurgent General+
Garcia Valino's columns, however, al-1
ready had brought the city and the
coastal road to Valencia under fire.;
Thus Catalonia, Spain's northeasterni
corner, was cut off from the rest ofi
government territory.1
A manufacturing and transporta-
tion center, Catalonia now is unable<
to get raw materials or to export
products to the remainder of Govern-
ment Spain.
Once the last resistance at Tortosa
is wiped out, Insurgent General Fran-.
co is expected to converge on Barce-
lona, Catalonia's main seaport andI
capital of government Spain, fromI
three directions:a
Northwest from Tortosa up the
coastal highway through the port of
Tarragona-a distance of 95 miles;
Due east 80 miles from conquered
Southwest from the sector where,
the Insurgent left wing is now mop-
ping up crumbling resistance near
the French border.
Franco was'said to have given strict
orders to all commanders that Bar-
celona was not to be subjected to se-
vere bombardment under any circum-
stances. He was described as confi-
dent that the "fifth column" of In-
surgent sympathizers within the city
would be able to capture it virtually
without firing a shot by the time In-
sugent armies get within 20 miles.
LONDON, Apri- 6.-()--The Span-.
ish Government protested to France+
and Great Britain tonight against
continuation of their non-interven-
tion pblIcy with its "appalling and'
dangerous injustice."
The government note recalled
Spain's messages of March 22 charg-
ing a renewal of German and Italian
aid to Spanish Insurgent armies.
State Engineers
To Hear Faculty
A nd Graduates
Two members of the University
faculty and seven alumni will address
the 58th annual convention of the
Michigan Engineering Society to be
held tomorrow through Saturday in
Grand Rapids.
George W. Francis, of Saginaw,
president of the society and a grad-
uate of the. University, will deliver
the "President's Message" tomorrow
Dean-Emeritus Mortimer E. Cooley
will preside at a luncheon Friday, and
Dean H. C. Anderson of the engineer-
ing college will be toastmaster at the
.onvention banquet Friday and the
luncheon Saturday.
Other Michigan graduates to talk
are State Highway Commissioner
Murray D. Van Wagoner, Deputy
State Highway Commissioner, G. D.
Kennedy, R. J. Newcomb, R. A. Smith,
S. G. Berquist and James H. Herron.
The convening engineers will study
phases of the state's oil and natural
gas industry, automotive safety, high-
way construction, mineral resources,
sanitation, flood control, unemploy-
ment compensation and national
Interviews Today
For Work Camps
Millstone' ApprovedI
SubjectBy Regents
April30 Week-End
Set For Sessions
Representatives of more than 50
campus organizations have paved the
way for a much changed Spring
Parley the week-end of April 30 by
selecting the topic, "Our University-
Milestone or Millstone," for the
eighth annual session, Barbara
Bradfield, '38, chairman of the ex-
ecutive commtitee announced yes-
The representatives approved the
suggestion of the executive commit-
tee that in the interest of concrete
discussion the Parley narrow debate
to the grievances of the student
against the various phases of Univer-
sity life.
Although the exact subtopics have
not yet been chosen, Miss Bradfield
said that they would include the pur-
poses and methods of the educational
system, the expression of student
opinion, security, for the student,j
housing and University facilities, ex-
tracurricular activities and cultural
life and social restrictions on the
Students To Take Part
An innovation, the presence of stu-
dents in what heretofore has been
an exclusively faculty panel was al-
so accepted by the group.
From five to seven sections will
meet separately and simultaneously1
at the Saturday sessions to discuss the
various sub-topics. Each of the sec-
tion panels. will contain at least two
students and several faculty members,
it was decided. The plan calls for
one student to start the session off
with an indictment of the present sys-
tem, and a second student to follow
with a defense.
The discussion will then be thrown
open to the floor with not only the
faculty members, but the two stu-
dents, available for questioning.
The common basis of facts which
the two student speakers will pro-
vide, the committee believes, will force
a more rational discussion and the
narrower field will make possible a'
more intensive treatment of the sub-
ject than in previous years.
Eliminate Friday Sessions C
A further change proposed in the
organization of the Parley this year
was the elimination of the Friday
sessions, which in past years crowd-
ed about 400 students and faculty
members into the North Lounge of
the Union in one general meeting.
If this were done, the Parley would
begin Saturday afternoon with si-
multaneous meetings of the various
sections. The decision will be made
after Spring Vacation at the next
meeting of the executive committee.
