'E TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, FEB. 18, 1938 Michigan League OffersTryoutsVarietyommittee osts . - r Ho0pe H arti g Is Now Hol-der OfPresi1eney Petitions Should Be Left At Undergraduate Office; Council Activity Center The Michigan League is the so- cu I gathering piace for all women on ca ipus. It corresponds to the Mich- ig: : Union for the men. The League is te center of all activities for wc mn under the leadership of the m nbers of the tndergraduate Cc mdil. 'ix committees, namelythe social, tVa re-arts, publicity, merit and or- ie: nation, carry on the work of the Lc i.gue. Second semester freshmen ar d all students above are eligible fo ' membership on these five corm- mnttees if their marks fulfill the University scholastic demand for perticipation in extracurricular ac- tivities. Women may be on more' than one comittee if they so desire. Petitions may be filed in the Under- graduate Office of the League and further information may be obtained by calling Hope Hartwig, '38, presi- dent of the League, at 23251. Sixteen senior women make up the Undergraduate Council. They are:I the president; three vice-presidents; secretary; treasurer; the presidents of the Women's Athletic Association, Women's Athletic Association The Women's Athletic Association has as its purpose the promotion of sportsmanship, cooperation a n d leadership among the women on cam- pus. Every woman is automatically a member of the Association and may go out for the various sports her first semester in the Univesrity. The W.A.A. is organized by having sep- arate clubs for each of the sports,' cuch as tennis, basketball, archery, riding, etc. An executive board, con- -isting of the officers of the Associa- tion, is appointed by the retiring members each year and by faculty members in the physical education department. Any woman with a C jlus average may petition for one of 'he positions. The board meets twice a month. The chief aim of the W.A.A. at the present time is the promoting of the swimming pool fund. Mary Johnson, '38, is president of the or- :anization. Her telephone number is 4441. Mortarboard Mortarboard is a national honorary society for senior women. Member-G ship is based upon good scholarship, participation in extra-curricular ac- tivitiesand personality. The organ- ization has about 15 members at the present time. Meetings are heldat the League every two weeks. Elizabeth 1 Gatward, '38, is president of the so- I ciety, which has as its purpose the betterment of the campus. League President Panhellenic Association The Panhellenic Association is a' national organization of sorority women. Two representatives from each chapter house on campus make up the executive board. Rushing rules and sorority policies are decided by this organization, which corresponds to Assembly, the association of inde- pendent women on campus. Meet- ings are held bi-weekly at the League. President of Panhellenic Association this year is Harriet Shackleton, '38. She may be reached by calling 2- 2547. Women's Leaders Assembly Theta Sigma Phi Assembly is the organization on Theta Sigma Phi is a national hon- campus for the independent Uomen, orary professional journalistic fra- corresponding to Panhellenic Asso- ternity for women. Junior and senior ciation, which is the organization for women in the Department of Journal- sorority women. Assembly has as its ism who have a sufficiently high scho- purpose the promoting of an interest lastic rating and have been recom- in outside activities in the lives of mended by some professor in that de- the independent women on campus. partment are eligible for membership. The Assembly Board is composed Junior night editors for the women's of 40 members, chosen by the petition page of the Daily are also eligible but lystem for oustanding qualities of must receive special permission from leadership, dependability and ambi- the national headquarters. The pur- ion. The Board meets every month pose of the sorority is to further the and keeps in contact with all inde-" "work of women in the nev spaper oendent women through its 40 mom- fheld and in the world of writing in hers. Helen Jesperson, '38. is presi- general. Meetings of a literary na- Jent and may be called at 2-4561. tiue are held bi-monthly and social meetings are sponsored at various times throughout the semester. Athenaiterary Society Theta Sigma Phi corresponds to Athena is a women's speech society. Sigma Delta Chi, the men's honorarV Meetings are held the first and third journalistic fraternity. Betty Strick- Wednesday of every month. Sopho- toot, '38, is president and her tele- mores and upperclassmen may be- p1o Ye number is 3718. I I Kpa h ii is a 'is p eshdent f he Leaue. eh oi thv pien to wdn t yn aer, leat two anp a aerges hf wrk et minor job is iessa aofe the final petition- Kappa Phi is a Methodist club, limited to Methodist women stu- dents who have at least a C plus average. Rushing is held every se- meser anld meeting eery other and religious in nature. The motto Ila Phi Epsilonii Mu Phi Epsilon is the only na- tional music honor society for women cn campus. Qualification for elec- tion to this society are a scholarship rating in the upper quarter of the juniol' class in the School of Music, a minimum requirement of two years of theory and one year of history of music and a faculty recommendation in the student's major subject. Trans- fer students are not eligible until they have completed at least one semester in residence. Activities include at least six mu- sicales a year, at which members per- frm. Meetings are held twice a. month during the school year. The objects of Mu Phi Epsilon are the advancement of scholarship among1 American musicians, the mainten- anece of national contest awards and scholarship awards and the promo- tion of fellowship and opportunity for exchange of ideas among outstan( ing music students. Helen Zbinden, I A' / ivtA 2.-. f of the club is "Every member is a 366Xis p teiL1nUL. iader i the church tonmorrow.' Mary - -- - - 'mr w P bil mi of w D to Le Fi Fr ni fo to en is w /-+'" nrth (8 47) as president. f anhellenic Association and Assern- I !r4i Co-Op House I Smith Dame liub , y; the chairmen of the five com- h ittees mentioned above; the head The Girls Co-op House is for those Society An organization for the wives of the Judiciary Council and the women who are sophomores or upper ! students and internes on campus is omen's editor of The Michigan classmen and who fill the require- Senior Society, the honorary or- the Michigan1 Dames Club. The club aily. ments of need, scholarship and per- ganization for independent senior meets the second and fourth Tues- All University students are invited sonality. The purpose of the house is women, requires of its members a days of each month. There are nine Harriet Shackleton, '38, (top) is highays of eachamonth. Tndrprare nine; president of Panhellenic Associa- make themselves at home at the "to live together democratically, ec- high schoiatic aveae and prom- interest groups which meet onVe a ienr sof Panyewen, Asdocia- eague, accordig to Miss Hartwig. onomically andpleasantly. inence in campus activities. Meetings month: art, athletic, book, bridge' n 'f(r sorority women and Helen ~agu, acoringto isspleaanty."1~s isn, 38,(below) is president ireside gatherings are held every Any women desiring to live in the are held alternating Thursdays and child study, charm, drama, home erso8ide dentsrsn riday and Saturday night, Sunday house may file applications at the a plan for service to the campus is making and music. Mrs. Roy Joyce is z ssemly, independ s organ- ight suppers are being sponsored office of the Dean of Students or at olined every ya Tapping eld president4and may be reached by io. r all who wish to attend, dancing the house itself. Seven hours of work at the conclusion of the League In- calling 8042. Charlie Zwick is -held each week- weekly are expected and the members stailation Banquet in March. The or- ad and the Library on the third floor do their own cooking, housecleaning, anizetski. presTdent is Angernne thehn open every day in the week for all marketing and accounting. Twenty Maliszewski. Phi Tau Alpha Wyvern is the honor society for omen students. women are now living in the housei Phi Tau Alpha is the honorary junior women. Its purpose is to pro- and Emily Morgan, Grad., is presi- Alpha L inda !Delta Latin and Greek society. Intended mote friendship and cooperation be- Ident. For additional information call Alpha Lambda Delta is a society for all students interested in partici- tween freshman and junior women. InternationalACounCi 2-2218. established to honor those freshman pating in the study of the classics, the Membership is based upon personal- Foreign students in the University women who attain a 2.47 average society meets twice a month. Pro- ity, scholarship and participation in ve organized the International Cercie Francais during their first semester or during grams of many and diverse phases outside activities. Prospective mem- ciorovniedheanmeum onex-iCecetheir first and second semesters com- pertinent