At the meeting Sunday commit-
tees were set up to contact the faculty
and student panel members, whr
were nominated at the meeting, and
organize the subject of discussion for
each section.
These committees are: housing and
(Continued on Page 6
Delay Decision
On Prohibition
The good women of Mortar Board
nee Mortarboard) have finally re-
lized the wisdom of the ways of their
nasculine counterparts on campus by
he adoption of the "ride" method
>f initiating its guileless victims into
he secret sect.
Last night 17 Mortar Boards (nee
vortarboards) scrambled on to a
truck in bes. Sphinx manner and pro-
ceeded to round up the neophytes,
who numbered 15.
This innovation of riding through
the night also marked the passing of
an old campus tradition of initiating
new members near the river at 7 a.m.
on a Sunday morning, usually rainy.
It was felt by most Mortar Boards
(nee Mortarboards) that this was
too early to get up for anything,
even Mortar Board (nee Mortar-
Quezon Extends
U. S., TradeTie
With Philippines
Postpones Economic Break
Until 19 60; Political
Independence In 1945
WASHINGTON, April 5.-P)-
President Roosevelt and President
Quezon of the Philippine Common-
wealth have agreed to postpone Phil-
ippine economic independence until
the end of 1960.
The State Department made public
today the outline of a program pro-
viding for a gradual elimination of
the trade preferences now existing be-
tween the islands and the United
The program results from a year's
investigation by a joint preparatory
committee on Philippine affairs, head-
ed by John V. MacMurray, United
States Ambassador to Turkey.
It does not change the date
of Philippine Political Indepen-
dence, July 4, 1946, but pro-
vides 'that economic ties shall not be,
severed until nearly 15 years after
that date.
It will probably be presented to
Congress, but it is not expected to be
ready in detail for the present ses-
sion. Congressional approval is re-
quired to put the proposal into effect.
In general, the program calls for
an annual reduction of 5 per cent in
the trade preferences given Philip-
pine products shipped to the United
Goudsmit Given
Winner Of Guggenheim
Prof. Abraham S. Goudsmit of the
physics department of the University
was one of fifty-eight scholars and
artists awarded fellowships y'esterday
by the John Simon Guggenheim
Professor Goudsmit will study re-
°ent developments of the theory of
nuclear structure. The fellowship
carries with it a stipend of approx-
imately $2,500. Fellows may work
anywhere in the world where their
work may best be done.
Professor Goudsmit, who is on leave
this semester, has been a member of{
the physics department since 1827.
He is the author of several books in
the field of his researches, and of
many articles published in European
and American scientific journals.
David Fredenthal of the Cranbrook
Academy ofArt, Bloomfield Hills, was
also awarded a Guggenheim Fellow-
ship for 1938. Mr. Fredenthal will
work on creative work in painting.
The recipients were selected from
among almost one thousand appli-
cants as giving most promise of
adding to the "scholarly and artistic
power" of this country, in the words
former Senator Simon Guggenheim,
its founder.
Circuit Court Will Hear
Ford Appeal In A Month
COVINGTON, Ky., April 5.-(P)-
A U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals hear-
ing within a month on the Ford Mo-
tor Company's fight against a Na-
tional Labor Relations Board order
was sighted today.1
Education Is Mortar Board Goes
T ruckin'; Takes Its
Parley Topic Victims For A Ride
WASHINGTON, April 5. --(P)
Senate Republicans, it was reported
tonight, intend to put another blocki
before the joint Congressional inquiryi
into the TVA, as they continued to
push Senator Bridges, (Rep., N.H.)
into a position on the committee.
Bridges has been a severe critic
of TVA, and the Democratic leader-
ship has been opposed to puttinghim.
on the committee.
The leaders had succeeded in fill-r
ing eight of the ten places on the
committee tonight, but it was widely
rumored that they would have dif-
ficulty in filling the two vacancies,
which according to Senate tradition
are reserved for Republicans. Several
Republican Senators were said to be
determined to refuse to serve on the
committee unless Bridges got one of
the posts.
Earlier in the day, Vice-President
Garner had named Senator Borah
(Rep., Ida.) and Senator McNary
(Rep., Ore.) to the two positions. Each
declined, though not for the purpose
of compelling Bridges' appointment.
Borah, who has repeatedly said
'hat joint congressional committees
are futile because they are so large
as to be unwieldy, asserted today he
saw no good could be accomplished
by participating in an investigation,
conducted by a "town meeting."