to the fields of Latin and hers are "tapped" in the second se- The principal purpose of Le Cercle b d Greek are presented: . ester of their sophomore year on in ryng natns, an tastdese f Francai s is to acquaint the student InApril, 1937, 23 women of the Phi Tau Alpha has as 'its purpose Ithe first semester of their junior year. uopndents in their contacts with the the French tongue and culture class of '40 were initiated. Shortly the furthering of the students' inter- Wyvern has a luncheon meeting once after the advent of the second semes- est in his or her work and the pro- a month. Harriet Pomeroy, '39, is niversity. through a series of lectures and semi-atertadvenup of ese dviding of a closer contact between president of the group this year. Chairman of the Council is Nelson monthly meetings. .t mores whopofpfre raised their naaverage dr- side, clser cndtfe uson, Grad., while the sponsor is The only necessary qualification mo their second semesteraera ucampus rof. J. Raleigh Nelson, Counselor for membership in Le Cercle is that in.hi eodsmse ncmu Foreign Students. Meetings are the prospective member be able I to will receive the ..mall gold pin, in the Scandinavian Club eld twice weekly. carry on a conversation in French. shape of a candel, which is the Alpha Allcomuniatins o L CecleLambda Delta symbol.,-For informa- The Scandinavian Student Club of should be addressed to Prof. Rene tion call Ann Vicary at 5032. the University attempts to stimulate Polonia Literary Circle Talamon, Room 200, Romance Lan- ~-~~~-~~-~-~~-~~interest in Scandinavian culturala- Anivities and to foster friendshipsT Founded 30 years ago by American guages building. 1,p la a ,A. P among the sudents of e indhvia n I EYT come eligible by presenting a tryout speech satisfactorily before the mem- "ers. Each year Athena debates Al- -ha Nu, men's speech society, on -ome important question of the day. Lillian Tolhurst is president of the club. IN atu ral Sciene Society of China The purpose of the Natural Science, Society of China is to promote science ind scientific achievement while pre- venting its members with a better, knoweldge of scientific conditions in China. Eligibility is determined by the stu- lent's interest in promoting the wel- fare of scientific achievement. Mem- bership is based upon merit, scholas- tic adaptability and the taking of in- itiative to further the interests of sci- ence and science as regards China more particularly. Activities include trips to points of scientific interest, discussion groups and research work. For further infor- mation call P. C. Jen at 2-2483. Beta Kappa Rho Beta Kappa Rho is an organiza- tion for women not living in a soror- ity, dormitory or league house. So- cial meetings are held monthly. Mary Goodrich is president. Eastern Society Membership in Eastern Society is limited to Chinese women on cam- pus who have at least a bachelor's degree. Candidates must have a high scholastic standing and participate in cultural activities. Meetings are held monthly. For additional infor- mation call the president, Bing Chung Ling at 2-2218. i Lam : ',, Theta Xi chapter of Pi Lambda Theta, national honorary educ 'tional so- ciety, meets once a month en Mon- day, Tuesday or Wednesday eve- ning. Members are chosen from the upper fourth of the class (averag- ing a B plus rating) and must be recommended by the faculty of the School of Education. Mary Eliza- beth Smith is president of the group. Zeta Phi beta For membership in Zeta Phi Eta, national speech society, candidates must be speech majors with a B average or better, must be recom- mended by a speech professor, and must give a tryout speech satis- factory to the members. Meetings are held twice monthly and are composed of programs and socials., President of the organization is Mar- garet Lowry at 2-4561. Congregational Student Fellowship The Student Fellowship of the First Congregational Church is organized to provide a social center for the 800 Congregational students and all others who may be interested. Pil- grim Hall, which is the student house, is a meeting place, with Miss Mar- garet Rottschaefer in special charge of students activities. The program of the Fellowship in- cludes as a main feature, the Sunday evening supper hour at six o'clock, fol- lowed by a social program, devotionals led by the students themselves and discussions and addresses by promi- nent speakers. Dances, sleigh rides, picnics, and other recreational activ- ities are held every two weeks: * ha Co ch va st Ur Fu PJ to he at WAH R'S FICT ION- Poles, the Polonia Literary Circle has as its purposes to give Poles a con- genial meeting place, offer them an opportunity to talk over their prob- lc -s and, most important, to discuss m iters of adjustment through an i: alligent group with an under- st uding of both American and Pol- is: cultures. Xn informal organization, the Dc lnia Literary Circle is open to all. i programs usually include speak- Nippon Club The Nippon Club is a social or- ganization for Japanese at the University of Michigan who were born either in this country or Japan. The purpose of the Nippon Club is to prove assistance to Japanese and to promote friendly relations be- tween American and Japanese stu- dents. Those interested should phone Katsuzo Kuronuma at the Universityj Alpha Alpha Gamma, national birth and descent. cnorary sorority in architecture and Sponsored by Professors Eriksen its allied arts, has as its goal the and Hansen of the Engineering Col- fosteri g of an interest in various lege, the club holds meetings in the foins of art. Students from the first and third weeks of each school School of Architecture and of land- month at Lane Hall. Exact dates of sc pe des -.ing, who are in the up- these meetings are announced in the per one third of their class scholas- Daily Official Bulletin. Officers of the cy. ;e ei 'le for membership. club include: Carl Johnson, president; Meetings. held every two weeks, are Jens Jensen, vice-president; Betty usually held in te homes of profes- I Nielsen, secretary-treasurer. L L; Ift 1IN O DD-LOT- I s rs. A di tiona1 informatin may be obtainet by (ailing Bvta Knudson, and other entertaining features. i Museum. { ... saysihefidr. s~ 33, presidont of the sorority, at 2- .-- 4561. W -. . I, Pysceil Clueb All women majoring in physical education are automatically members of the Women's Physical Club, which has as its purpose the promotion of sportmn anship and participation in Lutheran Student Club The Michigan unit of the Lutheran Studt Association of America di- rects activity principally toward a strengthening of religious affiliations and assistance in the problems of the religious life of the student. The Association accepts any Lu- theran student or faculty member as Of Every Description I outside activities on campus. Dorothy eligible for membership.iMeetings are Gardner, '38, is presiden of the group held in the Zion Lutheran Parish Hall and may be reached at 2-4561. every Sunday from 5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Supper, social activities, and a general forum are included. Concerts, trips and radio pro;rams are some of the things' which the i members of the University Girls Glee The Disciple's Guild meets each Club do during the school year. Regu- Sunday evening in the Church of Ilar eligibility and a successful try- Christ, corner of Hill and Tappan. out period are demanrded for mem- j It gathers for tea and a social hour bership in this organization, which at 5:30 p.m. At 6:30 p.m. a forum meets every Wednesday evening for discussion is held. During the pres- one hour. Mary Morris_., '38, presi- Ient year the following subjects are dent. may be called at 2-2591.- I under consideration: "Marriage, Courtship, and Home Building," "Ex- Al1 ha Kippa Alpha peiiments in Religious Living," and Alpha Kappa Alphta i a nationl"Choosing a Vocation." social sorority for colored women. Te I The social program of the Guild consists of numerous Friday frolics organization of the group is similar in addition to the Sunday evening to that of any other social sorority of Social Hour. At Friday Frolics the the University as its purpose. Meet- hurch is open for ping pong, shuffle ings ae held the first and third Wedboad, and many other games. Each nesdays in each month. Alice Niles. nsc t i e semester other social events such as POPU LAR LIBRARIES . AL Student ,Supplies Stationery Memory Rooks 4DMichigan Je welr y Banners and .Pennants _____A Complete University Service oft j 33, is president of the sorority and I she may be reached by calling 7024. Kappa Beta Pi Kappa Beta Pi is a legal sorority for white women law students who have at least a C average for the first year's work in law. Meetings are skating parties and toboggan parties are also held. The Guild House at 438 Maynard Street is open to students at any time land many social evenings are held there. Mr. and Mrs. Pickerill are the leaders of young people's work. . . . on every campus, coeds have adopted these as their year 'round shoes! LIFE has flashed this fashion $2.99 m m 14 I A40 Alk AVL ii 3 I - -M I - lq U l iII