Dormitory Boys Ahead
.013 In Scholarship
The grades of Allen-Rumsey inde-
pendent freshmen were higher than
those of' any other freshman group,
according to figures from the Office of
the Dean of Students. They secured
an average of 2:45 in contrast to the
2.32 average of all freshman men.
Fraternity men proved to be less
scholarly than the independents,
with group averages dropping lower
than that of all freshman men. Allen-
Rumsey pledges topped the list but
fell below the class average with a
ASU Head Urges
Collective Security
Concerted economic and political
action by democratic countries to stop
the aggression of fascist nations is
the one way to insure world peace to-
day, declared Celeste Strack, member
of the executive committee of the
American Student Union, last night
at a meeting of the Progressive Club
in the Unitarian Church.
Collective security, she explained,
entails sending independent aid to
r loyalist Spain, boycotting Japan, Ger-
many, and Italy, working for a modi-
fication of the present Neutrality Bill
An indication that only emergency
recommendation would be contained
in the message was given by Jesse
A. Jones, chairman of the Recon-
struction Finance Corporation, after
a conference with the President to-
day. Jones said he doubted that any
"basic legislation" for railroads could
be passed at this session. He declined
to estimate how much money the RFC
might lend the railroads under the
emergency program, saying the roads
needed traffic instead of loans.
Predicting a general improvement
of business-but not saying when-
the RFC head said he thought the
railroads would get the needed rev-
Anti-War Rally
At :5P.M.
UAW Head And
Lead Second Of
Beer License Renewal
By Pittsfield
April 29 Is Date For State
Championship Debate
The 73rd meeting of the Michigan
Schoolmaster's Club will be held in
Ann Arbor Thursday, Friday and
Saturday, April 28, 29 and 30.
Events on the program will be the
Petition for a hearing by Herman
Weber, proprietor of Weber's Hi-
Speed Inn at 3060 Washtenaw Rd.
asking circuit court to issue a writ
of mandamus forcing the Pittsfield
Jownship board to approve his request
for renewal of a beer license was tem-
porarily side-tracked yesterday when
the hearing was postponed to Mon-.
After being shown petitions against
the renewal, said to have contained
250 signatures, the Township Board
refused Weber's application. Weber
retained Prosecutor Albert Rapp as
his attorney and carried the case to
Petitions requested no license be
issued in the future covering sale or
handling of intoxicating beverages of
any type within the limits of the
George Edwards, general organizer
for the United Automobile Workers,
Detroit, and Florence Meyers, a mem-
ber of the American Stundent Union,
national executive committee, will
speak before an anti-war rally at 4:15
p.m. today in the Natural Science
Second in a series of monthly
meetings held under the auspices of
the committee, it will be-part of na-
tionwide peace activities on April 6,
21st anniversary of the declaration
of war against Germany. The first
national student peace strike was
held exactly four years ago.
Miss Meyers is educational direc-
tor of the Wayne University Student
Union and was chairman of the state-
wide Liberal Students' Convention
held here Dec. 4 and 5. She recently
won a women's state speaking cham-
pionship. Mr. Edwards, the first na-
tional chairman of the American
Student Union, will speak here to-
morrow for the first time. A ques-
tion and discussion period will fol-
low the talks.
Phil Westbrook, '40, will act as
chairman for the meeting.
Union Coffee Hour
Ends Tomorrow
The last Union Coffee Hour of this
school year will be held from 4:30
until 5:30 p.m. tomorrow in the small
ballroom, it was announced yesterday
by Eliot Robison, '39, of the Union
Annual Honoirs '..,UnvUocaL1U±, nEloeJcsammbrf
yearly business meeting of the club, W. Elmore Jackson, a member of
the informal reception for past presi- the Friends Committee, will meet all
students interested in working at the
school and college cooperation and Michigan Work Camp at a Society of
a series of demonstration classes and Friends supper and lecture at 6:30
conferences. p.m. today in the League cafeteria.
Several other organizations in- Mr. Jackson is enlisting students
cluding the Michigan Association of to work at the American Friends
Teachers of Speech, the Michigan Service Committee's Volunteer Work
Council of Teachers of English, the Camp in Flint helping to construct
Annual Conference on Teacher a park development there and work
Training and the Michigan High with the Flint Institute of Research
C.-11 -^,"., and Planning.
Sailing Club
Boats And
To' Discuss
Spring Plans
The purchase of several new boatsI